Another Life

Sakura Family Maid

"Um, Mr. Testa. Are you sure it stayed that way, was it good? Sakura asked for help..."

And when he was worried, he said unto Testa, who went out of the office near the left, and went down the stairs, that he would ask him, but Testa stopped, and looked back.

"Shinoyama-san, you're going to be the maid of the Sakura family. There will be no Mr. Sakura toward the owner of the Sakura family.

Besides, the Imperial Palace is also the third place of the Luthai Empire, Kwon Dai Han. If you're a Luthai, you know how noble you are.

Oh, yeah. I am a Luthai.

"Excuse me, I'll be careful later"

So when he saw that he apologized, Testa walked out again and said,

"That's how ruthai you seem to be where you honestly apologize. Well, that's good, I won't ask you this time.

I haven't even signed a contract yet... are you a Luthai? Yes, I would like you to be your exclusive maid of honor. "

"Huh!? No, I can't do that! Besides, I've never done a maid before! He said it would definitely cause problems!

Only then did Testa desperately reject it, with the expression of her already firm determination.

"It's okay. It's better than that one, the exclusive maid of the same palace."

Wow, what kind of person would they be with? Still, this testa is really beautiful.

My personality seems tight, though I feel like a queen. To a guy, he looks hot.

But what does a maid do? The only maid in me is the maid of coffee I saw on TV.

No way, they're gonna do something nasty... I knew it meant something exclusive.

The only person thinking about it was following Testa with Ekaterina, and when he left the Allied headquarters building, he headed towards the mansion near the left.

"Oh, well, you're going to the mansion, aren't you?

But he answered, walking still.

"The house of the Sakura family is that building, behind the headquarters. Precisely the headquarters of the coalition is also the property of the Sakura family, which the Sakura family said they were lending to the coalition forces.

And all of this property is the Sakura residence. "

... In the large garden of the lawn, what looks slight over there, the woods? What kind of celebrity is a house with a forest in its garden!

Too spacious...... me, can I follow.

Only when he entered the mansion near the left was he led to a room on the ground floor through the hallway where the luxurious dishes were placed.

Once inside, in the middle of the room surrounded by a large window incorporating the sun's rays, however luxurious the conditioning seemed, a number of chairs were arranged on a large and long marble table, and Wei and Ekaterina, prompted to sit in that chair, roughly sat down, said Testa would bring the contract and left the room.

It was like being in the royal palace, but Ekaterina talked with a chirp.

"I didn't think you were going to be in the same place... weren't you going back to the country?

And he said unto the Word with a slightly evil face.

"That's why I can't go home..."

"Phew, well, I'm good because I know someone with me and it's a little easier. More than that, who is that testa?

"Huh? Isn't he Sakura's maid?

"No, well, from that outfit, the maid is a maid. I was at the headquarters of the coalition around here, and I asked the other three prisoners what they wanted to do... it's not a maid's job."

"If you say so, I guess... simply because I didn't have the manpower, maybe. More than that, does Ekaterina know what a maid's job is?

So Ekaterina answered, thinking for a while with her cheeks on her cheeks.

"Well, what a maid's job, in most countries, is a slave's job. It's normal that you don't get paid, and sleeping is in the corner of the mansion, in a shabby cabin or in a basement is the market.

But I said I'd get paid and I'd eat here, so I thought it was better than being a whore. Well, save some money and quit. "

Wow, that's a pretty bad environment... I guess I'll do the same.

But Ekaterina thought a little.

"But come on, I was there when you came to this room, didn't you think something was wrong when you saw the maids?

"What's weird?

"Everyone looks good. Normally, we can only eat leftover meals from our husbands, so we're all so skinny that we're likely to fall down now, but we weren't.

And the maid's clothes were beautifully washed and beautiful. Besides, everyone's body is beautiful, their hair is sarcastic... there's no way a common man can take a bath. "

Huh!? There's no bath in this world. That's the best part, I'm shocked.

Ekaterina said worryingly only that she was depressed.

