Another Life

Guarantee of life

Damn it! Dear Babysitter, what's "naked dating is best when you say so"? After all, when Iris and the three of us slept together, the teas blushed and Iris lit up, and nothing could have been done.

With that said, I feel like I haven't seen a lit tea in a long time... I miss it.

With that in mind, Bernard knocked on his desk and said, although it was close to the left that could make sense of yesterday's events.

"Come on, you ask me seriously, my Marshal!

"Oh, I'm sorry... so the point is, before anyone else, you can call me by my current name, right?

And when he said so, he smiled, and Bernard said as if he were frightened.

"That being said, you have long been a bad habit of saying" the point is "something and only asking the main points..."

Vina was also laughing bitterly as the sermon went on.

Early Saturday morning, July 1, A.D., the day we head to the Kingdom of Fresia. Near left and Vina were in a room with no one from Bernard, having a light meeting before they left.

According to Bernard, the thing about the one called Crest was explained not by the name of a previous life, but by the name of this world, etc., but in the nearest left head, it was full of what Iris and Vina slept together last night, and I only heard the main point.

The left-hand side tried to sleep with Iris and Vina first, the night before yesterday, as prophesied by the Administrator, but Vina and Iris lit up and ended up with the three of them in their bedtime clothes, really just going to sleep.

"So, who else is planning to come?

And when Bernard, who was disturbed to say so, asked him near the left, the answer to the left was astonishing.

"The truth is, I tried to only take Chloe, but it seemed kind of protectively bad, and I ended up taking all four Ravens. Sorry... yeah, Bernard."

In those words, Vina, Bernard and Kenny became serious expressions.

Raven... because of their strength, those who are out of the law in the Union. Whoever you ask, you didn't tell me about him. I'll see those people today.

With that interest, a knocked door rang in Vina's ear, which was bouncing her chest, and Busty came in.

"Excuse me. Dear Miyagi, everything is ready. I'm a princess schoolmate, so I'll give you the pool cleaning instructions and the swimsuit."

"Whoa, Busty. I need you to babysit those kids."

To the close-left saying so, when Busty smiled and thanked him, instead he came into the room, wearing a cape with wings, Pandora in military uniform and four people, Chloe, Mom and Testa.

"Huh? Pandora?

Before Vina, who said it by accident, Pandora and the others knelt.

"Colonel Pandora, Sakura Left Gatekeeper. Lieutenant Colonel Testa. Major Sonia Vishuk. More than four of Major Chloe Meisner will be following the protection of His Excellency Marshal Sakura and Lady Vina today.

Nice to meet you, mother. "

That is what Vina asked Pandora, smiling.

"Hey, Pandora. Are you sure you're Raven?

In the first place, Mr. Chloe is Kiyoshi's secretary, right? If you're in Testa, you're a maid... why?

Yeah, you're totally panicking. Oh, are the gladiators the same?

"Well, as for Raven, because he hides that identity and usually does a different job"

"No, it's the main business over there, and this one's a part-time job, right?

That's what I said, Mom.

"Yeah, that's just my mom. Well, let's not dare go. I heard it's cold over there, so it's winter clothes and it's hot."

When Bernard nodded to the left-hand word, which overflowed with stupidity, Kenny opened his spatial transition to the kingdom of Fresia.


When the left-hand proximates exited the space transfer, it was a room made of stone and wood, warm thanks to the lavish fireplace, but the air was dry and the scent of winter approached.

That's a totally southern hemisphere.

That's what I thought. Near left, when Vina and the others left first, my mom whispered to me.

"Hey, close left. Please set up a meeting with a leading nobleman."

After all, is that why we've come so far together?

"I can't vouch for you, but just selling your face would be worth following, wouldn't it?


And it came to pass, when her mother smiled, that a soldier came and said,

"Thank you for waiting. This way, Your Majesty is waiting for you."

And the left ones, who had been prompted to do so, left the room.

In the long cobblestone corridor, the elf soldiers lined up at equal intervals as if to intimidate the left-hand proximates and did not make it slight. Others would have felt intimidated by their appearance, but the left-hand men walked as if they enjoyed it.

Soldiers in this country, who were lined up, used metal only for their helmets and caged hands; the others were leather armor. The shield was also made of wood, which tells the story of the fact that the Fresian kingdom produces little iron.

I see. You mean the Fresian kingdom can barely take iron?

Metal, too, is not steel or alloy, just metal. The teas were clothes of hemp fabric when we met, and the level of civilization, you mean, falls quite a bit?

