Another Life

Behind Yamato

After the battle in Tenkawa Village, Shirley watched the Great Ghosts (Augs) being taken.

Even such a child... is this the war?

With that in mind, Pandora came when Shirley was feeling indescribable.

"Shirley, this one's over. What happened to Faye?

"Faye was escorted by Yuantaro to Black Falls Village with the other wounded. Eli is talking to your father somehow."

"Oh well. The rest, it looks like the people of the Totsukawa will be doing it, so everyone else seems to be having a banquet at Takatomi Castle this evening, but we have to get to Ueda in time.

Then we'll leave the rest to Ueda as soon as Fei's treatment is over. "

So Pandora and the others went to the village of Black Falls.


Maida territory, small prefecture county. This is the central eastern side of Shinano, facing the neighboring Ueno, a 40,000 stone basin with a Thousand Curved Rivers flowing in the center.

In the vicinity of the Chikukawa river was Ueda Castle, Shinjitsu's castle, Yuantaro's father.

Pandoras, who came near Sanomaru Castle Gate in Ueda Castle with a space transfer in the evening, had already changed into private clothes, but the faces of Shirley and the others besides Pandora looked somewhat complicated.

The reason was simple. Some of the women who took people's lives for the first time and were kidnapped by the Great Ghosts (Augusts) were already pregnant, all because they hoped to give up their children.

I know how the women feel. But there is no sin in your belly child. The four of them did not know what was right.

To Shirley and the others, the soldiers of the castle gate, waiting for the five of them, came running, realizing, at the same time, one scratchy big man screaming.


"Gee! Ryusuke!

Unexpectedly, Pandora and the others questioned Yuantaro because he hugged her and rubbed her cheeks with his bearded cheeks.

"Young! Wouldn't it be awful not to see me and go home when you came here a few days ago!

"Okay, okay, so stop that! Kola, Pandora! I would've imagined something weird right now!

So Pandora said to Yuantaro in a hurry.

"You mean imagine, isn't that true? Eli, your chastity is going to be okay, right?

"... for now."

"Cora, Eli. What are you doing here? Don't you dare leave me, Ryusuke."

That said, when Ryusuke let go, concerned about the gaze from the other four, he said it seemed daunting.

"This guy is a monster who says Yoshimansuke Fengsaki and Changheng are always fighting ahead. Well, as you can see, you like kids, and you always follow me.

Ryusuke, he's a friend of my classmates at school. This little suke over here... "

"Who's the little suke, Cora? I'll introduce you now.

My name is Pandora Sakura. And this is Shirley Nelson and Faye.

And this is Eli Gudduan, my companion in Lord Gentaro's chamber. Thank you very much. "

So he said to Pandora, who bowed his head, Ryusuke thought for a while, and fell flat in panic.

"Perhaps you are the princess of Mr. Sakura Kuen Daihan! This is very rude!

Did you hear that loud voice, even the soldiers of the castle gate, lay flat against Pandora?

This is hard to do.

Even so, Pandora told Ryusuke.

"Ryusuke Hall. Our Sakura and Maida families are close to each other's fathers. You don't have to do this.

More than that, could you give me a guide?

"... that too, right. Hey, show someone young and friends to your museum!

That's what Ryusuke told me, and when the castle soldiers led Pandora and the others, he pulled Eli's arm behind him the most, and Ryusuke heard him whisper.

"I think you're being disrespectful to your young friend, but forgive me. So, which one of you is young in love with? Are you kidding me, princess?

"Oh, it's Faye with chestnut hair from the other side."

"Oh, I see. Was it, was it..."

So said Ryusuke, what convinced him, and left.

What was it?

Eli, who thought otherwise, went after Pandora and the others.

Pandora and the others, guided to a room in Honmaru in Ueda Castle, welcomed the heavy ministers, beginning with Chang Hui, and waited, and came in with a dressed syllabus.

As Pandora and three other people besides Yuantaro were nervous, when the syllabus came in, they noticed the strangeness of their sons and told Yuantaro that they would sit down.

