Another Life

Penguin again.

After noon when Chloe and Wei were out buying out, Mira and Hyogo were performing ground arches in the dojo, and Pandora was showing them a piece of paper.

The content, of course, is the school schedule. The left-hand side was looking at the schedule and thinking about future exercises.

Now you see, October is the 15th Sunday of the sports festival. The Harvest Festival is Saturday and Sunday, the 28th and 29th of this month, so the students won't enjoy the Harvest Festival because it's an interim test from the 30th.

This feels like Cecily's bad faith.

That's what Pandora said as she ate the onion ring, keeping her weight on her left and near back.

"Absolutely, it's malicious of your mother. With the power of the lord, can't you crush one event?

Especially intermediate tests, intermediate tests, intermediate tests. "

How much do you hate midterm tests? Well, I used to feel similar.

"But crushing the midterm test will definitely piss Cecily off... you can hit the harvest festival with an exercise"

"I'll kill you, you jerk."

"Hahaha, you're right..."

Wait, what about the exercise at the sports festival? Anyway, if this guy's physical ability, no one else will be able to deal with him, and he won't be able to leave.

"Hey, it's Pandora. How about an exercise at a sports festival..."

"That's rejected."


"If I don't get out, my knighthood will lose."

... this guy is no longer trying to hide who he is, not at all.

"You, where did the sick and weak setup go?

... Wait a minute. Actually, if all the school students find out and your mother finds out about it, there's a chance they'll tell you to come home.

I said, the non-test event sounds like fun... yeah, the sports festival is Sunday and you have a switching holiday the next day.

"I remembered at the sports festival, what day after that? It's a weekday, but I'm sure Major General Kruger will be happy because the school is closed and the military won't be on holiday."

"... why are you worried about that? But, well, there's also the castle building thing, so I'm not going to spend much of my budget, and I need to save money, so maybe it's just fine. Okay, let's move on in that direction."

You're building a castle... I'd like to see it.

"Hey, can I show you your father's designed castle?

Well, maybe it's better to hear from Hyogo and Pandora than just me. Originally, I was going to ask Yuanta's opinion, but she turned me down.

"Right, here we go, let's get started. Hyogo, hey!

With that word, Hyogo said to Mira, Hand controlled to stop the archery, and when Hyogo turned to the nearest left, the nearest left smiled.

"Hyogo, can you let me know what you think of the castle you're going to build next?

"Good... no way, here and now?

"Yes, here and now. It would be good for the students to study."

And he said unto the smile of his left hand, and said unto Hyogo in awe.

"I get it. Mira, that's it for today."

"Thank you, I've sat down!

That said, breathing on his shoulders with a pepper, as he replaced Mira with his head bowed, when the left-hand side exited in front of the Hyogo, the left-hand side widened one large map from the item box.

Then the students gathered around, and when they looked at the map, the left-hand side explained.

"The castle to be built is one in the mountains in front of the village of Isana here, west of Lake City. And along this canal to the southwest, at the intersection of the street.

The goal is to prevent Lake City from being attacked from the west. Simply put, it's a castle.

Knights students might not know. Learning to branch castle is certainly supposed to be in the second half of the textbook. But what you see now will be an experience.

So, Hyogo. Any complaints or questions about this place?

And the Hyogo thought for a while, and said,

"This western mountain castle is hard to reach. If the water hands are cut off, you'll easily drop the castle with a soldier attack.

Next southwest, this flat castle, but certainly a great place to expect to develop the castle town, but the only mountain in this northwest is bad. If the enemy builds a formation here, this Heijo can see from the top and see where he is concentrating his forces.

Well, to this point, on the assumption that there are no brave men, we talked. "

When the Hyogo said so, Shirley said.

"Can I have a moment?

"What the hell, Shirley?"

"In a tactical textbook, I learned to call it a water attack. This southwestern castle, on the western side of the canal on which it is built, has a lower topography than on the eastern side, so if you can block this canal, the water from the canal will flow into the castle and you will be able to easily water it?

That's a boulder, even though the water attack is still ahead of us, did Shirley preview it that far? It's a big difference from some dumb girl who relies on her skills.

"Water attacks don't always succeed, they sometimes fail. Although not on the map, the planned construction site on the western side of the canal is land with good waterlogging, but poor waterlogging on the eastern side and otherwise.