That is what he thinks: when he stood in front of the large door, he heard a loud voice from inside, and the door slowly opened.

"It's the Eastern Union, the United Nations forces, Sakura Kuen Daikanya Kiyoshi, and the Ravens!

With that said, beyond the open door, on a long, red carpet that runs from door to throne, elves on both sides that would probably be heavy ministers.

And one step up is Vina and Lucio. And one step up, next to Lakes, who was sitting on the throne, was Queen Rudia.

Lord Oyaji... the way he sat on his cheek cane in his spare time, his gaze as sharp as a tiger hasn't changed a thing. But maybe the queen next door is staring at me funny and hostile.

With that in mind, the grinning left proximity walked out using the cane as it was, and Pandora and the others followed.

As the left-hand men entered, the obvious intent wrapped the left-hand men.

"What was Raven, a woman?

"Such a child? Unbelievable."

"That man is the head of the coalition... too young"

You don't believe anyone...... well, there's no choice.

With that in mind, the left-hand men said graciously that they would proceed to the front of Lakes.

Long time no see, Lord Oyaji.

In those words, Bernard entered his sight with a chill holding his head as to what the explanation had been until now, and the left proximity was also fun.

And Lakes said, laughing, as if it were fun.

"Gahahaha! Near left. It doesn't change. No, have you changed your face a little?

"Since then, let us be men. Well, there seems to be a lot going on with each other... Shall I introduce myself to you first?

I was introduced to you earlier, Mr. Sakura Kuen Daihan, and I'm sitting with Marshal Kiyohiro. And to refrain here is my daughter Colonel Sakura Left Guard Gatekeeper Pandora, his lieutenants Lieutenant Colonel Testa, Major Sonia Vishuk and Major Chloe Meisner, who will sit in Raven as you can see. "

In his near-left words, while the blurring occurred, Lakes looked closely at the near-left and said:

"I am King Lakes Fresias Garcia. Next door is his wife, Queen Rudia. And downstairs is my son, Prince Lucio, and Vina's brother.

Today, I thank you for accepting my daughter's marriage to Vina. What do you think, you like Vina?

"Like it or nothing, you know? Even if I am reborn, I will sit with you as the woman you want to be."

Vina was rather shy, on the other hand, of what she thought she missed when she said nothing embarrassing about it.

Then came forth a young elf from the rear of the left-handed ones, saying graciously.

"That marriage, please wait! My Lady Vina and I had already loved each other and promised to marry each other.

Your Majesty, please reconsider!

The words brightened the expression of Queen Rudia, and Vina's expression was "Huh? He said," You have a look. "

Well, what's this supposed to say?

With that in mind, when the left and near stare at Vina, Vina shakes her head as if she didn't know.

To say that you don't know the teas is to say that the queen has set you up in a better mood there.

"Well, what did you say? Your Majesty."

Yes, near left, not Lord Oyaji, but His Majesty the King. If you have a complaint, you let go of the killing spirit that you can kill everyone in this room.

"Well, you're weak..."

That's what Lakes said, he shut up.

You're riding the queen, you jerk.

With that in mind, a nostalgic laugh was heard near the left, and a man emerged with a splendid mustache in red metal armor, rare in this country.

"Hahahaha! Never mind, left close"

"The Sanro Garrison..."

Mommy didn't miss the voice she whispered.

Seriously. That's what the left-hand man said before, Lord Sanro... is that that Lakes is the king and that elf, the left-hand man of tactics?

So said Lamb, who turned his arm around his left shoulder in front of his mother.

"That man, say Miguel Ursch, is the son of Count Rogel Ursch there. I've been in love with Vina for a long time... you know how that feels too, don't you?

But don't worry. Vina's feelings are yours alone... forget it. "

That being said, it was a ram that tried to tap lightly on the chest near the left and leave nothing to happen on the spot, but Lakes' answer was different.

"... Miguel, it's up to you"

And Miguel smiled, and pulled out the sword of his hips, and slashed him near the left, saith Lakes.

/(n) time actor/

/(n) time actor/

At that moment, time stopped, and Pandora quickly stood near left, and took the back of Lakes. And the moment the time moved, Miguel clasped with the dry sound of Pan, and Pandora's sword was pressed from behind on Lakes' neck.

"Well, what did you say about this? If you're in a fight, I'll be happy to buy this Sakura Kuen Daiichi Kiyohiro!

