Another Life

A trip for two

Saturday evening, January 13, A.D. When Elias and Amilia returned to the Kyoto mansion, they were led to the hall.

When they entered the hall, there was a samurai sitting inside somewhere similar to Sahei. The samurai, when he met the two men who came into the room, wondered who they would be, but they did.

Eventually, when the Hyogo entered the hall, the Hyogo introduced the samurai to the two of them.

"Good luck, both of you. Enjoy your teak bath today.

This young man, Yahei Asada of Aoi's Aoi family, said he was Sahei's younger brother. "

"First, I'd like to see you. One is Aoi Tambo Shouhei, Minister, Masahira Asada.

This time, Mr. Miyagi sent me as your guide. See you later. "

Yahei, who said so, lay flat so graceful and flowing that he did not think it was very merely a foothold.

Well, for Sahei's next brother, he's well-mannered, isn't he a good man? The dreams were polite, and only Saheiji seemed heterogeneous.

"I am Colonel Amelia McGregor, Commander of the Knights of Witches (Night Witches), and this is Colonel Elias Neumann, Commander of the Knights of the Holy Order. It's a pleasure to meet you as your guide."

"Yes, I'll take care of it. Um, when they say Colonel McGregor, how are your brother's elder brother-in-law and your sister's dreams doing?

And Amiria said with a little head unto the word.

"Dreams are good kids. I don't like living for free, so I'm cooking rice with Chris..."

"... Again, is that your brother?

Amiria snorted at the word.

"Oh... Last month, while on paternity leave, we had a brawl with Lord Sakura, General Orange and Major General Sanhao..."

Brother, what are you doing with all the superiors and all the brawling?

"I don't know what to say about that...... my stupid brother is really sorry for the inconvenience"

"No, it's good... I wish you were married to Chris"

Brother, I'm married, and please calm down. Anyway, let's change the subject.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Description of the dates starting tomorrow at…"

"Wait, Lord Asada. You two will be tired of returning from Yamato.

Isn't this a good place to slow down and heal your fatigue?

To the words of the arsenal, Yahei apologized in haste, thinking he had failed.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Young man, I didn't care that much."

"No, never mind. Well, Hyogo, why don't you let me take that teak bath and do it?

Amilee, I wish I could study the castle, so tell Sahei's younger brother where I want to go.

Hyogo, where's the bathroom?

"Let me show you something. Colonel McGregor, let me bring it over later, even with booze and knobs."

Oh, I'm sorry.

And it came to pass, when Amiria said so, that Hyogo went out with Elias.

Well, there you go...

The moment she thought so, Amiria asked Yahei when she sat back near Yahei.

"Well, is Sahei's next home near Park Castle?

"Yes, it's close... because you can come?

"Naturally. I took care of Chris before, so I have to go say hello... is there anywhere else I can relax with two (...) people (...)?

"Ha, are you relaxed...... that being said, there is a hot spring near the Coalition's practice area where the inner house was visited by two people with his wife, Iris. There they go...... Oh, but I do hear that the Inn, where Uchifu and his wife stayed, is a room with an open-air bath in each room. There are few rooms, and even if you can get a room, you can only get one.

When you were in the inner house, in relation to security, we let guests stay in different accommodations and rented them out, but should we do that again?

Nice! Now I can stay in the room with you. Besides, I don't know what that room with an open-air bath means.

"No, that's bad for the other guests, so you can stay in one room. What do you mean, there's an open-air bath in the room?

"The hot springs of the Luthai Empire are filled with both men and women, but by referring to relaxing hot springs between families and acquaintances, it is a room equipped with a private open-air bath with a flush so that you can always put it next to the room.

Mr. Uchifu said that it seemed to be his favorite, his wife and he had been in it many times. "

I see. Isn't that what made Iri have kids? But dedicated... that's kind of good.

"Then we'll stay there, too. I'll take care of everything."

"Got it. So, what do we do with the number of escorts?

"Assuming, it's called the Six Knights, two Knights captains are staying. If I put on an escort, I'd be a good laugher. I don't need an escort."