"What are you depressed about? Well, I guess it's because I'm an exclusive maid.

Well, I guess that's what a slave or a sex slave system is all about, well, exclusively. "

"Huh!? I knew it..."

And it came to pass, when he was depressed, that Testa came into the room with paper and a pen.

And when Wei put the covenant before us, Wei said with regret.

"Um, Mr. Testa. After all, would you mind not talking about an exclusive maid?

"... could you please let me know why?

"Um, I... it's so easy to say that I don't have enough experience to have a physical relationship... or I'm ashamed that at this age, I still don't have any experience!

So he turned his face bright red, but Testa was taken aback, and said:

"Um, I don't know what you're mistaken about... let's be clear. In the Sakura family, if you are forced to say something like that to someone else, you are guilty of death without question, and that also applies to the Miyakan.

Instead, if you tell your wife, she will surely kill you... good enough to hang you naked in a tree for days... I envy you.

Besides, no matter how many times I ask you out, it's completely ignored... well, that's good... "

That's right, that's good...... and yet, Mr. Testa, you're distorted.

"Thank you. Sit down. Then let me work here."

So he bowed his head, and testa sat down in the chair opposite him.

"Now let's start explaining. My servant's training room is currently in use, so I'm renting the Sakura family's conference room today to get you started.

Kiribati and Ruthai contracts I put in front of you two. If I verbally explain what this contract says, my salary will be paid monthly, 10 days at the end of the month, and all taxes, health insurance, etc. will be deducted and handed to you.

Basically, the amount handed in is 1,500 shillings, night shifts and night shifts are 50 shillings a day. When I work on holidays, my holiday attendance allowance is 80 shillings a day. Twelve shillings for every hour of work after hours. Later, each position allowance will be added and paid on a payday, with special allowances twice a year, in summer and winter "

You did say that one shilling was Japanese yen and 100 yen. So you're paying 150,000 basics?

And health insurance is... too real. It's not just here in the fantasy world, it's modern.

That's right, you're the one who's been reincarnated from modern times.

Ekaterina was astonished when she said so.

"Um, can I really get that much? If that's a good treatment, let me work for someone else, and I think I'll kill them."

"Initially, we have arrived… and spies from different countries. All the people who said that disappeared from the world at the time of the interview, and it's hard to hear about your reputation in Nassau or the massacre of about 20,000 people in the previous war."

Scary, scary, Mr. Testa. Flat out, I'm telling you something scary.

Only then did Testa say with an angelic smile.

"Payroll treatment is more than that. Next, we would like to explain other treatment.

What is paid is that maid clothes are initially given three pairs of summer and winter clothes each, one each year, and one pocket watch. If the other items are paid for by industry and broken, if the person in charge or if you can tell me, I will prepare them.

And the dorm room will be a shared living room for two people, and bath, shampoo, rinse, body soap and other things are free. "

Then Ekaterina said, surprised.

"A bath… it's a luxury product that even the nobleman can't get with its shampoo or rinse. I can't believe it's just a maid who can use all she wants..."

"Well, there are circumstances behind this… In this world, it is the Sakura family that exclusively sells shampoos, rinses, etc. from manufacturing. This is what you get for free.

Besides, in Lake City and Nassau, you can also enjoy a cheap bath for anyone who says your building is a public bath. Without a bath, they said they didn't like it and made it for the servants. "

Oh, this is totally Japanese.

Only then did Testa say a word of surprise.

"Yes, it's like an open-air bath hot spring in your museum's Kyoto shack, in a cypress bath, and in Nassau's mansion. Well, you know the same Luthai Shinoyama around here."

Are there hot springs too...... next time, let's go. Still, Mr. Sakura is running to his hobby with all his might.

You said you have a villa, too, pretty celebrity.

"Okay, I'll go on explaining. Meals in the dorm cafeteria are free, and if you give the laundry to the laundry maid, it will be laundered free of charge.

Next thing you know, it's forbidden to steal or extort... well, it's forbidden to touch the law at all. Others, the Sakura family and visitors, are national guests who said that everything is royal, royal and aristocratic somewhere.

