Another Life

Exotic Weddings

Sunday, December 3, 2nd AD. Since this morning, Central Castle has been surrounded by a different atmosphere.

Those who were in a hurry were servants of slaves, coming from the kingdom of Fresia, and the servants of Central Castle were merely watching the state, and the guards and the knights were clearly murdered.

The reason is simple. The preparation of weddings near left and tea can only enter ceremonial venues, including those of Muslim faith, in relation to religion. For this reason, the servants of the slaves of the kingdom of Fresia were working.

Although the left-hand side of the marriage was allowed to enter the ceremony on an exceptional basis, even the Sakura family members were not allowed to attend because of their different religions.

It was the head of each knighthood other than Pandora who disputed this. They stuffed up to see what they would do if there was anything near left, but near left said, "It's okay. If you were worried, you could do the security of the ceremony from the outside, and if I were killed, you could kill all those inside." So the guards and the knights were murdering.

From the perspective of those who do not know, it is as if the battle is about to begin. With that air out, in the waiting room of the guarded Central Castle, the left hand side was dressed like a white pastor, waiting alone.

In the meantime, the waiting room door was knocked and Nick came in.

"Oh, won't you sit in your lord? For some reason now, I ask you to take the place of your kinsman, and I am truly delighted... what has happened, my lord?

Strangely so, at the end of the near-left gaze that sees Nick, there was Nick, who looked as if he had chewed up the bitter bug.

"Well, don't call me lord anymore. You're not my minister right now, and you're the third best man in the world."

"Nevertheless, my lord will sit in the hall."

So he said, Losing the smile of the nearest left, or Nick gave up, and sitting still, he said to the nearest left.

"I wanted to apologize to you. Ever since you were castle owner of Mizuguchi, you've advised me many times, and I didn't heed any of that advice... not even the measure of the last night raid.

There was something really wrong then... I'm so sorry. "

Nick, who said so, lowered his head to the left proximity, but when he heard nothing from the left proximity, became anxious and raised his face, the left proximity put his hand on his chin and looked at Nick wonderfully.

"... what's up?

And he said unto Nick, Unexpectedly, Left and Neck inclined.

"Do you really want to sit in the, uh, twisted hall? A certain lord would never have apologized, even if he was wrong."


Nick, who said so by accident, stared at the left-hand side, but said the left-hand side without a shudder.

"But it's twisted, but to my justice... to my faith, risking my life, I was the one who went through it. Some of them became friends because they were such lords.

Well, to be honest, I was also dismissed for delaying the date of my appearance, I was dismissed from the guard of Lord Kingo, I was dismissed from the night raid, and my head was swept away, but I enjoyed the last battle I had with my lord.

There's nothing to be thanked for. "

"Near left, I'm still friends with you..."

"Yes. Our relationship will never end."

Nick had a slightly moistened look at the smile on his left.

"Well, even if a man likes me, I'm not happy about anything. Besides, I don't know if you're praising me or denigrating me.

Besides, I said you were twisting about me, but you'd be twisting closer to the left. No, the degree of twisting comes to this world, and it's exceptionally up.

Now the teas will struggle. No, you've been struggling with your lord for a long time.

And what is the name of your Lord's son? Every time I go to the Lord's house, I hear "Sakichi, Sakichi" and every time my body reacts on its own. That one, do something.

If your lord's son was angry with Lord Iris, he would feel angry with me, and if he told me he was cute, his body would muzzle. "

That said, when I hit my dissatisfaction close to the left, close to the left said with an indescribable, nostalgic smile.

"Apparently, the usual lord has returned."

When Nick heard the words, he said the clothes correctly and calmly.

"Hmm. If you say it with that youthful face, it's creepy.

More than that, this wedding thing... are you in your head?

"... at all. That's what I've been doing lately, working with coalition forces, doing noble opponents, and even the work of the Ruthai Empire... you won't be able to.

Anyway, it's about my lord. You're going to explain this to me, aren't you?

"... If they say yes, don't get annoyed. Well, that's good, I'm replacing you today. Don't let him be ashamed of himself.

