Another Life

pale-eyed samurai

The carriage carrying Mira and the others on the dark, lightless path of the woods was run only by the lights of the carriage. All the roads were paved with asphalt, and the journey in the carriage in Lake City, instead of the usual decomposing streets, was a comfortable object, but the road was unchanged in darkness, but Evrard cleverly proceeded on the road of night, whether it was just a professional cab driving a carriage.

In it, Evrard told Melissa next door that the carriage would slow down.

"It's a building that went a little further, into an unpaved side road...... what do you want to do?

It was immediately understandable to Melissa that the word was referring to the two people behind it. With that in mind, Melissa suggested to Mira and the others.

"Princess, it looks like a building that went into a side road ahead. Keep it up, the princesses are in a carriage, going to a nearby service, and I'll stay here and keep an eye on the building."

"I don't like it, I'll stay too!

I knew it was coming. But here, it's bad to be left.

"I know how you feel, but even if only Evrard goes to the service, what do you say? You're unconvincing, laughing at me with your nose, and it's over.

Rather than that, it would be more convincing if the princess went. It's better than taking the time to get away with it, right?

To that realistic word, Mira said claire squeezed Mira's hand, saying that she wanted to go help and that reality was grinding.

"Okay, Mira, get down. Just me, I'll take the carriage to the service."


That is what Claire said to Mira, who looked at Claire in surprise, squeezing her hand, with a serious look.

"Just me, it's Sakura's servant's uniform, and you'll be trusted. But Mira, promise me you'll never take action until I bring people in."


Are you sure you're okay... if you get hurt, you won't be in a flash. Still, you wanker... imitate the extra.

With that in mind, when Melissa parked the carriage past the side road, Mira and Melissa stepped out of the carriage and stared at the carriage heading for the service office, telling Mira.

"From here, Princess, you will follow my instructions. No matter what happens, can the princess promise not to go to help?

"... why, if you go help me, you can't?

And Melissa gazed upon Mira with the eyes of a ruthless assassin, and said,

"As the master said, can the princess kill people?

Where we're going now, if we go to help, it could be killing each other. If the princess doesn't want to kill you, she won't be the only one, your friend and other kidnapped women will die.

I will not stop the princess from dying herself, but I am sorry to bring others along. Do you understand?

Mira nodded remorsefully at Melissa's words, and they went behind the woods.


You mean that knife isn't Dada, even if it follows me in the woods? That means, as a force of war, you can expect enough... but for the family of the Sakura family, my heart is weak.

Even though Melissa thought so, the two of them made no noise, and proceeded through the woods, not the road, a two-story building in the dark woods, with no lights on, represented themselves.

I can't see the light, no one?

No, I'm not, there's a horse in the stables. Do you just keep the lights from leaking out the window?

That's what Melissa thought, hiding in the shadow of a tree, she explained to Mira in a low voice.

"Princess, I'm going to infiltrate and search inside, so please tell me the characteristics of your friend"

"His name is Paula. She's the same 11-year-old girl I am, and the race is human. Redhead, brown eyes, sovacious."

"Got it. But, Princess, from here on out, please don't move.

Tell them to wait till I get back because I'm on my way inside when the service comes back. "

When Mira nodded powerlessly at Melissa's words, she smiled at Mira and disappeared.


Because the aristocratic carriage was hidden behind the building and the windows were blocked with plates so that no light could leak outside, there was only one entrance and exit, so when Melissa climbed the roof upstairs without a sound, she quietly removed the roof board and went inside from there.

You mean upstairs, in a room full of beds... a bedroom? That means that fate is on the ground floor.

Sure, there 'll be security on the stairs. Oh, I'm here in a bar uniform, so this is a tough wash, I failed.

With that in mind, when Melissa went into the bedroom, she took the knife out of the magic bag and went under the bed, did the knife have the skills she needed, or cut off the floorboard, she went into it.

Five continent-style men and one Luthai were drinking in the first floor room seen from the attic.

Are they the killers? You mean the kidnapped woman is in a different room?

