Another Life

[]/(n, vs) (yoji) food/

Friday, December 29, 2nd AD. On the chilly day when the division was approaching, only in the morning had he come to the dining room of the Allied Forces headquarters.

The reason, of course, was the New Year's broth and the meeting about the okonomichi dish.

"The dishes of the Luthai Empire for the New Year were lame. I can't believe you're planning on getting so many ingredients..."

Saying so unexpectedly, it was the anatoly of the Second Head Chef, who heads up with Polypoli, the head of the dining room at the Allied headquarters.

Compared to First Head Chef Julio, Anatoly, who seemed gentle with the sauce eyes, had a troubled face. The reason, of course, is the amount of ingredients that are due to arrive for New Year's dishes.

Only the quantity of ingredients ordered from Busty was the quantity of the Sakura family, coalition headquarters and servants who were responsible for the largest size, even in this cafeteria, whether or not they could enter the storage room.

It should, too. Only because they ordered it so that not only the Sakura family and the military, but all the servants could eat it.

"But this will last a long time, and if you make it, it will be easy for a while. Besides, I think the Luthai people would love it."

So Anatoly said as if he had noticed, losing the only enthusiasm to make a serious appeal.

"I can't help it, Shinoyama tells me how to cook all the time. Tell Julio and Holly to store the ingredients separately."

Thank you. I'll sit down.

And he said, and bowed his head, and thanked, but Anatoly laughed and said,

"In the meantime, shall we put the temporary ingredients at the table at the end there and then store them in three separate places? If the ingredients are fast, they should be stored by Mr. Busty or Mr. Testa, not in the storage room.

You can keep the Brave Man's Item Box in fresh condition instead of rotting. "

You don't need a fridge like that. I want that skill, too, but the terms of a brave man, someone who's never killed anyone, rescues someone who's being held captive by a bandit, right? Too harsh. Wow.

"If you had a brave chef, you wouldn't need a storage room."

So she answered with a smile, but Anatoly grinned.

"No, normally, neither is the servant of the brave, because he is not a continent. On the continent, whether or not there are thirty brave men is a valuable resource.

Normally in other countries, brave men can be nobles, but the Eastern Union has 3,000 unassuming people, so they can do so much extravaganza. Well, thanks to you, I don't have to worry about war, it's good. "

Well, no one wants to go to war where there are so many brave people who travel affordably wherever they like.

I'd be lucky to come to peace if I thought about it, wouldn't I?

So Hansa came to the cafeteria, and only talked.

"Every time, it's the Hanza Chamber of Commerce. I brought the ingredients for your order, which should I bring in?

"Hanza head of the Hanza Chamber of Commerce!?"

But Hansa took her hat and said, "I am surprised."

"Just as I was taking Ariel to the dojo. So, which way should we carry the ingredients?

Mr. Hansa, you're a gentleman, you're a good dad, and I like you so much. Even in this world, I do my own pick-up and drop-off for the children's learning.

"Now, can I ask you at your table? Later, we'll get you into the storage room."

"Yes, I understand. If there are any missing items, please tell me if you would like to place an additional order today or tomorrow.

At any rate, it is particularly difficult to procure in the Luthai Empire at this time. It's on the continent, it's easy. "

Well, you can't even do it. The Ruthai Empire is the same as Japan, so at the end of the year, it would be a bummer.

"Okay. I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

"So this is the Luthai slip. Check the ingredients, and if you're sure, please sign this slip for receipt.

Signatures are fine in Ruthai. I'll come and get it later. "

Having said that, Hanza gave instructions to leave the room and bring the ingredients to the men.

Seeing the quantity of ingredients carried in one after the other, he was anxious that he might have bought a little too much, and he heard Ruthai from behind.

"Wow. It's been a long time since I've been here."

Who would that be?

Looking back, it was Saheiji who was there. Saheiji, when he discovered the only thing, seemed unusual to come near him and talk to him.

