Another Life

I don't have any money.

The next day, Near Left and the four Iris came to the high-altitude castle town with a Vina space transfer. Because Yamato was absent, the left-handed men greeted Yaro and turned down the castle when they refused to escort him.

"This is Yamato!

Saying so, I spoke to Lana, worried about her left hand, and spoke to her.

"Hey! Not really, don't shake it. Your belly child will be amazed!

"It's okay, this kid is me and your kid. If you don't move as much as this, your belly child will be free.

And Kikka said to exercise a little bit. "

"Pup. It's kind of easy to imagine. Wow"

Iris said with a callout of thought.

Does that mean I'm restless, too?

But expensive is a lot of lumberjacks and pharmacists. With that said, the Ruthai Empire did not exist health pills, detoxification pills or demon pills. Then why were you treating it?

The mountains of southern Yamato are just around the corner. That means there's plenty of herbs that can be collected.

Then the cure would be the same as in the previous world...... and then it would have been good if we had conditioned the continental medicine.

Even so, as he walked in the nostalgic township, Vina walked behind him and said, Potsuri.

"When I marry Master Kiyohiro, I'm going to change my name..."

"Why are you changing your name again?

"You see, Kiyoshi and the others, don't you call them by their previous names? Hi. I've been having a rough time lately, so I thought I'd change it."

... That's right, but there's something else going on.

"Is that all?

He stopped and said so, close to the left, Vina spoke in Kiribati, looking at the outdoor products, as no one else could understand.

"In fact, as Qing Xing said before, my father intends to make the coalition his own in order to cut off my marriage with Qing Xing..."

Well, I expected you to be up to something, but was the army still after you?

"What's the purpose?

"It is the unity of the southern part of the continent, using the forces of the coalition.

Since the time of the Kingdom of Galleria before it, the Kingdom of Fresia has been at war for a long time with two countries: the Kingdom of Emburg and the Principality of Antonym. Now, because the Kingdom of Galleria has changed in the revolution, it looks like a state of truce, but it's not strange whenever it comes to war... "

"As a way to crack it down, the eastern union of the kingdom of Fresia in?

"Yes...... but I saw the coalition with Master Qing and saw the battle in Tianchuan Village the other day and I thought only the coalition should not give it to my father. It's too powerful.

My father would definitely consider the reign of the continent once he had that power… "

"You want me to change my name to prevent that?

"Yes. Marry me and change my name to the previous one, and my father will never understand and use my thoughts."

... sweet tea. Lord Oyaji is not the one to think about it. Maybe that's even included in the plans.

That guy thinks that before we go to war, we finish everything and the fight is just the last push. There's no way Lord Oyaji isn't thinking of any other way.

You must be thinking of a second or third proposal. But let's respect the tea here.

"Well... thanks for talking to me. If the tea is good, I'll ask for it."


So he said to Vina, smiling, that Iris would hold her in her arms.

"Tea, you have a good place. I've reviewed taking my husband over my parents.

What's Yamato's specialty? You got something delicious?

"If you can, hope for something sweet!

These guys, is food still a priority?

Vina thought about it for a while, though it was so frightening to the left.

"Yamato is better than sweet food, I wonder if it's kimchi, plum or tofu... if it's a souvenir, plum or kimchi dough. Ah! It's for women only, but there are cosmetic brushes, red, etc."

With that said, I have to give Elena a souvenir. There's talk of accepting craftsmen.

The women will have a cosmetic brush and red, and the bastards will be good with a dough of kiki powder.

"Well, shall we go buy makeup tools? I'm going to give Elena a souvenir, too, when she talks about accepting craftsmen.

People don't wear makeup, but they've never been over it. "

"Eh, Kiyoshi, you want to see me in makeup?

That's what Lana said, twisting and moving.

Lana is a dark elf, she has brown skin... how about wearing makeup? Lipstick looks good on you though.

"Well, sometimes it's good"

That said, he went to look for a store selling cosmetic tools.

When I entered the store where the cosmetic tools were sold, there were various cosmetic brushes, shells that put red, and cosmetic tools on display, and besides the cosmetic tools, smell bags and incense trees were sold.

Sounds like a modern store to me.

Near the left, a woman wearing contemporary makeup came to talk to me.

"Welcome, welcome to Castle Sakaya. Samurai, is this a gift for the lady you're bringing?

... Oh well. None of the three of them were Luthai, so they thought they didn't understand the language, so they talked to me.

"Well, yeah. By the way, these three are my wives."

"Was I? Were you allied forces on the mainland?

