By the time Amiria and the others were heading out to Tampa, Left Konda had also left guards behind. Once they opened a report and a military meeting with the Emperor, they had set out for Fushimi Castle and Seta Castle in order to head to Yamato. And when they had gone out of the gate, those who were near the left, they were whining.

I wonder what it was, when the left proximity approached the spot, where the armored arsenal and the beads in the dress lay flat with white winged capes.

Unexpectedly, he stopped Aoyagi and spoke to Hyogo.

"Hyogo, aren't you supposed to be cautious in Kyoto?

And the voice near the left was somewhere angry, and did you feel it? And Hyogo and the beads bowed their heads even deeper, and from behind the near left came Pandora with Shirley, and said,

"I'm the one who called my brother-in-law. Is that it?

"That wouldn't be something. I used to make the Hyogo watch out for me at the Kyoto Mansion. You know that too, don't you?

Left proximity staring at Pandora with that said. Pandora answered flatly when the scene turned into an evil mood at once.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm the general of the Yamato offense.

Does your father disagree with what the Emperor has decided? Besides, isn't your father following the general's policy?

And he said unto Pandora, On his left near forehead, a blood vessel was rising, and his hand with his tendon was trembling with a blurb: And he said unto Pandora, Take a deep breath once, and cast it down.

"Enough, be my guest"

That said, it was a grumpy left proximity, but Pandora responded with a honeycomb and chased the left proximity when she gently lowered her head to the Iris and the others, "Please come back later," as if, "If this happens, it's tough."

Damn, you're a kid.

Even so, Pandora said with his face raised and his head bowed to Pandora, as he was frightened against the left and near.

"Pandora, I really appreciate this. I'll ask you anything you want, Willow, until the last generation."

"Until the last generation...... well good. So, you made it to the bullet?

Pandora's question was a little cloudy, the Hyogo said to Pandora.

"Oh... but as my father-in-law said, Bullet got mad at me and kicked me... but I can hear the last word, and I'm glad for one thing,"

"Well, that would have been nice. But how long have you been waiting here?

"Last night, about here. Exactly, because there's no reason for someone who hasn't joined the battle festival to come in, and it's been ever since."

... I don't know what to say, it would be too sturdy.

"Well, that's good. Today, I called because I'm going to ask the two of you to join my Knights, lead my soldiers, and help me attack Yamato."

In response to the keyword Yamato, Hyogo asked Pandora a a question as he stood up and soiled.

"To say Yamato could be..."

"Yeah, as you can guess, I'll have my brother-in-law do the recapture of Willow Seong's estate for five hundred soldiers. After that, stop the reinforcements that will come from Iga at Yoosheng Manor until we finish our Yamato attack."

So Pandora answered the Hyogo question with a smile.

At only five hundred, it's also an unscrupulous story to tell Iga to stop his reinforcements, but Hyogo replied with a grin.

"If it's to protect the Willow Raw Manor, let's do anything. From a very young age, if you knew Willow Wild Mountain, it would be appropriate... Pandora, you owe me once again."

"Well, within that, I'll have it paid for together, so be prepared. Now, let's head to Fushimi Castle."

Really? The place to say Willow Raw was the home of Major Willow Raw, wasn't it?

Pandora... Isn't there a good place?

With that in mind, when Shirley chased Pandora forward, under her face, Pandora noticed and questioned Shirley, who was smiling with Nico.


"No... My captain, you're kind. I understand what the deputy chief said in Tianchuan Village earlier."

And Pandora, whose words were bright red, said with light.

"... Shirley. Erase it from your memory."

"I don't like it. It's already burning deep inside my heart."

"You can burn it, so don't ever tell anyone!

"Okay... maybe."

"Hey, stop because my character is really going to collapse."

When he said that, as if he were his lovers, he saw the two of them proceeding with pleasure, and Tiger Nosuke spoke to the chief political officer.

"The princess and Brigadier Nelson are really close, aren't they? Wouldn't it be nice to be the next lieutenant, Lieutenant Nelson?

To Tiger Nosuke's exact words, the Chief Minister questioned him with surprise.

"You think so, too?

