Another Life

A Sibling 2

Saturday, November 14, 5th A.D. I had two young brothers and sisters, heading south on Nara Street in the Luthai Empire early that morning. It is a strict package and a mila.

In the vicinity of Uji, there was also damage to the people's homes because Left Near fought against the books, but the people lived mightily among them. And the tea house right next to Uji Bridge, also damaged by the war, the building was worn out, but it was when a woman, who was either a billboard daughter or in her late teens, came out and put on a warm curtain full of holes with bullets, from behind the woman, a stern packet called out.

"Sorry. The teahouse, do you do it?

And the woman that heard the word looked back, and there stood Mirah, who had taken the braid, and the braid.

These kids look like samurai, but the boy is freshly uniformed and the girl is about twelve... where did he come from, the samurai brothers and sisters?

Yet the woman answered with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm doing it. But the Uchifu, they fought here, and as you can see, I can't give you a lot of stuff, okay?

And it came to pass, that Mira stroked Mira's head, and said unto her, When she had strength in her hand to hold Mira's purse.

"I don't mind. If you have something to put in your belly... of course, I'll pay for it"

To the polite appearance of the strict package, the woman smiled and said to both of them, Did she feel better?

"I don't need money. Instead, if you go through this teahouse again, you should eat the dough and go. Come on, get inside."

"Thank you. Sit down. Look, so is Mira."

"Thank you. Sit down. I will never forget this favor."

That being said, when she saw Mira bowing her head politely, the woman put the two of them inside the store with care.

Once inside, there were traces of bullets everywhere, and when Mira looked anxious and saw the traces, a woman smiled and told Mira.

"Isn't that amazing, that hole? We evacuated to the nearby mountains and watched, but when we made that hole, it was amazing.

It sounded amazing, as if lightning had fallen. "

Mira looked sad at the woman's words, but she realized something and asked her a question.

"Were you all right?

The woman answered Mira's question with a smile, thinking that she was worried about herself, as a child.

"The people of Luthailand, when the battle is over, will flee to the mountains and watch the battle of the samurai for lunch. You're gonna break the house, and that's about it, and you're not gonna hit a bee.

Sometimes I say that, the dead of the people, they hardly answer... but when there's a mess, it's nothing to talk about. That's really bad for looting and stuff.

Well, the Uchifu didn't mess up, and I'm not saying I'm on the other shore, I've never seen anyone banquet in front of an enemy before. Hey, I wondered what Uchifu's heart was made of. "

... that jizzy, would be too monstrous.

When Mira whispered, "My grandfather is amazing," she said with a smile on her face to the stiff bag, which she thought was still stunning, the stiff bag was laughing bitterly.

That being said, the woman smiled and said to Mira before them, when two dishes of tea dough were placed, and a vessel containing matcha.

"Yes, tea dough and matcha. This tea dumpling was bought by Uchifu" I love it, just have it ", I'm proud of this teahouse. Well, when they said," Put some matcha tea in the water bottle, "I just said no."

... I'm kind of sorry. I'm ashamed that that jizzy blood is flowing.

With that in mind, Mira said with a glitter in her eyes to a tight packet of matcha tea that lit up.

"Brother, this tea dough. It's delicious."

"Well, good for you, you can eat my share, too. I just need matcha today."

Thank you, brother.

And it came to pass, that when Mira, who was high in tension, was cheeking up the tea dough, the woman saw Nico and her purse, and said,

"I had an older, separated brother, too, but I would have liked one like this. Yeah, where are you guys going?

Yamato Willow.

And the woman marvelled at the words of the strict envelope.

"Yamato is in the middle of a war right now, and only children are in danger. Are you guys going to war?

"No, you don't. My sister told me that Yoo Seong would have a hard time living in the war, so I wanted to help her somehow. Yoo Seong is a place where my family lived for generations, so I know how my sister feels."

When she said that and looked at Mira with tender eyes, the woman was moved, or she said, "Wait a minute," and went in the back, and she brought a large bathroom for a while.

