Another Life

The heart of the kingdom

My body is warm... what is this warmth...

Though he thought so, he woke up patchy. In his near left eye, he could see two seemingly soft mountains of brown skin.

Is this my bedroom in Nassau? From the feel of this hand on my forehead, you're telling me that His Majesty Nina helped me. Nevertheless... there are no Iris and the others who are always supposed to be there.

When Shannon opened the door of the room to the near-left eye, which only moved his eyes and looked around him, he came in with Nina's drink, noticed his near-left eye open, and spoke to the near-left.

"Oh, have you noticed?"

At that moment, Nina slapped her left forehead gently with a pussy, and said:

"If you've noticed, take some action."

"No, because this knee pillow felt good... Ouch"

And Nina stood up, and said unto Nina, Near left cheek.

Next thing you know, I'll take the cost of the treatment and the cost of the knee pillow.

"Can I pay for my birth?

"How are you going to emerge any more, moron? Anyway, don't take a scratch for 30 days.

Shannon, I suggest you keep this guy locked up in chains. He'll never feel like a king. "

So he asked Nina, who laughed bitterly and walked out, Shannon lowered his head and dropped him off, laughing bitterly, and next to Shannon, who began to prepare for the infusion, a short while after the left proximity of the fall said, "That's terrible." He asked Shannon, who was about to stab the infusion in his arm.

"Hey Shannon. And everyone else?

"The wives were somewhat depressed and returned to Lake City. Lieutenant Colonel Meisner, after some conversation with Lieutenant Uchigi, heard that his Excellency's blood type was Type A and, depressed, sent Lieutenant Uchigi."

Well, about Iga, I know Iris and the others aren't coming, but why would Chloe be depressed?

"Why, is Chloe depressed?

"Come on." He shouted, "Why are you A-type?"

... Oh, maybe you're talking about the personality of the blood type I taught you before. Wait a minute! So, it's weird to be depressed, because I'm an honest man, no matter where I come from.

Even so, Shannon said something surprising to the left when he said, "Well."

"With that said, His Excellency the Speaker was told by Mr Chloe that the nobles who heard that His Excellency was temporarily returning home were saying they wanted to report along the way. After sending the lieutenant, they're going to coordinate the debriefing."

This pattern is going to take you to Chloe even tomorrow. Ready?

"Hey Shannon. Tomorrow, will you be able to move?

Shannon checked the wound and answered the nearest left question.

"That's right, Your Majesty Nina. The wounds are blocked, and you'll be fine now.

After that, please eat something energetic. Dairy products are good for meat, fish and eggs. "

... Does that mean there's not enough blood?

"Got it. Let's tell Busty."

So Shannon said, bewildered by his eyes.

"It may be rude to say this, but let me tell you something. Your Excellency, including me, is the hope of the slaves.

Just in case something happens in the war... I'm sorry, I said I was out of line, forgive me. "

So he said to Shannon, bowing his head, and the left hand side smiled.

"I turn my ear to a muscular opinion... sure, Shannon's right. The last thing you need to do is stop this empire from going to war. I'm sorry."

"Thank you very much for listening to me and other suggestions. So, when this infusion is over, I'm going back to Lugogne."

"Oh, thank you, Doc."

So he buried his head in the left vicinity so as to ascertain the feeling of the pillow.

That's right. Since it is not the Luthai Empire, anxiety is natural if it is not too much for the King himself to head to the battlefield, from the people of the continent. Besides, the emperor said, in the presence of Oki, if Oki doesn't grow... is this the time of the tide?

With that in mind, the left-hand side traveled to the world of sleep at some point.

Eventually, how much time had passed, near left, was a sign that someone had softly ridden on the bed, and when his eyes opened patchouli, in the darkness, Pandora with an inkpot and brush was solidifying, saying "Ah".

"... you, I've been thinking, can't you wake me up in a normal way?

That said, the left and near looked around and Shirley stood anxiously.

It's just Shirley...... Chloe didn't sleep with me and honestly helped.

"So. In the middle of the night, what can I do for you?

When Pandora put her brush and ink kettle in the item box, she slept with Goron next to her left hand and spoke.

"Let's start with Iga's report. The Regent guardian, who stands caged in the famous castle, is cut to the stomach on condition that he saves the lives of his soldiers.

