Another Life

Time to move out

Pandora's graduation is imminent, Monday, February 3, Eastern Calendar. Mira's voice echoes at the entrance to Central Castle, which has become the norm on weekdays.

"Whoa, whoa, Paula, you're gonna be late."

Having said that, Mira, carrying a knife, hurried Paula, Miles' daughter, and Paula rushed out of the gate, showing her ID card.

"Because your father won't wake me up in the morning"

"Dr. Miles is weak in the morning. Lynn, send me on a space transfer to school. Oh, please."

In those words, Lynn knelt down and said, "Go ahead," and when she opened the space transfer, the two of them said, "Thank you" to Lynn and went inside, and a guard soldier spoke to Lynn in disdain.

"Captain, you're spoiling me too much.

But growing kids, that's a fast thing. Mira and Paula are eleven years old, and even Mira has become a fine swordsman. "

That's what I said, next to the man in the guard, Lynn was snorting, too.

Mira and Paula come by the gate every morning to attend the Lake City school. Such sights became everyday, and the Eastern Union was experiencing a time of peace.

Valchia, a near-left territory, doubled its population and increased its tax revenues while in a state of hand exploration, and its governance was appreciated internally and externally, with the visits of nobles coming day after day in an attempt to incorporate not only the Ruthai Empire, but even a little from all over the Union.

In that case, the left hand was the same, and as usual, it was being chased by the paperwork signature, but today the left hand had a report from Bullet Positive, whose hand was shivering with anger and pull.

"That shit, why are you writing your grandson's growth record in the report? They called me Ji-Ji-Ji!

Fuck you, I'll use you till you're absolutely dead! No, with my hand now, I'll smash you to death!

With that screaming, Kruger smiled and followed the three directors of the bureau and the chief political officer who had accidentally broken the bullet report to the office for a meeting.

"Well, Colonel Matsunaga is glad because he gradually had a grandson. Even in my Pespard, when I go to the hot springs of Tampa in the Luthai Empire, there is talk of being pregnant, and there is a popular trip to the hot springs in the Luthai Empire."

"No, nevertheless, why are you sending me grandchildren's growth in reports every time? Absolutely malicious, this."

And it came to pass that the door was knocked, and the orchid came in, as everyone smiled, near the left, fed up.

"Excuse me, I just heard from Count Valenstein of the Kingdom of Wenzer that because the king has no good reputation, the troops have gathered more than I thought and the plan will move a little faster.

At that time, he said the Allied forces didn't have to lend us their troops. But if you need anything, through the Mercenary Alliance, we're going to request reinforcements, so we just need you to be ready so we can be here soon. "

Al, does it finally work? But the installation in the kingdom of Wenzer seems to be working pretty well.

"Okay, Eastern Union, we got it in that story. Wishing Count Valenstein good luck, contact me."


So when the orchid shut the door, Ching Shin said unfortunately.

"Now you have one less destination for your teaching unit."

"Well, I can't help it. Al's too good.

Cranes at the place. What's going on in the Kingdom of Emburg?

"Yes, the civil war that started last December is now in a state of progressive adhesion, too. But really, a teaching unit from this side, put it out on the prince's side, because it would be nice to have 200 troops?

No weapons, no artillery, and there's not enough power on the Prince's side. And the Fresian kingdom is urging you to send more troops, like arrows. "

Well, from Lord Oyaji, you want to take this opportunity to crush the Kingdom of Emburg. But my purpose is different.

"Well, deal with him appropriately, leave him alone. From the kingdom of Fresia, it would be an opportune opportunity to destroy the kingdom of Emburg, because sending enough troops to decide victory or defeat would violate the charter of the Eastern Union."

"On the face, right?

And he said unto the word of the crane, and the left hand side smiled.

"The truth is, if the Kingdom of Emburg, as it is now, fought a civil war with the Dallas and exhausted them, they would not be here to wage war on the Eastern Union. In that case, the territory of the Principality of Nabrich will be easily restored without the formation of a southern troika.