"Yeah, the other troop leaders have the same opinions. Lieutenant Nelson would feel more like a lover relationship than a princess.

If we see the princess smile, that's all we need. Besides, take out Musashi's Red Ghost, and the handles are broken. "

To Tiger Nosuke's words, the chief minister stroked his chest down, smiled and said, "Really?" and proceeded with the horse.


At noon the same day, near left, he was in the waiting room at Fushimi Castle. In addition to the Allied executives and Iris, there was even a Hyogo.

By the time he came here, he was forgiven by the scattered Iris, and when he was calm, he spoke to the keeper with whom he was coming.

"Lord Zao... I'm talking about the Yamatoshima family, but even though he was betrayed by the old man, I wouldn't miss the responsibility for not being able to manage the minister, as it caused the defeat of Sekigahara."

"... I don't know how."

That's what I said, and I couldn't help but snort at the collector, and the left-hand side said something surprising.

"Until now, however, the ministers of the Yamato family will not be able to float the deceased Lord Kiyosei, if responsibility is extended.

So, in this battle, I want you to establish martial arts and become Yamato's guardian. "

And the treasurer, astonished by the word near left, asked the question near left.

"Doesn't the Gojojima family have to be a Yamato guardian?

"Sure, it might be a good idea to have Mr. Ojiji, but at his age... Besides, if the Yamatoshima family minister became a guardian, it would also give rise to physical problems. Being an outsider of the Yamatoshima family is the most preferred form. Besides, if the Yamatoshima family were to be crushed, the court would be convinced."

Everyone was surprised by the words, and Cecily gave her opinion.

"Kind of cheerful. Are you saying you're gonna crush my little night home? What happens to the little ones!

Everyone was surprised by the force, but the left and near said calmly in arms.

"But if we don't take this form, everyone else will be convinced. But the Yamatoshima family, even though it's going to be destroyed, is just saying that there will be no more homes in the Ruthai Empire.

If you root for the court of morning, make it the archduke of the kingdom of César, and also have the right to inherit the throne, some years away, your blood muscles will be interrupted and your chances of becoming civil unrest will be reduced. This would make it difficult to complain from other martial artists "

Well, is this the most realistic?

And it came to pass, and she bowed her head, that Cecily could not argue with him.

"Thank you for waiting, Your Majesty Sakura. The Emperor of Luthai is waiting for you, this way please."


Unexpectedly I ask again. Near left, the woman answers with a smile.

"Yes, it is. The king of the kingdom of Ceasel, he was appointed, wasn't he?

Could it be that you think you've already taken office? Well, if I were explaining it here, I'd keep the emperor waiting. Someone will fix it.

With that in mind, the left-handed men, guided by the woman, head to the hall of the two circles, saying, "His Majesty Sakura is here," and urging them to enter the left-handed ones.

Left and near leaned his neck at the appearance, but when he went inside, everyone but the emperor was lying flat, even Jiujo, the minister of government, and Nishien Temple in Kanbai.

It wasn't just the left proximity that accidentally retreated to the sight. And the treasurers and Iris were astonished, and when they retreated, the left-hand man said, Polypolized his head.

"Yes, I don't like it, Minister of State and His Highness Kanbai, please stop joking. Please raise your face quickly."

The morning ministers raised their heads in unison to the nearest left word, but Kanbai said something surprising.

"I would now like to thank His Majesty Sakura sincerely for the battle of my Empire of Luthai and for his excellent victory."

That said, when the morning ministers lowered their heads simultaneously, signaling Kanbai to bow their heads again, they felt goosebumps all over their left proximal bodies, and said the left proximal side lay flat on the spot.

"Gentlemen, really stop! As always, treat me.

Master Kyujo. Look, just like before, you! Or will you shut up Uchifu! Like... See, Kanbai-sama too... "

That was the left-hand side, who spoke desperately, but the expression of the two remained unchanged, and when the left-hand side looked at the emperor as he asked, the emperor was desperately laughing and turning away from his gaze.

"Mi, emperor...?

The emperor answered only one word, close to the left, asking questions that he could not help but cry.

"The Battle of Uji River..."

