Another Life

Shopping in Kyo

Early the next morning, the Lakes returned to the kingdom of Fresia, but Vina and her brothers Lucio and Bernard stayed intact to coordinate with the Union and stayed at the mansion near the left.

In a wide dining room, there were many servants who looked like they were sleeping, and not just the left-handed ones, but the fatigue of yesterday's party was still there.

Well, yesterday, everyone was in trouble, so there's no choice.

With that in mind, Lucio talked to me as he was having breakfast.

"Marshal, can I ask you a favor?

"Didn't I tell you, brother-in-law, it's good to be upbeat or near left"

"Right, well, close left. Can someone please introduce me to someone familiar with internal affairs?

Today I'd like to see Bernard and the people of Lake City actually live and study home affairs. "

I don't know, I'm motivated. Perhaps Lord Oyaji's aim was this motivation.

"Okay. If that's what you mean, let me introduce Keith, Home Secretary of the Sakura family.

Keith is young, but he is a brilliant man who divides all of this Valkyrian home affairs, so he will help.

It's Sunday, so the secretaries are off… Testa, show your brother-in-law to Keith. "

"Yes, sir."

Thank you. I'll sit down.

"No, if there's anything I can do, I'll work with you.

That's right, I'm going to the Luthai Empire today to re-dye my armor and bang feathers, but is anyone coming with me?

"Hi, hi, hi! Me, go!

You're a stable Lana.

"I am ready for the final exam…"

"... I, too, have research left"

"I'm supposed to keep Crowe while Elena's on business..."

And Iris, when he saw Chirali and Vina, said, Wiping her mouth with a fluke, even as a matter of course.

"Is it Kyo? Good, I'll be there."

"It's just Lana and Vina... Lana, don't push it too hard"

"I know. Kikka told me to walk and exercise."

Absolutely, I think it's after the stabilization period, but if I leave it, I don't know what I'm going to do, so is it safer to keep it on hand?

"Bye, Busty. Prepare armor and feathers. Yes, I'll stand up... and I'll see what the children's future armor looks like now."

In his pro-left silly speech, those around him soothed, and Cecily heard him near the left.

"That's fast-paced. I still don't know if it's a man or a woman. But stand forward. What?

"Standing forward and saying is the ornament to be attached to the helmet. It's called a statue, and it has a front stand to be attached to it, a side stand to be attached to the side, a rear stand to be attached to the back, and a head stand to be attached to the top.

Well, to put it simply, Kiyoshin's helmet came with something like a big raven ear, didn't it? That's a rear stand, yeah, do it and make it stand out on the battlefield. The samurai are a battlefield, conspicuously. "

"Really, samurai, creatures, you don't know why. If you do that, they'll be after you first."

"Lana, well don't say that. The samurai stand out and give martial arts, what is it? Life is second to none.

From the 15th of this month, I went to Tampa with Yamato of the Luthai Empire for a while. Well, it's an inspection of the exercise area and a negotiation for guardianship... anyone want to join us?

It would be easier for a woman to be with you. Oh, Lana and Cecily can't do this. I have a child in my stomach. "

At that moment, Iris and Lana were instantly in eye contact, communicating their intentions and Iris said.

"If it were Tampa, it would certainly not be Sahei's next birthplace. Chris also told Sahei's next home that he hasn't been able to go say hello, and why don't you take him?

Oh, then I might as well go with you. "

I don't know, it's a bar read... but Sahei, the next guy, he hasn't been there yet.

"Okay, Tampa, let's go with Iris. In the name of the escort, do you suppose to wear the Saheiji couple?

What will Cecil do, even go to Yamato?

"... Hot Springs"

No, I don't.

"... then I won't go"

Is that how it came?

Vina said quietly, so close to the left.

"Then Yamato is me."

Well, if it's tea, you seem to have been taught by Lord Oyaji, and can you give me an opinion?

"Then the story is settled. That's a date like going to Tampa from the 15th of this month and going to Yamato from the 11th of next month.

So, let's get ready and go to Massei's place... where can I say it's his house? Well, if you go to Kingsguard, you'll figure it out. "

Also appropriate.

In everyone's opinion, the left-hand side prepared to transfer space to Kyo.


