Another Life

Operation Day 2

When Hyogo and Changheng were asking about the opportunity to raid Roos and Sally, Shinnozu was running down an alley to pull Barris apart.

Is that a signal yet? Isn't that just too much time, isn't it?

With that in mind, he saw Beyond the Seeker in the sight of the running Shinji and made a nodding motion.

Finally, here we are!

The syllabus that thought so looked back at the moment when the corner turned, took the spear out of the magic buck, and placed it in a spear-throwing position, he quietly meditated and concentrated his eyes.

Slight footsteps, approaching. And it was the moment Barris could be seen, and the syllabus threw a spear as if the spot where it hit was perfectly predictable.

This was done because the Shinji experienced many battlefields. If you threw it after you saw him, it would be easy for him to be turned away. This was like a kind of predictive capability.

The prediction was perfect, and the moment Barris appeared, it was because the angel was totally insulting to man, that he stabbed him in the forehead and stuck him in the wall with his momentum.

The piercing burris, the moment it moved, became ash and collapsed.

"How disgusting. An angel is something like this… it's a reminder of how much flesh isn't perfect."

That being said, it was the moment when the Synod pulled out the spear that pierced the wall, and the body of the Synod felt like a blade, zombie, and the alarm of instinct sounded.

This feeling, it's a mess!

The moment I looked back, a tremendous shock ran to my body, and the syllabus was blown up in an empty house.

"When you're human, be quiet in a vessel, what you wish you had been."

That being said, the woman who blew out the syllabus was a woman in a mourning suit in her golden hair.

Hey, what's that?

If you suddenly think you showed up behind Colonel Maida's back, you suddenly blew the Colonel away.

It was Grushk who confirmed the letter in Beyond the Seeker.

This has to be reported.

That's what Grushk thinks, the video he's looking at pointed his gaze at Beyond the Seeker, as the woman sees this one.

Found out? No, I don't have that kind of hassle. It's up to me.

The next video I saw of Grushk thinking so was very incredible. The woman stood her index finger up and, as if shooting an iron gun with her index finger, turned to Beyond the Seeker, her lips moved, as Grushk could tell.


At that moment, he was manipulating Beyond the Seeker, when the back of Grushk's head blew away, scattering his brain and falling, a scream of the communicators' fear rang in the Quanlong Temple.

"Now, the May flies have been crushed... hey, humans. I gave it to him, but he's not dead yet, is he?

Come out. Or I'll ash this area. "

And it came to pass, when the woman said so, that a bloodstained syllable arose out of the rubble, even though it was flimsy.

Damn, if the blood gets in your eyes and you can't see exactly what you look like......

"Is that the real killer Reaper? It's Maidayuanta Nobuna. Name your name."

"Hung, with a head to the point of hair growing on the monkey, I would have desperately thought about it, but I'm not supposed to say it"

The woman who said so came straight into the empty house from the hole through which the syllabus broke through.

Again, don't tell me your name... what a careful Reaper. However, it is not possible to strike in the absence of sight.

Then there's only one thing I can do. Put it together and break the neck bone.

And it was in the direction of meditating on useless eyes, and discarding sight, and making noise, that the thought came to pass.

But this reaper was not as sweet as the syllabus thinks. Despite poor scaffolding due to rubble and the like, the syllabus was blown away by the universe when it instantly packed an intermission and unleashed a middle kick on the side of the syllabus.

The moment you hear the fracture of the bare bones and the blown syllable manages to rise, the pursuit of Reaper continues.

Low-kick, I was released with a right hook, but the next attack, the Synopsis managed to prevent it, but despite it, I get a crack in the arm and leg bones I used to prevent it, and it breaks.

What, this bullshit power!

Though he thought so, the Synod managed to flutter up and say to Reaper.

"Come on, sister. I'm important, isn't it a vessel? It hurts so much, isn't it, Yabei?

"When it comes to monkeys, don't talk to me casually. If you manage to live, if the scumbag angel gets inside, such wounds will be treated instantly.

So don't worry, they'll half-kill you... so maybe they'll kill you. "

"At the end of the day, you're telling the truth... Gohoo!

That being said, as the Synod was speaking, the Fist of the Reaper entered the body of the Synod, and a unilateral, naughty slaughter began.

Still, as many times as the syllable rose, was it irritating, and Reaper put the hikick into the syllable, and the syllable was blown up to the outside, and he turned his back on Reaper, and stopped moving.

"Have you done a little too much? These are the tides."

The Reaper, who said so, slowly approached, grabbed the hair of the Synopsis to the height of his tall, lifted it up lightly, and it was sumptuous and not much visible, and the eyes of the Synopsis were not yet dead.