First, in the venue where the tea waits, you go in with me, and the two of us ask the Muslim mentor a thankful story. Never go to sleep at this time.

Besides, Musamaism is strictly forbidden for men and women before marriage to live together. For once, the teas are in the kingdom of Fresia, and it is before the building that I said I would meet the Lord this time, so don't forget that. "

"Let's keep it in mind. This ring, after a thankful story, is worn on the fingers of the tea, so I will mouth it."

That's what Nick said with surprise to the left when he took out the platinum ring.

"In the Luthai Empire, when you marry, is it a custom to mouth?

"No, it's not... it's just something I thought it was."

"Well, let's just say that. If you do that, you'll go mad and the queen will fall.

I'll keep the ring. If I give it to your lord, put it on the tea lady.

So, after the thankful story, a dish comes out that simmers chicken on a large plate and vegetables that say tomatoes and spoons each other at the same time. We are both dressed in white, so when we drop it and the dish comes on the clothes, the angel will be telling us to cancel this marriage, so it will be broken on the spot.

So just a small amount is good for a spoon. "

... Tomatoes are also found in this world. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

I'm not sure what religion is. But is this, if you don't like one of them, a remedy?

"Got it. And then what?"

"When it succeeds, it's a gift from the groom to the bride next. This time, that ring.

Oh, there was this before that. The two of you sign the contract given to you by your mentor.

There are two types of contract: temporary marriage and permanent marriage, and the left and near, who are not Musamas, become temporary marriage. Well, that period is a thousand years, mostly the same as permanent years.

Because once you sign it, you can't get a divorce. When divorced, even the king is punished.

After it's all over, it's a feast, but there's no booze. Because alcohol is Muslim and forbidden. "

"The lord is still in Shimodo?

"Oh, I was reincarnated into this world, and it helped me to have Musamaism.

But be prepared for the feast. Honestly, you are not well thought of by the nobles of the Fresian kingdom.

Well, because of that, I don't think anyone will come near me, but jealousy, etc., is to be patient. "

Oh, did you see that? At that time, you did it unscrupulously.

"I get it. I'm going to crush your face, so I'm going to keep you company."

"That's what scares me the most."

That's what I said, and I saw Nick with a stiff smile on his face, and he was feeling nostalgic at the left and near.

Eventually, before noon, when the door near the left was knocked, and a servant of a human slave came in, he bowed his head and said:

"Thank you for waiting. Ready, this way."

"Okay. Near left, let's go."

Nick and Near Left, who said so, headed to the wedding venue on the ground floor.

No way, two men, walking on Virgin Road, I didn't think. That sounds weird...... no, do men walk both modern and virgin roads?

I've never been married in modern times, so you don't know. Next time, let's just ask.

To unwittingly distract the tension, or when the left proximity was thinking of something extra, the large door slowly opened and the sight in the first sight popped into the left proximity.

In a large carpeted venue, the nobles of the kingdom of Fresia stood, in a colorful Arabic costume, sitting on the carpet, on a step-up stage, in a pure white wedding dress, where tea, the upper body, is accentuated by the lines of the body, everything but the face, is wrapped in pure white.

Are you hiding everything, your hair, your ears... this is it, your hair, your ears are blind, the old tea itself.

When he thought to himself, Nick whispered, "Let's go," and they walked up the stairs.

How many people, under the gaze of jealousy and jealousy, when the left-hand proximity walked up the steps, prompted the teas to sit on the chair couch for two, colored by the jewels, in the middle of the steps, the left-hand proximity sat a little shy, and the teas sat in one of them.

And it was when Lakes and his close left substitute Nick sat next to the two that the turban-wrapped old man stood before them and read out the Bible.

I was sick and tired of hearing that too long, that word glorifying God and the angel.

Phew. The point is that God imitated the figure of an angel and made men and women to make and prosper in the world.

So breaking pure blood is against God's will? But I often say this in front of people of different races.

But if you hear that God is a rotten woman and that Yuanta and the others killed the angels, this twister will fall.

Even so, the teas touched the near left hand that was listening.


