Tochio Castle is about halfway between Echigoku countries. A mountain castle built on Tsurugushiyama at an altitude of 228 meters, it was built so that several curved rings were joined to Tsurugushiyama, of which the main circle was made on the summit part, an elongated little guo with a width of 10 meters across and a longitude of 30 meters, but the lookout from the summit was fantastic, and to the battle command post, a great place.

Already, the top part of the mountain was buried in snow, built on its little main circle, in the enclosure of the elegant palace, where Amiria and the others were meeting.

The agenda was a soldier's vacation, looking to make him take it during the snow. Amiria and the others, who had decided not to move until the snowmelt, did not stay here all the time, but rather asked the soldiers to take their vacations in order to feed their acumen.

"So I'll let you know the contact details in three days, one hundred people in the lottery, right?

That's what Gabriella said as she looked at the notes she'd written and saved so far, Amiria said as she warmed her hands in the enclosure.

"Oh, so when we act outside, we limit ourselves to military uniforms. It may be called at any time."

Amelia, who said so, looked at Gabriella silently, and Gabriella asked him a noticeable question.

"Captain. Is there anything else, because there is?

"No... I don't know, I thought Gabriella was in rounded shape..."

For a moment Gabriella's eyes swam, and Amelia did not miss it.

As it was, Amilia stared into the enclosure and asked Gabriella a question.

"Hey Gabriella... when did you get your period?

To Amelia's question, Gabriella just looked down and said that she was worried about the others.

"Gabriella, I won't make you quit because you're pregnant, and my successor thinks you are. Look at me, Chris was born on the battlefield. You really think I'm going to take you back to the mainland?

And Gabriella answered the words of Amiria, just looking down.

"She says she's four months pregnant...... she's been quiet and sorry"

I knew it. Well, I guess I didn't have to tell you because I can't abandon everyone because of this guy's character.

"Did you tell my husband, the bailiff major?

"No...... the civil war begins before I tell you. We didn't have that kind of air..."

To Gabriella's words, Amiria slapped her knee and said to Gabriella, surprised.

"Well, let's call the princess so she can go to a safe house during your vacation."

When Gabriella looked at Amelia in surprise at Amelia's suggestion, she smiled.

"Instead, when the due date for childbirth is near, keep a health guard with knowledge of childbirth beside him. Stop wearing military uniforms and change into shaky clothes. From now on, take command of our entire Knights, not of the sniper units. Can you protect it?"

"Command the entire Knights...... yes, I will!

So he answered Gabriella with a smile, and Amiria smiled, and the commuter came in, and said to Amiria.

"Captain, it's from Brigadier General Gudduan of Shinda Castle.

The guardian of Lu Ao in the Lu Tai Empire, Mr. Yong Lu Ao Shouyuki now, and his elder, Lord Inari Shouba, have been asked to see you and would like you to confirm whether you are the person. "

Now forever...... oh, that bomb girl and her master!

"Sure, Ellis knows too, so shake it on the Knights of the Holy Guidance"

To Amiria, who said so, the commuters answered with a complex face.

He said, "He's nominated you."

Amiria stood up and said in the words, obviously, in the face that she had said was annoying.

"I get it... it's hard, but I'm taking Rudy with me. Gabriella, by the time I get back, I'll have the vacationer's shift."

Amiria, who said so, checked her hair with a hand mirror once before leaving.


Around that time, near the major gates of Shindeda Castle, where the snow was also getting stronger, there were appearances of Eli, Lu Ao Shou and Pa. The woman saved from the burglar follows the three silently, holding the knife of Shape.

To that sight, isn't this how you come to the castle? So when Eli looked at him as a flicker, Lu Aoksho spoke to Eli with pleasure.

"Lieutenant. Does that bother you?

"Would you say you care, I wondered how far you'd follow me"

So he said to Eli, who was troubled, that Lu Ao Shou seemed to enjoy himself.

"I'm young, young man. Because I'm in love, it'll be decided. Urba."

"I agree with the Warrant Officer, and I don't think that's all."

And Lu Ao Shou said unto Ba, who answered calmly.

"Whatever, my elder Yongjia now is strong in battle, but I don't know if she understands."

"No, I'm going to know better than my lord. Besides, I'm a woman for once."

... Somehow, these two are more like fathers and daughters than subordinate relationships.