In those words, Iris and the collectors, including the left-hand side, also noticed.

No way, they reported me trying to get my lower body out... this is a totally lizard tail cut. Yan!

Anyway, whoever did that made sure that the name of the Ruthai Empire didn't get mud even if he found out that he was the king of another country... I'll reopen it when this happens.

The left proximity, which had decided so and was completely reopened, said the spine correctly.

"Okay, that would be good. In the future, even if that were discovered, I would say that I had already resigned from the Minister of the Interior so as not to mud the name of the Ruthai Empire."

In the words, the morning ministers were expressions of relief, but Kujo and Kanbai were wrapped in a bad feeling because the left proximity had a demonic grin.

And the hunch was centered on the next near-left word.

"What can I say instead? I want the Kingdom of César to take responsibility for those who have become enemies this morning and those who have to take responsibility for me."

Everyone was surprised by the words, and Article IX tried to disagree.

"Heh, Your Majesty... That's exactly what I'm saying about handing over the morning-enemies..."

"It's true that when I was in Uji River, I was the Minister of the Interior..."

It was the emperor who said, laughing at the nine articles that unwittingly clogged the words in their nearest left hand.

"Minister of State, at the loss of the Lord, give up. I don't know how far ahead I'm going to think if this demon-like laugh of Qing comes out.

But did you have this hand? If I had noticed earlier in my hand, I might have worked harder. "

To the emperor's exact words, the left and near answered with an unpleasant face.

"Emperor, please don't be afraid to say anything. I'm still going to work for you."

"Lie. But thank you so much for everything you've done so far, thank you... it's finally five minutes and five minutes."

The words of the emperor, who said so with a smile, jumped unconditionally into the heart of the left-hand man, and the left-hand man was a little lonely that he could not be faithful to the emperor.

But he hid his heart, and said to the emperor,

"Then as a friend, I'd like to ask you a further favor."

At that moment, the morning ministers tried to disagree when the emperor took control and smiled to the left.

"What an uplifting. Say it."

The smile is as if I know everything from now on. He smiled unconditionally, like I'd ask you to do anything you wanted.

Exactly, when he smiled like that, he hesitated, but he never said his intention.

"Yamato guardianship, island family. In order to defeat this, I would like to ask you to take the Shigeru Kiyomori, the fifth largest collector on this side of the island, as the guardian of Yamato.

Plus one more thing. I would ask you, this son-in-law of my daughter, Yusheng Hyogo Sukeriharu, to be lord of Yamato's Yusheng estate and to be under the direct command of the Emperor.

I sincerely wish you all the best. "

The closest words to the left surprised not only the Jiu-Jitsu et al. but even the Morning Ministers. Until now, the left-hand side never runs to his own personal lust, his personality is twisted, but even though he seemed to be strict to himself, he was here for the first time to ask the Emperor about his clan.

And the emperor answered with a slap on his knee.

"Until now, the credit for the uplifting is no one else in line. That would be where everyone admits it. And to say the land of Willow Seung to Hyogo will leave Hyogo as the guardian of the Empire?

... Okay, Willow Land, let's help Hyogo. Instead, put on the familiar Totsukawa River.

And I will admit to the mornings of the enemies who said earlier, that they are going to the kingdom of the uplifting. But don't let this happen again. "

With regard to the Hyogo, the two of them did not say anything because they were close to Kyoto and whether Ishikai would go 10,000 stones, because they had also thought about Kanbai and Kyujo as to what territory they would give for the general purpose. And because the two did not dispute, there was not one other morning minister to dispute.

"Sincerely, thank you for your time. It was a short time, but thank you so much for your help.

I will never forget the grace I have received from you. If there is anything in the Luthai Empire, we will destroy this Sakura Kiyohiro, once again as the sword of the Emperor, the enemy of the Empire. "

And it came to pass, when the left hand said so, that when he lay flat, he was from the kingdom of Qingxin, and the cranes, and the Luthai Empire, and he went to the kingdom of Ceasel, and the Iris, and they lay flat.

"Now it's time to get down to business. Crane, what's the status quo?

And the crane came forward and spake unto the left-hand word with his face up.

