Tuesday, August 29, A.D. 2. From this morning onwards, the mansion near the left and the Allied headquarters were wrapped in haste and tension. The cause of this is the gathering of close left relatives.

Testa was in the great hall of Takatomi Castle as Vina and Pearl took the initiative to give instructions and prepare.

As the Islanders gathered, she was seated with a kimono orange infarct next door in maid clothes. Of course, the story was about precautions when coming to Lake City.

"So, the only way to Lake City is to say there's no more than 30 escorts."

"Master Left. Originally, you will need an ID card to prove your identity in order to leave the Luthai Empire for the mainland.

Even if it's the same Luthai Empire, Lake City is a relay point for gates connecting countries. The maximum number of escorts is 30 to allow anyone without an ID card to enter the country. "

That's how Qinglong bit the tester, who explains it pale.

"That would be a disrespectful story. Lake City will be a castle in the kingdom of the Lake Country.

Isn't it possible that you can't govern freely?

Obviously, in that way, which made a fool of himself about the near left thing, Testa moved her eyebrows and became grumpy for a moment, but she immediately hid it and said it.

"Inside Lake City, in addition to the Central Castle, which is also the venue of the Eastern Union, there is just a concentration of the Union's hubs, as well as national halls, inhabited by what we call empresses and emperors in the Luthai Empire.

In that, if a large number of armed escort samurai march, can't the Ruthai Empire help but be thought to have come to destroy the nations?

I beg your pardon, but will the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire ever forgive you?

Besides, this time, your museum gave you permission to enter the country without having to make an ID card... Do you understand?

In that testa's straight eyes, Qinglong could no longer say anything and instead asked for an answer from Orange Millet.

"Palace of Orange, that's definitely Lake City, and I hear you work for the Lake State Hall. Is that true?

"It's true, I'll sit down. Lake City is not just about emperors and empresses, but about the likes of His Royal Highness Seibei and the Minister of State.

If you march there in large armed numbers, you can do it. Isn't it good enough that the whole island family took your house down with their stomachs, bad enough that all their relatives beat the neck gate?

And I don't serve the Sakura family. Cold Springs. "

"Well, not so... with that being said, Orange Mistress. Why do you work for the Lake Country Hall in Lake City when you serve the Cold Springs?

This mountain monkey doesn't know anything about the situation.

"Now let me explain the Sakura family to you. Sakura Kwon Daikanya Kiyoshi has five wives.

Please be aware that they are all genuine wives and not in the capacity to say side rooms.

First Lady Iris. Master Iris is the only daughter of Lord Neumann of the Serenity Empire and, by analogy, the daughter of General Left Kingsguard of the Empire.

And the Second Lady, Lady Lana. Master Lana is also the head of the Kanbai Cold Springs family. Be aware that to speak against Master Lana is to speak against His Highness Kanbai.

And Lady Cecil, Third and Fourth Ladies, Cecily, is the daughter of Beat Stark Borderline Uncle, President of the Eastern Union Council. Think of it as the daughter of His Highness Kanbai of the Kingdom of Salz, if you like.

And next time you're getting married, I'm Vina, the Fifth Lady, and you have children, but you don't seem to be officially married yet, and your official name is Vina Fresias Garcia. By analogy in the Luthai Empire, you are the son of an emperor, so please be really careful.

The Sakura family is the kind of house that the Eastern Union has condensed, so there is a connection between the heads of state and the leading players. "

In the words of the orange infarct, Qinglong was surprised and unable to say anything.

Well, I've been watching to keep the zodiac quiet, but the family of Lord Kiyohiro has a lot of really awesome origins. Well, this would have made the keeper an adult, and it would have been a good drug.

Yamato, who thinks so, smiled and told Testa.

"Well now the safekeeper will know. Lord Testa, let's get ready."

"Yes. Then at the main entrance, I'll be waiting for you"

So the testers bowed their heads to the Yamato guardians, and went out.


Out of the Central Castle entrance before noon, Linda, the defense team were aligned, and before that, Chloe did not make it slight, but quietly waited for the Yamato guards to come out.