With that in mind, Eli was looking at the Land Guard, who spoke with pleasure.

Shindeda Castle was a flat castle with the Kaji River running through the north of the castle as an outer moat, and the walls were lined with square, flat tiles, whose joints were lacquered and colored with built-up sea walls raised in a pumpkin shape, also meaning snow protection. When Eli and the others crossed the bridge over the great gate, the woman sat in the corner of the entrance, not across the bridge.

Inevitably, he said to Eli, who stroked his chest down, that he was glad that the woman had not followed him into the castle, as if he had seen his heart.

"Don't worry, that's a martial arts woman. I know you can't go into the castle."

To Eli, who felt his heart had been read by the word, and seemed awkward to him, he said to Eli as he saw the falling snow.

"I know because my shore is also a snow country, but this snow will accumulate. If you stay out there, you'll freeze to death."

Eli replied with a honeycomb to the words of Lu Ao Shou.

"Frozen death... will take you somewhere before you freeze to death"

"Fulfill it, really? In my opinion, she sees faith as a better woman than her own life."

Eli, anxious by the words of Lu Ao Shou, looked back and looked at the woman and said to the samurai of the gatekeeper, from the horse.

"Of the SS Knights, this is Lieutenant Eli Gudduan. He said he needed your help. I'll take care of it here, so I'm sorry, but on the other side of the bridge... well, could you put a big bonfire where she is?"

And the gatekeeper, who looked at Eli's words, said unto Eli, Did he somehow see what it meant when he saw Chirali and the woman?

"Okay. However, even if I say bonfire, can I put it on the ground?

"So please. Oh, and give me this, too."

And he said, and took off his coat, and gave it to Eli, and he smiled, and shouted to the gatekeeper, who tried to turn quickly.

"Those there, wait. Don't tell me the lieutenant gave you instructions about the clothes or the bonfire.

Well, to guard against night raids, we also put a bonfire on the other side of the bridge, but we don't have enough men, so why don't you put in some firewood whenever you're gone? Instead, you can tell him to give me the clothes and the rice. After that, you should properly mislead. "

With rice... maybe you'll take my share?

With that in mind, Eli questioned Lu Ao Shou, looking at the gatekeeper who nodded at Lu Ao Shou's words.

"Are you going to do my share now that you're also going to give me the rice you were saying?

"That's right. Don't tell me the details, young man. Here, you can tell the man's vessel."

... Seriously. But even my coat, I don't have a fight, so they don't pay me, and when I say lost, I have to write the final book, and half the meal on it... it really sucks.

With that in mind, Eli looked up to heaven and turned to Honmaru.

When the great peony snow was at the entrance of the bridge, which fell without stopping, and the woman was cold, and sat down, and warmed with breath in her hand, the two gatekeepers came with the tools of the great bonfire, and spoke to the woman.

"Hey, woman. Are you free? If you're free, would you do me a favor?

And the soldier said unto the woman that snorted in her words, Put the tools of the bonfire near the woman.

"I was told to put a bonfire here, too, to guard against night raids, and I brought tools, but I'm short on manpower. I'll do the rice and the kimonos you've stolen, so when the bonfire comes and the suspicious come, will you tell us? Of course, you can disappear on your own."

Under this cold sky, the offer was not even a wish to be warmed by the burning fire, but the woman nodded for a while.

"Thanks for the help. I stole this from the Knights, but use it if you like."

That was the woman who was staring down at the coat she had been given, but the gatekeepers left early enough so that they would not be bored.

The woman spread her coat, which was folded, and looked closely, and there was a little blood on her back. And it came to pass after Eli and the others, even unto Shinda Castle, that this coat of returned blood was Eli's, and the woman slammed her coat upon the ground on the spot, and set it on fire.

To the warmth of the fire that grew, the front of her body came warm: but in the wind that blew, the woman shook her body, and looked at the coat on the ground with a zip, and weaved her coat as if she had given up, and grabbed the edge of her coat, and gazed upon the fire.


At the entrance of the main hall, the shoguns of the shores, greeted by the Aylands, walked straight into the hall with Sergen sitting in the upper seat and Amiria and Lyudi sitting in front of them, guided by Ayland. And it came to pass, when he saw Amiria, that Lu Ao Shou glanced at the relentlessly murderous bar, and made him grovel, and he sat forward, and looked straight at Sergen, and said,

"Lu Ao guardianship, I am now Yong Lu Ao Shou loyal"

In what should be called an enemy land, Sergen said to the overly prestigious Land Defender, looking straight at the Land Defender, with a little surprise.

