Another Life

Under water

When the nearest left was going to God, the woman stood in the invisible alley of downtown Salem, the sanctuary of the Northern Church, where the sun was completely set and enclosed in darkness. Hair color is a beautiful chestnut color, bob cut. The outfit was dressed in the mourning of a modern adult man, with eyes that scorned everything somewhere. It is Skuld, the Valkyrian of the Reaper who specializes in seeing the future.

She looked at the boulevard with a caged eye of hatred, and from both pockets of that jacket she took out two black rats.

"Now give him the punishment of God, with these rotten monkeys."

Having said that, Scrood slowly lowered the rat to the ground, as if the rat could understand Scrood's words, and disappeared.

He watched it satisfactorily, but once he stretched out his body and stood up, he said without even turning around.

"Lars. I know you're here... No, should I say Teresa?

Theresa, who had disappeared until now, questioned Skuld with cold eyes when she appeared behind him.

"After all, it's hard for you to know the future. So you know what I'm gonna ask you next?

Scrood, grinning uncomfortably at Theresa's words, looked back and said to Theresa.

"Oh. You, like that Sakura, said to me," An enemy? Are you on my side? "You just ask? My answer is neither.

If we interrupt God's wishes, we will be enemies, and if we do not interrupt, we will not be enemies... but we will not be able to do so. "

And when Teresa put her fist into the words of Scrood, Scrood said, bewildered.

"Soon, that's what makes you so hot, that's your bad. I told you. You just have to stay out of the way.

And didn't Valeo tell you to look into this Salem in secret? If we fight here, it will matter even if we don't like it. I don't care. "

Damn! I regret it, but Skuld is right.

With that in mind, Theresa stared at Skuld and questioned him, even as she invested in her fist.

"Okay, let's hear it. Why did you show Lord Sakura the future?

Scrood answered Teresa's question, which should also be called a direct ball.

"You think I'd answer honestly if I asked you a question on a straight ball like that? Use your head a little more, Lars... well, it's an old favor, I'll give you an answer.

As it were, I couldn't defeat God's enemies, saying Purvel in this world or anything. I just fixed it... and our new king was never born. "

"The king? I, the king of the reapers of this world, was nominated by God. What does that have to do with me becoming king?

"What are you talking about? You're going to be human like this... what I'm saying is after that.

It would be better for you to become human from Reaper because you will destroy all your plans, and more apostles than this will have the effect of driving your plans crazy. "

King after me? I have no idea what that means... and you think they're gonna add more apostles?

In the sight of Theresa, who thought so, he looked back at Kurli, and said to Theresa, as he remembered something.

"Yes, as a celebration of Lars becoming king of Reapers, let me give you just two last pieces of information. I'm going to be very busy in the Reaper business.

What I let go of earlier is that in this world of connections, there are no hazy bears. Animals over there are becoming beastmen in this world, so in this world, where there are few natural enemies, rats literally increase to a rat formula.

Okay, here's the problem. Lars was in charge of Europe, the Middle East… 542, the 14th, the 17th and the 18th centuries were really busy.

At that time, a lot of people died and we were driven out to work, regardless of the department... "

And when he heard the word of Scrood, Theresa opened her eyes wide, and pointed at Scrood with her surprisingly trembling fingers, and said,

"No way... earlier rats were rats with pesto bacteria..."

For the first time, Skuld answered the words with his fingers raised with pleasure.

"Big right. Moreover, the excellent cocktail cocktailed by Scogle, only the rat grows only the fungus without dying, and stretches from a week to a month of latency. If this were to happen, there would be no mass death of rats just before the pandemic, just two, horribly more, and a long latency period, so it would be widespread... and it would be all over the world, too.

The hardest part was the place to release rats, but since many humans would come from afar here, it would be the most effective, 'Hildo told me. Oh, but don't worry, we haven't evolved enough to have an air infection yet. "

To the exact words of Scrood, Theresa put a blood vessel on her forehead, whether it was crisp or at an invisible rate, beating Scrood to death. But Skuld said to Teresa with a cold eye when he grabbed her arm without difficulty, simply moving his torso slightly.

"It's foolish of you to try to attack me, knowing everything you've said about what's going to happen. Well, no, the last one, besides me, you and Rand, there are five Valkyrians.

