Another Life

Night Walker, start.

On Thursday night, April 20, A.D., at the mansion near left, all the members of the Night Walker had gathered for a meeting.

The agenda, as we begin our work tomorrow, is a base destination and a dungeon offensive.

"Eh ~ Now we will begin the first Night Walker meeting.

First of all, it's a destination, but will there be hope?

So bright and close to the left said, Lana lifted up her hand first.

"Yes, yes! Ha! I want to see the ocean, so let's make it the ocean."

It would be too zachy, Lana. But if it was the ocean, I'd want to go in the summer... especially since I can see the swimsuit.

Claire, who was sitting next to her, also wanted to go to the sea, thinking so, and said as she moved the chair she was sitting on.

"Me too, the ocean would be nice. Hey Miyagi, let's turn it into a sea."

"Right, where else do you want to go?... It seems that there is no such thing, so I've decided on the ocean, Chloe. Do you have any plans?

Suddenly, it was Chloe who was told the story, but that's Chloe. Chloe thought for a while and came up with a plan.

"Right... I went to Nassau's parents' house the other day and finally checked it out.

Now the kingdom of Salz has requested a demonic crusade to explore the sea of Luche trees, and the adventurer has arrived in the sea of Luche in the south.

So why don't we go north and base Port City with a few adventurers?

If it was Port City, there would be a dungeon in the Northern Church, and off the streets, there would be demons, so I was wondering if it would be just fine. "

I see, fewer places than more adventurers can avoid the battle for a request...... that? Luche's Tree Sea is where Mom's drug production is based.

I'll give you some advice next week.

"I'm also in Port City, which I think is good, but who's the opposite?

Then it's Chloe's idea, and it's settled. Let's base Port City for a while.

Everyone thinks gear, etc. is fine, but is there anything else you think we need?

"... bath"

"Mr. Cecil dismissed. What's next?"

"Bed of sharks"

"Mr. Cecily dismissed. What's next?"


"Mr. Iris, leave it with the beads, it will be decided. Rejected.

You guys would be too free! You can say whatever you want!

So when the left hand side slammed the desk, and they were angry, they all booed left side by side.

What, am I wrong? Is it my fault?

That's what Chloe came up with.

"Then what about buying a carriage?

If it's a carriage, it's not exactly a bed of sharks, but rather than sleeping on the ground, it would have been.

If you also buy a large bucket of bath and put hot water in it, it won't be a hot spring, but it will be an impromptu bath "

"Well, you can also take Sakichi..."

"That's no good. No matter how many carriages, it's dangerous."

And Iris swelled his cheeks, saying so, and persisted.

"Well, Iris, leave me alone, Chloe, how long does a carriage take?

Mr. Cecily, it's too realistic...

"Well, it would be pinky, but if you could give me 30,000 shillings, you could buy a carriage there.

Well, carriages are expensive, so you can't help it. "

"If you choose a horse, I'll take care of it..."

"If you're a horse, you're already here, Aoyagi."

Lana said something amazing in front of her left hand.

Huh? What? What are you talking about? It wasn't...

"Wait a minute. No! Lana, you know what I mean? Aoyagi, so to speak, is a Ferrari.

You want Ferrari to pull the rear car?

"That's why you're saying things that don't make sense!

That's good, Aoyagi is a Slapenil, so you have the power, so it's no problem, right?

For that matter, spending money on a carriage will make your journey easier. "

"Then! Aoyagi, so to speak, is a work of art! It's the queen in the horse! It's blasphemy for art to let that Aoyagi pull the carriage!

Yes, let Iris shadow you!

"No, I don't want to."

And Iris, who said so, swelled his cheeks, and turned to him.

"I don't want to! Shadowy is a regular white horse, right? You're better suited to pull a carriage than Aoyagi!

Where in the world is Slapenil a fool to pull a carriage? "

"That's good, just us all over the world, that's cool! What's wrong with you?

"Lana, I told you earlier!