"One is Sergen Gudduan, Commander of the Allied SS Knights."

With that said, when he saw Chirali and Amiria, Amiria gave Sergen a signal, no doubt.

Was it still him? Nevertheless, when it comes to the guardianship of Lu Ao, 1.67 million stones tall and the next biggest, biggest big name in the Empire's own country, I didn't know just two people would come aboard... what a noble one.

To Sergen, who was surprised to think so, Lu Ao Shou looked at Sergen's face while rubbing his jaw and asked the question.

"That hard to pronounce surname... is it true that the lieutenant who led us to one of them is the son of Lord Sergen?

"Exactly. Eli Gudduan sits at the table."

"Well, that colored man... Lord Sergen at the place. Is your son single?

Sergen answered the exact question with surprise.

"I'm single... What, are you talking about a marriage to a

"No, no. Lord Sergen, tell the youth that spring may come... I mean, a woman may be able to"

It was at that moment, when Lyudi accidentally raised his voice of surprise.


To an unexpected remark, when everyone on the spot paid attention to Lyudi, Lyudi said, "I'm sorry," that he was getting smaller and that the shogunate noticed something, he said, sparkling his eyes.

"This is interesting. Pa, stay here for a while, okay?

"That's, no. Other ministers will cry again. Let's get this over with and get back to it."

It was after the calm scratch of the bar that Sergen coughed up and questioned the unfortunate land guard.

"Ohon... Lu Ao Shogun, he wants to speak to His Excellency somehow. If you don't mind, may I ask what they're going to tell you?

Your Eminence has called the ministers in charge of home affairs from the continent to build a new country. "

A new country? Does that mean that the inner house will be from the Luthai Empire to some king? I'm kind of good at the shore, but you look smaller and smaller.

Even though he felt his pride had been hurt slightly by the difference between the left and the near left, he answered calmly.

"Well, this is a negotiating tool, so I can't go into the details, but Musashi Shogunate is planning it, I brought the contents of the counter-attack operation"

The words, when everyone was shocked and couldn't hide their surprises, asked Amiria with a serious face.

"What proof do you have that it's true? I'm sorry, but Lord Ba, before he came in here, he was murdered. Isn't this something we feel hostile to?

In the words, it was a bar that glanced at Amiria with obvious killings, but when Lu Ao Shou took control of the bar, Lu Ao Shou said.

"This was two years ago at the New Year's banquet."

And it came to pass, when Sergen saw Amiria, when he heard the words of Lu Ao Shou, that Amiria said unto him as if he were frightened.

"That one. But I apologized then... how long have I been resenting you?"

"That's when you defiled my mother's kimono. That's all I won't forgive if I die."

That said, Lu Ao Shou said with dismay to the bar, which was still going to fly.

"Lord Amiria, when this is over, would you like to have a drink with me? As a matter of fact, I brought Pa here to reconcile you with Lord Amiria and to show you your true inner house."

"My true lord?

To Amilia, who said strangely, Lu Ao Shou answered with a serious face.

"Yeah, it's a true inner palace. Ba has a reputation for being thorough about the inner palace, but my opinions are different.

The Imperial Palace... it's like a ghost brake that no man should touch. How, even those who are strong in war, when they kill someone, they are heartbreaking, but the inner palace can be killed flat. Of course, it's a girl and a kid, but I'm fine. "

In the words of Lu Ao Shou, behind Amiria's brain, he remembered the near-left figure who had killed all the rebels with Pandora all over the city of Wierk without expression, and his blood was drawn. When he saw it, Lu Ao Shou said with interest.

"Apparently, Lord Amiria knows, doesn't he?

"Ah... only once have I seen His Excellency who meant it. I don't know what to say, after seeing that one, I see why Raven is following His Excellency so hard... Your Excellency is stronger and more brutal than Raven"

Lu Aoksho said with a grin to Sergen, looking at Amiria's fearful appearance with a face that everyone said was incredible.

"Well for that reason, I'm also aiming to get this bar to feed the eyes that a man sees. Now, is that good?