From the Central Castle to the mansion near the left, the knights of the SS stood at equal intervals, surrounded by wild horse soldiers.

The reason, of course, is to hear that the next of kin to the left is coming to Lake City. Until now, the near left kinsmen were considered a mystery, so the people of the Luthai Empire watched with interest who would come.

Eventually, when the smoke of space transfer came out, when testas came out of the inside and the horseback riders with fingers on their backs with black triple cedar family crests in the green space, Yamato on horseback came out from behind it.

"Oh, Lord Chloe's welcome!

And Chloe bowed her head, and said unto Yamato, who knew by accident.

"Welcome to Lake City. Let me show you today. Now, come here as soon as you can."

"Um, I need some guidance."

Having said that, Yamato marveled at the appearance of the central castle behind him, but proceeded to the mansion near left about after Chloe.

Yamato told Chloe that Yamato was overwhelmed by the exotic buildings he saw for the first time.

"Lord Chloe, the earlier building is the castle, and Lord Qing Xing lives under the castle?

Chloe answered the question by taking out the campe so that she could not see it.

"This whole Lake City is a castle. You will be seated because the entire island, which floats on a huge lake, for example, is as pale as the pale road of the Ruthai Empire, is a castle.

General District, which falls on the Sanomaru of the castle of the Imperial Ruthai. It falls into two circles, military district. It is divided into three central districts in Honmaru, perhaps the largest castle in the world. "

I didn't know it was as huge as Awaji...... certainly in its size, even in a caged castle, it can be self-sufficient. Is there a castle like the castle of the Ruthai Empire?

"Hey Lord Chloe, is there a castle too?

Huh!? Branch Castle... Branch Castle... There it is, here it is.

"I'll sit down. There is a Leitz Castle guarded by Lord Keith's Wood family of Home Secretary, Nassau where that Major Vishuk is, and Pandora-sama's Knights are stationed, Fort Alm... Did you mean a castle?!?"

Could it be that Lord Qing Xing had made Lord Chloe remember? Shit, on second thought, Lord Chloe was a Continental... because he spoke in Ruthai, and I forgot.

So Yamato said to Chloe with a smile.

"Apparently, you made it impossible."

"Huh!? That's not true. No, it's true."

So said Yamato to Chloe, who panicked.

"Okay, let's change the question. What did Lord Kiyohiro say?

Well, we went to battle together, so I kind of figured out what it was like in battle, but what did you say about the usual Lord Kiyohiro?

To Yamato's question, Chloe thought for a while and said as if she remembered something.

"... right. A former monk in the courtyard of the Fountain Dragon Temple in Nassau said before," Your Excellency says you are like the sky. "


"Yeah, it's empty.

Sometimes, like a storm, it destroys everything. Sometimes, with gentle and warm sunshine, it was said to envelop everything gently, as large as its sky, untied by no one, carefree and free.

But from what I've seen, well, I admit I'm free... too free, too destructive. In the dungeon, activate all the traps... then I really thought they were dead. "

That's what Yamato smiled and said to Chloe, who showed the truth.

"Not quite, life on the continent sounds fun. Still, it's empty... big."

And Yamato, who said so, looked up to heaven.

Dressed in bright armor, as he proceeded to attract the attention of the people of Lake City, a large building like the Palazzo Versailles appeared in front of him, and Yamato, just in that large building, opened his mouth and looked, Chloe explained.

"This building will sit at the general headquarters of the coalition. On the right is the conference room and the headquarters of the inner, outer and operational intelligence services, while on the left is the conference room and the stuffing of each Knights and the office of His Excellency.

And Your Excellency's mansion will be behind it. "

Chloe explained that the inside soldiers came out of the headquarters and glassed with one brown hair, a dark elf woman came before Yamato to salute him and say in Ruthai.

"Welcome aboard. Sakura Mansion, as well as to the Allied Forces headquarters. I am Sergeant Arne, affiliated with Allied Internal Affairs.

