Anomalous Collector

Chapter 652: Blessed are you

, !

Never hit! ?

At this time, he has divine power, which is different from before, Li Fan can instantly feel that Gloria in front of him is not lying, but is stating a fact.

There is no need to lie about such a thing.

It's just that this answer was like a thunderbolt in Li Fan's mind, instantly setting off a storm.

Those previous calls with white noise were not the voice of the president of the Cleaning Association, who was that! ?

And judging from the other party's words, it is obvious that he knows a lot about him as a collector, and even persuaded him to have a relationship with Patriarch Gide.

It was clearly a call from an acquaintance.

But other than President Gloria, who knows these things and can find him accurately?

Although it was broad daylight and he already possessed divine power, Li Fan still felt a chill down his spine, his hair stood upright, and he felt like he was going to **** in broad daylight.

Who the **** is this special girl calling! ?

Since you don't know each other at all, don't pretend to be familiar, it's disgusting!

At this moment, Li Fan suddenly thought of the old mobile phone in the prison, and the call with white noise from it.

Is it that existence?

Just what is that?

Why does it do this?

The original joy of condensing the divine core with divine power disappeared in an instant, and Li Fan now only felt as if he was running naked under someone's gaze, and the whole person was seen at a glance, as if there was no secret at all.

It seems that we can't take it lightly... Doom said that the Lord of Prison Suppression will be resurrected in the East, so the clue is obviously in the East.

I can't say, the Central State Anomaly Bureau still has to go back to investigate and investigate what's going on...

Feeling that Li Fan's face was a little gloomy, Gloria said in a low voice with some fear:

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you? Did Gloria say something wrong?"

Li Fan pulled away from his thoughts, smiled slightly, and said:

"No, I just remembered some things, don't blame the president, let's continue the ceremony."

Gloria nodded slightly, her small face full of worry.

In the eyes of everyone in the Cleaning Association, it was His Majesty the Envoy who asked a few words to His Excellency the President. The President answered something inappropriate and angered His Majesty the Envoy. In the end, he apologized to His Majesty and apologized to His Majesty. His Majesty the envoy of God also casually forgave the President.

Many people have completely understood in their hearts that if the original president of the Cleaning Association was still a spiritual totem and really had restraints on the position of the patriarch, then the current president has completely become a person controlled by the patriarch. puppet.

The real leader of the current cleaning association is not the president whose presence has become increasingly diminished, but the messenger, patriarch, and collector of the Lord of the Abyss!

After all the core positions of the Cleaning Association have been arranged, the rest is much simpler. It is nothing more than encouraging everyone to follow the guidance of the Lord of the Abyss and become a devout believer.

Afterwards, His Majesty, the messenger of God and the new Patriarch, announced on the spot a welfare plan covering the full members and peripheral members of the Cleansing Association.

According to this welfare plan, the relevant funding amount for each member of the cleaning association has been increased tenfold. All members of the cleaning association, regardless of whether they are regular or not, will enjoy the association's housing subsidy, three months of mandatory paid vacation each year, and daily meal allowance, Car subsidy, high temperature subsidy in summer, and heating subsidy in winter.

Within the cleaning association, a special public fund is set up to be used for various subsidy expenditures for members of the association for weddings, funerals, and marriages.

At the same time, members of the association who have children, regardless of gender, are entitled to one year of maternity leave. At the same time, the association builds a high-end confinement club, and the expenses of confinement and childcare can be reimbursed with invoices.

If the children go to school, the association will come forward to solve the problem of housing in the school district and commuting to school. For children within the association who have specialties and hobbies, the association will set up a special education fund to find the top educational resources in the industry for training.

If the family members of the association members are ill, the association will coordinate medical resources and reimburse the entire amount other than the local medical insurance in the country.

Of course, this is only the most basic welfare policy.

In addition to this, cleaning association branches around the world can add new benefits based on local conditions - only increase, not decrease.

Subject to availability.

At the same time, the association headquarters specially set up a dream fund to provide interest-free loans to every association member who has a dream to help them realize their dreams and achieve the fulfillment of their lives.

The divine envoy, who seemed to speak very little, sat on the throne with a smile on his face, and talked eloquently, explaining the new welfare system of the entire cleaning association.

After listening to this welfare system that is more perfect than heaven, all the cadres of the cleaning association present opened their mouths and couldn't believe their ears.

This is no longer a problem of the welfare system or the welfare system. This is simply Te Niang's paradise on earth, heaven on earth, and Eden on earth!

In the entire hall, there was no sound.

With a smile on his face, Li Fan looked at the cadres of the cleaning association below and asked lightly:

"Is there any problem? Oh, by the way, I also forgot one point. In the future, the six-hour work system will be strictly enforced within the association, and no one may maliciously work overtime. Of course, this is only the first step. Shift to hourly work and look for more room for improvement.”

Originally, according to Li Fan's idea, he wanted to create the third godhead of the God of Fishing, but he couldn't think of a way.

And when he completely became the chief patriarch and took control of the entire cleaning association, he suddenly thought that since he had become the chief patriarch and at the same time the master of the abyss worshiped by the cleaning association, then he would make the master of the abyss into a fisherman. God, isn't it enough to try to forge a new Godhead?

The lord of the abyss, that is, the lord of the prison, was originally a ready-made divine creature, and he didn't need it for nothing.

Anyway, it's really done. The real **** of fishing that everyone believes in is also Li Fan, and this power definitely belongs to him.

And maybe when the real Lord of Prison Suppression returns, he will be affected by this and become a salted fish, and he will not bother to fight with him at all.

Therefore, when he wanted to understand this, Li Fan did what he said, and announced the enhanced and upgraded welfare plan of the Cleaning Association on the spot.

The purpose of this welfare program is very simple, that is, the members of the cleaning association are raised as pigs.

Just lie down and eat, drink and have fun.

At the same time, when the welfare benefits are improved so that every member of the cleaning association is completely flat, a strict punishment plan must be formulated to severely punish the struggle in the team.

When I was in the Central State Anomaly Bureau, I was a little embarrassed to do this, and he was not alone in the whole system.

Now in the cleaning association, it is always a matter of words.

Li Fan smiled, and then suddenly remembered that this kind of thing still has to ask the president for instructions, and there should be no less process.

With a smile, she continued to say to the girl's president Gloria:

"Master President, what do you think?"

Gloria was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly and said:

"Yes, yes, His Majesty is right, everything is subject to your opinion."

At the same time, among the crowd, the new Patriarch of the new land, You Ming, dared to persuade:

"His Majesty the Patriarch, it is indeed a blessing for the Cleaning Association to have you caring for everyone, but... the association's funds are limited, and it is very likely that such a high welfare system..."

At the same time, he cautiously raised a finger and gestured for a year.

This way, it is very likely that it will not last for a year, and the association will be completely out of money.

The adults are good in every way, but they are too generous, and they are not merciful!

Li Fan smiled slightly and said:

"It doesn't matter, I will solve the money matter. The Lord of the Abyss is watching us in the temple, and naturally his people will not be wronged."

It's hard to say whether the world can survive a year, and the cleaning association's money can be spent for a year has greatly exceeded expectations.

Really rich.

With a smile on his face, Li Fan glanced at the people in the hall and said slowly:

"Blessed are you..."

The members of the cleaning association present couldn't bear it any longer and cheered loudly.

This time, it's the madness that really comes from the heart!

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