Sergen was stunned by that attitude, but here the rear rear of the great power understood the seriousness of alliing with the Allied forces and told Amiria.

"Good, I'll talk to His Excellency. Brigadier General McGregor and the Shogun Lu are saying this... can you please?

Sergen, you think there's something totally wrong, you're running away. I owe you one, Sergen.

With that in mind, when Amiria looked at Sergen, she said, "I'm sorry," and Amiria said, "Amiria seemed tired."

"Okay, let's try to hang out. Ludi, please."


Lyudi's face, who said so, was still upset by the story that Eli the Land Guard might be able to do a woman, and the Land Guard seemed to enjoy watching it.


Around that time, the left-hand side was in the Great Hall of Haruhi Mountain Castle, from Lake City, calling in servants and Keith and the Iris and the others for a meeting. Sakichi and Kraw can hear the big hall playing in the garden whether there is tension in the falling snow. Among them was the appearance of a strict package, which he quietly refrained from.

"The crowning ceremony, then, is December 25th and the place is the royal temple of the Kingdom of Salz in Wierk. Can we have a crowned party afterwards and say a signing ceremony to the United States the next day, on the 26th?

Well, we're in the middle of a battle, so we can't all do that, but the nobles will all participate in principle. "

That said, it was Burrell who was promoted to Minister of Finance. And in the words of Burrell, he thought for a while, and put his hand upon his chin, saying,

"If you can, can't you let the people in?

And Burrell answered the words as though they were in trouble.

"Exactly, there are limits to letting it in, and in relation to security, it will be difficult. So, how about this?

On the second wall, what do you mean, your majesty and your clan will show up and the statement will be made in the newspaper for all the people?

"Well, that's realistic. Okay, let's do that."

And it was at that time, when the left hand was near, that he heard the footsteps of a hurry, and Hummel jumped into the great hall.

"My lord! Lord Suzuoka fell into the moat of the mansion in the castle and died!

Adele, you killed him well.

With that in mind, when the left proximity looked at Hummel's face, he looked somewhere complicated, and the left proximity asked Hummel a question.

"Looking like there's something else going on?

Hummel answered the nearest left question with an upset face.

"That's the other old lady, Lord Kakutani, who died yesterday when she tried to enter the mansion when the roof tiles fell in unison and a tile struck her head... Rumor has it that the soldiers are the curse of the Echigoku Temple..."

And he said unto the word of Hummel, and laughed with his nose.

"Hmm, what are you talking absurd about, there's no way there's such a curse. Bury generously, and if you have a successor to the rest of your family, listen to your hope and listen to your request as much as you can."

"Well, yes, I understand."

So Hummel bowed his head, and went out; but the harsh envelope he had refrained from, he was uncomfortable.

Something's wrong... my father's reaction is weird. Accidental death of surrendered housekeepers...... no way, Jijii assassinated them?

This is something I can think of. If you erase all those above and bury them generously, the soldiers below will feel beneficial to Jijii, who has been generously buried, and will work willing to die on the battlefield. I can take over the Echijo soldiers, and I don't have to worry about betrayal... No way!?

That's what I thought. When I looked at the left and near, I just said if I noticed the left and near, I was smiling.

Come on. My grandfather would be a hell of a jerk.

And my grandmother is flat without moving one eyebrow, what a couple. Jizzy is really unforgiving to the enemy. You mean you're lucky I didn't get killed for real?

With that in mind, for the first time in the strict envelope near left, when he was feeling fear from the bottom of his heart, the near left asked the Hyogo with a serious face whether he had come up with something.

"Hyogo, the succession of the Yanagi family is good in Mira, right?

And the Hyogo saw and answered the words of Chirali.

"Yes... you won't like the strict packaging"

Ooh! My dad got round to it too... it's so jizzy to make that dad say it in front of everyone!

Though he thought so, he was surprised that the left-hand side turned a devilish grin on the strict package.

That laugh... I have a bad feeling...

The hunch of that strict package will be meddling. The left-hand side asked questions toward the strict package.

"Strictly packed, you can speak Kiribati now?

"No. But somehow I know what you mean"

"Enough. Speaker Stark, will you tap into this strict package with courtesy and all of the Speaker's?

And it was at that time when the left-hand side said unto the beat, and the harsh side hastened to say unto the left-hand side.