I didn't think that cat and daughter would call the territory of the former Seventh Confederation the territory of the Principality of Nabrich. So, the matter is, the Ruthai Empire will disagree, but what's going on with the council?

It was Kruger who answered the question.

"Apparently, it's going to be passed in the next spring's regular parliament or in the fall's regular parliament. In addition to the Duchy of Nabrich, my Pespard has also become a proponent and raised his hips, so the dissident clippings will begin"

Well, the senator of the Principality of Nabrich, he's Marty, and he'll be good at all this backwork. Can't you stop this flow?

But I've never fought in the desert before.

"Have any of these experienced desert warfare?

So when the left-hand side looked around, there was no one there.

"Well, actually, I don't have any experience either. Crane, you can find out anything you want about the desert war.

And don't fail to gather information about the former Sevens Federation. In Parliament, as soon as the battle of repression is voted, we move. "

Copy that, sir.

"With that said, is Left Horsehead, who retired last September, not feeling well?

To that question near the left, the crane answered with a dark face.

"Yes... apparently it's not just chest disease, my skin is rotting and I can't walk right now. Dr. Dominic from Lugogne also checked me out, but the healing magic didn't work, he didn't know what caused the disease, and he said he couldn't prescribe drugs."

Still, you don't know if Doc's going, do you, like, a new disease?

But if you're going to get air infection, you need to hit your hand early. Would you like to see Dr. Miles again?

"Right. Once at the Askley Chamber of Commerce, try to take Dr. Miles with you and have him examined. Maybe they'll develop some kind of medication, maybe some cure.

Hopefully the left horsehead will be better by spring. There's a waterprogression formula for an aircraft carrier that he designed so hard. "

"Thank you. I'll sit down. My father was also excited about the aircraft carrier's water supply ceremony."

So the crane bowed its head deep to the left.

Around this time, the Allied Navy, once again named after the Navy, had the General Commander under the combined command of the Crane.

Initially, he examined the commander-in-chief at Ann, who boasted unmatched strength in the battle of the ship, but because he refused to accept "I don't like how hard it is," the crane served as commander-in-chief on an ad hoc basis.

However, this examination of the left horsehead led to the breakdown of the ever peaceful routine.


Around that time, only in the kitchen, as usual, encouraged the making of sweets. Around this time, the left-hand side is also at work during the day, so I had nothing to do, and I was thinking about practicing Kiribati and new dishes and sweets in the kitchen every day.

First head chef Giulio had also acknowledged such a sole arm and had brushed his cooking arm by speaking out or helping himself.

Giulio, who was preparing for lunch, saw many colorful hair in the window.

"Only, that"

So when Giulio called, pointing in the direction of the window, he found his head desperately hidden beneath the window.

That blonde, to Lady Claudio, the brunette is Lady Sagi. If it is red, is it Flodia and Moyer with silver hair? That means there are also Mori and Fujiro, right?

"Mr. Giulio. I'll deal with that evil kid."

"Please. They come in, they get hurt, it's not a pile of stuff... and there's a case from last year."

Oh, last year's lunch, all frozen by Master Morrie? That was summer, it was still helpful, but if it was winter, it would have been completely, all frozen to death, wouldn't it?

With that in mind, only he went out with a honeycomb.

"Cora, you bad kids...... what's wrong?

Claudio answered when he saw the children who stood sorry and heard them worried.

"Only sister, I want you to read the book..."

Sachi only offered the book, standing next to Claudio, who said so.

I see. Since the incident last year, you can't go into the kitchen, because Shima-kun pissed me off, I think it's so bad that I'm shunned.

But the sub says he's growing fast, but Morrie being held by his sister is kind of a weird sight.

So he smiled, and stroked Saji's head, and said:

"Well, it's cold outside, let's go to the living room"

And the children smiled, and followed him, to the only words that he had said.


In the living room with a large fireplace, when only the fireplace was lit, the children gathered around and their eyes sparkled.