That was the near left I said and looked back, but the moment the others saw Lakes, at some point they noticed Pandora pressing a knife against the neck muscle, and were so surprised that they couldn't even speak.

Near left, he looked back, and turned toward Miguel, and raised Miguel's jaw with his staff.

"You thought you could kill me?

Its near-left eye was so cold that Miguel, frightened by the fear of death, probably wanted to say "help," but was not in his voice.

You're a kid. Something's gone wrong.

When Near Left thought so, the moment the soldiers of the guard came in, the soldiers were finely cut in an instant, and when Mom stood up, they lit the cigar.

And when he breathed out the smoke, he said to Lakes with a sharp eye.

"Is this the welcome of the Fresian kingdom?

Unfortunately, this is a declaration of war in the Union... are you selling us a fight?

Oh, yeah, yeah. The prince and queen there better not move either. My elves are after me with bows and arrows.

This kid's been on the Marshal's side for a long time, and he's a guardian, but he won't hesitate to let anyone go. "

When Rudia said that, looking in Chloe's direction, Chloe had already targeted the two men with bows and arrows, and Testa warned Kenny with a large reaper sickle.

Exactly, when Vina went to the nearest left in the one-touch air, she slapped the nearest left cheek.

The sound of Pern echoed in silence, and Vina said to the left.

"I'm not serious about fighting, but I'm not telling you that! Pandora, come down from there!

And when Pandora was distracted by the event and the words, and went down with her sword, Vina glanced at Lakes and Rudia, and said,

"Father, Mother. I can't stand to do this to someone I love anymore.

Thank you so much for your help so far, Vina will be cutting off the edge of her parents and children from today on, and will live with Kiyoshi!

So he withdrew his left hand, and tried to leave, but the left hand did not move, and drew Vina nearby, and said in his ear.

"Well, wait."

Without even turning to the words, it was the moment when Vina stopped pitifully, when Lakes finally opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Vina. Give up Rudia too...... you want to fight someone like this?

Let's say it's clear. They can easily destroy this country with this force.

When Rudia nodded silently over and over again, either losing the look of Lakes' eyes when he said so, Lakes smiled and said to his left.

"Thank you for waiting, is this okay, my son-in-law?

Hey, somebody get Miguel to the doctor and get rid of the body!

Well, the queen's against marriage anyway, and this kid, he's probably just been burned, but what's Lord Oyaji thinking?

Well, good. Do you want to take this opportunity to bring up Elena?

"I don't care what you think about this one, did you see that your queen was after my life and that Her Majesty the King also agreed to it? Are you going to say no apologies, no apologies?

Now, I can't sleep with you every night because I've been targeted for my life by someone close to me. "

To the left-hand man who said so evilly, Pandora and the others still looked at him who said yes, and Vina's face blued for a moment, but his grasping left hand was somewhere gentle, and he looked back at Lakes with the certainty that this was absolutely something.

"... what do you want?

That's right, it's Lakes. Near left, Lakes thought he was up to something, told him to say what he wanted, without being a bad smallworker.

But the next word on the left was surprised that Lakes didn't even imagine it.

"Guarantee of the life of Elena Grenacis Galleria, former princess of the Kingdom of Galleria"

Obviously, within the venue where they bothered, Rudia and Lucio were so surprised that they couldn't even speak.

But in that, Lakes said, elbowed.

"What if I don't vouch for my life?

"Well, I will kill all of you here and destroy this country. Protect the former Princess Elena... this is not only the Sakura family, but also the will of the Emperor Luthai."

"What's the reason?

"That's because Elena is a benefactor to my life. The vampire bit me and stabbed me in the stomach with a knife, but thanks to the drugs Elena developed and the fact that she kept me hidden, she has me now. It would be natural to protect the lives of such women.

Besides, my emperor is very impressed with Elena's medicine and assists with the funds. There is no guilt whatsoever in killing anyone who tries to disturb the will of the Emperor or who targets the life of a benefactor of life, and I am rather proud of you. "

To the words, those around him paid attention to the words of Lakes. Because whether Lakes refuses or admits it determines the future of this country.

And I was wondering if everyone would admit it, but Lakes' words were different.

"That's it, you're weak. Even this one, I have no face."

Oh, come on, that's it in this situation. You're finding out that I don't really want to fight this.

"Let's do this, then. Elena will not make contact with the Kingdom of Fresia in the future, nor will she be hostile. Guaranteed by the Sakura family and the Ruthai Empire.