It is forbidden to tell outsiders what you hear or see, and even after you quit, confidentiality will be imposed... Well, as you can imagine, I will discount you here.

Love at work is free, so choose the time and place and let it go. In fact, some have married in love with the castle owners of the Ruthai Empire.

But when it comes to identity etc. at the time of marriage, please tell me. I'll talk to Mr. Miyagi and get him to do something about it.

And finally, when you sign this contract and quit the workplace, please offer me at least a month in advance. There will also be a relationship between retirement benefits.

Now, if you accept the above, please sign the space below you. Kiribati or Ruthai is fine. "

You have a retirement pension too! But the treatment is pretty good... hmm? The other maids have written working hours, but there are no dedicated maids anywhere.

"Well, I don't have an exclusive maid at work hours."

"When I say exclusive maid, I just said it in plain sight. My official name is Ladies Maid."

Was it? But it's weird to serve a man, lady.

Oh, there it is, this... Huh!? From 6: 00 in the morning to 7: 00 in the evening, is it just 13 hours of work!

Pretty hard...... so good treatment, I'm convinced.

With that in mind, when only signed the contract, Testa confirmed the two contracts and said:

"Let me introduce myself again. I'm Sakura's house keeper tester.

It will be easier for you to understand the made-up director and what you think. The job is to manage the personnel, employment, etc. of Sakura's maid, as well as the management of the keys to the mansion and the management of the building, and also the exclusive maid of Pandora, Sakura's second daughter.

My room is in this mansion. House Keeper, head of female servants, and Butler, head of male servants, have one room in this mansion, so I'll show you later. "

I thought you were a great man, but was Mr. Testa the head of a female servant?

That's what Testa said when she saw the pocket watch as chilling.

"Is this the time already? It's time for the servants' lunch, so it would be around the time we're gathered in the servants' dining room.

I'd like you to meet your roommates. Basically, you'll be in the same room with someone at the same workplace.

Mr. Ekaterina, no one has followed the tea yet, so, well, it's practically a one-person room. Shall we go then? "

So the tester rose up, and guided them.

As they walked out of the mansion for a while, Testa guided them to the mansion, which was so large that they could not beat the mansion near the left.

Huh!? Is this where the servant's cafeteria is?

When she saw Ekaterina, she also seemed surprised, and Testa began to explain.

"This is the dorm of the Sakura servants. On the right side of the ground floor, in the dining room, meeting room, living room, shopping. Baths for men and women on the left. That and the laundry reception and living room.

The second and third floors are dorms for women on the right and men on the left, and we can't go to each other's rooms unless we get down to this entrance once. It is forbidden to go to a heterosexual room due to this...... shall we go anyway "

With that said, when Testa invited the two of them inside, it was the entrance that went into the eyes of the two who went inside, surrounded by a number of luxurious dishes, like the mansion near the left, like the royal palace.


To Ekaterina, who said so by accident, only he nodded and agreed, Testa led him to the dining room, "This way".

In the noisy dining room, while those in uniform or in private clothes who would be on holiday were eating pleasantly, when Testa clapped her hands and drew attention, Testa introduced Wei.

"Attention! These two are Ekaterina and Shinoyama Wei, who have become one of us since today"

"This is Ekaterina, thank you very much"

"I'm Shinoyama Wei... Um, I don't know anything other than Ruthai, so I'm sorry for the inconvenience, thank you very much."

When they bowed their heads, the other servants bowed their heads lightly.

"These two will be ladies maids. Assigned to: Ekaterina is a tea lady, Shinoyama is a museum lady... Where is Claire?

It was Beatrice who answered Testa's question with regret.

"Um, Claire came back earlier from the Luthai Empire with tons of food..."

"That idiot again..."

Testa, who said so, said calmly when she said in the outfit that she had a headache.

"Okay. I'm sorry, everyone. Keep eating."

Testa, who said so, took the two of them out of the dining room.

He was worried and talking to Testa, who walked through the luxurious entrance.

