Another Life

Just like old times...

The next day, the left-hand side was three people, Pearl and Vina, tired of talking all night, and at some point slept in the Kyoto-Mansion with a river lettering.

Longtime parent and child time. Early in the morning, when it was almost over, the jazz came to wake up the left-hand side.

"Dear Hall, are you awake? Major Meisner is here to pick you up."

Is it that time already?

"Okay, I'll be right there. Tea, get up... it's time"

Vina woke up to those close-left words. Unfortunately, when she stroked the hair of the bead, she looked at the close-left face with a face that just didn't say, "Let me stay like this," and said the close-left looked painful.

"No... it'll be hard, but you know what I mean"

In those words, Vina's eyes saw the colour of discouragement, but at that time the beads woke up.

"Kaka-sama, are you going out?

When Vina saw the bead, she said to her mother,

"This child will always be a child... it's okay, I'll see you again, trust my mother"

So said Vina, when she gently held the bead, the left proximity turned away from the sight.

My thoughts are not wrong. Now that it was good, the left-hand man told himself, and sent Vina to Central Castle, and he himself turned to the office.

Sitting in his chair and trying to forget the sight this morning, he asked Chloe for a report.

"So, did Elena know about Vina?

"Yes, I went to ask you last night, and Elena said the meeting knew about Vina, and she was my best friend, and that it was Vina who saved Elena's life."


That said, the proximity left somehow knew why. Vina's personality is best known for her proximity to the left. She can't take her best friend's life, she's a sweet woman.

But here came the question. I wondered if there was such a loophole in Shingen Takeda's measures, which the left proximity called Lord Oyaji.

Something's wrong...... did you know how it feels to be tea and let it go on purpose?

Yes, if you knew the plan before, you'd consider where you'd run away. You didn't mean to use that as a pretext to launch a military operation before you let them get away after you calmed down a place like that on the African continent?

Oh, come on, Lord Oyaji. If so, how ambitious are you, hitting the fabric... well, Lord Oyaji is an elf.

Unlike in previous life, with its long life expectancy, one might think that the unity of the continent can also be achieved. Besides, the tea would have been danced unknowingly, without realizing it.

Is that it? Then there's a reason I disagree...

That's what Chloe said when she peered into her face.

"Um... are you listening?

"Shh, sorry. What was it?

"You know... I let you get away with saying it was Master Vina and Colonel Amilia this morning, and in the evening, the princess and Lord Shirley will be here."

"Pandora and Shirley... why?

And Chloe saith unto the word in awe.

"Didn't you tell Lord Shirley that you would teach him martial arts?

... Totally forgot.

"Yes... yes, would you order one cross spear in parallel?

Tell them to put their skills on at least. "

Copy that, sir.

So when Chloe filled out the notebook, the door was knocked, and the orchid said Amiria and Gabriella had come.

Arrival of the Commander and Deputy Commander, what is it?

Though they thought so, when they asked them to come in, they looked somewhere dark.

"Hey, Gabriella to Amelia. What's up, you two... well, have a seat."

Encouraged by the left-hand side who said so, when the two sat on the couch, Amiria said, gazing at the tea served.

"Hey my lord. Among the same Knights, we witch knights (Night Witches) are weak.

As it is, it makes a difference from the other Knights... I was reminded of that in my last Nassau operation. Can't you figure it out?

Well, the Knights of Witches (Night Witches) is a gathering of witch swordsmen women. I'm not even a brave man, so I guess there's a difference in power... a magic swordsman... yes.

"One thing I've come up with is, are you willing to change your Knights of Witches uniform and replace it with a new Knights?

"In uniform?... If I can give you martial arts in battle, I'll do it."

Amiria's eyes, who said so, were full of motivation.

"Chloe, how many iron cannons are made today?

Chloe, who was asked near the left, took the material from the bookshelf, examined it and reported it.

"Thirty volcano guns, ten musket guns, five rifle guns, two colts, and one large barrel. And there are two mortars a month and one gatoring gun a month."

Pretty much, you had a production system... and, at some point, a gatoring cannon mixed up. Well, that would be good.

