Another Life


Claire, who was also cleaning up stalls, questioned Ekaterina the night she reported her marriage at Fushimi Castle, when her opening hours were over.

"I don't know, Ekaterina today, you've been in the mood all day. Anything good happen?

"Phew, don't tell me."

So he said to Ekaterina, who answered with a smile, "Tell me," and to Claire, who was doing the calculation of sales inside, with his head polyed, whether the calculation was inconsistent.

"Last night, I went out for a drink with Shin Liu and left in the morning."

"Ugh!? Ekaterina, are you dating Shin Six?

That is what Ekaterina, who is clearly a happy face, said with a smile before Claire, who was astonished.

"Well... more than that"

The only pen he had accidentally dropped in the words of Ekaterina was stuffed in Ekaterina, who noticed something.

"Hey! No way, proposal...... were you proposed?

To the only question, he said to Ekaterina, blushing and just sneering, only with genuine remorse.

"Seriously! Before me, I can't believe Ekaterina's getting married... and with that said, Claire won't regret it?

That said, when Claire, who cleaned up plainly, was asked the only question, Claire answered plainly.

"Hmm? I won't regret it. 'Cause I'm going to marry your palace in the future. You promised me a few years ago."

... it's definitely "your father's, be your daughter-in-law! I guess it feels like you said," Thank you, Ishima. "Ishima, I thought you were Claire's guardian. But marriage... is good.

With that in mind, Busty approached the three people who were the only ones who sighed.

"Are we done cleaning up now?

To Busty's words, the only one who thought Busty had come to buy a bagel answered with regret.

"Excuse me, Mr. Busty. The bagels are sold out, and there are no more."

"No, no, I'm not here to buy bagels, I need to talk to Mr. Ekaterina for a second."


So he said, Ekaterina pointing to himself, but Busty nodded and answered.

"That's right. Actually, your palace is calling for Mr. Ekaterina... May I?

Did the three of you who heard Busty understand that it was about marriage? And Ekaterina said with her hands.

"Yeah, I get it. Claire, please."

"Ekaterina, hit it and smash it."

"Claire. That's different where you use it. Ekaterina, anyway, good luck."

And it was only to Claire that Ekaterina was sent, ready, to follow after Busty.

Many servants, in working, Ekaterina, with a tense face, walked with him after Busty. You felt the tension, Busty said to Ekaterina gently, looking forward as it was.

"Something reminds me of Alexia, who was there before. Alexia was as nervous and full of her head as Ekaterina is today."

"Um, you became the wife of Shinano's castle owner, Mr. Alexia?

So Busty nodded again and again to Ekaterina, who saw Busty with a surprised face, and said, Nostalgia.

"Yeah, that's right. You must have been so happy to have decided to marry me.

I bragged to everyone about when they proposed, and I've heard it about five times. But when I went in front of the Miyagi, my body was turning into a mess, and if I didn't have to hug my husband, Chang-heung, I couldn't walk.

A little early, Mr. Ekaterina. Congratulations on your marriage. If you're in the pavilion, everything will be fine. "

To Busty's words, Ekaterina found herself not the only one, relaxed a little and said to Busty, bowing her head.

"Mr. Busty. Thank you so much."

To Ekaterina's appearance, Busty overlaid Alexia, and looked with tender eyes, he stopped in front of the large door of the conference room at Sakura Mansion and said:

"No. I hope you'll keep it up, Mrs. Willow House. Shall we come?"

That said, when Busty knocked on the door and went inside, besides the left-hand side and his wives, besides the Willow and Stark families, there were also the Kujo family, the regulators of the Luthai Empire.

Ekaterina was surprised at the number of them, but nervous as if they were the defendants in the court, she discovered a tight packet of people sitting alone opposite each other, and for some reason it was ridiculous, but nervous, she said, bowing her head.

"Oh, you know, it's Ekaterina. Thank you!

Even though he was nervous, Jiu-jo nodded satisfactorily many times at the well-spoken word, and looked at it as a chillary near left.

