Another Life


Tuesday, September 18, A.D. 2. On the left hand side, as usual, when the family was together and eating breakfast, Chloe came in as a courtesy.

"Good morning. I'll sit down. I have plans for today, but for a week from today, I have vacated all my plans for classes and work, so please finish the drawings for the two castles in the example.

Secretary Keith and Major General Krueger will be angry again when they say they have no budget. "

In those words, Lana said with interest.

"What, what? Build a castle?

"Oh. Besides, it's the Knights of the Holy Guides and the Knights of the Witches who protect the castle."

And the second he said so, Iris turned his eyes round in astonishment, saying,

"You... that's..."

"Oh, of course, it's the castle of my father-in-law, the commander of the regiment. Well, I'm the one designing the castle... Congratulations, Iris"

The moment he said that, Iris was looking down, tearing up, muttering, "Thank you."

Well, I know how Iris feels. Previously, he did not tell me the contents of the covenant, but I heard it from his father-in-law, the Neumann family, to deduce from the secrets of the Neumann family, that in the Serenity Empire, no matter how martial arts were given to him as a lineage with the blood of the devil, his birth was suppressed with just a knight.

I've always thought something was weird. Even though they say he is the most powerful knight in the empire, he is not the leader of the regiment.

But in a contract with the historical emperor, the clan was protected by the emperor... until that incident happened. So I guess the owner of the Neumann family in the past was in a state of breeding to protect the clan.

Well, in this Valkyrie, everyone is my direct minister, the territory is not an official lord, and furthermore, my father-in-law, the Upper Highness, belongs to the Empire, but you were glad that the Neumann family was recognized.

But I think I'm using that feeling, and I feel a little backwards. But you can't stop here.

With that in mind, he pretended to think a little bit, and said:

"But then you can't hear the products of the Emperor's celebration..."

"Is that from the Emperor's birthday celebration?

To Cecily, who said so, the left hand side said with a troubled face.

"Yes, it's from the Emperor's Birth Celebration. As a matter of fact, I asked Hyogo to try not to suffer too much from the others, because Bullet Jong-yoon may not even meet him, looking down at those under his official position.

So let me go and ask... "

"No. If you want to find out, finish it quickly... it's me who gets mad."

Nice, that's Chloe.

So Iris wiped his tears before his left hand.

"It's okay, I'll go. Because I used to get along when I was giving lectures behind bars."

"No, but the wife of Kwon Dae-sen said there was no escort..."

"Let me go. If I were Raven, I wouldn't have a problem.

But there's no job to skip without me. "

To Chloe, who said so, he said, "I know."

That morning Iris, Chloe and Beatrice were in front of Bulletin House on the south side of your place.

Chloe looked around in front of the magnificent mansion, as if it were some kind of Kyoto mansion.

Somewhere, Jack's watching? Well, anyway, why don't you come in?

So Chloe, wearing Raven's cape in military uniform, spoke to the gatekeeper.

"Excuse me. I'm Major Chloe Meissner of the Coalition.

This is Sakura Kuen Daihan, the wife of Kiyoshi Kiyoshi, and Sakura Left Kyojin Iris.

Today, I wanted to wish Mr. Fusei Bullet Zheng Yin Zhonghui the best of luck. Mr. Bullet, is Yoon here?

In the words of Chloe, the gatekeeper went in for a moment to confirm, saying, "Wait for a while," suspiciously.

Originally it was a letter or something, and if it wasn't after I contacted him, the gatekeeper would not have followed up, but since they were all continental in appearance, I wondered if this was certain, and the gatekeeper went to check.

Eventually, when the gatekeeper returned, he said sorry.

"Then your wife is here. If you are with us, please come here…"

"No, wait, I am your wife's escort. Now, if anything, you will betray your trust, which you have trusted me with.

Besides, I am Raven, and the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire has told me that we should be free. Are you willing to poke at the Emperor while the Bulletin House is in a position to uphold the law?

