Another Life

Storm foretaste

On Friday, March 5, A.D., the left-hand side, which sensed Kofi's movement, gave the entire army an order to go out.

Unlike the hasty Luthai Empire that night, a visitor's bell rang on Rabbit Shot, surrounded by quiet silence.

"... Welcome"

When Lune, with a grumpy face, apparently said reluctantly, when Chloe entered the store, the Federicas were coming to dinner at the counter, and behind it was Jack, who was about to be beaten by Lune, and Melissa, who was forgiving it.

"... that sounds like fun, Jack"

Jack was unhappy with Chloe, who said with a cold eye.

"This guy, do it someplace quick. Seriously, it's a sales jam."

"Well, this is good news for Jack...... Kofi moved. Your Majesty has given orders to the entire army to initiate the operation.

Lieutenant Colonel Ravio, go straight back to Monkey Bridge Castle and resume your regiment in the Knights of the Holy Order. Jack's on his way to Monkey Bridge Castle with Lieutenant Colonel Ravio, ready and waiting. "

And it came to pass, in the words of Chloe, that Lune the face, who said, Do or not, took the apron, and put it on the counter, and Jack also took the apron, and said unto Melissa.

"Well, Melissa, I'll ask for the rest. Souvenirs are delicious, so I'll buy you a souvenir."

"Master. Sometimes, besides booze and dark utensils, please."

To the exact words of Melissa, Jack said to Melissa with a fed up face.

"Well, that's a fish."

That being said, with Lune, it was when she saw Jack moving back into Monkey Bridge Castle, smiling at Melissa saying, "I'm not," and Chloe also tried to move to Haruhi Mountain Castle, when Federica stood up and told Chloe.

"Mr. Chloe... Left and near, please"

So Chloe answered Federica, worried about the nearest left, with a smile.

"It's okay. Besides, Your Majesty, killing doesn't kill you."

Federica stared worryingly at Chloe, who disappeared into the space metastasis.

Early the next morning, the left-hand side said goodbye to the Iris and 17,000 people, mainly former left-hand side guards and Nassau Defense Forces, who had fought together for a long time, left Haruhiyama Castle, but from the look on the soldiers' faces, they did not see a drop in morale, the only ones nervous were Claudio in the golden armor he was riding with in Lynn's tank (Chariot) and Sakichi in the red-backed armor near his left.

And when the three cedars near the left, and the ten brass daughters of the goddess Ghost Mother, and the flag of the great Bodhisattva, and the emperor's flag of the Serenity Empire, were gone in the wind, and there was little snow, they marched in the snow that filled the streets, and formed themselves that evening at the Castle of Monkey Bridge, where the Knights of the Holy Guide were, the Left Kings were waiting.

And on the next seven days, from Takafari Castle in Shinano, a total of 23,000 large armies, which combined Shinano's armies of eleven thousand, began marching west on Nakasendo, bearing the banner of Makita's six-month coin, which they had previously met.

Kofi, Shinano's coalition forces head west on Nakasen Road. On the eighth day when the information came in, the left-hand side marched to Shinano with a combined strength of three thousand Knights of the Holy Guidance. And the left-handed men marched on the still snowy mountain path, and set up their ranks at the temple of Good Light at noon on the ninth day.

Coalition forces arrive at the Temple of Good Might. The information was reported to Changheng of Haijin Castle, who remained in formation by the scouts.

In a hurry and a small run, Changheng and Alexia, whose stomach had grown a little, headed between the enclosure, in the appearance of soldiers, everyone understood that the coalition had arrived, and that tension was wrapping the castle. The soldier in armor jumped in and lay flat, and said to the surviving ministers, as they enclosed the furnace.

"I will report you! Allied forces are here!

Right now, I'm putting up a formation at the Sunshine Temple and I'm going to sit down where you're asking me how it's going! That number, 20,000!

The moment we heard the report, everyone looked nervous and Changheng questioned the soldier.

"So, who's the Admiral?

"Black on white, three cedars on round. And the banner of the Goddess of the Ghost Mother God Ten Ladies and the Goddess of the Great Bodhisattva...... Minister Sakuranai Kiyoshi himself will sit you down!