My name is Rushi, Lord of this Castle Sakaya. This Castle Sakaya is also famous in Yamato, even if it looks like this. "

So he said to Rugged's sales smile, pulling slightly, and the left hand side said to her.

"It's Sakura Kuen Daigata Kiyohiro. But it's rare with a female shopkeeper."

"My father was a makeup brush maker, so I wanted to sell my father's brush a little higher, and I started. There were no other merchants in this industry who handled products exclusively for women, so the merchants admitted that they would be in the seats... Could it be Master Kwon?

"Oh, yeah, but"

At that moment Rugged turned bright blue and lay down on the spot and said:

"I'm so sorry I didn't know you were such a noble man and said you were disrespectful!

Huh? Stop. Holla, Iris and the others, they look like they're abusing something.

"No, no, because you don't have to be so afraid. It's hard for me to talk, and the way I talked earlier, that's good.

And my wives can speak Ruthai, and it's okay to talk. "

"Huh? Really?!? Good. I was worried about talking to you, about what to do.

For generations, like other samurai, you will receive last month's share at the beginning of the month... which should I go get?

... Akan. This could be a pattern of bankruptcy for the first young man to make a card. Let's just do it this time.

"Even at the beginning of the month, let them deliver to the people of the house. Until then, let me give you this."

It was then that Left Near threw it to Rugged that he gave him an imprint containing the Left Near Family Crest.

"Okay...... Huh? Three cedars?"

"Oh, I'm from the island, too."

"Was it? In Yamato, there is no guarantee of more than three cedars.

Ma'am! How about this Kyohong? Twenty paints now is only 148 shillings!

Rugge, who said so, went to Iris's place, with a sales smile.

What a surprise... it wouldn't be cheap! 148 shillings is 14,800 yen. It's too expensive!

Let's leave it to the tea. Tea wouldn't waste it, because it's old poverty.

However, the fact that the red cosmetic brush is 58 shillings means that it is 5,800 yen. The cosmetic tool box is 108 shillings, even for cheap items. It would be too expensive, this store.

No, could it be that the price of cosmetic tools, is this what it is?... Let's make some money.

But I have white powder, but don't you have any black teeth? With that said, his Highness's wife, Minori, as well as the Empress and everyone else, didn't do their teeth black, and few people did their white powder.

So you don't have any toothbrushes... it's good to be honest, you don't like toothbrushes.

With that in mind, the left-hand side was out on the shop table, smoking in the flue, and watching the castle town.

This is a good place. People are lively, people are thinner than Kyo but smile a lot.

With that said, good luck talking about my mom's money, and I wonder what I'm doing. If I don't make money from my place, I'll have to pay for the labor of my servants.

But it's a money-making story... is there a bank in this world?

That guild book, if it does fill in the book, is automatically filled in the same kind of book that is at a remote location. Simply put, it's like a computer network.

And if you can use something like an ID card as a ledger, you can make a bank. And if you run the money you collect in the lending business, you can make money.

If there is a bank, even if the pedestrian is the victim of banditry, there will be less damage to the gold. If the lending industry also regulates interest by 20% a year by law, unfunded financiers will go out of business and have fewer competitors...... Oh, sure my mom's place was also in the financial business.

It's hard, but if we don't get through this, you're gonna get mad. Well, the excuse is, whatever, it'll be fine.

And it came to pass, when the left hand side thought so, that the tea came from behind the left side.

"Master Kiyohiro, it's over."

"Oh, are we done yet? Where? What did you buy?

And when the left-hand man said so, Vina said, as if she had been frightened.

"In the meantime, I bought a cosmetic brush for red and a cosmetic toolbox for 11 people because Kyohong is expensive."

"Leave it to the tea... wait a minute. Why, for eleven?

"You're me, Iris, Lana, Cecil and Cecily, the five of us. Elena, Chloe, Orchid and Viola for a total of eleven beads and Pandora"

... Why, even beads and pandoras. Before you do, Absolutely Viola has a makeup kit.

Anyway, the price...... I'm afraid to ask the price.

"So, how much did it cost?

"It's 3,069 shillings... can't you?

With that said, I felt sorry for Vina's eyes, who stared at the left-hand side, he lost.

Is it 3,069,000 yen... let's revive the adventurer business.

"I guess it's good. It's a good story to gradually get the tools that are right for you.

Let's go back to Lake City. "

"Right. Please wait a little longer."

So Vina walked into the store again.

No, if I stay here, like hot water, they'll use the money.