"Chloe, tell the bullet correctly and ask if you can change the percentage to 20 sparklers, 5 muskets and 10 rifles, and if you can, tell me to ask for it."


"Amelia, are the Knights of the Witch Knights used to treating horses?

"No, not everyone's used to it."

"Right. Then sort out the ones you're used to. And the future Knights of Witches weapon will be this."

That said, what the left proximity took out was a bolt-action type rifle developed by Bullet Positive.

What the left-hand side thought was the formation of dragon cavalry (dragoons), or cavalry with guns, which was organized in Europe and elsewhere.

It is an operation in combination with tactics, previously conceived by Amiria and Chris.

There are two types of Dragon Cavalry equipment: Heavy Dragon Cavalry, which guards strongholds such as torso and helmet, and Light Dragon Cavalry, which is lightly equipped and wears nothing. They said they wanted to form the Knights of Witches (Night Witches) with snipers and general soldiers.

The tactics are five metres apart, digging trenches and building defensive positions, breaking down the opponent's formation with rifles, gatling guns and mortars, and at the same time sniping at the commander.

Then the enemy was confused, and the dragon cavalry, with its gaps, penetrated while shooting a gun, and fought with gunswords and sabels, a stream that the infantry said would storm.

And even closer to the left, I was thinking amazing things. Drawing on the characteristics of the Witch Knights of the Magic Swordsman (Night Witches), he said he would put Port City's Demon Stone shards inside the bullet and seal the explosive magic inside.

This is good.

Amiria, so convinced, stuck close to her left.

"My lord! Leave that to us!

"It would be good. Then Amiria will procure horses for the Dragon Cavalry and train them on horseback. Gabriella, go to Fort Alm to study the structure and principles of the gun.

Chloe, make arrangements quickly. "

Copy that.

"Are you at Fort Alm?

Amelia agreed generously, but Gabriella was surprised.

"That's right, Fort Alm. It will be the quickest way to get those two to teach us, as it is developed by the Bullet Orthopaedics and Babysitters around the corner."

"Okay, I'll do my best!

... what? My face is red, but Gabriella, is there something in Fort Alum?

"Oh, come on, man."

The Knights of Witchcraft (Night Witches) have changed dramatically from their previous guerrilla units to battle flowers at once, and the name of the Dragon Cavalry will ring all over the continent.


evening. The Dojo of the Sakura family that day had a large crowd for some reason. The reason is that Pandora's friends were informed by the left hand side that they would teach them how to teach, and many soldiers packed them in to study themselves.

"Am I that famous?

So he answered with a smile, nearby to the left.

"Well, you're famous. Speaking of the left-hand proximity of the ghost of Nassau, you killed all the soldiers of the kingdom of Wenzer, the princess and just two of them, and the civil war of the kingdom of Salz survived for three, and you opened the castle gate alone, even during the Battle of the Siege of Panas."

With that said, Kiyoshin's right.

But to the three brain muscles of the Knights of the Holy Guidance, to Amiria, Sahei, Sergen, and Changheng and Crane, and many others... would come too far. But it's kind of weird that you're coming first at a time like this, that you don't have an arsenal.

With that in mind, the left-hand side looked at Shirley, dressed in road clothes and having fun talking with Pandora and Faye in uniform.

If you look at it this way, it's a bunch of regular high school girls. But I'm glad you made friends, Dad.

Okay, let's get started. Sounds like Kiyoshin's here to see Pandora in uniform.

"Now Shirley. Let's get started."


Shirley said so, going as far as near left, those around him lurked their breath and listened seriously to the near left word.

Somehow, it's hard to do.

With that in mind, Shirley was told to take his Kingslayer out of the item box.

Shirley, who had been handed over, was astonished to hear him close to the left.

"This, in real spears... for tree practice, because I don't use it?

"Asshole. You're going to the battlefield with a practice spear? Practice is good only during mock warfare.

I'm building a cross spear just for you now. Until it's done, you can use it. Now I'm going to teach you treasure house tricks. "

"Nice to meet you!

When Shirley lowered her head, the people around her began to take notes, but she was surprised by the words on the left.

"Okay, Shirley. I'll teach you the truth first."


Everyone was surprised by the words on the left and Shirley was upset to hear them.