How dare you! You mean come if you want to assassinate me?

"Yes, I did. Let's arrange it that way."

Thus, alone with Elias of Amiria, the plan of relaxing hot springs progressed steadily.

After that, Yahei greeted Hyogo and the others, and he returned to the Aoi family's Kyoto mansion, where he sent out his horse as soon as he could to Park Castle.


Around that time, near the weapons manufacturing workshop in the village of Alm, in the mansion of Bullet Positive, the final confirmation was carried out by himself against the drawings where the bullet positives could be made, as usual, and against the reports with written performance.

Because he had been doing such things for a long time, Bullet Zheng put the report on the table, rang his neck with a cockroach, grabbed the candlestick, lit the flue pipe and spit out smoke. Soon I noticed someone sitting on the couch.

But Bullet was not surprised, he said calmly and quietly.

"... Now, where is he? I didn't expect to infiltrate this alum village."

In those words, he who was sitting on the couch, when he stood up, slowly walked in the direction of the bullet, and the figure, reflected in the candlestick lights, was a woman, in a suit of mourning for men, with bob-cut chestnut hair.

"Work...... are you done?

"No, sometimes I have to do something different and take a breath... where are you?

"Me?... That said, you didn't have a name. Well, I'm not supposed to name it, but this time, well, that would be good.

I say Scrood of Valkyria... to you, plainly speaking, you're a Reaper. I'm here to tell you a message from God in the original world. "

And it came to pass in the words, that the mouth of the bullet moved picklessly, but he immediately disguised himself as calm, and spat out smoke, saying,

"From God... don't you usually send God's use or something to me? Your Majesty Freya, or the left or the near."

"I also want to do that in the mountains, but I just can't do it because the content is content. The angels, the angels of this world, are useless.

So I, the Reaper, came to your... Matsunagasu. "

This guy knows the name of the world before me. Besides, what is the god of the previous world... is it true?

Okay, let's talk.

"First of all, God is very pleased with your work. So, as promised, your journey to the world of nothingness is gone.

So God gives you a choice. Whether to reincarnate in circles in this world or in the original world.

And, even so, you won't be able to decide right away. I can't tell you the exact date and time or cause of death, but within the next three years, you will die.

By then, make up your mind. So whichever way you choose, you can't be reborn into a human for the next thousand years, and all your memories will be erased. "

So said Skuld, and disappeared.

Within the next three years... I didn't expect to know my life expectancy. He gave it to Amiria, and later, he wasn't the successor to this job... If he could, he just wanted to see his grandson.

With that in mind, Bullet Zheng put whiskey in the glass of the table and drank it looking out.


Under the dim skies of the next morning, in the freezing air, Yahei came to the Kyoto mansion to pick up Elias and Amilia.

When Yahei greeted the gatekeeper and went into the Kyoto mansion, he heard a voice speaking from the stables.

"Hey, Ellis. You're still getting ready."

"Ugh. My uniform tie went somewhere... oh, there it is."

Is this voice to Colonel Neumann, Colonel McGregor? You're from the stables.

So Yahei thought, as he proceeded to the stables, there were two men saddled with horses and a Hyogo family watching over them.

"Good morning. I'll sit down. Thank you for your time today."

So said Yahei, bowing his head, Elias answered with a smile.

"Oh, good morning. For a while, please."

Colonel Neumann is a refreshing man. Who wouldn't let you saddle in the middle of nowhere?

"Um, aren't you going to let me saddle the horse, like, in the middle of nowhere?

"In the middle of what?

Oh, well. It's a different way to call it on the continent.

Yahei thought so, but Hyogo explained immediately.

Simply put, it's about a male servant.

"Oh, well, about the servant? Lord Asada, the saddle is not the only thing around you. If you do not manage and install it, it will become a battle. What if the belly of the saddle is cut?

Again, on my own, I would feel safer doing everything. It's not that I don't trust anyone else, but if this is the case, I'll give up. "

"I see, so is that."