I thought so, and with astonishment the left proximity looked in the direction of the tea, the tea smiled, smiling like telling the left proximity, "Don't be angry" in the dark.

Are you worried about me?

With that in mind, he nodded lightly and shook his tea hands back, willing to say, "I'm fine."

Eventually, when the conversation was over, the mentor asked near left.

"Ok, Sakura Kuen Daigata Kiyohiro. Do you agree to enter into a marriage contract with Vina Fresias Garcia?

Vina?... Yes, that's the name before the tea. Well, you said you only met her once, so you didn't change your name.

"I agree"

"Then it's Vina Fresias Garcia. Do you agree to enter into a marriage contract with Sakura Kunihiro?

"Yes, I agree"

"Then it is Lakes Fresias Garcia, father of Vina Fresias Garcia. Do you approve of my daughter's marriage?

"Admit it."

"Then take the sacrifice of marriage to confirm the will of the angel here!

It is the will of the angels to bless these two angels and not to marry them if they can carry each other in one hand and without overflowing their food. "

And it came to pass, by the word of his master, that the slaves brought the stewed tomatoes of the chicken on a large plate, near the left, and before the tea.

There are no knives and forks. That means you can carry this already finely chopped chicken into tea mouths with a spoon... tomato soup is the neck.

With that in mind, when the tea was seen as chilli, the mouth of the tea was tight for a moment.

Apparently, you mean the same idea. But the moment he saw the dish, he felt like eh!?, so I guess this isn't really soup in it.

So it's the nobles who are sneaking around in front of you... well, what do you do... use your skills to do something about it? But in this state, you're sure to interfere... I'll be fine, but I'm worried about the tea.

That's what Lakes said when the left-hand side thought.

"Instructor, may I tell you a little bit about the current state of the Fresian kingdom?


Unexpectedly, the queen cried out, but when Lakes controlled with his hand, he stared sharply at the mentor.

Eventually, the mentor nodded and said, losing the sharp glance of Lakes.

"It would be good. It's unusual, but it's a pagan marriage, it's unusual from the beginning, so I can't help it."

"Thank you, mentor. Now, I have something to tell you all.

Recently, a report of a breakdown reported that the Principality of Antonym had broken up its alliance with us and that there was a move to form an alliance with merchants in the Kingdom of Emburg and the former Seventh Confederation who did not participate in the Principality of Nabrich.

This, it seems, is surely an alliance for the purpose of invading my Fresian kingdom.

The two countries that have so far fallen apart and fought each other form an alliance and, furthermore, invade our country with the backing of the financial power of the former Seventh Federation merchants. Even if we have fought against one country before, we have not been able to win, but we are now dealing with two countries at the same time that have been strengthened by financial means… If the people of the Kingdom of Fresia knew what would happen, they would know.

My country, even though it has joined the Union, because of its powerful force, has banned pre-emptive attacks on its own. I mean, it's the first time you've been attacked.

Now, how many of these people have been killed, their families and their people humiliated, and where they have become slaves, the coalition moves... "

That said, when Lakes looked over at the nobles, the nobles were all looking down.

"You may wish you had dealt with it before, but the United States has half the continent, bordering territory with the Northern Union (North United), and cannot be distracted.

Besides, the Fresian kingdom is not a continuous union, and the only way to send troops would be to transfer the brave men's space and transport them by sea.

And the Supreme Commander of the Allied Coalition, the sword that protects us, will now be the stepson, in this Lord Kiyohiro Sakura Kuen Daikura.

Now, to put it this far, even idiots will know how important this marriage is to this country.

So, from now on, I will pray for the sacrifice of marriage so that these two may well carry it into their mouths. If you fail, well, your suffering will be what the angels asked for... let's just say we pray. "

In the words of Lakes, the nobles realized that their trivial harassment could trigger them into hell, and they looked down.

That's Lord Oyaji. In the words of the moment, the feelings of jealousy and jealousy have disappeared until now in the place, and all at once, the air has become as if it were stuck with us.

Now whoever intends to obstruct it will be an excessive idiot or a ruinous one.