Build an embankment, block the canal, but if you take the navy down the canal from Lake City and let the embankment decimate, the scaffolding will be worse and, conversely, harder to attack "

Yeah, like the water attack at Ninja Castle.

"I see, you'll learn."

"And the problem with Hyogo was that there are several spring-water locations in Yamagata, and the water volume is too high, making it difficult to cut the water.

Besides, if you can predict where to build a formation, it's easy to prepare a trap. I wonder, for example, if we could stretch the explosives all over the mountain and blow everything up the moment the main unit is installed. "

Hyogo accidentally saw the sight crossing his head and a cold sweat running down his back.

"I see, then, there will be no problem with placement. So the castle model is made?

In this case, it would be a blueprint.

That's what everyone thought, but the left hand side said while putting his hand in the item box.

There's both of them.

There is!

Unexpectedly, two exquisitely crafted models were placed before those on the spot.

In the mountain castle, at the tip of both ends of the U-shaped mountain, a small fortress was created, behind which was a castle characterised by the creation of a heavenly guardian cabinet on both sides.

And at the bottom of the U-shape, two circles were made, and within the U-shape, three circles were made, and there was also a castle town.

And the moat was empty, and in front of the great gate of Sanomaru, a wide open moat like a handicap was made.

Also, the arts are fine. Were you making this all night?

It was Pandora who thought so by accident, but she heard Eli wondering.

"My lord, there are many muscles stretching vertically from the foot in this small fort at both ends, but what is this?

"Say this vertical moat, enemy soldiers will go up the slope through this ditch and attack the fort. But when an enemy strikes, you can easily strike from the fort in one line and with a small number of people.

Hyogo, do you have any thoughts? Whatever, tell me. "

And the Hyogo thought for a while, and said,

"First, this vertical moat, but if you do attack with artillery, on this slope, it will be difficult to climb while preventing it with an iron shield. Saying, it is also difficult to prevent with a bunch of bamboo lighter than an iron shield, on a continent where bamboo barely inhabits...... but, like the witches of the Divine Orchestra, if prevented by magic barriers, you can easily reach the fort.

The idea that only witches can use magic barriers is too dangerous. If you have someone else you can use, you have to think about it.

And a passage across the moat here, turn left, through the walls, to the major gates… This is fine, but in front of the bridge across the moat, building a horse exit would also be more defensive.

And the biggest problem is with the escape route. If you cliff everything but the forts on both ends, there's no escape. "

I don't know, I feel as bad as I thought. But what the Hyogo says is better.

"Hyogo opinions are certainly the best. Now, let's build a horse out here and make the fort extinct.

But I don't want to create an escape route from Honmaru other than a spatial transfer. Possible attack from there.

Pandora, what's your point?

And Pandora thought for a while, saying in the nearest left-hand language,

"... if I were to attack this place, I would magically evaporate it all at once."

... Hey, say that, no look, no lid.

"Pandora, then even if we can destroy it, there is no beyond, and anyone who is just strong can do that. I want you to be someone who can think ahead.

Whatever you do, the first thing you need is good people. Sure, good people can be nurtured, but that will take years.

Even if you are an enemy, if you can distribute talented people, the effect will be immeasurable. "

"Okay. Pandora, I will engrave your father's words in my heart."

So Mira whispered to Pandora, who bowed her head.

"Pan, he's mad at me."

"Ugh, I'll kill you, motherfucker."

"Father, Pan got angry. Scary."

So he grabbed the arm of the Hyogo, and Nico nicked the figure of Mira hiding behind him, and watched him.

... This guy is totally a parent idiot. Well, the only thing I do well is train swordsmanship, should I say boulders?

"Well, Heijo's next anyway"

So said the left-hand side, Georama of Heijo, unlike the earlier mountain castle, was a very huge, castle town, quite built, and the castle town also used a nearby canal to stretch out the moat.

And the castle itself was a slightly taller hill, and in the middle of the canal, gardens, etc., were built.

And it came to pass, that the Hyogo beheld the territory, and groaned.

"This is the kind of castle that took the good places of Okayama Castle and Himeji Castle, but also the thirteen shaped tiger mouths? But this is like inviting Honmaru to form a formation on a nearby mountain because it is near the mountain... well, if you don't know, you'll form a formation, but if you do, it's a piece of wood dust.