I also accepted Kiyoshin and saved the lives of soldiers, but they all destroyed your homes. The main unit will be out for Ise tomorrow. We'll be three days from now because of the numbers. "

"What a tricky maneuver. Well, sounds innocent...... so you didn't come here to tell me that report, did you?

And when Pandora saw Pandora, saying so, Pandora approached Mosomoso, and Near Left.

"Shirley just wants to tell her father that she's going to be immortal. But Shirley's father is on a territorial inspection, isn't he? I want you to do something about it and call me back."

Well, if you think about how Shirley feels, you can't even do it. With that said, the nobles said they had a report on the way.

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you. I hear we have a report on the way to the aristocracy tomorrow, so come with me."

"Yeah, that's good... can I stay with Shirley today?

You know I'm the only one here today, don't you? Is that it?... I want to peek. It would be worth a peek if I risked my life. But I'm feeling better...

"You won't need permission to stay in your own house, you can stay there. But we don't have anybody to get Shirley's bunk ready, so do it ourselves. What, you want me to sleep next to you?

And Pandora stood up and said unto the word, tapping lightly upon his left and near forehead.

"Just kidding, I'll kill you if I tell you next time."

Oh, are you jealous? That's good.

"Pandora. To my dear father, do you have a kiss for the rest of the day?

"I'll kill you when I die, motherfucker."

It's going to be eternal sleep.

Though he thought so, he watched the two of them leave with a gentle face.


On this day, Nabos, the king's capital of the Kingdom of Wenzer, was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of armies, and his White House had already fled, so that only the king's family and his slave soldiers remained.

At the entrance of the White Ya Palace, there were four people who proceeded to walk in the deserted Hirano. Walking at the head of Al, Gao Ming and Lilith, and the three of them, was a man of a full, scratchy black plate, with red eyes behind his helmet, as if he hated all, and the skin of his face was moving as if something was moving at times. This man was the Louis Serenity who became the Demon King and the family of Lilith.

The four walking men, when they entered the terrace, were ambushing from the surroundings, and the bows and arrows unleashed by the slave soldiers who surrounded the four men about the second floor high flew in.

/(n) time actor/

At the next moment, the hour stopped, and Lilith played all the flying bows and arrows with a knife, and the time moved. Al and Gao Ming took the situation for granted, but the surprise of the slave soldiers was unusual, and Lewis jumped to a slave soldier who was about the second floor tall with a jumping force that he didn't think was human, as if he knew the surprise.

The slave soldiers were slashed by Lewis for fear in his red glowing eyes, which he did not even think was the man behind his helmet, but no matter how many swords or spears he stabbed, he had no way of falling, slashing the surprising slave soldiers in two.

"Kill... kill... close left... kill..."

The words of Lewis sounded as though they were remembering the Buddha, amplifying fear and making his body immobile, and Lewis killed the soldiers with no expression.

"After all, was it a trap? It's unusual on the continent to make such an ambush, but I guess it's desperate over there.

Still, always, that Lewis thing is awesome. I'm used to it, but compared to that monster, I guess I should have hired Reaper. "

He put his hand on his chin and said to Al as Lilith looked at the blade of the knife, whining inadvertently as he watched Lewis fight.

"Too bad, Lars is sold out. Ver said it before."

"I can't help it though. He's gonna be okay, isn't he?

I don't care what you think, it just looks like a weak-headed monster...... hey, Gao Ming "

Suddenly Gao Ming spoke to Al, but when Gao Ming answered with a bitter laugh, Lilith put her knife in her sheath and looked back.

"It's okay. That's what I'm talking about, because he's got a curse bug in his head."

Vampires use bugs like that?

"Don't use it on me, even if I'm wrong. Lilith, it's time to hide that Lewis or whatever monster you say.

Gao Ming, if Lilith puts Lewis in the shadows, we'll let the soldiers in and take control at once. There will be no more ambush. "

"Roger, it sure doesn't taste like a lot of monsters to the other side, does it? Lewis, come back here!

Lewis tried to resist Lilith's command, but when he suffered and held his head, he went into the shadows and disappeared, staring at Lilith with an eye of hatred.

... Totally Lilith is the target of hatred. If I'd seen that, I wouldn't have to turn my husband into me.

