Another Life

Angel Vessel

The day after the entrance ceremony, in Lake City, the first cherry blossom festival was held, but it had been raining dust and sand that morning.

Hey, normally an event like this promises to be sunny.

That's what this dust is all about! Hey, Cora, it's Obahan! I feel malicious, malicious.

With that in mind, Gabriella came from behind her left and talked as she stared at the rain swinging violently through the dining room window.

"It was really good, it rained"

Gabriella was hastily deluded when she stared at Guillaume in the words and Gabriella dressed as a man like Treasure Tsuka.

"Look, Colonel Neumann hated it so much, too, but this will get him out a little"

Before Gabriella pointed to her finger, she was being pulled by Amelia, dressed as a man by Elias in a maid.

"Look, Ellis told me to give up on you... No, Ellis.

It's raining today, and there aren't many people. "

"I don't like it! I knew I didn't want to! This is a disgrace to the Neumans!

After all, the Knights reversal cafe for men and women, named Riva Cafe, (provided by Rondelick) was impossible.

To my father-in-law, will I follow you now?

And when he went to Elias, who was a maid, he laughed.

"Chi, Father-in-law, this is an event that makes the military and the general public feel familiar.

Whatever it is, the Knights of the Holy Guidance need to take the lead... Pup. "

"... My lord, you've laughed completely now, haven't you?

On the day Iris sees you like this... If your Excellency is seen like this by beads and pandoras too, you don't want to!

Indeed... the majesty of the father is the moment to crush it.

And I'm not gonna do it, so I can get out big.

"It's okay, Iris would understand. Hey, Amelia."

"Yes, yes. Ellis, it's only for one day, and your Excellency says he's gonna do it, so it's okay."

"Yes, yes... wait, Amiria. Why would I do that?

"'Cause so is Ellis, but you're gonna do Brigadier General Sancho tomorrow, right? If you don't, there's gonna be a rebellion."

No, you don't usually get up that far.

When the left-hand side thought so, Lüne, dressed as a man, came in with Daniel as a fainted maid.

"Hey Lune... why is Daniel fainting?

"I tried to escape, so I punched him in the stomach and stunned him... should I punch the captain, too?

"Yes, no, it's okay!

And Elias, who said so, rose up by accident, saying,

... Lüne, be careful what you do.

When the left-hand side thought so, Amiria told Lune whether she had come up with something.

"Major Ravio, if you say so, Your Excellency will do the same."

"Ho, is that true! I'd love to see your maid!

And Lune, who said so, sparkled his eyes, and stuffed them near the left.

Hey, what are you talking about? I'm not gonna do it.

"Lune... I'm sorry..."


And it came to pass, when the left-hand side tried to say no, that a bloody wooden knife fell from Lune's sleeve.

"Excuse me, my lord. All the other men hated it, so I borrowed a wooden knife from Major Willow and put him back in the mood.

... do it, you will, won't you?

With a smile like an indescribable, innocent girl, Lune said to the left near, and the left near, on the contrary, had to learn to fear the smile and snort.

Right, well, tomorrow, it's a good story if the beads or Pandora don't come... yes, I'm fine.

Having said that, the left-hand side who spoke of himself agreed to participate tomorrow.


On that day, in a bleak day covered by rain clouds, came the two Nobunaga and Changhui.

The two men, guided by Busty, said that Busty knocked on the door when he was led to the Marshal's Office, the top floor of the Allied headquarters.

"Excuse me. Maida Yuanta Nobuna and Maida Tokijiro Changhui are here."

"Get in."

Oh, my God, you have a different voice.

With that in mind, when the syllables entered, one neutral-faced young man sat in the dim room.

Your face is different. Are you sure it's close to the left?

He was convinced that the next word in the nearest left was himself.

"Hey, Tokujiro to Yuanta... What, Tokujiro stopped his beard? Because of this, I thought I'd shave him again in the gap where he was sleeping."

"You're still near the left of the ghost boy! It was here, but in the centenary, it's just gonna kill me!

"Stop, Tokujiro!

Unexpectedly, to Changhui, who lay his hand on the pattern of the sword, Shinjitsu loudly controlled it.

"Ah, brother..."