When the left-handers moved into Kyoya, Lana said, "Come on out for a while, you two. I was waiting for you at Kyoya." He went into Kyoya.

Apparently, Lana distracted me. This unwieldy, short fuse line, but it's actually a good place for Lana to be kind.

Well, why don't you ask me where the Orthodox house is?

So I asked the gatekeeper of the Kyoya Mansion.

"I'm sorry, but do you know where General Left's mansion is?

"Is this Lord Left's mansion... I don't know, but if you're from Kingsguard, you might know.

If you're in Kingsguard, you'll be in Miike Horikawa. "

"Okay, thank you."

And when he said so, the left hand was toward the place where he was told.

From the mansion near the left in Miike, Kawaramachi, to Kingsfu, the people on the road noticed Vina walking one step closer to the left.

I am not uncomfortable because I am a Japanese garment, but I still stand out in the Luthai Empire in tea dresses. Oh, Busty's a butler's clothes, too, and stands out?

Still, can't we work this line out? Me, the teas, I'm in line with Busty and it's kind of like walking RPG... I know it's normal for the Luthai Empire back in the day and now, but that's all I've seen since I found out about RPG.

"Hey, tea. Why don't you walk with me next door?

... No, wait, why are you blushing!

At the end of the near-left gaze I said that, there was a blushing look of Vina.

No, I get it. Tea is always blushed and illuminated when you snuggle in public.

But next door, as good as walking with me, I think. Anyway, they think I'm exotic, and I don't think anyone cares.

Yes, speaking of exotics, why is this world's currency unified in Shilling? Even though it seems to be a separate unit of currency as well.

"Hey, I've been wondering why the continent's currency is unified in shillings?

For example, you could collect gold coins, change the gold content, and increase the amount of gold coins. "

It was Busty who answered that near-left question.

"A long time ago, there seemed to be a country that thought about saying that.

Normally, a demon attaches to a currency without a owner, but if you change the content of the currency and create a new currency, the demon attaches it, even if you have a owner. It was previously said by His Majesty the Demon of Freia that other currencies than barter are the same, and that if we build another currency, the devil will mount it where it came from for some reason. "

That god, I'll do something eggy inside. If they do that, they can't forge anything.

"I don't know what to say... that God's character is seeping out"

And it came to pass, laughing, that a large castle-like building was seen before them.

Is that the Kingsguard?

Leaving Vina with her left hand, Busty talked to the gatekeeper, and Busty came back and said with a slightly puzzled look.

"Well, the orange-like mansion is across the street, that townhouse."


Unexpectedly the left and Vina raised their voices and were astonished.

It should also have been natural for Massei to be the subordinate third ranking official of General Left Kingsguard, in charge of defending the Luthai Empire, in a higher rank than ordinary nobility, and normally to live in some large mansion, but Massei says that he lives in just a townhouse, like ordinary people do.

It was impossible for me to tell you to believe that.

"Let's just go and see."

And it came to pass that Busty opened the doorway when he went straight to the townhouse that he had been told.

"I'm sorry."

From behind Busty, who said so, into the near left eye was a private house with a normal sense of life, and before the still half-hearted close left, was he cooking a meal, and from the back came out a bum and a dark elf woman with dark hair.

The woman had long ears and dark elves on her brown skin, but because of her low height and young face, her age looked about thirteen years younger than Lana's, but her busty breasts, which could be seen from above the kimono, had created an unbalanced atmosphere.

"Yes, which one is it?

Are you a real woman?

That was what Busty said in a gentlemanly and graceful manner in front of his closest left eye.

"This is the owner of the Sakura family, Sakura Kuen Daikura Kiyohiro, whose neighbor will be sitting at his wife, Vina.

My name is Bastian and I am a butler (Butler) of the Sakura family... would this be a good place to stay at the residence of General Masayoshi Orange Left?

After all, Busty was a little nervous, too.

So the woman smiled at the left-hand men who thought so.

"Yeah, I am. Wait a minute, please."

So the voice of the woman went upstairs.

"Massei, you, how long have you been asleep! Come on, get out of the futon! Him naked again, I'll throw you out!

Oh, yes, there are Sakura people outside. "

"Shit, I overslept! Mother, say it quickly!