With that in mind, Al took a few soldiers who came in and headed between the thrones. As Al expected, the number of slave soldiers was not high, and besides the ambush at the only entrance to the White Ya Palace, there was no great resistance, and they took control.

Listening to the voice of a slave soldier taking his life, Al stood in front of the lavish door, opened the door vigorously and went inside, only sitting alone, shaking his body in a luxurious chair, made of wood, but with one eye hidden in his eyeband and with the blood running eyes of Guillermo wearing gloves on his right hand, shaken like a ghost.

In it, Al, who went inside, spread his hands and spoke to Guillermo with a smile.

"Your Majesty, it's been a while!

And Guillermo stared at the words of Al, saying,

"What's been so long, Valenstein? Have you forgotten your grace to the Count and joined hands with the Ruthai Empire?

And when he saw Chirali, and Gao Ming behind him, he answered Guillermo's words, and understood why he had said this.

"Oh, this guy has nothing to do with the Luthai Empire. He's my brilliant military teacher, said Takaaki Tsumomon.

You sell fights to the Eastern Union, you want to help yourself, but you give the property of the people to the Eastern Union, you don't even tell the people for their undue pride, you just impose heavy taxes. You can't leave the country to such a person.

Hey, it was easier to be honest. If His Majesty spreads rumors that he is imposing heavy taxes on the people in order to luxury himself, the people and junior soldiers will gladly be my companions and open the gates. "

It was then that a soldier jumped in and reported to Al.

"I'll report you! In the princes' bedroom, the princes were dead with their heads cracked open!

To the soldier's report, Al stopped the pittance and said to Guillermo with a contemptuous face.

"... you killed my son?

To Al's words, Guillermo replied with a mad smile, as the soldiers also pointed their contempt at Guillermo.

"At any rate, you fools will kill you. At the very least, it would be mercy to kill you with my hands!

Fuck you, too, there will be limits.

"Monkey him and capture him! In front of the people, I will execute you!

To Al's order, when the soldiers captured Guillermo, Guillermo laughed like crazy, and he was taken away with all sorts of ramblings against Al.

And it came to pass in the silence of the chamber, that Lilith said unto Al, with her fingers close to the throne.

"Hey Al. Why don't you sit on this throne?

"Yes, Master Lilith is right. Count Valenstein is the one who deserves this throne."

When Al approached the throne with a grin at the words of a soldier like the troop leader who said so, Lilith was a moment away so that it was easy to sit down. And when Al drew out the sword of his hips, he slashed the throne, and destroyed it in two.

Al looked back at the soldiers who were surprised by the sight.

"I don't want a country like this with only high pride, admiring the glory of the past. I will create a new country, unite this continent and give this world a new order!

To the words, everyone understood that Al was going to create a new super empire, and he was unintentionally shaking his heart, but Gao Ming said with a sigh.

"Ha... it's good to unify the continent, but I can't make that easier. Please, I want you to fight as I say."

To Gao Ming's words, as those who knew Gao Ming's hardships were grinning, a soldier came and knelt before Al to report.

"I'll report you. Greek Grand Cleric Rolf and Mercenary Guild Commander Lars wish to see Count Valenstein."

"Tell me... Gao Ming, do you feel any discomfort? Shortly after we drop the White House, it'll be weird."

And Gao Ming concealed his mouth with a feather fan, and thought for a while, saying,

"There is a saying in the words of the Ruthai Empire that if you go into a tiger hole, you don't get a tiger child. Let's meet here and listen to them."

I have no idea what the Ruthai Empire means, but Gao Ming's words are the best.

With that in mind, when he saw Chirali and Lilith, Lilith turned to the soldier, confirming that no matter what, she would not only say she would protect herself.

"Okay, bring him in. Others, gather in some room the search for survival and the treasures Guillermo has gathered from the people."

With that said, leaving the guard soldier, Al sat on the handrail of the throne, which had turned into two pieces, a large door opened temporarily, and Rolf and Lars came.

The two, when they came before Al, said Lilith, "That's it," and when they went out before them, they stopped and lay flat on their feet, and Rolf said.

"I sincerely congratulate you on this victory. So, I'd like to tell you something a little more confidential with the Count and his Luthai..."

