Another Life

Battle of Kanakajima 2

The fog was completely clear, in the clear Hachihara, the Allied forces and Shinano, Kofi's East Army, who bumped into each other in the same formation directly from the front, were in a fierce death fight. It was raining until last night, and the ground was soaked, but the soaked earth was covered with corpses, and the reservoir was stained red with blood.

Confirming such a battlefield with Skills of the Heavenly Eye, he could see about two thousand soldiers moving straight in the direction of the Left Nears, who were forming in front of the enemy's main battlefield faster than this one moved.

Yuen Fat! You were still thinking the same thing!

With that in mind, the left proximity, which I regretted slightly for moving Elias' troops, zoomed in and confirmed the troops coming toward me, and the horseback riding squad was coming in three rows, followed by infantry such as long spears and archers behind it.

This is a speed-oriented maneuver, just like the nearest left, and it was when Bash and the others tried to order him to "set up a squad," and the nearest left felt a strange change in the troops coming towards him.

He barely penetrates me with a formation of sharp arrows that are holding formation. But the breakdown of that front row was that the lead was organized in three rows of horseback riding squads, the first wave being a regular horseback riding squad, while the third wave had many witches on horses, and what the second wave of horseback riding squads in the middle of it was clearly an iron cannon.

This is a riding assault!? Got hit!

Though it was close to the left, which I was not expecting to regret, this was impossible.

In this formation of enemies, artillery and bows and arrows are prevented by a magic barrier, and even if they are combined, a collision of horseback squads arrives and the front collapses where the formation is broken by simultaneous shooting of artillery. That's why no magic bullets were brought to the left in relation to the use of Skill's Heavenly Eye, and for this reason, they used fog to ambush.

Besides, in order to intercept with the troops of Zanosuke, the use of demon bullets may also cause damage to the allies, so the left-hand side did not bring demon bullets into this battle, which is why it appeared on the back here.

What do we do? What do we do? With Chloe's magic, do you want to build walls like you did in the Uji River?

... No, the other person is Yuanta. Think about it too, the front row should have a line of people with weapons with the skills inside them. So, what do we do... yes!

Near left, he asked Chloe a question, thinking calmly, even though he checked with the skill of the celestial eye.

"Chloe! In the Battle of Fort Alm, Cecily was doing, can you get the magic out of the ground toge! If I can get it out, how far ahead can I get it out!

"It's not ice, but I can get it out! The distance is up to 300 meters square!

That's critical. But with this, you can attack without worrying about the magic barrier!

"Chloe! Enemy troops are approaching this way! Along with my signal, let that magic out!

Bastards! At the beginning, there are cavalry with cannons like dragon cavalry, so with Chloe's magic, we'll slash them the moment we stop the enemy!

If I fall, there's nothing wrong with me! Keep going, go for the enemy's main line! Think only of the enemy general's neck!


The bashes who cried out, Millia's horseback squad came to the head and waited for the signal near the left.

And in that tension, the left and the near, he went next to the orchid, and whispered,

"Orchid. You stay here and ask for Saji and Claudio, the Archbishops. On the battlefield, no matter how rearward, I'm afraid of stray bullets... your magic barrier, protect both little bitches, and if you have a problem, escape the battlefield with Lin's space transfer"

The word near left was as if to go to death, and when the orchid was astonished, the near left replied with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm not going to die yet. But sometimes I say just in case... please.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Keep in touch with the other East Army lookouts that Pandora said I'd take care of it. Zonosuke's unit will issue an attack order as soon as we engage. "

And it was an orchid that said unto the word near the left, Take me, and say, But when he bite his lip with regret, he saluted and said unto the near left.

"Okay. In the rear, I'll take care of it… be thoughtful and rampant"

"Oh, I asked for it."

With that said, the near left face moving forward the horse had become the face of the warrior heading to the dead, and the hindsight was intensely burned to the young hearts of Sachi and Claudio.


It was a syllabus headed toward the main unit near the left, but when the main unit near the left was seen, the syllabus was astonished and almost stopped the horse by accident.

You know we're on our way. But the left-hand side was not at the forefront of the battalion, but waiting for the Synopsis.