"I heard from His Majesty the Lakes this morning that he defeated the withdrawing East Army, but there already seemed to be no Musashi guardian, and the other guardians were the same. Perhaps he returned to the National License on a spatial transfer.

And now, the Four Knights will be seated on the Tampa offensive and His Majesty Lakes on the move to the Young Narrow offensive. The Coalition Navy, in relation to the sea, has already left Port City earlier than planned.

The Chinese army, which is attacking Bel Chi, has finished occupying Bel Chi yesterday and is looking to rendezvous with His Majesty Lakes by sea and land.

Did Admiral Orange's Regent's offensive army just say ten days later? The Regent attack is scheduled to march to Tokaido as soon as it is over.

The Empire's remaining naval forces are assembled in Toba Castle from ships that have finished transporting soldiers. Later, we will explain the attack of the Allied Forces and Yamato and Iga of Hasha, but Pandora. "

In the introduction of the crane, when Pandora came before her rise, she sat down and spoke.

"First of all, our gesture has already moved to channel information to the East Army of Yamato and direct them to the showdown land in the field. In the meantime, we will increase the number of soldiers we can… The place of the showdown is the Great Peace Valley"

The word was devoured by the left-hand side.

"Hey, Pandora! Did Heiqun Valley choose to be my hometown? You're going to ash my hometown!

Everyone was convinced by the close-left statement. When it came to Tsubai Castle in Heiqun Valley, even when it was abandoned, the Islanders saw it as sacred and held captive.

Pandora, however, said without changing her complexion one by one, near left, which was becoming emotional.

"It's because it's the Heiqun Valley. Heiqun Valley is an unsuitable place to fight in the Great Army, sandwiched by mountains east and west.

That's why if you get information that the Allied forces, from which the enemy would also be a large army, will march, they will be in formation in the Heiqun Valley, and south through the valley, there will be a flow of Yamato River, difficult to retreat, and a good chance of taking over the enemy generals.

Besides, the mountain east of Tsubai Castle is a mountain your father ran around more than he did when he was a child… you can also attack from the side of the enemy beyond the mountain "

Sure, Pandora's right. It's a great terrain to lure, and I'll be sure to eat it.

But no matter how different the world is, in a place that looks just like my hometown of Heiqun Valley, what is war... do we have to break it off?

That's where I said near left. And when he decided to cut it off, he put his head to work instantly, and said unto Pandora,

"Okay, let's do that. So, how do we attack?

"First, attack Tatsuya Mountain Castle in the inner castle. In the meantime, please convince your father to head to Kofukuji Temple as a messenger to disarm the monks and take sides with him.

Next, my brother-in-law will lead 500 soldiers to recapture Yoo Seong, and even after the recapture, we will stop the reinforcements from Iga at Yoo Seong. To get from Iga to Yamato, there are roughly two things from the northern Tsukise and one from the southern Utah, which are troublesome when you can come from the northern Tsukise, so I ask you to keep this place alive. "

Something's wrong. Pandora thinks of the battlefield in the Heiqun Valley on the west side of Yamato, but the movement is concentrated on the east side...... no way!?

Pandora said with a grin, close to the left with her face raised by accident.

"Apparently, your father noticed. I will retreat my enemies to Noble Mountain Castle and burn them every castle.

To do this, we divide the army into four parts. The North Army, which hits from the front, leads the Allied Corps, Brigadier General Sanhao.

Your father leads the Nassau Guard, etc. in an assault on the belly of an enemy army over the eastern mountain. From along the Yamato River in the south, our Hasha Knights strike from east to west, divided into two parts.

Well, I still don't know how or how to get them out, so a small number of assault troops will be able to handle it on an ad hoc basis. But whether you take over the Admiral's depths or not, all the enemy soldiers will be pushed into Noble Mountain Castle and burned... because they don't have the gunpowder they've prepared. "

I mean, Yamato's traitors, kill them all... Surely, if we did this far, there wouldn't be much against the Yamato guardianship position of a collector. But you want another hand.

And he said unto the emperor, The Left and the Near.

"Emperor, when Yamato's offense is over, would you mind taking the island clan beyond?