When Al sees Chilali and Gao Ming in that Rolf word, Gao Ming nods quietly.

If you go into a tiger hole, you won't get a tiger child...

"Okay. Can this Lilith stay as an escort too?

"I can't help it."

When he heard Rolf's words, and Al raised his hand, and the soldier left as he was, in a quiet room, Al slapped his hand with bread and said:

"Well, shall we talk?"

To Al's words, Rolf spoke with a little agitation.

"In fact, IDCU has heard God's revelation and knows where the dungeon is and is moving. God's revelation so far has only rewarded the position of the dungeon… it is the first revelation to come that has nothing to do with the dungeon"

To Rolf's words, did he get interested, Al asked with a little grin.

"What is that revelation?

"Let the Luthaians, who are with Count Valenstein, go to Marshal Sakura of Eastern Union and make the Son of God. Then the sins of the Luthaians will be washed away."

When Al looked at Gao Ming, surprised by his unexpected words, Gao Ming said with a serious and unpleasant face.

"I don't like it. Because the inner house is a man. I don't have that hobby of having a man and a child, and I wouldn't be able to make a man and a child in the first place."

Lilith burst out laughing and said to Gao Ming in tears that everyone was Kyotong in the words of Gao Ming.

"Ahaha! Gao Ming, aren't you stupid? Normally, I don't think it's that direct. It would be really stupid."

To Lilith's words, Gao Ming said, blushing.

"Lilith, I'd be mad at you for how warm I am... no?

And he said unto Gao Ming, who was a roar, and Al approached Gao Ming, and put his hand upon his shoulder.

"Gao Ming, the word of God is a mystery. And if you're warm, the rest of the world will be warm."

"Hey Al. That's terrible."

That is what he said to Rolf when he smiled and responded to Gao Ming, who was angry.

"Grand Cleric, this one understands, let's follow the revelation. Lilith, while we're in Eastern Union, please.

It was just fine. I also had a conversation with Eastern Union Marshal Sakura, and this is just the right opportunity. Gao Ming, shall we go to Eastern Union? "

That's what Al said to Rolf with a smile.


The next day, he heard a knock and was sent back to the real world, so as to prevent him from sleeping near the left. Near left, he woke up and said, rubbing his sleepy eyes.


"It's Chloe... May I come in?

"Oh, come on in"

In the closest words, when Chloe came in, he brought his uniform in his hand, and said, thinking he was like a new wife.

"Morning, Chloe. You're like a new wife."

And Chloe said unto the word, Bright red unto his ear, but put down his uniform.

"It's cowardly, the word is. That being so, today, at the request of His Excellency the Speaker, we have a meeting to hear the reports of the nobles en route.

I'm sorry I ruined your holiday because of this. Well, think of this as punishment for going to Iga on your own. "

I see, you mean minor harassment... but what hasn't been harassed seems to be Chloe.

With that in mind, when the left proximity dressed in military uniform went downstairs with Chloe, the left proximity headed into the hallway lined with several rooms and shouted.

"Pandora, Shirley! Time to go to Lake City!

"Yabba, Shirley, I slept! Shirley, wake up!

"Pandora, your hair is exploding!

And Chloe, who heard the voice, and heard the flutter and the noise, looked to the nearest left, and said with astonishment:

"Did you know about today?

"Chloe's harassment... I think she's cute"

So when he slapped Pompom and Chloe to gently stroke his head, he pointed his mouth and took Chloe, who was obstinate, towards Lake City.


Arriving at the mansion near the left in Lake City and getting greeted by the servants into the dining room, Iris and the others sat in a complicated face, and Iris seemed to say sorry near the left.

"Kiyohiro, you know... about that Iga thing..."

"The Iga, apparently, was able to control it yesterday. I (...) was also (...) ill (...) and I felt better. Sorry to bother you all."

The nearest left word is that everyone was not in Iga in the dark. So there was nothing, so it was the same thing that I said not to say any more, and Iris and the others who felt it were unable to say anything.

Eventually, when Pandora and Shirley arrived after breakfast, Irina and Claudio came with them.

"Hey, meet me at the front door. I think I'm asking your father for a favor."

Please... I only have a bad feeling about this.