"Gentaro, you've finished your first battle... apparently, the other three are the same"

"Oh. I joined Pandora's squad and I'm done for today"

In the words of his sourtaro, the chief ministers, beginning with the Synod, bowed their heads to Pandora, and the Synod said as it stood.

"Pandora... No, Lord Left Guard Gate. I now ask you to break your bones in the first line of foolishness and thank you sincerely for this Maida Yuanta Nobuna."

"No, I will sit down until I obey orders. But let's take it as a word for my father, Sakura Kuen Daikon Kiyohiro."

"That humble feeling, that's the princess of the Sakura family. Yuantaro, how was your first battle?

In the words of the letter, Yuantaro shook his hand and said:

"Honestly, I'm scared... I still have the feeling I slashed people in my hand. I don't feel comfortable with this."

Hearing the words, the heavy ministers were all worried and muttered, "Young…", but the syllabus said with a smile.

"Apparently, you've had a good fight. Gentaro, don't forget how you feel.

In our martial arts, only the same number have been sacrificed. Therefore, discipline yourselves for the sake of those who have lost their lives, and raise up martial arts, and live unto the portion of those who are not proud thereof.

Otherwise, those who have lost their lives for their martial arts will be floated. "

And it came to pass, when the Synod said so, that four other men besides Pandora nodded mightily.

But that's where you said your nearest left daughter. I would have slaughtered a man myself, but I would have left him flat.

Though he thought so, the syllabus said with a smile.

"Today, in addition to the petition ceremony, we're all celebrating the first battle. Let's have a good night."

When the ministers stood up to cut off the words, they raised their voices of joy.

The Maida family kind of resembles the Sakura family, which is cozy.

So he said to Pandora, as if he had remembered.

"It was. Pandora, the Knights at your place are here, and now they're indulging in a separate room."

"Huh!? Uncle, where are you? Who came first?

"What, you're unusually upset. Sure, he's a young man who says Miyamura Toranosuke or something. Hey, Ozu, show him the princess."

"Yes, sir."

Saying so, Pandora grabbed the collar of the risen young man and said, "Made it, tiger! And he cried out, and went out.

That night, the wedding smell and pleasure ceremony was held at Ueda Castle.

In everyone's gaze, Alexia, in a kimono opposite the Shinjitsu who sat in the upper seat, drank twice in a barbecue cup and became a banquet.

"Alexia, you look beautiful."

So Alexia said to Pandora, who spoke to Alexia with Shirley and the others, with a hug.

"Princess! I didn't know there was so much modus operandi at the wedding of the Luthai Empire. Ah! Honestly, the Sakura family is easier."

Seeing Alexia crying like that, Faye told Pandora.

"Is a wedding in the Luthai Empire that much of a modus operandi, or is it like a ritual?

"I've never actually seen it either, but it's been around for about four days. This is like a farewell ceremony for a bride to say goodbye to her parents.

There are other rituals of departure, rest, wedding, hardening, flooring, and performing. It's a long time. Oh, my God. "

With that said, Pandora's eyes looking at Faye were completely, to, and Faye was squealing with her head, not thinking, "Are you serious?"

"But now Pandora has learned a lot."

In the words of Shirley, who said so, when Pandora's mouth was unwittingly tight, the letter came and said:

"Oh, my God. Pandora's getting married next?

"Huh!? Really? Princess."

So Pandora turned away and said to Alexia, whose eyes were sparkling.

"That's what my stupid sister says on her own. I'm not getting married..."

"Is that Lord Sanoko?

That is what Pandora said to the drunken syllable, unwittingly vandalizing her voice.

"Stop it, Uncle! I don't think anything about Kiyoshin! I want to live freely and freely!

In those words, Tojiro laughed and said that the other heavy ministers were paying attention to Pandora's words in surprise.

"Hahaha! That's my daughter near the ghost left. It's like when I was younger near the left, two melons!