Yahei, who said so, was convinced by Elias' words.

Unlike that Saheiji, how honest is my brother? Honest, uplifting, courteous... you're for the McGregor family.

So Amiria liked Yahei.

Eventually the three men, who had finished their preparations, were dropped off by the Hyogo family and headed to Park Castle in Tampa.

When he crossed the River Kwai and plunged it onto the old slope, the air cooled at once, and Amilia trembled with a blurb.

"When you crossed the mountain, it got cold all at once."

With that said, Yahei answered Amiria, grinning her coat.

"Right. It's cold in Kyoto, but it's colder in Tampa.

But I like Tampa like that. In spring, the wild mountains are flooded with new life, in summer there are festivals all over the cool, in autumn the food is delicious, the mountains are wrapped in burning red, in winter everything becomes bright white and everything is hidden.

Yes, now come even in the fall. The red leaves of the mountains are wonderful, and the clouds and seas you see from the top of the mountains in the early morning are great. "

"Yunhai? What, is that?

"It's a cloud sea, written as a cloud sea. The more Tampa is said to be a foggy country, the more foggy it will be.

When that fog comes out, when you look at the country of Tampa from above the mountain, the fog spreads beneath you as if you were on a cloud. Since I was a little girl, my brother and sister, my father used to take me to see it. "

Amilia, who heard the word, imagined the sight and said it with a grudge.

"That's fantastic... yeah, I'd love to see it. Where is Father now?

No, Sahei, you didn't tell me the next time you asked. Well, I think he knows, but he's pretty stubborn. "

To Amiria's question, Yahei said with a little darkness.

"Father has heard that he died in a long and protracted civil war in the Luthai Empire. I heard my brother took the last, but he didn't tell the family what he looked like at the end."

Shit, was that what you said?

That's what Amiria thought, and she followed it like it was evil.

"No, I'm sorry. But your mother raised all three children by herself, didn't she? Chris, I've had a rough time alone, but with three of them, she's a terrific mother."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. For me, I'm a proud mother... well, I'm retarded."

"Saheiji is a good heir."

"Hahaha, that's true"

The two men who said so laughed at each other.

Is there a story in every world that says this? After all, battle is a creature whose glory and sorrow are the backbone.

But the inhabitants here, everyone looks tired... I don't know, is the politics of the Tampa Palace tough?

When Elias looked at the two laughing together and shifted his gaze, he realized that there were many people with no lively eyes.

"Hey Yahei. The inhabitants of this place, they all have lifeless eyes..."

Here he comes! The question came as your old lady wrote. The question is, how far can you tell me what I learned overnight?

"That must be because last year was unwrought. Besides, the town of Tampa is not huge... many items have gone to the neighboring Kyo, and few merchants say they want to do business in the country of Tampa.

For this reason, there are few merchants, and Tampa specialties are bought cheaply and sold dozens of times in neighboring Kyo. I said, I can't do business on my own more than I have a seat.

And Tampa is a mountain country. Even free land makes fewer fields...... the stone height is only 260,000 stones.

It's only about half of Yamato's 440,000 stones. Well, there's a smaller country than Tampa, so I can't say luxury.

But I think that if we can create an exercise area, and the Allied soldiers will go out of town and drop the money, we can import food from the continent and improve the lives of the people. Everything is going to happen. "

I mean, do you think there's less money and less food? With that said, I hear that the Luthai Empire has a pretty bad food situation due to successive wars and natural disasters.

Where you have gold, you can buy it from the continent, but you have little room, is it a reality that it's tough?

But why is the food situation so bad? If it were a long war, it would be less populated and less dependent.

"Hey, Lord Asada. Was the Luthai Empire a long war?

If, then, the population also decreases, and the food support decreases, then, even then, the food situation will improve?

Is that it? Sure, you wrote that answer too... I remember!

"You'd think so, but the entire population of the Ruthai Empire is growing."


Elias and Amiria were astonished by the words.

"The reason is simple. No matter how many wars there are, there's hardly any killing, and there's no value in a territory where all the people are killed and no one is gone.