With the family crest of the three cedars in the circle, the horse mark near the left, and the many flags bearing the divine symbol of the Great Bodhisattva and the Goddess of the Ghost Mother God Ten Ladies, the figure of armor worn at the time of the nearest left Sekigahara, sometimes on the blue leaves, was very graceful and dignified, something that everyone would see, but the syllabus, just below it, discovered the figure of Chloe laying her hands on the ground.

That, Lord Meissner... sure, Lord Meissner was a Raven! Shit, magic's coming!

That is what I thought, and it was the syllabus that tried to give instructions for the magic barrier, but at the next moment, a large lizard, called several large spikes, came out of the ground, and those who hit that spike, and those who skewered with the horse, and only the horse, skewered, fell as-is and skewered on the ground. The syllable was skewered by the horse on board, and as its momentum stood, when it was thrown forward, it fell between the togues and gained nothing, but it was just next to the syllable that the sound of an artillery burst was heard around it.

You hit him hard in the back, or he accidentally had a painful look on his face, sitting on the spot, but hearing a close left voice in the ear of the syllable holding his back.

"Kick it! Step on it!

Soon the spike disappeared as the earthquake, with the sound of a horse's hoof, the left proximity led the horseback riding squad of the Nassau defense team behind him, appeared in the eyes of the syllable from among the great spikes.

They'll kill you!

A young samurai voice was heard from behind it, when a letter of death appeared behind the brain of the Synod.

"Dear Hall!

To that voice, the syllabus that looked behind him saw a young samurai holding a bow, smiling unexpectedly, and seeing the near left coming towards him.

The left-hand side riding blue leaf that runs the lead, either because it is Slapenil or because, unlike other horses, its speed was also different and it was out a while ago. When innumerable spikes disappeared in the near-left eye rushing through the battlefield with one hand the spear, he saw the syllabus that had fallen at the beginning.

That's Yuanta! At least let me take it from you with my hands!

And so he put up his spear, and ran straight in the direction of the synagogue, and ran the green leaves.

Near left, I had no choice but to say that I would crush the syllabus with blue leaves. It was kindness near the left, telling me to end it all with my own spear, because I was a friend, but as I approached it, I noticed the look on the face of the Synod with a grin.

And the next moment I saw the part behind me, the part above the bow, called bird striking, when the syllable moved my head slightly to the side, from there a single bow and arrow flew in momentum toward the near left.

"You little piece of shit!

He shouted unexpectedly, and at the speed of the bow and arrow, and at the speed of the running of the blue leaves, the bow and arrow of a speed that an ordinary man would not be able to react to, when the left proximity was gently swept away with a spear, in the exact same orbit behind that bow and arrow, another bow and arrow was flying, hidden in the first one, and he could not see.

Yabba! Time Actor!

It was near left, which stopped time in a hurry, but it was a little late. It was at the moment when the bow and arrow pierced the right eye near the left and clenched the bow and arrow by accident that time moved out.

The sudden movement caused the left proximity to lose balance and fall backwards from the blue leaves.


And it came to pass, when everyone shouted, that the left-hand man arose and shouted.

"Don't worry! Do your part!

To the words, Miriams stopped the horses for a moment, but it was when they ran again, and the left-hand side shook the spear as a bun, aiming at the synagogue, and slammed down the bow and arrow that flew from behind the left-hand side.

In the eyes of the syllable, surprised to see the sight, was Chloe, who mounted a bow and arrow on a horse, from behind near the left. Knowing it, the left hand side said, looking at the syllabus.

"Chloe! Yuanta, it's my prey, stay out of my way!


"But no shit either! This is not gonna get in the scratch!

It was the moment he said so, when the left proximity grabbed the bow and arrow that pierced his right eye, he pulled it out with his eyeballs on, took his face and ate his eyeballs, and smiled like he was attached to madness.

Bash and Mardi, who came to be surprised and worried by the shocking sight, without regard to the enemy allies, also said, without hiding their surprises, that the proximity left pointed the spear toward the syllabus.

"Gradually, my body warmed up. Yuanta, stand up... I'll kill you."