"What is it, Queen? Well, stand-up is nothing, so please sit down, and so is Klau. Busty, tea for both of you."

And Irina, prompted near the left, sat down, saying with her mouth upon the cup of tea that was served.

"I asked Sister Mary, is Archbishop Mest himself in the service or something?

"Yeah. From the church and the temple, the emperor told me to let you in because I'm sending you, so I had no choice. But. What's wrong with that?

That said, it was near left where Irina didn't know what she wanted to say, but everyone would be surprised with the following words.

"Klau is a born emperor, who will carry the Serenity Empire in the future. As emperor, I'd like to show you how you work for a while."

"No, wait a minute. I'm temporarily returning home now, but I'm going back to the battlefield. That's just dangerous!

So he said, "Near left," but Irina said only one word, sipping tea.

"Saltaire's Compensation......"


"If you admit it, I'm going to chara you the rest of Saltaire's compensation. His Majesty the Emperor has also acknowledged this."

Saltaire's indemnity... you know, the compensation for the city Cecil sowed up. Well, sure, that compensation, they're splitting it up, but it's pretty fiscal oppression. Do I have to admit it?

"May I ask why?

"Actually, my father died the other day. His Majesty the Emperor is also quite old and not strange whenever something happens.

There is something in Your Majesty, and if you have learned at all than to suddenly become emperor as this is, the empire will be cheap. Besides, I heard the Marshal is going to build the country from scratch. Then there will be a lot of Kraw and places to study. "

"That's condolences...... but also to the battle, because I'm taking you?

"Yeah, of course. I know it's early to see a man's life and death, but seeing what a battle is like would be a good experience for the emperor, Klau, too"

The Queen is quite Spartan. I have no choice, do you want someone to wear the escort exclusively?

With that in mind, it was the time when the left-hand side wanted to acknowledge, when Sachi put sauce all around his mouth, and said:

"I want to go with Klau, too. I want to go with you and defeat a lot of bad enemies!

Hey, great fucking kid. Why, even you...

That's what I thought, and Busty's ears were pounding to his astonishment.

"As a matter of fact, Saki-sama was hit so hard by Prince Asako... he just wants to escape, maybe."

My head hurts...... Pandora said it would be nice if the inner prince hadn't hit me and I hated Sachi. It's hard to imagine my son waking up to the same sex, but Pandora has a precedent... one and two alike.

Besides, Fujiro and Sakichi will never be able to take away the toys, so he will be able to stretch his feathers.

"Okay, come on, Sakichi."

"Hey you!

That is what he said to Iris, who was about to stop, and when he stopped with his left hand, he said with a serious face.

"Unlike Klu, Sakichi is a Takeshi child. No matter how much the Sakura family becomes royal, that doesn't change. I know it's pretty quick, but what you can learn when you can is a good opportunity.

Besides, there are a lot more things you can learn to actually look at and feel with that skin than you can hear about it. Well, I'm gonna put someone on a dedicated escort. "


Iris said so and said worryingly, but when he was left to tea and Cecily to give him a signal, and when he asked for the left hand, he lowered his head lightly, and the left hand said to Klu and Saji.

"Klau, Saji. This is all you have to promise me as we act together.

I'll never listen to you. I'll tell you later what I don't know, so I'll keep quiet then. Treat the deceased with respect, without regard to enemy allies... Can you protect them?

To the serious words near the left, Klu nodded with a young but serious face, but only Sakichi felt at ease.

Kraw will be fine, but my fucking kid... he's really got to do it with Gatsun somewhere, angry. But he doesn't seem to know how to punish me... I have a headache.

"All right, then, Pandora. On the battlefield, we'll borrow Lynn."

"That's good. That's about as good as it sounds."

... Lynn's handling is cluttered. Well, if this is anything, I can use phosphorus spatial transfer, which is good.

When it's not a war, I guess I should leave it to Chloe or only.

With that in mind, the left-hand side said "thank you" and turned his attention to the newspaper.


After noon that day, many nobles of the kingdom of Ceasel, as well as Keith and Kuheng, also gathered at the mansion near left, among which, in traveller-style attire, was the father of Shirley, dirty with earth and dust, who used the gate from Central Castle and came as it was.