"Master Miyagi, please wait a moment. Some go to war, slay the weak, etc..."

"Stupid! Like I said before, I don't want strength from a weak man. I'm telling you to be the one who can use your head.

Your great-grandfather, Speaker Stark, chairs the Eastern Union Council and brings together members of parliament from all over the country. There are only a few terms left, but in the meantime, I'm telling you to be someone who understands and can summarize the feelings of others about Speaker Stark.

Besides, his wife, Annie, is a wonderful person who raised Busty and Testa to be the best servants and laid the foundation for the Sakura family's servants. Now I'm telling you, your manners will be perfect. Mr. Speaker, may I?

Damn it, say weak, weak. I wouldn't have the right of veto if my mother and Mira were alive.

... what? Mr. Busty is looking at me with a pitiful face... is my great-grandfather's place a pretty nasty place?

Beat thought for a while and answered that he and Testa were going to go through a tough experience, even with the devil, in front of a tough packet looking at the sympathetic Busty.

"It would be good. Let's knock everything out of our couple."

Near left put a further chase on a tight package that turned out to be a desperate face.

"So, can I say that the revelation is a crowning ceremony?

"I don't have much time, so I'm going to be tough, okay?

"Fine, whatever it is, you can kill it. Strictly pack, you are in the kingdom of Cesar, and please entertain the new Willow Raw Family. I won't tolerate you naming Sakura or the island weak.

If Mira's blood muscle breaks, you can send an adopted child from your place, and if my blood muscle breaks, you can send it from yours. I mean, you know what happens when your bloodstream breaks down, right?

Near left is the same thing that threatens to marry me in the dark, saying that I will be the Grand Duke of the kingdom of Ceasel in the future. And the strict package had no choice in this decision.

"... Yes, I understand..."

So he looked at the strict package, which he answered, and nodded as if he was satisfied.

With your location, if you can have kids, you'll know how it feels to be a Hyogo, and if you can work out at the chancellor's, you'll be a little splendid. Whatever, I raised that busty or testa to be the best servant in a short period of time, because it's Annie's Spartan education.

"Well, that's not why I'm not a ghost either, you can't force me to decide who to marry. I don't care who we are, we'll marry someone who likes each other."

It's not a ghost. Enough, it must be a ghost... but no, this is the Demon King.


That is what Burrell said, near the left, looking at the stern envelope that lay flat in regret.

"Your Majesty, I don't really want to talk about family circumstances, but it is also possible that the nobles will say to your grandchildren that they are coming forcefully for the purpose of marital relations. I was wondering if we should just talk about marriage here."

Burrell, you don't have a daughter, so don't try to interfere with other nobles becoming blood relatives. But do you want to stay on this to avoid strange aristocracy becoming kinship?

The beat that thought was also on Burrell's proposal.

"Your Majesty, Minister Burrell's words could well be that nobles and other nations who considered this an opportunity would be forced to come. Let's just say this is the only place to talk about it."

Right, not only the aristocracy, but other countries will want to put in influence, and it's a possible story.

"Now let's take in the views of Burrell and the chancellor, and let's just talk about it here"

And he said unto the left hand side, and Burrell bowed his head, saying,

"Thank you for asking my opinion. In fact, the nobles have been asking me to hire their children, mainly women, who cannot be military personnel, as royal servants.

Perhaps the aim of this is to gather information in the royal family and to remind the heads and nobles of other countries of their faces… to have His Majesty's children. How can I help you?

Well, to say this is everywhere. I'm sure, I'm weak for honeytraps, but I'm not so unruly as to cheat grandiously... and I still feel Iris' murderous temper from behind.

"Well, it would be nice if we could protect the information we know from leaking outside. It's a good story to sell your face to someone from another country without betraying them.

Besides, even if they call me a child, I'm only going to marry one more wife, and I've already made up my mind. Busty, do you think you can manage this?

"Yes. Sakura's servants are helpful because they are not numbered enough. But can I treat you equally, without thinking about your identity?

"That would be good. Only those who can drink this condition, who hire irrelevant people, will admit it."

You mean to say that His Majesty already has someone, a mistress... perhaps someone from the secretary, someone dedicated to the servant.

Well, that prevented other nobles from entering the royal family. If Morrie or Moyer can marry him later, the Burrells will be safe.