"I didn't come here to fight. Besides, it's in front of Lord Kwon Dae-sen, refrain!

In the sharpness of his eyes, Chang-hui let go of the knife pattern.

Oh my god, both of you, your face and personality will remain the same... the Hyogo will remain the same, and maybe those who have become vessels will remain the same and be reincarnated?

Though he thought so, he said to Shinjitsu.

"Yuanta... you haven't changed"

"The right to say so, Lord Dalai, is a long way from what it used to be. And young."

"Well, there's a lot going on... and I'm not getting old.

And don't talk that way. My back's gonna be so muzzled. "

When the left-hand man said so, Testa and Claire came in.

"Excuse me, I brought you Assam"

When Testa said so, they prepared tea, and Shinjitsu saw Claire, and said to her near the left.

"Hey, close left. I'm not impressed with you letting your kids do their job."

"Yuanta, where you say that, you stay young. You're hot for a woman, aren't you?

"Don't be silly. Married and succeeded.

The Lord, as he used to be, just bought a woman anyway and left her as a flirt. "

When Shinjitsu said so, Claire dropped the teacup, her eyes were round and she stared at the left and near.

"Sorry, I'll clean up soon"

That's what Testa said when she tried to pick up the fragments, while Chang Hui picked them up.

"It's dangerous because I cut my hand off. Let's do it."

Phew, Tokujiro's one, it's a rounded one. More than that, we need to pay attention to Yuanta.

"Yuanta, stop talking about it here. If this Claire snitches on my wife, my wife will kill me."

"Pup... what is it, Lord, laid on my wife's ass? That ghost boy? Said the Takeda family's problem child, your lord?

"That's right, I'm sorry. It's great to be laid down."

And when he said so, he turned away from Hun and said,

"Hahaha! I didn't know there was a woman, like the Lord, who rides a rampage horse beautifully. The world is wide, Tokujiro."

"Ah, brother... some of you are laughing too much and your stomach hurts"

So the two of them burst into laughter, and Testa and Claire served tea, and left.

Now the three of them were back as they used to be, but the left-hand side cut out the point.

"Hey Tokujiro to Yuanta. Did you see God when you were reincarnated into this world?

"No... if I had noticed, I was born into a Kano child in this world.

Two years later, Tokujiro was born, and Tokujiro seems to be the same.

So, when I became the head of the Kano family, I changed my last name to Maida and my family crest to six pennies... and I thought someone who knew about us would get together. "

"So, we got together?

"Just one person... Changheng Tsuchiya, have you heard of him?

Changheng Tsuchiya...... certainly also the last land of the Takeda family, he must have been a rigid man in the Battle of Tianmeshan who was said to have slaughtered a thousand people with one hand.

"Just the name. Anything else? For example, what about Lord Samurai or your father?

When the left-hand man said so, they laughed unexpectedly and said happily.

"Father... you're really close to the left. It was only the Lord and the Samuro soldier who called the Miyagi his father.

I'm sorry, I miss you. I don't know who else was reincarnated, but how's your lord?

What did God say earlier? Has the Lord met?

... If they are, it will be okay to be honest.

"I've already been reincarnated twice.

For the first time, it was the world about 400 years later than the world then, but because of God's mistake, I was reincarnated into a family different from the promise, so as an apology for that, in this appearance, I came here.

Other reincarnations are my daughter Beads, Matsunaga Bullet Masaki and Hyukosuke Yoo... there are two more, but I can't tell you. "

"Until Bulletin Matsunaga..."

And it came to pass that Shinji and Chang-hui were astonished.

"Bullet Zheng came to this world because there was also the burning of that great Buddha's temple, when God told him," In this world, will he work as an emperor's hand and foot, and return to the circle of circles again, or go to the world of nothingness ".

So you haven't met God, so I don't know if there's a crest like this somewhere in your body?

So he took a piece of paper out of the item box and put it on the table.

The two men, who saw the seal of the paper, were heartily surprised, but desperately disguised as calm, and Shinnozu, when he spoke to Changhui, gave a signal with his eyes and heard it near left.

"You said this crest... what happens when this is out?

All of a sudden, you don't understand.

"... First, let's talk about this world.