"What's this?

The woman answered the question with a smile.

"Tea dough and matcha. It's a little luggage, but now, if Willow's people smile, it's cheap."

"No, then pay..."

Then said the woman, smiling, when she had stopped the arm of the tight bag that she had tried to take out the bag of money.

"Good. When we're in trouble, we'll be together."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. I will never forget this favor.

Oh, and if you don't mind, don't you know the store that sells braids? My sister liked some braid and promised to buy it for her. "

And the woman saith, bewildered by the words of the strict envelope.

"You know, it's not a good waste. What will you do if you run out of roadblocks on the way?

I know my sister is cute, but don't spoil her... just wait. "

And it came to pass, when the woman went in the back again, that a woman came out after a while with a samurai's braid in her hand, and offered it to her strictly.

"It's something my brother used before, but if you like, use it."

"Huh? Is that good?

That is what the woman said when she saw Mira sparkling her eyes next to the tight envelope in her hand.

"It's fine. My brother is from the peasants, but in this battle, he's going to be born, and he doesn't care about one or two of those braids."

And it came to pass, that Mira bowed her head the same way, and said unto the harsh envelope, when she stood up and bowed her head.

"Really, from what, thank you. Some name is...... New Six Strict Bags, my sister is Mira. If you don't mind, may I ask your name?

"May I?

The woman answered Mira's question after the packet, thinking she was cute.

"Write red balls balls, balls. Tsushima Jade.

My older brother is the castle owner of Kishima Castle across the river. If you're looking for an officer, you should visit. "

And it came to pass, honey, that he verified that Mira had finished eating, and the packet answered.

"No, one is on his own, and he wants to do it. Thank you very much, Tama-san.

This thank you must come someday. Mira, it's time to go "

"Yes, brother. Mr. Jade, the tea dough was really delicious. Thank you for your time."

Mira, who said so, bowed her head, and the tight envelope held the bath, and she bowed her head again and left.

"Brother, you have the same name as your mother."

"Right. You were just like my mother. You were sweet."

And the balls were forever to drop off the two that were leaving.


After noon of the same day, in a slightly sweaty cheer, the figure of Strict Bao and Mira was on Nara Street, along the Kitsu River.

Because there was a war in Yamato, though the street, the passers-by, few, and the two walked comfortably, asked Kyorokyoro and Mira, who saw the landscape, a strict question.

"Is Mira new to this path?

"Yeah, I went to Omi with my father and mother, but I've hardly ever been out of Kyo."

That's when I said it. Mira's stomach sounded cute and puffy, and Mira was embarrassed, holding her stomach down, and turning her face bright red and saying to her tight envelope.

"Brother. Did you hear that?

And in the sight of it he said unto Mira, putting up with the laughter.

"I heard it... no way, is that a belly sound? Well, I haven't had lunch, so I can't help it...... pup"

"Don't laugh!

That said, when Mira slapped the strict packet with a pokapoka, she thought the strict packet was cute, and came from Yamato toward this side, she discovered the strict packet of earthly smoke.


So he pulled Mira's arm, and went to the edge of the street, and whispered.

"Mira. The army... that's quite a number, too. Put on your braided clothes. We'll get through this."

To the words of the strict package, the nodding Mira. And when he saw the hosts that were coming, he hid his face, wearing deep the braid which he had given him in the balls.

Eventually, a large banner of gold Hasha was seen on the black ground in the eyes of Mira and the tight envelope that came near.

"It's Pan's Knights."

Pan...... Oh, is that your mother's sister's Knights? I hope you go unnoticed.

To Mira, who had said so by accident, he raised his index finger and observed it with a low voice.

"Mira, if they find out, they'll be back in Lake City, so be careful."

Mira, who unwittingly blocked her mouth in the words of a strict envelope, looked down slightly nervous.