When the three of us come out, let's get back to Lake City fast.

The left hand side thought that, when Iris and the others came out satisfied, they went back to Lake City to escape.


Back in Lake City, the leftists had lunch and told Busty to go to Castle Sakaya at a later date to pay for it, and once the space was transferred to high prices, somehow Vina was writing a letter.

I wonder what you're writing?

When the left-hand proximity that I thought so sees Kossoli from behind, I politely thank each of Chloe and the others for their gratitude until now and for their continued left-hand proximity. I wrote, and it was written in Kiribati for Chloe and Viola, and in Ruthai for the orchid.

As always, what I said is fine.

With that in mind, Iris, holding Sachi, whispered to his left.

"Hey, what are the teas doing?

"That's a letter to every souvenir I give."

"Huh? I'm doing that... do I have to, too?

Iris, who said so, anxiously said to the left, and the left hand answered with a smile.

"Tea followers have been following my shortcomings for a long time. Iris doesn't have to try to be like tea.

Iris, be Iris, do what you can. "

"... ok"

Iris, who said so, said a little dissatisfied.

Well, all this, tea and I, we've had a relationship for a long time, so I can't help it.

The left-hand side, who thought so, put in the finished letter and went toward headquarters on a spatial transfer.

The sight in the near left eye that entered the headquarters was the scene where the three secretaries were organizing the documents, but somehow the amount of those documents was not half.

The paperwork piled on the desk had disappeared that he would be working.

Near left, thinking about his work from tomorrow, when he knocked on the door that was open even though it was Gennari, the orchid looked out of the gap in the paperwork and said in surprise.

"My lord! Because you weren't off today?

In those words, when Chloe and Viola also showed their faces, they sat in a chair and said, not to mention that the left hand was bad.

"I thought I'd give everyone Yamato's souvenir... what about the pile of paperwork?

"It's all an application for a medal, coming from the inside. In the meantime, you divide the medals in order of type and wait for your Excellency's signature later.

Your Excellency has come too, shall we take a break? Sir, would you like some tea?

"Oh, please."

With that said, Chloe stood up and began to prepare, but the two remaining were burnt out.

So, how many people were there?

With that in mind, sitting and waiting on the couch in the waiting room on the left hand side, when Chloe placed the tea in front of the left side, the two remaining came as well.

"Chloe, even though she said she was going with me, didn't do any sightseeing or anything, and I thought it was bad, so I went to Yamato's high today and bought it.

Uh, this is Viola, and this is Chloe. This is an orchid. "

So Chloe and the others, who were given one after the other, marvelled at their size, and said on Chloe's behalf.

"Um, can I open it?

"Go ahead."

And when they opened the bath, they saw the face near the left, and said so, there was a cosmetic toolbox, which would be lacquered, and in it a red in a case of cosmetic brushes and seashells, accompanied by a letter.


Viola, who said so by surprise, was somewhat taken aback when she read the letter.

Well, you're usually surprised they do this.

That's what Chloe said with her head down close to her left.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. I'll take care of this."

That feels kind of good. I guess I'll do it at the barbecue next time, in the sense of working through the hardships I've had so far.

"You're happy, above all. Yeah, next 20th, or maybe a barbecue in the pool? If they're all swimsuits, they can swim, and I'll buy them from Rondelick."

It was at that moment that Chloe's ears moved pickly and quietly questioned her near left.

"My lord... do you have a heart?

This guy's sharpened.

"None. I just wanted to say thank you for everything... can't you?

"... well, that would be good"

And Chloe, who said so, conceded reluctantly, as though the orchid had remembered.

"Yes, while your Excellency is away, I have a letter for you from Lieutenant Colonel Fujinaga and from the morning court of the Luthai Empire."

"From the morning courtroom and bullet shots?

With that in mind, near left, when he received the letter from the orchid, he first read the letter from the morning court.

The sender was from the Minister of State.

The contents are that the emperor wants to see the internal affairs conference in Valkyria, so he must hold it once, very forbidden. At that time, even if there is no official position, he said that he would pay people to get out in front of you.

... Seriously... this would be impotent. I've never had an internal affairs meeting.

No, when it comes to home affairs in the first place, throw a round at Keith... I knew it would be bad if I found out about this.

I can't help it, do it like that?

"Orchid, I'll talk to you later, even on Monday, behind the bans of the Ruthai Empire, we'll have a meeting on internal affairs, so arrange that."

"Huh!? It's forbidden. If there's no government there, you can't go in there..."