In the words of the near left, as if to see a demon king or a monster in the near left, the servant of Yuantai's subordinate was a look of terror, and the syllable that saw it rose up with dust, and said plainly.

"Are you General Wei's Xia Hui? But let's fight with those eyes... don't bullshit Maida!

"Asshole. This is just the right thing to do... with Sanoshita around here, let's deal with him. Come on."

With that said, when the left proximity put a spear on his shoulder and moved his fingers quickly to provoke him, the soldiers under the Synod, fear and anger combined, did not wait for the Synod's decree, but killed him left proximity. In a hurry, the messengers went to war with Bash and Chloe covering the left and the others, and the messengers disappeared into it.


Not long before that, Changhui's troops, who defeated Xuanton, still had to shoot through the rest of Sakuma's squad. However, this was impossible, and Chang Hui's troops continued to fight on the front line from the beginning of the war, with a tremendous rate of wear and tear, and more than half of the casualties of the war, and his army had already cut by a thousand.

And the fatigue of the soldiers had reached its peak, and the bows and arrows had already been exhausted, usually retreating, resting the supplies and the soldier horses, but there were circumstances that Changhui could not retreat. The cause is the strength of the coalition forces.

Allied soldiers are a standing army and a group of professional military personnel who have been working out for the war from day to day. In contrast, Shinano, Kofi's coalition soldiers were mostly conscripted peasants, so Changhui had formed his own troops, mostly professional soldiers, who were samurai, to counter the coalition forces.

In other words, we thought that by increasing the percentage of samurai in Changhui's troops, we would be rolled back in an instant if we retreated here because we had reduced the percentage of samurai in other troops.

That said, it was a lie to the boulder, this time in a series of wars, to say that he was not tired, and Chang Hui himself, and the figurine, managed to support his body with a spear, wiping the blood bleeding from being beaten with a golden rod in the Xuan Dynasty many times from under his worn helmet.

Is your brother here yet? Is the signal of total offense still out?

Waiting for the sound of the phallic shells, the signal of the total attack, it was when Changhui looked up at the skies where the fog was completely clear and wondered if he was going to die here, when the gunfire rang, the soldiers on Changhui's left wing collapsed with a bump.

At a time like this, he said it was enemy reinforcements again!?

Unexpectedly, he looked in the direction of the left wing, and in the eyes of Changhui, surrounded by despair, he saw a large Knights of Saint Guidance regiment flag, painted with the sun and sword.

Is that, no way!?

It was at that moment that Chang-hyu thought so, that the sound of a louder phallic shell at the rear surrounded the battlefield surrounded by despair.

"Huh...... huhahaha! We won this fight! My brother's on the move!

Its changhui voice and the sound of the phallic shells restore strength and momentum to the eyes of the soldiers who were tired. And when he saw the rushing Elias, he took over Chang Hui's onslaught and Gendai, who was famous among the former Left Kingsguard, as a rampaged martial artist with Left Kingsguard, and destroyed the Tsukawa Squad he was leading, and Sakuma Squad breathed back once and for all when he was ready to go so far.

Because we saw hope for victory in each other, or more than ever before, the battle grew more intense, in which Changhui discovered Elias on a white horse, chopping down and slashing spear squads.

That, indeed, Lord Neumann!

Like a carnivore who had discovered his prey, Changhui, licking his lips and approaching in sullen and turmoil for Elias, speared Elias, slashing the soldier on the right from the left side of Elias, the blind spot.

But Elias is also a warrior who has survived many wars. Since the battle of the continent was a turmoil with no formation or anything, Elias survived it by knocking Chang Hui's spear behind his torso, and further down and back spinning the spear protruding from the other side.

Chang Hui was astonished by his magnificent figure, but he further protrudes his spear toward Elias. Elias grabbed the collar of an enemy soldier who was fighting a knight on his left to prevent Chang-hye's spear like a shield, while sticking a knife out of the shadow of the soldier.

Chang Hui, panicking at Elias' movements, moved to the side and flexed at the same time, as he left the spear to the side, and Elias guarded Chang Hui's spear pattern with his arm and withstood.

The boulder is said to be the most powerful man in the empire. No way, take the eagle spear!