Exactly, you won't be trusted by any other army, but I'm responsible for the same clan... "

"Please wait, the Yamato Island clan, I will take them to the cheap house. Father, even if you think about it, in the armies of the Echinacea, there will be too many and less opportunities for manipulation."

... Indeed, Pandora is right. After that, the father-in-law, the Knights and ex-Left Kingsguard will come, and the number will be tens of thousands.

When that happens, as Pandora still says, there are few opportunities to develop martial arts. In that case, the number is still small, and Edo's eyes and the cheap room at the end of his nose say he has a better chance.

The left-hand side who thought that, agreeing with Pandora's opinion, the coalition led the Hasha Knights the next day in a formation towards Tatsuya Yamagata Castle.


Early the next morning. In the Garden Castle of Tampa Country, the shell was cut and dropped by the bombing of the Knights of St. Dragon with Amirias and the rebels standing caged in the Garden Castle.

In addition to the bombardment concentrated at the castle gate, a mortar of the SS Knights is also fired upon. That appearance was an unthinkable way of fighting in the traditional Luthai Empire, and those who caged in the castle to the power of the shells and roasted balls they tasted for the first time had no choice but to flee.

Furthermore, based on Elias' memory, which he visited on the guidance of Tahara in the past, the arsenal and arsenal were precisely destroyed, and the bow alone could not be helped by overwhelming firepower.

"Why are the Allies here?" What's wrong with the East Army!? Wasn't it Haz who is controlling Kyo by now!

The warlord who shouted at him unintentionally was the general in charge of the castle, saying Nagari Omuma, defending the castle of the park instead of the Tampa guardian absent from the castle of the park.

And it came to pass in the words of the great swamp, that a monk was a confused monk, but a monk came out of the monk, dressed in black, and could be seen in the first half of forty years.

"Omuma-kun, it's okay. A contact from Kofukuji said Yamato's offense has already begun.

The main unit will already be fighting in Kyo. Therefore, this coalition would have sent troops to Tampa to secure their retreat. "

He was a monk who said so and spoke at his leisure, but a soldier jumped in and said:

"I'll report you! Surrounding the Park Castle, you will sit in the Allied Knights! I saw the family crest used by Brigadier General McGregor and Brigadier General Neumann's army!

And the face of the great swamp turned bright blue, and he grabbed the breast of the monk, and said unto him.

"Shin Hao. Speaking of Master McGregor and Master Neumann, aren't you two leading the Knights, said to be elite, among the Allied forces?

Attacking from this sky is also, perhaps, the Knights of his daughter… It is unthinkable to unleash the defense of Kyo and send the elite to Tampa. Haven't the East Army been defeated?

The word also made a monk called Shin-prosperity anxious, and a firework-like explosion occurred from the gunpowder depot. The explosion signaled that the Knights had collapsed into three circles at once.

The castle gates and the much-heared have been destroyed by many bombardments and shells, which have already ceased to function and have allowed intrusions easily. Now, this castle will not last long. And it came to pass, when everyone thought, that a black-covered ninja appeared from nowhere, and he knelt.

"I'll report you! One sits in the shinobi of the Yokose family, a Musashi guardian. The old Sakai Book Yon has come to convey your orders!

The ninja that appeared was a well-faced young man, even from beneath the mask, but this was a very eight.

Surprised by what he said, Omuma said, thanking the book that sent in a seemingly extra-handed ninja that came so far unnoticed by anyone.


Originally, this appearance may be suspicious, but because of the bombing and other things, there are defense facilities that are no longer functioning and soldiers that have entered, and everyone wondered if they were confused, and they believed even eight words.

"In the battle at Uji River, the East Army was defeated. In addition, even Seta and the Yasuzuka River defeated the East Army.

So from Park Castle, we ask you to retreat once and attack the enemy's supply route. "

The defeat of the East Army was surprising to everyone on the spot, but in this situation it seemed impossible to escape from Park Castle, but even eight said something surprising.

"Actually, the librarian has asked about three loopholes in Park Castle. Probably heard from Tampa Shogun.