And when the voice of Masayasu was heard, there was a flutter and a sound of descending the stairs, and a full masayasu arose from his sleep.

That guy, he was a genuine mother... even she would definitely work. Oh, I envy you, Masayoshi!

Zhengcheng, close to the left who thought so, said, with his head on, still sleeping.

"Sorry, I slept with you. Well, until you prepare it, go inside and have some tea.

Mother! Excuse me, but serve me some tea and tea treats!

"Oh... sorry. But you lived in a normal townhouse."

"Oh. Everyone's going to tell me to live in a big mansion, but this is the end of the Kingsguard's eye and nose, and the big mansion is kind of uncomfortable. Well, let's go in."

"I'm sorry. Okay, sorry to bother you."

What, it's just impoverishment?

With that in mind, when the left-hand men entered the house, there was a man in his fifties reading a book like a wild samurai, completely unlike Massei.

"Hmm? Are you a genuine friend?

And it came to pass, when the man that saw them, that he sat down, bowed his head, and said,

"This is the first time I see you. My name is Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro. And this is my wife, Vina, and my Sakura family, Busty."

"Have you sat down at Kwon Dae-sen? My name is Tasuke Orange, and I am the father of Gen. Konbei Orange. And you will be sitting over there preparing your tea in the zinc of a genuine mother.

Hey, I don't think Mr. Kwon will come to a house like this. "

That's what Tasuke said and laughed brightly, but even as you looked at it, it was a bandit's laugh, and Zi said as he put the tea in front of the left-handers.

"Dear Mr. Kwon Dae-sen, If you'll excuse me, would you introduce my dra son, someone, to a woman?

My son doesn't have any experience with women, and if I leave him alone, he seems to be single all the time. Who does she really look like... "

"Really, well, all this is also a matter of how General Left feels..."

Father, mother. Zhengcheng is an amateur virgin, limited to whores, but with all her hands.

So Zi leaned next to Tasuke in front of his loving, laughing left hand.

"I think older women on the continent would be good for Massei if I could. Look, don't you say women on the continent are aggressive?

Besides, it's really nice to have a beautiful, golden-haired woman like the wife of Master Kwon. "

"And are you older?

"That's right. I want you to marry an older woman and have a happy family like ours."

Hmm?... I have a bad feeling.

"Older? Could we..."

Near to the left, they said so in the light.

"That's right. Our place is a difference in age, and we're 58 years old, but I'm 187.

I never thought I'd be with someone so young. "

At that moment, the left-hand side blew tea.

Oh, don't be afraid, Dark Elf. Totally what she looks like now, she's kidnapping a toddler girl, she only looks like a wild samurai osan, but I didn't know the toddler girl really said she was older, legal loli.

... Wait. That means Lana and the tea will stay that way... yeah, no.

When he thought so, Zhengsheng came down and told Zi.

"Mother! What are you talking about? Kiyohiro, let's go."

"Oh... Now, if you'll excuse me"

That said, the leftists left Shinji complaining about Massei in some way.

"But the parents are also in May. Slowly at home on vacation, you can't sleep."

That is what he said unto Masayasu, who walketh with stupidity, and the left and the near said with a tender face.

"Aren't you a good parent? Everybody's worried about you."

"Really? Was this what the parents of Qing Xing were like?

The moment Zhengcheng said so, when Vina turned bright blue and said in a slight voice, "Ah…", the left proximity said with a slightly sad eye.

"My parents are dead, so I don't know."

"Well, you heard something I'm sorry about. Well, there's an armor and dye shop on the West Front, so let's go."

As he walked, Zhengcheng spoke to Vina in heavenly tales.

(Dear Vina, Was this story pretty bad for Kiyohiro?

(Right. I also heard that Master Qing is killing his parents and brothers with that hand and taking over the castle......)

(Really... you heard something wrong)

Having said that, Zhengcheng acted as bright as he could and went into a single store.

Diving through the large [Xuanya] written warm curtains, inside, decorated with martial artefacts and armor, in a shop like the one that appeared in the epoch of the Edo period, when Massei sat down, a modest, well-dressed, luxurious kimono, a depressed and fat man came as he wiped his sweat by hand.