"Yes, no... that's..."

And Chloe said to the doorkeeper, who was troubled.

"Okay, then?

"So, ma'am, and the escort, here. If you are a servant, please be there..."

Iris whispered to Chloe, who said so and went in half forcefully.

"Chloe, it was okay for one person... isn't that too much to say?

"No, Master Iris, since something happened. Then it's too late. Besides, the Bulletin Mansion is only taking your business lightly, so you have to do this."

Chloe told me, and I was convinced that would be the case, and Iris and the others were led into the hall, waiting for a while.

And a little while later, when Zhonghui opened and came in, they were astonished with their eyes round.

The reason, of course, is the presence of shadow fighters.

Zhonghui, who came in with the Shadow Warrior, sat straight in the upper seat, but the movement was perfectly synchronized, as reflected in the mirror, and Chloe was convinced by Jack's words.

This, whoever sees it, doesn't know which one is the real thing... I don't see the expression on the mask, and I guess it's really okay, it's Jack.

With that in mind, Iris and Chloe lay flat on Zhonghui, and Zhonghui A, sitting on the right, came talking.

"It's been a long time, Shinji Sakayo."

Iris said for a while that he was staring at Ji Zhonghui A without answering anything.

"Where is the real Zhonghui?

In those words, Zhonghui B, sitting on the left, said with laughter.

"Hahahaha, that's Sakyo Jin, isn't it? I'm Yoon Chung-hye, the real Bullet Bullet."

But Iris answered again, staring at Ji Zhonghui B, without answering anything.

"You're different, too. Neither of us... it was under the mask then, not the pretty eyes. Is Zhonghui making fun of me?

To Iris' words, who said so displeasedly, the two Zhonghui said that, without changing their expressions, the small samurai hidden door in the back would open and the other Zhonghui would come out and sit between them.

"No, I'm sorry, Lord Iris. Lately, someone might be after my life... sorry."

Iris smiled at Zhonghui, who said so and bowed his head.

"You're finally a real Zhonghui. It's a noisy story about people who are after their lives."

Zhonghui, who heard the words, said by accident that it was your husband, but he said it with good patience.

"Well, I buy a lot of grudges, chief of the Bullet House. So, what did you do today?

With that said, I had eyes from the ceiling watching Zhonghui desperately fix his smile. Yes, it's a rat made out of Jack's one eye.

Cook Cook... Ma'am, no matter how natural, tell Bullet Jong Yoon that. Chloe, too, will have a hard time putting up with laughter.

Okay, time to get to work. Target Rock.

The moment Jack activated his skills, Jack's vision showed Zhonghui's appearance glowing red.

Well, all you have to do is kill the muscles. Well, if you kill him right away, he'll suspect his wife, so you can free up for a while and gather information in the meantime? There are records of the Luthai Empire in the library, so maybe you'll find something interesting.

With that in mind, Jack's rat left Bulletin Mansion and headed toward Pusheng Mansion, and Jack himself headed toward the Central Library in Lake City.


A few days later, on Thursday night, September 28, there was still a one-eyed figure of Jack, disguised as a Luthai, drinking with a single middle-aged samurai at a liquor store near Nijo Takakura, near Bulletsu Prefecture.

From that day on, Jack looked into the Bulletin Mansion in the Central Library and discovered a record, and then, under the name Yoshijiro, he changed his figure in illusion to a Luthai pedestrian, entered and left the Pusheng Mansion and became friends with a middle-aged samurai.

The man's name is Kasei Satsuka, and his real name is Tasei Maka. A year before the end of the civil war in the Luthai Empire, he was a former minister of the Harada family, who perished later as an anti-Korean army, changing his name and working in the Bulletin Mansion.

Why, Jack gets along with this man, in a place where there are no people, he says to himself, under the real name of Satsuka, "Why don't you sit down at the main house?," he said.

To Satsuka's surprise, I was also a former junior samurai from Echigoku, and this one eye was injured in the battle of Castle Sarasawa, which caused me to quit the samurai and become a merchant.