"My lord... Isn't Righteousness usually the last thing you teach?

"Who decided the last thing that Mistress would teach? In the first place, don't remember treasure house tricks with your head, remember them with your body is the basic trick.

So there's nothing wrong with practicing Deep Righteousness from the start. And what is Deuteronomy... a smile "

Their voices disappeared into the nearest left word, and they all shut up.

Well, everyone thinks it's a lie.

"When you confront your enemies on the battlefield, or when it's painful. And even when faced with death, if you can smile naturally, you can lose the extra force that enters your body and give it the strength that you normally practice.

For that reason, you're smiling during practice, and don't give me a hard look. That's the depths. "


In its near-left explanation, those around it say, "Oh! Shirley said in surprise as she understood.

"Okay, next thing you know, face your left shoulder forward against me, turn aside, and open your legs for about a meter.

Next thing you know, put your right hand on the stone of the spear... that's the end of it. Hold there, open your left hand for about a meter and grip the spear horizontally.

And it's like stretching your spine and dropping your hips and putting your jaw on your left shoulder and turning in my direction. "

Shirley took the stand, as explained in the near left, but the spiciness of his posture distorted his face into pain.

"Shirley, your pretty face is distorted by pain. Then I'll explain the technique and practice in the future. Oh, just stay in that position."

Shirley at that time, from the joy of saying he had been freed for a moment, was again dropped into despair, and still managed to smile, as he had said near left.

Well, you have more guts than I thought. My dos souls are on fire.

So he took the flue out of his nostrils, and said, smoking.

"A spear is nothing but three actions: poking, tapping, and shoving away. But these cross spears and what they call one-sickle spears have other characteristics... legs, they're trembling. And don't forget to smile.

Let's keep going. So, there are other features, but it's a slashing, pull slashing motion.

Well, that's quicker to see... Kiyoshin, grab a wooden knife and set it up against me. Hey, Pandora. "

Pandora threw a wooden knife and a practice cross spear at the two of them, and left and near stood as Shirley stood.

"My lord, is your left foot okay!

To Kiyoshin, who said so by accident, he smiled and said something surprising.

"I don't know how to step on it, so I might hit it without being able to stop it. That's why I asked you to do it."


"Give it up. I want to see Pandora in uniform, but I'm here to punish you."

"No, not with such impure motives..."

"Poke first!

The proximal left poke that said so stopped in front of Kiyoshin, who did not know when he was poked.


Surprising voices arose around him, and Changheng was also surprised. For everyone could not see in the thrust made by the left proximity, which was bad for his left foot.

All right, my left leg is a little hard to move, but no pain.

And then the left proximity in good shape, one after the other, shows off his moves.

"This is the slap, this is the slap, this is the slap. And this is what I'm gonna pull off."

And it came to pass at the end, that the leg of Kiyoshin was pulled down by the sickle.

As laughter echoed around him, Shirley's knee was when he approached his earliest limit. Shirley collapsed in the nearest left-hand phrase, "You can rest now."

"What do you say, was it hard?

"Not yet, I'm fine..."

This guy's guts are what I want someone to apprentice.

With that in mind, the left proximity sees Pandora as chilling, but Pandora, who perceived it, defied his gaze.

Oh, I know, so you turned your eyes away. Well, good, now we have Shirley's policy.

"Well, for starters, you're good.

Keep doing this every day until you're convinced... you'll be strong enough to keep going. If you skip a day, you'll be weak for three days.

And the sword is forbidden until I give my permission in the future. Fight with your spears alone even during the simulated battle of physical education, and knock yourself into what you are not good at with your spears. Next, practice how to move. "


That said, Shirley's eyes were filled with powerful will.

From this day on, Shirley practiced spears with all her heart, adhering to the teachings of the left and the near, to the point of her stupidity.

And the left-hand side ordered Pandora to design and invent something to Kossoli, Shirley and Faye.

Pandora was surprised at first, but understood that the two had grown up to be brave enough to use black smoke armor wrapped around space transfer smoke like armor.

And on that night the left and near received a call from the morning court. "The next Saturday morning, bring all my wives in," he said.