Hearing his nearest left name, and in everyone's blurb and samurai trembling, Chang Heng ordered the soldier to put his strength into the fist he gripped with his chest, as if Alexia represented the inside of his painful chest.

"Immediately, let the main unit run the preaching! Everybody, get ready for war!


That said, as the heavy ministers rose up and left, Mitsuzu calmly questioned Changheng.

"My lord, the march of the Imperial Palace... I didn't expect the Allied forces, who are not supposed to be used to Snow Mountain, to be here in just two days... too soon?

Indeed, there is winter on the continent, but there is little snow inland. Can you march this fast on an unfamiliar snow path? No, in the first place, the information was communicated very quickly... were you watched and predicted to happen?

"Perhaps the Imperial government was releasing Shinano and Kofi in anticipation of this happening."

"So you know that this Haitsu Castle soldier is almost a peasant of women, children and old men, and he's going to attack you?

That said, Mizu had a bright blue face. But this was an impossible story.

For the strength that is in Haijin Castle today was one thousand and five hundred, but most of them, as Mizu put it, were only women, children, and old men, and only five hundred of them to be used.

But Chang Heng answered by shaking his head.

"You won't come. There's a big prey right in front of me, Mr. Maida, and we won't be in the lookout.

I know who he is. Maida-sama is coming here. "

"I hope so..."

That was what I said, Mizu, but Alexia was getting painful in the chest knowing that the two people who did her good would fight.


Unlike modern temples, the temples of the Ruthai Empire, like the Warring States period, were strewn with moats and tall walls in a wide territory, with structures like simple fortifications. It was only natural to think of such a temple as the main formation, and the size of Shinano's largest temple was the size of a small castle when it came to the Shinko Temple with its nearest left formation.

In the garden, visible from the nearest left bedroom, there was a shadow asking about the nearest left room from among the trees. He is the head of the Shinobi of Dokai, formerly part of the Allied Intelligence Agency, Hasegawa Regiment Zo.

In fact, on the orders of this regiment, Shinjitsu, I was monitoring the situation near left from Haruhiyama Castle, but I went into the Sunshine Temple and sometimes said that it was just an enemy land, and Shinobu's security got tighter, and I was worried about not getting inside. At night, the left-hand man returned to his bedroom, but for some reason Chloe came with him.

How could Lieutenant Colonel Meisner?... are you having a secret conversation with the secretary? Then, whatever you do, you have to sneak in.

I didn't know about Chloe's relationship with Near Left, but I couldn't help thinking so. And he suppressed and killed his impatience, and behold, he heard a roar near his left.

"Kojiro! Come on down!

Was it the hound that was on security?

Though he thought so, he heard words of surprise in the ears of the group.

"Chloe would be shy. We'll be fine here, so let's all turn to security."

"No, but..."

"But heck no! Get the fuck out of here!

Hey, I heard the inner house is a fancy guy, but this would be too much. Maybe the hounds don't even want you to know, secretly?

With that in mind, as he hid himself, he saw one after the other the Shinobu of the Kazama coming out of his bedroom.

The surprise group confirmed that the ninja had stopped coming out and moved into the attic without sound, while guarding the surroundings. And it came to pass, walking carefully through the darkened attic, and approaching the chamber that would be near the left, that men and women were gradually heard as they went round about.

For a moment, it was a bunch of people wondering if their wives were coming, but a peek from the ceiling into the nearest left bedroom showed Chloe there feeling the joy of a woman in her near-left arm. With a trembling fist and desperate patience that Shinobu should not become emotional, he hid himself in the corner of the attic to explore the military debate.

And on the morning of the 10th, in the formation of Zanosuke, when breakfast was placed in front of Zanosuke who had woken up, was it the habit of every morning, when Zanosuke lifted a bowl in an attempt to drink miso soup? A small letter was placed under a bowl of miso soup.

Brain muscle and the left and near said Zanosuke, but he understood that this was a secret book from the left and near left, and when he took the secret book, he said to those who stood up.

"Shinano may be cold, but stay close. I'm going for a little bit."