And it came to pass, when the left-hand man cried out, that Cecil slammed his desk, and stood up, and glanced at the left-hand man, and said,

"... Shut up, make up your mind"

"... yes... sorry..."

The flow was never stopped by anyone at the earliest opportunity.

Later, the left proximity, stared at by Cecil all the time, became exactly like a frog stared at by a snake, just watching him decide to go.

Thus Night Walker, based in Port City for a while, gathered information on the dungeons, while making sure to work together around them, scouting the dungeons several times before setting a date and time to attack them, became the current.


The next evening. Near left, he went to Port City alone at the gate, and from there, to his home in Lake City, once he returned with a space transfer, there was already a group of people there, dressed in hoods purchased at Rondelick's shop, hiding their faces with facial features.

But he was there, and Cecile, and Cecily, and the Hyogo, were normal clothes.

"Is that it? I know Cecily's pregnant, but why isn't Cecil and Hyogo dressed?

"... after all, the lack of a bath is unbearable"

Is it a bath after all......

"One thing is, once you still don't go home, the beads..."

... How much is this guy in love with beads? Sounds like a newlywed salesman is watching when he turns down a drink.

"I get it. Then I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, so you can wait at home."

That said, the left proximity opened the space transfer and headed for Port City.


On a spatial transfer, the left-hand men who went out into the alley of Port City headed straight for the busy docks, where they left in a harbour lined with large military ships, illuminated by the sunset.

And the work was done, and the soldiers of the navy, and many sailors, were already drinking, and the drinkers were busy.

"Wow, this is the sea!

"The sea!

So he said, Lana and Claire ran out, and climbed the great embankment, and said,

But here, on the beach, there are stone walls like embankments that prevent invasion, but the crane guy dropped them a lot.

Well, he had a scratch on his face, so I know it wasn't easy, but it's still awesome.

Yes, more quickly than that, we need to find the lodging.

"Lana, Claire. Enjoy it until you find a place to stay."

"Me, the delicious part of the rice, is good!


And they jumped down from the levee, and said,

... Why is Lana being childish?

Well, me, too, I think, but you don't have any information at all.

That is what Chloe has said, near the left.

"My lord, this is the people at the pier, let's ask. There may be recommendations that are unique to the local area"

"Right, let's do that.

Right, Chloe. Your Eminence, please stop... close left and call me back. "

"Ok... yes, close left..."

"Okay, I'm gonna go for a second. Alone would be quick."

Uh-huh, suddenly the hurdle was high? As before, I would have liked to have been your pavilion.

But Port City, I know because there are sea haunters, but it looks like Nassau somewhere.

Me, you like the city I said this in because it's more comfortable.

Hmm? That was one of Crane's men, he was moving a stall ship before, Fujigo was definitely Seiuchi...... let's hear that.

I thought so, and the left-hand side seemed busy, approaching Fujigo, who was giving instructions, and said.

"Excuse me, may I have a moment?

"Ah? This one, busy getting ready to leave the port, you'll see.

Tell the others... Cora, there! Take care of the water barrels!

Yeah, you're the best. But I'd be quicker to ask you, and you don't have to worry about me wanting to.

With that in mind, he said, taking off his face and peeking at his face with chills from his hood.

"I know, but I can trust Fujigo."

"Hmm? Who is it, my lord?

"Damn, it's me. Don't tell that to the left horse head."

So when he hid his face with his face again, he spoke.

"Hey Fujigo. How about a delicious dining room and a great place to stay around here?

You shouldn't have to worry about being introduced to weird things, would you?

"The cafeteria and the inn… then, on the northern edge of this beach, the inn called San Lucia is a delicious hole for food as well.

The beast general and his daughter are the only ones who have been hit, and I don't think there's any danger of finding out who they are. "

"Oh well, thank you. I'll go.

Hmm? Daughter of the Beast...... Fujigo, are you in love?

"Hey, what are you talking about! I'm a lady!