Your mansion is ahead of us, so please escort us this far. The escorts have prepared a separate room, so please come this way. "

When the guard samurai saw and confirmed the words of Arne, Yamato nodded, and the samurai were led into the headquarters building by the soldiers.

Eventually the aligned line was aligned in front of the entrance as we headed to the mansion with Chloe's guidance, before which the testers, who had travelled in a space transfer, waited.

And Testa prayed to the Yamato guardians.

"This way, please. That's enough horses and cages, please."

That said, after the leading tester, the Yamato guards walked away surprised by the servants bowing their heads one after the other, and Busty greeted them in front of the lavish door.

"Welcome aboard. I am Butler of the Sakura family, my name is Bastian. Your pavilion is waiting for you, this way."

Busty, who said so, opened the door and guided him.


"Phew, etranze hey..."

Unexpectedly with a cheek cane on the table, he said so in a low voice, was a pandora woven with a beating feather, with a cherry blossom petal in purple on the small sleeve.

"That's right. But the problem is..."

"Yeah, the eternal lifespan of that etranze trait. When your grandfather comes to this world, he says that there are other people who may have come to this world."

I understand Pandora's concerns. My advantage in this world is that I have a great connection to God, but I also have a great deal of information about the previous world.

Freya had no problem with it because it was just JC, but what if some military or scientist from somewhere in this modern or future came into this world?

Even if you can't do it alone, if you're with some country, it'll be amazing enough. Well, there's no such thing as hostility all of a sudden, but the overwhelming advantage generates a chronic mind, which eventually hurts and destroys others... that's a pain in the ass.

And when the left-hand man thought so, the door was knocked, and Busty came in and said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, your relatives are here."

"Okay, let me through."

And it came to pass when the left hand said so, that Busty came out in a gracious manner.

When Zhu whispered to Mira and said to her real mother, "I know," she said, "I know," Mira was a little fed up. When the Yamato guards came into the room, they also stood up with the women in small sleeves, starting with the left proximity of the figure and the arsenal, and the left proximity said.

"Welcome aboard. Come on in. Have a seat."

The Yamato guards, prompted by the left-hand side, were surprised by its luxurious and large interior, but sat in a luxurious chair, surprised by the long marble table in front of the left-hand side.

You've got a lot of people... enough chairs.

Though I think so, the Yamato guards say everyone sits in a chair. And those besides the left and the near sat down, and when tea was served before them, the near left said, nervously.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lake City. In the meantime, shall I introduce myself?

First of all, I will sit with Sakura Kuen Daikura Kiyohiro, the owner of the Sakura family... "

So he introduced the family to the left and the near.

And coming from the Yamato Island family is our Lord's Island Shou-Kiyosei Yamato. Thousand in the main room. Side chamber strangeness. My oldest son, Shinjiro Kiyomori. My sister's little night.

From the Tentsugawa Island family, Kiyotaka, our island's fifth zodiac. A photograph of the main room. Asako, my oldest daughter. My second daughter Yaya. The truth that was just born of three women.

From the Gojo Island family, Yun Qingyun, our master island master. Ordinary room blessings. My oldest son, Nagajiro Kiyohiro. Rugged in its main room. Little rock in the side chamber. And Jiro Qingzong, the eldest son of that child. My sister and eldest daughter Asuki. Second daughter wave.

From the Tobashima family, our lord Shige-soo Tobashima. Fujiyoshi in the main room. My oldest daughter's orange infarct. The eldest son of that brother, Qing Chang Left Gate. And the rapprochement of my youngest son's second daughter.

It was an amphitheatre consisting of more than 25 people.

But islanders are a female lineage in this world? There will be too many women.

But Lord Kiyosei's wife, well, we're both in our late thirties, but she's a beautiful woman with no breasts... and she'll have too many hobbies. I can't tell you about people, either.

Yamato said that he thought so.

"This is a good opportunity for relatives to get together, so I'm going to tell everyone.

In fact, the other day, Lord Kiyohiro came to Takatoshi Castle, so we decided to open the will of our ancestor, Shimae Shokuniku.