The only salvation is to say that you are a beautiful daughter. If this were my son, all the women in Ueda Castle would have gotten pregnant... oh, and so would my son.

Well, it's got Neumann blood in it, so it'll be fine. "

"Huh, you sure do. This place of freedom looks just like the left near you when you were younger."

... What, are you being praised?

"But uncle. If it weren't for your mothers, your father would be more free and less tearful."

"Well, I guess so. But the Sakura family, it's a really cozy house, I thought I was watching Alexia.

Everyone in the family has a smile. Well, he's attracted people for a long time. "

And it came to pass, that he that missed the old days, and knew the left-hand side of the perimeter, was convinced.


When Pandora and the others were taking part in the Maida family feast, the feast was also held at Takatojo Castle in Left Konda.

As the surroundings flourished, the left-hand side was expanding the map and consulting with Yamato.

"So, it's a coalition practice area in Yamato, but we think it's near Heiqing Shui Castle, what do you think?

Yamato made a slightly more difficult face when he said so to the suggestion near left.

"It's a little bad because there's a Haruhi Taisha mansion near that area. A little further north, how about Kitamura Castle?

Haruhi Taisha. Well, in this world, Haruhi Taisha and Kofukuji remained the same name.

But this Kitamura Castle is hardly a mountain castle. Well, I wish I could talk to the Yamashiro Shogun... in this world, and so, Yamato is the power of the Temple Buddha's Cabinet?

"Lord Kiyosei, because Yamato is a powerful Buddhist temple?

When he asked, Yamato drank the wine and said:

"I don't think Lord Kiyohiro knows because of his long life on the continent. Northern Yamato is too influential for Kofukuji Temple, Higashidaiji Temple, Falun Temple and Haruhi Taisha.

He also had a headache because of the Qing Nation of his ancestors. Furthermore, the southern part of the country is heavenly, so the actual stone height is low.

Besides, the Merchant's Seat and the Temple Buddha's Cabinet are combining to delay the development of the town compared to other Regents, Hanoi and Yamagata. I'd like to do something... can you do something about it?

What, are you acting like you're being unscrupulous in your internal affairs?

... Akan, they're going to uyamuya the exercise area.

"Lord Kiyosei, that's as we speak later. So, what about in Heijo Mountain?

"Excuse me, there's also a mansion in the East Grand Temple involved, which is difficult"

Here too... Still tough... yes, to Nassau's freaky boy... no. I would definitely say no.

I can't help it, it's near Kitamura Castle, do you want to talk to the Yamagata guardian as well?

"Now please do so near Kitamura Castle. Of course I'll pay the rent, but I think the range of the exercise area will go into Mountain Castle, so how about we say we decide on the rent in consultation with Mountain Castle Shogun?

"Is it rent...... then Haruhi Taisha can't, but I will negotiate with Higashidaiji Temple, so why not make an exercise area in Heijo Mountain?

If the Coalition were to pay the rent, the story would change. "

Yeah. Totally, you're gonna take an intermediate margin. That's the island clan.

Let Kruger do what I dare to say.

"Lord Kiyosei, why don't we discuss it in that direction, and if we can't get a fold over the amount, etc., why don't we call it near Kitamura Castle?

The budget is under the control of the Internal Affairs Department, so please speak with the person in charge. "

"... ok. Summarize your East Grand Temple residency and talk to Lake City next time.

Yes, even then, would you like to gather your relatives for a feast?

"That's good. So, what do you say in 14 days?

"Copy that. It's going to be fun."

That said, Yamato, who spoke with a smile, and Mommy, who had a drink, came and spoke in Ruthai.

"Near left, what's going to be fun?

"Oh, Lord Kiyohiro. This woman is the one who was protecting Pandora."

So he said with a smile to Yamato, who spoke uncommonly.

"This man, said Major Sonia Vishuk, as you can see, is Raven. Well, I've known him since before me, and his nickname is Mom.