For a moment, I thought it was about the Union membership of the Kingdom of Fresia, but I don't know what it means to take my wife.

I don't know, but I admitted to the left that something had happened, and the next day I thought about Lana and Cecily, who were pregnant, and I moved in and out of space at once.

Suddenly because of the space transfer inward and backward, Zhengsheng came in and said, even though the guard samurai told him to be mildly foolish, the left-hand side rented a room to change.

"Kiyohiro, you're ready, come on. I've also got a chair for you, so Lana and Cecily, weighing in, will you please sit down there?

Because when you sit on the floor with that body, it's hard if anything happens to your belly child. "

"I'm sorry... with that said, you never complain about Lana today, do you?

Usually, I hate coming in like this... is something wrong?

"Hey, nothing... really"

Lana said so, her eyes were swimming completely.

... You're hiding something.

(Hey, Massei! Lana, what are you hiding?

... this guy is out of skill.

Though I think so, the left proximity is during the sight with the guidance of Massei. When they were passed through the so-called Minister, there were two ministers, Kanbai and the Minister of State, with two chairs in the middle.

So, Lana and Cecily, you mean sit down? But there are no left or right ministers, no interior ministers, no ministerial statements... what the hell is this situation?

And when the left-handed men sat in doubt, and waited, they felt the sign of someone entering beyond the curtain, and those on the spot lay down flat.

And when all those who felt the emperor sat raised their heads, there was also someone sitting next to the emperor.

To say that the Empress is here too... I don't know what that means anymore. But why is the Empress wearing a hat?

It was not the emperor, but the confession, who talked to the left-hand side who thought so.

"Today, I asked the lake countries to enter, nothing else. You've already heard the story about the accession of the Fresian kingdom to the Union, if it's a lake country, right?

Oh, I knew it was about the Fresian kingdom. But it was normal for emperors not to speak directly... Lately I just talked to him in person and forgot.

But if you're sick, I'll have to do it instead, and, well, is this normal?... weirdly, that's too suspicious for me.

"Yes, I already know"

"So what do you think of Lakes Fresias Garcia, king of the kingdom of Fresia?

It's about the lake country, that's all I've been looking into. Let me hear it. "

Hey, Golimaccio. What do you think people are? Well, that would be good, talk about Lord Shingen's person rating.

"Yes, that King Lakes Fresias Garcia would be a beast with a beautiful head that I would never let anyone get used to. If you put it in your nostrils, they'll eat you at some point.

And when it comes to mastering the minister's popularity, he demonstrates his power terribly. People are castles, people are stonewalls, people are moats, compassion is allies, enemies, and you put talent first. "

In those words Kanbai and the minister meditated for a while, and said:

"Then Lake Country, I ask you frankly...... can you win?

Really, this Golimaccio is a direct ball every time.

"Honestly, I can't say anything about the current situation where there is no information about the military uniforms, etc. of the Fresian Kingdom. But given that Lakes individual's tactics and ability to strategize, there's a ten to eighty-nine chance of losing."

And all those on the spot were astonished by the word near the left, but Seiko heard it even further, near the left.

"Everyone acknowledges the talent of the Battle of the Lake Country as one of the best in the Luthai Empire. If that lake country doesn't win, can't everyone win...... and why?

"The reason is simple. Because King Lakes is one of two men who slapped me into tactics.

The other one who stays, by the way, is in the kingdom of Fresia. Fight properly, I don't think you can win. "

The words were shocking to all those on the spot, but Seikai said with a niggling grin.

"But not ten out of ten. That's right, the lake country, right?

And the smile of his whisper was as if he had moved, and he said with a smile in his left hand.

"Right, I've grown up since then, too. If you could win, that would be the part.

Besides, the stronger the opponent, the funnier. "

And it came to pass that the shadow that was sitting next to the emperor was trembling in small pieces, when the left-hand side was clear.

I wonder what it is? The usual queen, I'm calm...

That's what Sekiko said with a smile.

"O lake kingdom, your lord is surely the blood of the warriors of the Luthai is out thick."

"That said, His Highness Kanbai is also in Kanbai's position, but like me."