In fact, there really exists a castle called Monkeysawa Castle later, and there is a battle, and this Satsuka was also in the battle.

But this was a lie that Jack, who learned about Satsuka's background, had studied all the battles of Echizen, placed in the Central Library of Lake City, and discovered Satsuka's report on the battle he was in, as well as the history of the war.

"I miss you. The battle of Monkey Sawa Castle is a hell of a battle... so it's no longer an exaggeration to say that we survived that battle."

With that said, Satsuka, who has gotten quite drunk, proceeds to Jack in an upbeat mood.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. That food attack, really, was hell in the world.

But I am truly delighted to have someone like you speak of me as a brother. "

So Sazuka smiled at Jack, who received Sazuka's drink in a cup.

"Yoshijiro. Lord, it seems that the samurai habit is still intact. The way you talk is still not a samurai."

"This, if you'll excuse me... when I'm talking to Satsuka, I'm stuck back in time"

When Satsuka smiled happily at Jack, who said so in light, the other townspeople gathered and spoke to them.

"Have you ever been to war, brothers? If it's okay, I'll buy you some booze, so why don't you tell me about the war?

To the townspeople who were completely interested, Satsuka drank alcohol, feeling a little grumpy.

Yoshijiro, tell him.

"Huh... is that good?

"I don't care, tell him what the real battle is."

In the words of Satsuka, Jack took his eyelid, and when he showed his left eye, the townspeople peered into his left eye, noticed that there were no eyeballs, and when he accidentally retreated, Jack spoke as he did.

"Well, I can't say where the battle is, but my upcoming battle is one in which I got this wound and got cut off from quitting the samurai.

This Satsuka and I were defending and fighting a castle... on the battlefield, a battle of gorgeous swords and spears, most likely, but the most expensive thing to die for is a flying tool. I mean, it's a bow or a stone.

But the living, they can hardly die. Immediate death is almost non-existent, and most of them suffer, rise, and gradually die showing their obsession with life.

Besides, the castle without the brave is truly tragic when the food runs out, you eat whatever horses, cows, etc. I need it on the battlefield.

And if they cut off the hand of the water, there's no drinking water. At first, I would take a piss, but eventually, when it's gone, I would drink the blood of a corpse to moisten my thirst.

And one, and another, dies hungry, and those who remain, eat their corpses… it was hell indeed. "

And when the townspeople were shaking their feet with the sight in mind of Jack's words, Satsuka saw him with satisfaction.

"Yoshijiro, shall we change the store? I'm sorry, guys."

Satsuka, who said so, left the gold at his desk and followed Jack hastily.

The surroundings were surrounded by darkness, and the moment he entered the narrow alley, Satsuka suddenly laughed.

"Pu... gahahaha! Yoshijiro, have you seen the faces of those townspeople? That, I'm definitely going to take a nap piss tonight.

Again, your wounds, don't surprise everyone... No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you look so spectacular. "

"No, it would have been a good pill for those guys. That's right, Mr. Satsuka... No. Why is Mamiya in Bulletin Mansion?

The words were natural from those who were former ministers of the Harada family. Satsuka said, walking in front of Jack, looking at the narrow night sky, seen from the alley.

"Again, do you think so too... without clearing up your lord's carelessness, why do I work for Bullet Jong Fu's, which also hates Bullet Jong Yoon?

That's to get the evidence of Monkey Sawa Castle, give it to the Kingsguard, play it to the Emperor, publicize the evil deeds of Bullet Yoon to the public, and let the world know... that we fought that villain a lot.

But I checked, but I don't have much evidence... maybe it's in Lake City, somewhere called a library. "

It was then that Jack behind Satsuka said something amazing.

"There was. On the orders of Bullet Jung-yoon, the Bullet Jung-fu recorded the work carried out at Monkey Sawa Castle, also known as the Outer Road."