You know this world is similar to the original world we were in, but it's different?

"Oh. At first, I was surprised at the presence of subhumans and other people, and how such a witch could use a magic barrier."

"This world is nothing like the world we live in.

And to be reincarnated into this world is God's consent. I mean, God gives us some kind of role, makes us have special abilities, reincarnates us into this world. "

"So the Lord has it, too?

"Oh, God's gift of armor and the ability to say skill..."

And when the left-hand man said so, as if he had perceived something, he put his strength into his fist, and pressed his anger to kill him, and heard him near the left.

"Okay, listen. Why are we reborn into this world when we haven't met God?

"God has the use of God, called angels, who become his own hands and feet and work in the lower realm.

God initially seemed to give his own instructions, but he made the four angels willing and left them to some extent.

But it seems that the angel has come to a conclusion and is plotting a plan for God… From here on out, it is a guess that the plan is the eradication of the creatures of this world.

Well, there are only humans and subhumans in the race that have been at war for years and kill each other.

But there's a problem here. They, angels, like ghosts, have no entity in the world.

So they reincarnated someone from the world we were in, and they put what they called an angel engraving on it, so that they could enter its body.

That's the crest… So when an angel enters, he who enters is taken over by his body, and forever sees the world. "

And it came to pass, when he heard the word near the left, that he dew his anger, and slapped the table, and cried out.

"How can they do that to you? What happens to our intentions? Take the liberty of bringing me into this world and making me look like a vessel!

Looking at Chirali and Chang-hui, Chang-hui apparently felt the same way and managed to be patient.

"Apparently, there's an angel engraving, isn't there?

"Oh. We called this proof of reincarnation and thought it was something special, held by the reincarnated... slashing the belly"

And it came to pass, that when he sat on the carpet, he tried to cut himself into pieces.

He's been doing that for a long time. When something happens, he says he'll slash his belly, and he tries to get hungry.

Besides, all of that is serious, so bad for us... is it the engraving of an angel that's at Heso's place?

Though he thought so, when he saw Chang Hui, who was desperately stopping, he shouted.

"Come on, let's go!

... Yuanta, when you slash your belly here, the carpet gets dirty and Chloe pisses me off.

Besides, I get special skills from God and I can erase angel engravings. I'll erase the engraving of the angel from your belly. "

"Ho, is that true?

"Tell me a lie, what happens. That's why I got skills from God.

Anyway, Tokujiro too, right? We ate the same pot of rice, I'll erase it now. "

So he stood up, and put his hand upon the head of the synagogue, saying,

"In the name of the Lord"

That's what I said, it was a moment. As the syllable cried out, the blood vessels throughout his body glowed, emitting a dazzling light from both eyes and mouth, and fell on the spot.

"Hey, close left! What have you done to my brother?

"Don't bark, Tokujiro. I've erased the engraving of an angel, I'm just losing my mind... and I'll notice."

Truth is, I don't know.

Before I used it in the arsenal, I thought it was an experiment... but it's so powerful.

... Are you sure he's not dead?

Yet when the left and near thought in Chang Hui's suspicious gaze, he eventually realized the Synopsis.

"Yeah... I'm... alive?

"Ah, brother! Good job. You're safe!

"Oh, good, you're alive"

Seriously, I thought you were dead, but hey, that helped.

"Oh! My belly engraving is gone! I'm sorry, thank you... Lord, didn't I just say," Good for you, alive "?

Shit! My mouth slipped!

"Yes, did I tell you? It's not your fault?

"No, I did say it. I don't know, Lord, but I did experiment with you, didn't I?

"It's... you see... it's the Aya of the Word. Well, anyway, just in case today, stay.

Yes, I'm also exhibiting Knights gear at the festival today, you should take a look...... amazing. "

And when he had said so, he said with a smile in his syllable.

What, this grin?

"Well, fine. Tokujiro is next."

"Well, what? No, one is fine!

Brother, what will you do!

Tojiro, who said so, accidentally retreated, but Shinjitsu caught Chang-hye and strapped his feathers.

"Close left, do what you want."

They're really close.

Speaking of which, is it true that these two are here, that these younger brothers, Joy Boy, are also reincarnated?