"Oh! A Luthai servant, that's unusual. I'm Nagato Saheiji McGregor. The rank is captain and he is vice president of the Knights of the Holy Dragon"

McGregor, that McGregor family guy? His name is Luthai, and so is his appearance... oh, I guess he's the one who adopted his son-in-law.

"This is Shinoyama Wei, we do the exclusive maid of the Miyakan. This is New Year's Eve dish and broiled ingredients."

"That's a good idea. The Luthai people here will be missed because they have been away from the National License for a long time"

"That's what makes it hard to make."

Only then did he begin to confirm the ingredients to be carried in.


Saheiji wondered whether he was free, or remembered his hometown, and when he saw the ingredients to be brought in, he only questioned.

"Hey Shinoyama. He said he would make a broth, but he didn't seem to have any white miso..."

"Huh!? White miso is the one you use for miso soup, right? The broth is usually made with soy sauce, liquor, and salt, and the cutlet is served with a boiled cake."

Then Sahei rose up, and said unto him,

"Huh? Usually, when it comes to braised meat, it would be common sense to cook a round cake in white miso"

"Common sense is that I don't think I ate braised broth in such a miso soup or pot-like broth."

And he said unto the word, Kachin, and Saheiji, who came, were nigh unto him, and behold.

"Hey Shinoyama. Where's your national license?

Kuniku... It's definitely about where you came from, isn't it? Did you tell Shima-kun before?

"It's a faraway state. What's wrong with that?

Saheiji said with a slight grin, though he did not pull a step.

"What the hell, Far River? I'm Tampa.

Well, in the Far East countryside, you don't know. Normally, when it comes to stewing, it's white miso. "

Kachin. I think he made a terrible fool of himself.

"Far East, I say rural, where is Tampa? I don't know. Besides, when it comes to stewing, it's usually done.

I will never give up the broth. "

"Well, that's the woman of the Ruthai Empire. Only food restraints are out strong.

But I'm also a man of the Luthai Empire, and no one can beat me just for food restraints. Therefore, only white miso is allowed to simmer. "

That was the beginning of a barren quarrel that would not draw a single step from each other.

And when he heard the noise, and saw the others that came into the cafeteria, so that they would not be involved, and looked away, and Kiyoshin, who had taken Helge, passed in front of the cafeteria, and heard the voices of the two men's quarrels, he went in.

"What are you fussing about!... Captain McGregor?

And it came to pass, when Helge went in, and cried out, that Kiyoshin came forward instead, looking at Saheiji.

"Whoa, Captain. You must be on parental leave... Oh, at the end of the year, so you were in the Knights' jail.

... It's kind of a weird combination, but what's the cause of the argument? Tell me. "

Saheiji, who said so, saw Chirali and the two of them, and sat in a chair, said to Kiyoshi with patience of his anger.

"Three good lords. As a matter of fact, this Shinoyama said he would make a broth for the New Year..."

"Oh! It's good, it's like New Year's Eve."

"That's what broth is made of soap," he said.

Against the word, he said, as he appealed to Purity.

"Three good lords. The broth, after all, is ok?

... Stupid, these guys. I can't believe we're arguing about food.

"Shinoyama. I know how you feel, but we need you to follow tradition properly on New Year's Eve.

The first day was white miso, and the dashi would be the second day. That's two days. You're out of your way. "


At that moment, Saheiji and his only feelings became one, and he was stuck in pure faith.

"No, my lord. Why, is the first and second day different? That would be weird."

"Three good lords. I've never had an opinion with Captain McGregor before, but I think it's weird."

Called that weird, the ignition line of Qingxin was lit, or blood vessels appeared on the forehead of Qingxin, screaming completely clean.

"You guys are going to make a fool out of the Sandy House! This Mitsuya broth, said to be a famous Regent, has been like this for generations!

"What, Your Excellency was a Regent man? Aren't you super bad at the princess instead of the Regents who attack the ghouls?"

The merciless Sahei words lit his heart instead of the spark of purity.