Looking at the beautiful outfits of many nobles, it seemed that he had become somewhat of a civilian, and when he went into the hall, he thought it would have been better to change and come, Keith called out.

"Lord Nelson!

"This, Lord Wood. Long time no see."

Keith smiled and spoke to Orville, bowing his head.

"Lord Wood, please stop. I'm still a hyoko compared to you. That's right, that outfit, because they came back earlier?

To the words, Orville said with regret.

"Until I was critical, I was doing some research... so should I still go home now and come and get dressed?

"No. If that's what you mean, Your Majesty won't say anything, and I think Ning Ro would be impressed. I usually meet His Majesty, even if I grow a mustache and have a bumpy head. He thinks he's doing his job and he doesn't say anything... well, half of it's just that I'm annoyed."

So Keith laughed, and Orville laughed lovingly.

Your Majesty doesn't seem to see people in their lineage, but in their abilities. Shirley got enough of a handle on getting into the paper, and if I work hard here, the Nelsons might be able to get up to a pretty good position.

It was Orville who could not rise inside more than the Viscount because blood muscles were saying things in the Empire, but expectations were high for Keith's words.

Eventually the door opened, and when the left proximity and the beats came in, they all stood up, but then everyone was surprised by the appearance of Sachi and Claudio coming in with Tokotoko, and the left proximity sat in the upper seat, and Sachi and Claudio sat in the seat at the edge of the room.

"Today, you've all gathered well. Well, everyone will be surprised, but Crown Prince Claudio and Sachi decided to act with me for a while to study in the future.

I think it's a good opportunity to see the process of nation-building, and we can all bring our own children in the future. Let's leave the foreground at about this, and anyway, shall we all sit down and start? Let's start with Keith. "

When everyone sat down, Keith began explaining with a piece of paper.

"The school system is going to have one problem, although many of you have introduced it before. Valchia had no problem with all the smaller but medium-sized villages, but when it comes to smaller villages with fewer than a hundred people, it is still too small a number of people and only costs such as building construction in time or labor costs.

However, if you build only in villages and towns larger than the medium size, it takes a considerable amount of time to get to school, and you also run the risk of encountering demons, etc. Do you have any good ideas?

Neglected schools did have branches.

"Then you should build a small school and dispatch one of the principals and teachers in charge. A village with fewer than a hundred people would not have that many children.

In addition, you can build several dormitory-wide schools in large urban areas, like Lake City schools. Anything else?

"Household registration surveys are easy to do in urban areas, but in the small rural areas that I mentioned earlier, the story of being wiped out by demons the next time I went there is a cool one, and it's hard to grasp the reality. The former Kingdom of Saltz has a fairly high incidence of demons, so even if you make a household registration, you have a high mortality rate among the people and a lot of updates."

That's the cause of the Luthai Empire, right? Well, even if there are fewer things to do in the future, there are demons before... that's hard.

And it came to pass, when the left-hand man thought so, that Burrell rose up and spoke.

"Now that Lord Wood has spoken of the demons, may I say that I have something to put in His Majesty's ear? It's the pioneering of Luche's tree sea, but apparently the southern tree sea has a lot of slime and doesn't work for normal adventurers.

Also in the north, the large army of Red Caps has been confirmed. There is also a civil war in the Luthai Empire, but why not put a request for a crusade here to the coalition forces.

And among the adventurers, among those who say Night Walker, they say they think of him as the Great Mage. Slime only works with magic attacks, so why not request it?

... it's about Cecil and Cecily.

And it was next to the left-hand neighbor, who thought so, and beheld the left-hand neighbor as a chiller.

"The sea of Luche's trees, let's pioneer to the status quo and beyond. The Red Cap army will be given a grant to turn the adventurer around.

And in the future, Night Walker shouldn't be on the table, should he, Sire?

So he said, and the beat looked near the left, and the near left turned away and said, Yeah, right?

Those who know the left-hand side, as Night Walker, were doing adventurers, and when they looked at the left-hand side with suspicious eyes, the left-hand side said to cough and deceive.

"And anyway, because I can't even leave it to the adventurers alone. Kuheng, create a new department at the service office so that you can deal with what you said. Well, if the name is a service office, it feels like a province only, so let's change the name with the police.

Anyway, make the police nationwide so they can review the department and dispatch to the neglected areas that said so. Keith, is there anything else?