Mom, this is Yamato's guardian, Shou-Kiyoshi Ishima. "

When she introduced her, she said, "It's a funny sales smile."

"Hi, I'm Sonia Vishuk...... is that it? Isn't the island the last name on the left?

The man from the other side is definitely on the island, and that solid guy from the Totsukawa River is on the island... "

"As you can guess, we're all in the same family. Well, the only thing that's solid is that Shizukawajima family.

Nevertheless, Lord Vishuk, you are beautiful. I thought you were the wife of Lord Kiyohiro. "

No, no, don't be scared. I don't want to die yet.

That's what my mom used to say to me.

"What, are we really getting married? Near left. At night, of course, if you come to my bed, I'll kill you."

"No, I don't know what I'm going to do, and I'm afraid they're going to take all the money, so I won't."

"Hahaha! I'm a golden, good woman."

That's what she said, and Mom slapped him on the back near the left.

Don't call yourself a good woman.

... With that said, my mom reminded me of an old drama involving miso and soy sauce artisans in the development of blue mold and penicillin. You think you know all about the fungus... why don't you suggest it?

"So, Lord Kiyosei. I was just talking about the seat, is there a seat in the doctor or pharmacist relationship as well?

"To have, yes, but you're not that influential in the seat. Anyway, there are rumors that new treatments and medicines on the continent will be available because of the founding of the Luthai Empire, so the influence of the seat will be even weaker."

When he heard the word, the left-hand man and his mom drank and looked at each other chilly, understanding what they wanted to say, and the left-hand man cut it out.

"Lord Kiyosei. Actually, I was the chairman of a pharmaceutical company."

"Pharmaceutical company?

"Well, I develop drugs, I sell them, I'm a merchant. I also find a cure, so I do something like a doctor. So let's flush that drug or cure sale for a cheap price to Yamato?

Here are two conditions.

First, I would like to open this branch of the Hanza Chamber of Commerce in Yamato. Well, let's have some discussions with Seat, but there, let's negotiate between me and this Major Vishuk.

Secondly, I want to recruit an artisan from the manufacturer of bankrupt miso and soy sauce to work at my chamber of commerce in Valchia, so I want you to help me with that. What do you say?

Hearing the word near the left, Qing Sheng thought for a while and said:

"Yaro! Come here for a second!

Lord Kiyohiro, Major Vishuk. Let me give you a ride. "

With those words, Near Left and Mommy gasped in their hearts.

Then Kiyosei said to Hachiro, who had come.

"Yaro, even tomorrow, will you gather merchants and doctors under the castle in Takatomi Castle? The Great Lake State Delivery wants to talk to the people at your table. And look for miso and soy sauce makers who are out of business, and invite them to come and see if they have a living job in Valchia."

"Yes, I did. Let's talk about it right away."

Hachiro, who said so, bowed his head, and went out of the ballroom.

... I don't care what you think, it just looked like a tall ● da, but do you even use it with the force of the Force?

That's right, Kiyosei seems to be very good at thinking about keeping things down.

"He is the head of the Yaro Okinaka family. Formerly a Kabuyama castle owner, he was a lord of the Kamo area, but when my predecessor Yamato guarded, he went out of his way to become a minister, and now he is the castle owner of Tatsuya Castle.

Well, if you leave it to Hachiro, everything will fit in circles. "

... that would be the power of the Force entirely.

Anyway, tomorrow at the Lake City mansion, do we have a meeting? Perform as luxuriously as you can and the merchants will change their minds... and Golimaccio will be there.

"Lord Kiyosei, I'd like to have a meeting with the merchants at some mansion in Lake City."

"Yeah, I get it. Let's arrange it so that we can gather in Honmaru."

To the words of Kiyosei, who said so, Near Left and Mom were drinking and laughing.

And that night, when the feast was over, and Mom and Chloe returned to Lake City first to ask for tomorrow's preparations, the left-handed men came to the bedroom prepared at Takatomi Castle, talking to the three of them, and the beads came to the bedroom.