They're all angry... because Lars and Rand are the only ones who can't get back into the other world. Of course, I can't tell you who it is... but precisely, don't let them kill you the moment you become human.

Finally, let me show you the sights of the future, which I showed Sakura before. This is service. "

Having said that, Skuld, winking at Teresa, saw the sight of Sakichi and Left Near killing each other then in Teresa's eyes wrapped in light. Unexpectedly, seeing Teresa standing on the spot as a chill, Skuld disappeared as she was.

What's that? Lord Sakura and his son are fighting... that this is the future!?

That too, but earlier Skuld said that Valkyria was here for something else… Anyway, I have to go to Your Majesty for a report rather than a search for a rat who doesn't know where it disappeared!

Theresa, thinking so, returned her boisterous head and disappeared from the spot again.


Early the next morning, Pandora was in the southern White Turtle Pool, in a shaved village a little further south than the centre of Kujukurihama. Shirako Town, Chiba Prefecture, where it is now said, is a place with a fairly open view of the countryside and plains, with few modern private houses, little small villages, and no mountains as high as cheap houses.

Among them, as if they were snakes, the Pandoras, who were lined up in the immediate vicinity of the bending South White Turtle River over and over again, were engaged in military discussions.

Even when it comes to military discussions, the explanation for the operation within the left is that this man had already reached out to the Toda family, which is not just the Okubo family, but the Lower General Guardian.

When it came to the contents of the operation, it was an operation to tell the South Kanto army, assembled in Chiba Castle along Edo Bay, the Toda family residence castle in the lower general guardianship position, that the Okubo family, the upper general guardianship position, would send out information that it had been destroyed by the Hasha Knights, and that the Knights attacked and stunningly repelled Honna Castle, located about the center of the lower general, to divert false information that it had withdrawn to South White Turtle Ur.

Of course, Pandora's intelligence units were Koga people, experts in intelligence and sabotage work, so there was no problem with the work itself, such as false information, but more than half of the troops were ambushed in the surrounding woods, etc., leaving nearly 8,000 troops in their ranks, led by Shirley, and the troops with recruits at the center formed the core.

And according to the information, the enemy's strength gathered at Chiba Castle is more than 18,000 times that of Pandora and the others. Exactly, Pandora slammed the table and looked around and said, as the troop leaders had shown the difficulty of what the recruits would form the core, with only three thousand troops in the main unit.

"You guys, come on. Who are you worried about?

You think I'm gonna get killed every 18,000 years?

And the words of Pandora, when the captains looked down, said the same clan, Qingsheng, in haste.

"No, Pandora. I don't know how strong it is, but 18,000 for 3,000 won't do it."

From those who did not know about Pandora, it was normal, but Pandora glanced at him and said:

"Kiyomori, do you know how Raven is an extrajudicial person? It's Raven because no one can stop each and every one of us, even if we deal with tens of thousands of troops.

If you're free to kill anyone, I'll go to Edo Castle and kill you right now, just like I do walking in a deserted wilderness. Now the 80,000 troops of the Serenity Empire, just me and my sister, smashed in an instant...... but I won't do it.

I don't kill worthless people these days. But the bugs that come by, they have to trample... I hate bugs. "

Because of Pandora's confident expression, Qingsheng and the others, who felt the story was true, were surprised, and Yuanta came into the main formation and knelt down.

"I'll report you. A woman named Teresa Rossini, the exclusive brave man of the Bastrella kingdom, wishes the princess all the best."

Pandora put her arms together and sat back down to say that Pandora was surprised by the moms who understood at the Sage Society that she was the Reaper.

"All units, then, set up your positions as planned. Gentaro, bring Teresa."

"Ooh! You heard me, you guys! Shit, we gotta get to where we're supposed to be, or I'm gonna kick your ass!

So he was the governor who yelled and drove the others away, but he asked Pandora in a whisper.

"Princess, shall I join you?

"It's okay. There are testas and sonia here, and Shirley. You won't do anything weird.

Left inner. You get out of here, too. I'm paying people not to let anyone come. "

That being said, the left inner part also left reluctantly, but my mom was in a deep hurry because of Cain's strong impression, and lit the cigar to hide it.