Without putting such an idea on the table, Burrell lay down and said:

"I was wondering if that was a good idea. I think we can change the sense of privilege of the nobility by treating all equally."

Burrell peripheral uncle. Using His Majesty's character to teach her the purpose of becoming queen, she suddenly crushed the opportunity to become queen of aristocratic children. He's an insult inside.

Nobles everywhere are alike, but Your Majesty hates it the most. Earlier, the accidental death of Echigoku's elder... that, too, was probably assassinated by His Majesty.

Your true Majesty, there is no mercy. If you do too much, the Burrell Border Uncle will be erased too...... then there is one way to take the eagle. It's about stacking up your handles steadily without pulling someone else's legs.

Orville, thinking so, took out one map and said it in front of the left hand, which nodded satisfactorily at the words of Burrell.

"Your Majesty, I have heard from His Excellency the Speaker that the idea is to create a new King's Capital elsewhere, because it seems that we have the Eastern Union in our possession with Lake City as King's Capital. So, I think it was an overthought, but personally, I came here to find out what I think. Right here."

That said, the place where the large map stamp Orville had spread was the north side of the place where the Great River, flowing southwest of Lake City's lake, passed through the east side of Tior, home of the Knights of Witches (Night Witches), and bent to the east to a large extent and then flowed out into the sea.

It's just that the coastline is a crater-like bay that Pandora would have put on a long time ago, with a slightly interrupted location leading to the sea. And to the south, across the great river, was the sea of luche trees, and to the west, a little further away, was a great mountain, and beyond it, a place that was a lake.

I see, it's a port city... it wasn't the sea, but don't remember Sawayama Castle.

"Orville, what are the advantages of this place?

With that said, Orville answered flat to the left confirming the location of the map with the celestial eye.

"No one lives in this place, and we don't stop by. That should also be because, to the south across the Great River, the sea of luche trees stretches out, a zone where there are many demons.

However, by exploring the Luche Tree Sea, its dangers are reduced, and even cotton, which is planned to be grown in pioneering areas, can be transported to Tior and Lake City using the Great River, and you can expect to trade with the Ruthai Empire, the Fresian Kingdom and the Pespard Dynasty by sea.

The defense also......... Well, this is more expert, my lord, and it is up to me to give an opinion, but there is a great river to the south, and the mountains to the west are cliffs to the lake. And the ocean, north of the Great River, continues to cliff, but the bay is low and the harbour is easy to build, and the entrance to the bay is quite narrow, so if you build the sea castle gate here, it's just the protection of the iron wall. "

"So what's the downside?

And Orville answered the near-left word, a little upset.

"First, as you can see, there is the sea to the east, the great river to the south and mountains and lakes to the west, so the city cannot be expanded. Like Lake City, I was wondering if a giant city could.

And in the western mountains, there are signs of an eruption quite a while ago, and if we investigate this in detail, I don't know, but again, we are saying that there is a risk of eruption. But if the volcano is already dead, it's safe.

At the end of the day, the Great River, a tributary of the Great River, is home to quite a few water slimes flowing through the sea of Luche trees, and so far, I have never heard of them, but in case the Water Slime comes out to the Great River, it will be difficult to use the Great River for water luck. "

In Orville's words, the face said the beat was no good, and Burrell said that Iris made an astonishing suggestion that Orville's rating had now dropped.

"You know, if you're okay after the volcano investigation, you should just build a big palace from the bay to the mountains. Then on the north side, you can expand the city, and you can build a castle that you like even if it's uplifting."

Everyone was surprised by Iris' exact statement, but the proximity left shook his mind at Iris' last words.

If you look at it with the sky's eye, there's 10 kilometers of space in all directions... this might be interesting. Anyway, it's a good story to ask Freya to build the walls and the things that were the Lord. I'm more fun than anything.

And when he saw Orville with his sparkling eyes, he said,

"Orville, I can't help but employ that plan."

"Your Majesty, it's just that the budget is better..."

So he answered Keith, with a smile on his left hand.

"I'm fine. The walls and main buildings can be captured and used for water purification facilities if Freya can make them, as well as water slime. If you can't, once Cecily freezes all the tributaries flowing through the sea of Luche trees, you can drive them away.