I don't know, like this nanny.

"Hey Kraw. What's wrong with this book?

"Last time Busty took me to the city, he bought me"

... The Sakura people are sweet for the kids. Mr. Busty will buy anything soon, too.

Still, this is a picture book. Good in Ruthai.

With that in mind, he read a picture book.

"Once upon a time, in the Serenity Empire, there was a prince called Lewis. This Lewis, the youngest son of four brothers, admired the emperor and wanted to be one day an emperor.

Lewis, however, has three older brothers who cannot easily be emperors. But he wanted to be emperor, and Lewis thought, not really, that the devil lived in his heart.

Lewis became the next emperor by killing his three brothers. "

... what a book this is. It's too real.

Unexpectedly, he continued to read the book.

"But it was when Elias, the empire's most powerful swordsman, noticed this anomaly and tried to stifle Lewis. Lewis' plan to join hands with the nobility of the Kingdom of Salz led Elias to be chased from the Empire as a rebel.

Elias, who was to be chased by the Empire, still had his loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor in mind as he fled to do something about it.

And Lewis' devil's hand also extended to Iris, Elias' daughter. But she realized it and managed to escape the Empire, but the journey of one woman was dangerous. When she entered the Kingdom of Salz, she was chased by bandits. "

... This is a gutsy history book. You must be Brigadier General Neumann in the area, and Iris is your wife.

That means Shima-kun will come out, too.

Though he thought so, he read the book.

"I'm already caught. When Iris thought that, someone who was traveling the continent called Island Kiyohiro helped her.

This man, in fact, was the one who led the samurai of the Luthai Empire, but he left the country and was traveling. "

I'm scared because this is easy to imagine and it really is.

"He, Elias, who protected Iris and reunited with his daughter, explained the situation to him, that he loved Iris, who contacted the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire about the situation. And the emperor of the Luthai Empire told him to help Elias and to stop the fight between the Serenity Empire and the Kingdom of Salz.

He was desperately troubled and told Lannis, the Emperor's brother, about this. Lannis vowed to defeat Lewis together, and once he defeated Lewis, he also heard his words saying that we should all get along without a fight.

Then, with Amelia, who believed in Elias, we all attacked the Empire.

It was a long and intense battle. Still, we all defeated the bad Lewis and made peace, no more. "

So he closed the picture book, and when he saw the children, his eyes were sparkling.

Well, if our own parents or a clan came out in a picture book, it'd be exciting, wouldn't it?

Sachi stood up and said, thinking so.


... This is definitely legged, isn't it?

That's what Claudio said as he nodded, as he was a child.

"After all, if you do anything wrong, you'll be punished, Sakichi."

"Why, just me!?"

Saji was surprised when he said so, and Wei Wei was laughing.

This picture book and the detailed novel were produced in large quantities in Pespard Dynasty printing technology and sold in stores at low prices, so they sold explosively throughout the Union to the common people and became theatrical and popular.

This was, of course, a near-left ploy, and the image of Elias' stigma cleared up, saying he was a faithful man, could be done. Now I say, it's propaganda.

And I didn't even anticipate the left or near to this, the by-product was also born. People who saw the theatre were also interested in the novel and wanted to read it, but more people studied the letters, and the literacy rate increased.


After lunch, the near-left figure was in front of the Askley Chamber of Commerce hall, secluded in the woods with the cranes and Chloe.

This is a forest in Lugonne, isn't it? I can't believe there was this place in the woods.

Unexpectedly, when he walked out toward the crane, near left, toward the lab, the crane followed him in a hurry.

"Is this the forest of Lugonne?

And he said unto the crane, and the left hand side smiled.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I'm dealing with some raw materials that suck, so I'm in this place.

Besides, there are dry adds in the surrounding woods that prevent intruders... security is in place "

"Is security that tight? I've never met Dr. Miles."

And he said unto the word, Near and Left, as if he had remembered.

"With that said, you're right. He's hardly getting out of here.

