"Good luck."

"Okay, mother-in-law. Sakichi will bring you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Hyogo, please"

Sunday night. Returning from Port City, the left-hand men dissolved in front of the mansion near the left.

"Come on, take a bath."

"... to Cecily, I have to give you a souvenir"

"Right, I'm in the bath too... sorry guys, but go ahead"

And when he said that, he walked by himself to the garden.

"I wonder what?

"Come on?"

So Iris and the others went into the mansion in doubt.

Near left, walking in the dark, in the garden, he stopped and said.

"Massei, if you're here, there's nobody here. Or do you want to go to Nassau?

And it came to pass from the shadow of the tree near the left, when he heard the word, and from behind the near left, that Massei came forth.

Looking back at the speechless Neptune, the left and the near left, the face of Neptune was still about to cry.

"What do you look like... yes, I bought some delicious distilled liquor in Port City.

Sometimes, do you two drink? Come on. "

To put it that way, the left-hand side was headed toward Nassau's mansion with a masterpiece and a spatial transfer.

In the darkness of the moonlight alone, near left and Massei, on the edge of Nassau's mansion, the two of them sat down and drank the liquor they had purchased in Port City.

So far, Massei was silent all the time, without saying anything near left, just sitting on the edge of the two of us, drinking.

Left and near now, in Massei's mind, Massei shrugged when he was dating, knowing that various thoughts were swirling, or just drinking.

"I heard everything from the Emperor... thanks"

"Never mind."

Well, did the Emperor tell you about Musashi's rebellion plan?

So when he thought to himself, Zhengcheng drank alcohol and said:

"I, with my skills, knew everything... no, I knew it. I thought I knew, it's just... I guess it wasn't.

My skills have the flaw of saying that if they don't think in their minds, they don't know. This time, they poked at it.

Besides, almost all those who are involved in this conspiracy are former subordinates of mine.

... I wonder what I've done so far. "

Having said that, Massei seemed patient that tears flowed as he looked up to heaven.

Well, this guy has never been able to detect betrayal, etc. beforehand, and this is the first time he has not been able to detect it... That would be great. I know because I have experience, too.

Though he thought so, he said with a smile, drinking.

"What are you doing here? You unified the Luthai Empire and put an end to the war.

Who else could have done that? You're definitely history. "

"It would have been nice if it had been reunited, if it had been uplifting. I think it's good to have you under your command... you're so talented."

And when he heard the word, he drank it, and said:

"Um, Massei. People don't get what they get.

I'm just a fighter.

Besides, think about it. I'm a big name for Valkia, but Home Affairs threw a round at Keith, the coalition threw all round at Kiyoshin and Kruger, and intelligence and intelligence threw a round at Crane.

Try unifying the Luthai Empire with a man like that. You're gonna hurt my stomach when you're under my command. "

"No, it's already there."

"Are you... pup... hahahaha!


So he said, Near Left and Zhengcheng looked at each other's faces and laughed at each other.

"Hahaha...... not at all. You're right.

But the placement of the castle... are you staring at Seta and Uji as a battlefield?

"... No, that's a second proposal. It's either Sekigahara or Akasaka Mino."

"I see... good place.

But the problem is, Kyou's protection. Why does Uchifu become Musashi Shogun?

Because of that man's character, I don't think because he wants to take power because he wants to be a general... someone else, there's a god.

At the same time as I check the area, I'm going to move so that Musashi will stop me. "

"Okay. I'm moving the Knights' exercises around Tampa with the Ruthai Empire."

"And when something happens in Kyo, don't come any time soon.

Yes, I've been contacted before, and the story of the Allied mercenary forces is likely to be acknowledged.

The matter of the Kingdom of Wenzer seems to be difficult to waive indemnity because you are getting paid once. But I'll see what I can do. "

After all, is the waiver of compensation severe?

"Okay, I need you to wrap this up within three years."

When he said so, he heard Cecil from behind them.

"... I was here.... it's rice."

"Oh well. Massei, stay and go today."

"... right. Will you have a drink today?"

And when they stood up, they went back to Lake City.


The next morning I walked around the city of Nassau, near left and Chloe appeared there.

And when they were going toward their mother's house, there was a man standing on a box in the square, calling out unto the people.