"So, next up, Kuheng"

To the nearest left nomination, Jiuheng said as if he was frightened.

"Your Majesty, it was the police earlier, but whether we make it a new organization, we don't have the personnel or the budget. I can't reach the neglected."

Budget...... it's a headache story but we'll have to do something about it.

"If you can't cover the tax revenues for this fiscal year, you can tell the Ruthai Empire and hope for a loan. Jiuheng, calculate how much budget and personnel you need and report to Keith.

Each nobleman should report on the number of policing soldiers to date and include them in their police organization. Keith, ask the Minister of State and Government of the Luthai Empire for a loan for an amount that is not sufficient in the calculation of the budget.

Never tell His Highness Kanbai anything. It's a fight because it's visible. Anything else?

"Others, legal relationships, but different penalties from region to region, so maybe you feel that unity and because I'm Luthai, there are a lot of old fashioned weird laws,"

"Weird law? What is it?"

Kuheng answered the nearest left question with a slightly more difficult face.

"For example, when it comes to first night rights, the first night with a bride married by the people, the lord has the right, and immediately after the bride, the bridegroom must be the bride."

... would be a bad lord of bees, that is. Is that the old evil law?

"My Lord Speaker. Was that common in the Kingdom of Salz?

To the left-hand word, Beat said, "Such is an evil law of the past," and denied it with all his might, but even though some nobles, one evil seemed, looked down, he noticed the left-hand side.

Does this mean some guys are doing it? Will this place, thoughtfully, be reconstituted into a new law?

"Eternity. It's a good opportunity to be a new country. Repeal all laws once and change to new ones.

Discuss with the nobility and draft a new law, based on the laws of Valchia. And with whoever proposed the law. "

This was a restraint on nobility by the proximity of the left. Now whoever thinks of a bill that is convenient to them will be blinded to the left and, conversely, he who thinks of a bill that is good will be able to ride on the street of birth.

This near-left treatment would give the nobles a good sense of tension, in which Orville was depressed that his opportunity to speak did not turn around.

I'm still late. But I wish you'd gone home and changed... Lord Wood said, oh, but in such a miserable outfit, His Majesty would be ugly, too. You failed.

With that in mind, he spoke to Orville, looking down.

"Nelson, you kept me waiting. Gradually, I can hear you. The way it looks......"

"Yes! You look so ugly, I'm sorry!

So he said to Orville, bowing his head, a cold gaze of the nobles was set upon him, but he smiled and said to Orville,

"On the way to work, I asked you to come, you won't have a choice in your outfit. Besides, you're still here.

Keith comes dressed as a mustache and a bossy head, and Kuheng hasn't taken a bath in days. But I don't think that's a bad thing because I spared all the work I ordered while I slept.

Ning Ro, you just have to be proud of that figure. There will be no one in this world who has done more work than you... shall we hear the report? "

In those words, when Orville looked at Keith, he winked all the time saying, "You're right," and when he gave the signal, Orville wiped his tears, whether he was happy or not, and started talking.

"The former Kingdom of Saltz has many mountains, few flatlands, and few arable areas. In the Kingdom of Ceasel, only this Retnak in Valchia and the Northwest will be the main cultivated area, and the exploitation of the Luche tree sea seems necessary as soon as possible.

Well, around there, you know all the former kingdoms of Salz, there are other reasons. In that region's climate, I only know what I've heard from traveling merchants, but cotton can be produced. "

Everyone was surprised by Orville's words, but he didn't understand them in the near left.

Cotton is about cotton, right? Why are you so surprised?

With that in mind, Left Near asked Orville a question.

"Excuse me, but as cotton can be produced, is that going to be gold?

In his closest words, Orville seemed to notice something and began to explain it.

"The Empire of Ruthailand, where His Majesty comes from, is a major region of silk, but on the continent it is a luxury product and the common people cannot help it. But cotton is a little more luxurious than wool, and can be used in many different places than wool and silk.

The production of cotton, even in the Empire, is powerful, but in the Empire there is a lot of frosting and most places are unsuitable. Regardless, the Kingdom of Lucen and the Pespard dynasty also have too much north to be suitable for many frosts.