"Mm-hmm. Cora! There are things about men in Regent who are not good at it. Saheiji, shall I remind you of the fear of the Regents here?

"Aren't you superior? I hope you don't bullshit me when I was born and raised in the mountains of Tampa."

That said, Saheiji sounded his fist, and it was precisely when it became a one-touch air, and a voice sounded like a loud, earthly noise rang in the battlefield, and rang in the dining room.

"Idiot! What's all the fuss!

When everyone on the spot noticed the loud direction, there were three people at the entrance to the dining room, Chloe and Cheng, near the left.

The cause of the disturbance is Kiyoshin and Saheiji... Well, Sahei, it's rare that the next guy has no choice but to bump into anyone, even if they say things.

Even so, when the left-handed men approached him, and the left-handed men sat in a chair, he said as if they were frightened.

"You guys, if the security forces were here, it would be a pay cut. So, what's causing the fight?

To the words, Saheiji explained them nearby, albeit mustily.

"No, this Shinoyama said in New Year's Eve that he would make a broth... that's what I did.

Normally, it would be a white miso round cake. "

"No, sliced rice cakes are common sense, right?"

"You guys... sir, on the first day in white miso, the soot will be the second day"

Ko, Koi et al., I don't know, were you fighting about the food thing?

"You guys, it would be pitiful to have a fight over food. You're a child.

Well, braised, it's still white miso. On the second day, I've never heard of it before. "

Near left, saying so, only dropped his shoulder, and Kiyoshin was depressed, but Saheiji was good at saying it.

"Right! I knew your Excellency would too."

"Oh, right. From that white miso broth to a round cake, you eat it with a kiki powder, it's delicious."

"Quinoa powder!?"

He was astonished by what he had just said, near the left, until Massei, besides Weida.

Did I say something weird?

The second time in my life, I couldn't feed you a broth, but the first time in my life I was a white miso, and it was normal to eat a round cake on a macaroni...

"Did I say something weird? It would be common sense to eat a whole cake with white miso and kimchi powder. Same goes for the arsenal."

"No, normally, you won't put any powder on it."

He also agreed with the following words:

"No, Kiyohiro, that's not it. Wow. There's no kiki powder. Wow. When it comes to braised meat, it must be miso."


To their astonishment all of them were surprised by Massei's unexpected retreat, and the left-hand proximity pursued him relentlessly.

"Miso is weird. That's your mother, she's definitely putting it in place."

The near-left word was sufficient to light the short firing line of the orthogonal.

"Hey Kiyohiro. I was born and raised, and in sowing, this is common sense. My mother has nothing to do with it.

In the first place, Kiyohiro, with your stupid tongue, you know what it tastes like. I've never had anything delicious in Yamato. "


"Hey, Massei. Yamato also has delicious food. The tongue of a country samurai in Soju has delicious flavors that you don't understand."

"Soju's country samurai... Hing, it's been a Kingsfu tradition for a long time, shall we do the talking"

So said Massei, when he stood up with his fist ringing, he also began to exercise his shoulders, and stood up and said,

"That's good. I just wanted to have that conversation, too!

That said, the left-hand side suddenly punched Massei, as if by accident, and Massei made a sound such as a table and was blown away.

Though he had buried his enemies on many battlefields, Zhengcheng stood up even after receiving them and released his fists to the left and near.

Furthermore, Kiyoshin and Saheiji also joined the battle, and in an instant the dining room, when it became a brawling noise, Chloe tried to leave with her ears polyed, but only in haste to catch Chloe and say.

"Hey, Mr. Chloe. Don't you have to stop those two, okay?

Chloe only said the word in an attitude that she was unassociated.

"Um, hey, who's said to be both wings of Ruthai, you can stop the fight between the two of them, Mulli.

Besides, the security forces will be here in time... if you don't want to get laid off, you better get out of here.

As a result, a fight at HQ will cost you at least six months off your salary. I have something I want to buy next month, so I'm gonna keep running. "

Seriously. I don't like it when it sounds like my next bonus assessment, and I guess I'll run away too...