Besides, if the kingdom of Fresia wants Elena's medicine, let the Hanza Chamber of Commerce I know mediate. If it weren't for that medicine, that kid Miguel would be dead. So, why don't you hit your hand?

Come on, how about this? The concern in the case of Elena in the Kingdom of Fresia is the aid of some country… The worst part is that the Kingdom of Emburg is going to celebrate Elena and attack the Kingdom of Fresia.

Since it has only been two years since the founding of the country, there are still people in the country who have pledged their allegiance to the former kingdom.

That's what I thought, but Lakes' answer was unexpected.

"... you're still weak"

You fucking twitch. No more, no more.

"Okay, that's good enough. I gave in so far, I refused, and the negotiations are over."

"My lord, what shall we do? Do you want to kill them all?

So when my mother lit the cigar, and stared at the nobles and the chief ministers, they could not move like a frog caught in a serpent.

"No, you don't have to. Anyway, anyone with a crest called Crest will take over his body and kill all the others.

Are you sure it's seven... Well, Vina, I'm gonna help you, so there's six of us left. There were three last time, so I'm ready to kill six people who were just double taken over.

Yes, yes, Your Majesty. You believe in rebirth… unfortunately, rebirth is no longer (...). Now the eternal suffering is confirmed. "

The proximity to the left, pointing and saying so, held Vina's shoulder strongly, and when they opened the spatial transition, Pandora and the others tried to go back and say so, that was when.

"Wait! That's what I said!

Lakes, for the first time in a hurry, stopped close to his left.

And it came to pass in those words, that the left hand side stopped and looked back, and said unto Lakes,

"This is exactly what drowning in a ruse, Your Majesty.

You mowed and abandoned only one last hope in the world with your own hands. Well, you just have to live your last life in a meaningful way until they take over... I'm not willing to help anymore. "

So Bernard came out before the left proximity, about to enter the space transfer, and said, "Exactly.

"Near left, please! Good old days, Your Majesty... help us all!

"Bernard. The ugly imitation, stop"

That's what Lakes said, but Bernard said it without stopping.

"No, I won't stop! My brother was in Lake City. So my brother told me everything!

And when he saw Bernard's eyes, he said, Quietly.

"Everybody stay back for a while. The escort is good for three: Kenny, Lamb and Nick."

With the words, the others leave, leaking their grievances. Near left asked my mom and testa to keep an eye on me in front of the door so that no one could enter this room.

Testa and Mom stood straight at the entrance to the hallway room and watched no one enter, in a quiet room, Lakes said.

"Well, Bernard. Translate."

"Recently, I was able to meet my brother, Yuanta Maida Nobuna, again in this world. But his brother was badly injured, and he said this injury fought angels and reapers and was done.

That crest is a testament to the vessel, so to speak, that an angel can have flesh in this world. If you are from this world, you say that the connection between the soul and the flesh is strong, and it is impossible to separate angels alone, so you have reincarnated the soul from the other world into this world, giving it a strong flesh and turning it into a vessel. "

"... any certainty that the story is true? What's the purpose of that angel? What does Reaper have to do with this?

"The confirmation is that my brother also seemed to have a crest at first, but he asked me to turn it off near this left. Purpose…"

"It's the annihilation of all living things from this world."

And when he said so, he turned to Lakes.

"Let me talk to you.

God has a lot of work to do, and he left it to the angels to watch over this world. But the men of this world were slaughtering, plundering, and destroying one another.

So the angels, who thought there was nothing they could do, planned to kill all the creatures of this world and turn it into a new world. But here, there was a problem.

In order for the angels to descend into this world, they need flesh to be vessels. So, as Joyful Soldier just said, he reincarnated another soul from another world. But from another world, it's impossible for angels alone to reincarnate into this world.

So the angel drew a few of the Reapers to his side and reincarnated them from the previous world.

And angels with flesh never die, and all wounds regenerate. Besides, magic, power, power, and movement are different digits and can be moved instantaneously.

The only one who can kill me and the four others are all Luthai... yes, the soul that was in front of the flesh that became the vessel drifts into this world forever, until its angel dies, and is distressed and insane. Well, if we're lucky enough to meet an angel, I'll kill him, so you're gonna have to taste the pain and the doings until then.

Of course, I don't want the tea to do that, so I'll let you go.

That's why, Happy Soldier. I'm sorry... but if you're coming to the Luthai Empire, I'll be happy to help you "

"How can you be the only one who can do that? How do you know that?