If you were reincarnated, you'd have to apologize for what I asked you to do with the West Army.

"Cora, close left, what are you fussing about? Morning, Gatsun."


Something subtle, you're mistaken.

Though he thought so, he said with his hand on Chang Hui's head.

"In the name of the Lord"

Then, as in the time of the Synopsis, Changhui's blood vessels glowed, emitting a dazzling light from both eyes and mouths, and Changhui fell unconscious.

"Was that what you were like when I was you?

"Yes... what, Yuanta, were you unconscious?

"Oh. Until the Lord put his hand on it and said something, I remember... but I felt something hot coming out of my body"

"Huh, is that how it is?

That's right, was it a dirt house? The Thousand Slashers. If you bring him in, I'll fix him. "

So the left hand side lit the cigar.

"I'm sorry, I'll make sure this thank you someday. And if you fight an angel, call me too.

I'll make sure you follow this drop. "

The battle work of Yuanta was also at a glance by his father. This is going to be a lot of war.

"I get it. Yes, next time you come, buy me a Xcel.

This cigar does taste good, but I miss smoking with Xcel. "

"Okay. I'll buy you a set of tobacco tools... even though you look really different and have a different voice, back then, you stay close to your left. Nothing has changed.

With that said, what was that thousand slaughters you were saying earlier?

"Changheng Tsuchiya, a one-handed thousand slayer. Legend has it that in the battle of Tianmeiyama, scattered by Shiro, on the cliff road that leads to Tianmeiyama, he grabbed it with one hand and kept himself from falling, killing a thousand people with one remaining hand.

I wanted to see that fight, too. "

"Was it? Chang Heng's guy won't say anything.

Near left, how does your lord see the state of the Luthai Empire?

The proximity left to the word of the syllabus reacted with Pickle.

Yuen Fat, I would say the same thing as Musashi... is it connected with Musashi?

"Nothing like this. I'm almost on the mainland, and I don't know what the Empire's inside.

But all I can say is, I owe the Emperor so much that I can't return it, and the Emperor told me about me as a friend... I would die for my friend anytime. That's just it.

Yuanta, you... are you connected to Musashi Sho?

And when he said so, he stared at his enemies on the battlefield.

But Shinjitsu also said plainly that there were only generals to be counted as General Takeda XXIV, even if they received a close left glance.

"That's right. What do you want me to do, kill you?

"I'm not slashing you. The Emperor doesn't want that either... he's too kind.

But Yuanta, if you want to get your hands on the Emperor, I will do everything in my power to crush you... just remember that. "

How long have you been such a loyalist?

That's right! Sure, Lord Samuro said someday.

"Near left, in subordination, is a man who is never bound. But my brother-in-law is a man who throws his life out easily for his friends"...

And when he remembered the word, he laughed, and said but one word.

"I got it."

Yuanta will always be Yuanta. You won't freak out if I stare, and you won't leave.

When he thought so, Chang Hui noticed and woke up.

"Ugh... yeah?

"Oh, have you noticed, Tokujiro?"

"Near left, you! What have you noticed... that? Brother, what's wrong?

"No, it's nothing... it's just that I miss the Takeda family sexually"

And the three remembered the old days, according to the words of the letter: but the left hand side slapped bread and knee, and said:

"Well, it's time for me to show you the martial arts on display... so to speak, at the entrance ceremony to Lake City, you said you were here, but where did your son get into school?

"He's a proud son of a knighthood who's said to be difficult."

That's what the letter said, he was good at it.

"A in the chivalry... this is funny"

"Near left, what's so funny?

"No, actually, my daughter passed a chivalry A, too. Besides, I concealed my identity and told him to let me go as a civilian, so I admitted it reluctantly... what happened to Yuanta?

And it came to pass, near the left, that the scribe which was said was a purple, and trembled, saying,

"Near left... did you name your daughter after a continental style?

"Yes, I say Pandora. You, even if you see me, don't know anything about my relationship... wait a minute. You, how do you know I named you Continental?

"My son offered me lunch yesterday... for a friend.

In it, a woman called Pandora whoops... I won't admit it! I'll never, ever admit it! Can you relate to the left and the nearest?