It was at that moment that a Luthai man saw Guillaume and Melissa in the ceiling.

Shit! Found out!?

With that in mind, it was Melissa who could not even move with Picri, but it was the continental man who had spoken to the Luthai man.

"Mr. Yasuke, what's wrong?

"... no. Apparently, there's a Ne (...) z (...) mi (...) in this Lake City, too."

"Ha... I don't know, really..."

That said, he was a confusing man if not sure, but it was the same with Melissa in the ceiling.

Missed!? How could... No, but here, we have to move out of here.

With that in mind, it was when Melissa moved to the ceiling of the next room without making a sound. He accidentally stopped the movement in the slightest sight that he could see below.

The sight revealed the women tied with rope, where many firearms, such as firearms, were placed in the dark and bagged to their heads.

You were here... but you have three similar little statues, and now you don't know who the princess's friend is. That's why, if you hang up, the kids will speak up and people will come.

There is no other way here but to wait for reinforcements and lead them to help.

That was when I thought, there was a sound of a carriage parked outside, and someone came in.

The danger is, Melissa understood. However, he returned to find out the exact number of opponents and their purpose.

In Melissa's eyes toward the front door, three soldiers came in, and found a woodworking figure in it.

That was Luthai's grandfather back then! Was he in the coalition? That grandfather was after your life... Does that mean there is a big man in the Luthai Empire behind this case?

Even so, in the sight of Melissa, who looked down, the woodworker received a cup from Eighty, and when he took a sip, Eighty said in his ear to the woodworker.

"The woodworking hall. There's a rat in the attic..."

And the words of the carpenter became sharper, and said,

"You're a rat... is extermination possible?

"That's fine. But if we get rid of one, other rats will be suspicious and snakes will come to the rats who won't come back to the nest."

"How many people are gathering now?

"Five. We have enough weapons."

And the woodworker said unto the word for a while.

"In the meantime, send your stuff now, this is rat by rat, ash it"

"I understand. Hey, I'm sorry I got there early, but I'm gonna carry my stuff!

So he clapped his hands, and eighty assistants said, The men rose up in agony, and went into the children's room.

What are you going to do?

In front of Melissa, who thinks so, when the lid of the crate was removed, and the bottom of it was also removed, the crate had a double structure, and the men put the women in the bottom, and when they put the lid on it, they lined it with a rope gun.

Well, in case you get tested, you'll never discover it.

But the only sign out there is the princess. Aren't the men at the service still coming? As it were, I'd be stuffed in a carriage and transported outside Lake City.

From behind Melissa, who was in such a hurry, a voice was heard.

"A rat, a rat, a female rat."

At that moment, while Melissa looked back, the moment she tried to take a distance, the impact ran on her flank, which was stabbed with a hand-backed sword.

I pulled out a stabbed back sword on my flank, in Melissa's hand, and it conveys a numb feeling.

He's poisonous. I didn't know it was the same way I fought... but when I say the same way I fought, I love being poison-resistant.

With that in mind, Melissa put a knife in front of her and smiled uncomfortably.

Koitsu, I don't know, but are you resistant to poison? Continental sneak is pretty funny... but Iga sneak is the strongest.

That's what I thought, Eighty also had an uncomfortable grin, bitterness, and the battle in the attic, without making a sound, began.


Around that time, Mira was hiding as Melissa told her, staring at an army transport vehicle that stopped at the entrance to the building.

When are you coming back, Claire? If we don't hurry up, the transport's going somewhere... Aah! Someone came out.

So he concealed himself, and at the end of Mira's gaze, he saw the men carrying the crate.

No, I can't wait any longer... but can I kill people?

So Mira, shaking her hand, grabbed the knife on her back with her shaking hand, meditated her eyes and whispered like a spell.

"The sword of Willow Raw is the sword of the king. Willow Raw's Sword is the King's Sword... it's okay, I can do it..."

It was at that moment, Mira, who had stopped trembling, pulled out her sword and opened her eyes, running up from the bottom of her belly.