Eventually, when the hoof sounds louder, Testa, Lynn and Pandora, who moved from Takatsu Castle to Takayama Castle with a space transfer of four people, Dia and Bear, pass past the strict envelope and Mira.

From the gap between the braids, to Pandora passing too far in front on the white tiger's yamato, when the strict package did not hide its surprise under the braids, a horseback samurai turned back for a while and came before the two. From the gap in the braid, he looked up at the horseback rider and was surprised by the unexpected loss of his voice.

Jizzy!? Why are you dressed as a horseback rider! You're sleeping in Nassau's mansion with a cold!

The tight envelope, noticed close to the left with eyes visible from under the face, looked at Chilali and Mira, was nervous or his arm slightly trembling.

Did you notice Mira too? This guy is totally jizzy, though he hides his face with his face.

So I heard a voice that I could hear.

"Those two. What's your name?

Suspicious for sure...... what do we do?

"Oh, it's Kwon Wai. This is my brother's work."

"You think it's a gift to Kwon Wai? You're dressed as a samurai, and that's your name?

Shit! What a lousy lie I am!

Corporal Madeli called for a left-hand braid, when the spear tip near the left hit the tight braid in such a hurry, and the left-hand braid was about to be slashed.

"Captain! If you don't hurry, the princess will piss you off!

"Chip. Okay!

And when he had said so, he ran his horse, and departed.

Eventually, when all the Knights had left, Strict Packet and Mira sat down on the spot to speak of relief.

"Thank God."

"Brother, I thought you'd definitely find out... but that was your grandfather, wasn't it?

"Me too. I thought he was dead for sure...... but wasn't he called captain?

Mira raised her braid slightly, as she had come up with something, to ask the question of the strict package.

"Yes, you said your grandfather would be in Nassau so that he would get sick and no one would see him. Maybe he's joining the Knights and protecting Pan."

"Sure, it's possible. It's pretty sweet on my aunt."

"You always buy sweets for me, too."

And he said unto the word, A strict envelope that dotted his eyes, depressed.

"It's just me... I don't care if you give it to me, it's the rain of bullets. I knew I should have grown up."

Mira was encouraging her to slap her on the back with a pom.


Around that time, in Liu Sheng Castle, many knights and people were put to sleep in pain in the hall, and the sight was like that of a dying person suffering in hell. In it, the considerably lean armored arsenal looked at the beads suffering in the same way among the people suffering with a serious face.

I didn't expect you to come with such tactics... this is the battle against Shinobi.

With that in mind, there was strength in the fists of the Hyogo, and he was outraged at his immaturity.

The Hyogos who occupied Yoo Seng were poisoned in the meal they had eaten five days earlier, and the two people who could use the space transfer and the beads fell, and at the same time they were attacking at night, and the people were mixed with the ninjas, so the Hyogos who lost their commuters and health soldiers were invisible and tasted the food attack.

The two brave men died and both the correspondent and the health guard were killed. Only some and some beads could use the space transfer, but the beads were also poisoned, but managed to save their lives. I am either too stubborn or unable to use the space transfer... If this were the case, I should have practiced more so that I could use the space transfer.

Because of the poison, I am not satisfied with food as well as water. The poisonous pill had also been replaced by poison... was my father-in-law fighting an opponent like this with an Iga attack?

With that in mind, when he held the hand of the suffering bead softly, he heard a rushing cry.

"Somebody! Somebody help me!

No way, something happened to the main village where I went to pick up the mountain vegetables!?

With that in mind, the Hyogo ran in the direction of his voice, and at the entrance to your temple was the figure of a peasant in charge of the bloody main village.

"Ensign Honmura!

And it came to pass, that the peasants wept and said unto the armory,

"Ensign, while surrounded by five ninjas, protects us from this... I'm so sorry."

And he said unto the word, The Hyogo chewed up his teeth.

"You're not bad... Ensign, I'm sorry"

So said the heart of the bowing armory, the flames of wrath were burning.

In this way, whoever put it out in the preaching would also be dead. Regrettably, if you're so far out of communication, you have to think so.