Koitsu, my eyes are not dead yet!

And it came to pass in the arms of the Reaper, that when the Synod stretched out his arm, the Reaper threw the Synod toward the empty house.

The syllabus that made a loud noise and penetrated the empty house said in a voice that was still dying, as if stopping in a rubble, fluttering position, bleeding from his mouth and managing to point to the reaper with his index finger.

"Sis... don't be too naughty about Maida"

What are you saying?

As soon as the Reaper, who thought so, tried to walk in the direction of the syllabus, something hit his leg, and when the Reaper lowered his gaze, there was a burning ball of fire on the ignition line, rolling.

What the hell is this?

The moment you think so, the roasting ball glows and the shock wave hits the perimeter with a loud explosion sound.

The earth and dust blocked the peripheral vision, and I wondered if the synagogue had killed, but from the dust, the reaper came out in a worn mourning, but the body inside, completely intact.

Seriously. It's impossible to just wear clothes with that.

That's what Reaper said to the syllable he thinks.

"Do you look like you want to die?

And when he heard the word, he laughed as if he had won.

"Once upon a time, is it? Someone who hears this noise will immediately bring Lord Cain this far. When that happens, you're done... sister, you're done"

The moment he said so, his voice approached him, and he saw several signs.

"Chi, that's it... Maida Yuanta Nobuna. You will, I will kill you!

When the reaper, who said so, disappeared, the letter confirming it was unconscious as it was.


What's that noise?

With that in mind, Wacker, who was looking up at the sky in the direction where the explosion sounded, had already arrived in front of the intended capture point.

After the angels, I came this far, and when I looked up and checked the street, there was no one there.

This is that explosion where I thought it was weird.

No way, aren't the angels releasing their abilities and doing impotence?

Wacker, whose idea turned his head for a moment, was worried about going to the source of the explosion or what to do.

It was then that a familiar voice was heard from behind the wacker watching the boulevard.

"You've finally met me, Wacker"

In those words, what Wacker, looking back, saw was Cain slowly coming out of a dim alley.

"Ka, Master Cain!

Wacker, who said so by accident, retreated behind him.

You said two more steps.

"Now, why did you betray me, let me ask you something?

Saying so, Cain, when you take one step, Wacker takes one step back.

"Yes, no, I didn't betray you, I didn't... damn it!

That being said, the moment Wacker took one step back and tried to escape, the moment a bow and arrow stabbed under Wacker's foot and Wacker's foot stopped, the fire and arrow stabbed the ground and the flame surrounded Wacker's perimeter.

"But when it flames... no, is this the flame of holy oil!

"Thank you, Wacker. Now you can't run if you want to."

That's what Wacker said to Cain, with a slightly silly look.

"Are you nuts? With the flames of holy oil, it's good that you surrounded me, but I can't let you in, how do you get me in this situation?"

Cain sighed in dismay at the words of the wacker, saying,

"Huh... you're a fool to make. You don't know that because you were almost in the other world, but you don't know that magic exists?

Me and the executives can use magic.

"Magic? You think you can kill me when it's magic?

You're the king of Reapers, aren't you retarded? I know. You can't kill a Reaper by magic. "

"You forgot to treat me with respect. But your words fit… sure, magic can't kill a reaper.

I won't kill you, but I can lock you up... in purgatory. "

And it came to pass, with the grin of Cain floating with a niggle, that Wacker realized what he was going to do.

"Oh no, that purgatory..."

"Well, it's purgatory. So let me put you in purgatory, suffering forever, and let you relax and hear the name of the real killer."

"Hey, what is it? Who's the real killer?

Ignoring Wacker's words, Cain cast a spell when he laid his hands on the flames of holy oil, right around the corner.

"If you pass me, there is a capital of worry. If you pass me, there will be eternal suffering. If you pass me, there will be a people of doom.

There is no creator before me of the Eternal. Abandon any desire to enter here, you people!

Pool gartrium! "

When Cain cried out, the underfoot of the wacker became like a pitch-black black hole, sucking in all the light, and the same pitch-black arm stretched out as the ground, gradually dragging the wacker into the pitch-black darkness.

"Chop, wait! Why should I go to purgatory? You're human, aren't you?

What's wrong with killing humans! What's wrong with taking my soul away from me!

Wacker's words, which he said so, were his true intentions, but Cain immediately denied them.

"That's different, you're wrong, Wacker.

All creatures of every world are created by God. It's not easy for us to take it away from each other… I don't know.

After all, you should have gone to hell with other priests and priests, not with mercy, when you died. "

"No... give me another chance! Next time, change your mind and work for God!

It's true, believe me!

That being said, when Wacker, half of whose body was already sinking, shouted sadly, Cain shook his head and said with a merciless look.