This castle is full of character from my stepfather. "

... Me, have you done anything to Lune or Hyogo lately? I remember too much, I don't know.

"So, any additions?

"After all, you will need a horse out at the big gate"

This guy, don't stick to horseback. Well, that's highly effective, so I can't help it... well, that would be good.

"I see, you sure do. Pandora, what do you got?

"I think it would be nice if we could devise something to counteract the water attack Shirley said earlier so that it would be easy to decimate the eastern levee. And just in case, if we don't build a defense facility in Central America, there's a chance that the enemy will attack us in the Navy."

I see, you sure do. This isn't the only ship I have, and I've never been there.

"If you say so, you do. Now, Pandora's right, let's build a defense facility in Central America as well.

Anyone else have an opinion?

That being said, the others thought, but Mira raised her hand and said,

"Let's build more parks, more squares, more places to play."

In the gaze of what the child was saying, the proximity left was taking Mira's words seriously.

Indeed, as it stands now, there are few places to evacuate in the event of fire or disaster. Besides, the square can also be a garrison for troops in city warfare and a place to set up a field hospital.

Hmm? Wait... the square... sounds like fun to build a racetrack too. I can do TUEEEE, and I can make the strongest legend of Aoba.

And he said unto Mira, stroking her head.

"You're right about Mira. Let's build more squares... and racetracks."

And it was when he smiled, and Pandora grabbed the shoulder near his left, and said with suspicious eyes.

"Wait a minute, fucking dad. The racetrack is totally your father's hobby, though!

Anyway, on the blue leaf, you want to do me a TUEEEE. In that head, you want to make the strongest legend of Aoyagi and you must be wuss!

... This guy is sharp in vain. But I'm not my trained, excuse skill enemy.

"Huh, sweet Pandora. The advantages of creating squares are that some children like Mira play a lot, but they can also be places of refuge in the event of fire or disaster, and if they become city wars, they can be places for garrisons of troops and field hospitals.

Besides, when it comes to racetracks, it can be a big base in its vast space, it can also be a training for military horses in normal times, and gambling can increase tax revenue. "

Near left, who was so adept at saying so, the students had a look of respect, but only Pandora and Hyogo were different.

And the Hyogo said as if he were frightened.

"Well, father-in-law, to hide the truth, sometimes it's time to rap, but this time let's agree with my father-in-law"

It was when the Hyogo said so. And the doors of the dojo were opened, and the teas of the shapes of anger stood.


Pandora, who said so, tried to escape with a spatial transfer, but when the left proximity grabbed her collar and pulled it back, the teas said.

"Pandora! This child, run again! Today is the day to do the tea ceremony and the audition of Huado!

"Hey, let go of me, you idiot father!

Pandora...... sorry. I'm scared of angry tea, too.

With that in mind, when Pandora smiled and turned herself over to tea, Pandora, who cried out, "This traitor," was drawn away.

"Pan, you're a little pathetic"

It was to Mira, who said so by accident, that the Hyogo murmured a terrible word.

"Mira, I think it's time..."

In those words, the color of apparent despair appeared on Mira's face, and the left proximity, which I thought was a mess here, moved to the office on a space transfer when the castle model was again stored in the item box.

On the table, two models were placed, near left, who were silently fixing the correction point by themselves, but suddenly a voice was heard from behind.

"You're such a badass."

When the left proximity turned its gaze in the direction of the door, it stood there, a positive one.

Originally, Massei was a face that looked near left, frightened or laughed, but the close left seen face was a masterpiece of a painful expression.

"What do you look like... well, did Your Highness tell you?

With that expression, the left-hand proximity, who understood what had happened, stopped the movement and said, Zhengcheng bowed his head to the left-hand proximity, without saying anything.

"Hey, stop it. I don't give a shit."

He said so with a smile, but Zhengcheng said so with his attitude.

"I feel sorry for myself. I'm so sorry I bothered you while I told you I was going to end this..."

"Never mind. Neither do I."

"No, then I'm sorry about my feelings! I told His Highness and the Emperor that I was involved, but I was ignored... now I'm sorry!

Totally, really disciplined guy.