Mira jumped out, and the men pulled out their swords to intercept, but somewhere the woodworker came forward and headed toward Mira to prevent the sword.

You prevented my sword with the must-have!?

When Mira stood up again, surprised that the sword had been prevented, the woodworker showcased his nibbles and teeth, and shook his sword to the side, not telling the men not to lay their hands on him.

"Don't get your hands on me. But where was the kid hiding... well, the rat in the attic, at your disposal?

But to that sword strike, what is a Luthai kid, rat owner...... Willow Raw's little girl? Are you thinking of fighting a warrior with a Dojo sword? "

The woodworker's eye, who said so, had killed many men on the battlefield, the eyes of a murderer. In its eyes, Mira is brought back to reality once and for all, and the cutting-edge of the staged sword trembles with a clatter.

The woodworker, who saw through the fear, said to Mira, thinking he had won.

"What are you talking about, a kid who can't kill people? Let's just get this over with, take you hostage and kill your parents as planned."

Are you going to use me to kill your father and mother?

To Mira's surprise, a woodworking poke strikes.

But Mira pulled the tip of his thrust away from his left foot, and Mira's sword swung down on his arm, but the blade stopped perfectly before hitting his arm.

As if he knew what Mira was doing, the woodworker grinned with a nibble, and as he put his head poking at Mira's nose tip, he held his nose and fisted Mira's chest, unwittingly kicking Mira's face.

The woodworker, who fell to the ground and grabbed Mira's hair in tears and fear in a flowing attack, shouted at the interior of the building.

"Hey, rat inside! If your employer's life is in vain, don't resist!

A short time after the words, from the second floor of the building, a loud noise was heard, breaking through the board of the window that was blocking the window, and Melissa fell.

Shortly afterwards, he held down his flank and fell to the ground, from Melissa's head, eighty assistants descended and, at the same time as he landed, when he put his knee in his neck, Melissa stopped moving, even Pickle, along with the sound of a bone breaking that he called cockroach.

"Hey, it's Yasuke. Did you kill him?

"... good. I thought I killed him, but he still managed to live.

After this, let me throw up how much you know, and instead of us, you'll have to die. What do you want to do?

"This is Willow's little girl. Liu Sheng's Hyogosuke and Pearl will be able to be used as bait because they are talking about drowning their own daughter"

I'm sorry, Mr. Melissa... my... because of me... My heart, because of my weakness...

Yes, it was when Mira regretted it so much that she heard someone walking in from the darkness and a man's voice.

"Somehow, I'm talking noisy. I'm tired of it and I can't sleep..."

That being said and coming out of the dark was a pale eyed man with red hair about fifteen years old and ponytail, who seemed clearly grumpy.

In a place like this, a Continental?

I was a woodworker who thought so unexpectedly, but I was uncomfortable with the outfit, and if I looked closely, it was the outfit when I was traveling for a samurai, but I don't have a knife.

A woodworker wondered, it was then, from behind a man, a man of the same age of one Luthaian, who likewise did not have a knife, came after a man with red hair.

"Young man, go somewhere on your own...... what is this?

Is that where you're sitting, Mr. Kurashiki Woodworking?

When the woodworker looked closely at the young Luthai, he noticed the young man.

"You... are you the Sumitomo of Kofi Shogun, the Sumitomo of Nagai Sweeper, Yunbei?

Could it be that this young... "

"Yes, this is Kofi Asakura's third son, Nagajiro. Hey, no way in this place, woodworking Yun... young?

When Nagajiro put out his arms and stopped moving, he looked at Ji Mira and Nagajiro said, before Yuan Guard, who tried to approach him with a smile.

"Hey, you said woodworking Yun or something. What's wrong with the girl holding it in her hand?

Nagajiro Asakura... is he the third son of Kofi Shogun Asakura, a child who was never on the table because of his appearance at birth? I didn't know you had blue eyes on your red hair... was this what caused it?

But if you are the son of Lord Kofi, the faction on this side. I can't do it without... falling for it.

"This girl is a thief. Some of them are now working for the Allied Coalition, and they just captured the thief who tried to take that weapon."