That said, Zanosuke, who suddenly went to the bathroom unconsciously, went into a private room and read a secret book.

[If I say something unscrupulous in the military, defy me and get beaten up. After that, follow my orders.

Follow the instructions of Shinobi. This measure, if you fail, loses]

Zuonosuke, who had read the closest book to his left, was nervous, and when he sipped his gokuri and spit, he broke the closet into the bathroom and went back for breakfast again.


March 11th at noon. The coalition of Shinano and Kofi, the 23,000 Shinano of Shinjitsu and Shinjitsu, who were heading west on Nakasendo, appeared, and set up a formation on Mount Tea Mountain, southwest of the Temple of Good Light, without entering the castle of Haijin. Masada's six-month coins were windy and gave courage to the general of Haijin Castle, but by that time, the Left Kins had held military discussions.

"Your Majesty, Lord Maida seems to have set up a formation on this tea mound without entering Kaizen Castle."

And he heard Elias' words with his cheekstick, and his left hand and his left hand seemed funny.

When everyone looked anxious in an attitude too unusual, the appearance was contagious to the face of the regiment that looked down from the ceiling, but Elias kept talking.

"The strength of Tea Mountain is about 20,000. Troops are mutually reinforcing, but if you fight the main team of Tea Mountain, there will always be soldiers out of Kaizen Castle, attacking our backs.

So even if we divide our forces, we will be at a disadvantage... How will we do it?

Listening to the explanation of Elias, he was looking at Kanto with the skill of Heavenly Eye.

The enemy has no movement... this is still scheduled and you say it moves? Well, this, I guess I don't have a choice.

Even in warring times, an army that communicates information and orders quickly can move that much larger force. On the contrary, if it is slow, even in the less powerful armies, it moves slowly and becomes just a U.N. crowd.

So Lord Oyaji was able to select the brilliant ones, organize the usage number called the Hundred Foot People, use that Hundred Foot People, and use the Wolf Smoke to know domestic information at some speed, but the scope of this battle is vast. Exactly, Kanto, Koshin, and Tohoku know the information at the same time and give the order, because from Edo of Musashi Shogunate, it will take a few days.

Well, we, the Coalition Forces, can move armies around the world in a few minutes, and with me and Pandora, we can grasp the situation in real time, even outside of us, with Beyond the Seeker, we can grasp some distance in real time, so from those who don't know, it would be a bunch of monsters.

But the question is, does Yuanta realize what I'm doing... but we've come all the way here to fight? Neither have I.

With that in mind, he turned his gaze toward Chirali and Zanosuke, and looked at each other and said with his cheekstick on.

"Do we dare to fish for Yuanta here? Travel from the Temple of Good Light through the middle of the enemy to Mount Wife and Girl"

Everyone who heard its near-left suggestion, bewildered, Zonosuke stood up and shouted as planned.

"No, no! Brother, you didn't hear Brigadier Neumann's explanation earlier! Through the middle of the enemy, heading to Mount Wife and Girl?

Really, if it hits you from left to right, what are you gonna do! Besides, even if you reach Mount Wife and Girl, your enemies will block your way out!

The words of Zonosuke were natural opinions, and everyone was convinced, but when the left and near Zonosuke stood up, he grabbed Zonosuke's chest and stood up, and said:

"Zanosuke, you don't know what to say to me, do you?"

Its near-left glance was terrific, but Zanosuke said it without fright.

"This is just suicide. I'm not gonna die a dog."

It was the next moment, near left, when Zanosuke was beaten and screamed.

"Such cowards don't want in my army! Bring your troops back to Monkey Bridge Castle now and slash their bellies there!


Everyone shouted with surprise at the words of his left and near stomach, but the surprise of Zanosuke, who had been heard in the secret book, was nothing more than a bluish face, and cried out, saying, "Follow the commands as they were."

"Hey brother! Are you serious about that?

"Oh, I mean it! Or are you the one who can't even slash his belly when he says he has to? Then I'll kill you right here!