"Ekaterina, sit down first"

"Yes. Excuse me."

Having said that, Ekaterina sat next to the packet, unwittingly under the table, joining hands with the packet, and Busty seemed to enjoy watching it, refraining behind the near left.

When Ekaterina's expression softened a little because she held hands, she cut out the conversation.

"Ekaterina, who is staying in this direction is his wife, Chisei, to Minister Jiu-Jitsu of the Jiu-Jitsu family, the regulator of the Ruthai Empire. Originally, a son of three men and one woman was present, but this time on behalf of the Kyujo family, you two came."

"It's Ekaterina. Thank you very much."

That being said, when the two gentlemen had a light meeting with Ekaterina, who could not understand why two of the Kujo family of the Regent were here, the left and the near hand joined hands in front to begin the conversation.

"Well, this time I called, nothing else. Actually, the idiot there, in front of the Emperor, has told me that he wants me to marry Ekaterina... is that really good?

Shin Liu, even though I thought it was unscrupulous, I looked at the chirali and the tight bag and nodded with a caged eye of determination, looking at the left proximity, and the left proximity said to Ekaterina, with his arms together.

"I know exactly how you feel. Both the Sakura family and the Yanagi family have no objection to your marriage.

But the Strict Bundle is the one who plans to become the Grand Duke of the kingdom of César, and you, without hindsight, have the eyes of some other nobleman, and there are those who will be hard hit. "

Ekaterina darkened her expression when she suddenly saw reality in the left-hand word, but the left-hand man smiled and said to Ekaterina.

"Therefore, the Minister of State for Jiu-Jitsu on the other side named you as his adopted daughter. The regulator of the Luthai Empire refers to the five households that can become the regents of Kanbai, the highest ranking among the official positions of the Empire.

If you become the adopted daughter of the Jiujo family, the family of its regulators, no one will be able to complain. "

"Oh no... I can't believe you got me as your adopted daughter..."

You don't really believe in surprises. Well, you don't normally believe in saying this in good faith. Now, do you want to move on to Plan B.

The left-hand man who thought so nodded with the expression that he had no choice when he gave the signal when he saw Jiu-Jitsu as chirali, and the left-hand man told Ekaterina.

"Ekaterina, this is one of the political marriages."

"... is it a political marriage?

That is what Jiu-jo explained to Ekaterina, who said it strangely.

"Dear Left, it is a political marriage. As you know, in addition to the Sakura family in Lake Country, the Luthai Empire also bought the Yanagi family at a high price. Even if you are king of another country, as a Luthai Empire, you want to have a connection to the Sakura family.

That is the aim of the Ruthai Empire. Besides, the Emperor decided that the cost of the two weddings would also be given by the Ruthai Empire.

This person can enter into a marital relationship with the Lake Country and the Willow Family. You will become the adopted daughter of the Jiujo family, and there will be no obstruction of nobility, etc. The lake country can fulfill the thoughts of its lovely grandson. Everyone thinks differently and the purpose is the same. "

"If that's what you mean..."

But the lake country knows well the heart of man if there is anything that goes with war. I don't know if free goodwill pokes a person's psyche if you talk about being suspected and there is a back on this side... isn't this guy, the talent of a con artist too?

Even though Kyujo thought so, the story went on, and Ekaterina decided to say that she would retire at the end of December, from which she would learn to be polite at the Kyujo family, that the wedding would take place in August, and that the place would be the Sakura family's mansion, with a grand wedding that would also include servants.


Thursday, December 25, A.D. 5, the fortified city of Wierk. The Greek Grand Temple was overflowing with the nobles of many César kingdoms and heads of state of other nations, and it was the knights who guarded it.

In addition, leading merchants from all over had been invited, among them Elena, the meeting of the Askley Chamber of Commerce, and Myles and Paula, all dressed in costumes and Myles in tuxedos. Not accustomed to the place where he said this, Miles was checking his outfit and asked Paula many times to confirm, and when Elena was laughing Couscous, she heard voices from behind Miles like that.