"Um, what kind of person is Claire?

"Claire Astol. I've known your museum for a long time, and I'm a nine-year-old girl.

Originally, I was in the supply unit of the Nassau Defense Corps, but I ran out of my salary every month and nearly starved to death every time, so the Miyagi picked it up and brought it to me... every time, I pour all my salary into a treat, so you're better off here, living. Maybe that's what your museum is thinking.

But I've known you since your old days as a mercenary, and even if your palace is replacing your guardian, your courtesy sucks, and you don't do your job at all... it sucks "

So the tester said, when he stood in front of one of the rooms on the third floor, knocking on the door.

"Claire! It's me, it's Testa! Open this place now! Open it or I'll knock on the door!

... Sounds kind of like the police.

Only he thought so, but he heard a flutter and a noise from inside, and the door opened slightly, and Claire, the maid of honor, appeared.

"Claire, this is Shinoyama Wei, who has been working with you since today.

The room is now in the same room as yours… open it quickly. "

"... don't you get mad?

That is what Claire said, upbeat, and thought he was cute by accident, but Testa said with no expression.

"Open it...... or do you want to be smashed through the door?

Te, Mr. Testa, I'm scared.

It was the only one who thought so, but when Claire opened the door freaking out, it was a huge, luxurious room inside, but an awesome room with scattered treats, clothes, etc.


And it came to pass from Claire's head, that she had ears like dogs, and fell down like a threatening dog, like a petan.

Dog ears... this kid, the dog's... sure is an animal man. But cute, like a doll.

Only in front of him did Testa move his eyes and stare at Claire with no expression.

"Clean it up in five minutes. If you can't, you'll be cleaning the bathroom forever... all right?

"Huh!? But..."

"You get it?


That's what Claire said, and she hurried to start cleaning up the room.

Testa, who confirmed it, looked back and said to the two of them:

"Well, Shinoyama's room is behind us, and next let me show you Ekaterina's room. The interior is the same in every room, so let me explain it there."

Mr. Testa, I'm seriously scared... let's not piss him off.

With that in mind, when I went to the tester, when I opened the adjacent room, there would be 20 tatami in the room with Claire inside, and a little lonely room with two semi-duplex beds.

"This is the room for two. Same as the earlier rooms, but you are free to buy other furniture.

One closet here and one closet here. Because bath towels and other washing tools are already in the closet.

The toilet is the deepest of each floor and is co-located. Please tell the laundry to replace all sheets, etc.

Valuables such as money can be found in your closet in small boxes, so please put them inside and lock up your closet for storage. Is there anything you don't understand?

"Um ~ really, just a maid, would you mind living in a place like this?

That's what Testa said to Ekaterina, who said sorry, as a matter of course.

"Naturally. We are professional servants.

Not the same as other servants like slaves who are forced, servants. You're the best servant in the world. This degree of treatment is normal.

So you, too, act with that pride. Anything else?

... If not, I'll come and get you in this room later with your uniform sized, so please take a bath and finish your meal by then. "

Testa, who said so, was going to the next room and yelling at Claire.

"... you've come to an awesome place"

Ekaterina's face, who said so, was overwhelmed, except that it was the same.

"Right...... anyway, take a bath, let's eat"

"Oh, but I... you've never taken a bath..."

Huh!? Really?

With that said, he said that even shampoos and aristocrats are hard to come by... and there seems to be nothing else I can do about the bath. But if Sakura is Japanese, the bath should be the same.

"I don't have much experience, either, but I'll tell you what."

"Oh, thank you"

So Ekaterina turned toward the bathroom with the toiletries.

... The bathroom is here, isn't it?

It's like Mimi's crawling letters... I have no idea.

But Ekaterina said, as if she were frightened.

"Only. There, for men."

"Huh!? Oh, that way!

So he went into the bathroom with a little light.

Oh! I knew it was a regular bathroom!

Unexpectedly, the only place that came in front of me was a well-seen hot spring or other stripper.

This way, ooh! I knew it was what I expected!