"It's a shame, Wacker. No more chances… that's the strongest Reaper rule in the world.

But I'm the one who invited him to death. Let's at least kill him over there with my hands. "

Cain said that Wacker was staring at sinking into the dark until the end.

Eventually, when Wacker's last hand sank into the pitch-black darkness, which was put forth as if to seek help, Chloe appeared from behind Cain and said, disappearing into the heart of the darkness, as if sucked in.

"You're done. Where did Wacker go?

"It's a world of torture, called purgatory, a name that says you can wash away the sins of your life."

When Chloe heard the word, she swallowed the gokuri and the spit, and asked Cain.

"... if I die too, will I go there?

"I don't know. God only knows."

"Right. Yes, I just heard from Colonel Maida. Perhaps another reaper has struck."


Cain, who said so, looked back and told Chloe to hurry up, but stuffed him.

"Well, Reaper, it's not accurate, but Colonel Maida is an unconscious weight, and he's been discovered, but he manages to live.

However, the angel's death was confirmed by Brigadier General Grushk, and then briefly, Brigadier General Grushk said, the back of his head was blown up and he died. It would be reasonable to ponder the way Brigadier Gurshk was killed, the current situation of Colonel Maida, and to think so.

When Shinobu was on his way to the explosion, there was no one else but Colonel Maida. "

"Do you think Maida saw the reaper?

"That's unspeakable. If you're conscious, I'll ask."

"Okay, if you're conscious, use the ring to tell me"

Cain, who said so, disappeared from the spot.


of the Megid Demon Empire, in the middle of a red and rough wilderness, Castle Halford. This is the castle of Purvel, most of which is inhabited by Purvel's created demons, but the maid-dressed Dwarf woman, who runs with Patapata, was the only subhuman woman, not a demon in this castle, who Purvel carelessly keeps alive.

When that zislace knocked on the big door and managed to turn the door knob higher than its own height into it, inside, in a large room with a killer landscape, a large carpet and a large couch, where Purvel, lying down and lenient, and a woman who looked just like Reaper who fought the Synod, held it on Purvel.

"Um, Your Majesty. I left it in the Eastern Union, I got word from Homunculus.

Lilith said she left the dungeon and left Port City. "

When he heard the report, Purvel shrugged in disdain.

"Not at all...... is Lilith really, really willing to be the Demon King?

Well, that freedom, that's Lilith's charm. "

"Eh! Does Ver like Lilith?

Said so, to Purvel, was the reaper that was holding him.

"Come on. I don't know. I don't have the sentiment to say that... apparently Lars has a report for me too"

At the end of Purvel's gaze, who said so, stood a reaper who fought against the faulty syllable of clothing, which was behind the zislace at some point.

And Zislace was astonished, and bowed back; and the reaper bowed his head, saying that Zislace went near Purvel as if he could not see.

"I'm sorry. I lost three archangels and a wacker."

"Eh! Lars, you lost your archangel and your wacker? Besides, the clothes...... Dasa"

"It's annoying, Rand. I'm apologizing to Master Vel. Don't tear it up."

Lars, who said so, glanced at Rand.

They were Cain's Valkyria, named Landgrease and Lars Grease.

It is unclear whether they are twins or sisters, but the two look alike and why they look alike was not in their memory either.

"Hola, don't fight. Jis, find out about Gao Ming and Lewis."

So she rose up, and when Purvell commanded Zislace, she went out to Purvell, and Purvell lay down again, and asked Lars.

"Who interrupted you? Could it be Freya's pawn that says he's close to the left?

"... No, you don't. It's a Luthai vessel, say Maida or something. But the engraving of the angel disappeared.

And if you're a wacker, Mr. Cain seems to have hit you. Master Cain had signs of using his abilities and the signs of wackers disappeared. "

"Cain... did Cain do this... No, I wonder this is God's work. Well, I can't help it, Lars. It's not your fault this time."

So Purvell looked up at the ceiling, and smiled.

"Ver. What are you going to do now?

"Right. The plan to create an army of angels also seems impossible because Cain and God found out, so give up.

I've been prepping for hundreds of years, and I'm a little out of shape to give up. "

"Excuse me, I'm so sorry!

So he said with a smile, as Purvel stood up and slapped him gently on the shoulder of Lars, bowing his head again and again.

"I can't help it. This is my mistake, trying to use an angel without a brain.

… Shall we change our plans a little? Rand, find out how Cain can't come to this world.

It's a little troublesome for Cain to exist. "


"Lars, give Lilith my message to join Al, and you join Al, and don't ask for advice with the help of the Eastern Union.