And the slopes of the mountains can be scraped and processed by the magic of Pandora, and the dwellings of the nobles can be built in the palace. Besides, maybe the greatest royal palace in the world can do it. It's never been so much fun to design it. "

I heard that His Majesty designed Lake City and Nassau, Tior of the Knights of Witches (Night Witches), Chester of the Knights of the Holy Guide, Fushimi Castle and Koshima Castle of the Ruthai Empire. Well, was this to interest His Majesty? Nelson let me out.

Burrell said to the left without putting such remorseful feelings on the table.

"So, I'm a little quick, but what about the name of the King's Capital?

"What's your name again? I'll talk to Dr. Miles."

Miles? You say His Majesty has a counselor?

When he heard someone rushing to the ear of Burrell who thought so, Giovanni came running into the great hall and reported to him near left.

"I'll report you! Lord Tadashi Nagaoka, now guardian of Lu Ao, and Lord Inari Shouba, now elder of Nagaoka, just two of us came to Shinda Castle and wished to see His Excellency. Brigadier General McGregor has confirmed that it's you!

At that moment, nervousness ran all at once, but the left-hand side said intriguingly.

"Well, just the two of us, are we here? Why don't you just listen to me... let me through?"

After Giovanni came out, he nodded lightly, not only saying that he knew everything when he gave a signal with his eyes to the tea.

And it came a little while before Amiria and Lyudi, that Lu Ao Shou and Ba went flat as the other ministers watched, and sat flat in front of them near the left. The left hand side smiled, and the flattened shogunate said in the same position.

"I will sit with Yonglu Ao Shouyuki now in the position of guardian of Lu Ao, and his elder, Inami Shouba. I apologize for the delay in greeting you."

And the teas glanced at Lu Ao Shou in his words.

"Have you been late to say hello? Fly the anti-flag to the courtyard and beg for your life now?

Lu Aoksho replied with a flat face to the teary pointer.

"This, ma'am. It's a tight word inside, but you seem a little confused."

"A misunderstanding?"

"Yes, it's a mistake. Some ruling Lu Jiao was far from Kyo and could not be contacted because there were Daimyo, who flied the anti-flag, between Kyo and Kyo. For that reason, the Yongjia family has now been delayed in telling them that they are on the side of the court, and there, I apologize.

But we will not betray the court. I don't suppose you've ever fought a coalition before in that evidence, do you?

Sure, I don't know about the Navy, but the back of the land hasn't sent out any troops. Lu Ao Shou's point is, he's got a lot of muscle... he's a total, inedible bastard.

But I don't have a hand in this story. Even if we drop Musashi like this, the Northeast attack will remain, and the East Army guys who found out my next biggest name in the Luthai Empire was on the side of the court will lose their morale to the bottom of the dong.

That's what I think. When the tea shifted its gaze with chilliness, the left and near raised two fingers and signaled that I would do it from here.

"Sure, you're muscular. However, it doesn't change that I'm late... do you have any handicrafts?

With a niggle and a grin on his left and nearest words, Lu Ao Shou answered as if he had waited for his left and nearest words.

"Apparently, Musashi Shogun also thought he was on his side and told him about the counter-attack operation. Apparently, Shinano, Kofi will attack the army through Nakasendo, in conjunction with Hida.

The Left Admiral of Nakasendo and the Uchifu are friends and will necessarily lead their own troops to Shinano. So Shinano, Kofi's army seems to turn back and stop Shinano-kun from attacking Ueno, Iwayo, and Yuba in the meantime. "

The words were shocking to everyone, but only to the left and near were they laughing.

"Hahaha! Defend Musashi, I'm on my way to help Masayoshi? He's making a big mistake... No, it's the books that think about this kind of measure. Well, anyway, if I go to Orthodox Rescue, he's gonna be mad at me."

"So, because they don't go to Shinano?

To the question of Lu Ao Shou, who said so, the left proximity once looked down, and looked up again at Lu Ao Shou, and everyone answered with a grin containing a madness to remember zoku and fear.

"To go, it will be decided. Going to Shinano means you can gradually fight Yuanta... and he's determined to do the same."

This is the nature of the inner house… I always thought Nico and I were the ones who couldn't lift their heads up in the back, but these eyes are the eyes of the devil's brakes. Are you saying that the Emperor had already discerned the nature of the inner house?

With that in mind, he said to Keith that the left proximity in front of the bar, which clenches and holds down his arm that cannot stop trembling, slaps him on the cheek and puts him back in Nico's face.