"... ah!

Fujigo, who said so, looked at him saying that he had said it by accident.

Right, is this guy in love with a crane... you heard good things.

"... so why are you preparing to leave the port this evening?

"The battle, when the sun is climbing, is not necessarily there, so we're going to train at night. Come on."

That's right, the left horsehead who raised the crane. The way you think is in action.

"Well, I really leave the Navy to the left horse head, and I'm glad to hear it. Well, it's time to go."

"My lord, please don't ever tell me."

"Oh... maybe"

That said, the left-hand side put down the anxious Fujigo and returned to Iris and the others.

And the left-hand men came through the thriving downtown area, going north, in front of a secluded, two-storey building with potpounds outside the city.

"Saint Lucia. Right here, my lord...... sorry left-hand side"

"Good, Chloe. But you can't say it's that pretty."

As its near-left word suggests, the exterior of the inn was an old inn, not very pretty.

Are you all right?

With that in mind, near left, when I opened the door and went inside, the building was certainly old, but it was cleaned beautifully inside, and its antiquity was another room with a good flavour.

I guess it feels like a good old place.

That's what I thought, and when I looked at the interior, a young woman came out of the back of the counter, featuring big, brown ears like a golden retriever.

"Welcome, to Saint Lucia...... hih!

I didn't think so, and the woman was surprised to retreat.

Oh, well! Well, if we all wore hoods and covered our faces with faces, we'd be scared to look like a bunch of assassins.

"Is there anyone else here?

To that near-left question, the woman only shook her face with tears.

"Then you'll be fine. Everybody, take it off."

In those close-left words, I removed my face and hood, but the woman, still scared or afraid, was trembling.

"Don't worry, I'm here with Fujigo's introduction"

"Huh? Fujigo's?

And it came to pass, that the woman was a little less vigilant, because of the name which she knew.

"That's right. When Fujigo told me to tell you about the inn and the delicious dining room, he introduced me here.

Seven people for two nights, okay? And if you keep the carriage, it'll help. "

"Was I? If it's a carriage, you can keep it behind the inn.

However, there is only one large room for eight people and two private rooms for you to sit in, so what do you do?

One night, if it's a private room, it's 120 shillings, if it's a large room, it's 70 shillings per person.

Carriage storage will be 10 shillings a day. "

Hmm? What are you going to do... Oh, is that what you say?

"Me and these two, we're married, so we're okay in the same room. Are you sure all the rooms are empty?

"Yes, honestly, it's about Fujigo who's coming... Ah, but before, a female lord, who ruled this port city, was coming to dinner"

Right, was the crane here too? If you're a cook, you can count on it.

"So, do you want to make it a private room or a large room?

"I'm fine in the big room."

"Me too."


"I will sleep with you!

Claire, are you serious? My nightlife...

Chloe, who perceived the feeling, told Claire.

"Claire, hey... if you stand in the way of the left and near, you can't"

No, Mr. Chloe, that's what we're supposed to do. Don't tell people, like lusty demons... you're right.

That's what Lana said, holding Claire's hand.

"It's okay. So, Claire, why don't you sleep with me today?"


"Well, if it's Claire, I guess it's good"

And so said Iris, as he gave up.

Me... I was going to... give up.

"Well, it's a hassle, so can't we all rent out private rooms and large rooms for a private rate?

"Okay. If you're in a carriage, what do you do?

"The carriage, because I will buy it tomorrow... can I just leave the carriage?

You can do it.

"Well, I'll take the carriage for a week."

"And that's 1,750 shillings. Your bill is in advance, would you mind?

"Oh, of course. Chloe."

So Chloe paid.

"It's definitely 1,750 shillings.

If you have hot water to wipe your body, it will take five shillings.

The dining room will be in the back of this. The dining room is open from sundown until rising, but breakfast is always free for guests. Because you can eat.

Also, I would like to ask you to fill out this booklet... and confirm your ID card... "

Why are you so freaked out?