And when he had said so, and put his hand upon the knife of his hips, Elias jumped forward, saying,

"Your Majesty! Isn't Major Nagaoka, from the days of Kingsfu, a man of his subordination, who has long said of His Majesty a brother and admired him! That's what stomach means too bad...... LUNE!?"

For the sake of Zanosuke, Lune said, lying flat, near left, before Elias, who was about to get hot.

"The Captain, to His Majesty's word, is only being moved now, so the intention is never to go against His Majesty, I will not sit down!

"Wait a minute! I can't believe I'm moving..."

"Captain! Please understand your position! You have enemies in front of you, but not if you have them!

That said, Lune's tone of opinion to Elias was somewhere impatient, and when Elias was unable to say anything, Left and Near looked again at Zanosuke and said:

"Zanosuke, is your guts like that?

To the nearest left, he said, "Do you regret Zanosuke or do you have a toothpick?"

"I'll do it! If you regret it, you don't know!



As the various people stopped, Zonosuke had blood on his head, and as he left, as the various people, beginning with the Hyogo, advanced near left, Saki watched whether he became scared or crying, and the chaotic room, as Zoosuke devoured its appearance from behind the ceiling.

Hey, what's this? Doesn't everyone fall apart because of Uchifu? This, before it's a war, the army will collapse.

With that in mind, I heard voices I had heard from behind the surprised Regiment Zo.

"If you wonder who's coming, it was Major."

The moment I heard my voice, it was when something crisp and cold flowed, escaping the spot, and at the same time throwing flour-like powder in the direction of my voice behind me. On the calf on the left, there was a burning pain.

Damn it! Did they slash your leg!

Though he thought so, he heard slightly the sound of bitterness flying through the smoke of white and poor vision behind the dark ceiling, cutting the air into the eyes of the group that had taken his time.

When Legionzo instinctively played the sound with a short knife, Shinobu was slashing from the smoke toward him.

Normally, it was the right time to be slaughtered like this, but by jumping forward, Dunzuo put his body against Shinobu's body, blew it up and let the distance go, while throwing flour-like powder again, diving himself into the corner of the attic.

That voice, that move... is that a hound? If you're a hound, it's hard to escape. What are we gonna do?

Though I thought so, it was time for Legionzo to be on guard around me, the moment Legionzo felt there was something behind him, he immediately tried to distance himself, and a hot pain ran on his back. He could see the silver-haired ninja waving a dagger, chasing himself into the eyes of Legionzo, who saw a chill behind his back.

Though he thought he would be killed, Legionzo kicked his hand with a dagger that was swung down, spinning it with its legs on its axis, putting a backward spin and kick in the face of Shinobi, and blowing up the Shinobi.

Next, Adele! Exactly, with the two hounds and Adele against each other, the minutes are too bad!

With that in mind, Legionzo kicked through the ceiling and when he fell downstairs, he escaped towards the outside with a gap of surprised guard soldiers.

"No way, I didn't expect you to kick through the ceiling and run... the Major will do something bold too. Brother, are you okay?

So said Kojiro, who came out of the white cloudy smoke, when he spoke to Adele, Adele rose up and said, rubbing her cheeks.

"Major Hasegawa, your physical skills are amazing. But it's questionable not to go after him like this."

"Oh, right. It's a natural place to capture him alive and get away on the way... let's go, brother"

Kojiro, who said so, sent a signal to Adele to chase the fleeing regiment.


To the soldiers of the chasing coalition, Legionzo sprinkled Salim from the bamboo barrel of his hips, and when he fastened, Adele and Kojiro appeared in the eyes of Legionzo, who confirmed Chirali and behind him, running over the fence and chasing him.

After all, Legionzo, wondering if he had come after him, threw bitterness on the wall of the plate in front of him, stepping on the pierced bitterness, and as he rode to the high wall, he jumped over the moat with tremendous leap power.

"That's right, you're a flying troupe. Are you gonna jump over this moat with your leg injured?"

So Adele spat on her shoulder, and said unto Kojiro, who was shrugged.

"If you give up here, you'll be extra suspicious. Heading southwest...... Mount Fujinota?

"I guess we're headed through Mount Fujinota to Dokashi or Tea Mountain. Brother, turn around, I'll kick you out."