It was only when Chloe groaned.

"Chip, shit, was it too late"

The moment Chloe said she stopped, a group of white military uniforms brought in by the crane and Krueger, and Krueger screamed.

"Everybody, freeze! If you move, I'll consider you a treason!

With that Kruger voice, everyone stopped moving perfectly, and so did the left proximity and the positive achievement.

And Kruger said in a frightened voice as he turned to the center to ascertain the cause of the disturbance.

"Is the exact cause of the commotion the quarrel between His Excellency the Marshal and His Excellency the Orange Admiral?

"No, this is... Kingsguard's, it's a traditional way of welcoming the end of the year, Kiyohiro"

"That's right, there's no way I'm gonna quarrel with Massei. Besides, Kiyoshin and Saheiji are witnesses."

When Kruger saw the two of them with chillies, the two of them with swollen faces nodded in the same suspicious excuse.

"... tradition is good, but choose the time and place. Next thing you know, if you break out here, you'll be taken care of without question.

Anyway, whatever the reason, the only responsibility for this noise is, I'll have it taken. You two will receive a three-month salary reduction. "

"Well, can't you help it? Hey, Kiyohiro."

In contrast to Zhengsheng, who said that there was no pain or itching, he said that the left proximity was a slack.

"I said, unlike you, that salary cuts work plain because life is on the line.

So, what kind of braised crane place is that? No, on New Year's Eve, we're talking about making a broth. "

"Is that my place? It's normal. Since the time I was a rice castle owner, the Kojima family's stew is a stew of beans."

"Little beans!?"

To that exact answer, the Luthaians of the security forces were also surprised when they raised their voices.

"No, braised, you won't be able to add beans"

To the nearest word, the crane said as a mustache.

"What is it? Does Your Eminence make a fool of the traditional Kojima family broth?

I see, is this what caused the fight? But the Luthaians would be too proud of where they came from.

I can't help it, do something about it.

With that in mind, Kruger went in between the cranes that crawled close to his left.

"Brigadier General, keep it that far. I'd like to ask the Luthai people here about the dish they call the broth. Somebody, listen to me, put it together."

At Kruger's behest, an interview was conducted with the Luthaians.

Then, there was a fine difference, but I can see that the east, on a soot basis, and the west, on a white miso basis. Besides, the cutlery and round cake were also separated to the east and west.

I see, there are fine differences, but are there differences in food culture between East and West... Well, there are exceptions for two species for two days in Major General Sanhao's place... right, two types?

"Then the New Year's broth would be good if you could make two kinds of soot and white miso and top up whatever you want. Tomorrow's rice cake can also be made with two kinds of cutlets and round rice cakes.

And the Luthaians are strictly forbidden to talk about braised food in the future. Every year, when it comes to brawling, it's not a hoarding thing.

It should be noted that this will henceforth be the rule of the military. Good, both of you. "

If Kruger told me so, I would have had to agree with the left-handers.

Hence, the future coalition broth became a tradition with the soot and white miso selection system, and the story of broth at the end of the year was forbidden.

- - The next day - -

Students from the school and a variety of people gathered at the rice cake cake held at the mansion near the left, some of whom appeared to be Sekiko.

In the lawn square, Kanbai sat beside him and said, sipping tea, sitting a little further from the left.

"It's a lake country. The house of your Lord has grown busy."

"Right. The truth is, I like to live in seclusion, but it's not too bad to say this."

"Well... well, life doesn't work that way."

Sekiko, who said so, was silently thinking of something, and eventually opened his heavy mouth.

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will announce that I will be hiding, and the new system of the Luthai Empire will begin on New Year's Day..."

"Really? Good luck for a long time...... no regrets?

To that question near the left, Seiko looked at the rice cake, but his gaze answered as if to look at life before.

"Don't lie if you say no...

But from now on, the Empire of Ruthailand will be led by you and General Left. There's no room for my emotions or thoughts.