Oh, you still think they suck.

"Good, but don't tell anyone. Is the lodging book okay in Ruthai?

"Yes. Of course, I'll keep a secret."

When I heard the word, I filled out a booklet with a real ID card and showed it to a woman.

"Huh? The color of the card... Huh? Yes! Sakura Kwon Daikumi Kiyoshi is that big lord of Lake City!

This one, this is the lord's wife! This is Raven's … "

"You see why we hide our faces?

When the left-hand man said so, the woman nodded again and again.

"By the way, what's your name?

"Wow, my name is Amy. Oh, yeah, I'll give you your money back!

"No, I'll pay the right price. So, Amy, can you show me to my room?

"Yes, I'm home"

That's how Amy led them upstairs with her left comrades.

Going up the stairs sounding giddy, there were three doors in the old, savoury hallway, and Amy said she would unlock the room in front of her.

"This is the big room for eight people, it will be"

The left proximity, so said, looked inside the room, inside in a space divided by curtains, with beds and small sideboards, which seemed well-cleaned, but well cleaned, and the other Iris seemed to have a crush on this inn.

"Oh, um... really, in a room like this, would it have been nice?

And Oddod, and Amy, who said so, said with a smile.

"Sure, the building is old, but it's well cleaned and I think it's good for the flair.

In the Luthai Empire, this is what I like to call an emotional lodging. "

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Okay, we're renting out this time, so I'll leave the keys with you.

You can give it to me or my mother when you go out or when you come home. "

"Okay. Chloe, I need you to take care of the keys."

And when he said so, he left his keys with Chloe.

"Next, in a private room…"

"Before that, do you often get customers here?

No, not in a weird way. If you're coming, another guy might come, so I thought I'd make an appointment. "

Yes, when the Hyogo arrives, it's not convenient to be in the same room as me, and it's not convenient to be in the same room as Chloe and the others.

There is a danger of chastity.

When he said so, Amy said, with a slightly sad face.

"Customers don't come much... because a few troublesome people came forward to sell this place.

Oh, but since Fujigo and the lady lord came, I'm not coming. "

Ground up or something.


Well, next time, if that's what you're saying, tell me or Fujigo. This is on the brink of something, too. It'll help. "

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down. Let me show you who's in the private room."

So Amy opened the door of a private room that she had slammed close to her left.

Inside, there was a table in a double bed and a room that could not be said to be large, but this room was also well cleaned, and the left and near sides were quite fond of Amy.

"This inn is really wonderful. I will continue to make you feel better.

I'll be out for dinner in a little while. "

Okay, I'll be waiting for you with my mother.

So Amy gave Chloe the keys, and lowered her head to the left, and went down the stairs.

It's a good place to stay.

Lana, who said so, seemed to like the inn.

"Right, it's quiet, it's a good place, because we're away from downtown.

... Oh, can you see the ocean through the window? Amy seems to have the best room available. "

And it came to pass, when the left hand was near, that when he looked out the window, the full moon and many stars were shining in the dark sea, when the sun had fallen completely.

And it came to pass that Claire's voice was heard from behind.

"Dear Hall, no!"

"Hmm? What?

That said, in front of the near-left eye that looked back, Claire, with her dog-like ears and tails, sat sadly in bed.

Oh, well, if you see the full moon, tell the wolf... or you're a puppy.

That's what I think. Near left, Claire cried, I said.

"Ahhh! If you see a wolf, the Miyagi will hate you!"

No, you, I'm just not aware of it, and I'm happy about it. I feel it now.

Oh, I knew Iris and Lana were laughing bitterly too.

"Claire, no matter what you look like, Claire is Claire. Nothing will ever change."

"... really?

"Oh, it's true."

Well, I'm usually used to seeing it.

"I knew you didn't like Miyagi!"

Claire, who said so, came with her close to the left.

... strange. Even if Claire hugs me, I don't want anything...... well, I'm only nine.