That's the same for samurai. Those who have died have no choice but to survive otherwise, samurai, are a valuable force in battle. The good ones, as best they can, take it away.

Besides, I think the customs of the Ruthai Empire have something to do with it. The great names and the main ones cut their bellies… that is, if they slash their bellies themselves and die in pain, the others are not to be punished.

Well, there were times when the whole clan would be killed, even if they were hungry. "

I see, then, it is convincing that the population will not decrease. Then why did Your Excellency do the scorched-earth battle in Panas?

Well, maybe we were going to move this overgrown people of the Luthai Empire to Valkyria.

In fact, in Valchia, migrants from the Ruthai Empire have come quite a bit. This would allow the population of the mainland of the Ruthai Empire to be reduced and mutilated.

Moreover, the creation of the Union and the abolition of tariffs have allowed the continent's food to be imported cheaply and in large quantities into the mainland, and food has turned to the people who have been starving before. But then, a small country without gold can only improve so much because it can only spoil.

That's why. This is how you build an exercise area, pay the rent, and on holidays, military personnel go out to nearby villages and towns and drop money.

And a specialty that was thought to be worthless, to develop something and drop money again... everything that has been done so far will be for the Empire of Ruthailand. Not only were you looking ahead, but you said you were moving?

Iris, your husband possesses the gift of becoming king, not general. As long as you have ambition, you may conquer this world.

... Well, at its core, my lord, it's missing. That guy has absolute loyalty to the Emperor of the Luthai Empire, but he has no upliftment or ambition at all, and he really wants to live in hiding.

Well, he's like that, so I guess a good guy like Keith can support him.

With that in mind, Elias was smiling and Amiria noticed it and asked questions.

"Ellis, what are you laughing at?

"No... Iris thinks he married a hell of a man. I'm glad."

"Well, sure... but if I were in your shoes, I'd go crazy every day"

"Hmm? Why?

"'Cause think about it. Your Excellency has no ambition or upliftment at all now, but if he had it, he would be neither God nor the devil.

God would be good, but if it's the devil... I can't stand to let such a devil out of my relatives "

Well, sure, I know what Amelie's trying to say. If Your Excellency wakes up in the wrong direction, the world will be hell.

Yet Elias laughed and said,

"Your Eminence will not be a god or a devil. Maybe it will stay that way forever.

So much so that the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire is hurting his head and trying to get that man to work somehow. Nothing's gonna change. "

"I hope so..."

So Amiria looked up into the sky, and hastened ahead.


That evening, the three arrived near the Asada family, but somehow the neighbors gathered and watched Yahei's house from outside the grounds.

I wonder what it is?

So Yahei, when he came down from his horse and approached him, spoke to one woman.

"Odd, what's all this fuss?

The woman, who was said to be strange, answered, not noticing Yahei, but trying to look inside at all.

"That's what Mr. Asada's house, the samurai from the castle, was carrying a lot of food. And that's the meat of that big pig."

"Huh!? Is that the big pig?!?"

"That's right... Yahei at Asada's place!

So he said, and looked back, and behold, in a strange voice, he looked back, and saw Elias and Amilia on the horse, and was astonished.

"Yahei, what about those Inhuman people?

Yahei answered with a smile, curiously listening.

"This is Colonel Elias Neumann and Colonel Amelia McGregor, the commanders of the Allied Coalition and the Knights under the command of the inner house."

"Dear Uchifu!?"

And it came to pass, when they were all amazed, and all sat at the edge of the road, that they lay flat at once.

... Your Excellency's position in the Luthai Empire is remarkable. I can't believe how many people in Tampa just came up with the Interior Minister's name.

Amilia, thinking so, walked into the premises of the house at the head of Yahei, and a samurai came out, and took the reins of Yahei's horse, and said:

"Good luck. Horses, someone keeps them in the stable."

"Yeah, please"

... It was the same gatekeeper, Maosuke. Since I've become an Admiral of the Foot, I've changed my way of speaking.