Are you glad you received your spear? When Chang Hui smiled, Elias carried out several heavy slaughters from it.

Continuous attacks in the nostalgia were bad minutes for Changhui the spear on the boulder and when he was on the defensive side, soldiers from his allies stuck out the spear from the side of Elias in order to protect Changhui. But Elias knew it, and when he grabbed the spear without difficulty, he used his power to draw the spear, and jumped into the pocket of the protruding enemy soldier, and stuck a knife in his eyes.

Surprised by the unexpected beast-like movement, Changhui shouted at the soldiers on his side with a spear pointed at Elias.

"As it is, the damage will be greater! Don't let anyone get their hands on you, leave it to me!

Chang Hui's instructions were accurate. Such a riot is a complete mound of Elias, and rather than causing more damage in the opponent's best circumstances, he says he will settle for a ride and open up this situation.

But Elias saw Chang-hyu's movements from earlier, and did not insult him. Did you think the same thing as Chang Hui, when you gave a signal to the knight under your command, you put the knife on your shoulder as if writing a circle, walked slowly around Chang Hui and said in Ruthai.

"Do you want to settle for a ride... that's exactly the flower of the battle. I'm Brigadier General Elias Neumann, head of the Knights of the Holy Order."

As if to accompany Elias' movements, Chang Hui also turned around, looking to Elias in the front, and answered.

"Again, was it? My name is Tokijiro Maida Changhui.

With the look I had heard from my brother and his strength, I knew right away. If we win, we will give Lord Neumann the spear we received from this close left. "

"Well, I didn't know it was a gift from His Majesty. So, if you beat me, I will give you this village masaki, which His Majesty Sakura has always used since his mercenary days."

Chang Hui, who smiled unexpectedly at Elias' words, did not defy Elias and his gaze as he was, when Elias stopped moving, towards Elias' chest, Chang Hui unleashed a thrust. The thrust, very sharp and fastest than ever, was the best blow to Chang Hui.

Elias swung his sword up from the bottom so that he could play the spear, but Chang Hui's spear still didn't change its orbit, and he flew towards Elias.


Elias thought he had accidentally struck his tongue and defeated his body backwards with a piece of paper, but his armor slashed and a hot pain ran in his belly.

Slashed!? No, the wound is shallow, it's still fine.

With that in mind, Elias rose up spinning, looking at Ji Changhui with a frontal eye structure, and a cold sweat poured down Elias' cheek.

This man...... strong with no complaints. The spear is fast and heavy...... I would have to use my wife's hand, but will my, that look follow me?

With that in mind, it was Elias who was alert to Changhui, but as if he had seen such a lost heart, Changhui came again with a spear thrust.

Unexpectedly, it was Elias who escaped Chang Hui's intermission, but Chang Hui took one more step and slashed Elias from the bottom to the reverse slaughter.

As it stood, it was Elias who took another step back and tried to escape in time, but as the torso of his armor slashed and the pain ran from his belly to his chest, he also ran on his left shoulder, and Elias' eyes saw the spear of Chang-hyu, who was stopping on his way, slashing up the spear from his side.

To Elias, who accidentally drew blood, Changhui laughed and roared, while slashing up the spear and amputating Elias' left arm, he saw his left arm dancing through the universe in Elias' sight, with a splashing splash of his own blood.

Damn it! You knew you weren't the one who hesitated and could win!

It was with regret that Changhui turned his spear to Elias, who wrapped Elias and held down the slashed wound as the knights of his allies screamed unexpectedly.

"With that wound, if we don't hurry, we can't help you. Surrender, Lord Neumann."

And Elias glanced at Chang-hye's words, saying,

"To the Knights of the Holy Guidance! No letter of retreat! Everybody, fight even when you're the last one!

With that said, it was time to be aroused by Elias pointing the sword, or the fighting around him grew more intense, and Chang-hye shook his head unfortunately and groaned, "Oh my God, silly," and shook off the spear, Elias groaned Boso.