"Dr. Miles."

In Miles' eyes, looking back at the words, were the armory in uniform, and the beads in dress and the figure of Mira. Myles smiled and said to the unexpected appearance of the Hyogo family.

"This is to Mr. Hyogo, Dear Pearl, and Mira, too. It's been a while, Mr. Hyogo."

And when he said that, as if he were a Luthai, he said to Miles, who was to meet him lightly, with astonishment.

"Doctor, you're a better bower of the Luthai. Mira always takes care of you."

"No, it's this way that Paula really, really takes care of you. Is there anything strange about me, Mr. Hyogo? Because there must be no disrespect in a place like this."

"Dad, this is what I've been doing in the morning. You don't believe me when I say it's okay again and again."

That's what he said, when he heard Paula's nagging words, and the beads smiled and laughed couscous.

"Are you a teacher too? My husband said the same thing in the morning."

When he saw Mira nodding over and over again at Pearl's words, he told Miles that Miles and Hyogo were doing so unexpectedly, for the Hyogo to change the subject.

"Yes, in August next year, I will marry you, so I'd really like you to attend the ceremony with your teacher, Paula, and Askley."

"Congratulations. Yes, I would like to join you. Hey, lady."

Yes, of course.

So said Hyogo, bowing his head slightly to Elena, who answered with a smile.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Can't we talk a little bit about that? Pearl, ask the Askley meeting for an example."

To the words of the Hyogo, wondering what Myles might be, when Hyogo and I went out of the Great Shrine and headed toward the woods without men, Hyogo took one little large gold coin out of his pocket and gave it to Myles.

"What's this? It's kind of bigger than a regular gold coin, around two, with a picture of a dragon carved..."

That said, the gold coin Myles had in his possession was about two times larger, as Myles put it, and the gold coin was carved with a painting of a fire-spraying dragon, and the edge was carved with a fine workmanship of bamboo.

"That's what my father-in-law told me to give to my teacher. Anything, they say, is like a passage permit to the shadow council.

I've got a wife, and I think I'm giving it to everyone who knows the reason of the world. "

In the words of the Hyogo, Miles said to the Hyogo, while putting up with the slightest bit of laughter.

"I don't know what to say... Your Majesty is the one whose child has grown as it is, isn't it? When I was a kid, I used to build secret bases with friends, talk to each other, make medals like this."

"... I don't know about a secret base or anything, but I know my father-in-law says he's grown up as a child. Since I was a kid, I know my stepfather, but he's not going to change anything. Truly, as the teacher said, the child is the one who's grown up."

"But you want to see what kind of country you make because you're such a person...... right?

That said, Miles was sparkling his eyes for some reason, and when he asked Hyogo for his consent, he replied that Hyogo was frightened.

"Sure, I'd love to see what kind of country you make. Well, just building a hell of a country, I can imagine.

And this time, it's a little unfortunate because it will remain in the Luthai Empire. "

"So is that. I don't have to be unscrupulous. But I can't participate.

That would be a complicated mood. Then the lady will be worried too, shall we go back? "

And Miles and Hyogo, who said so, smiled at each other, and went straight toward the participants, but there were two shades that were hearing their conversations from the shade of the tree. It was Elias and Amilia.

Elias, listening to the conversation between Hyogo and Miles, whispered to Amiria with his hands around Amiria's waist.

"Shadow Parliament? The reason of the world? What the hell is Your Majesty going to start?

As if, to Elias, who said he had no idea, Amilia, who was leaning against him, had until now become the face of a woman because she had not seen Elias for a long time or because she had embraced and kissed each other, but had already returned to the face of the captain of the Knights in response to the words of reason in the world, and answered.

"I heard the reason for this world from Bullet Zheng some years ago… the secrets of the Luthai Empire and all sorts of truths… Your Majesty may be willing to do something just for those who know it. Nobody will know I know because Bullet Positive is dead."