Eventually, when Yuantaro brought Teresa to the main unit, where only Pandora and Shirley, Testa and Mom, saw Chirali and Shirley and was surprised.

Was it true that there were also apostles here... saying that they would have increased the apostles of Scrood?

With that in mind, Teresa looked at Chirali, Shirley and her mom as Yuantaro left, and Pandora understood or said to Teresa that she seemed to be having a hard time.

"These two are fine. I know what's behind it, and I know who you are."

To the words of Pandora, Teresa looked around and said, surprised.

"Fight... there's a lot of reapers around here. Then you can talk to the reapers around here and go home."

Pandora said the words of Teresa in dismay.

"What, because you're king of Reapers, you're here in the work of Reapers?

Theresa shook her head when Mama and Shirley were surprised by the keyword King of Reapers.

"No, no... Actually, when I came to see how Salem was doing yesterday, I witnessed that it wasn't going to spill. When I told His Majesty Valeo that, he also told Lord Sakura to tell him as he was.

So I went to Kaizu Castle, but Sakura ate two bullets, and he was unconscious with his right eye lost, and Lieutenant Colonel Meisner told me to tell Pandora. "

It was Teresa, who spoke lightly of things near left, but she said plainly whether Pandora cared or trusted things near left.

"That son of a bitch won't die like that. More to the princess of another country, if not the way she speaks to it, it's about the character of the Bastrella kingdom."

"... let's be careful. And to say that it would not go out of style, I met Skuld in the alley of Salem. So Skuld unleashed two rats and had a little conversation.

First of all, Skuld's unleashed rat is another world rat, not in this world, with a certain pathogen. The name of the pathogen is Pesto… also known as Black Death. "

For example, if Miles, Anne, and Weiwei had come, they would have known the seriousness and made a fuss, but even Pandora knew only limited things, and Teresa said as if everyone was a poker.

"Lord Sakura would have made a fuss, but he's kind of unresponsive. Well, to explain, there were times in the previous world when the disease was endemic... and we Reapers were very busy at that time.

At that time, it was about two-thirds of the population at the time, about 30 million people, who died in the area where I was in charge. And a virus was brought in with Valkyrian Scogle's hands on it. "

To Theresa's words, "Phew," Pandora answered disinterested, but where she was studying the world history of near-left memory, Pitali and her hands stopped, and when she looked at items such as textbooks, she said to Theresa that she noticed something.

"Rossini. There's no guarantee that Scrood won't spread pathogens to other cities after this infection is limited, is there?

This means that the flow of people and things stops because we don't know where the city will be infected. That means the economy will collapse. "

In Pandora's words, Teresa nodded as the other three were surprised to learn the seriousness of the matter.

"Exactly. Skuld is a Valkyrian who knows the future.

This is what His Majesty Valeo said, but that Scrood showed me where to release rats, the medium of Pesto's pathogen, as I would be noticed… this is a warning to me or Lord Sakura. "

"Why is your fucking father in there as well as yours?

Theresa answered Pandora's question, a little upset.

"This was stopped by Lord Sakura, but I think it may have something to do with the fact that Sakura and his son Sakichi showed the future of the two men in the office of His Majesty the Emperor of the Serenity Empire."

"... what future?

"I was also shown yesterday that Lord Sakura and Lord Sakichi had killed each other, and that Lord Fujiro and Lieutenant Colonel Meisner had already been killed by Lord Sakichi. And Skuld said he made a fix because he couldn't defeat Purvel as it was.

Skuld seems to be doing this for some purpose and trying to lead him to the future he wants. And they will take some approach to changing the future to Lord Sakura in the future.

Of course, if you say no... when you're like Salem, you're under silent threat. But maybe he's your messenger. "

So he said to Theresa, who saw Shirley, that Shirley was astonished, and Pandora also saw Shirley as a chill.

"How come it's apostolic only?

"The Apostle has more power than the normal to change his destiny. In other words, the Apostle has a strong influence on the future, and if it changes the future, it is quick and certain to move the Apostle.