With that in mind, he went as close as he could to Massei and said, "Hey," the moment Massei raised his face, he punched him as much as he wanted.

And he made a loud noise, and smiled and offered his hand to Chloe's desk, and fell.

"Now you owe me nothing."

Zhengcheng was surprised by the sudden, and when he got up holding the offered hand, he said, rubbing his battered cheek.

"Give me a break..."

"Even so, I've been considerably relieved."

"Damn, you monster. That's right, rather than working here, go home to him...... Mr. Iris, you've been pretty depressed.

I was so depressed that I came back with him. Go home to him. "

Right, were you at the funeral with me?

"Without me, Cecily and the others would do something about it. At times like this, women are the best."

When he heard the word, Massei grabbed his left and nearest chest and said:

"Hey, Kiyohiro. Mr. Iris has been calling about you with his heart... respond to that feeling. That would be my husband."

... Totally, you're not married.

"Okay, I'm just finishing up, and I'm gonna go."

That said, the proximity left was to put the model down and move with the spatial transfer as it was.

Left proximity out in front of Iris' room told Beatrice that when she knocked on Iris' room, Beatrice came out with a confused look, not knowing how good she was.

"Iris, are you back?

"Ha... but your wife has been crying for a long time"

Me, I seriously don't like women's tears... I can't help it, do what Massei says.

"Okay, let me handle this. For a while, will you leave us alone?

"Yes, of course."

When Beatrice said so, and the left hand side entered the room to replace him, was Saki watching someone else, and Iris, on the king-size bed, pressed the clogged voice to death and was crying?

I knew I was crying... how can I be comforted when I'm like this? Besides, I'm the one who gave the assassination instructions... I have no idea.

With that in mind, the left proximity, when he sat next to Iris and stroked his hair, Iris looked at the left proximity and held him, just crying.

Near left, just unable to say anything, as he stroked Iris' hair, when the sun came down, Iris said as he rose and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry... it's been a long time since someone I know dies..."

Long time no see...... well by the nature of the Knights of the Holy Guidance. If we had gone to the battlefield, there would have been a dead man.

"Well, I can't help it...... so, how was it?

"Yeah... a mother left behind behaved very generously and responded without showing tears even though her son died"

Well, I don't know what to say, you really feel like an old woman...

Near left I thought so, but Iris' next words were very surprising.

"But it's weird. The servant women at the Pusheng family say they never had any memories. If you noticed, you were in the middle of an assassination scene.

Until then, I don't know that I work at the Pusheng house. "

What the... that's some weird story. Why don't you ask Jack next time?

"That's a weird story. Yeah, you said about this one, what would happen to the Pusheng family?

"Yes, Her Highness Kanbai told the Kamatsu family to mediate the adoption and the mother left behind to educate them."

Golimaccio, I knew you cared.

"Oh well... have you settled down a bit?

"Yeah... I'm sorry about something"

"Good. I can't... Yes, today is the only time I've ever cooked a dish in my second life.

Freya and Chloe are coming too, so have fun eating. At a time like this, it's best to have a nice meal. "


Iris, who said so, went down to the dining room.

"Ooh! Kiyoshi. I stayed... What, did you leave Iris crying?

Having said that, it was Freya who had already come to the dining room to greet the left-hand side.

"No... it's the Luthai Empire today, because there was a funeral."

"... are we talking about the example Bullet Jung Yoon?

Freya's eyes sharpened when she said so, and he gazed near the left.

That's fast information. From the chancellor or whoever, did you hear... No way, His Highness Kanbai won't be there.

... You sure you're all right?

When the left proximity thinks so, loose ends, Lana and the others descend in the dining room, musty pandoras and teas. And the Hyogos came.

"Hey, the archery was more incandescent than I thought, and I came to be an old man"

Hyogo...... you totally make it hard to go home and you just want to go home with someone's space transfer. Are there enough ingredients?

With that in mind, Chloe came.

"Ooh Chloe. How'd it go?

"I helped, too, and it was good. Without magic, you couldn't have cooled the ingredients."

Chill...... is a hamburger a chill thing? Really, I'm glad I left it to you.

And it came to pass, that the food was brought.

For the first time in Hamburg, he was astonished by the left-handed and the non-Freya; and the left-handed and the Freya were moved.

And when he came forward, he began to explain the dish with a little nervousness.