"The Secret of the Ruthai Empire? Amilee, what do you know?

Amiria answered Amiria's question to Elias, whether it was from the center of her interest or not, by turning away from her gaze.

"I can't even tell Ellis this... if His Majesty finds out what he knows, no matter how much Iri is His Majesty's wife, Ellis will be killed. Because His Majesty would not choose the means in order to preserve the reason of this world..."

To Amilia's words, Elias accidentally clogged the words, and with his hands on Amilia's jaw, he slowly turned his face, and took Amilia's lips, and let them go slowly, and whispered.

"Amiley, having such a secret by yourself would be hard. What did Lord Bullet tell you? I can't let you carry such a dangerous story alone. I'll share a secret with you."

Elias' words made Amiria's heart beat faster, as if it sounded like Elias, and Amiria said with a look of joy and anxiety intermingled, ready.

"Okay...... I'll talk to you. The logic of this world is the manufacture of currency in this world.

The Ruthai Empire, far more than ever before, manufactured the currency of this world to come to the continent and dump gold. And the abandoned shilling became a monster, traveling all over the continent. "

I thought that Amiria's words were shocking and incredible for Elias, but when I saw Amiria's serious expression, I remembered something.

With that said, in the sea of Luche trees, in the southeast of the former Kingdom of Salz, there has long been a mass of demons, and there may be something on the continent where demons occur. If that mystery were solved, the Empire would say that a new currency might be able to manufacture it. No way, really?

"Amilee, is that something anyone who's Luthai knows? Besides, why is the Luthai Empire doing that?

"All I know, even in the Luthai Empire, is very few. The Emperor of the Ruthai Empire has come to this world to provide a stable supply of currency to the world. And Bullet came to this world to protect the Emperor.

His Majesty the Demon King Freia came from Purvel the Demon King to protect this world. Your Majesty is here to defeat the Demon King Purvel... everyone is called by God from another world. "

To Amilia's remarks, which were too shocking, Elias wanted to deny, but the invented objects and ideas too close to the left were far from those of this world, and that was the only way to acknowledge Amilia's words.

"Sure, His Majesty had many mysterious skills, and even when I first met Purvel, I or Chloe couldn't move at all, but His Majesty was magnificent. When I hear that, it all goes together.

The Demon King hears that he is the strongest of his territory. Now I think it might have been His Majesty's maneuver to defeat Durahan under Purvel and get into Purvel's game.

From now on, I can help too... Ah! Time! "

When she saw Elias, who said so and panicked, and smiled unexpectedly, she said, "Wait a minute," and when she was fixing Elias' tie, she suddenly pulled the tie, mouthed and said with a smile.

"Now, okay. Are you okay with me?

So when he fixed the tie, and corrected his uniform, and fixed his hair with his hands, Elias said, slightly reddening his face.

"It's okay, it's beautiful."

"That doesn't really suit you."

So he answered Elias, who had spoken again, and Amiria blushed, and said unto Amiria, who was going to the venue, It shall be terrible. And Elias hastened after him.

When Cecil died, in the venue where the blood wedding took place, when the two entered, in the center, a long, red carpet was laid, from the entrance to the altar, lined with many attendees beside it, and on the wall, a large pure white flag depicting the family crest of the three cedars, raised several times to colour the space, hiding everything as if there had been no tragic incident.

The entrance was lined with merchants from the mountain castle houses and the Hanza Chamber of Commerce, and the nobles and soldiers, next to them were the heads of state of the United Nations, the kings and wives of the kingdom of Treso, and the kings and wives of the Bastrella kingdom, and in the front row were the relatives.

While young, there stood the beats of sixteenth-century European aristocracy on Sagittarius in tuxedos and on the altars noted by Molly and Moyer in dresses. Next to it was a fine crown carved with gold, sprinkled with jewels, like the crown of Saint Edward, and a fine finely carved cane with red robes and gold, scattered with jewels.