I see only those who are close to me, but the Lord sees the people… Now I guess it's good. "

"Your Highness, it's too much to buy. I want to get comfortable hiding quickly, but I don't like being called out again.

So, what do we do… it's that if we become peaceful and the people become rich, I can live a leisurely hiding life "

So close to the left, he smiled, and Kanbai laughed.

"Damn, talking to you is going to make Kanbai's job, which I've been suffering from scattering, ridiculous.

Also, next summer, I want to come here... next time with Tomorrow, can I join you?

"Yes. Lana is His Highness's daughter. What's the inconvenience of a parent coming to see their daughter and grandson?"

"To my grandson... I can light something up"

The confession was a little illuminating.

The next day, a severe earthquake ran to the Ruthai Empire. Kanbai's announcement that he would resign from his position was made public.

And that led the anti-Korean factions to say that the people in charge were gone, which greatly retracted Musashi's plan.

Until now, the anti-Korean factions were united by Kanbai's desire, but when Kanbai quit his post, he said that he quit Kanbai's position in front of the Emperor and 73 guardians because he would not cause the Ruthai Empire to wage war again.

The plan was already known to the Emperor because he had just disappeared from his charge, and because those who had cowered about it continued to do so.

Furthermore, there was not so much hope in the two new articles that became right ministers, because they could not be said to be sufficiently talented to be in charge, and the remaining regulators were not motivated to ride.

It was Musashi Shogun who exploded his anger at this. For after many years of taking time and gradually preparing for rebellion, it gradually came to this point, and everything was about to become a blister of water.

Musashi Shogunate, who had been drinking at Kyoya, was rather rough on the night he asked if the year would change at the end of the year.

"Yes! In those two Articles, can not the General!

That said, Musashi threw a cup toward the book, but when the book wobbled only slightly, it was as if nothing had happened.

"Well, you're the least popular of regents. That said, the rest of the regulators won't move for sure.

If you ask me, I can't say no, because it's Cold Springs. With that short temper, with two articles that only think about themselves, well, you can't. "

Looking clearly at the face of the book, Musashi took a sigh of relief with Hun when he sat down, as if the poison had been removed.

"So what do we do?

"Here, we will have to turn into two articles. Still, it may be difficult, but it's worth a try.

Let's give those two women credit and let's move the two through them.

Look, that new right-hand house is a lot of women, and she has an empty head, so it will be easy to manipulate. "

"Okay. So, book, because of that… Nevertheless, what is behind this one will definitely be the pair of Lake Country and General Left. I want to do something about those two... especially the lake country that refused to invite me."

So the book thought for a while and said to Musashi, who burned his hatred for the left and the near.

"So what do you say?

Anything tells you that Lake Country is a relative of Yamato? On second thought, the last name before the lake country was an island, so it's a convincing story.

Some of his relatives, the elders of Yamato, say he's in the back. Originally a Yamagata minister, he moved from the Ono family to the Island family, but let's abbreviate him.

And in the lake country, we currently have five children, but only one boy. Well, the next child to be born, possibly a boy, is letting the coalition infiltrate, use a woodworker to assassinate that boy.

Then the lake country house is in disarray, and if you kill it in Lake City, its governance may be suspected, destroyed, or there may be. "

"You really think you can do that?

So the book smiled uncomfortably at Musashi, who devoured the opinion of the book, and said:

"Well, if you're in the back, I have a plan, so you'll be fine. I'm a little worried about the remaining woodworkers, but even when things happen, if you don't missee them, they will help us with our plans, whether we fail or fail.

After that, it's about the right government, but I'll move it, too, so it'll be fine. "

"Okay, then we'll leave it all to the books, let's just say. No matter how much money you spend, make sure you succeed."

[]/(exp, adj-na) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)

So the book lay flat in Musashi, and left the room behind.

Really, the dumber you are, the easier and better. Well, the problem is with General Left's skills... there's a chance he's listening to the conversation earlier.

Difficult, but what do you do with your parents to keep General Left down? That young monk can't lift his head to his parents at all.