In those words, at the moment when the astonished Satsuka looked back, Jack's hand grabbed his mouth at Gassi, and Jack's figure was undone.

Satsuka, with the power of Jack's hand, couldn't even speak, but the moment he reached out and grabbed her by the side, Jack grabbed her arm and couldn't move. In a whirlpool of surprise, fear and despair, Jack said in Satsuka's ear, smiling.

"That face. It's the best face ever, with all sorts of emotions and great spices.

Oh, yeah, I'm late for my name. My name is Jack, and I am under the command of Mr. Sakura Kuen Daikata, and I am the one who receives your soul.

Don't worry, after you, I'll send your uncluttered enemy, Bullet Jong-yoon, to hell... Oh, I'm sorry, it was a world of nothingness. "

After hearing the words, Satsuka manages to escape, but Jack's power cannot move very much. And at the next moment, Jack's appearance turned into that of Satsuka, who had no one eye.

"Come on. That's it. Soul Eater."

The moment Jack said so, something like a tube came into Satsuka's mouth, and it conveyed the esophagus and came into his stomach.

When Satsuka could taste the intense pain in his body and could not speak, something like a ping-pong ball eventually transmitted his esophagus from inside Satsuka, and the moment he came out, he fell on the spot powerless, and in Jack's hand, a soul previously seen near left, was caught out of Jack's palm, something like a nutau eel.

After all, in the end, despair, don't be the best flavor.

That's what I thought, Jack's palm Nutaunagi gradually ate Satsuka's soul and completely supplemented it.

Okay, this corpse is next... you're gonna be okay, right?

With that in mind, when Jack took Satsuka's knife and flank, he stored it in the item box.

And Jack, who once again got his hands inside the item box, put his hands inside to make sure that there was Satsuka's body before heading to Kamatsu Mansion.

Behind the Pusheng Mansion, Jack, who recovered the rat, went from the front into the Pusheng Mansion with the smell of liquor intact when his eyeballs were restored.

"Is that it? Satsuka, sure it's not your day off?

Jack said with a smile to the samurai, who said so by accident.

"No, I was drinking and I remembered that I forgot something important."

"Normally, even a strict Satsuka can do that."

Jack infiltrated the mansion with a loving laugh at the samurai who said so.

Walking down the long, dim corridor, unlike a few women, Jack was stopped as soon as a few samurai passed through the room.

"This is Lord Satsuka. What is it?

"It is an urgent reward for Bullet Jong-yoon."

And the samurai, when they heard the word, gazed upon Jacques, and said,

"Excuse me, may I ask what that reward is about?

"I'm sorry. This is something Bullet Jung Yoon told me to keep secret, so I can't tell anyone. Therefore, one of you will report to Mr. Bullet Jong-yoon."

Mr. Bullet Jung Yoon? I wonder what. Well, if you know where this place is, it's not a disguise for the wrong person, there's no mistake in Lord Satsuka, but there's something wrong with it.

But later, I can't help but reprimand Master Bullet Jung Yoon for not letting him through, and let him go.

"Okay, go ahead."

So the samurai, when he passed Jack, went back to his room.

In fact, the two that Jack found on the first day were both shadow fighters.

So where is the real Zhonghui? It was a hidden room set up inside the mansion.

Moreover, the shadow fighters were concentrating their security ninjas, who themselves were protected by minimal escorts.

Moreover, Zhonghui had nothing like that with the three Shadow Warriors except when he met Iris, so other than Jack would definitely have hooked up and managed to kill the Shadow Warrior.

But Jack, who saw true Zhonghui's appearance, had locked Zhonghui's appearance with skill, and, like thermography, even beyond the wall, had grasped its existence.

Jack walked down the hallway, bent over, knocked twice on the wall, and then knocked three times. Then came the voice of Zhonghui from within.


"In Satsuka, I'll sit down."

"What's up?