"This is General Left, welcome aboard. Oh, who are you?

You're not fat again, are you?

Here you are, Lord of Valchia, Sakura Kuen Daikura Kiyohiro, and behind you is your wife, Vina. And it's Bastian, the butler.

Today, Mr. Kwon Dae-sen brought us here to repaint the armor and ask for a new fixture. "

"Um, did you sit down as the hero of the Luthai Empire, Great Lake State Deliverance?

But not the new armor, repainting the existing armor and the new figurine… may I take a look?

Wiping the sweat, he said so, the left hand side gave Busty a signal, and Busty gave the left hand side armor out of the item box.

And when he saw his armor, he said:

"This red armor is a first-class item.

No, on the contrary, it's the first time you've seen it, it's better than a first-class product... so it's legendary. Whoever made this is only God's skill. "

That's right. 'Cause it's God made armor.

To his left, he said something astonishing.

"But this Tsugaya. Let me say it's clear, but I think it would be better to stop installing the fixture, regardless of repainting it."

"Why not?

"I checked my skills with my own eyes. This armor has as many as three skills, and mounting a figurine can damage that skill.

Exactly, all three of these armor skills are great and too wasteful.

First, this physical defense. Physical attacks that are twice as capable as normal armor and other than the skill inside will not hit you first.

And magic defense. I've never seen magic before, so I can't tell you anything, but it's got a lot on it, so like a physical attack, you won't hit a magic attack first.

Finally, this flame magic. We can't use magic. But if we wear this armor, we can probably use magic.

It's too shameful to lose such great armor skills... it's blasphemy to God to lose this "

So when he shook the hot valve, the people in the store looked in the direction of Pokémon and the others near the left.

Skills are awesome. Could this be almost similar to your appraisal skills?

But I don't have a figurine, because it's kind of cool. Well, it's the armor God gave me, and I'll figure it out.

"Well, that's good. Either way, it's a loss to rely on this armor skill."

And the sweat of the storehouse was blown out, and the storehouse wiped it by hand, and said again and again.

"So, why don't you buy a new armor?

This armored skill is so, so wasteful that I think... no merchant craftsmen in the Empire would say no. "

"Uh-huh, I don't have a lot of hands..."

And he said unto the left hand, which was troubling him, and he slapped his knee.

"Then why don't you lend me this armor for about two years?

Even if you just decorate the store, the beauty of this armor can be seen from what you see, so it will be a good publicity for this (9) store.

Instead, why don't we give Lake Country our favorite set of armor as a loan fee?

No, honestly, I'd like you to sell this armor to this store... no, no merchant anywhere in the world would be able to give such an amount. So I'd like you to at least just decorate it. "

So much, it's worth it... if I'm in trouble with the money, I guess I'll sell it.

"Well, on that condition, good, but just give it back to me for the duration of the festival in Valchia. I'll show you the armor too."

"Thank you. I'll sit down! On that condition, I'll sit down fine. Now, let me show you to the stash where the armor is stored.

Um, this armor...?

"Oh, I'll like it now, I'll exhibit it but it'll be good"

"Thank you. I'll sit down.

Hey, you're never gonna scratch one! Beautifully decorated in the most prominent spot there. Yes, grow lavish flowers on both sides and decorate them before the golden screen. "

Something tells me that if you get this far, I don't feel bad.

That's what he said with a smile on his face.

"Come on, Mr. Lake Country. I'll sit here."

Was he happy? When he said so with a smile, the left-hand side walked to Zuo about the aftermath of Zuo's shop.

When the door of the great vault was unlocked, on both sides of the dim interior lay a large shelf, decorated with several armor.

I didn't know you were decorating it instead of storing it in a box.

Though that was the case, when Tsugaya opened the window and incorporated the external light into the collection, he changed his mind.

It is true that the interior of the collection is difficult to say that it is beautiful, but every piece of armor displayed was well maintained, and it was well maintained, even to the armor that seems to be for footwear.

Well, now I know why Massei is making a fool of himself. I really like armor and armor.

Because I like it, it's my attitude toward armor earlier, and I have this displayed, well-maintained armor.