Eventually, when time came or Kevin, the representative and conductor of the Royal Conservatory, checked the time on the pocket watch and signaled the beat, the beat, once, checked his outfit, signaled Kevin, Kevin waved a white conductor stick, and classical music played.

To match that music, when a large door was opened in good time, it was from the inside, near left in military uniform, and behind it, that Busty slowly walked towards the altar. When the left proximity appeared, a great applause filled the place, and the left proximity, walking magnificently through it, walked straight up the altar stairs, waved and greeted the place once, and the beat stepped forward and said:

"We will now hold the crowning ceremony of the Kingdom of Cesar. The Kingdom of Ceasel, in order to treat all religions equally and indivisibly, without regard to any particular religion as a national religion, I, the Grand Duke of the Kingdom of Ceasel, the former royal family, and the Spirit of the Historic House of Hawkon, will be represented by Beat Stark as agent of the House of Hawkon.

Then, Kiyoshi Sakura, who will be king of the kingdom of Ceasel, step forward and kneel!

To the words of the beat, when the left proximity came forward, kneeling one knee before the beat, the music stopped perfectly, and in everyone's attention, said the golden wand offered by Busty, when the beat held, lightly on the left proximal shoulder.

"Kiyoshi Sakura. Do you swear that you will give your life to the spirits of the Historic House of Hawkon for the sake of the people of the Kingdom of Cesar?

"I pledge to make the Kingdom of Cesar more prosperous than any other nation."

"The oath, don't forget, is engraved in your heart. Then give this sceptre as a sign of those who command the kingdom of Ceasel"

And when he heard the words of the beat, the left and near, he offered them both his hands, and put the golden staff in his hand on the left hand, and Busty gave him the crown.

"Next, as a testament to the king of the kingdom of Caesar, I give you this crown"

That said the beat, slowly putting the crown on the head near the left, said the next time he saw the red robe Busty had in his hand.

"Finally, as a testament to being the head of the royal family of the kingdom of Caesar, I give you a crimson robe"

Using the words of the beat as a signal, Busty slowly turned around behind his left proximity, and when he mounted a robe on his shoulder, the left proximity slowly rose and stood against the attendees, the beat said.

"It is the birth of the Kingdom of Cesar, the First King and King Kiyoshi Sakura!

At the next moment, a loud applause broke, enveloping the venue, and at the same time the music began to sound again, and the left and near waved to be grateful, and when the applause subsided, where the music became smaller, he said.

"Guys, on my anniversary, thank you so much for coming, I really appreciate it. As we all know, I was originally a casual mercenary in Nassau.

To such a mere mercenary, King Gehardt of the former Kingdom of Salz has told me to be my friend. To be honest, at first, I was wary of what kind of jizz I couldn't eat.

But when I was dating King Gehardt, I think he was a king who really thought about his people. Perhaps if I hadn't known the Emperor, I would have been a minister.

I intend to take over the will of Gehardt and create a nation for the people. First, we will create a legislature that will make laws called parliaments, we will create a House of Peoples and a House of Lords of nobility, we will aim to create a state where nobility and the people will discuss and make laws of their own motherland, and each and every one of us can be proud.

It's impossible for me to do it alone. I want you to lend me the strength of everyone here, and I want you to keep an eye on this country, like a newborn baby, in a friendly relationship with others.

After this, I greet the people of my clan, but I have a feast table for you. Today, I want you to have fun. This concludes the greeting of the new King "

Using the word near the left as a signal, the venue was again wrapped in a whirlpool of applause, the music sounded, the servants brought a variety of dishes, and a standing party began.

And it came to pass, when the left hand was coming down the stairs, and blessed by the attendees, that Orville came near the left hand, saying,

"Your Majesty, I sincerely congratulate you on this crowning ceremony. Oh, really, it was a great crowning ceremony."

"Thank you, Orville. Please keep it up."

"Yes, this Orville Nelson, I pledge my unwavering loyalty to His Majesty in the future.