"Lady of the Lake Country, Iris asked for help and came"


At the same time as he was surprised to say so, it was the moment when the place that was the wall slid sideways and Zhonghui came out of it, Jack's sidelines on Zhonghui's chest stabbed him again in the chest after being deeply stabbed out.

To too many events, Zhonghui, unable to understand what had happened, grabbed the side of his chest and the moment he wanted to speak up, he was blocked by Jack's hand, who said "oops," and Jack said to Zhonghui in his ear.

"I won't let you speak, and I won't let you use your demon eyes.

Your Excellency's invitation to a world of nothingness. Unfortunately, I receive it. "

My lord... the lake country!

Yes, Zhonghui wanted to scream, but with the air stabbed in his lungs and going through "Hugh, Hugh," the scream could not be heard and Jack confirmed that he could not speak, but at some point, without realizing that he had left, it was a moment to hold his side, when Hum and a glimmer of flash passed through Zhonghui's neck, Zhonghui's neck rolled into the hallway with Goron, and from his body, blood was flowing without stopping.

When Jack delivered the knife to his sheath without expression, he went back out early.

And it was when Jack walked past the room where the samurai were waiting. It was the samurai who called Jack suspicious of his actions.

"Lord Satsuka... Lord Satsuka!... What the hell is wrong with you?"

Ignoring it as it was, Jack's walking trail of leaving the scene was marked with blood on it.

"Hey! Check Master Bullet Yoon right away! A few of them go on with me!

And the samurai, who called Jack to rest, went after him.

"Lord Satsuka, wait! Hey, there, stop Lord Satsuka!

And it came to pass, that Jack slaughtered and killed the gatekeeper, and fled.


Something's going on tonight.

With that in mind, the Hyogo woke up from the futon to the noise outside. Pearl and Mira also woke up and looked anxiously at the face of the Hyogo.

"It's okay, don't worry. Even when I look like this, my father is strong."

So he heard the knight of the guard from the outside in the armory stroking Mira's head.

"Major Willow, are you awake?

When the handicap was opened, the Black Knights guard was kneeling.

"What, a conspiracy?

The question of that arsenal was natural. For a knight of security, usually unarmed, was ready for battle in armor.

"Do you call it a rebellion, Masayo Fusei, said he was assassinated!


It was an unwittingly said arsenal, but at that moment the matter of the left proximity and Jack crossed his head.

No way, my father-in-law...

To the arsenal I think so, the knight reported.

"The killer's name is Kasei Satsuka, and he says he's a samurai from Bullet House. He killed Yoon Bullet and a few guard samurai and escaped and lost them."

Hyogo's reaction to hearing the word was quick.

"To the Emperor, do not let anything happen. Leave a few men behind and go to your guard! If you don't have enough men in Bulletin House, don't hesitate to turn them around from here.

Dia! Bear! Jack's here!

"Over here!

"Over here!"

"I'll be here."

And it came to pass, when the three came forth, that there was a slight smell of blood in the nose of the Hyogo and the beads.

Scent of blood...... no way, is the killer Jack?

Even so, if you don't move here, you'll be poorly suspected.

"Defend the south half of the hall, and the bear the north half. Jack sent me on a space transfer to my father-in-law, and then he asked me to leave. Maybe the emperors will evacuate.

Pearl, do me a favor... Mira, if the Emperor comes here to evacuate, you protect him. Whatever happens, protect the Empress and the Belly Son. "

It was to that word of the Hyogo that everyone nodded and moved toward their respective roles.

With Jack's space transfer, the Hyogo, which moved to the mansion near the left, opened the front door vigorously, with Busty and Testa waiting for him at the entrance, Busty said with his head down.

"What is this, Master Hyogo... like that, what is wrong with you?

When he saw the Hyogo in Yukata by accident, Busty said that the Hyogo would go inside without even caring.

"Busty, where's my stepfather? It's urgent."

"Your palace was almost incarcerated until yesterday about the newly built castle..."

"That's the bedroom. Okay."

"Oh, hey, Master Hyogo!