So said Nagajiro to the woodworker, smiling.

"That doesn't matter. Coalition forces or whatever, but whoever does that to a girl is my enemy... especially if he does that to a good woman, he'll bust her."

How did he get to that conclusion? Besides, this one's got a sword, you want me to fight for you with my whole waist?... I have no choice, do you feel a little sore and take me home for what it's worth?

When the woodworker gave the men behind him a signal with his eyes, the two men were slaughtered by Nagajiro and Yuan Wei.

But these two, whether they were used to fighting or had been in any more battles, Nagajiro did not back off, but came forward and grabbed an arm with a sword that had been swung down, mowed his leg and knocked him down, at the same time, he put an elbow in his neck and broke the bone in his neck, and the source guard also came forward, with a knife that had come out of somewhere, and stabbed him in the neck with a sudden knife.

"Ahhh! Source Guard, why do you have such a thing? If I had that, I could have won with a card!

"If you were young, you wouldn't just have a knife, you'd have put it in a pawn shop before... please give me a break. Well..."

With that said, Nagajiro and Yuan Wei, who had picked up the sword that the men had, stared at the woodworkers and said, Nagajiro left Yuan Wei staring at the woodworkers.

"Become, Source Soldier. It's justice to take the side of a pretty girl, isn't it?

"That's just the logic of youth. Lord Woodworking Yun, this is what the young man is saying, will you let her go... I think it would be better if I let her go too..."

It was when Yuan Wei said so. As soon as the woodworker realized Mira's eyes were not dead, Mira kicked up the knife that had fallen to the ground and held it in her hand, slashing Hum and the woodworker's grasp of her own hair and taking an intermission when she left.

"He... was still conscious"

In an attempt to use Melissa as a hostage, when he looked in the direction of Eighty, he saw a black shadow behind Eighty.

There's someone here!

The idea of a woodworker who thought so was passed on to Yasuke as well, the moment he tried to escape the scene, when a man held his mouth from behind him and sealed his movements, he heard a man in his ear with a short knife protruding against his neck, a jitter and a neck slashed.

"Hey, what have you done to our employees?

The Lord of his voice was Jack. The power that captured Eighty Helps was tremendous, and no matter how violent he was, his body could never leave.

And Bikun Bikun, and the flame of life burning out, as if to enjoy the last motion; and when he held it and stopped moving, he threw away the dead eighty aids, as if to throw away the garbage, and said unto Mira.

"Look, princess. You did what I said, didn't you?

Please take this opportunity to protect what I have said. I don't want to be mad at you. "

And Nagajiro laughed at the words, and said unto the carpenter:

"Even the princess. I wonder what you said about this, woodworking."

Shit, as it is, reinforcements are coming... when this happens, we just have to throw everything away and get out of here.

"Everybody, run! Kill whoever gets in the way!

It was the moment I said so, the woodworker tried to escape by opening his own space transfer, but Mira's knife hits the woodworker.

The woodworker, prevented by a knife in front of him entering the space transfer, caused Mira's kick to enter the abdomen, holding the abdomen down and inadvertently taking a distance.

As no one else came in Jack's direction as he attacked and fought against Nagajiro and Yuan Gai, Jack seemed to clap out and said to Mira in his spare time.

"Princess, shall I help you? I'll make it cheaper now."

"I don't want it! Willow Raw's sword is the King's sword, so no one can beat it!

... Again, like my mother, I feel like I'm losing.

Even so, Jack confirmed Melissa's condition.

He has a broken neck bone, but does he manage to live? Hospitalization expenses, I don't know what to do.

In front of Jack, who thinks such a nasty thing, Mira put the knife in a single letter in front of him, and the woodworker was slashed by Mira.

He was a woodworker slaughtered by Mira, but at the same time Mira pulled her legs away, and at the same time the slaughter and the reverse slaughter slaughtered Mira almost simultaneously at such a speed as to slash her on the woodworker, spraying blood from both shoulders, and the moment she thought she would fall, Jack shouted to Mira.

"I'm not distracted! The battle is not over!