But why are you home?

With that in mind, when Yahei got off the horse, the three entered the house. In front of the three men that went in were piles of rice mounds piled up, and piles of ingredients.

What is this... you can't eat it?

So he stood up, and came out of the back of the house, and stuffed up to Yahei.

"Hey Yahei. What the hell is this? Suddenly, so many ingredients arrived from the castle, and even the meat of the big pig...... which one?

"Mom. This is Colonel Elias Neumann of the coalition forces and Colonel Amelia McGregor. Look, it's your brother's daughter-in-law, Christina's mother."

"I'm Amelia McGregor. My daughter took care of that verse."

So Amiria offered him his right hand, and he said, "I don't know what that means, and I don't shake my hand, but I bow my head."

"This, be polite. Sahei, this is my next mother.

My son isn't the only one who can take care of my dreams. What can I thank you for? "

Right, I forgot. Is it a cultural difference...

Though he thought so, he said with a smile, putting the hand he had offered in his pocket and putting it in his coat like there was nothing there.

"No, dreams are really good kids. She'll be in my house for the rest of her life."

"That's what I thought you could say. Whatever, she's my proud daughter.

From afar, you must have been tired. We'll have dinner ready in a minute, so please be patient here. "

That said, when he invited her to the room behind the furnace, Amiria took off her shoes.

Is that what you eat? Besides, a big pig...

Even so, Elias stopped Yahei from asking questions.

"Hey, Lord Asada. What's a big pig?

"Around here, it's an occasional demon. It's hard to catch, but meat this time of year is greasy and delicious."

I knew it was a demon... eating demons again... I wasn't asking.

With that in mind, Elias dropped his shoulder in dismay.

When he saw the two men taking off their coats and taking off their hips swords and putting them down, Yahei's gaze focused on the colt on his hips.

And Elias, who noticed his gaze, said to Yahei,

"What's up?

"No, that hipster, what is it?

My lord and wife used to wear it, and my sister-in-law Christina used to wear it, but I couldn't hear it after all. "

When Elias heard the words, he took the colt out of the holster, and when he took out the magazine, he made sure there was no bullet left inside, and offered it to Yahei.

"Want to have it?

"Huh!? Is it good?


When Elias told him so, and probably held a rough gun, a cold, heavy feeling was conveyed to Yahei's hand, and Yahei, who soon found out that this was a weapon, questioned Elias.

"Is this a weapon?

"Oh, yeah. It's a type of cannon, this says pistol, and his name is Colt.

The ranks of the Allied forces are paid by more than Majors to attack those who have left without magic or bows or arrows. Saheiji is a captain, so in the next promotion exam, if you decide to get promoted, you'll be a major, and this will be paid. "

And it came to pass, when Elias said so, that Amiria said, poking the ashes behind the furnace.

"Sahei, if you don't get promoted, it's about the honor of the McGregor family"

"But this time it will be difficult. Sahei's next martial arts is the bombing of the northern church in the village of Sixa and the procurement of Feilong (Wyburn) to demonstrate new weapons.

Exactly that, the exam will be tough. At least the parental leave is over, not next year. "

What Elias is saying is that in the early March of each year of the coalition, it is a promotion exam.

There are two types of promotions for the Allied Forces: promotions if the Left Near or the captain of that unit applies and the Insider finds that the promotion is desirable, and promotional exams, which he takes voluntarily.

For the promotion exam, more than 80 points with 50 martial arts, 30 work attitudes and 20 exams were considered pass lines, all calculated by the score, and the martial arts score could be carried over the following year and it was the individual's freedom not to take the exam.

"But Lieutenant Mick, he'll be promoted soon. In the meantime, the vice president will be replaced by Mick. That's what happened... to the McGregor family.

You're good. Your Eminence already has the highest rank, and Iri doesn't have to worry about class in particular.

Besides, my lord and Major General Sanhao were talking at the New Year's party, and they say thank you the Knights have too few replenishments to make it to the target number. That's why if we replenish the Knights with more soldiers from the general army, we won't have enough troops for defense everywhere.