"Berserk Mode"

Everyone thought that Elias had been swallowed up by Chang Hui's spear and his body had been turned into two pieces, but Elias had at some point come forward and prevented the pattern of the spear with a sword. The figure of Elias in the eyes of the astonishing Changhui was not that of the previous Yu man, his eyes were glowing red, the fangs of the beast were appearing, his skin had blood vessels surfacing, and at some point, the bleeding of the missing left arm had stopped.

Like so many changes, when Changhui was surprised, Elias jumped back and at the same time, as if feathering from an egg, when he took off his broken armor, he took the pink black feathers out of his back and flew countless wings to Changhui. As Chang Hui protected his face, he prevented his wings with both arms, penetrating his armor, and his wings pierced his body.

When a severe pain ran all over Chang Hui, who tried to say "this kind of thing," as if he had been stabbed by a bee, Elias had stuffed his time in an instant as it was.

It was Changhui sticking out his spear in the dust, but Elias plays with a knife, spinning as he is and comes into his nostalgia. But did Chang-hye perceive it as dangerous by instinct, pulling out the sword and slashing up Elias' feathers?

When Elias and Changhui, who entered the nostalgia, stopped the movement, the left feather of Botri and Elias fell, but the right feather was eating in, as if it had stopped in the spine, to the middle of Changhui's chest. By slashing his lungs, Elias pursues Changhui, who spits more black blood from his mouth.

When he spun into power and was forced to sever Changhui, he stuck his knife in Changhui's throat, which collapsed as it was. Sakuma shouted at the method of attack not conceivable in common sense and its appearance that the people of the continental system had stopped unexpectedly, not only under Chang Hui's command, but that Elias still thought that this appearance should not have been seen, and looked down with a complicated face.

"Was Brigadier General Neumann a Buddhist clan! This fight is as good as winning!

I can't help but tell you that there is a clan with the power of Buddha somewhere in the world that remains as a legend only in Sakuma's house and certain houses. See, you had fangs, just like the Unknown King, in that evidence, and you had an incredible power!

A Luthai soldier said to Sakuma that he was at war, but everyone was looking at each other.

"Speaking of which, even though you are usually a good person to die for, it only seems that people have changed during the war..."

"That's right, tough on the devil's brakes, and kind to the others. Isn't it true what the Major said?

Encouraged by the words of a Luthai soldier who said so, or by a knight who would be from the Empire.

"Yes, when the captain was in the empire, he was not defeated by the Kingdom of Salz. But since the traitor Lewis fell captain, the captain went to the Luthai Empire and the empire lost to the Luthai Empire... isn't the captain proof that he's a descendant of God?

And the voice that saith was Elias, who came out of every place, and was astonished: but Sakuma said with a loud voice all the time here.

"If the Brigadier General is a descendant of God, we are a legion of God! You have nothing to fear, crush the enemy in front of you! Our enemy is the enemy of God!


Elias said, surprised by the effect of Sakuma's words as he returned to his original appearance, that during the coming Sakuma, blood was spilling out again, holding down the missing left arm part.

"Major... aren't you afraid of what I look like?

In the words of Elias, Sakuma said to Elias with a more narrow smile.

"You're not scared at all. The Brigadier General is the Brigadier General… that won't change.

Besides, look, morale like you can break through this heaven. This is because Brigadier General's previous conduct has been good.

Still, shouldn't you do something about that wound? Let's get a medic. Hygienist!

My lord, leave the rest to me, and treat me slowly. "

Sakuma said so, bowing his head and heading to the battlefield, a health guard rushed in from the rear to stop Elias' bleeding, but the male health guard questioned Elias.

"My lord, do you know where the slashed left arm went?

With that word, Elias looked around, but everywhere could be full of corpses, not knowing which was his left arm.

"Excuse me. I think I have to look... I don't know. Won't it heal?

And the man of the health guard said unto Elias, in regret.

"I'm sorry to bother you. As soon as it's been slashed, you can magically connect it, but if you don't have an arm, there's nothing you can do... and after too much time, your arm will rot and there's nothing you can do."

The word was the same as the death sentence for Elias. To say that your left arm is gone is because you can't even fight on horseback on the battlefield.

With that in mind, Elias kept his mouth shut and stopped saying anything, and when the first aid was finished, he went after Sakuma without even asking him to stop the health guards.