Miles Walton, that Mira's, my friend Paula's father. Well, he's a good guy, he's a really smart guy, but he doesn't clean up the book, so Paula pisses me off every day.

Recently, he was a teacher who invented blood transfusion techniques and anaesthesia during surgery. Oh, right here. "

That said, the moment the door to the laboratory was opened, for some reason, a kitchen had been built, and a set of tools for cooking, next to it, a manual press machine, like that found in the town factory, was placed.

... Really, this is a drug lab, right?

Miles was simmering something in a pot right in front of his left hand, which he thought was unexpected.

"Is that Dr. Miles? Somehow, you're an unusual person."

I think so too. It's okay to speak up, isn't it?

"Doctor, Dr. Miles!

Miles looked back at the words near his left and said, clouding his glasses bright white.

"Is that voice, chairman? No, there's so much smoke in this room, I can't see anything."

... Is this person natural to bees?

"Doctor, isn't that because your glasses are cloudy?

And Miles took his glasses, and wiped them, and said unto him, Kyoton.

"Oh, it's true. Hey, I didn't know your glasses were just clouds."

Are you okay, you old man?

"Doctor, did this equipment... cook?

"No, no, I was going to use penicillin and the like as tablets... Oh, this machine was made by a man named Kuhei from the village of Alm. As soon as I gave him the name of the Askley Chamber of Commerce, he made it."

... That's entirely because I'm the chairman. I mean, why are you going to the alum... well, that's close.

"Was it? I came here today to ask you a favor."

And Miles said unto the word, Chirali, and after seeing the crane.

"Apparently, what you need is your daughter. What is it here and shall I ask it in my room"

So Miles went upstairs with Yakan, who was warming up next to the pan with a bowl, and the left-handers followed him.

Upon entering the room, there was a bookshelf filled with books on both sides, with a long table and sofa in the centre thereof, and a table and chair in the window that the president would sit on.

You got more books in a while.

With that in mind, Near Left and Crane sat on the couch, and Chloe made tea, and Miles said with a sip of tea and a smile.

"Mm-hmm! After all, Mr. Chloe's tea is great. It's been a while since I've had a drink, and I'm happy.

Yes, next time tell Paula how to make tea. "

"... Um, Doctor. Time to get down to business?

And Miles drank tea again, and said unto the left-hand man, saying, Unexpectedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to sit down. The Askley meeting was a long time ago when I had the opportunity to talk to someone other than Paula... Come on in, talk to me."

"This woman is the chief of the Allied Coalition Operational Intelligence Agency and commander-in-chief of the Navy, Major General Tsuru Kishima.

As a matter of fact, I retired last September, and my father, Chang Hajima Left, fell ill, and I want you to see my teacher. "

And Myles marvelled at the words near his left.

"Is it me!? Would it be better for Dr. Dominic of Lugonne than for me?

When Miles said so, the crane bowed his head to him and told him to scream.

"Please! Dr. Dominic told me that the cause and the name of the disease were all unknown and the healing magic would not work, so I couldn't apply my hands. All I can count on anymore is Dr. Miles.

Please, help my father... please help my father! Please!

"You're weak... Sure, I know how to do clinical trials, but I can't cure magic at all, can I help you..."

That's when I said it. Miles noticed a crane with his head bowed, in the same position as it was, weeping, and said with his head bolted.

"I'll say no first, but even I have a life I can't help. Put that on your head, please.

So, what did you say about the symptoms?

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Whatever the consequences, if the teacher you referred me to is not possible, I will give up.

These days, my consciousness may be cloudy without my skin being able to walk. I don't have an appetite, the pain seems to run, and I'm in pain. "

You got a bump in the skin? Confusion of consciousness?

"I was told I don't have an appetite, but vomiting...... I mean, are you vomiting or something?

"Yes, it is"

"Have you ever seen that vomit?

"Yes, green or yellowish colours, often with blood attached"

I have a bad feeling about this guy. If my predictions were met, it would be a hell of a thing.