Regrettably, in some ways, you can beat Shinobi...

With that in mind, the Hyogo looked up at the ceiling powerless.


"Hey brother. Is Willow still far away?

In the evening, off Nara Avenue, it was a strict bag and Mira that gradually came to Kasashi, but when Willow, who saw for the first time, asked the strict package to rush to see if he could not wait any longer, the strict bag said with a smile.

"We're almost there. Through this garment, it's Willow Raw.

That's right, I hear Willow is in the middle of a fight. The only thing I can think of is Iga's Shinobi... Mira, besides the one in front of you, you have to be careful. "


And he said unto Mirah, saying so strangely, Strictly, with a serious face.

"Shinobu does not fight directly from the front. When you do, it's always time you're up to something.

Besides, as I heard, Iga's Shinobu uses powerful poison. From the slightest scratch of a knife, it's possible to die, and you poison the end of the blow arrow and kill it without a sound. Well, you're in contrast to us swordsmen.

With that said, one way or the other, I wonder if the ghost jizzy is close. Well, the ghost jizzies, because they fought with those who say so for a long time... hmm? It's a shitty coalition. "

The moment he said so, Strict Packet and Mira wore their braids deeply, and in an attempt to somehow get past them, when they stopped at the end of the road, a horseback samurai stopped in front of them and came talking to them.

"Where are you going there?

To the words, Strict Packet answered with a smile as he quickened up his braid and noticed something.

"We are heading from Utah to Shima's relatives because the battle in Kiuchi has expanded."

And the horseback rider, who saw the two as Giroli, saw Mira, and said unto him,

"Who's there?

"Actually, I'm a sister, but I dress as a man thinking it's dangerous on the road. Here, take the braid."

And it came to pass, when Mirah, who took the braid, saw the face of Mirah, and the samurai pondered for a while, and said,

"Ahead, the battle is on. Go back and get out of Iga, but it'll be good."

"Ok... where, samurai, are you with the coalition?

The Horse-riding Martial Art Man said in disdain to the strict question.

"That's none of your business. Hurry up and go!"

"I get it. Yo!

And the moment he said it, he cut off the horseback samurai from horseback to horseback.

"Ah, brother. I'm on your side!

So he said to Mira, who was in a hurry, and looked at the knife, and made sure that the blade was not missing, and delivered it to the sheath.

"Mira, this guy is a ninja. Probably, I'm keeping an eye on you here, Shinobi.

To that proof, this guy's armor is black... a Knights of Hasha, with a cloak to the middle of his shoulder on his back. That's the captain of the team. It's weird that the platoon captain is here alone.

Besides, if it's Hasha, you know the battles of Kyo and Yamashiro are over. Yet this guy tried to make us head to Iga, where the battle would be about to begin.

This must have worked the bottom line of seeing Mira and letting someone attack her in Iga and let her do it. "

"But all of a sudden it's... it wasn't Willow who wins without fighting?

And he said unto the word, Strictly with a calm face.

"That's if the other person is a normal person. Shinobu is different... if it's for a purpose, I only consider my life a trash scum without choosing the means. It's impossible to beat a sneaky opponent with a purpose without fighting."

"Oh no..."

That was Mira, who was depressed, but the strict package said something surprising.

"The fact that Shinobu has come this far may make Willow quite a mess. Mira, it's dangerous up ahead. Why don't you just keep going?

In the words of a strict envelope, Mira looked at the corpse, which was twofold with chillies, and when his hands trembled, he meditated his eyes, and slapped himself on the cheek, and said:

"It's okay. I want to help a lot of people."

And when he saw Mira's serious eyes, he also said, "Strictly."

"Ahead, hell. Still good?

And he saw Mirah, who snorted mightily in the words of the harsh envelope, and said unto him also, The harsh envelope.

"Okay. I'm going to hell with you, too.