So, on this day of celebration, I have another congratulatory news for you. This is the planned construction site of the new king's capital for example, but the survey of the mountain master has been completed, the ground is solid, from the mountains to the basement of the planned land, there is a large build-up of magma, but it is safe. Plus, there's groundwater on top of it, and they say it's a hot spring in the Ruthai Empire, and it's a hot spring that's okay to drink. "

And he said unto the unexpected report, his eyes glowing.

"Orville! Is that true?

"Yes, it's true. I'll sit down. Besides, the magma was also the decision to say that it would explode more beneath the sea, even if it erupted, as it was connected outside the bay and already had a way. In other words, it was decided that the new King's Capital could be built."

To Orville's report, when he raised his hand by saying "Orville" in the left proximity, Orville raised his hand the same way as he was caught, and the left proximity detonated the joy by hitting high with bread and Orville.

"Here we go, Orville! Now, in front of the people, we can report. Yes, we have to decide on a name... Dr. Miles! Where is Dr. Miles?

That's what Keith, who was next to him, laughed bitterly and said to Orville, looking at the left proximity that scratched people.

"That, you've completely forgotten the crowning ceremony. Minister Nelson, if your majesty is truly pleased, you must behave like a child.

To Keith's words, Orville answered, though he thought it was true.

"Yeah, but when you're so happy about it, you'll be happy about it."

"Minister, that is Your Majesty. He's happy, and when he finds out, he's working without a break... he's really the one who makes me dream, just like when I was a kid."

Right. The Chancellor is right, you're the one who makes me dream.

When I say I've become king, without being arrogant, in anyone's opinion, I listen if I'm convinced. In the days of the Empire, it was unthinkable... you are truly faithful.

With that in mind, Orville looked like he was having fun, looking near left looking for Miles.

And when he had scratched a man, and entered the area where the merchants were, he found Miles, and called him with a smile.

"Doctor! Doctor Miles!

When everyone in the room turned their attention to Miles in the nearest left, in his actions, Miles approached the nearest left in the light.

"Your Majesty, it's just embarrassing to be called a teacher by Your Majesty."

"What do you say? From me, the teacher is the teacher.

Besides, it's not just the teachers, it's the Askley Chamber of Commerce, Elena and Paula, and my family. Feel free to come even if you make a new royal palace "

That's what he said, and he said to the left proximate to the uncontrolled smile that Elena and Paula seemed happy as well as Miles, as the left proximate came to his mind.

"That's right. With Lake City as the king's capital, the kingdom of Cesar seems to be manipulating the Eastern Union, and I don't think it's a good idea, so I'm going to build a new king's capital, but I'm going to make sure my teacher gives me the name of the new king's capital, as he gave me the name of the country."

At that moment, the merchants around them turned their attention to Miles' conversation with the left and near in reaction to Pickle. As the merchants around him smelled the money and listened, Miles answered as if he was in trouble.

"Hey, is it me again... the name of the country, I just advised, and I think it would be better if His Majesty decided to do this himself"

Well, shaking the whole thing is bad... but I don't know the name of the King's Capital...

With that in mind, Freya approached the left hand, which was troubled by his arms.

"It's a rare sight that the uplifting is troubling. If I did Wang Du's name, would I put Sakura's name in it because I feel like Wang Du?


Sakura... Sakura... Sure, there was a place called Sacramento. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

But once I remember Sacramento, that's all I can think about.

So the left hand side said a little unfortunately.

"No, Sakuramento is the only place I can think of to put Sakura's name."

It was when Freya tried to laugh, Miles said, pointing his finger to the left.

"Isn't that good? The word Sacramento is a word that, in my knowledge, denotes God's grace, referring to the imprint. It might be good to say that there is a king's capital with God's grace."

Heh, Sacramento meant that. But that's God's grace, isn't it? I don't feel like I need it, but it would be good.

"Well, let's make it Sacramento. Wang Du Sacramento...... yeah, the language is good and it feels like some beautiful city"

"Your Majesty. So, what about the architectural work in Sacramento, the king's capital?