"Uh, for dinner today, grated Japanese-style hamburgers and buttery rice. And these are the salmon carpaccio and vicissoise."

"Salmon, did you?!?"

He said so by accident, but only his eyes were swimming, and he said with suspicion.

"... only try to be honest"

"You know... the fish I tried on the market looked just like salmon, so I made it into carpaccio. But it does taste poisonous."

Don't call it poisonous yourself. Where are you, Vichy Sowers? I've never eaten anything like this before.

With that in mind, Iris suddenly rose up and, in surprise to all, left with a bright blue face.

"Hey, what?

It was close to the left that I said it by accident, but Lana noticed something.

"If you say so, even when Iris became a penguin, it wasn't like this."

"Hahaha, I don't know then... no way..."

Cecily said so with a smile on her left.

"Unlike me and Lana, Iris wasn't pretty badly obstructed...... no way this time too, will he be a penguin?

... Wait a minute, this is the last time I can have my kid if it's not Cecil next time.

I can't say I don't have it while I do what my kids can.

"Well, before the food cools down, shall we eat? I'll have it!"

And it was as if to dispel the anxiety, that he cut it with a knife, and fell upon the hamburger, and the remnant spoke of the hamburger one after the other.

Wow, it tastes like hamburgers I'll be eating in a while.

Beatrice came and said he was impressed with the flavor of hamburgers around the left.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Master Iris wants me to rest like this because I'm not feeling well today."

And Cecily smiled at Beatrice, saying so with regret.

"You have no choice.

Beatrice at the place. Remember when Iris' last period was?

"Sure... it was June... ah!

"Well, after you see a doctor, this is a definite penguin."

That's what Cecily said, and I noticed that there was something near the left.

"With that said, how do you know penguins?

It was Cecil who answered that question.

"... king of the sea, royal penguin.

... I'd love to see it on land, but the last time I met it at sea. To be sure, the ship is destroyed.

… hence living more often in the Kingdom of Fresia "

... what is it, that dangerously creature? Could it be a sea monster?

That's what the teas said next to the left hand.

"How many sailors have died because of all those penguins... even if we send out a crusade, everything is in return, it's all gone"

... Let's not touch it.

So he said to his servants, wiping his mouth.

"Well, leave the penguin story alone. Don't tell anyone, because Iris hasn't decided to get pregnant yet.

Busty, call Kikka tomorrow and have Iris examined. "

"Yes, sir."

"Well, you can't make your father-in-law superiors happy... never say that. Especially Freya."

And Freya turned away from his face, and said unto him.

"This hamburger is really delicious. What's on this radish grate, Ponzu? But for Ponzu, the flavour seems to be subtly different..."

Hey, you're definitely going to say it.

And when he saw the left-hand side of him, he said unto him, Tilali.

"It's a mixture of soy sauce, lemon and mirin."

"Heh... did you cook before, or did you?

"No, my parents run a western restaurant, and since I was a kid, they taught me how to cook."

Western restaurant... Shinoyama... like I heard somewhere...

"Hey Wei. What's the name of that western restaurant?

"Slough Branch was a store, near Hamamatsu's Central Police Station... maybe, you know?

The moment he said so, the left-hand side blew out the wine in a magnificent manner, and he saw only by accident.

... I remember. He was a classmate in elementary school, and when he did it to me, he made me a favor, called me home, and made me rice, Shinoyama.

If you say so, there are shadows... No, before that, why do I have to meet classmates in different worlds? I don't know what that means.

With that in mind, the left-hand side felt a little nostalgic, ready, and said.

"Only... Do you remember the name of Island Kiyohiro?

"Huh? Huh, I heard your name in front of the palace."

Not in person? Right, because you look different?

"Two years younger, how is my sister, True Yi?

"Yes, before you get here, tell me you've got a boyfriend... that? Did you say my sister's name?

Is that it?... Island Kiyohiro... Ah! In the same class as in elementary school, it was my culinary experimental bench, Ishima!

... That was an experimental bench.

Near left, Busty asked the question.

"Master Shinoyama, since you knew him?

Shit, I mean, not much nostalgia, I wasn't thinking about the place. This is hard to deceive.

"I was a friend of mine at school at a very young age. Well, I've only been here about a year."