Speaking of which, how long is the life expectancy of an animal man?

"Hey, I just figured, is the life expectancy of a human or a subhuman, different?

"With that said, yeah. It is true that the average life expectancy of humans is about eighty years, the beasts are about two hundred years old, the dwarves and goblins are three hundred years old, and the elves and dark elves are said to be five hundred years old.

Ah! Seriously, it looks like a snag... "

Iris, who said so, was depressed by himself for some reason.

"What's up, Iris?

"No, look, you, you have little change in appearance and life expectancy is not forever.

Me, Cecil and Cecily, even if they're Yobo's grandmothers, they're not like this... Lana can stay like that forever. "

Well, that's right.

"But my feelings don't change, so don't worry about it"

"I care!

"I will be your daughter-in-law instead of Iris!"

That said Claire, raised her hand well.

"Claire, right? No. One way or another, Claire feels like my daughter... Wow! Don't cry! Claire, don't cry!

At the end of his near-left gaze was Claire, who was desperate to weep.

Then Lana said, holding Claire in her arms, stroking her head gently, as if she were her mother.

"Claire, if you're crying too much, he'll hate you.

Claire is already a part of our family. So when you grow up and you're a nice woman, he'll tell you to marry him, too. "


"Yeah, it's true. Hey, you?

Lana's eyes, who said so, were silently pressuring her not to make her cry any more.

Oh, Akan, this is not a flow I can turn down.

"That's right, Claire. First of all, be a nice woman.

Well, even for dinner, let's go have some. "


Cash guy. But now, you misled me well.

With that in mind, the left-handed men were wiping the table when they headed to the dining room on the first floor, a beastly woman very similar to Amy.

And it came to pass, when the woman noticed near the left, that she came near, and took her hand near the left.

"This, my lord! Well done, you've come to this kind of inn.

My name is Donia and I am the owner of this inn. Would you like something to eat for dinner today?

No, I'll take care of it.

You're a powerful woman, aren't you?

"Well, you put more on your arm to make it."

"Oh, please...... hey Donia. I hear weird things, but I'm a Luthai and I'm the one who ordered this port city to be attacked. Aren't you scared?

"It's more of a joy to be liberated than to say I'm scared.

Before the war, Port City lords said taxes were 80% of sales, and military personnel were all people who didn't pay for them.

That's what taxes are now at 30% of sales, and the military, you know, you all pay for it, and there was no looting when it was occupied, and you have nothing to say.

However, the Mafias are still here in Port City.

The old lady lord Tsushima said she couldn't catch her because she had no proof, but they were freaking out the guests and keeping them away.

Well, if you're lord, you'll be fine. Anyway, the closer they say to the left of ghosts, the more celebrities they are. "

... Am I that celebrity?

With that said, the village chief in Isana was pretty freaked out before. Let's be careful next time.


Saying so, he laughed desperately in love.

Eventually, the dish Donia brought to Carpaccio, a white fish, was seafood soup pasta, an indescribable delicacy that, when eaten, extended the flavour of seafood in her mouth.

Pasta was in this world. But what's a round thing like this croquette?

With that in mind, when the left proximity wore it, the left proximity unexpectedly opened his eyes and was surprised.

This is a round rice balls fried in oil like croquettes. Besides, it's seafood stock, and it's cooking rice, so it's delicious like cooked rice.

Inside, white fish... No, this is white fish, soaked in soy sauce. It's delicious, the food goes on.

"What do you say, lord? What's the taste of fried rice balls?

Donia said so with a proud face.

"This is excellent, but rice, are those around here eating?

"That's what the lady lords and Fujigo said they wanted rice, and I taught them and developed the dishes of the Luthai Empire."

"No, this is more than the Ruthai Empire. What tastes so good is I've never eaten it before.

I knew you were right to ask Fujigo. "

So the left-handed men, beating the drum of Donia's cooking, ate without leaving behind the dish that was served, and went.

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