One, Shin-prosperity and Omuma-sama will be the only ones in, and from the other two, everyone else will. Rest assured that Shin-prosperity and Omasuma-sama will be escorted by our gestures before they leave the loophole. "

The suggestion of Yasuhita was the same as saying that the two remaining loopholes were: And Omuma, who understood it, said unto the others,

"From this, with the guidance of this ninja, we will make an escape from Park Castle. Prepare yourselves, and we will rendezvous at Oe Mountain when we are safe."

Everyone rushes to start getting ready for Ouma's words. And Ouma said unto him, When he called upon his family,

"Shinobu, will the family be with you?

Here, if you say no, you may get suspicious. So he said, rubbing his head, when he saw a woman in a beautiful kimono and a boy who was not even ten years old.

"You have no choice. Okay, come this way."

Having said that, Shin-prosperity and the Omuma family and several escorts went to the room that Amiria had taught them.

A room surrounded by ink paintings... here or here.

With that in mind, Shigehachi, when he enters the room where Left Konda came to Park Castle, when he pulls out the ninja knife and rolls the tatami in the upper seat, the floorboard with the handle shows up so that the floorboard comes off easily. When he opened the floorboard, he saw the same soil that had been put in later, distinctly different from the color of the surrounding soil.

I thought it was here. When I dug a little without bitterness, the board showed itself again.

And when the marshes were astonished by the loopholes that had truly appeared, he opened the boards, and looked at the stairs that had appeared, and said unto the marshes.

"From here, please go quickly. We will destroy the entrance to this loophole to prevent pursuit after Oumami and the others have gone."

And the great swamp that snorted at the word received a pine light from his subordinate, and went in at the head. The next time Shin-prosperity, and the wife and children of Ohnuma went in, the men of Ohnuma's subordinates questioned him.

"Shinobu at the place. He said he'd destroy the entrance, but how?

To the words, even eight, he stood his index finger up and heard the sound of walking down the stairs. And it came to pass, when those under his command saw it, that the noise was turned down, and it changed slightly.

And he went down the stairs, and judged that he had entered the passage, and when he had taken three roasted balls out of his pocket and set them on fire, he threw them into the loophole in the sight of his servants, whom he thought was no way.

"What are you thinking! Lord, please run away!

He was an unintentionally shouting subordinate, but even eight was the moment when the subordinate shouted into the loophole because he threw it in without even caring. And the sound of explosions and collapses was heard, and dust fell from the loopholes.

Unexpectedly, as one of the samurai remembered, he said as he laid his hand on the knife of his waist and tried to pull it out at any time.

"Roasted balls, on second thought, are not available in the Luthai Empire. To use that roasted ball... you are the hand of the Allies!

From the front of his men, who said so and looked back, even eight appearances had already disappeared, and for the first time here we realized that we had been deceived, but the entrance to the loophole had already collapsed, and this was not enough time for rescue.

The rebels, the rebel generals, who had lost Ouma and their new prosperity, had heard rumours that the defeat of the East Army had spread, or had already lost their will to war, and those who were hungry or surrendering continued.


The Oumas were moving vertically along a narrow, dark loophole through which one person could pass, at the mid waist.

Did that ninja destroy the entrance to the explosion earlier?

With that in mind, Ouma looked at Chilali and Matsukira and the flames swayed, as the air had been flowing slightly from before.

Is this going south?

Though I thought so, I could never say straight, as I went down a curved pit, I discovered something like a light in the foreground for a while, but not the light of the sun, but the light of the flame. Knowing that, Omuma managed to pull out his machete in a narrow pit and advanced his foot vigilantly.

"This... what?

Unexpectedly, Ouma said so, when he went out of the narrow pit, he went out into a large room, because he was walking for a while at his mid waist, or he put his hand on his waist, and stretched out his body, and looked out into the room with the light on.

Thirty tatami would be in a wide space with high ceilings and pine lights on the walls, and the space of darkness visible beyond represented that the pit was once again leading ahead.

Is this where the peasants who were dug into the loopholes were sleeping? But how come, the lights are on?

Though he thought so, Ouma looked worried about his wife and son, coming out of the back, and he heard Ouma's voice, which he did not want to hear.