"That's because I'm God's use... I don't really remember being. Well, now I'm doing that in exchange for all sorts of conditions.

Besides, this is my third life, and it's only been a little over a year since I've been in this world. Life expectancy is eternal... and I really wanted to live in hiding somewhere.

Yeah, well, the only people God has officially brought into this world are the four of us who let me in, and this is all Luthai, too. Other than that, everyone calls it an angel vessel.

Oh, you don't have to believe anything... you just have to regret it in pain and leave the world alone forever "

And when he had said so, he smiled like a devil, and pointed to Lakes.

But Vina said in her ear, near left, whether she still had hope.

"Um, Master Kiyoshi. Seriously... So, no, right?

"I mean it. I reached out to help. But Lord Oyaji refused to do so.

Well, sure, I don't think it's bad for Lord Samurai or His Highness. But as a result of serving a foolish master, you will have no regrets... but if you are coming to the Luthai Empire, let's help.

But not that Lord Oyaji. I will also waste useful information on this, not the old Lord Oyaji, just the Dark Lord.

Such a dark man would only destroy the country if left alone. It's not worth saving... Let's go. "

Bernard shouted with his forehead on the floor as the left proximity said so opened the space transfer again.

"Near left! I, in the previous world, was delighted with your abandoned pawn... I owe you that time, now!

Do you want to use it here? I can't help it.

And he said unto the left hand, his head bolted, and he turned to the direction of Lakes.

"Now, let the minister get this far, and you're really gonna ruin your last chance?

In his closest words, Lakes said, with all his strength in his fist.

"... okay... let's acknowledge the earlier conditions..."

So said Leix, but the left hand side smiled like a devil.

"Still, you're weak. If Elena dies scratched in the future, even if it's an accident, whatever it is, it's all your fault, Fresian kingdom.

You turned down the terms I gave you once. So, I think I've given back all my previous life's favors.

This time, I spared the face of the gladiators, and this is how I stopped pulling and renegotiated where I would leave them. You were ready for this, right?

Hey, what's up? Again, do you want to send the samuro soldier or pick up the lord? Then again, I'm not human enough to be turned down twice or three times and negotiate with guts. "

"... ok, that would be good"

All right, broken. That's another breath here.

"Write it down in your testimony. If there's anything different, I'll always return the crest and send the information to the enemy angels... you know what I mean?

"Oh, I know... but close to the left. Is your guarantee okay?

Good, I put in the hatchet, but I didn't find out.

"That's fine. The joy of exchanging lives with Lord Shingen Takeda. Why should I bother to abandon it?

The stronger the opponent, the funnier the fight is. That hasn't changed anything for a long time. "

And when he heard the word, he laughed and laughed.

"You were. You haven't changed anything in a long time... are these two reincarnated?

"No way. I know everything about my family, including my daughter Pandora, and Chloe is my secretary, so I know some of them all the time.

Consolidating the abdominal heart only with the reborn would be called the pinnacle of foolishness. "

And when he heard the word, Lakes realized that he had never made a belly, except for the one who had been reborn.

I didn't expect you to be reminded near left... and not yet, either.

That's what Lakes thought, he called the others in again, and promised Elena's life assurance in front of everyone, and he wrote the testimony and gave it near left.

And when you say the left proximity is a knot, get testa ready, and line it up in front of Lakes, everyone's surprised, "Oh! I could only say."

The knotted products are a huge number of silk, armor, large and small knives, gold, silver, platinum, glass, etc., all of which are delicacies chosen by Busty.

Exactly, when she was given this many items, Queen Rudia was in a better mood and admitted to marrying Near Left and Vina, and Lucio was surprised by the financial strength of the Sakura family.

And it was the left-hand men who had returned with Vina to the modem, but Mama, who sat on the couch, saw Vina's face and said to Chloe.

"Hey, have you seen Vina anywhere? Somewhere... No, does he look like someone?

"In Master Pearl?

"That's right, it's a bead... hmm? I don't think so, but the guy near left..."

Chloe struck me in the ear when I said that and felt something.

"That's right. Master Vina is the mother of the fruit of Master Pearl.

I didn't know we were really alive, either. Well, I can't tell you how convinced I am that you've decided to die, that the Queen's wrath, that you know His Majesty the Kings, right?

"That's right. If you ask me, the king is like a master of left-hand tactics or something.