And he said unto the wolf orchid, and the left hand moved the letter, and said unto him lazily.

"The Emperor wants to see a meeting on Valkyrie's internal affairs.

Honestly, come on, I've never had a meeting like that, and it's mostly a round throw at Keith, so there's no point in doing it. But if we don't do it, we won't be able to manage it, even if it gets changed. Come on... we'll have to do it "

With that said, Your Excellency, the internal affairs thing was to say only a word or two to His Excellency Keith and then throw it all round. I wonder if it's okay, this country.

Unexpectedly, looking at the anxious orchid while thinking so, he read a letter from Bullet Zheng.

Bullet positive next time? This box with you, what is it?

With that in mind, I read the letter first. Apparently, Bullet Zheng, in collaboration with Dr. Corps, was a report that the two types of demon stones were combined to develop a new ability demon stone.

Apparently, the Demon Stone melted at the same temperature as the Iron Ore, and mixing the Demon Stone of Port City with the Demon Stone of Nariya in an 8-to-2 ratio made it a new Demon Stone.

That characteristic, once it absorbs and releases skills and magic, becomes just a stone and loses its demonic stone character.

Absorbs three times more skill and magic capacity, but hardness becomes more brittle and difficult to handle than the two previous types of demonic stones.

However, it was written that this would not absorb the demon stone, whether using the demon bullet or later carrying out a magic attack, so that the magic attack would again take effect in battle.

Pretty good, huh? This is a mass production decision. But this trait...... even penicillin, can you use it?

With that in mind, when the box was opened, the demonic stone, shaped like a vial of potion, was inside, as if it had seen through the mind of the nearest left.

You mean you know everything.

"Chloe, tell me to mass produce this demonic stone. It's like the ingredients of a demon bullet and this vial.

And Robin, I want you to arrange for me to take the magic stones to the bullets and take the machined stones to Elena's.

I'll be at Elena's as soon as I can. "

That said, the left proximity was a space transfer with a box, and it moved.

"Also, more work!

In the vanished room near the left, when Chloe fell screaming, the two remaining men also looked to heaven.


One carriage had stopped in front of the mansion as the left proximity exited in a space transfer in front of Elena's mansion.

Who would that be?

With that in mind, when he saw the followers, he was an unfamiliar man, but when he found himself near the left, he bowed with peculiarity.

Bad looks, like a mafia, bow tight... you're the guy from your mom's place. Does that mean my mom is here?

With that in mind, he greeted the man with his hand and went to the front door and knocked.

"Yes... Ah, Master Miyagi"

"Tome. Is Elena here?

"No, I was visiting..."

"It's your mom, isn't it? I know, Mama will be fine."

"Okay, here you go."

Tome, who said so, when he opened the door wide and urged the left-hand side to enter, led him upstairs to the left-hand side, and went into one room, he said again, out and to the left-hand side.

"Go ahead."


The sight of the left-hand man entering the room, saying so, was of his mum looking through him and Elena shrinking on the couch across the street, wrinkling between her brows, clawing a cigar, on the paperwork stacked at the table sitting on the couch.

... What's this?

Near the left, which I thought I did, my mom said without shifting her gaze.

"Hey, close left. What can I do for you today?

"I'm talking about Yamato's souvenir and all kinds of work... what about my mom?

"You'll see. Check your books and calculate your future sales."

Oh, is that why Elena's freaking out? But the calculations are amazing.

That's what I thought. When the left-hand side sat next to Elena, Mom threw the paperwork at the table and said.

"No! Whatever you think, you're understaffed. The outline of the request depends on the number of craftsmen the Yamato guardian sends to us.

Regrettably, I don't have enough penicillin and morphine to sell any more. Near left. Any good ideas?

Hey, I'm begging you.

"What about bringing in a whore who can't sell?

"That's impossible, the whore's debt is too big. This kind of work will take decades to repay."

"But it's better than no income, right?

Besides, if you're more productive here, you're gonna have a lot of money in your mom's pocket, right?

To his closest words, he accidentally brought them to the couch, and his mum, who smoked toward the ceiling, said in her posture.

"I knew that was all I had... Elena!


"You tell me what to do. Anyone who tells you a lie, tell me. 'Cause I'm gonna kill you."

"Yes! I get it!

... Totally, my mom's tutoring me.

"Yes, at a time like this, I brought Elena a souvenir."

So he put a cosmetic toolbox wrapped in a bath on the table near the left.

"With that said, the chairman didn't show up recently, because he was going somewhere?