And when the left hand said so, Busty smiled, and said, Was it so? And he went to his place, and whispered.

"Shinoyama, you may have been friends with Miyakan, but I am now a servant of the Sakura family. Please think of the time and place.

Sire Freia, I'm sorry I didn't sit down. Please forgive me for my lack of education. "

"I'm sorry I didn't sit down"

Is that it? Sure, Ishima said this was the third rebirth. Does that mean that in the world I was in, you were dead!?

But when I see my first love again, I'm already married, full of kids, celebrities... sort of in many ways, snag wow.

With that in mind, Freya said with a smile only to bow her head with Busty.

"Kamahen. Today's dishes are messy and delicious, let's forgive them.

With that said, Kiyohiro, you're building two new castles? When Keith told me to make more deals with the demon kingdom, and I asked him why, I said, "

Keith, your mouth is too light. Well, it's Freya, and it's good.

"Yes, with the Principality of Nabrich joining the Union, it is possible that those who did not join the Principality of the former Union will create and attack the country. That way, you can come straight to Lake City.

Speaking of which, what are you doing with the Lake City sewage treatment at meals? I was the one who designed Lake City, but it was Freya who made the details. "

"It's so easy, I filter water slime where it drains and supplies water."

Slime? Coming out with that RPG, is that a weak character? I have no idea what that means. Why are the other servants turning bright blue?

"Why, slime what? Is there such a use for such a weakest character?

"Asshole or Kiyohiro. In this world, there are no monsters more troublesome than slime.

I have no intelligence, I act only on my appetite, and the only way to kill it is to destroy the nucleus in my body. The weapon will melt until it reaches the nucleus, and there's only one way for a troublemaker like that to magically attack the nucleus if he meets you.

As a result, the world is full of slime that only melts clothes, as imagined by Qing Xing. "

This guy's gonna look right through my heart.

"I know that. So, is that water slime relatively safe?

"No way. No more dangerous demons than water slime.

Water slime is almost transparent, lurking in freshwater and attacking monsters that enter the waterfront or. It dissolves everything, except water.

Water slime dissolves everything, like sludge and parasites, and drains only water. Using its nature, it causes the room sealed in Ur to drain water and digest all impurities, such as parasites, into the household, and sewage into the room sealing dirty water to remove dirt and drain genuine water. How about a naturally friendly system?

This is a system that attaches everything to towns and villages in the Land of God. Well, mostly, Tenn thought about it. "

That's an awesome system. Mr. Tenn, I figured you'd better be the Demon King.

"But if they erase the Ur language, is there no escape?

"That's okay, too. Ur is written on the inside of the room or.

Someone tries to escape the Uotor Slime, but they have to kill the Uotor Slime, and then it doesn't make sense. Hey, perfect it.

Well, the downside is, even if you drop something in the bathroom, it digests, so you'll never be discovered... and if the body gets flushed into the sewage, they'll never be discovered. That said, Elias and the others used to run him by the name of Emilio. "

Emilio...... the guy who was the prime minister of that Serenity Empire.

"Why don't you sell me that uoter slime? I want to install all the sewer systems in the new castle and in this Valchia."

"That's, yeah. What are you gonna do with Ur?

"There's Pandora"


Pandora, who said so without thinking, said with a shudder that her eyes were dotted.

"Pandora stopped, or she was a student. We don't want to teach Ur to write.

Better than that, hey Kiyoshi. Deal with us. Yeah? I only want the cook at my place to teach me how to cook.

Instead, we'll build a castle building. What do you say we talk?

Well, I know how you feel. I miss you too. I want to eat too... yes, I came up with something good.

"Only once a week, why don't we do a cooking class?

"Huh? Is that a cooking class?

"Yes, gather the cooks at Freya's place and the cooks and hopefuls of the Sakura family to teach them the only dishes they know.

Of course, there's going to be a special allowance. So, is that good?

No, this is a situation you can't refuse. But it's a special allowance... I want it. Even the clothes I saw today were full of cravings, because he said there were hot springs.

Okay, let's do it.

"Good. Well, Busty, you can arrange it."

"Yes, sir."

Busty, who said so, quietly bowed his head.

From this day on, every Friday, only cooking classes were held in the kitchen of the Sakura family, and rumors called for the arrival of cook hopefuls from different countries.

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