Around that time, the left-hand side, in a turmoil in which enemy allies crossed, was fighting in a turmoil, with a spear in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, making full use of the skills he had. Every time you slash a knife, a knife, and an enemy soldier, you get better from the onslaught of a number of soldiers. Its destructive power was such that one person was likely to destroy his enemies.

But it is also surprising that the work of the Nassau Guards also troubled the heads of the Synopsis. The Nassau defensemen, including Chloe, never step forward, as the left-hand proximity is easy to fight, and the Mardi Archers attack those who aim with artillery and bows and arrows aimed at the left-hand proximity, and Chloe reduces the number of magic barriers by surely attacking the witch from the gap of the witch's magic barrier.

And as if to protect Chloe and Mardi, before that, the Bashes and the Spear Squad will be blocked like jetties and will not attack. On the contrary, the scales of Bashes and Sand Lizardman and others, which are at the heart of the Spear Squad, were very stiff, those who never retreated unless they lost consciousness, whether they speared through a gap in armor, stopped at that scale, and stabbed with a spear with the skills of their midst.

Its indomitable fighting spirit became contagious to the soldiers of other humans and beasts, who were fighting until they were all incapable of moving.

This stream is a mess. With the horseback cavalry force we passed earlier, we won't be able to drop the main battalion, but as it is, it will be breached near left.

That way, no one else can handle it near left. But even if I leave here, Lord Meissner will give me one hell of a ride?

Lord Meissner's bow arm would surely hit the target in any condition… here, try to trust his proximal left character.

With that in mind, the Synopsis saw the circle of allies that had not already been slashed near the left by far winding, before the overwhelming power of the near left.

"Come on, what is a Maida soldier, a bunch of cowards? What's the matter, call me!

And it came to pass, from among the soldiers, that the left-hand side, who was somewhat reminded of the enemy soldiers that were going far away, came forth with spears.

"Finally, has fate come out? I was wondering if you'd come out in hiding."

With that said, looking back from among the bashes, he glanced at Chloe, who was aiming for the syllabus, left to left, and he bowed and arrowed, and the syllabus, who was looking at it, stroked down his heart and chest, saying it was helpful, and commanded his allies.

"I'll take care of this. If you're dealing with such a monster, the damage on this side will be enormous and you'll lose."

Can you see how sorry I am that I was stuck with reality in the syllabus? When the syllabus slammed the soldier's shoulder with a pomp, I looked closer to my left, and said with a smile.

"A ride between the generals... is this the flower of the battle? Good. Let's deal with them."

And when he had delivered the sword, he laid down his hips with his spear toward the syllable.

Seeing that appearance, Shinjitsu wondered whether the left-hand side was licking himself, but seeing the serious look of the left-hand side, the idea immediately blew away.

Really, that knife is only used in a riot fight... is that to say that you are seriously going to start taking a ride?

Whether the idea of left-hand proximity had been conveyed, Shinjitsu smiled and speared toward left-hand proximity.

... source fat, seriously, there's no gap. Without the skills of this world, it would be more than just me and each other.

But the battlefield isn't just about the right wing, either, because my father-in-law, the superior, headed for reinforcements, and the left wing is on offense, and Miriam is approaching the enemy's headquarters. Zanosuke is also close behind enemy headquarters, and the timing is perfect.

I got this fight... but what will I do with Yuanta...

Left and near were confronted with the Synopsis, yet watching the entire battlefield with the celestial eye of skill, convinced of the victory of this battle. But when he was sure, he wondered whether it was really good to kill his friend's letter.

And he said unto the left only one word, that he might see such error.


At the same time he said so, it was a syllabus that protruded a sharp protrusion towards the left and near, but when he instinctively turned the syllabus's spear orbit upwards with a spear sickle, he crawled along the syllabus's spear pattern as it were.

As it was, the syllabus I felt would be slashed in the arm was, "Hmm! And he said," I will grind away the spear beside him, and I will play the spear near my left. The left-hand side, who lost power to the Synod, stared at the Synod in astonishment.

After all, couldn't you have won without killing Yuanta? If you do that halfway, it will kill you the other way around...