When Adele, who nodded at Kojiro's words, disappeared, Kojiro ran toward the direction of the gate in a painful manner.

Running over the roof of a house that spreads all around him without sound even though it is daytime, Tanzo checks to see if he has become anxious, chilling behind, and no one is following him. Normally, you'd think he'd escaped, but Kojiro and Adele's combination was aiming for Mount Fujinota in the southwest, thinking that he could never give up.

If we manage to get into the mountains, we can escape. So thought the slashed leg of Legionzo, for a little rest, a bow and arrow flew down the alley, and hid in the shadows, to where I had been.

You're still here! A hound is something I used to say. Really like a dog, with a good nose.

With that in mind, on the roof, which I saw chilling from the shadows, Kojiro, with a bow and arrow, stood with a grin.

"Hey Major, that's what they called the Flying Regiment Zo, that's a ninja. But it's time, won't you surrender?

You, as much as you can, don't want to kill me... well, it's okay to self-determination. You know why, right?

Is the purpose of extracting memory and obtaining information? You can't get caught.

With that in mind, when he saw Kojiro descending in front of him, he said with a grin.

"But you used to say hounds. Your nose would be too smart."

"Not only my nose, but my eyes are good, too. Then show me your hands. Slowly raise your hands."

Kojiro told him, and Legionzo said with a grin as he slowly raised his hands as he held his fist.

"Did you have good eyes too? I'm relieved to hear that."

That said, a small grenade like a safety pin fell out of his hand, which slowly opened his finger.

"Hey, are you serious?!?"

That's what Kojiro said, and he thought it was a grenade, and it was when he flew back and retreated, and the intense light wrapped around him.

Kojiro's sight, which unwittingly blocked his eyes and turned away from his face, turned white even when he meditated on his eyes, and gradually when his sight returned, there the figure of the regiment had disappeared.

Seriously, they did it... I didn't know it was a flash bomb, not just a grenade. And I was afraid I could move anywhere else with a scratched body.

But from my nose, you can't get away with it. The smell of your blood, Major, will pump.

With that in mind, Kojiro licked Peroli's lips, chased after the regiment and disappeared.

As he saw Kojiro, gradually approaching from afar, he flew into the tree as if he were a wild monkey, moving from tree to tree. But Kojiro also jumps into the trees and approaches them to circle around.

Usually, if it was a gang zo known as a flying gang zo, it might have escaped lightly from Kojiro, but in this state of injury to his leg and back, it was only a matter of time before he was chased away. But here, Legionzo questioned Kojiro's movements.

Something's wrong. It's like he's luring you in... well, you're a hound...

And it came to pass, when the tree was turned back, that Adele fell with a knife, as the futon turned upward.

After all, it was a trap!

With that in mind, at the same time that Dunzuo changed the direction of Adele's sword, which was waved down without bitterness, it was when he kicked Adele away with his painful feet, while Adele held down her flank, and when she stepped down like a cat on the ground, she used its recoil to fly towards Dunzuo, and on its back, which fled, it was when she tried to wave down the sword, when the gunshot rang and hit Adele's sword, with its impact, she dropped the knife in her hand.

When Adele hid the knife she had dropped in the shade of the tree, so did Kojiro, who was pushing him.

A thousand birds! Thanks.

But he hid in the tree, and said unto Adele,

"Adele! It's an old favor, if you don't follow me like this, my life will save you. If you go after him, a thousand birds will snipe at you.

Hey, Kojiro! You're listening to this conversation, aren't you? Don't let Adele chase me!

And Kojiro's voice was heard from nowhere in the words of his band.

"Brother, that's it! Rather than go out poorly and die in vain, report it to Your Majesty!

So that's it? Well, if I did this far, I'd trust you.

To Adele, who thought so, said Legionzo.

"That's what I'm saying. Adele, I don't want to kill you... please, don't chase me."

Having said that, Legionzo ran out again, and Adele and Kojiro watched as Legionzo fled, doing nothing but watching.