This is something that Kiyokuni had been told to open before, when the Shima-kun Tsing-kun or his descendants came, and the name before the Shima-kun was Shima-kun Tsing-kun, so it was decided to open it.

What was in there was a letter addressed to the owner of the Yamatoshima family in the main house of the island family, Washi, and a letter addressed to the Tsing-jing Hall and his descendants. The Yamato family wrote that the true main house is the Sakura Island family of the Tsinglord, and the letter of the Tsinglord said to use the Island family as you please. "

At that moment, when those who did not know about it looked at the left and anxiously, Yamato waited for him to calm down, and then spoke.

"So, on a proposal from Lord Kiyohiro, we are going to say that we are going to be equally friendly with each other, without any official position or status relationship, but do you have any objections?

At that time, when no one thought to argue with Yamato's words, Kiyotaka spoke in arms.

"It sounds good that we're all equal, but we still have to have some house on our minds to get rid of the clan wrap-up?

You'll have trouble falling apart when something happens. "

Sure, it makes sense what the collector says.

That's what Yamato suggested.

"So what about basically being equal, and if anything, Lord Kiyohiro as the main house, leading the clan?

In the house of Qing Xing, there is also the will of Qing Kuo, the original ancestor, in the official position as well as in the power statement. There's no point in complaining. "

Yeah, yeah... it's me!


"No significance!

That said, the disagreement between the left and the near was dispelled, and he was forced to stand as the head of the house.


At that time, in the office of Qingxin of the external bureau, Qingxin had heard the words of the secretary, Ensign Helge, in the sky above.

"In the future, desert warfare in the former Seventh Confederation is expected, so equip the soldiers... Um, my lord. Are you listening?

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. So what was it?

"I'm talking about the soldiers' gear in the desert battle that's expected in the future. Are you sure what happened today?

"Hmm? Oh... a little..."

Ha, the princess is back today, but the job... I'm not motivated...

Kiyoshin thought so by accident, but the door was knocked, and Kruger came in, but when he saw Kiyoshin, he said in disdain.

"What is it, Major General Sanoko? You can't see the princess in her kimono, and you're depressed?

To the word, Qingxin rose up in haste and said:

"Hey, what are you talking about! No, that's not true... wait a minute. Does Major General Kruger know why the princess looks like a kimono?

"This morning, from my office, I saw him standing at the window of the mansion. More than that, I had to talk to the Major General today."

Damn...... what an envy. Perhaps I should propose an internal and external replacement for the next meeting.

"So, what's a consultation?"

So Kruger said in dismay to Kiyoshin, who had spoken blurtly.

"Actually, the princess missed her signature on the application for this medal. I really need an autograph today.

But your Excellency's relatives will be gathering today. So as a Luthai, I was wondering if this was a good one even if I went to get an autograph... "

Then said Kruger, in the sight of Kiyoshin, when he made the documents appear to be pillable, Kiyoshin took the documents with momentum and said:

"Why don't you write the princess's autograph in this blank space?

"Oh, yeah, but"

"Okay, I'll go. I'd have a position, and I'd be fine."

Saying so, Kiyoshin left the two men who were frightened, singing his nose.

What an easy guy to understand.

Unexpectedly Kruger said to Helge, who was showing a look of remorse, slapping him on the back.

"Ensign, if you want to get Major General Sanhao, you can't leave at all. They're tough... come with me."

Initially, it was a baffled Helge, but Kruger told him to be ready, or he nodded and went out after Pure Faith.

"Good, you're young."

Unexpectedly Kruger said so and remembered his old self.


"So, how did Mr. Pearl get to know Mr. Willow?

"Again, at the behest of the Lake Nation?

Unexpectedly stuffed in retreating beads were the night of the Yamato family and the Naruki of the Gojojima family. Asako of the Shizukawajima family was 15 years old and of the same age, so she was close. It was about love that women of this age came together to talk.

And this time it was the beads that were chosen as targets.