The seedlings are strictly controlled in every country, but rumors are that there is a battle against the Southern continent… The Kingdom of Emburg is a major region of cotton, among which the kingdom of Ceasel and adjacent suburbs of Cazzo are regions of good quality cotton. And the coffee that's popular in Lake City is grown in the mountains near Cazzo. "

I see, cotton sells on the continent, and profits are big. I wonder if the same was true of the previous world. I never cared.

Besides, isn't this like telling you to get it near Cazzo if you darkly occupy the Southern continent? I thought I'd give him a favor because he's Shirley's father, but maybe he's just picking it up.

"Pandora, is it possible to occupy the southern continent without causing damage to the crops?

"When you ask if it's possible, you mean do it, right? At the very least, I get the seedlings. So, is that good?

And Pandora said unto Pandora with a grin.

"Good answer. If it's an inevitable battle, we'll get the best of it.

Let's create a state-owned company in the south and produce it as a country. Orville, is there anything else?

Orville responded patiently to what he called his first name, Orville, because he felt acknowledged and felt like he was about to scream with joy.

"As for the Letnak region, the great river is flowing, it is a fertile plain, but its water quality is poor, it floods frequently, the people are not water, they drink ale and live. This will cause health damage to the people one day.

However, the point is to flood this time and time again, where I checked. This water is the kind of water that contains fertilizer, and it seems to feed the plains by flooding them. "

In other words, it is water with a large mixture of ingredients, which is not suitable for drinking water, but is good as a fertilizer? Letnak...... that sounds smelly.

"Orville. If you look at that, you're thinking of a solution, right?

Near the left, where he spoke with pleasure, Orville was also followed, and he spoke with pleasure.

"Yeah, of course. I think it would be nice to build embankments, build waterways, and create water purification systems like Lake City for each village and town.

In order, however, it would be advisable to explore the sea of luche trees, grow crops such as cotton on their agricultural land, and develop retonakes for their benefit. "

I see, the flow makes sense. This orville, it's funny.

"Let's hear what Orville has to say. Keith, make this Orville the nation's agriculture and water rep, and leave all the country's agriculture and water cures to you."

Keith replied with a little surprise to the exact near-left word.

Copy that, sir.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will sit down. We will certainly meet your expectations."

So said Orville, rejoicing; but the left hand side smiled and said.

"It's too soon to be happy. I'll have you working as hard as you cry, be prepared.

And Keith. Of these, who understood the importance of household registration the most?

Keith answered with a smile when he gradually understood what left-hand people would do.

"In this, is it Burrell Borderline?"

"I see, Hervé Burrell peripheral uncle. You take care of the country's finances today."

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down!

So he stood up unexpectedly, and bowed his head, Burrell, but he said with a snort near the left.

"Burrell, the treasurer is easy to buy grudges from others for collecting taxes... there will be snitches on me.

But if you're clean and clean, I'll protect you. But if I dye my hands illegally, I'll show them off, so I'm going to. "

The word near left was like a blackmail with a knife poked at it, and Burrell just snorted and near left spoke with a smile.

"From now on, Keith will be the apex, creating a national hub. Foreign Affairs, H.E. Speaker Stark. The person in charge of justice is Matsunaga. The person in charge of agricultural water is Orville Nelson. The treasurer is Hervé Burrell.

I intend to continue to increase the number of ministers in charge. I don't leave it to the incompetent... that's all, you know. Come on, Keith, you can cry and be happy. "

And Keith said with his little finger in his ear to his left hand, as a hodgehog.

"Your Majesty. It will be a few years too late to make this system. How many times have you wanted to go into the courtyard?"

"You idiot. Just you and Kuheng won't let you get away with it. You and Kuheng, who do you think raised them... well, if they say that's education, it's subtle.

Anyway, we'll be busy in the future, but I need your help. "

And it came to pass, when the left and near stood up, and bowed their heads, that all the nobles also stood up, and bowed their heads.

Come on, after this, tell Orville about Shirley, and we'll have a study group for Sakichi and Kraw.

With that in mind, and looking back, Claudio seemed to be listening seriously, but Sachi was next to him, taking a nap.

Let's treat him like a strict packet... my son, but he's starting to kill me.

Even so, the left-hand side called into the garden to talk to Orville a little.

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