"I see, the rebellious mastermind is Ouma... was it you"

Unexpectedly looking in the direction of that voice, Amiria, with a great sword, appeared from the passage of darkness, whose eyes were wrapped in killing, and in the light of the shaking flames, the figure of Amiria the redhead was as if she were an apostle from hell.

"Ma, Brigadier General McGregor..."

Saheiji also appeared behind Amiria's back in the eyes of the great marsh, who retreated by accident.

"Ah, Asada..."

At that moment, they realized that they had been embedded in the sneak, and Omuma pointed the machete at them.

"Was that ninja, the brigadier general's ninja? Brigadier General... I'm not in a position to say this, but would you at least miss my wife and children?

But Amelia answered the words with a ruthless, emotionless eye.

"Ouma. You must be a girl or a child, but you killed her when you looted her under the castle, didn't you? It's just like that."

And he said unto Amilia, Undisputed Omuma, and when he saw Sahei,

"Asada! Are you okay with that? You kill women and children, too, and that's it?

It was Omuma who appealed to love, but Saheiji also answered with a ruthless eye.

"Master Omuma. You know what the ex-Left Kingsguard did on the continent?

All living men and women, young and old, fought to kill. At that time, it broke my heart, but this time, no... I'll gladly kill you. "

To the killing spirit contained in the words, Omuma was convinced that Sahei was ready for the next, it was the next moment, Omuma waved down a machete to his wife and son, who were behind him, the moment he looked back.

If it does not help at all, Amiria, who at least saw the readiness of the Great Swamp which she thought was in her own hands, put the Great Sword on her shoulder and said to Sahei:

"Saheiji, that boy asks for it. I'll kill Ouma."

Saheiji only loosened his mouth to the kindness of Amiria, who thought it would not be sneaky to let him kill those who were originally with him in the Aoi family.

"If my mother-in-law is killed, I'll take care of Jeremy."

"That's no good. Just like Frau, I'll leave it to Chris."

Amiria's words were as if she did not trust herself, but behind them, Saheiji felt Amiria's feelings as if she recognized herself as a family, pulling out her sword while thanking her, set her up for new prosperity.

Amiria spoke Kiribati by herself with some bumps when Omuma against Amiria had a machete on Amiria with a tense face.

"Sons of water, etc. in the atmosphere, dwell in my sword, deceive the eyes of the light, and hide their appearance. Halucination Sword.

... I once told Lieutenant General Sanoko that cultural differences are fun when they intersect easy to do with hard to do. "

And the great sword of Amiria, which he said and waved down, was shaken for a moment in the eyes of the great swamp.

also, what if this is what you call magic?

Amiria leaned her head slightly and said with a grin to the large marsh, which retreated unconsciously.

"Apparently, you noticed. Unlike Lieutenant General Sanko, you've instinctively figured out that this magic sucks... don't worry, I won't kill you easily."

It was the moment I said so. When Amilia waved the big sword with the bun to the side, Ouma, who had a bad feeling, was when she thought she was behind her back with backsteps instead of taking it. The copper in the armor he was wearing cracked a pack, a moment late and a hot intense pain strikes the Great Swamp.

"Ah... uh... why?

The Great Marsh, who did not understand what had happened, rubbed his belly and, behind his null warm blood, when he felt the sensation of his intestines, saw Amiria with confused eyes.

"You don't seem to know what happened. This sword is the family heirloom of my McGregor family, but it doesn't have the skills you need.

So why did the stiff armor slash... magically, confuse your eyes and strengthen your sword?

This great sword is passed down from generation to generation to my McGregor family, the Holy Sword Kleiner. It has two skills, a Magic Attack, and an increased Resilience.

And the magic done to Kleiner is the magic of water, the Halucination Sword. This is magic that causes little water to attach to the sword to confuse the person's vision. I mean, this actual sword is longer than you can see.

As a side effect of that, he says he will slash anything he touches... well, Lieutenant General Sanoko prevented it with a short knife with the skills he had in mind. I mean, it works just as well as it does in the middle. "

As always, don't use the magic of darkness. But this is what scares me about my mother-in-law. I know because I was tortured.