Besides, Sakura may really move where he threatened, but your messenger is likely to succumb to blackmail compared to Sakura. If I were Scrood, I'd be the one looking for him. "

I thought Shirley was fooled by Theresa's words, but I thought what Theresa was saying was true, and without saying anything back, Pandora looked at Shirley as chilling and said to Theresa.

"Okay, let's hit some kind of hand on this one too. Did he say anything else?

"Otherwise, Skuld's purpose seems to be the birth of a new reaper king. He also said that I would be human and that a new king of Reapers would be born.

He also said it was God's will in another world. Finally, Valkyria said there were five others. "

"... Any idea?

"Not at all."

King of Reapers. Hey. Well, if Rossini becomes human, he will be absent from the king, so I know because someone has to be king of the reaper and lead the reaper.

But another divine intent... this is like a fight between gods. Well, on the other hand, if Purvel can kill me, it's fine, but I just want to avoid getting caught up in the gods' fight.

"Okay, when your father wakes up, I'll tell him from me. And what really sucks is that the Northern Church is a state religion, right? You should think of measures soon.

This person will also think about measures for new pesto, so if I can do new medications for the measures, I will flush them out to you. But don't expect too much. "

"Got it. Give Jack a little face, so give Jack a message if you need anything."

Theresa, who said so, when she disappeared from the spot, she said to Pandora, surprised that Shirley and Mom were indeed Theresa Reapers.

"Hey, princess. The new drug I was saying... can you arrange it so we can handle it?

That's right, Sonia, you're a merchant soul. Did you smell the gold?

Even so, Pandora said, bewildered.

"I guess you can't do that. Father would distribute it for free so anyone could get it.

I saw in your father's memory that what works is a drug called an antibiotic, similar to penicillin, but when you sell it to people with gold, most of the people die and become the land of the dead. And even if you treat them with medication, you'll die more than 10%.

Besides, you'd definitely be putting your hands on it, so if you could make it, you'd better feel lucky about it. More importantly, those who come from Salem must be isolated so that no one comes near them for about a month and, if they do, burn them alive on the spot. "

Everyone was surprised by the words, Shirley said with a complicated face.

"At least, not since you killed him, can't you?

"I can't. If you come close, you have too many chances of getting infected, and killing away with artillery is likely to be an infection from blood and body fluids. What is certain is that the infected will be disposed of and the package of the trade will prevent rats from entering, and their bodies will be cleaned.

More than that, Shirley... I'm sure Skuld will come after you. Can you promise not to deal with this alone?

Pandora, who nodded at Pandora's question and decided to consult the matter to the left, stood up and said:

"Come on, it's time for battle. I'll report this to the Sage Society when it's over."

On Pandora's signal, they each rose up and headed for their holding, but Shirley's face seemed to regret something.


At noon that day, 18,000 soldiers of the East Army were waiting in Chiba Castle, the Toda family residence of the Lower General Guardian. Led by Shirley, is the orphan of Yoshisei Miyake, the Yokose family elder Miyake Kutaro Tomosheng, who was born in the service of Yokosei's hall.

However, this Kutaro was Kiyosuke Aoyama, alias of the Blue Ghost of Musashi, who was a Freshly Served General and the General in Substance was also the Uhat parent of Kutaro, who formed a bi-perfection with Hanbei, known as the Red Ghost of Musashi.

Rikaru wondered whether Pandora and the others would soon head to Honna Castle with the false information they had circulated, and he was waiting quietly for the return of the scouts in order to confirm them firmly.

In the upper seat of the hall, before Kutaro was still unfamiliar with it or concerned about the armor he was wearing, Rikko sat silently, and there were generals in the lower seat who were participating in this battle, but the man who was sitting in it, who would be in his late forties, who was muscular and had a mustache like a bear, was the castle owner of this Chiba castle, General Toda Shimokami, and Shimokami, watching Rikko, was patient with his anger.

Shit! What, this treatment! Isn't this like we're the ministers of Musashi Shogun?

After all, the son of the security guard, as he said in the left, was the purpose of the Musashi guard to become an emperor himself? If I could go back then and beat myself up when I didn't realize what Musashi was after and as a result I was supposed to pull a bow on the Emperor, I'd punch him.

But really, where I betrayed you, can you win this fight?