"This is Nassau, the city of freedom! But the fact is, the four-headed club divides it up and does whatever you want.

This is really, really free! I have to get up here, it won't be Nassau!

Looks like we're being criticized by the Quadriceps.

Well, I'm asking, there's about ten of us, and it won't be a problem.

But there are more new residents here, too.

With that in mind, the left-hand side headed toward Mom's mansion.

When the left-hand man arrived at his mother's mansion, the left-hand man and Chloe came into the reception room for a short time.

"Hey, close left. You kept me waiting... is that better than that?

That's what Mom said when she saw Chloe as a chiller.

"Chloe, I'm sorry..."

"I don't like it. I am Your Excellency's secretary, and I will be with you."

And Chloe, who said so, turned away, and said,

... Me, did I do something? Things have been weird since I met Lilith.

But in front of Chloe, talking about drugs would be bad.

So he thought, and when he looked at his mom, he said he had no choice, he was posing.

It's good! I can't help it.


But Chloe, forget everything you've seen and heard here... okay?


"Okay, close left. Do you want me to get a technician?

"No, before I do, I'll give my mom some information.

Looks like the Kingdom of Saltz has sent a request to the Adventurer's Guild to crusade against demons in the sea of Luche.

Apparently, the kingdom of Salz has begun to develop the sea of Luche. "

"Hey, that's..."

The look on the face of the mama that said so clearly darkened.

"Yes, Mom's drug production plant will be discovered..."

"Huh!... ah! Shh, sorry."

To Chloe, who reacted unexpectedly to the word near the left, his mother glanced at him near the left.

Well, you're usually surprised.

"Anyway. You should get rid of that production plant and move it somewhere else.

Is there anything in Valchia that comes to mind?

And it came to pass, when the left hand was near, that Mama was troubled for a while, and said,

"It's a big forest that leads to Castel Dreyer, near Luogne."

The forest that Kiyoshin lost to Amiria?

Indeed, north of Dreyer Castle is the Serenity Empire, so is this the critical side?

"Now move there..."

"Just give me a minute.

No matter how much we do, we can't do it right now. We don't have that kind of money to move our base. "

Sure, you do.

"Then why don't you do this?

Co-financed with the Rocktree and Hanza Chambers of Commerce to jointly set up and operate a pharmaceutical company.

As for the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce, if you could give it back a little color to the capital, there would be no complaints, and since it is ostensibly a pharmaceutical company, I can make a grand drug.

Besides, the drugs I'm trying to make have the potential to make new drugs... and the ones that are pretty dependent. "

And when he said so, he laughed as if he were a devil, and said,

Mommy, who saw that face, said as she lit the cigar, spitting out smoke.

"Near left, when you look at that face, it's when you have another back. Where are we going with the new drugs?

Again, my mom turns her head.

"New types of drugs spread in the territory of the Northern Union (North United). That way, we can make soldiers and people useless before the war begins."

"No... I don't mean that..."

Chloe, who said so, was clearly darkened and upset.

"Chloe, I knew you'd wait outside. I can't tell you this story."

And Chloe chewed up her lips, and said unto her near left.

"No, it's okay"

Oh, come on, are you okay?

That's what I think. Near left, my mom said.

"You'll be fine. He's still a raven, more brave than the guys there.

It seems to me that there is a hurry between the left and the left. Is there a reason?

Mom's pretty sharp at times like this.

"For a reason. The first is that there are signs of a revolution in the kingdom of Wenzer... or I know the guy who revolutionizes, and besides, I have a pact to lend you a hand.

At that time, being on Wenzer's side is very inconvenient "

"... the real reason seems to be another. Quickly, speak of fate."

"There are signs of rebellion in the Ruthai Empire, which only a very few of us know yet."

Mommy and Chloe, when they heard the words, were silent, and the blood was drawn from their faces.

That too should be true, Mama and Chloe are those who have seen the strength of the Ruthai Empire up close.

The samurai of the Ruthai Empire know so much as to say no to how accustomed they are to battle.

"Well, I don't know yet. In order not to, the Emperor, His Highness Seibei and the Minister of State have all sorts of hands."

When Chloe heard the words, she noticed something.