"Anyway, would you like me to meet that father? From now on, I will prepare a morphine for pain relief, so can the chairman summon a trusted soldier?

When Miles' words were echoed by the left-handers, Miles replied with a smile.

"No, just in case. Well, it's only a prediction, so it's not always a hit."

And he said unto Chloe, Near and Left.

"Chloe, contact your stepfather right now and have him meet you in front of Port City's Shimajima residence.

Troops are good only on father-in-law and Lune. There are dozens of babysitters who excel in arms. "

Copy that, sir.

That said, Chloe walked into it when the left proximity was connected to the headquarters by a spatial transfer.


In the evening, the servants of the House were surprised by the gathered knights at the House Mansion in Port City, on a small high hill, in the sunset. Love came out of the mansion and said to Elias, while even the citizens of Port City were gathered.

"Brigadier General Neumann. What the hell is this?

Elias also said in confusion to the love that came out in Japanese clothing.

"It took an extraordinary convocation from your Excellency, and we don't know why."

"From Your Excellency!?"

Your Excellency didn't intend to attack the Shimajima family... No, that's not true. Your Excellency really thinks very carefully about the House of Tsushima. So why?

When love thought so, the smoke of space transfer came out, and the left-handers came out.

"My lord, what the hell is this...?

Unexpectedly, he took control of the love, and gave the command.

"Look, the Black Knights surround the mansion more than this, and whoever I don't allow, don't go out there alone. Of course, get rid of anyone who tries to get in... you can kill them."

The governors, who understood the seriousness of the matter, were immediately placed around the mansion.

"My father-in-law and Lune, please protect this Dr. Miles. Lord Ai, can I see the left horsehead?

Even though he was anxious by the word, love nodded, and guided the left-hand men.

The left-hand men remained silent until they were guided to the room. Fished by it, or the lovers were silent, he was guided in front of a large door on the third floor, and love bowed his head and said:

"This way."

So when the large door was opened, the left horsehead lay on the king-size bed, and his face was like a zombie.

No way, an infectious disease!?

Unexpectedly, near left, that's what I thought, but Miles went inside and muttered words that I didn't expect the door to close.

"I knew it... you know, is it your wife?

My name is Miles Walton and I am a physician and pharmacist at the Askley Chamber of Commerce. At the request of His Excellency the Major General, I have come to see and treat your husband today. "

And it came to pass in those words, that a great tear overflowed out of the eyes of love, and he bowed his head, saying,

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Thank you so much."

"No, thank you later. It's not always helpful.

In the meantime, if you're a servant from here, get out. Your wife and Major General are the only remaining family members here. "

And it came to pass, when Miles said so, that the servants that had refrained went out, and the left and the near commanded Lune.

"Lune, watch in front of the door so no one can enter this room."

Copy that, sir.

That's what I said and confirmed that Lune exited. Near left, he opened the map of the room's perimeter with celestial eyes to make sure no one was there before giving Miles a signal.

Then Miles peeled off the futon on his left horsehead, and when he looked at his leg, he was dangling to the back of his leg, checking his eyes and checking his nails.

What are you doing?

Everyone else thought so, and Miles questioned love as he wrote a retrospective note.

"Has your wife been eating with your husband or drinking the same beverage for a long time?

"Yes, it was military work, except we were on a boat, eating together"

"That meal, because your wife was making it?

"No, I'm ashamed, my servant was making it"

"The servant, from the Luthai Empire, because he was brought?

"Yes, because it's an old lady."

"So at the end of the day, may I see your wife?


To cut off the words of love that said so, Miles confirmed the eye of love and grabbed both hands and checked his nails.

Your wife's eyes are not congested, and there are no marks on her nails. Hair tests will not be possible in this world, but this symptom of your husband is definitely chronic arsenic poisoning.

Your husband is the only one who has chronic arsenic poisoning.

So Miles said to love with a serious look.

"Ma'am. I see some reason why your husband did this."