It was the smiling mountain castle shop who said so and came close with a smile. Speaking to the Yamagata store, he noticed that the left-hand side was here and that the other merchants looked at the left-hand side with the same eyes as they looked at the prey.

They're totally after business opportunities. Well, here's the thing, it's my hand to tell you.

"Well, when it comes to real estate, I have experience in Lake City, leaving it to the Hansa Chamber of Commerce, and the Royal Palace and major facilities don't take much time to build, so I'll ask Freya."

"Do you want us!?"

So he said to Freya, who was astonished, and to the left, he smiled.

"Sure, you said you'd cooperate when I was worried about not becoming king, right?

To the nearest left scratch, Freya pointed her mouth and replied with a slight shank.

"... yet, did you remember? I'm going to build it."

"Thank God. Now, the merchant in this, since he is also a designated merchant since the time of Valkyrie, will already know how to do it, but will make a bid as a country. Civil engineering works shall be carried out by the State in the same manner as before, the rules shall allow only designated merchants, even if the work they have undertaken is to be flushed to other merchants, and noble mansions shall allow each nobleman to decide freely by showing the plans for the building, etc."

At that moment, Hanza, who did not intend to bid for the work from the outset, asked the left and near with a spare face, as the sight of the Yamashiya and the Gregor Chamber of Commerce changed and he gave instructions to his men.

"Your Majesty. After all, the royal palace is designed because His Majesty will be?

"It would be obvious. I will build the world's largest royal palace and king's capital. The place... well, I'll publish it in the paper tomorrow."

At that moment, the merchants, who considered the profits of the work to be outrageous, rushed into action and instructed the distributors to calculate the unit price of the civil works, and the meeting and delegates greeted the left and went to sell their faces to the nobles.

Now you're free from the depressing nobles... where to buy information about the festival. Eli is sure to think he's on Chloe's side.

And, then, the only thing that went to the SS Knights was the remaining Ayland. Surely, the parents of Aeland were nobles of the kingdom of Ceasel... can we attack them from here?

The left-hand side of the thought greeted Elena and the others and moved straight toward the castle gate with a space transfer.

What entered the eyes of the left-handed people who moved to the castle gate was the appearance of a narrow and packed people in an attempt to see the left-handed people at all, and the expectations of the left-handed people appeared in their expression to each of the gathered people, and the expectations of the left-handed people were conveyed too far enough.

It was also felt by Iris and the others, and to Morley, because of the pressure, or because he could not move with his feet trembling, his mother Cecily lifted up Morley and whispered.

"Morrie, your father works hard every day to protect and make happy not just our family, but the people who came together like this and those who couldn't come here. Take your time and stay close to your father."

In the words, Morley nodded as young as he could, and engraved this sight in his heart.

Eventually, when he saw the front left proximity and the family and cheered, he signaled it, and a flying dragon (Wyburn) of the Knights of the Holy Dragon flew over the sky, sprinkling colorful petals from the sky. It creates a fantastic space, and it becomes an unforgettable sight for every one gathered on this occasion, in which the left-handed ones lift up their hands and respond to the people, and the left-handed ones say to the people aloud, as they speak out on the battlefield.

"Today, you gather at my crowning ceremony and say a heartfelt thank you. My aim is a nation by the people for the people.

As we all know, our country is a multi-ethnic nation with all sorts of races and races. But every one of them, being a family member and friend, became a citizen of the kingdom of Ceasel.

Why don't we help each other, compete incidentally, and create a better nation, for all our citizens!

That is what the left and near said, and when he spread his hands wide, the applause that was overflowing and the call of "Your Majesty" rang.

This appearance was conveyed throughout the country in the newspapers, as was the announcement of the location of the new King's Capital architecture and the new title of nobility. The newspaper sold to fly, continued to sell out everywhere, and tasted like an imperial aristocratic family dictionary, the Askray Times later issued the Dictionary of the Nobility of the Kingdom of César, selling to fly to various merchants for nobility, and was to scream with joy.

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