"My lord... the castle I built in the Luthai Empire before..."

"Yes, that was a defensive base when it was the worst civil war."

"... near left, when it was the worst civil war, what was the size of the enemy?

Does Mommy think about the worst, firmly?

"Now all we know is the eastern half of the Ruthai Empire. And a part of Kyo.

From here, it's my guess, but it could also come out of the coalition... "

"... can you win?

"Honestly, I don't know. But it has a monopoly on gunpowder raw materials, and the Coalition forces hold most of the Navy's technology.

If it's a long fight, it's in your favor, but it's a story of not being invaded by another country. "

"... Which side is your friend Lord Yuanta on?

Don't poke me where it hurts.

"Yuanta is... on the enemy's side"

"Near left, can we fight?

"Mom, that's what I call a stupid question. Even if we break up with enemy allies, we can fight them, and we think getting out of hand is the biggest insult to them.

Being a friend, if you don't crush it with all your strength, you'll be resented for life. Just like Yuanta, if you meet him on the battlefield, he'll come after my neck with all his might. "

"... well that would be good. As for the war, you can be trusted, and from the character of the Luthai, you would be right.

And I'll lend a hand to the pharmaceutical companies that make it together, and to spreading drugs.

However, the chairman of the new pharmaceutical company's chamber of commerce is close to the left. You do, and we'll get the meeting out of here. Is that all right?

Well, that's an easy suggestion. It's easier for me to make an excuse for being chairman, even if I'm dealing drugs.

"It would be good"

"So, to the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce, with two increments of the capital contribution, if you return the money, all the money you make, is good here, okay?

Of course, after that, you'll be chairman, and you'll be wise in management, okay?

That's weird, for insurance when they find it, it's uncomfortable.

But there's no reason to say no... well, that would be good.

"Okay. In that direction, let's move on."

All right, now the brains near left, we get the Hanza Chamber of Commerce.

After that, if we make a mistress, we might be able to pull this guy into the Hanza Chamber of Commerce.

But Chloe's in the way. Chloe, do you notice?

"Well, that's settled. Someone to meet you...... hey, somebody get Elena!


"That's right. Recently, he was sold to our whorehouse, and before he was admitted to a fancy whorehouse, he had an apprenticeship here."

You all right, buddy?

Near left, when he thought so, the door was knocked, and one elf woman came into the room.

However, unlike other elves, the elf woman had some elegance, clear white skin, blonde hair and eye color, a characteristic appearance called beautiful emerald green.

And when Chloe saw Elena, who had come in, she said with amazement:

"Hi Elf... why are you here?

Elena reacted slightly to Chloe's words, not surprisingly, but for a moment.

This is going to have a back.

"Chloe, don't say much about saying that. You're rude, right?"

"... ah! Shh, sorry."

So Chloe bowed her head to Elena.

"No, I don't care, it's true... because you know what I'm like"

Elena, who said so, said with a lonely face somewhere.

"Well, you can't help but know the left proximity of the Luthaians about the high elves.

This child says Elena, he is from the Kingdom of Galleria in the Land of Elves, on the great peninsula to the south of the continent... No, you were a former Kingdom of Galleria.

High Elves means superior Elves, the blood of all Elves' royal family. The royal family of elves on this continent are all blonde and green-eyed. "

"Wait a minute, Mom. Then why is the royal family here?

Besides, what's the ex?

"The Kingdom of Galleria, two years ago, had a military coup, and all the royal men were slain, and the country was gone, and now the kingdom of Fresia.

Elena is the survivor of its Gallerian kingdom, the royal family, whose real name is Elena Grecinas Galleria. The former princess of the Kingdom of Galleria.

Up to this point, I've fallen behind, and the bandits have raided, and these non-Elena have been killed, and sold to this Nassau as slaves, but the Luthai Empire has not recognized slavery, has it?

That's the same with Nassau, so I had no choice, so the bandits came to me with a story.

Where did it come from, the virgins sold high, and the bandits didn't do anything to Elena, and thanks to that, I was probably taken 300,000 shillings.

If you weren't a virgin, you'd have bought it cheaper, but what idiot would have given you that information... Near left, you know?

That's what I said. You're close to the left, aren't you? All I said was, I stared at him.