When Left and Near said so, Kanbai and Left and Near smiled, and the Minister of State and Zhengcheng put their hands between their eyebrows, not to mention that their heads ached.

These two are too similar to what I said. And at times like this, I think you're definitely going to talk to me...

That's what I think. A sense of authenticity will come to pass. Near left smiled and said something surprising.

"Well, I'm confident in tactics, but there are more than me, the best wise men in the empire when it comes to strategy. Wouldn't you sit down... hey buddy"

Admiral Left, tell me what to do.

Damn, these two...

With that in mind, the machines at the head of the orthodox were spinning at high speeds and contemplating various possibilities. And Massei came to one conclusion.

"Rumors amongst Council members suggest that the roots of the Kingdom of Fresia surely grasp the hearts and minds of each Head of State and that Union membership is certain. So this time, let's use the matter the other way around.

If the Kingdom of Fresia wants to join, you just have to let it join. And you lock it in a cage that says federation in your nostalgia.

The Allied Coalition forces now have weapons, such as artillery, that gradually penetrate. The weapon is very good, but for the kingdom of Fresia it will be a forbidden fruit "

"Forbidden fruit?

It was the Minister of State who said so.

"Yes, once eaten, a forbidden fruit that cannot be stopped. Perhaps the Lake Country thought that this was the case, and they took the treatment that they had said before.

All of the important things about new weapons, such as artillery, are gunpowder, and without that gunpowder, all of the new weapons will be just scraps of iron.

And that gunpowder raw material is handled by the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce, which is run by the direct reports of the Lake Nation. And it is only in Valchia that you are manufacturing the ammunition you consume.

If there is anything wrong with the kingdom of Fresia, just stop that ammunition and wait for it to dry up eventually.

All of the new weapons in the coalition are awesome in their power, and once incorporated into the army, it is psychologically impossible to return them to their original inferior weapons. So far, the power of the new weapon is tremendous, just the fruit of the forbidden.

And to keep the coalition from moving on its own, let's also put the veto of the head of the coalition in a new Eastern Union charter when moving the army. That way, the Allied forces will be free. The Fresian kingdom will not be able to move.

Well, the lake country tells me that power will be concentrated, but the lake country hates power the most in the world. Everyone will be convinced that the dream is Nassau's mansion, with its leisurely hidden life and the one you're after if there's a gap. "


No, there, I don't think they're all 'ooh!'.

Yes, it was near the left where I was going to put the scratch, but the explanation of Massei went on even further.

"Of course, I shall say that this Charter applies only to the Lake States. For whoever is ambitious in the next hundred years or a thousand years may become a coalition marshal.

But it is only for the Kingdom of Fresia to sit down if it has an evil heart. The first stage is to show the Allied forces force and keep them on their feet so that they don't last.

The second stage is to prevent takeover and show the Fresian kingdom that it has little flavor, even when it comes to fighting other countries. You think if you go to war with another country and destroy an enemy country, you will rule the territory divided?

Then, in the third stage, enact the right of veto, etc. of the Lake State. After that, we'll see what happens in the Fresian kingdom. "

I see. Think about being good at it. Indeed, if it were to be divided and governed, it would not be the property of the whole kingdom of Fresia, so the flavour would disappear, and the other nations of the Union would hate the territory that would be like such a mosaic.

I said, because I am investing in coalition forces, I should not like to lose the flavor of saying territory to victory because of it.

However, this measure has a dangerous side… even if it is attacked, we cannot destroy the enemy countries from here. Such a defence-only battle is tight and difficult. Anyway, more than an enemy nation exists, because if we don't stop there, we'll be attacked as many times as we can.

Besides, in that measure, territorial negotiations become important, but do we now subscribe to the idea of authenticity?

"That's right, General Left. I agree with that."

And when he said unto him, Seibei said as he stroked his long beard.

"But at this stage, it's possible that the measures will be noticed. Letting go of two tactical masters of the Lake Country can be quite painful not only for my Luthai Empire but also for the Eastern Union.

Therefore, let us accept the story of the Kingdom of Fresia, the Ruthai Empire. Lake country, welcome the princess of the kingdom of Fresia to your wife. "

"Really... there's no way you can be convinced! In the first place, I am just a great guarantor of the Luthai Empire. I don't know what to say in front of the Empress, but normally it's common sense to enter the Emperor!