I think so. The syllabus saw a red orbit in the blind right eye of the left, which rewarded the attack flying from the right in the dark, although the spear slashed the sky once swinging to the left.

Unexpectedly, a spear pattern of the Shinjitsu flew into the left arm, guarding it with the right arm, and a severe pain ran on the left arm.

Instead of the normal wooden pattern, the unique heavy impact of the iron pattern ran to the nearest left body, and when the nearest left unwittingly curled, the syllabus, from the right side, which is just the blind spot here, swept away with the spear's tip.

"Yuanta! Don't lick it!"

That said, the proximity left tapped off the tip of the syllabus, while using recoil to head to the syllabus and shove off the spear.

The Synopsis, when he accidentally retreated back and escaped from the near left intermission, changed the trajectory of the near left spear and came to poke the Torso of the Synopsis. In a hurry, with his own spear pattern, he altered the orbit of the spear near the left, but the next part behind the pattern, called the spear stone poke, was swept away towards the syllabus.

And when Shinjitsu retreated behind him, the left proximity changed its course and unleashed a thrust. However, even if the syllabus is re-orbited with more spears, the spears are again swept close to the left.

Next, when the spear pattern prevents the spear near the left, with its recoil, the stone poke of the spear is snapped away from the other side, and when it flies away, the poke flies. As if it were an endless permanent institution, the Shinjitsu retreated in a hurry to repeated successive attacks, but there was no way to escape the near-left attack.

In the battle on the other side of the battle, Shinjitsu retreated without even finding a way to open it, causing his legs to fall on the bodies of his falling allies and fall straight behind him.

It was when everyone thought the syllabus had lost to the left and near. With a grin that he had won, it was when the left proximity tried to stick a spear to the body of the Synod, the Synod was attached to the lower back part of the bandage, and when he took the colt out of the small magic bag, he fired three bullets towards the left proximity.

If it was the previous red armor, the bullet could have been prevented. However, because the left proximity at this time was not a red armor, but a normal armor, one shot hit the left thigh of the left proximity, the other hit the left shoulder of the left proximity, and the last shot came off behind the left proximity cheek, and the left proximity retracted with a yoke, putting one knee on the ground, but stabbed the spear to the ground to prevent it from falling.

"I didn't know you were going to settle this... sorry, near left"

With that said, I heard the screaming of Chloe in the ear of the syllable that stood up with the gunshot pointed at it, and I tightened its heart, but the proximity to the left, he stood up slowly as it was.

"Source Tai for what you say. Attacks from the enemy's unexpected are the basis of tactics… I can't blame you.

Besides, I kept fighting even after eating a bunch of bullets in Sekigahara, near the left of the ghost. With only two shots, you think you're gonna get screwed?

Even at this time, even though Shinjitsu was about to cry, he said with his gun pointed at him, to the left and near words that did not blame him.

"Near left. Surrender. As long as you live, you can fight me again... please"

To the heartfelt words of the Synod, the left and near answered with a smile like a devil, even as he bled.

"Too bad I haven't given up the fight yet. Chloe! If I get my hands on you, I'll resent you for the rest of my life!

The left-hand word, which would be a full-blown creation, clearly sounds strong. But I also knew painfully in the syllabus that the proximity left at a time like this was a character that I didn't know existed.

We said to each other, disgraced ourselves for pulling out the colt even though it was a single ride with a spear, and the Synod nearly cried with a trembling lip bite.

"... too bad. I didn't want this kind of settlement."

That being said, it was the moment when the Synopsis tried to shoot. Near left used his skills and stopped time.

At the next moment, in the time it was stopped, the time it was stopped moved, when the left proximity approached the syllabus with the spear placed and the Colt's safety device put in and put the arm lock on while the right arm was standing.

As if it were an instantaneous move, near the left that came before me, the syllabus is astonished, but the finger on the trigger does not even move with Pickle because the safety device is working. The syllable was when the balance broke behind him with his right arm resting on him, when the left proximity put his right foot behind the foot of the syllable and defeated the syllable backwards.

The unexpected body surgery took me further in pursuit of the syllabus that fell off my back without being able to receive it. Near left, on the syllable of falling, falling like a stream, he put his elbow on his face with his arm locked on.