... Totally, don't find out.

"I don't know..."

And when he said so, he said unto the left, he turned away from his gaze.

"Well, that's good. This guy's age, he's only seventeen, but he's a former princess, so he should be well educated, and he'll understand your thoughts. This is him, okay?

Sure, Mom's right. Besides, if I say no, I'm gonna be a whore... and that's pathetic.

"Okay. With this Elena, it'll be good."

All right, I ate it.

This left-hand neighborhood, basically, is sweet when it comes to women. Somewhere an unhappy woman, an emotion that tells her to help, works, and, like Chloe, I hope that even a woman of her choice, who is not unhappy, will not reach out to a woman who likes herself, but will be happy with someone other than herself.

But why did he marry a woman? What Cecily has in common with Iris, Lana, and Cecil is that there was no one else who could make her happy but the left.

So when it comes to Elena, her breasts are big and her appearance is a left-hand preference, and she's an unfortunate woman. We will definitely get along deeply.

With that in mind, Mom said to Elena, grinning with a nigga.

"Good for you, Elena. There's no such thing as being your whore. Together with this left-hand corner, I was asked to start a new business."

"Huh? Mom, is that good?

Elena, who said so, said in tears.

"Oh, I hope you earn it differently and give me my money back"

"Thank you. I'll sit down! So, what should I do, good?

"Right. First, I'll introduce you.

This Luthai man, speaking of this Valkyrian lord, Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro, is also the top marshal of the Eastern coalition forces, and the Kun Daihan Daihan of the Luthai Empire, he also has an official position. Well, they call us left-handed.

The elf next to it is Major Chloe Meisner, this near-left secretary.

You, of the Chamber of Commerce, where this left-hand man will be chairman, will have a meeting... of course, if you don't make a profit, you'll be a whore.

If you don't like it, listen to this near-left word and make good money. "

"Nice to meet you, Lord!

Elena said so, bowing her head deeply.

"Oh, nice to meet you.

And me and you are going to be partners at work. So don't hesitate, tell me everything you've ever wondered. "


"Shall I call a technician? Elena, get me Dusty and the others."

"Yes, I'm home"

Elena, who said so, bowed her head again and left the room to call the technicians.

"You're a good boy."

"Well, for what I've planted in the short term, I think it's done well."

If I'm a kid and I have a daughter, why don't I throw it in my mom's place?

No, it's a bee mafia, and I'm in trouble. Yeah, you want to hear about that?

"With that said, before we got here, there was a guy in the square who was giving a speech of criticism for our four-headed club.

Well, I only heard about ten people, but Nassau seems to have more new residents, and maybe you should be careful. "



"Last week, we only heard it from two people."

And she spat out the smoke, saying,

Well, what my mom's trying to say is that she's definitely getting more dissatisfied?

But the rebellion in Nassau, they're bad. Even to move the army, Nassau's autonomy cannot move even the table because the Quadriceps are partitioned.

But that's not all. If you're not most vigilant, there's something you shouldn't do.

"Where is the force paying for this?

"It's still unconfirmed, but the Seventh Federation, not the Gregor Chamber of Commerce, seems to have something to do with it. He's got his hands on Port City, too.

Well, if you come to Nassau, you crush it. "

To Port City... Could it be about Chloe and Iris and the others who did it?

"Okay, let's be careful with this one.

Looks like you're here. Well, let's go. "

So the left-hand men went toward the mansion of Nassau.


Around that time, in Batil, in the city of Oasis, west of the Seventh Confederation, a meeting of seven Confederation members had been held.

Even when it comes to the Federation, the Seventh Confederation is just a bunch of desert merchants, a bunch of people gathered together to protect themselves from the nations around them, the law, etc., all came at their convenience, a bunch.

"So, Marty, meet me. Is it good that we don't turn the Eastern Union around?

With that said, it was a human man who stared at Marty with a tarpagne wrapped around his head and his stomach, how he felt to say a merchant in the desert.

The man, said Gabino Caro, the big merchant based in this Batil, is the meeting of the Caro Chamber of Commerce, the second-largest chamber of commerce within the Federation.

"No, I'm not talking about not turning the job around.