So they recruit the general military hopefuls and the people's enlistment hopefuls and entrust each Knights with permission and training to join the regiment. Well, the ranks, from the bottom.

In that case, let the lieutenant know that Saheiji was overrun by the ranks. Nobody listens to orders, and they make fun of me.

To say that Saheiji will be fooled is to say that the McGregors will be fooled. It's a disgrace to the clan. "

That said, as if Amiria's power to poke ashes was proportional to her dissatisfaction, as she grew stronger, Yahei rushed to change the subject.

"Oh, uh, could this artillery be a new weapon, saying it will be deployed to us soon as well?

Anything, I heard that a specialized unit with that weapon would also be organized in this Tampa. It's all about who's going to be in the castle. "

Nice, Lord Asada.

That's what Elias thought, too, was on the subject.

"Right. There are also many different types of artillery, which will be deployed to the Luthai Empire is easily mass-produced, I hear it's a volcanic gun"

"Sparkling gun?"

"There are many kinds of artillery, too. The Luthai Empire and coalition forces will be equipped with relatively mass-producing, volcanic guns, and the defenses of important facilities in Lake City and countries will be equipped with musket guns and the Knights will be supplied with rifles"

"After that, the Dragon Cavalry will receive a horse rifle."

Amiria, who said so, was a little good at it and was in a good mood.

"What is a dragon cavalry?

Amelia was even more adept at the question.

"The Dragon Cavalry is an elite unit of our Witch Knights (Night Witches) devised by His Excellency Sakura. You ride a horse, you shoot a rifle all over it, you storm the enemy.

Besides, the bullet you use is a bullet that encloses magic, usually called a bullet and a demon bullet, and if combined, even this Knights of Holy Guidance will lose "

And Elias said unto the word, Reacting with Pickle.

"No, amily. Exactly, that would be too much.

We, the Knights of the Holy Guide, are the strongest. Whoever you're dealing with, you can't lose. "

Amiria laughed back at the words with her nose.

"Heh. Just the three of us? Indeed, the two deputy commanders, Lune and Daniel, are brave and strong.

But Ellis. From now on, it's not the time to say anything about brave people, and if you're brave, you've already got two knighthood students in school, and you're going to join me. "

"Ah! You're dirty, amily!

"Do you have dirt or shit? Surely the agreement decided that the students themselves would be able to choose the Knights to join after training?

Rudy and Josette are both imperials and have long admired the Knights of Witches. Well, then, let's welcome him warmly. "

Amiria, who was so adept at saying so, and Elias began to speak, and Yahei was flattered.

Are these two close or not? Besides, it's already been said in Kiribati... I have no idea.

With that in mind, Yahei laughed lovingly, and from behind Yahei, Maosuke spoke to him.

"Master Asada."

"Master Maosuke, please stop. What's the matter, sir?

"That's what your old lady asked me to ask you where you two were staying today. Tomorrow morning, your wife will pick you up."

"Okay, I'll ask you.

Um, would you both mind? Where are you staying today?

It's okay in this house or in the inn, but tomorrow morning your old lady will come and pick you both up. "

In the words of Yahei, they stopped speaking, and Amilia said:

"Right, I can't really bother Lord Asada's house..."

"No, I can't believe it's annoying. My mother and I have been together lately, so it's been a long time since I've had so much fun, and neither my mother nor I have found it annoying."


And Elias smiled and slapped Amelia on the back, saying,

"Isn't that good, amily? That's what Asada said to me, so why don't you stay?"

No, don't tell me... but like Ellis said, we'd better deepen the rapport between the two houses here.

"Right, Lord Asada. Do you mind?

"Yes, of course. And call me Yahei, because I'm a relative."

"So is that. So, Yahei is good about me, too, Amiria."

Thank you. I'll sit down.

Yahei, who said so, lay flat on Amilia and asked Maosuke to give him a message.

After that, the two men, who had flattened out all the pots, were drunk from the fatigue of the journey, or soon, and fell asleep.

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