Well, if you don't ask, that's fine, but you can do whatever you can to help. "

Copy that, sir.

"Al said in three years, he could make the country his own, so that's where the party starts.

My Al, or Freya's near left... who's going to survive? "

So Purvell smiled like a devil.


Near left, as usual, was on the clouds.

Memories before coming on the clouds are intense hunger and the noise of annoying hearts surrounding them. And my body, which I can't move into a red, bloodstained view.

I don't really understand what happened to my body, but I can understand being stabbed from behind with a blade of knife out of my belly and that weakness.

And I can only understand that this cloud means that my body is dying or unconscious.

"You've done it..."

Before I accidentally said that, a woman in clothing came, like an old Greek. Nearest left is the woman I don't want to see right now, God.

She glanced at the left and said how much anger she endured.

"Really, what are you doing? Are you reflecting? If you are, take a seat!


And when he said so, he sat on the spot, as if he were a child angry with his parents.

Near his righteous left, God said in the voice of wrath.

"You know, before you do what Cain and I asked, what do you mean, stabbed from behind, bitten by a vampire, dying?

"No... I'm so sorry... I don't see it"

"In the first place, you would trust people too much. Freya's crying at me too! If you make her sad, I'll kill her!

Don't tell me God will kill you. Isn't God a god or an evil god?

And so he said in the voice of Doth, when he looked close to his face, near to the left.

"Who's the evil god, Cora?"

"... excuse me. No, really, it's your beautiful God. What happened to Angels and Reapers?... No, what happened?

And God stood up and said unto the gaze of his wrath, When the left and the near said,

"The three angels disappeared and the wackers were sent to Purgatory… Hyogo, Nobuna, Changheng.

It's really my mistake to choose such incompetence. Really, you're the only one with a mouth. "

To that unforgiving word, the near left breast, stabbed by a gussa and a spear of words, said with a sigh, did God become a little pathetic when he could not say anything back?

"Well, that would be good. This time, everyone helped me, so don't forget to thank me."

"My sincere apologies."

That being said, God said something astonishing when he sat down to God.

"Normally, whenever an affair finds out about my wife, it doesn't make any sense if you do it naked and grounded every time."

And when he heard the word, he opened his eyes wide open.

"Hey, why are you talking about that black history... right! That diary exists!

"What's black history! Damn, it's weirder to come to another world and make black history in less than a year.

I'm really sorry to hear about my use. "

"... I can't say anything"

"You know, doing some swimmer stuff like that doesn't make a difference... and it's old."

"I'm kind of sorry for everything...... Ah! With that said, it was just a week ago that I put my hand on the diary. What happens if we don't put our hands on the diary?... No, will it?

In its near-left word, God's eyes were clearly swimming.

"Hey, hey... that..."

"Whatever, I only have a bad feeling... ok, no matter what they say, just tell me because I'm not mad"


"To the samurai, no two words!

Near left, looking straight in God's direction, I said. God seemed a little hard to say, he said.

"You know... there was a penalty in the diary... if you don't put your hands down after a week and deliver your memories to me..."

"What if we don't deliver?

When the thirsty throat near left, which said so, swallowed the gokuri and the spit of tension, God said in a lovely and mild tone.

"Every day, I just get a year old, so it's okay."

"Hey, that's it... wait, Gora! So if you don't put your hands down for 30 days, you'll be 30 years old and 48 years old!

How do you explain it? From the age of eighteen, even if you're resurrected, if you suddenly become a middle-aged Osama, someone else will suspect you!

"There, see. Make excuses for what you're good at, like when you find out about an affair."

"You idiot. I'm not proud of you, but you found out everything!

"... hey, this barren fight, won't you stop?

"Sure you do, let's talk realistic. First of all, how many days have passed, you know?

"Yeah, it's eight days, and it's time to wake up."

"That means I'm 26... I wonder if I can handle it. Speaking of life expectancy, can't you handle the life expectancy of the emperor of the Luthai Empire?

"That's an impossible story. Even though, I've been alive for over 400 years, and my flesh is already the limit.

Yes, I remembered it in its lifespan. There will be a branch of your destiny in three years.

Here, this is your message. Kiyoshi Sakura, you are forced to make a choice. One is the path of the sun. The other is the path of shade.

If you choose the sun, in exchange for happiness, if you lose your wife and son, if you choose the shade, the beast in your body will swallow everything and sink into the darkness. "

"Hey, what is it, both of which are at full strength, the unfortunate end? Just a little more clearly."

"Too bad it all goes like this to teach fate.

This is God's rule. This is the only way I can talk about the future... Oh, it's time. Good luck over there. "

With that said, when God waved, his vision was once again sumptuous, and his surroundings were enveloped in darkness.

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