At that moment, the woodworker bit Mira, but at the same time, thanks to his usual archaeology, nature and body moved and beheaded the woodworker.

For the first time, when Mira was trembling with Katakata for taking her life, Nagajiro and Yuan Gai also seemed settled, and the two breathed. And it was when the two men laid their swords on their sheaths, that one of the surviving men hid, at some point removed the carriage horse, and fled.


When Nagajiro and Yuan Wei, who thought so, looked in the direction in which they fled, two shadows stood in the middle of the road, and the moment the horse passed between them, the horse and the man were parted into four pieces of flesh, rolling to the ground.

Mira grabbed the cataclysmic and trembling hand, and looked in that direction, and the two shadows approached and saw it. Its identity was Pandora with a knife and a bead.

"Ha, Mother... Oh, I'm sorry..."

It was the moment when the bead approached Mira silently, with a bright blue face, looking at the bead's face and whining. When the sound of slapping her big cheek sounded in the darkness, and Mira fell on the spot, the bead went straight to Jack and bowed her head to Melissa, who was falling.

"I'm so sorry that our daughter did something stupid this time and bothered you. On behalf of my daughter, my mother, I apologize to you, and the Willow family will bear all the costs of treatment."

To the words, Melissa managed to smile, thumbs up, and signaled, "It's okay," she lowered her head deeply again, then asked Jack, who was kneeling.

"Jack, what's your name?

"Yes, I will sit in Melissa, an employee of our store"

"Okay, Jack. This Melissa is an important guest of the Yanagi family from today on, I asked her to be polite."

"Of course I'll sit down."

Jack, who said so, put out a space transfer straight under Melissa, and when he took her to Lugonne, the bead dropped her off with her head down.

Well, I don't know what to say, sister, as a mother, you're too harsh.

With that in mind, when Pandora looked back in the direction of Nagajiro and Gendarmerie, at some point Nagajiro knelt before Pandora, holding Pandora's hand naturally, kissing the back of his hand and saying:

"I didn't expect to see a beautiful woman like you in a place like this. This is the fate of God."

"Destiny... So, what's your name?

And when Nagajiro stood up, he turned his hand to Pandora, and grabbed Pandora's jaw lightly, and said unto Pandora, he was about to kiss her.

"Giovanni... call me Giovanni, my beautiful princess"

It was the moment he said so, when a cold gunshot of Colt was placed in Nagajiro's jaw, and Pandora said with a sober face.

"You know the word" kaolin flower "? If we get any closer, we're gonna blow our brains out."

And it came to pass in the words of Nagajiro, and the beads came, and bowed their heads unto Nagajiro, saying,

"Apparently, thank you so much for helping my daughter. Pandora, say thank you or do anything for me."

"I'm gonna kill you for real, you fucking sister"

And when he said it by accident, and glanced at the bead, the bead smiled back at Pandora for a moment, and when he went to Mira, he said to Mira with no expression.

"Mira, now you know what I'm going to say."

And Mira sat in repentance in his words, and grabbed the earth and said,

"Because I wanted to help..."

"When you can do anything yourself, don't think of it! In fact, isn't it seeing through your weakness and involving others! Be cautious in the storage shed for a while until I say it's good. You don't even have to go to school."


"Because it's not! Look back and reflect on yourself in the shed. Pandora!"

"Yes, yes"

Pandora, who said so, when she opened the space transfer, took Mira's collar and went back to the dragging kyoya.

After a strange silence, Yuanwei said, lying flat before Pandora, as if he had remembered.

"With all due respect, I'd like to see you with some martial arts princess. My name is Nagai Yunbei Nagai, the second son of Yun Nagai sweep department of the Nagai family, an elderly member of the Asakura family, who is a patron of Kofi.

My name is Nagajiro Asakura, and I am the third son of the Asakura family. How dare you do everything you can to see the inner house?

To your father? But protect it for what it's worth. Sure, it's supposed to be a rebel faction... what is it?

With that in mind, Pandora glanced at Nagajiro and said, with her arms together.