We're just two brothers and sisters. Never let Mira go to hell alone... but always be ready to slaughter people. "

And he nodded forcefully at the words of the harsh parcel, and the harsh parcel took Mira, and went not down the street, but a little off, and went straight into Mount Kasayama.


After all, after five days of not drinking and eating, did the hungry come out of those who were originally hungry?

When the sun was about to set, and it was night, outside your palace, in the sight of a galloping arsenal, a boy about five years old, only bones and skins, were gathered in the halls, and a woman, who would be a mother, was crying.

What is the battle against Shinobi so fierce and powerless...

And he said unto the surviving knights, that they should gather themselves together at the gates of the castle with vessels unto the people.

And it came to pass, as if it were a group of hungry ghosts, that a thin and thin people were gathered together in flutter at the command of Hyogo, and Hyogo pulled out his Spiritual Sword and said,

"Leaving the castle than this, we go to fetch water from the creek at the foot. Except it just goes into the vessel you have.

The reason for this is that there may be ninjas in here, because given that they poisoned us five days ago, there is a possibility that the ninjas are still misplaced in here.

In the meantime, I'll escort you... abandon you and run to the castle, no matter what happens to me, my family and friends, you understand?

Those in the castle, prepare to fire. "

To the words of the Hyogo, the people nodded, and everyone was ready.

That said, I will escort this number of people by myself... it's too stupid to laugh about my father-in-law.

With that in mind, the Hyogo nodded to the knight as he went to the castle gate, pulled out his spirit sword, and set up his sheath.

"Open the door"

With the word as a signal, the castle gate was slowly opened, and he went down to the foot, guarding his surroundings with the Hyogo at the head.

And it was when I came to the creek. Everyone jumps into the river and moisturizes their throats first. Even though there was no alternative to this, it was more impossible to tell them not to notice when they made a sound like this and collapsed into an avalanche at once.

This is bad. From upstream, if they poison you, it's over.

With that in mind, when the Hyogo was alert upstream, the people downstream cried out "cah".

When the Hyogo shifted his gaze, there, a black painted bow and arrow stabbed his body, and a peasant girl of about Mira's age, was falling.


In the multiplication of the Hyogo, the people ran toward the castle simultaneously, and the Hyogo scratched through it, and turned toward the girl, and held the girl toward the castle.

Throughout that road, black painted bows and arrows fly from all over the place, and one villager after another falls. In doing so, he realized that there was an arsenal.

The bow and arrow are concentrated towards something. It's taking the form of the people being shielded, but is this possibly aimed at something?

The aim is to get rid of something here that is a troublesome obstacle where the beads fall, the main village falls, and remains. But what if someone stays away like this and the aim goes straight to the people? Damn, what's going on with the cover from the castle!

In such a hellish sight, wondering why there was no barrage out of the castle, a gunshot was heard from inside the castle, and the smell of the battlefield drifted to the foot.

Completely, they targeted someone when they weren't in the castle. Beads!

It was an arsenal that unfortunately regretted being caught in enemy surgery, but I can no longer do anything about it. It was when the people's feet stopped and tried to solidify themselves in one place, frightened by the fear of not knowing where they were coming from. And they heard the sound of gasp in the ears of the Hyogo.

There he is!

He entrusted the girl he was holding to a man, and the Hyogo turned like the wind in the direction of the sound, and as he bumped his anger, he was a waved spirit sword, but when he heard the sound of a kid, the waved spirit sword of the Hyogo hit something and stopped.

It was an astonishing arsenal, but in the sight of an eye-catching arsenal, next to which lay the ninja with its neck and torso apart, was a strictly wrapped figure wearing a braid that received the spirit sword with a knife.

He said he took the almost transparent Spirit Sword!? Still, are you on his side?

As soon as the Hyogo, who thought so, tried to speak to the strict package, the man controlled with his hands not to speak, looking for signs around him, looking around him in a slow motion, suddenly running out towards the back of the mountain, screaming.

"Mira, crouch!