The overwhelming momentum was a surprise bead, but Pandora, who was next door, took a sip of tea and said:

"Such a foolish sister is good with beads. I'm usually a wagga mom, and she's gonna be violent with me right away."


"Yeah, well, with my brother-in-law, it was definitely a romantic marriage, wasn't it? Thanks to you, I had a fire powder too... it was tough then."

And when Pandora said to the bead that she had tried to deny, with the face of the little devil, three yellow cheers arose, and the bead said with a slight odor.

"Even you. Last year, in front of me, you were talking!

"Mouth it!"

To the exact bead's counter-attack, Pandora was stiff, and the far left and near, listening, blew out the tea.

"No, it's on my cheek... why are you telling me that now!

That's when I hid your sister who fought with your father. You traitor! "

That's what I said, watching the beads and Pandora having a verbal fight. Yamato said he had his head in his left hand.

"Kiyoshi's children are very close."

"I have no idea if we're close or not, I always have a headache"

That's what Yamato said to the left, who said sorry.

"Actually, I must apologize to Lord Kiyohiro."

"Ha, what is it?

"No, actually, Shinjiro Tsu fell in love with Lord Pandora at first sight, and apparently, to Lord Pearl, he said.

I am truly sorry. The first thing we can talk about to Lord Kiyohiro is... "

So he said to Yamato, when he lifted up his hand and took control.

"Lord Kiyosei. Excuse me, but one wants to take care of Pandora's feelings.

If he says he wants to go to his daughter-in-law, he can go, and if he says he doesn't want to go to his daughter-in-law, he wants to do so. I'm also a romantic marriage, and my oldest daughter's bead is a romantic marriage. That's the home style of the Sakura Island family.

So it's all about talking to each other, okay?

Having said that to the left, Yamato had no choice but to accept it.

"If that's the case, I can't help it. I'm sorry I couldn't."

"No, and some others are after Pandora."

So he smiled, and said Left Near, When the door was knocked, and Kiyoshin brought in Helge, he came to Left Near.

"Enjoying, I'm sorry. I really need you to write your autograph on the paperwork..."

So he said with a smile to Qingxin, whose last voice was deafening.

"What, are you guys getting married at last?

"Nah! What are you talking about! This is an application for a medal!

"Hahaha, he said he knew. Pandora's over there, go yourself."

When the left-hand man said so, Kiyoshin saluted and went toward Pandora, but before Kiyoshin, Kiyoshin stood up and said:

"This is Shinjiro Shinjiro Kiyomori of the Yamato family. I'll give it to you."

"No, I'm fine. These are military documents.

I am Major General Sanoko Left Gate, who oversees the Coalition's external affairs. I miss it now because I'm a relative of your lord, but the next time you get in the way, call me dead. "

The eyes of Qingxin, who said so, were those of those who ran along the battlefield with the left-hand side, and Qingsheng accidentally gave way.

"Is that the example?

"Yes. Quite a promising future."

Well, you're a different actor. Not those who have recently finished the first battle, and those who have been on the battlefield with me since last year.

Though he thought so and drank, Kiyoshin went straight to Pandora, who joyfully bickered.

"So come on, what's your sister... Kiyoshin?

When Pandora spoke to Kiyoshin, who had come in front of her, she whispered to the beads at night.

"Hey beads. Who's that?

"That's Pandora's mouthpiece, Major General Sanoko Left Gate Kiyoshin."

"Well, this one... he's got a scratch in his eye, but he's not such a good guy"

"This man was running around the battlefield with my father, even in last year's war."


So Pandora cautioned, pointing her fingers, to the surprised little ones.

"There, the outfield shuts up...... so, Kiyoshin. What's wrong with you today?

"No, you know... the... princess, you're really beautiful today. Not... not that beautiful... no, you don't mean that. Ah! What are you talking about, I am!

Pandora said that her attitude toward Qingsheng was completely different from that of Qingsheng earlier, and that Pandora was frightened. Helge, who had boiled the business, took the documents from Qingshen and stuck them out to Pandora.

"Colonel. Sign here, it's missing.