When the left-hand side looked at the place and thought so, the conductor read the air and urged them to begin with the left-hand side, and the two never took a spoon of their will, and spooned the chicken on the plate.

All right, there's hardly any soup in it, only chicken... hey, tea! Don't even add soup to a spoon!

Unexpectedly, the tea in front of the nearest left eye was the face that said it had been done, but it could not be returned, and he was trying to carry it gently to the nearest left mouth, shaking with a pull.

Hey, aren't you all nervous? Are you okay... I guess I'll just have to timing this for the tea guys.

But it looks like a pair of feathers, difficult inside...

Near left, if you think so, the teas are too nervous, you thought no more, meditate your eyes aye! All he said was, he stuck out a spoon.

Idiot! It'll overflow! Time Actor!

From the protruding spoon of tea, at the moment when the soup was about to spill, the left proximity stopped time and snapped the spoon.

When the teas gave up that they could not, they opened their eyes again, and there was a spoon in the left vicinity, and whether they were relieved or relieved, they wept the spoon in the left vicinity.

At that moment, there was a sigh of relief from within the venue and a cheer, and the mentor said, offering two guardians before the two, a contract drawn up by Lakes and Nick.

"Then ask the two more blessed by angels to sign the contract of temporary marriage drawn up by the two guardians. If there is no discrepancy between the two, enter your name in the contract.

Note that if there is a discrepancy in the item, only the slope may be inserted at that location. "

... Hey, isn't this all Kiribati? I can't read this, and I have no idea what it says.

This is definitely Lord Oyaji, after I reassure him, and he'll come in with something. Totally, it's a con artist's M.O.

With that in mind, the left-hand side looked surprised when he saw Chirali and Lakes for some reason, and that seemed to surprise him with something completely different.

What are you surprised about?

Tea next to the nearest left who thought so, looking at the contract between Chirali and the nearest left, he wrinkled slightly between his eyebrows and whispered.

"Dear Mr. Kiyohiro. Please pull the slash here and here on the item.

Father's orders say to obey unconditionally and that if a child can, the child will be owned by the father. "

After all, are you here to buzz in?

With that in mind, the left-hand side drew an oblique line to where it was said and signed in Ruthai, the mentor received the two contracts and had Lakes and Nick confirm the contracts.

Lakes checked and accepted the contract with some difficulty, and Nick acknowledged it, and the mentor recalled.

"Then, from the bride and groom, offer a gift. That gift shall bear witness that this covenant was recognised by the angel"

That's a ring here.

Near left that thought, Nick gave me the ring, and near left put it on the teary teary left-hand pharmacopoeia.

"Now the matrimonial ritual is over. Until death divides the two, or the end of the covenant of the millennium, they shall be husband and wife, and shall be blessed by angels."

The words were signaled, and applause rang from the venue, and it was a feast.

With all kinds of noble greetings, the left-hand side flattened all the dishes served, flashing the venue, but the wedding of the day ended safely.

And that night, in the mansion near the left, a feast was held inviting the heads of state, nobles and soldiers.

For the sake of all nations gathered together, it was a standing party, and when the left hand and the tea were blessed by all kinds, two men came in the name of the emperor, Kanbai and the minister of government, and Kanbai said to the left hand.

"Happy marriage this time, Lord Lake Country, Tea House. Lord Tea, may I borrow the lake country for a moment?

"Yeah, go ahead..."

Though it was tea that he accepted with astonishment, Seikai said to the left and near as it was.

"Lake Country, is there somewhere we can talk a little more secretly?

"Well, shall we go to the office?"

That said, the left proximity went out into the hallway and made a space transfer to the office.


When the work documents, etc. were removed from the light-light lid with light moss in the left and near the left office room with a messy desk, the room was bright as daylight, and when the two sat on the couch with surprise, the left and near sides sat on the couch as well.

When the left-hand side sat down, the Minister of State said, surprised and chirped.

"This is amazing. It's like daylight."

"This uses glowing moss, called light moss, that lives in dungeons and caves. Cultivation is also easy with a hint of moisture and mildew.