"Keith, I wasn't going to be on the battlefield in the future, but can we just do this once?

"Even if I say no, you're going... I believe in the ghost's left proximity in Nassau."

To Keith's words, the left hand side smiled like a child.

"You know what I mean. That's Keith.

Okay, Lu Ao Shou. As a matter of fact, the Lu Ao Shou Territory thinks that the court is too big… I know you already know, but as it stands now, the only place where Yongjia reigns will be in front of the feathers.

Lu Ao Shou, you are here to explore Okinawa in this battle martial arts, right?

Lu Ao Shou said as a matter of course.

"That's right, you're the one who can jump out of the Luthai Empire and be king of the kingdom on the continent. I'll sit you down right there.

So, a conceived measure is that while the wingspan is invading after, a certain control over the wingspan. May I then join you, Allied forces, in the direction of attacking Kanto?

The operation of Lu Ao Shou was obviously a convenient way to make the left-handers after the crossing and in the meantime only get a delicious place like a fire thief, but the left-hander looked at Chirali and Amilia and asked questions.

"Amelia, do you think the Knights can go?

"Here, if you don't go, you can't name an elite Knights"

"Then it's settled. Let's get him on board with Lu Ao Shou's measures. But... Lu Ao Shou, even if this measure works, your Lord's martial arts are not enough. Are you gonna ditch your Okinawa quest?

You're saying that a winged attack is not enough...

"So, in addition to the feathers, why not attack the permanent land, the lower field?

Exactly, if you could drop all three countries, you'd admit it.

He told Lu Ao Shou that he thought so, and left and near said with a spare face.

"Lu Ao Shou... is there any place left to attack?

What? No way, you're telling me the armies in the lodge will already occupy you?

So he answered Lu Ao Shou with a smile.

"Lu Ao Shou, if we drop at least three countries, no one will be convinced that the other guardianship posts are martial arts, but only one country will emerge. If you are not satisfied with this decision, return to your country immediately and come back after the battle. I'll deal with you with my elite.

But don't worry, if you don't hostile, only Hanumachi will appease you. If you are desperate to take the Three Kingdoms, drag them to the castle and be patient in one country, or hostile to us, choose who you like.

It doesn't matter if you don't answer now. You can go back to the castle and show it with your attitude. "

To the nearest left word, Lu Ao Shou lay flat without saying anything, and the expression underneath was violently confusing.

Why!? Does the inner house need our help? Did I misread it?

Or were we really going to eradicate the inner house? If so, I might have licked the inner house a little.

Even so, Lu Ao Shou, who raised his head, looked closely at the left hand side and said:

"Okay, let's go back to the country now and start preparing for the wings attack. Lord Amiria, the feast will be next time... Ba, we're leaving."

So Ba hastily pursued the shogun, who bowed his head to the left and left.

In the hall where Lu Ao Shou and Pa left, Cecily said worryingly.

"Hey, are you glad you're staying like this? Tell Mr. Lu Aosho that. It sounded like you were telling me to be my enemy."

"I'm not saying it, I'm saying it. To be clear, Lu Ao Shou's measures were too convenient, and he was looking down on us from the top in the dark that if he wasn't totally on his side, he wouldn't win this battle.

But then the guardians of the Luthai Empire won't be convinced. Occupy the feathers and then the lower field, occupy the everlasting land? You can't, Pandora and the others will occupy it soon, and that bounce won't stop me from telling you to stop.

If so, just the feathers plundered like firehouse thieves, and if they were forced to leave the exploration of Okinawa to them, that would be when the court bought the objections of other guardianships and samurai, and there would be another revolt. Then it would be more peaceful to crush the Nagaya now... and it would be annoying to think of just getting yourself a delicious place. "

The word near left was convincing and no one could argue with it.


"My lord, please wait."

With that said, when he saw the face of the shogun, he looked bright blue, and as he walked, he said to the shogun.

"I failed. I bought the wrath of Uchifu. As it is, the Nagaya will all be killed now.

Ba, when we get out of Honmaru, we'll be back at Aoyagi Castle with a space transfer soon to prevent assassination. There are three ways to survive the Nagaya family right now. "

Surprised by the words of Lu Ao Shou, Ba moved toward Lu Ao Shou and Aoya Castle in a spatial transition to escape.

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