"Hey, I went to Tampa and Yamato in the Luthai Empire. This is a souvenir of Yamato... what is it, Mom?

When she saw the proximity of the left speaking to Elena, she said to her mother that she was snorting and that she was worried about the proximity of the left and asked her.

"Heh, souvenirs. How could Elena have bought a souvenir in the middle of a fight like that?"

... It's hard to deny it anymore.

"Well, open it."

"So... so beautiful... what is this?

When Elena opened the bathroom, a beautiful pearlescent cosmetic toolbox came out of it.

"This is a cosmetic toolbox that a woman from the Luthai Empire puts in. It should be red inside, and it should also contain something to apply to your lips and a cosmetic brush to apply."

Elena, as they say near left, looks inside, inside is a red and cosmetic brush inside the shell. And there was a single letter in it.

"The letter..."

So when Elena read the letter, she looked at the left and said, "Tension is low and the left and near."

"Chairman. Vina and I went shopping, did you... So, this is what Vina chose..."

"Well, I don't know anything about makeup tools."

Near left, when she casually said so, her mom held her head and all she could say was that she was stupid, Elena said to her left with a tight, desperate smile.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. I'll take care of it.

Yes, as I take this to my room, I'll bring you something to drink. "

Elena, who had said so, was furious when she stood up, taking her cosmetic kit and closing the door.

Oh, my God, why are you angry?

Near left thinking so, my mom said with a desperate face.

"Near left, you really don't get it?

"... what?

"Elena wanted you to choose... a girl, I don't know. He's the one."

... It's kind of uncomfortable when my mom says she's a woman.

"Well good. Besides, I'd like to ask my mom... how much interest does my mom take on her lending business?

At that moment his mother's eyes sharpened, and he said to the left and near.

"What is it? Even the regulations, are you going to put it on?

"Well, don't be the result..."

Near left was the moment I said so. Mommy moved her center of gravity forward and said,

"Hey, left-hand man, have you forgotten I'm Raven?

Besides, this is the distance. You can't use a spear you're good at. "

...... kachin.

"Have you forgotten that I'm Pandora's father?

Pandora inherits the skills I possess. I don't need a spear. "

That being said, the two proximal left and mom were staring at each other, and there was just a touch of instant air.

And after a while, Elena said, "Excuse me," and when she came back to the room with tea, she said, reluctantly retreating, frightened.

"Oh, um... me... shall we leave?

To Elena's words, Near Left and Mommy did not turn away, but Mommy said.

"No, it's good... well, sit down"

Close to the blackmail, Elena sat as the word said, putting tea in front of her soggy near left with her trembling hands, and her mom said as she stood in that position.

"Hey, close left, you really want to go to war with us?

I will not leave the Luthai Empire. "

"What, are you crazy? My mom took it personally, and she's about to start killing me."

When she heard the words, she said with her legs on the table when she breathed out smoke and erased the cigar in an ashtray.

"Shall we talk?"

Mom's eyes, who said so, still hadn't loosened their guard near the left. By contrast, he also said to keep his weight on the back of the couch, stretching his arm behind Elena's back, and in case anything happened, throwing Elena away, but keeping her off the spot.

"Mom, the Hansa Chamber of Commerce lending business...... I haven't made any money lately. No, it's more of a deficit, isn't it?

At that moment, there was a cold sweat on Mom's back, but she did not put any of that on the table and said it plainly.

"How do you know that? You checked it out?

The fact that the left-hand proximity is under investigation means that it has targeted us. This man always checks down and moves before crushing.

He was a mom who thought so, but the left and near answers were different.

"You don't have to look into it. When you say that you came to talk to me about the whorehouse, when you started the Askley Chamber of Commerce, you can tell that you can no longer make a capital contribution.

So, back to the beginning, how much interest are you taking?

In his closest words, he was a mommy who had been staring for a while, but eventually he said, as if he had given up, when he put his legs down from the table, he lit the cigar and turned his eyes away.

"It's 30% on the 10th... this is still the most conscientious interest in Nassau"

Is Minami's Dark Gold also a bright blue interest rate? But this is too harsh, now it will be visible that whoever borrows within it cannot be returned and crushed.

"Then you can see there's no way out."


When she said that, she saw the guillotine and the left proximity, but when the left proximity took out the flue and set it on fire, she said plainly why.

"A lending customer is like a pelican pelican, who brings fish. But if the pelican is not fed either, he will die gradually.

People are not easy to increase. Then, as a result, no one will be there, eventually no pelicans will be available, no fish will be available, no pelicans will be allowed to live "

"... I have no idea what that pelican is, but what are you trying to say?