The Eastern Union contract has a tender system and an authorisation system, where even if the Chamber of Commerce that tendered undertakes the job and turns the job around, the Chamber of Commerce without the permit has a mechanism that cannot turn the job around.

If you find out, the Gregor Chamber of Commerce will be locked out of the Union. "

Marty was the one who said so desperately and elucidated.

His Gregor Chamber of Commerce was originally the fifth largest chamber of commerce in the Federation, but in the war between the Luthai and Serenity empires, he joined the faction of the Luthai Empire by cutting off hands with the Empire and investing almost all of its assets, so he came all the way to third place in the Federation at once.

"Then at least the shampoo and rinse that the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce has, which is under the umbrella of the Gregor Chamber of Commerce. If we don't publish how to make body soap, we won't be able to match it."

Gabino, is that still what you were after?

"Gabino, meet me, that's impotent.

The manufacturing method is suppressed by His Excellency Marshal Sakura of Eastern Union, and manufacture is also carried out by His Excellency's distributors.

Your Excellency is a difficult man, so if you can't say much, you'll see the Federation as your enemy. "

"Gabino meets. I'll give you about that already.

Gabino's meeting and other meetings may not be interesting, but Marty's meeting status is due to cutting hands with the Empire as soon as possible when we hesitate to invest.

The act of not being a merchant to tell us to make that money. "

To Marty, who is saying so and excusing herself, a young woman from Meer Kat put up the hand of salvation with the hand of salvation.

The woman was Ameri Baird, the head of the Baird Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the Federation, based in Oren, an oasis city in the north.

Because Amelie was a woman who woke herself up from prostitution and raised herself to the largest chamber of commerce in the Federation in a generation, she was respected by everyone, and no one could disobey what Amelie said.

"... Amelie, if that's what you say."

So Gabino bowed his head to Amelie.

"But the Gregor Chamber of Commerce also has a sales network all over the continent.

So Marty meets. How about we make an arrangement here and sell it all over the continent, like the sales area is covered?

And, of course, the Gregor Chamber of Commerce has been selling us all the way up to now, and we're good in new places. "

Is this the advice of the Americans meeting, telling them not to expand their forces, not to get any more upset?

Indeed, if you expand any further, you are prone to jealousy from other meetings… Do you honestly listen to the progression?

"Okay. Follow the words of the Amelie.

But as it stands, I think tariffs are huge, end prices are too high, and buyers are limited.

What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Why don't you join the Eastern Union in this period?

I think that would remove the tariffs and get the goods cheaper. "


Unexpectedly the other meeting rose up and shouted, Amelie said, controlling it.

"... can you open a store in the Luthai Empire?

"It can be done nominally, but there is also a union of merchants in the Luthai Empire who say they are seated, and if their seats are not recognized, they cannot open stores or trade.

So to do business, it's in every country in the Luthai Empire, you have to trade through the throne. "

"… who is opposed to entering the Eastern Union?

And when Amelie said so, those besides Amelie and Marty lifted up their hands.

"… As Seventh Confederation, Marty's opinion is to veto it.

That concludes the agenda for this meeting, then. Dismissed. "

Yes, when Amelie declared, each meeting rose and Amelie stopped Marty as she tried to leave.

"Marty, can I see you for a second?

"Ha, what is it?

"Here, a little..."

"Well, even in our hall"

"So, good."

What is it?

With that in mind, Marty said to Travis, his own dedicated brave man.

"Travis, Urk's, even my mansion, please"

That said, Marty and the others moved their space to Urk, home of the Gregor Chamber of Commerce.


Urk, an oasis city. This is home to the Gregor Chamber of Commerce, on the eastern edge of the federal desert, and near the home of the Bashes.

Of the luxurious mansion in it, in a dim room, there were two paid Ameri and Marty.

"This was taken in Nassau, I will sit in Assam, please"

Yes, Marty told Amelie that when she drank tea, she said she had come back to life.

"Puha! I'll come back to life!

"Amelie, what are you talking about?

"Of the Gregor Chamber of Commerce, the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce under the umbrella...... The real mastermind, who?

That's what Amelie asked Marty with a cold eye.

But there was also a promise to the left, so when Marty shut up, Amelie said plainly.