"So, because my husband is helpful?

Though it was love that he said so by accident, Miles shook his head with a painful look.

"Oh no..."

Myles told the weak love even more so.

"Clarify, I'm not used to telling you what I said. But I'll be honest with you, considering the safety of your wife and Major General.

Your husband's symptoms are chronic arsenic poisoning… i.e. gradually poisoned the body and this happened. I can't be sure, but perhaps, since I was discharged, I've been recently increased in the amount of poison.

Drugs for detoxification take years to develop. Now, we won't be able to make it, and it's the effect of that poison, but there will also be diseases all over the body that say cancer.

Details include cutting the body, checking the built-in, and removing the part, which cannot be treated in current medicine. All I can do is at least get rid of the pain in my body and drop it off. "

At that moment, love was crying down, the force in the fist of the crane, and it was in the shape of anger.

When the others saw the sight, and could not say anything, Miles quickened up his glasses and said,

"But I can't say anything about whether they really poisoned me unless I'm going to look into it in detail. This poison is also found in nature, because some of it may be contaminated with poison called arsenic in well water, etc.

Besides, seagrass and the like contain a very small amount of this poison. Once you're thorough, you have to inspect it.

And is His Majesty the Major General now living with your parents? Sometimes, just in case, can I see you for a second?

When Miles said so, the crane answered in tears.

"I live with my husband in Lake City. Doctor... how much longer can my father live?

Myles couldn't look the crane in the eye and turned his back to answer the question.

"Perhaps a month or so since you also have skin cancer and probably metastases all over your body... I'm sorry to sit down"

"Oh no... my father was looking forward to the Spring Waterway Ceremony..."

So the crane, when it fell from its knees, was supported by Elias in haste.

You must be mindless, left horsehead. You thought from scratch, I can't believe I can't see a watering ceremony for an aircraft carrier like my kid.

Near the left that thought, Miles approached him and spoke to him in a whisper.

"Chairman, may I ask you to do an analysis of the ingredients of water and food?

Your wife didn't have any symptoms of arsenic poisoning, because humans and beasts can change the progression of their symptoms.

If water or meals can cause damage to the health of Port City residents. But if not... "

"You mean artificially, they let you in?

Myles nodded when he gazed and nodded, and said unto Chloe, Left and Near.

"Chloe, come with me. We'll find the cause."


On the left hand side, when he said so and left, he asked the servant to show him to the kitchen, and on the left side he began analyzing the ingredients by putting water and food in one item box after another.

The sight, everyone, left and near, couldn't understand what they were doing. But the left-hand man whispered in front of the servants.

"Damn, it's still artificial..."

He who put arsenic on his left horsehead in the words would have been heartbeat, but he could not show it to his face.

Near left, without checking the water and food, and checking the arsenic, when I went back to the room, there was the left horsehead and Miles who were being morphined by infusion, but the bed that was in the center was pulled over at the window so that I could see the harbor outside from the left horsehead.

Really? Did you move it so that we could show the port to the left horsehead?

Near left, Miles talked worryingly.

"Chairman, how was it?

"Food, water, arsenic together, were not detected. In front of the servants, I whined deliberately, but the killer, I don't know. How was Chloe?

"I was watching carefully, too, but I didn't know. If the murderer was among the servants, he'd be too hands-on."

And when he heard the word, the crane groaned with an angry face.

"It's the Babyguard... it's definitely the Babyguard."

"Crane! Don't say that to the original master!

That was the love to pay attention to the crane, but the left-hand side did not know why, so he asked the question.

"Crane. What makes you think Bezushi is the killer?

"In the Imperial Civil War, for generations, the Shimajima family ruled the rice belt and had a mighty naval force, known as the Pirate Daimyo.

However, at the end of the civil war, it was the Masonry House at Yukaishi Castle that officially became the guardian of the Masonry House. In the Luthai Empire, people in the Navy are called pirates and have come scorned, so there is no choice but to do so.