"Father, may I have a moment?

"Ooh, is that a bead? Well, let's go in."

Prompted to the left, when the beads entered, there were three men, Vina and Iris, on a futon arranged in three river letters, near the left in their bedrooms.

What is it?

Before he thought so, the bead in his sleeping clothes sat unhappy, and he said in a grumpy manner.

"Father, it's too sweet for Pandora.

What's hiding your identity, school life? The Sakura family is a Takeshi family. I'm not supposed to go through with a martial arts woman like that. "

Hmm? Why all of a sudden... what are you trying to say? Well, I'm pretty sure you're unhappy with Pandora.

"Well, it's also an order of His Highness Sekibai, so you won't have a choice. Besides, it's good to have friends.

... apparently, there's something else going on?

"Yes... Father. I'd like you to acknowledge Pandora's marriage to the Kiyomori Hall of the Yamato Family."

"... Huh?

The near-left question was that Iris and Vina were apparently the same, completely dotted with eyes.

"That's why I'm telling you to marry Pandora with the Kiyomori Hall of the Yamatoshima family. In today's battle, I was talking to Lord Kiyomori and found out that he was in love with Pandora.

So, you marry Lord Kiyomori and Pandora to consolidate kinship ties. Besides, if she gets married, she'll calm down a little. "

"... Iris. You knew that?

To that word near left, Iris shakes his head with all his might.

"Did the teas know?

In the same way, the teas shake their heads with all their might.

Is that a bead outburst?

"Pearl. I wish I could marry someone who really likes Pandora.

Besides, it might be sweet to talk about strengthening ties between your relatives, but I don't like using women. "

"But it would be the woman of the martial family who would marry her where she was told to marry her!

"You, put your hands on your chest and think about it. I was against your marriage to the Hyogo at first, but did you honestly hear that? Now, tell me to stay away from the Hyogo, and you're breaking up? It won't be.

I'll tell you what, I'm in love with tea and Iris. Someone ordered me not to get married... I hate it when I say that. "

And it came to pass, when the left hand said, that the beads wept.

"Because... to Pandora's cunt, make friends too..."

What, you really wanted a friend... well, from the beads, I envy you about Pandora.

Come to think of it, at the age of three, I went to a couple of horses in the West Front, and from there, when I said my daughter, it seemed to handle the swelling, and I guess I couldn't even make friends.

Since marrying Hyogo, everything has been a subordinate relationship, even on a national wandering journey, launching Ozhang Yoosheng. And when Hyogo dies, he runs to protect Willow Seong, and if he is reincarnated, he will be alone for hundreds of years... is that a free Pandora, envious?

And it came to pass, when he thought so, that Vina held the bead, and stroked her head, and said,

"I'm sorry...... really, just bothering you...

We really wanted to raise you like Pandora... remember Simeon?

"What happened to Simeon's sister?

"She told the Toyotomi family to give it to Hideyoshi as a woman in order to fall into Hideyoshi's shoes, and Hideyoshi was angry and really, only one person tried to kill Hideyoshi Sekiyoshi.

But, Shinjita stopped them all, and Simeon cried and said she was going as a woman... and then Simeon came from the Toyotomi family asking them to attend the wedding because she gave them to the Onoki family as daughter-in-law.

At that time, that road from Yamato to Kyo was silent and painful when I thought of Simeon's feelings... I don't want to think of that again. So you know how we feel, right?

And it came to pass, in Vina's breast, that when she saw the bead snorting, Iris slapped him on the flank near his left, and said, Say something, too.

... I can't help it.

And when he thought so, he said with a bolt of his head.

"Well, what, if it's free love, isn't it good? Maybe because Pandora might like it.

Besides, even if I say friend...... yeah, next time you hit Pandora, why don't you hit her as hard as you want? He'll live up to your intentions, too.

Whatever, he and you, you're my blood, you're my sisters. Sometimes we can bump into each other.