I would like you to sign this document as soon as possible, as it is due today. "

Signature... What is it, a medal application?

With that in mind, Pandora told Pandora that she was taking the pen out of the item box and signing it, as if the beads had come up with something.

"With that said, what kind of man is Pandora like?

This stupid sister... Definitely, you're up to something.

"Hey...... I guess your father, your brother-in-law and someone stronger than your sister. Weaker than these three are out of the question."

Hey, it's Pandora! Why do you involve me? Look, Kiyoshin's in trouble.

... but this atmosphere is kind of fun and good.

When the left hand side thought so, Lana came out of the circle of the wives and sat on her left hand side knee.

"Lana, it's in public."

Near the left, Lana said so in her ear.

"Hey, can I go to school next year too?

"What? No, you, what are you gonna do with the kid?"

"There's Iris, too. Come on. Between schools, you'll see."

"That's irresponsible..."

Near the left, Lana said what could be called a devil's whisper, in her ear.

"Don't you want to see my uniform? Me, it's a hassle to take off my uniform every time, so I thought I'd go to bed in my uniform."

Are you serious, Lana? I don't care if you say so with my daughter... your dreams are swollen!

"Lana, if you pass the exam."


Lana, who said so, hugged him near left and kissed him on the cheek, and the others had trouble with the place of the eye.


West (...) Calendar (...) Atlantic, August 12, 2017.

The hot sun lit her up. In it, she fell asleep unconscious. Even though he said he was sleeping, he wasn't sleeping in a room bed or a hammock, he was being launched to the coast.

Hmmm...... that feels cold...... cold!?

She thought so, waking up and raising her face, surrounded by the sea, an island with nothing as small as twelve tatami.

This brunette Bob girl is just a college student, saying her name is Shinoyama Wei.

Where are we?

Sure, he's on a graduation trip to the Caribbean, and he wants to get numbed and go on a cruise...... yeah, what about Chee? What about Ena?

Calm down... calm down, only. Take a deep breath first.

Only then did he breathe deeply.

Yes, I went on a cruise and hit something off the coast of the night or something, it was a shock anyway... yes, I fell into the ocean.

Wait a minute! Does that mean I drifted off and got here!?

It's okay, relax... the cheeses will definitely come looking for me... if you're all right.

Yes, at a time like this, I did it in a movie, first of all, water is not on such a narrow island. It's just a sandy beach! I can't see the ship, I can't see the plane... Me, I'm gonna die in this place?

Then he was suddenly saddened, and cried, that only tears should be shed on his cheeks.

In the meantime, do you want to write in SOS?

Weeping tired and weirdly calm, she wrote SOS letters all over the ground and lay still in big letters.

Usually even if you drift, a big island or something is a classic. What? This place is only as big as my room.

With that said, I wonder what's going on with you, Kiyohiro, who transferred to school in elementary school. It was my first love, but I transferred to school right away...... no, I'm going negative right away.

Still, you're dry throat...... can you drink ocean water?

And it came to pass, when he arose, that he took a sip of the sea water and spit it out.

What the hell! I didn't get a drink... Oh, sunscreen cream, I left it in their boat...

The only thing that fell down with that thought was that when the gaze was overhead, it felt like the sky was moving like a surface of water.

Is that it? Finally, to the hallucination, I wonder if I see it.

The only reason I thought so was that once I meditated on my eyes and opened them again, the space was still moving like the surface of the water.

But when he sat down again, and grabbed a grasp of the sand on the ground, and struck the surface of the space, it disappeared, so that the sand might be sucked into the surface.


The only thing that I thought so unexpectedly was, roughly, when I put my hand in it, there was something leafy ahead of it, and there was no hand on the other side of it.

She was another world where forests were spreading when she never put her mind in her face.

Yay! Could this be the one called Warp?

Now, if you go to some town and go to the embassy, it will help!

Only then did he jump into the world without ever wandering off.


East (...) Calendar (...) August 20, 2, Monday.