So the left hand side was somewhat happy, and he looked closely at each and every armor in line.

It was like watching a piece of art, near left looking at armor, but none of it pinned.

As the left proximity went upstairs, there was armor that was bathing the light from the window all over his body, and his left proximity eyes stopped.

That, no way!

So when the left proximity approached, Vina grabbed the left proximate arm and said:

"Dear Kiyoshi, this is not the only way"

Vina didn't have to say that either. Armor close to the left is painted black all over the body and a white beard on the black face. At the end of each part there was a red line, like the colour of blood, with an anterior stand, also of a deep red colour, like blood, in the shape of a long U-shape, which was precisely that armor worn by the last proximity left in Sekigahara.

"I know what you're trying to say... but I think this is destiny.

Next time, it's okay. I'll definitely be back. "

That's what I'm saying. The only one watching the exchange and understanding the content of the story was hearing the voices of the two minds in Heavenly Tales, Massei.

Right, Kiyohiro wore the same armor as this and left Mr. Vina to die... that Vina won't like.

So Zhengcheng saw the armor next door and said:

"Kiyohiro, how's the armor over here? It's an old shape, but I think it tastes good."

That is what he said, and desperately turned the story away, but the left hand side was the right side, and he spoke out.

"Well, I don't know what to say, the next time I don't win wearing this, I'll drag you even as I lose. Well, that's a kind of trauma overcoming.

It'll be hard, but bear with me. "

That's what I said and gently hugged Vina. Near the left, Zhengsheng swore to his heart, "I will never, ever help you again".

Well, shall I do the appraisal for once?

Name: Ceiling Helmet Black Painted Spelling Two Torso Feet Type: Armor

Skill: Physical Defense Small * * * * *

Ooh! That comes with two skills... that's pretty subtle. But if I change the details, I might be able to figure it out, and when I say no, I'll ask God to do something about it.

But what would be the second * * * * *? Well, in concurrent peace, you'll do something about it.

"Shibuya, this armor."

"Ho, are you sure it's good?

I don't know what to say about this... but the armor is a sarcastic armor that killed three people who wore it... "

Hey, don't leave that stuff there. You want to see the property?

Well, if I'd beaten you to death three times, I'd be done stopping your misfortune.

"It's okay, I'll make it this way."

That said, the left-hand side pushed off Vina's opposition and bought armor.

Was it really good, and after the smelling of the garment, the leftists went into the next garment store?

He heard voices he had heard somewhere near the left trying to dive a large warm curtain in [Omiya].

"Wait a minute. Whoa! The other day, with 2,000 shillings, why 3,000 shillings today?

"So this antimatter has become popular and less in stock, so today it will be 3,000 shillings"

"If it's becoming popular, then mass produce it!

"If it's just color, we might be able to make mass production, but there's a handful of gaps in this pattern. Please, give me a break."

... This voice is definitely Elma.

With that in mind, when the left-hand men dived the warm curtains, there was an Elma who was arguing with him in the garment store, who was probably the head.

... pretending to be someone else, pretending to be someone else.

With that in mind, when the left-hand side was hiding his face, a shopkeeper came and sat down.

"This is, General Left. What can I do for you today?

"This is Sakura Kuen Daikura Kiyoshi and his wife Vina, and this is Lord Bastian, Deacon of the Sakura family. Today, I wore it to re-dye my feathers."

It was Elma who responded to the voice, discovering the left proximity and shouting.

"Ahhh! Left hand, Busty, no!

They found me... Oh, my God, Busty, no.

It was Vina who murmured in the voice of whether she could or could not hear the left-hand side who thought so.

"Left Kin?

... Please, don't just make a weird mistake.

"Hey, Elma, it's been a while. Buy it out?"

"That's right. The fabrics in this store are really high in shades and patterns from the materials.

Who is this guy who looks just like you? Unlike the girl in the previous high elf, and no. "

The way you put it, it makes it easier to talk.

"Elma. This man says Vina, he is the mother of the fruit of the beads.

Vina. This guy has me designing a uniform for the Sakura servants and a uniform for the Coalition... Sakura residence. "

At the moment of that explanation, the eyes that saw Vina's Elma turned into a look of respect.