Besides, you've been coaching Pandora's class at school since September, right? Then there's Shirley and the others. They'll be your friends, and they'll be your friends. "

So the bead nodded and cried again and again in the breast of Vina.

You're usually strong, but you're still a child.

With that in mind, Iris suggested it.

"Pearl, you don't have anyone else, you have the best family... yes, shall we sleep together today? Hola, Kiyohiro, go that way."

Huh? Am I the end?

The left-hand side who thought so, no questions asked, was driven to the edge.

On a quiet night everyone was lying down, near left, not sleeping, listening to Iris and the rest of them, watching the moonlight on the barrier.

On second thought, does the fact that Pearl is here mean that Hyogo is sleeping alone... you did something wrong.

That's how the shadows crossed into the near-left vision.

... assassination? No, Lord Kiyosei, he wasn't such a man. But I can also think of a ministerial rampage.

And when the left hand side, so as not to wake the three of them, left the futon quietly, and weaved their jackets, and opened the barrier quietly, Adele was kneeling there.

Adele... what do you look like... something happened in the summer?

That's what I thought. When I saw the three sleeping in the back as chills and made sure they weren't awake, I stepped straight down into the garden and signaled Adele to come over.

And when he walked in the garden for a while, he stopped, and said not to Adele, who was behind him, looking back.

"This operation, it was a rather unscrupulous one, but you did well, thank you...... in the summer, were you injured?

To his closest words, Adele said with a very sad face, desperately killing her emotions but pretending to be at peace.

"Yes, I was injured in the summer, but there is nothing else in my life.

But I can't move for a while with poison. Lord Kojiro is now bringing summer back inside...... could you please give me a job?

That's unusual. I can't believe Adele said this from herself.

"Adele, me and you, we have this relationship, but you're my brother-in-law and family. I need a little help... can you explain why?

Adele, prompted near the left, spoke quietly.

"... This time, it's my fault Summer got hurt. If I hadn't made that mistake, summer wouldn't have happened.

If you don't do something else, you won't be calm. Please, let me do something for you. It could be paperwork. "

But I didn't know Adele would worry about the summer...... did she really grow in love when she became a couple?

"Work... but are you okay in that mood?

"It's okay."

You have good eyes... so what if I asked you to investigate Adele well?

But look into it... do you want Isana Village, the sealed one? Only the Shirleys, when they are brave, make too many differences from the other students.

Let's be brave, and let the Lunes learn the battle of the brave.

"Now, with Robin's Rocktree Chamber of Commerce, we ask you to investigate the village of Isana. If possible, even this fall, I want to raid in the students of the school, so by then, it's all about the strength of the war and the number and location of those who are imprisoned."


Adele, who said so, vanished in a gracious manner to the left.

Well, we'll settle for the village of Isana in the fall... well, if there's anyone in captivity, that's the story.

But the biggest problem is the big ghost I fought today (Auga). The moves he was using were definitely treasure house rhythms.

The only person in this world who can use the treasure house flow technique is the Koji Hall, as far as I know. I have never heard of Yuanta and the former Takeda people saying that they have treasure house flow technique users.

However, that was definitely treasure house flow technique... To say that someone else was reincarnated or transferred and taught treasure house flow technique.

Sure, the treasure house stream technique user, all I know is, what did I say, that Iga kid... high... Takagi? No, it's not.

I wonder what it was...... yes, it's Takada! Yoshiji Takada! If you do that, you'll be a calm soldier again.

Others were the boys. I can't believe the ex-boyfriend taught the Big Ghost how to spear... was that him?

That's impossible. Even though he was a treasure parlor, that was not the arm of the pardons. Yes, it was the strength of the medium transmission.

Refreshing, I don't know. Well, among other things, you'll meet him or you'll get in your ear.

Yeah, meeting the merchants tomorrow with Lake City doesn't give me time to buy souvenirs... Lana pisses me off. Shit. Do you want to come to Yamato and buy it again later?

With that in mind, the left proximity stretched out his body and went back to his bedroom.

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