Saying so, the Hyogo went up the stairs and knocked on the door of the bedroom near the left, without even hearing Busty stop it, getting the attention of the servants on the night shift.

At that time, the left-hand side had already devoured sleep in his own bed, next to Cecily, who read the book, because he had been creating drawings and models of the castle all night long.

In the noise of the hallway as if to break such a happy silence, the left proximity was drawn back to the real world, and it was when Cecily also closed the book she was reading next to the left proximity, when she heard the door slammed and the screaming Hyogo.

"Father-in-law! Father-in-law, it's important that you sit down!

In the words of that arsenal, the left-hand proximity was immediately understandable as to what had happened. But when the emotion came out saying why it was today, forcing her naked and still awake body to wake up and give her long hair up, she squeaked by accident.

"It's too bad timing... Cecily, okay?

Cecily nodded in surprise with her eyes round to the nearest left-hand side, unaware of it, and said to the armory in front of the door.

"Hyogo, come in!

With those words, the door opened, the arsenal in yukata and the failure to stop the arsenal, so sorry, Busty and Testa came in.

And he said to the Hyogo, leaving his body awake from the bed, as the left hand side seemed dizzy.

"What, noisy... what happened?

"That is the assassination of Fusei Bullet Jong-hye Yoon."

To the words of his arsenal, he was astonished, and Cecily said that when the book he had accidentally fell out of his hand, the left-hand side was flat.

"Really... so, what's your security and the killer's eye-catcher?

"The killer, says Kasei Satsuka, is a samurai from Bullet House.

I've already left a few knights in the Kyoya Mansion for your security and a search for the killer, and the Kyoya Mansion security is a bead and a few knights. And we consolidate it with jack, dia, bear. "

I see, Jack. Do something good. But if I don't move here, don't get suspicious.

"Yeah, that's the Hyogo, the first one's perfect. Busty, just in case, raise Lake City alert two levels."

"Yes, sir."

Testa, I'm very alert to the mansion's servants.

"Yes, immediately"

"Hyogo, we're going to Coalition headquarters, gather the knights from one end of the night shift, and let them guard Kyokya and your place and dignitaries...... what's up, Hyogo?

At the end of the near-left gaze, he said, he put his strength into his fist and just looked like a standing arsenal.

And the Hyogo spoke close to his left, lest his anger should explode.

"My father-in-law... My father-in-law has fought many battlefields against Lord Bullet since he was a child. It's for that bullet Lord.

Your father-in-law can't be unaware of the horror of the assassination and its effectiveness... Is your father-in-law not involved in this assassination?

In those words, Cecily and the others, when they looked at the left-hand word, said, "The left-hand man looks dizzy, lifts up his hair, and from beneath him, with a ruthless eye.

"If you say you're involved...... what do you do? Do you want to kill me?


So he said with a smile unto the armory that was confused, and trembled with fists.

"There's no way, it's a joke. All three holas, move fast. I'll get dressed and head to your place."

He was rushed to the left and Busty and Testa headed, but only the Hyogo stood still and stared at the left and near.

Hyogo, you're totally suspicious. But all this, I can't even tell this guy.

And he said unto the left hand, Looking down upon the armory.

"What the hell, Hyogo? Are you still suspicious of me?

I said I wasn't involved... and that would be enough. "

"Okay...... now excuse me"

And the face of the armory that said so was seeping remorse, saying unto himself, Why hast thou not told me the truth?

Sorry Hyogo...... Emperor skill makes everyone execute that order. If I discover it, if I don't tell you, I won't give you names... and I don't want to get you involved.

With that in mind, the left proximity seemed a little sad, and when she looked in the direction of Cecily, she was gazing at the left proximity.

And he said unto his eyes that were clear of the truth, and his left and near eyes were unconsciously turned away.

"... what is it?

"When I woke up, I said," You're too timing "... it's like you knew about the assassination from the beginning.

Tell me the truth... are you really not involved in this?

"... not involved. Coincidence."