"Is that Mr. Elma! It's a pleasure to meet you!

So the left-handed men were taken aback by Vina, who took pleasure in her hand.

With that said, Elma, on the continent, sounded pretty famous. Elma's boutique, the female elf at Mardi's, did seem to have arrived to kill her wanting to work, well, okay?

Near the left who thought so, the master of Omiya said, surprised.

"Was Elma really a celebrity... always antimatter, I thought she was someone who would place unscrupulous orders"

... That's rarer for me. Elma, who moves for work, is as invisible as a cock.

Near left that thought, Massei coughed up and gave the signal, and Omiya hurriedly said to the near left.

"I apologize for this. So, Lady Lake Country, where are the feathers to be re-dyed?

When Omiya said so, Busty carefully placed it in front of Omiya by putting out a left-hand feather from the item box.

"Well... this is..."

Having said that, Omiya, who had spread his bandanagi, said to his left that he was surprised to observe the bandanagi carefully.

"Is this... really, is it from this world?

"What do you mean?

That's what Omiya started explaining when Left Near said.

"Dear Lake Country, this Omi shop has been allowed to do everything from manufacturing and selling antimatter to tailoring. I am the one who binds those many craftsmen and is the focal point. I can't do this business without knowing everything that binds me.

First, this fabric. This touch and feather-like lightness is different from silk and hemp... well, if you say so, it looks like you've tailored the soft, sturdy misrill into a yarn state.

That's right, this is a misrill. Only once before, in the Shrine of Ise, I let you touch it, that heavenly woman is said to have dropped it, it looks just like a heavenly woman's feather coat.

Besides, there are no stitches, etc. in these feathers. It's like someone didn't make it, it's like it was produced from the beginning in this state. "

Hey, God, are you listening to me? Don't give me anything you'll find out so soon. Although it would have been nice in the Luthai Empire, if this had been another country, it might have been a little noisy.

"Well, that's a good thing. Can you re-dye these feathers at the place?

"To be honest, the answer is I don't know... no, wait. Dear Lake Country, what color do you intend to make of these feathers?

"I want to match the armor, so I want it to be black and the family crest etc. to be deep red... can you do that?

At some point Elma sat next to Omiya, saying that Omiya was troubled for a while.

"I'm fine. I'll help, too. No, Left Koichi is not a failing, angry child."

"Well, Elma's right. Failure is not the responsibility of Omiya. Do whatever you want."

Apparently Omiya also stepped on the word near left, and Omiya bowed her head to near left.

"Okay. If we try anything new, we can't survive now that rare items from the continent are coming in.

Let me do it. You can pay when you can. "

"Well, thank you"

Near left, he said so, but at the end of his gaze, he looked at the kimonos lined up beautifully, as Vina seemed to miss them.

That's a finished kimono.

Surely a garment store should only handle antimatter. Well, Omi store seems to hold a tailor, so they also do tailoring, but that's a story since I bought the antimatter.

It's not Rondelick's shop that sells the finished product as it is, and it's pretty rare in the Luthai Empire.

Near the left, Omiya was good at it.

"The boulder is Lady Lake Country. Have you noticed yet?

That's the way I recently started selling it when I said it was tailored. Oh, the sales method is that it is not necessary to measure dimensions, and it is made at a determined size, so mass production can be made easily, and manufacturing costs can be reduced, and we can provide it for you at a lower price.

Yes, Master Lake Country. How about one for your wife? You can change in the back of the store, and we'll get you some accessories. "

Yeah, well, the dress stands out like this, so maybe that's a good idea.

"Right, let's try to buy it.

Tea, pick your favorite kimono and get dressed in the back. It's not much of a dress. "

"Well, I'll set your hair."

Elma, who said so, chose a kimono with Vina and went into the back room of Omiya.

Eventually, Vina came out after a while, in a thin pink kimono with small cherry petals, her hair didn't feel like it used to be, but she made a cygnon in three knits like a modern adult, stopping it with thin pink cherry blossoms.


Unexpectedly the voices of the men in the store were raised, and Vina said, a little embarrassed.

"Um... after all, wouldn't it have suited you?

"No, it looks great... this is, like, too pretty for everyone to turn around"

"Don't flatter me like that anymore."