And when the door was opened in the back, there was a bath of flushes.

"Ekaterina, for now, take off your clothes"


"Long time no see, I'm back!

"Aren't you crazy about that word?

So he smiled, and they entered the cafeteria, and the servants had already come to realize that Beatrice, who had been generous, had hardly known what was good.

"Sure, to Ekaterina, was it Shinoyama? Hey, didn't you hear how to use the cafeteria?

It's a rabbit...... is this guy an animal too?

"Yes, Mr. Sakura... not Shinoyama Wei, the exclusive maid of the Miyakan. This is Ekaterina, our exclusive maid of tea."

"Best wishes"

"I am Beatrice, exclusive maid of honor to the First Lady, Iris. Well, let's get along with the same ladies maids.

For meals, grab a tray from somewhere else and say meat or fish. Oh, because the cocks here can speak Luthai, so it's okay to speak Luthai. "

Thank you for your time.

And it came to pass, as Beatrice had taught him, that when he received the dish and sat at the table, Beatrice sat with sparkling eyes, and said unto them both.

"Hey, Shinoyama-san. Come on, where were you born in the Luthai Empire?

After all, that question has come! What about Hamamatsu?

With that said, you said Mr. Sakura was the same country name as he used to be...... Yikes! I have no idea!

But there's Hamamatsu Castle, so it's okay.

"It's Hamamatsu..."

"Hamamatsu... I've never heard of it. Near Kyo?

Kyo... It's about Kyoto, isn't it? But the flow of this story is lame.

"It's a long way off, because it'll take days. More than that, Mr. Beatrice, ladies maid, what do you do?

So said Beatrice, looking around and whispering.

"Well the job is... I'm just talking about here, ladies maids are really easy. The job is to take care of your wife's jewelry and clothes, well, all around you, but this is easier.

My Iris wears very little jewelry, doesn't wear clothes, and controls weapons are done by my sister, Testa, and it's easy to manage. And Iris is a really good man, treating me like a friend.

Well, I wonder if it's hard enough to remember your friend's name.

Just for the record, it's even easier for your ladies and maids. 'Cause I can't wear jewelry at all, and my wives manage my clothes, and it's mostly military uniforms, kimonos, so it's easy.

Your weapon is under Testa's control, and then Major Meissner and Butler's Busty will do it, and you have little to do. "

That's right, what's lucky, that? Your wife is a tea lady...

Mr. Beatrice, I have a question for you.


"Isn't your wife a tea lady?

"That's right. The tea lady is your wife, but Iris is your wife.

The First Lady is Master Iris, and the Second Lady is Master Lana. The Third Lady is Master Cecile, and the Fourth Lady is Master Cecily. The next time you get married, the tea lady is the Fifth Lady. "

Five of you! Mr. Sakura, not really like that, I didn't see him. I was insulting you. Wow.

Only he thought so, but Ekaterina said to Beatrice with a serious face.

"So, is there anything forbidden at Sakura's house that we shouldn't do?

If you ask, in the Luthai Empire, if you do anything disrespectful to the samurai, you will be killed. "

... That's totally the same as a time play.

Beatrice stepped forward and said with a serious face, only to contemplate such a thing.

"Speaking of forbidden sentences, don't listen to the past of the Sakura family... Well, I can't help but come into my ear with you, but this is something that will never be divulged outside"

"For example?"

"For example... Ekaterina. You were dedicated to tea."


"Tea is a little complicated. My real name is Vina Fresias Garcia, and I am the princess of the Fresian kingdom."

"Huh!? Um, of the elf superpower?

A princess is a political marriage?

It was the only answer I thought so, but Beatrice's answer was rather complex.

"Yes, that Fresian kingdom. As a matter of fact, you two already have kids, and you're not married, but you have kids."


"Well, it's a weird story, but it's a pretty complicated story. Organize what you hear and explain the past of the Miyagi, as it is said among the servants.