Shinobu in the attic was reported by soldiers to Elias and the others, and everyone was surprised, and I thought that Left Near deliberately said the stomach of Zonosuke, but Left Near never retracted the stomach of Zonosuke, and Zonosuke kept blood on his head, really took 2,000 of his own troops to Monkey Bridge Castle, and watched over the condition, whether Zonosuke was really going to Monkey Bridge Castle.

Zanosuke, initially on horseback in anger, was on his way to Monkey Bridge Castle, but in the evening when he said that the sun would also set, when he saw the various castles, he was clouding his expression, not believing that the left-hand proximity would say so. Once he sighed, and saw the castle again, at some point a soldier had the horse of Zanosuke.

The soldier was Jack, but he whispered as he looked forward to Zuonosuke, surprised by Jack's presence.

"Major, listen to me as I look forward. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Jack, giving orders from His Majesty.

Keep walking into Monkey Bridge Castle, take my place with you, and you're going to Lake City. I'll cut myself in with you.

Whoa, don't be a relief expression. Keep your face up... because Shinobi's watching you. "

To Jack's words, when he drank Gokuri and spit, he questioned Jack.

"I'm surprised my brother said that... because a stomach really does?

"Your Majesty, you're really unscrupulous. Well, I'll figure it out, I'll just talk to the deputy captain later, from this side of the story.

If I slash my belly, the monkeys are going to take control of Monkey Bridge Castle... well, a few Shinobi of Dohachi will let them escape alive. "

To Jack, who said so, he grinned lightly and said to Zanosuke.

Then Zanosuke, who entered the castle at Monkey Bridge Castle, took the place of Jack, who disguised himself as Zanosuke at the temple, and left a suicide note, saying words to admonish the left-hand proximity in the hall, and was cut to the stomach. Of course, the sight was taken by surprise by Dokai's Shinobi, and Lieutenant Yuriku, the deputy captain who had seen Zanosuke mutilated, was wary of leaking information, sealed off Monkey Bridge Castle, and several surviving Shinobi managed to use the information to deliver it.

The following day, on the twelfth day, the left-hand side emerged from the Temple of Good Might and crossed the Hachihara to Mount Wife and Daughter. The march divided the Knights of the Holy Guides into three parts, with a thousand led by Lune at the beginning, a thousand led by Elias in the main formation, and a thousand led by Daniel at the end.

This was the intention, even in the unlikely event of being sandwiched from Kaizu Castle and Tea Mountain, to bring Lune and Daniel to the forefront, engaging on the spot to say that they wanted to occupy Kaizu Castle. The captain of each unit had some dark expression about the military council, but normally the anxiety of the captain of the unit would be contagious to the soldiers, but at this time the soldiers of the coalition were nervous and not everywhere by crossing in front of the enemy.

The report that the Allied forces were headed toward Mount Wife and Girl through the tip of their eyes and noses was also told by Changheng of Haijin Castle, who was three men, Alexia and Mizu, who, when they ascended to the view, had in their eyes the appearance of the Allied forces marching gently toward Mount Wife and Girl.

Are you insane? What kind of nerves do you normally march in the middle of an enemy?

...... hmm? There are other flags of the Knights of the Holy Guidance, among the leading ones. The Knights of the Holy Leadership is certainly supposed to be the Knights fighting ahead of the battle...... I see this is a trap.

Chang Heng, who understood that this was a trap to lure his nearest left self, laughed unexpectedly, and heard a young man of the minister from behind.

"My lord! We're ready to go! Come on, let's go smash that coalition!

Hearing that voice, Changheng instantly became an expression of anger and shouted at the young man.

"This, no wonder! If you keep going, why do you not know that you will fall prey to the measures of the Uchi! Uchifu is going to crush us in the field and drop this Kaizu castle in just one day, rather than engage in a siege with great damage!

Hearing such words as Changheng's anger, the young man was astonished with his eyes round, and was impressed by the peasants who caged with him, that is, the lord.

To Changheng, Mitsuzu whispered.

"My lord, is it true that the inner house is thinking of such a thing?

Chang Heng answered Mizu's question with a sober face.

"Oh, I'm thinking. Look at that coalition formation.