But the problem is, you're vulnerable to sunlight, and when the sun's up, if you don't cover it up and hide it, you're gonna die soon. "

"Do you have such a thing..."

He was a surprised minister, but with Kanbai's cough, he remembered what he was going to say, and said to the left and near.

"Let me start by thanking you for agreeing to talk about this Interior Minister inauguration. So, do you have any idea why you requested an interior minister while being a big name in the lake country?

"Are you asking me to reform the Luthai Empire?

"Exactly. Honestly, people outside of Washi and Lake Country can't do much reform. Whoever it is can grow up and be educated in the Luthai Empire and escape from the traditional thinking of the court.

In comparison, if you are a lake country, you have the knowledge you have gained on this continent, you have the ability to act, and you have a proven track record of governing this Valkia brilliantly. I want the Luthai Empire reformed here, with the intention of waving the Great Jubilee.

This is also the will of the Emperor… As it is, the people of the Luthai Empire will remain poor, even though they have founded the country, and there will be starving deaths again next year. In today's Luthai Empire, the benefits of wealth from the founding of the country do not reach the people.

The Emperor is heartbroken by it. "

To the Word, even though the left and the near understood the heart of the emperor, and his breasts were tightened, he said.

"I know that, but we need to be prepared to bleed to help the people… it can be temporarily or heartbreaking for the Emperor"

And it came to pass, when the left hand side looked over at them, that they were silently thinking together, and Kanbai opened his mouth, and said,

"Okay, I'll take care of it... this is my last servant and let's be. So, what exactly do we do?

"First of all, it's a thorough control of the nobles who are bribed and fraudulent, jointly with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If you're bribed and you're spoken for, there's no new industry or anything out there. And with that, we're going to dismantle seats everywhere, make sure everyone can do business, and we're going to change the way the seats are."

In that word, the two faces said, "Strong Kanbai."

"It will turn nobility, merchant, temple Buddha's Palace against the enemy."

When the Minister of State snorted at the words, he said something astonishing.

"That's what I've already been able to talk to Director Masayo Sasaki of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the merchants in Kichinai endorsed it and it became my hand. We will continue to advance the merchants' softness.

And I've already set a trap for Yamato, the influential Buddhist cabinet of the temple. If you fall into a trap, the influence of the Temple Buddha's Palace will be considerably reduced. "

"... Lord, since you accepted that, you say you've done everything?

So he nodded to the Minister of State, who was astonished.

"Yeah, of course. We also have the cooperation of our clan island family and the Willow family."

"That's amazing behavior... so how do you change people's lives?

So Seiko said, surprised.

"Let the people create a similar system, from which to grow new buds, to an educational system that starts next year in Valchia, and in the future, to study crops and to study water cures. That way, it will be resistant to cold summers and sunshine, it will be able to study crops, it will convey widely the efficacy of curing water, and the people will take the initiative to help.

The ruling hierarchy has a monopoly on knowledge because it is certainly easy to govern, but there is no way to bring the people to life or the country to develop. "

"So what about the samurai?

"Give the samurai a position taken from the crushed nobility to make them proud, to create a higher position than their current guardianship, to have surveillance and policy decisions in that position, to make them govern on a local basis. That way, construction that has not been possible until now will be done on a local basis, which will reduce the capital contribution of the morning court."

Yes, what the left-hand side was thinking was a road state system. It was intended to reduce the size of the courtyard and strengthen the power of the province.

Kanbai and the others ate the idea, and the Minister of State questioned them close to the left.

"What do you want to do about the position or split it?

"For example, the two Kanto administrations that manage Kichinai, Kanto, will be placed at the top, under which Kyushu, Shikoku, Westland, Okushu, Hangzhou… After that, we will take names from the Seven Ways, set up explorations in the various parts of Tokai, Higashiyama, Hokuriku, and politics, and hold your meetings in front of the Emperor once a year.

Abandoning the heavens and letting taxes be collected into local jurisdictions and explorations, and collecting them in one to determine the share at that meeting. "

"Well, then we can reduce the size of the court. But you'll eat a fierce rebellion."