Zhengcheng smiled and told the leftists that he felt nostalgic for Vina.

"Yeah, well, I'm ordering my mother's kimono today. Busty, I need you to go out with me."

Busty learned something from that deliberate act.

"Really? Let's hang out.

Okay, Master Miyagi. I will be heading to Kyoya later, so please go ahead with Vina.

Oh, and this money, please. "

Saying so, Busty smiled and handed the bag with the money close to his left, forcing them to push their backs and let them head outside and go into the store again.

Busty... get on with the masterpiece.

So he said, shaking Vina's hand.

"Long time no see, walk in the town of Kyo.

See, it would be a weird story for an exotic to adhere to the customs of the Luthai Empire. Walk next door. "

And when he had said so, the left hand pulled Vina's hand, and walked into the city of Kyo.

When everyone looked back at Vina, she said, "It stinks."

"I knew I'd walk behind you."

"You don't like being next to me?

"That's not why..."

"Then walk next to me. Walking side by side with the tea was my dream.

Besides, the tea is exotic now. Nobody feels weird if they don't observe the customs of the Luthai Empire, and you should use them. "

And when the two of them came to the place of the duck river, without ever letting go of Vina's hand, he said, in the absence of most men, and the left side gazed upon the duck river.

"Hey Tea... Shinkichi killed me when I heard it in Sekigahara. What happened to the other kids?

Near left, I haven't asked Vina about the kids before. Vina knew she was hesitant to ask because she knew the answer somehow.

Vina said, even though she perceived such a complex state of mind near the left.

"Simeon was self-inflicted by her husband, His Highness Sheng, and then followed, harming himself."

"Well... it's hard, though I don't know"

And when he had said so, he had managed to endure the tears overflowing with his face upwards.

"But Shinsuke and Sweep are back alive."

"Is that true!? If you can, let me know what happens next"

"Okay. After that, the two returned to Mount Sawayama and fell from Mount Sawayama at the behest of Masahi. I was caught once by the East Army, but Master Sogami helped me and asked me if I would come to Willow Seong, but I said no.

Then at least Master Sogami put an escort on us and let us escape to the Sun River... from where we lived in the Sun River, poor but secluded.

They grew up to be really sweet and got sick, and for me, the sweeper sent Shinsuke to Tokugawa to tell him that he was the son near the island, and he paid for it. "

Those idiot sons...... you put a hard time on the tea.

"But you scolded Shinsuke?

And when he said it, he said it in his face that he knew everything.

"Do you understand?

"I get it. Tea and silly sons of bitches."

And when the left-hand side said so, the teas bowed their heads to the left-hand side.

"I'm sorry. Then I slapped Shinsuke on the cheek... I'm so sorry."

"I know what it's like to be tea. Well, I've been slapped in the cheek too, and that's good... so the sweep is dead?

"Yeah...... if I scold Shinsuke, Shinsuke went to help the sweep, got caught, and I got caught too.

But Jia Kang told us he was a filial son, and he gave us support and didn't take his life. "

Jiayang...... don't do it, you Tanuki father.

"That's big..."

"Yep... I thought Kiyoshi was fighting such a big guy in a vessel.

Yes, I saw the Hyogo and the Pearl at a distance, but it was Jia Kang's fault. I don't know what to say. He seemed really happy like us. "

"Right. I would have liked to have seen that."

That said, near left, imagining two people walking happily, Vina once extended her arm and said with a smile.

"Uh-huh. Now I wonder if there's anything left to remember. At the time of his death, he thought he would brag about seeing two happy people like us in the afterlife."

"Come on, don't tell me you're going to die."

"... so is that.

Yes, Master Kiyoshi. Stop bragging about me, like when I was already in the Shirai family... When I asked Matsukura, if there really was a hole, I wanted to come in. "

"I also liked seeing the illuminated tea... but I was ashamed when Simeon said he saw the contents of that sentence. Time to go home?

That being said, when the left-hand proximity offered her hand, Vina looked around and confirmed that there were few people, she said, holding hands while turning her face bright red.

"It's just a place where there aren't many people."

Having said that, Vina and Left Near went back to Kyoya, as they had done when they were at the Shirai family.

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