Sahei, the next thought hit me. Amiria shakes up the sword and slashes off the arm of the Great Swamp, which is inadvertently holding down her intestines trying to come out.

Ouma pleaded with Amiria as she raised a voiceless cry and watched her bowels fall to the ground.

"Mercy be upon you... ease... ease..."

But Amiria said with a cold eye.

"What are you saying sweetly... you, you burned Mr. Asada alive when you killed him? There was no sign of the slaughter, so I can tell.

Even if you didn't do it, you're the general, and you're responsible for it. Does the Luthai Empire have the punishment of stomach slaughter? This is the punishment. "

Amiria's words, the Great Marsh with the face of despair, were no longer in power, or when he fell on the spot, he was only moving picnically.

And when he saw the great swamp, and saw the face of despair, and gave Saheiji a demonic expression, and fixed a knife on his hips, he held Matsuaki.

With that fire, it burns alive.

Shin-prosperity, as if he had actually seen his future, approached him "you know," as he sat down on the spot, trying to force his mouth to open when he grabbed his jaw without worrying about the incontinent Shin-prosperity.

Naturally, Shinpros resist not opening their mouths. In the sight, Amiria, who was frustrated, held the pine light and pressed it against the body of the new prosperity.

All of a sudden, Shin-prosperity screamed, rolling around on the spot, and Amiria said in a fright to Sahei.

"Well, I know what you tried to do, but if you stick a pine light in your mouth, the flames will go out unexpectedly fast. This is how flames work best."

Experience tells the story?

Unexpectedly, with his head polyed, Saheiji said.

"Then I've never been tortured. Because, what did you say was the toughest guy?

To an unexpected question, Amiria stepped on the rolling head of new prosperity and said:

"Right, smash your jaw, slash your leg muscles, retrieve all your knives, destroy the entrance and leave it. That would be the toughest.

Die in this darkness, striking your head on the ground or crushing your head with falling rocks, but you can't do it alone. Inevitably, survive without dying.

All I'm waiting for is starvation. Even if I die, starvation is the tightest thing in me. "

To Amilia's words, Saheiji said to Amilia for a moment, while pitiful of the new prosperity, he kicked his chin up as much as he could and crushed it.

"Bye, so."

"I forgot this."

Amilia, who said so, when she slashed the Achilles tendon of the lost heart, said to Osuma, picking up the knife, saying that there would be new prosperity and still consciousness.

"Until the last moment of your death, apologize, and then go to hell. It's a gift from me, at least I'll keep this pine light. Let's go, Saheiji."

"Oh, wait a minute!

Saheiji, who said so, rushed after Amiria.

Eventually, wrapped in silence, inside the pit, the sound that would have collapsed with a roasted ball echoed, and then for a while, the pine lights inside the pit gradually disappeared, surrounded by darkness, and the new prosperity that I realized understood the situation and went wild.

Afterwards, information spread from nowhere that the eastern army of Yasuhachi had been defeated, and he surrendered to the Knights, who had entered the place where the castle gates and jaws had been destroyed and destroyed. When the Knights gathered all those who survived and surrendered to one place, Amiria, who returned, ruthlessly ordered everyone to be shot.

This was disputed precisely by Elias, who led the Knights of the Holy Guidance, and Sergen, who, without listening to the two prophecies, carried out the shooting, only under his own authority.

It was the presence of Gabriella, the deputy commander, who managed to carry out Amiria's orders among those who spit out and those who were confused. Until now, among the knights, the others went on, because she was Gabriella of candy, against Amiria of the whip, when she took the lead and carried out Amiria's command.

Thus, for the first time in the continent, a country of the Ruthai Empire, which was not accomplished even by a super empire, was to be engraved into history as the one who occupied it in just one day.

After the slaughter, Amilia decided on the abandoned castle of Park Castle to burn and ash everything. And even more importantly, those who remained in Tampa and could go to war gave orders to gather in Tampa Kameyama Castle as soon as possible, without conscription, in order to join the coalition forces, leaving the latter to Gabriela, and he went to Fushimi Castle to meet him near the left.

That was in exchange for this martial arts, in order to wish for the lives of Tampa Shouxi and Yamata.

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