To the exact word Mira, when a surprising arsenal looked in the dark, a braided, familiar girl had a knife, and the moment she crouched in response to that voice, the flank of a tight envelope flew and pierced the face of the ninja she was trying to aim from behind, and fell straight behind.

Oh, thank you, brother.

"Idiot, that's later"

With that said, the strict envelope holding Mira, when she pulled out her flanks and moved right off the spot, a few pieces of bitterness pierced the place where Mira stood.

Unexpectedly, he was also an arsenal trying to go to the two of them, but a stern packet cried out.

"We'll take it from here! Do what you have to do."

... No way, strict packet?

And it came to pass that he stopped and shouted at the astonishing armory, and the harsh envelope was exasperated.

"With you, I don't know what foot hands are!

You think it's a foot job!?

In the words of the strict envelope was strength in the hand with the Spirit Sword with anger, but the Hyogo, concerned about the beads, went from the spot to the direction of the castle, regrettably.

"Brother, isn't that too much?

Even though Mira was responsible for the strict packaging, Mira answered in dismay.

"That stubborn father, yeah, but I gotta tell you, it's on us, and the others are dying... and, you know, it's really lame"

And it came to pass, that when they had stopped in the open place a little, they lowered Mira, and stood on each other's backs, and Mira was astonished.

"Mira, we'll make up for each other's blind spots. I left my back to you..."

In the words of the strict envelope, Mira said, whether she was nervous, or whether the strict envelope felt an extra force entering her body on her back, she thought it was slightly uneasy, tapping Mira's thigh lightly.

"Get out of the way. I'll protect your blind spot."

And Mira said unto the word, a little red in the face:

"Brother. You just touched my butt, didn't you?

"He said he didn't touch it! I touched it, I guess, my hips. And you're my siblings, and you won't have a problem touching them."

"We have a problem! Cah!"

It was the moment Mira said embarrassingly. Strict packets played something from the right with a knife.

"... brother, what?

"It's a blow arrow... Mira, remember. Shinobu doesn't fight from the front properly.

To poison and blow arrows, trap. When you show yourself, only when you're sure to hold your breath. "

So Mira said unto Mira, blue-blue, the flying arrow, in a tight envelope to be played with a sword.

"So it's been like this forever?

To Mira's question, the strict package questioned the surroundings with vigilance.

"Mira. Have you been suffering from headaches lately?

"Yeah, I'm fine. But my mother had a terrible headache every once in a while, and she was about to fall."

So it's just me and my mother... no, is Mira just young?

"Mira, I'm going to show you my new moves. Stay focused for a while... feel the air flow and concentrate in all directions. And when I give the signal, crouch."

And Mirah nodded in the words of the harsh envelope, and the harsh envelope smiled, and delivered his sword into his sheath, and meditated his eyes. Mira was concentrating on playing and defending her tight packet to the blow arrows that eventually flew from around her.

Four in all...... castle for the rest. Does that mean we caught all the ninjas that were headed for our fucking stubborn father?

Two on the ground, two on the tree... OK!

"Mira, crouch!

At the moment Mira knelt when she heard the words of the harsh envelope, the harsh envelope was like writing a circle, when the knife was horizontally laid out, and a blade of water came out of the tip of the knife, chopping and chopping the area with the tree.

To the exact attack, the ninjas who were on the ground were slashed and carved into a strict packet of attacks, losing the time for the ninjas on the tree to fly away, the moment they fell with the tree. The packet ran toward them and slashed them, as if they had a clear idea of the place.

And it came to pass, when he slaughtered the last one, that the harsh envelope waved a sword, and flew the blood on the blade, and he looked upon the blade.

Same thing happened earlier, but I slashed every claw, but the blade isn't missing... that's really a famous knife.

Even so, he put it in his sheath, and turned to Mira, and said with a serious face.

"Mira, that's it, let's keep going home. Ahead, it's already a battlefield... and now you can't kill people.