Only walked in the mountains on a hot evening, searching for water with beach sandals, flirting. And it came to pass, when the sun was set, and it was dark, that he heard the sound of water flowing in his ears.

Yay! Water! Water!

So he thought, and before the only eyes that were flirting, a small stream emerged.

I drank only water with all my heart, but one concern arose because I was able to rehydrate it.

I wonder if I can drink this water... now.

But as you can see in the dark, this water is pretty... it's okay, isn't it?

That was the only way to drink it again, but I could see it from the gap between the trees with a breath. It was near the top, which would be the mountain, and it saw many lights.

Yay! It's people, there's people. It's not that high of a mountain, and it's okay, I can go.

So he walked toward the top of the mountain.

That said, the mountain climb was tight only for the average Japanese college girl. Still, when he walked desperately and arrived near the summit, he had already crossed the middle of the night.

Somehow the moment I saw a shadow and tried to speak out while walking, I could only see a man like a white dinosaur with a spear in his skin armor at the pine light.

And when he hid in the grass, not much of his fear, he asked him how it was.

What is that, a movie or a shoot of drama? Special makeup? Dress up?

And it came to pass, that the likeness of the dinosaur slammed his tail upon the ground with a bash, and saw the only one, and stripped out his fangs.

No, that's real!

Unexpectedly put his hand upon his mouth, and patiently endured the screams that came out of the bottom of his belly, but he ran down the mountain, so that he could not understand.

"Captain Raw Pawn... Captain Raw Pawn... Mr. Bash!

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, sorry. Chloe and His Excellency all say bash, so I'm not used to it yet."

Yes, the identity of those who were intimidating, like dinosaurs, was bash. Bash said so to the same Lizardman's servants who cried out, and the Lizardman also turned to Bash in the direction he was looking.

"Is something wrong?

"Oh, I felt a little gaze... maybe a reconnaissance of Isana Village"

"Isana Village… sounds pretty bad"

"Well. But the villagers made their own choices. There's no other way."

Bash, who said so, was staring straight into the place where only he was hiding.

What the fuck! Oh, shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Though I do, I just go down the mountain to Gamshallah. Eventually, when he reached somewhat wide, he looked back behind him and stroked down his chest, hoping to make sure that the bashes were not coming after him.

From the darkness beside him, which is the time, there is a sound of peeping.

Is it some kind of animal?

Even more incredible things appeared in the sight of the only one who thought so.

Floating in the dark were countless red eyes.

Only fled immediately, checking behind him, his countless red eyes coming after him in small pieces, jumping.

Since the bashes might be nearby, he ran as far as he could without speaking and fell, and stepped off his feet and rolled away.

When Bakibachi and his body broke the branches of the tree, and went out into a place like a street, three men in armor with the crest of the serenity empire with beards surrounded the burning fire.


A man like the captain who said so in Kiribati, when he clenched the pattern of the sword on his hips and cautioned, cried out in Japanese only out of the joy of finally meeting man.

"Ha, please help me!

∧ ●◇◯□▲◯□●◇◎……◯□□▲

[Captain, this guy's a Luthai... something!

So he cried, and when the men who had pulled the sword out of their hips turned to guard in the direction of the forest, a horn of about twenty horn rabbits came out of the forest.

□ ▲ ◯□□▲∧ ◯ □∧□▲□▲

∧ ◯□◯□

[What, isn't it just a horn rabbit? Kill a couple of them and you'll get away with it as soon as you can.

Hey, get him!

That being said, they were soldiers who pulled out their swords and killed Horn Rabbit one after the other, but only completely lost their minds to the sight of the first slaughter they would try.

Eventually, when the captain looked back at the horn rabbit herd running away, Wei was passed out, and the captain said to the man who was in a hurry to catch Wei.

"Hey, you didn't do anything, did you?

"Of course it is. He passed out on his own."

"Right. That's fine.

If you're a Luthai and you're a virgin, you'll get a broken price. Tie it up, put it in a bag, and go back to the village. "

"Right. Nice pick up."

And the soldiers, who said so, bound him only, and put him in a large sack, and went in charge.

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