"Now I know. The Rocktree Chamber of Commerce is really in Eastern Union, Marshal Sakura."

"Hey, why did you do that?

"If you watch the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce move, you'll see. The kingdom of Tresso is a poor country with nothing to invest in… My base is Oren, Nya, right next door.

If you don't feel comfortable, you should quit the merchant. "

Your Excellency decided to invest to monopolize mineral resources?

But that's the biggest Baird Chamber of Commerce in the Federation. Fast information.

"If so. What will you do?

"Come on, I don't know what to do... what I'm buying from the Kingdom of Tresso is a completely useless rock or something.

And when the Baird Chamber of Commerce tried to buy the same thing, it refused.

I think this is something so serious... why does the Union need rocks like that?

"Come on... Your Excellency, you're a Luthai, so we on the continent don't know the sapphire"

And Amelie said unto Marty the devil, looking upon him.

"Why did you think the Luthai Empire would win the previous war?

All the other merchants were willing to invest the full amount in the Luthai Empire... you know what?

"Well. Even if you knew, the merchant lives with information. Do you think I'll tell you?

"… indeed, yes.

So, Marty, I need you to do me a favor personally. "


"I'll give Marshal Sakura some information. So, Marty, I want you to meet Marshal Sakura and me."

the information... does this mean that the Baird Chamber of Commerce also wants to make a pipe to the Union?

No, then there will be more rivals when the Baird Chamber of Commerce comes, even though the Gaston Chamber of Commerce has crumbled because of it.

Let's say no... But when I say information, I'm curious.

"What kind of information is that?

"Marty meets. You just said that. The merchant said the information was lifeless."

"No, but Marshal Sakura is a very difficult man, and if it's crap, I or Amelie's head will fly.

It's not dismissal, it's true. "

"Could it be war with the Federation?

"Yes, it is.

This is Marshal Sakura's word, but he said he would buy all the fights sold. So, in case you feel the Federation has sold a fight, you will mercilessly crush the Federation.

You already know about the kingdom of Wenzer, don't you?

"Oh, rumor has it that the Kingdom of Wenzer is paying compensation to the Eastern Union?

"Yes, that story is true. Plus, just five of us killed all our raiding troops, and on the contrary, they got in. From the king of the kingdom of Wenzer, they made us pay compensation.

Do you want to fight an army with such a man? I don't like it. "

"... okay.

But I have a condition... I want you to know that I'm the one who's going to give you this information. "

Well, Amelie, from the beginning, will it?

"Okay. I'll prepare a contract later if I'm anxious."

"So do me a favor.

Actually, there's a strange guy in and out of the Caro Chamber of Commerce. Since then, the Caro Chamber of Commerce has been hiding in Nassau as well as Port City, trying to bull the two cities. "

Marty stood up and shouted when he heard the words.

"That's a mess!

"Well, Nassau is a city where gorotsky gathers, so you might see blood.

But the Karo Chamber of Commerce, a lot of people who said that, because they're good at it, they win. "

"The other way around! They'll kill you!

What dominates Nassau is the Quadriceps. A member of that four-headed club, particularly dangerous, is a person who has been told by the chairman of the Hanza Chamber of Commerce that he is near the left of a ghost.

The identity is Major Sonia Vishuk, the president of the Hanza Chamber of Commerce, who is called Raven and is considered extrajudicial in the Union.

And it's Marshal Sakura who's said to be near the left of the ghost!

For sure, it could be a declaration of war!

Marty could tell that Amelie's blood was going to pull away when she heard what Marty said.

"And anyway. Tell the Marshal about this and show us that we are not hostile.

Good and kill everyone. Worst of all, like the kingdom of Wenzer, you will taste hell alive!

"Sonnya... Too much..."

"In excess, I won't sit down! He usually chooses to kill them all. Now the Panas of the Serenity Empire were also slaughtered, even to the inhabitants and their pets.

Besides, the king of the kingdom of Wenzer had his eyeballs decapitated and four fingers had been slashed, saying the other day that compensation was low.

In fact, from this Urk, in the lake city where your Excellency lives, you will find an establishment called the Gate, which allows you to transfer space.

From now on, I'll go there and explain to your Excellency. "

Marty, who said so, took Amelie's hand and went to the gate.

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