Made it with my master's daughter, and even made it into a child. Well, I can't marry any other race in this country... seems to be close to the left. I knew he was a stallion. "

And he said unto his left hand, when he saw his niggling mother.

"Hey. Something wrong?

"No, how can you be convinced that the princess, in front of so many people, said that she loved me?"


With that said, Vina remembered, her face turned red, and she looked down.

"Hahaha! Princess, you're adorable. I can see you fell in love with this left-hand man."

"I would."

So they laughed. Hiding in the shadow of the near left, and Vina blushed and hid, the door was knocked, and Lucio and Bernard came in.

And when he came in, Lucio drew near to his left, and held his hands, he said, clenching his left and near hands.

"Surprised! I didn't know my father and I were so prestigious, we could cross. You can count on your sister, Vina, to help you feel safe.

Vina has long had the habit of building walls with others. That was the same with my family...... please make Vina happy!

Lucio's eyes, who said so, were very straight, eyes that truly wished Vina happiness.

Lord Oyaji is the only one who can live in turmoil. But in the world of Tahei under heaven, the reign of those who said this would be good.

With that in mind, the left-hand side, which saw Vina illuminated behind the left-hand side, answered with a little honeycomb.

"Okay. Leave it to this Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro, brother-in-law Senior.

And please don't talk to me so much different. Can you call me "uplifting" or "left-hand"?


Okay, close left. Can you bring someone from the Hanza Chamber of Commerce to talk about medicine with the Hanza Chamber of Commerce because I have become the point of contact "

"If that's what you mean, I have Major Vishuk, the president of the Hanza Chamber of Commerce, just here, so I was wondering if I could talk to her.

And my daughter, Pandora, tapped into all my knowledge, and I know more about that new drug, so let me come with you.

Pandora, Mom. Have a business meeting with my brother-in-law, and I'll ask for testa. "

"Oh, did I? Here you go, then."

Lucio, who said so, quite intentionally, led the three of them there.

I don't know, it's weird tension.

Bernard talks to the near left who thinks so.

"This is the first time Lucio has entrusted His Majesty with a great task. I can snort that intention, too.

Near left is this way with the princess... and Major Meisner, please. "

It's my first big job, and my negotiators are my mom and Pandora... well, they suck, but maybe it's good to be resistant. If you taste Dogitsui's first, you'll be fine.

With that in mind, the left-handers followed Bernard into the door, with the engraving of a great angel written on it.

It was built around a large pond, like a garden, and in the center of the pond was a marble temple, like the Temple of Parthenon.

And as he walked to the bridge like a marble crossing leading to the temple, he went out into a space where the sun's rays were deep inside.

There were already members of the crest sitting there, including Lakes.

"Well, sit down appropriately"

And it came to pass, according to the word of Lakes, that when the left-handed men sat down properly, Lakes cut the fire.

"So what do I do to erase the engraving of an angel?

"I'll make a final confirmation before I do. Really, there's an angel engraving on everyone's body, isn't there? Otherwise, you will die..."

And when the left-hand man said so, he looked over, and they all nodded.

"Are you okay, then? Let's start with tea."

And when he had said so, he stood up, and put his hand upon Vina's forehead, and took a deep breath, and said,

"In the name of the Lord"

The moment he said so, the light blew out of Vina's blood vessels, eyes and mouth, and Vina lost her mind, and when she was about to fall, the left proximity took it gently and let her sleep quietly.

"That's it. I don't have a hobby for hugging guys, so I'm gonna take them to the wall next time, please."

To the left-hand word he said so, the others laughed bitterly, and it was that Lakes groaned as he was erasing the crest in turn.

"Those called that Raven, they were really strong.

Near left, do me a favor. I need you to work out Lucio.

He's the only heir to me. He's nervous and he can't get anything into his head when he tries to teach. "

Well, did Lord Oyaji see the strength of Raven with his own eyes and do something like that to make his successor's brother-in-law work out with respect for me?

"Oh, good Lord Oyaji."

And when he said so with a smile like the old days, he overflowed with a smile in his nostalgia.

Eventually, a left-hand discussion took place with Lakes, who realized that the celebration would be in October, when the normal council of autumn would end, and Vina, of course, but Lucio was also to be troubled by the mansion near the left for a while.

And he asked me if it was even lunch, but if the left-hand side was anyway, he came to Lake City and asked me if it was even dinner with him.

Lakes admitted for a while, "Okay," and left Kenny, all those who were Lord of Lake City, on their way.

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