... right, you wouldn't know if you didn't know the pelicans.

"The point is, customers are the ones who bring money. If the customer dies, it makes no sense.

If you do that, you'll lose your profit one day. The job I said is broad and shallow... I mean, it's good to keep it alive and collect the money for a long time "

"Near left... you, something's wrong. Until now, you shouldn't have cared about that.

No, when I hear your words now, it's like I'm trying to be a lord who thinks of the people. What happened? What happened?

Sharp...... I can't help it, tell the truth.

"... okay, let's tell the truth.

In fact, next time, a circular has arrived telling us to hold the internal affairs conference of Valchia in front of the Emperor. I've left Keith with home affairs until now, but I can handle it, so it's good, but it's the Minister of the Interior who sent me that letter.

I mean, this feels like a trap... if it's just a leg loss, it's still good, but when it comes to changing or stomach, it's hard on the families and servants left behind. "

"I'm sorry, what's that change or belly clip?"

"The conversion involves the confiscation of territory, and the stomach is the punishment of being beheaded after shortcuts to his own stomach and suffering.

Well, more than that, I want to make some policy and results for this meeting, and at the same time, I want to make money. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. "

And when she heard the word, she dropped the cigar, and picked it up hastily, and said, in awe.

"I don't know what to say... that's a lot of intense talk. The punishment of the Luthai Empire is intense, and your character is intense... well, I knew this.

So, to tell me that you talked to me would give me a ride to that story, too?

"That's right. But honestly, this story could crush Nassau's bandits, but as a nation it develops, and more people make more money... you hear me?

"... let's hear it"

Mum's words had already vanished.

"First, in collaboration with Dr. Corpus of Pespard, we will develop a new Magic Machine. Well, this would be easy to do because the guild has the same principle as the request's guiding machine.

And make all cities and villages a chamber of commerce that keeps the money of the people who say banks. This is a business like an ID card that allows you to move money in and out freely.

By making this, pedestrians and people traveling between cities will only have the minimum amount of money they need, even if they are attacked by bandits, and their income will be reduced even if bandits attack... Well, bandits will not be the right jobs from now on.

And we'll do the lending business, based on the money of the people we collect. This puts the annual interest rate at up to 20%, so anyone who ever borrows from another vendor will borrow it all here.

And suppose, to some extent, that after the borrowing has taken place, the law sets the interest rate for the year at up to 20%, otherwise it is illegal and you do not have to borrow it or return it.

That way, the rest of the lending business will be with me and my mom. People are forced to borrow money, and we have less profit to recover from one person, but more customers, so we can cover that amount.

Later, it is a measure of robbery coming to that bank, but I intend to have the officials of the service stationed next to or within each office. Now we can take care of the robbery. "

"That would totally make the Nassau bandits furious. So, what about those who don't give back their money?

"I'll try to collect it by law... and I'll introduce you to work, I'll mediate, I'll make a place called Occupational Stability. What do you say we do?

"... there will be only one option, whether we do it or not. I'll do it.

So, what do you want? If I didn't get anything in return, you wouldn't have brought me this story either. "

That said, Mama's eyes were such that she could see through her near left mind.

"The Sakura family will receive the profits, but at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the banking industry, I want Elena to become one and do it under the name of the Askley Chamber of Commerce. Of course, I'll pay Elena for that."

To the nearest left word, Elena was surprised that she could not even speak, and her mom said, spitting out smoke.

"Well, good, but I want to know why"

"The reason is simple. There will be some people who mistakenly think that lords are running for money to make such an interest regulating law.

This one made regulations and other laws, but it's best to make them think they're private merchants. Of course, there's me in the back of the Chamber of Commerce, and I'll vouch for the money I deposited.

That would reassure those who keep the money "

I see, you just take shape against emperors and political enemies, or even use it to make money. I have to apprentice, too.

"It would be good. From now on, you and I are a lotus student.

The act of turning the bandits of Nassau against the enemy. There's gonna be a backlash, but let's do it. "

Mommy, who thought so, offered her hand and said, she smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you. Yes, I'm going to make this the magic stone of penicillin in the future."

And it was as if the container of potion contained a magic stone in the box that was sent forth near the left.

Elena said with her magic stone in her hand.

"Awesome this... if you hold this place down, it will break easily, and there will be no more problems with collecting demon stones.

Chairman, this is a groundbreaking item. "

"In the future, it's for sale in this container."

So he said to Elena, surprised, and the left hand side smiled.

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