"Nagajiro. Hey, didn't you say Giovanni? No, Giovanni's name comes firmer than Nagajiro...... you, really Luthai? Instead, my hair is red, my eyes are blue."

And Nagajiro turned his hand again unto Pandora's hips, and took Pandora's hand, and said,

"Actually, so that I can come all the way from Kofi to meet you..."

"That's enough to say. Mr. Gengwei, can you explain this to me?

And redhead. The next time you touch me, I'll punch a bullet in that garden brain. "

When Nagajiro softly let go of his hand to the words, Yuanbei explained them as if they were frightened.

"As a matter of fact, when you say ancestral returns, young people have been like this since birth, so they weren't put on the table, and they were raised secretly."

"Ancestry...... well good. So, why do you want to see Mr. Uchi? Don't open your mouth, redhead."

"That's right...... no, it's very hard for you to believe..."

And Pandora said with a cold eye unto the Source Guard, whom it was hard to say.

"I don't mind, say it. My name is Pandora Sakura. She is the second daughter of Minister Kiyohiro Sakuranai.

You saved my eldest daughter's bead daughter, my sister. I mean, I helped my grandson in the inner house. Whatever the reason, just tell me the translation, and I'll let you see him.

So if you touch me, I'll kill you, redhead. "

Nagajiro persisted in the words, as if he were a child scolded by a prank, and Yuanbei explained instead.

"As a matter of fact, God told me to help you, it took me almost two years to get to Lake City."

To God... is that God's use?

"Okay, let's believe it. Tomorrow, but I'll let you see me, tomorrow at noon, but come to the headquarters of the coalition, and we'll get this over with."

To the word, Yuan Wei said, it is hard to say.

"That's right... since I came to Lake City, Master Nagajiro has been in a brothel and a whorehouse, ran out of road bank, and I even put him in a pawn shop to compete, but he's become a Sukkarakan... I don't have any more hands. The truth is that I ran into this crime scene by chance when I was in the wild."

... God, what I say is a weird story, but it would obviously be a missed candidate. Young... young?

"How old are you guys?

"One is fifteen and one is fourteen."

They're scumbags... at that young age, I'm going to go buy a woman and beat her up... they're scumbags for sure. Even the Knights are so far away... Yeah, I'm sure he is, rather that's the only level he's at.

"Okay, when the guys at the service come, I'll take you straight to the mansion and let you stay until the house is decided. But I'll kill you when you get out of the room.

Anyway, help rescue the kidnapped. That's about as much as you can do. "

Pandora, who said so, began searching the building with three of the children until the service rescue team arrived.


Viscount Nelson Arrays, northeast of the Serenity Empire. This was the territory ruled by Viscount Orville Nelson, Shirley's father.

To the south, there was Saltaire, the largest port town in the empire, and to the north it was a coastal area bordering the Pespard dynasty, but because all the coastlines were cliffs, they could not develop because they could build ports, and people had many chances, it was a lonely land that went to Saltaire and had little tax revenue.

Among them, it was very impossible to build a castle in the territory, but only Alleis was built facing the cliffs of the sea, as if the mansion inhabited by Orville, unlike its lonely land, symbolized its power.

When Mira and the others were at war, lost in the darkness, two black shadows entered the city in the mansion, and came to the doorway of the mansion.

The identities were Elias and Lüne in military uniform.

When he arrived at the mansion, he was guided to the reception room, and drinking the fruit liquor which had been served for a while, he said, his eyes were similar to Shirley's, his beard grew astonishingly, and a man of the same age as Elias came in and spread his hands.

"Areas, long time no see!

So Elias laughed bitterly at Orville, who sought to give him a hug.

"Stop it, Orville. I don't have a hobby for hugging guys."

"Gahahaha! As always, that place hasn't changed. Where is this young lady?

And it came to pass, when he saw Lune as a chillary, that Lune saluted and answered.

"Ha! I am Lieutenant Colonel Lune Lavio, Deputy Commander of the Allied Forces, Knights of the Holy Guidance"

"Oh, that energy is a tradition of the Knights of Holy Guidance. I am Viscount Orville Nelson, Lord of Arrays.