At the beginning and in the middle, there will be a large flag, with the sword of the sun and the continent drawn. Probably at the end of the line, too.

That is one of the seven great knights, the Knights of the Holy Guides, a unit that always runs through the front lines. Perhaps when we get out of the castle, the middle belly hits the rear Tea Mountain, and from both the leading and rear wings, we go straight for Kaizu Castle... We're fine, but with Kofi, Maida-sama of the Great Army may be difficult. "

So he said, Changheng was gazing at Tea Mountain, which seemed far away.

Changheng's concerns had been met. Shinano of Tea Mountain, the headquarters of the Kofi coalition, was disputed in the news of the march near the left.

He was arguing with the warlords of the Nagai family, beginning with Changhui, the belligerents of the Takahashi family in Shinano guardianship, and Nagai, the elder Asakura family in Kofi guardianship. And when the Synod heard the manner, just arm in arm and silent, a soldier came and cried out.

"I'll report you! Lord Hasegawa came back to talk to your wife."

The expression of the soldier was somewhere impatient, and when everyone looked silently at the syllabus, the syllabus said quietly where it had become quiet.

"Let it pass."

When the soldier nodded at the words of the Synod, and went to call for the Regiment, he could not hide his surprise when he saw the appearance of the Regiment that everyone had come. Legionzo, on his back and on his feet, bleeding straight from the wounds that would have been apparently slashed, said on his knees on the spot, as if he were falling when he came in, supported by a thousand birds.

"I would like to report... Minister Sakuranai, as if he were confused, held the secretary even on the battlefield, Lord Meissner, had been drinking in the morning, and to give him a drink, he fought with his brother in the military council seat, and drove Lord Nagaoka's troops back to Monkey Bridge Castle, offering him an amputation"

The expression of Legionzo, who said so, seemed somewhat regrettable, and such a near left appearance seemed not to want to see. When he heard the report of his regiment, Chang Hui slammed his desk and said to Shinji.

"Closer left, I'm losing my mind! Brother, this is a great opportunity for you!

Everyone thought the same thing as Chang-hye, and when they saw the Synod, the Synod asked Takazo a question with a calm face.

"Stomach, did you say? Has anyone else checked that?

"I'm here for you."

"So who did that wound to you? It would be a namesake Shinobi who would be so hands-on as you."

And he answered the words of the letter, and Legionzo looked down.

"I am Adele, the leader of the Kazama people, Lord Kojiro Kazama, and a relative of Minister Sakuranai."

To the words, everyone said such an idiotic expression, and watched Legionzo.

That should be it too. The Kazama people had robbed the wedding gift given by the emperor near the left a few years ago, and because the emperor was furious, everyone thought that the Kazama people were hostile to the clan near the left or the island.

But Shinjitsu said to Takezo with a smile for the first time here.

"Legionzo, well done. Thousands of birds, I need you to take care of the regiment over there."

And it came to pass, in the words of the Synod, that Chang-hui stood up and said, as Chiba and Takezo bowed their heads and went out.

"Brother. Then give me the order to go out!

To the words of Changhui, who said so, when he was ready, and everyone stood up, the Synopsis said with his arms together.

"On the contrary, you idiot!

Everyone had a surprised look at the exact words of the Synod, and the Synod spoke with his arms together.

"In the words of the last regiment, I was sure. This is a trap near the left"

"No, no, my brother. What makes you think it's a trap?

Everyone nodded at Chang-hyu's words, as if they were frightened, and the Synopsis began to explain them in the same manner.

"The emperor enraged, the Sakura family's festive gold robbery... I had always thought it was weird. That warm emperor can't be furious, he won't punish anybody near the left, and the people involved haven't been punished. The Emperor had a hand in this, too, to the left. The money you robbed was money to hire the Kazama crowd.

The left-hand side has put his best soldiers into this battle without hiding them... and spare no effort. They're making us look self-depraved and inviting us to stay alert.

Holding Lord Meissner? Lord Meissner is the most loyal member of the coalition, and he will be fine to point his body out for a victory near left.