With that in mind, the book was walking down the dark corridor.

I was listening perfectly. But you're my parents... the guy in the book, he's following me where it hurts.

But I just knew I was up to something, but I had no idea what it was about... Well, what do I do...

By that time, Massei was lying in her room, reading her books, listening to the heart of the book.

I had heard the voice of my heart, but until what I was planning, I had not spoken in my heart, so I could not read that much.

At that time, from the floor below, he heard the voice of Zi calling.

"Massei! I'm free to take a bath. Come on in."

Damn, my mother has potent weather... she doesn't seem to have any problems, good.

"Oh, okay. I'm coming!"

So shouted Massei, as he rose up and went down the stairs, there was a figure of his parents leaning in the room and snuggling up in the water.

Yeah, you were in there with me again. At least think about me for a little while at the end of the year... if you say so, Kiyohiro will take a bath with you... Kiyohiro... yes!

So Zhengcheng, who thought of something, went into the room with his parents, and said:

"Hey Father, Mother. Sometimes, you and your wife, why don't we go on a hot spring trip?

"Hot Springs!? Suddenly, what do you say?

So when Tasuke was astonished, Masaki said, "It stinks."

"I came to the house before, there would have been an upliftment of Kwon Dae-sen?

His territory is situated in a place called Valkyria on the continent, but he built a hot spring inn in a city called Nassau there. Why don't you go in there for a while, couple, without water?

Of course I'll give you the money. "

Zhengsheng's two people were initially surprised by the words, but Tasuke immediately smiled and told Zi.

"Hey, Mom. This is what Massei says, and sometimes, why don't you and I go on a hot spring trip?

"Dad, what are you thinking?"

Ko, Koi et al., no matter how much in front of your son, don't snuggle around in grandeur. Every time, no matter how many parents, Uze.

Unexpectedly, Taisuke questioned Massei, who was not attracted to the scene.

"So, since when do we go?



Unexpectedly, they were astonished, but Zhengcheng said something even more astonishing.

"Actually, tomorrow, Kiyohiro is hosting a New Year's feast. I want both of you there."

"No, no, I'm useless now. It would be a shame for those who are useless in the boulder to participate in the feast of Master Kwon Daihan."

"'Cause it's okay. Kiyohiro is a guy who doesn't give a shit about government or status.

Besides, Kiyohiro will be promoted to Interior Minister next time. It's like a celebration and this year's boyfriend is going to have a big year because they're both born. Kiyohiro would love it if the two of you came. "

Zhengcheng said so, and Zi smiled when they looked at each other.

"Bye, Father. Let's go to Sakura because she takes care of us every day."

"Hey Mother...!?"

Tasuke's mouth, which he tried to dispute, was accompanied by Zi's hand, and when Tasuke stopped his surprise mouth, Masaki said, as he said it was hard, as he headed for the bath.

"Later, you and I will be fine. Tomorrow, please."

Damn it, motherfucker. Think again about the bad things... well, you'll be fine, like always, and you'll fail.

With that in mind, when the two of them heard the sound of Zhengsheng entering the bathroom, Tasuke asked Zi in a low voice.

"Mother, why did you admit it?"

To Tasuke, who said so, Zi sat down on Tasuke's lap.

"Look, Sakura's feast, he said, looks like someone who's not bound by his identity or his official position, and there's gonna be plenty of women from the continent. So, if we meet Massei, we're close to seeing our grandchildren.

Besides, Mr. Sakura, who is close to Masatsu, will be Minister of the Interior next time, I think Masatsu will be born sooner. To do that, we have to work hard with you. "

"Hey, it's unusual for a boulder to be just a junior samurai samurai from third place to Admiral Left Kingsguard, but if it comes out any more, you'll hit a bee."

"Father, that's the idea, so you can't. Massei will be born more.

Whatever, it's me and your father's kid, so there's no way you're not coming out. "

That said, from above his knees, he admitted to Zi's smile, looking up at Tasuke, honeycombed to the feeling that Tasuke had no choice.

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