This Elias was a drinking friend of the Knights of the Holy Leadership from a time when he was just a knight. Well, have a seat. "

And it came to pass, when they sat on the couch, that Orville smiled and said unto Elias.

"Elias, I hear your grandson and my daughter Shirley are now friends. Shirley told me she couldn't, and I didn't want to, but she admitted she had no choice but to be a knight, but it seemed like an unexpected harvest."

And Elias said unto the word, Take a sip of fruit wine.

"Shirley is a delicacy that leads one of the six Knights if you keep going. Marshal Sakura, my stepson, teaches spears and tactics at all costs."

And Orville was a little grumpy with the word, and said,

"Did Shirley ask you for anything?

"No, it's not... but I heard something a little weird. You think I'll let that Count Lame daughter-in-law Shirley of anything?

It's advice from a friend. I'm not saying anything bad, just stop Count Lame... I can't tell you the details, but the fire powder will spread to the Nelsons. "

Orville was not frightened by the serious gaze of Elias, but disputed.

"Elias, let's be clear. It is the grief of the Nelsons from earlier generations that the Nelsons go out into the center and increase their power in the Empire.

I'm not a nobleman, will you crush me? In this marriage, the Count Lame family that became relatives would follow the back of the Viscount Nelson family... No, on the contrary, if the Count Lame died and only Shirley was there to inherit, the Nelson family would be even bigger.

Now that the war with the Kingdom of Salz is over, we need the help of the Count Lame family in order to pay homage. I can't give up easily. "

"Orville, there are ways to appeal to His Majesty the Emperor by enriching this array, etc.

My brother-in-law, His Excellency Sakura, enriched Valkyria, where there were many bandits, and even the Interior Minister of the Ruthai Empire. I'll give you a mouthful from me, too, so get your hands off the lame. "

"Indeed, Count Lame has bad rumors attached to him. But rumors are rumors. Other nobles may be jealous of Count Lame and spreading such rumors.

You'll know that, too. The noblemen, in order to pay their respects, spreads rumours that they are not good to each other, and pulls their feet. This is a common story.

But if you came as my friend, is there any other reason? Then tell me why. If I'm convinced, I'll think about it a little bit. "

To the words Elias, biting his lips and keeping silent, had given a signal that Lüne would grab Elias' knee and say, "No more, you can't say".

I know... but I want to do something about it... but do we have to pull here?

"Okay, that's it for my story. I have work to do, so I'm gonna have to ask you to excuse me today."

And it came to pass, that Elias and Lune rose up, and tried to leave, and Orville drank, and flinched, and said,

"With that said, Elias, I hear that Amelia McGregor had a child. I can't believe you had a guy that liked having kids at that age.

Isn't it true that the man who will deal with him was the purpose of the Luthai Empire?

Once you know the truth, in the next social circle, you can make a joke, but you know what?

It was that moment, when Elias looked back to Orville, he grabbed Orville's chest and lifted it up, and said in a phase of anger.

"Hey, Orville. Say it again.

If you make the next fool out of Amelie, you're not my friend or anything anymore... rather, I'll crush you. "

That said, Elias' anger shapes were tremendous and even included killing, and Orville had no choice but to defy his gaze.

Elias, who had accepted it, said, "Hung," and let go of his hand, and left the room intact.

I've never seen that captain so angry before. With that said, Brigadier McGregor's son had blue eyes on his blonde hair... No way, our captain has never been a father... No, no, it's impossible.

This man is truly harmless to humans and animals, and even if I wander naked, there's no way our captain would react to anything, if he could get his hands on a woman. Instead, it's a miracle that we got married and Iris was born, but there's no way we're going to do that to a woman we're childhood friends.

Lüne, mistaken for Gatsuri, shook his head and followed Elias as if to shake off such an idea.

Hmm! Military flair threatens me with nobility.

In the room where the two of them left, Orville was clearly grumpy by throwing a glass of fruit liquor on the wall.

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