Lord Nagaoka is going to be hungry? From day to day, if Lord Nagaoka admires his brother and his left-hand side, he will be fine to slash his belly for a left-hand side victory. Near left, I want to beat you, and I'm doing this with all my heart.

And this action is taking a price on me. "

"Is it worth it?

Then cried the Synod unto Changhui, who believed not yet.

"Whoever went to see things, come here!

When a soldier arrived at the sudden call of the Synod for a while, the Synod questioned him with a harsh expression.

"When we went to see things, what did the coalition say was the formation?

It was said by a soldier who remembered something, with the keyword "formation", that the meaning of the word of the letter was initially a soldier who did not understand.

"I would say nonetheless. When it came to formation, I just remembered that the Allied forces had divided one Knights into the leading, the main and the rear!

"So, what kind of men did the main unit have?

"Remarkable in the distance were the black, large armored Mitsune and the silver armored Mitsune on the golden hair I was looking at this side. And Jen with a machete."

And it came to pass in the words of the soldier, that the syllable said with a grin.

"After all, was it a treasure? On the left hand side, if we attack cautiously, on the contrary, we will only use the force of the main force to hold us down, discuss the strength of Haijin Castle that came out, and occupy Haijin Castle.

In the evidence, the left and the near have a thousand men in their ranks. The big black armored Mitsuhito is Lord Lin, who was captain of the Central Castle Guard. "

Chang Fai also said with surprise to the words of the Synod.

"Um, are you an oligarchy Mitsujin... Sure, that Mitsujin seemed strong, but not so much?

"Oh. An examination of the regiment says Lord Lynn is a Raven. Exactly, brave warrior, who does not speak much.

And silver armor with golden hair is Lord Elias Neumann, the father of Lord Iris, the most powerful swordsman in the empire. I checked and found out that Lord Neumann has been entrusted with the leadership of the Empire since his first formation, which was fifteen years old.

And the great swordsman, the son of his left and nearest stepson, Hyogo Yanagishi. The strength said that Changheng was equivalent or more. "

When everyone could not hide their surprises in the words of the letter, Kofi Shosho coughed once and questioned the letter.

"Well, I see you say this is the measure of the inner house. So, what do we do now?

And when he heard the words of praise, and drew everyone's attention to them, he answered them with pleasure.

"For the past month or more, I've been fighting left-hand people, but left-hand people are after something. And here I dare to take a bad hand and invite someone.

Then let's not get on the left hand side, but surprise the left side with further bad hands. When the Allied forces arrive at Mount Wife and Girl, they will cross in front of the enemy and enter the castle of Haijin… Now we will try the left-hand side. "

Everyone said something even more astonishing about the words of the syllabus, when they tried to raise their voices "unbelievable" and "suicide."

"In addition, as we march, let's say that a certain person goes to the sight of the Allied forces, invokes the left-hand proximity, and immediately meets to find out if he's really lost his temper."

"No! Brother, you're going to die!

Everyone nodded at Chang-hyu's words, and Shinnon smiled.

"It's Tokujiro. You think Left Near is the little guy with the ass hole who's doing that to you?

This is a fabric stone... if the eagle does that, he will necessarily stick to the left and come towards us cutting ahead. It is true that the General will rise in morale to fight off the lead, but if it is taken over, the coalition will collapse in an instant.

That's what I'm after. I think it's worth it. "

"No, but. At least just the soldiers of the escort..."

So it was when Nagai, the elder of Kofisho, said. And Shinagami, who had remained silent until now, stood up, and put his strength into his trembling arms, and said,

"I'll take care of Yuanta's escort."

"My lord!"

I was astonished by the words of Shinano, even by the words of Shinano, but Shinano shook his trembling feet and said:

"I trust Yuanta more than anyone. The source says it's going to be okay.

I haven't even greeted Uchi yet... and I thought you might like to wear it for once. "

Nobunaga, who had never said a word like that before, smiled and told Nobunaga that it was funny when everyone could not have predicted but just opened their mouth.

"My lord, you must not lose to the left. Let's wear it so close to the left we'll regret it."

In response to the laughter of the syllabus that said so, Shinano Shosho was also tight, but he was responding with a grin.

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