It was when the minister said so, and the left-hand side said with a devilish smile.

"So we will simultaneously take control of whoever is planning this revolt and replace it once and for all with its post-processing.

With that merit award, there will be less criticism. "

And it was when he said, Seiko said with his arms together.

"Lake country, I have abandoned that idea. In your Lord's opinion, what happens to the ministers, relatives and nobles of those who plot the rebellion? Think of the weak and powerless."

Normally, the left proximity was pulled back, but all this time, the left proximity was not pulled back.

"Who is it that Your Highness says is powerless? Are you a nobleman? Are you a samurai?


That said, Kanbai's eyes sharpened, and he glanced at the left proximity, but the left proximity said not to be frightened by it.

"Your Highness says that the truly powerless people, whether they live or die, don't seem to care, so I'm asking you."

It was the moment when the left-hand man said so, Sekira grabbed the left-hand man's chest, lifted up his body, and said in the phase of anger.

"Lake country, say it again"

"Let's say it again and again. In His Highness's words, I am asking you because a people who are truly powerless, whether they live or die, do not seem to care.

Think about it. Nobles fatten their private bellies, and samurai only think about their homes. His Highness does not think about the people of the future Luthai Empire.

My view is that the people are the foundation of the state. It is only when its people are happy that the nobles and samurai on top can go alive. If the one above is incompetent, the one who replaces the competent one and the incompetent one… those who plan a further rebellion will have to take responsibility for it.

That is the duty of those who stand on top… Your Highness, choose. Do you help the people or corrupt nobles and samurai? "

You lake country, just tell me the truth. Indeed, the Lake Country always tries to save the people from developing a cure for the poisoning of sores, which is often consumed by prostitutes, or creating an insurance system for a people without wealth, and to the military, etc., if they sin, they will carry out their sins first and punish them more severely than the people.

Besides, the people of Nassau, who would have been under their own authority for a long time, had such martial arts, but they also set their ranks low with little to no merit. Besides, I work with a salary and keep myself like any other minister.

A man who says lake country usually disciplines himself while playing a nasty man...

Kanbai sat on the couch powerless, thinking so.

"The nobles and samurai who are here today are not the ones who put an end to that long war... it is not what I would call human beings who want to do something..."

No, this guy is too kind. He may be good as a soldier, but not as a politician.

When the left-hand side thought so, the Minister of State came in between them, cracking it.

"Lake country, today is an overstatement. Your Highness, the lake country is trying to make the empire better, and it's only gotten a little hotter, so please forget about this one."

But whether the words of the Minister of State did not come into his heart, Kanbai remained looking down, and the Minister of State thought for a while, and said:

"So why don't you do this?

Let aristocratic control be the most vicious first. That might stop others from corrupting.

Besides, may those who planned the rebellion also, in this concealment of His Highness, trample upon it? So, what do you say?

Stupid. If we do that right, we'll have no more corruption by now!

Sekiko nodded powerlessly when the left-hand side thought so, and the Minister looked in the left-hand side and said.

"And the lake country, that's good. It's not until now that the (...) and (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the) the (...) the (...) the (...) the (...) the) the (...) the (...) the) the (...) the (...) the) the (...) the (...) the (...) the

So far? Minister, what are you thinking... I don't know, but are you going to start a revolt like me and reform it with that aftertreatment?

If that's the case, this Tanuki father is a big Danuki. If my predictions had been met, this revolt in the Luthai Empire would have meant that the Great Danuki would have set up a mechanism for the great reform of the Luthai Empire... No, maybe he would have just tried to use the revolt.

That means that this HR is going to be a bolder reform than I am, so I made it an interior minister... Maybe the original plan was to do it myself. But when I came out there, which seemed to force me to reform, this great Danuki entrusted me with reform.

If this prediction had been met, you'd be a pretty big danuki. Well, there's no denying the possibility of a rebellion.

With that in mind, he bowed his head to both of them.

"If the Minister of State says so much."

"I'm sorry, Lake Country..."

Near left, Kanbai's back, which said so without raising his face, was usually a muscular physique of 180 cm, but it looked very small.

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