... Is that it? Princess of the kingdom of Fresia for sure... yes, Vi... wait a minute please "

And when he said so, he was seriously troubled.

Wait a minute. Tea enters the emperor like this... good man, but no wow. There really isn't. Wow.

I said, I'll put you in my superiors... No. Wow. Especially when you put it in that Minister of State or something, and every night there's tea in that horny jizzy... no, the killing is boiling.

But if it's a masterpiece... no. If a man with such divine moves did tea every night...... yeah, I can definitely just imagine and kill him.

If you think about it, you're just gonna get hit by another guy, but I probably don't want to go kill Soitz.

Oh, wait a minute. Why don't we just say no to the marriage between the Empire and the Fresian kingdom? Where I don't know, if the teas make you happy, it's a good story.

But hey, if I join the coalition, I'll definitely come in my ear... but here, let's haunt my heart.

"Well, I didn't tell you the story..."


Damn - that Golimaccio.

That's what the Minister of State said with an uncomfortable grin in front of him.

"Well, my lord, the lake country hates it, and here, spare my face, won't you forgive me?

Oh, Tanuki, you're a jerk! Next time, I'll call you Master Big Danuki.

The near-left thought of that will soon collapse.

"Well, the lake country will do whatever it takes to get us through, so the lake country will do something to the morning court. For example, I'd like to offer Keith Wood to the court."

Are you serious? You mean put Keith in the courtyard!

Well, Tanuki Oyaji and Keith are friends of the dog monkeys, but there are places where we recognize each other's abilities. Even though you're young, that internal affairs ability, it's out of the blue.

But he belongs to the Sakura family. No, it's also the foundation of Valchia.

Keith's gone, imagine Valkia. My ministers are all brain muscles... they collapse... they collapse completely...

"No, just that Keith, won't you give me a break?

Besides, you're not like me and the princess, and all of a sudden, your wives won't like it. Let's say it's sweet, but I don't like what my wives do... "

"The Sakura family will accept that story."

And it was Iris who lay down, saying so.

Unexpectedly looking back, in the near left eye, all four had their heads bowed, and Iris said it on his behalf.

"For the Sakura family, Keith is exactly who you need. Besides, why do we, the subjects of the Empire, object to the decision made by the Luthai Empire in the first place?

On behalf of this indecisive husband, his wife, Sakura Left Kyojin Iris, will take over, and his thoughts will be the same for the other three wives. "

"That's right. Lake country, what do we do?

Fucking Golimacho... you can't say no. But maybe this would have been a good idea if the other guys had taken the tea.

"Yes, I did. Let's embrace the marriage of the princess of the Fresian kingdom."

And it came to pass, when the left hand approached him, that Seibei smiled and said unto the emperor.

"Now we can be a sunny couple. Good for you, Lord Vina."


And it came to pass, and behold, the curtain in front of her near left eye rose, and Vina sat in the seat of the queen next to the emperor.

"I got it! You framed me for all of us!

Near the left, which stood up unexpectedly, Sekiko yelled.

"Stupid! This place is gonna be inland! It is not the departure of the Lord. Watch your mouth!

Besides, it would be natural for a mother of beads to take everyone's side!... Besides, it's a lake country. You must really love Lord Vina.

I thought about Lord Vina so much that if you married someone you knew, you would kill them. "

In those words, near left, when he glanced at Massei, Massei immediately turned away.

This guy used his skills to pass on the voice of my heart to the rest of them... Shit, you didn't say anything about Golimacho or Tanuki Oyaji.

Near left that thought, the emperor said a nostalgic word for the near left and for the tea.

"The lake country...... no, it's a boom. In the future, I want to make this country a free country where anyone can be with someone they loved freely, regardless of their status.

So, Kiyohiro, be husband and wife to Lord Vina. "

... Oh my God, I can't believe the Emperor said the same thing about Shunqing. Master Shunqing may be telling us to be married again from the afterlife.

Near and far on this day, he accepted the word of the emperor and once again accepted that Vina would be a tea and a wife.

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