No matter how much I do, I'm not sure I can protect you in the midst of a riot. You'll regret it, but let's go back once and come after the war. "

The strict package of words pierced Mira's heart.

If I... if my heart were stronger, I could help a lot of people...

That is what he thought, and the harsh envelope hastily said to his impudence that he was looking down with a great deal of tears overflowing from his eyes in regret.

"Sorry, I overstated it. So stop crying, please."

So Mira wiped her tears in a hurry.

"No, it's not bad for my brother. Because I'm weak... if I were strong, I'd think I could help more people... regret it..."

And he said unto Mirah, who wept again, and tried to wipe the tears, that the tight envelope was troubled, and that he was astonished.

"People told me that this is what that ghost Jizzy did back in the day. Once upon a time, the ghost Jijii told Shinseng Shinyoshi that our uncle was there.

My uncle had never slaughtered a man in the first place, and his heart couldn't fight weakly, like Mira did now. But I can't say such sweet things at the house on the island where I was fighting Matsunaga at the time.

So that ghost, Jiji, he and his uncle, went into the enemy formation and fought. Once you taste a tight battle, you tell me people will change.

Well, it's a lame story, but then my uncle, until he died, said he did what he deserved in the name of the heir to Ghost Jizzi. I might die, but you want to try?

You must have haunted blood, too. Maybe we can change. "

When Mira looked anxious, she noticed the craftsmanship of the phoenix engraved on her knife, and saw its deep red colour, and remembered when she received the knife.

Yes, I became your mother's real daughter. Then there must be haunted blood on me, just like on your grandfather... Grandfather, please protect me. And please save the Willow students.

Instead of praying to God, it was just Mira praying near the left, but wonder and arm tremors stopped, and he looked at the strict envelope with powerful eyes and said:

"I am the grandson of the ghost's nearest left. So, if you can be strong, you just want it."

... what a straight eye, say it.

And in Mira's eyes he nodded, and said with Mira's shoulders, with a serious face.

"Then I'll work with you. Mira, show him the blood near the left of the ghost."

Mira nodded forcefully, and they ran toward the castle where the gunshots were heard.


Around that time, the Hyogo, who had moved the people to the civilian house at the foot, returned to the castle and saw that there had begun a flying shooting battle between the guns of the volcano and the bullets of the rifle, and that the Knights had created a barricade at the entrance of your palace, where the wounded were being carried in, and when they could see that they were managing to prevent it, the Hyogo was simply hiding in the shadows and looking for the ninjas that were attacking.

There are quite a few ninjas... you want me to suppress them here at once? I don't like it here, but do we have to move in the shadows and attack?

And it came to pass that the Hyogo went quietly, hiding and moving, and slashing from behind the Shinobi, and decreasing their number.

But Shinobu also noticed the actions of that arsenal, and it was the moment he quietly pointed the mouth of the volcanic gun at the arsenal, the moment his hand came out of his back and the lid was closed, his throat slashed aside. Unexpectedly, when Shinobu turned around, holding down the throat where the blood blew out, there stood a stern envelope with a ruthless eye, and he just jumped the neck of the Shinobi.

When Mira approached her behind a tight packet that looked around her and gave her a signal, the tight packet whispered to Mira.

"Mira, it's not a riot, it's a shootout. You're a brave man, so draw your attention flashly, go to your entrance, expand your space transfer into shield changes, and defend yourself.

That way, Shinobi would think the flying tool would not be effective and would withdraw or move into melee attack. That's the time for battle. I kill the Shinobi who are giving instructions... can you do that?

And he said unto Mirah, who nodded in the words of his strict envelope, The strict envelope stroked his head.

"Mira, think about who you want to protect."

And when he had said so, he disappeared.


At that time, the Hyogo was moving, hiding in the shadows, wondering that the fire rope gun, which had been shot at him, had stopped perfectly. And when he confirmed the armory from the shadow on his back, there rolled the body of the beheaded ninja.

Is there a body in here? Someone hasn't slaughtered this person... who the hell...