Hey, Tokujiro. Has he had a broken head since he was reincarnated?

Near left, next to the Synopsis, he asked Chang Hui, who was desperately patient with laughter.

"The world is really small.

On his way home from lunch, my brother said, "Hey Tokujiro. Yuantaro brought me here, that woman who says Pandora... that's good for Yuantaro's wife. Yuantaro is also willing to do so, so I would have introduced him to me," he said.

But now that I think about it, it looks like she's my closest left daughter. I thought it was people's luxury and ordered the most expensive things in the dining room.

is, my stomach hurts... "

Pandora, you're neat.

"Wherever I marry, I think it's my daughter's freedom. I respect that will.

Look, don't be surprised, bring your broken brother there, let's go. "

The guy near left, it's a rounded one.

Well, given the beauty of that girl, naturally...... pretty much, you seem to be spoiling her.

Though he thought so, Chang-hui took Shinjitsu and followed him after Near Left.


When they entered the exhibition hall, it was because of the dust and sand, and the venues were scrubbed, and Shinnoku and the others were watching the military uniforms on display.

"Hey close left. Why are you uniforming your outfit?

"Yuanta, that's a good question.

This is a unique problem for the coalition forces, which are mixed forces with different national races, with no unity at all.

But by unifying in this uniform, you will become aware that you are part of the same coalition.

On the collar and shoulders is the Troop Chapter on the chest and arms in the Class Chapter. This is one of the Knights, the Knights of Witches, because she is a witch on a houki on the March Moon.

With that said, why is your son trying to be a knight?

"I don't know. He's also a Taoist son... but if he joins the Knights, the Maidas may survive."

This guy... you're telling me that a military operation in the dark could be possible on the Musashi guard thing?

We work at Musashi Shogunate, but my son is with us... Either way, the Maida family will stay.

"You're a rare man for the Maida clan."

"Me too, I think so. This one is a weapon... a continental weapon like this long sword is full of straight swords and doesn't seem to cut well."

"Well, this weapon, in one way or another, is meant to hit you from the top of your armor and cause damage to the body inside.

You'll see the armor there, but the continent's armor is highly defensive and even shielded. "

"But now we've lost mobility, bad scaffolding, bad minutes in battle in the mountains"

The boulder is Tokujiro. Did you spot the flaws instantly?

"Exactly, but people on the continent aren't stupid either. This is the equipment of those who say heavy infantry.

Lightly equipped light infantry or changing gear by battle or location with cavalry... The Luthai Empire doesn't change gear this far because there are so many mountains "

"Is that so... Hey, Tokujiro, take a look at this"

"... said it was Seed Island!

So they were astonished. In front of them was a fire rope gun.

"Oh, you're right"

"No, but what happened to the nitrites? I don't care how, you can't make it?

I knew these guys, too, were trying to get nitrous stones.

"I can't tell you how much that is. This is top secret."

"Well, that's right. But you're gonna mass produce this and deploy it to the Luthai Empire, right?

Yuanta is right, I do plan on doing that, but I don't know if I'll give it to anyone thinking about rebellion...... but do you want to adjust the distribution of gunpowder?

Without gunpowder, a cannon is more than just a cylinder of iron.

"Oh right. Yeah, did you both have dinner?

Why don't you go eat in this first floor dining room because we're having an interesting hobby cafe today?

"Interesting taste?

And it came to pass, that Chang Hui and his eyes were upon each other, and they followed him near the left.


"Welcome, sir"

Yes, I said with Norinoli's smile, greeted by a menswear Lune, into the near-left eye that entered the store was Elias, who was completely depressed.

Lune is a lot of nori, isn't he? Do you like to say this?

Nevertheless, why is my father-in-law superior...... oh, what is the cause?

At the end of the near-left gaze I thought so were the four near-left wives eating pleasantly.

Oh, you've shattered your majesty.

"Yuanta, Tokjiro. Let me introduce my wives... yes, one of my wives, Cecily, is a chivalry teacher and your son's teacher."

"What! I have to say hello."

Is it tough, too, as it is?

"Well, shall we go? Ooh, guys."

So the left-handed men went to Iris and the others.

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