That is what Cecily said with a sad face, near the left, when she came out of bed.

"Hey, weren't we a couple? Why won't you tell me the truth?

"... I can only say that I'm not involved"

Near left he did not look at Cecily's face, and when he said so, Cecily wept a worn out, large grain of tears, and said to him, wiping his tears with his hands, so as to plug them.

"You always do. Always carry the important thing by yourself... what am I? Isn't that my wife?

Always hidden... I know what you have, but you can't tell me that, and you won't. I'm really anxious, think about how I feel!

... This is tighter than when I was caught in tea. But I can't tell you.

"... sorry"

So said Cecily, shaking her face, even though it was near the left, which she was sorry to say.

"Enough, I'm going home. This isn't a couple."

So he grabbed Cecily's arm to open the spatial transition and shouted, near left.

"So I can't tell you!

"Why, I can't tell you! Just tell me why!

Thus said Cecily's cries, like the resentment that had accumulated before exploded, for the first time near left, with a sad face.

"... because in the worst case scenario, my neck is the only thing I can do."

In the closest words of his left hand, from the face of Cecily, who was weeping, he said with a voice that drew blood and trembled as he looked.

"What... it's not just about your neck, is it?

To the words, the left proximity turned away, and without saying anything, Cecily cried and slapped the left proximity breast, screaming.

"Why do you have to die! Why... why..."

"The Luthai Empire... to protect the Emperor... sorry"

With those words, Cecily wept, just shook her head, protesting near her left.

"The Emperor owes me so much that I can't return it. Besides, the emperor told me about me, in heartfelt words, as a friend... such an emperor... risking my friend's life to help me is my way of life. I'm a root samurai."

And when he said so, he smiled at Cecily, and said, Cecily held him near the left.

"I don't like it... what happens to the rest of us?

"It's painful, I know. But my life will be saved."

"No, I'm not saying he's alive!

And Cecily, who said so, created an ice dagger in his palm, and put it upon his own throat, saying,

"Enough... if you say nothing and you say you are going to die, I will die with this child, now..."

Time Actor!

At that moment, near left, he stopped time, and from behind Cecily, held her hand with the dagger, and held it from behind, he said as if he had noticed.

"Okay, I'll tell you... I'm the one who instructed you to assassinate Bullet Jong-yoon. Do you know the movement of the rebellion in the Luthai Empire?

"Yep... Yuanta said it. Could it be that Mr. Pusheng..."

"Yes, I joined the rebels. Bullet Yoon is an agency of control… When Bullet Yoon, the secretary there, becomes a rebel, he can't be converted for innocence to weaken his forces. It won't have to be revamped, but in some way, it won't be able to move. Besides, you can't ignore the Bulletin Mansion."

"So you said you killed him? It would be nice to talk about that."

And he sat down in the bed, and said unto Cecily, Left and Near.

"I can't do that. Bullet Jong-yoon used to try to burn down Kojiro's village... and because he wanted to see my troubled face.

I used Dia and the bear to kill all the bullet Yoon's ninjas that came, magically lightning them down in front of me, and giving them silent advice. He won't listen to anyone. "

"Then why aren't you telling anyone? Even in the arsenal... then the arsenal is pathetic"

"It has to do with the skills of the emperor. The skills of the emperor, the king's genealogy, if spoken immediately, will twist the will of that person to do what the emperor tells him to do. Except for Freya.

If the emperor asks me who knows because of that skill, I will tell you about those who know... then it might be better to not know from the beginning that the lives of beads and arsenals will be saved. "

When Cecily heard the word, she understood why she had never said anything until now.

Near left, he said, was desperately trying to protect his family and relatives, and that he was his own wagamama, and he broke that thought.

I wonder why I couldn't keep my mouth shut and believe him, even if Near Left didn't say anything. Believing without saying anything, I wonder if it was my wife, Cecily's eyes were filled with tears, she groaned "I'm sorry" many times, and the left and near held Cecily together without saying anything.

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