Even with his face on, the impact was transmitted as if he had been beaten with a blunt instrument in his face, and when his eyes were tickled, the left proximity, as it were, crouched on the syllabus and in a clean mounted position, did not hesitate to put his fist into the syllabus many times.

Every time I take a shot, the blood is coming out of my left shoulder, but I still don't stop beating him over the face. No one can stop the unexpected sight, and the syllabus loses consciousness and becomes immobile.

However, a voice was heard here stopping near the left.

"Retreat! Retreat! Go on, Master Kofi!

To that voice, when the left hand side stopped beating perfectly, he heard an unexpected voice from the direction of the enemy's main formation.

"Nobunaga Takahashi took over Nagaoka-zonosuke!

And the soldiers, when they found out that the general had been taken away, said that everyone was looking at each other, and the left-hand man stood up with Yurali.

"Whoever wants to fight yet, even though the Admiral has been usurped, call! Now, I will allow you to surrender... or anyone else will rust your sword at any time!

That said, look at the near left pulling out the knife, no matter how, this man can't be killed. When soldiers who thought they would be subjected to unilateral massacres showed their willingness to surrender, those in the Nassau Defense Corps handily recovered the surrenderer's weapons and went.

As one soldier after the other abandoned his weapon, Chloe ran in tears and hugged him to the left and the left and the left and the left smiled gently and stroked Chloe's head and said:

"I'm sorry... I was worried"

"It's fine! As long as you're alive, it's fine!

To the sight, he said to the woman of the health guard's elf, staring at her with a seemingly intricate face, while holding Chloe in his arms, apologizing for her left proximity.

"Excuse me, would you look at Yuanta before I do? I got cut up and hit him for real again and again."

Near left, to exact words, the health guard also acknowledged with a seemingly complicated face, confirming the state of the syllabus, and near left borrowed Chloe's shoulder to come close and ask questions.

"What do you say, alive?

"The various areas around his face, where His Majesty beat him, are fractured, but he manages to live... what do you do?

It was a question of whether to kill as it were, but the left hand side answered looking at the syllabus with a gentle face.

"Damn, he's more than a cockroach. Let's say we put him in Lake City jail for a space transfer and ask His Majesty Nina to treat him. And then my right eye, I'll ask for it."

To the left-hand side, the health guard woman said to the left-hand side with an unfortunate face.

"Your Majesty... Sincerely, I wonder if I can say that even His Majesty Nina will undo what she has lost..."

"... seriously?


When a strange silence flowed into the unthinkable word, Chloe slapped his left hand on his head and said, frightened.

"At all, don't think about it later, because I'm going to do this! I'm really scared... I'll make my eyelids next time"

... Is that it? Wasn't Chloe's hobby quite a girl's hobby?

"I appreciate that, but... stop it, Hartmark, or Pink."

"It's okay. I'll embroider a pretty cat painting."

"... no, that's all, seriously, stop"

"I don't like it. It's cute, isn't it? Anyway, why don't His Majesty do some first aid, restructure the army, and then head to Kaizu Castle?"

Cat embroidery is definite...

The left-hand side, who thought so, when they had completed the first steps, saved the lives of all those who had surrendered and assembled their troops before heading to Kaizu Castle.

The battle, later called the Battle of Kawanakajima, which began around 6 o'clock at dawn on this day, during just three hours until 9 o'clock in the morning, when the battle was over, the number of casualties of the war alone, about four thousand for the coalition forces, and about five thousand for Kofi and Shinano troops, and the vast number of casualties of the war totaling nine thousand, the Emperor of the Luthai Empire during breakfast, who had heard the report, had accidentally dropped chopsticks, shed tears, said nothing, just solidified, and even the Kanbai western gardens who were there, had lost their words.

Later, Mark Mesto, who was serving in this battle, wrote the only words in a diary called the Bible, which the historical popes of the Northern Church also wrote down [Hell, it was only in this world that existed], telling the story of how the battle was an extraordinary event.

And against the backdrop of the mountain of corpses that would fill the Hachihara, the leftists besieged the castle of Haitsu, where a thousand of Alexia and the old women and children of the peasants stood.

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