Your palace is a native of Yamato, the Luthai Empire, and came to the mainland after exiting the then clandestine Luthai Empire. So, I was the Duke of the Fresian kingdom at the time, His Majesty King Lakes taught me tactics, etc., but I made out with the tea of His Majesty's daughter in hiding, so that I could have a child.

But it seems that the Pearl who was born returned to the Luthai Empire with a young pearl from a kingdom that he would not admit except pure elves because he was also Luthai in appearance.

So, I still don't know who the mother is, but Pandora-sama was born and she was fighting Lieutenant Colonel Fujiyashi over Yamato's hegemony.

Eventually, there was a great battle, and left Mr. Pearl and Mr. Pandora with a merchant he knew, and Mr. Miyagi fought in the anti-Korean court of the Ruthai Empire, and he was betrayed and lost.

But when the Emperor of the Luthai Empire was told that the power of the Imperial Palace was spared, he saved his life and banished him to the continent... Your Palace was surprised when he wandered the continent, met the Iris and the others, and after the mercenary years, was promoted to General Left Kingsguard by the inaugural Luthai Empire, and summoned to the continent with Master Pearl and Pandora. Zhu was married and you had more children.

That's why it's forbidden to talk about your past.

Well Iris was also the daughter of Lord Neumann, who was said to be an imperial traitor at the time, and Lana is the head of the Cold Springs family of the Luthai Empire, but no matter how you look at it, he is a pesperd dynasty royalty, and Cecil and Cecily were the Starks a fallen nobleman at the time... well, they're all struggling.

Your wives are also captains of every unit of the Nassau Guard, and you will be on the battlefield. "

... what a hard life you have, Sakura. But Sakura's age is weird.

"Mr. Beatrice. Isn't it weird how old your palace is?

I don't care what you think, you only look like you're in your twenties... "

"That's right. Your palace needs to talk about a half elf."

"Why not?

That's what Beatrice said with a smile when she said she didn't know what it meant.

"Oh. Wasn't Hamamatsu in the Luthai Empire there?

Life expectancy varies from species to species. Humans are about 80 years old, but we beasts are 200 years old, and when we're elves, we're about 400 years old.

Plus, elves and dark elves stay in their late teens and don't get old. He looked like a late teenager until the vampire bit him, so he said he must be a half-elf. "

I'm even a vampire... and I'm so jealous that I won't grow old with a long life. Oh, do I feel similar?

Nevertheless, this world even exists for vampires. If you ever go out there, it won't last a day... and you don't get kicked out, this is the only place you can work hard to die.

But no matter what I try, how do I... yes, research first.

"Hey Mr. Beatrice, can you tell us about your family structure and your friends?

"Well, good. I think maybe the family structure will be learned in training, so in terms of friendship, there are three important people.

First, Orange Left Kingsguard Massei. This is Admiral Left Kingsguard, third in line in the Luthai Empire, who is a lower official position than the Imperial Palace, but in the previous war, the two of us almost decided on an operation or something, which led us to victory, which is a great combination.

Well, the two of us have been hanging out a lot lately, and it seems like we're going somewhere pretty bad. Now, bad friend.

The wives hire even Shinobu to prevent cheating.

And the two remaining brothers are Masada Yuanta Nobuna and Masada Tokijiro Changhui. These two are the ministers of Shinanomo Takahashi of the Luthai Empire, but I wonder if they are like childhood friends from a long time ago.

We are still close, and the children of Miyakan and Yuanta are friends with each other in the same class of school.

Well, we argue a lot, but it feels like we both know everything... but there are rumors... "


"That's the rumor. Kina stinks, but in the Luthai Empire, there may be a rebellion and a war... so Maida-sama's brother says he's a rebel.

Of course, the Imperial Palace is very grateful to the Emperor for saving his life, and since he's a Marshal of the Allied Coalition, he said the worst could be breaking up with enemy allies and going to war. "

Oh no... so you're telling me we're going to kill each other as childhood friends?

And it came to pass, that when his breasts were tightened painfully, a tester entered the dining room, and he came and said,

"What, were you still here? I'll start sizing my uniform, come here."

So they went out of the cafeteria about the testa.

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