Even so, as I looked around, I heard someone slip down the tile, so when I looked in that direction, there was Mira poking a knife at the ninja and falling down the tile together.

Even so, looking in the direction of his allies, he could see a coalition soldier pointing a gun at Mira, not knowing whether he was an enemy or an ally. Normally, it was an uninspiring arsenal, but all this time it was upset, and it came out unexpectedly and shouted.

"Wait, don't shoot me! It's some girl!

To the words, the Allied soldiers stopped pointing the rifle, but instead Shinobu's muzzle was directed at Mira, spraying fire in unison.

It was an unintentionally distracting arsenal, but as strictly told, Mira moved quickly to the entrance to your palace, as she shielded the space transfer and prevented the bullet from rolling.

"Good evening, I'm Mira from the Willow House. Sorry to disturb you."

Mira, who jumped behind the barricade, turned her back on the barricade and felt a beating heart, but politely, the soldiers also looked at her eyes and said, "Good evening," Mira stood up and said.

"My brother told me that I could use space transfer, so the enemy's ninja would give up flying tools and fight straight away or retreat. Thank you, gentlemen."

To Mira's words a soldier of a dog beast said with a grin in his continental system.

"That's, thank God. If it's a melee, I'll take care of it. You guys, get ready for a riot!


Nakanino, captain of the Ninja Enforcement Unit, watched the soldiers breathing back from the roof.

This is a mess. Brave reinforcements here... withdraw rather than inflict damage?

Realistically, when Nakanin took the whistle out of his nose, he blew it only once. It was the sound of a short whistle that said pea, but that short whistle was enough for the tight packet that was lurking itself on the roof.

The strict package went toward Nakanino in a straight line, blind to the retreating ninja.

Turning to myself, I saw a tight packet running on the roof, and when Nakanin took the bitterness out of his nostalgia, he threw it toward the tight packet, but the tight packet plays without difficulty. When he could not escape, he instantly realized that when he pulled out the knife, he protruded the knife toward the tight envelope.

However, at the same time, the tight envelope did not make it difficult to push, and he chopped up Shinobu's arm from the bottom and waved it down toward his neck with a knife to return it.

When the neck, which was separated from the torso, rolled down the tiles, the ninjas, who had been shooting the artillery so hard, disappeared somewhere.

In all likelihood, when the wary soldier emerged convinced that the Shinobu had withdrawn, as the voice of joy lifted, the stern envelope shifted its gaze in the direction of Mira, he saw the figure of an arsenal approaching Mira in the form of anger.

Oh, shit! That stubborn dad!

With that in mind, as he slipped down the roof, when he turned to them, Hyogo said, holding Mira in his arms, contrary to the expectations of the strict package.

"This, fool. If I lose you, I... I..."

The words of the arsenal pierced Mira's chest, and Mira was also crying in her arms, "Forgive me".

To the unexpected actions of the Hyogo, the strict package stopped, and when he looked with amazement at whether this was really, that stubborn man, a Hyogo who did not listen to any children, he questioned the words of the Hyogo.

What if I lost it to you?... No way!

It was at that moment that the flames of anger wrapped their tight envelopes and were slashed into the arsenal as they clenched their swords and screamed.

"Hyogosuke Yoo! What did you do to your mother?

When Hyogo took the sharp slaughter of the harsh package with the Spiritual Sword, he said to the harsh package in astonishment.

"You, a tight bag?

"Shut up! More than that, what happened to your mother! Are you alive?!?"

With his eyes running blood, Hyogo answered the strict package of questions to Hyogo with a slightly sad face.

"The beads... are poisoned and unconscious, and now they put them to sleep in the hall"

At that moment, when he delivered the knife, he stared at the armory and said:

"If anything happens to your mother, I'll kill you. Mira, we're taking you to the continent on a space transfer."

"Yes! Oh, brother, wait!

And it came to pass, that Hyogo slammed the wall with remorse, looking at the two men that were going in haste.

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