However, it seems uninteresting that the Kushiro family, the minister, had control of the Luthai Empire's naval forces, and he confiscated the rice land, etc. on suspicion of conspiracy, leaving the territory only at the border port.

The battle and the repression of the flavor are only served by the Shimajima family. Because such a relationship persisted and he was subjected to various harassments, the Tsushima family left the Mashima family and came to the Sakura family. "

Totally, there's the jealousy of being a bell guard, and having more power than your master's house, I guess I was afraid. The reason for this is that I've despised the Navy, the fall of the court.

"Was it? But can't you think of a martial arts guard?

"That line, it won't be conceivable. Assuming the servants here are the culprits, the servants here came to the Kishima family as women, even the newest, nearly ten years ago.

For such a long time, there has been no hassle in the movement of the Musashi guards, since, speaking of ten years ago, the Ruthai Empire was still in the midst of a civil war.

If you are in the same Prefecture as the Shimajima family in the west and the Shimamoto family in the east, and you were arguing over their forces, you will have an explanation.

Whatever, because Dr. Miles's story suggests they've been serving a little poison for years. Apart from that rotten outer passage, I'm not here. "

Well, sure, the story goes through. But you're gonna hook something up...

"Anyway, first we need to catch the killer and find out who hired him.

Dr. Miles, can you predict where they poisoned you when you were poisoned? So if I analyze the ingredients, I think we'll find the killer. "

When he said so, Myles shook his head and said:

"Unfortunately, when this happens, we don't need arsenic anymore"

Sure, if you say so. But tomorrow, why don't we bring your mom in and let her check the servants' memories?

"Crane. Since the left horsehead came to the continent, do you have a quit servant?


"Then the killer might say he's still here. Tomorrow, but let's bring Lieutenant Colonel Vishuk in to check the memories of the servants.

Before that, Lord Love. It's not safe to stay here. The next thing you know, you might be the one who's going after me. Someone will bring someone to take care of the left horsehead, so why don't they go to the crane house temporarily?

That was what everyone thought. But love cried and said to the left.

"I will refuse that, no matter how many orders you give me. Now I want to be with my husband at all, and if I'm going to die with my husband, I want it."

It's been a tough time again. I know how you feel, but if Lord Ai also dies, will the crane... force you to take him?

It was when I thought so. Elias offered to go near the left.

"Here, let me and Lune provide protection. All meals and water will be taken from the Allied headquarters."

"No, but..."

Near the left, who was troubled to say so, Miles also endorsed Elias' proposal.

"Chairman, when I lost my wife and children, I felt the same way. Let them stay long, even on the side of their loved ones for a minute and a second.

Brigadier General. For your wife's meal, arrange for a single scale of garlic to be added.

That way, 40% of the arsenic in your body is urine, so there's research data that you can get out of your body. "

"Okay. Tell the men in the cafeteria at headquarters to make arrangements."

In this case, it is best to hide Lord Ai in the house of the crane, but can't you help it? Considering the feelings of Lord Love, I can't tell you how tight it is.

I thought so, and I said to love.

"Okay. Thank you for choosing Left Horsehead.

Instruct your servants not to leave this mansion and conduct an investigation tomorrow. "

"Thank you. I'll sit down!

So he asked the crane a question, smiling at the love of bowing his head to the left.

"Tsuru, where did Qingxin go at a time like this?

"My husband, Lieutenant Colonel Bonnie's ship, to control the smugglers, is now out in the sea. My father gave instructions to Lieutenant Colonel Bonnie to train."

Well, why, the left horsehead also admitted to Ann.

"Right. I know you're at work, but I'll use the telecommuters to keep you posted. Cranes, sometimes the three of us stay together."


With that said, the crane had put his strength into his fist.

Thereafter, the left-hand side entrusted the guards to Elias and Lüne, ordering the governor to increase the number of knights and seal off the mansion, and left.

And the early morning after that. A servant of a woman was found dead hanging from her neck in a room at Port City Island Mansion.

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