In the heart of the Lower Commander, when the seed of doubt was born for a moment, he heard someone rushing to run, and the soldier in armor, lying flat at the entrance of the hall as it was, said as it was.

"I'm afraid so! Your old lady, the book allows you to sit down with a decree!

When everyone paid attention to the words of the soldier, he said, "Speak" with the light in his arms, and the soldier said, in a trembling voice, that everyone on the spot would be astonished.

"So... Early yesterday morning, a coalition led by Uchi and a coalition of Shinano, Kofi fought on Kawanaka Island, and Shinano, Kofi's coalition was defeated! Many Takahashi family members, including Shinanomoto, took over, and Kofi Shodo withdrew from Kawanakajima, and at the same time ran early horses to Edo Castle to tell them about this!

Nobunaga, everyone was surprised by the word that Kofi's coalition had lost, shut their mouth and said nothing, and the soldier checked his surroundings once before speaking out.

"Therefore, I will convey the orders of your old lady's book!" At present, we will temporarily retreat the troops attacking Echigo from Ueno to Maebashi Castle and alert them to the movements of the coalition forces, so in the meantime, Innkeeper came to Maebashi Castle as soon as possible to control the cheap houses "!

And to the generals, "I want you to contact the National License as soon as possible and send your family members to Edo Castle"!

It was at that moment that Shinda Sagami Shokuyuki, a Sagami guardian, rose up and yelled at him.

"I'm kidding too, probably because of it! In the first place, isn't this treatment as if we were Musashi's ministers!

Still, it's called a war, so I put up with it, and you want me to take out more hostages? But when the book below the seventh place permits, you're going to order me to follow the fifth place!

My Lower Commander. Your Lordship, like our master, will tell the martial arts guardian's jury!

Kutaro says from the beginning, without complaining in a place like this, that if he is not convinced to say he is a general of this army, he is a warring people. Before the war, it was a matter of vessels as generals to say this.

However, when it came to having no choice, there was no choice. This Shinda Sagami Shokuyuki, a 25-year-old who had just been given the governor over by his predecessor Sagami, rode the invitation of Musashi Shouyuki in an attempt to cross his predecessor's father, but is he still a Luthai there, outraged by the Yokose family who partitions this battle with our faces, which exploded.

Chip, I don't even know much about the war, a moderately conservative young monk. Here, if the eagle had an opinion, the struggle would be the bubble of water until now.

Well, that's why, if we don't get in tune with same-service here, I'll be suspicious of you. However, it doesn't have to get too hot.

That's what the Lower Commander said, staring at Guillaume and Sagami.

"I'm conservative. As I said earlier, Lord, the Musashi guardian is five places above the Lord, the same as the eagle.

That's what the book says, the old man, that this is Musashi's intention. Cursing each other before the war affects morale...... what do we do?

In the words of the Lower Commander, Sagami sat with Ston without saying anything, and Kutaro and Rikumitsu stroked down their breasts, but the Lower Commander said with a glance at Rikumitsu.

"That said, I also know what it's like to be outraged by this proportionate... I know, but I'm putting up with it now because I'm in a war, but if you're going to tell me to bring more hostages here, I'll get off this fight whenever I want.

Perhaps this Kanto... no, all the great names of the East Army will be enemies. For once, Eastern Union and the entire Luthai Empire force and musashi guard...... do you want to fight?

It would be a death sentence anyway, but I don't care. You can take the Yokose family with you... Remember this, young monk, if you can't take me, I'll kill you. "

This Lower Commander said, "If you insult us any more, you betray us," and it was in this battle, Sagami and Izusho were also snorting. And this is what other daimyo said, and Rikumitsu replied with a nod.

"Indeed, the comments of the Lower General Guardian are most appropriate. Hey, tell your old lady," No need for hostages. If you do that, you will lose the trust of your guardian. "

And when he saw the soldier that was going out with his head bowed in the words of his light, he said unto the chief guardian.

"Now, are you convinced?

The face of Rikumitsu who said so drank your request, so now he told you to do something about Sagami, and he nodded as if he understood, and said to Sagami and Izusho when he stood up.

"Sagami, Izu, can we talk in a separate room for a second?"

Because Izusho was under the fifth position, Izusho was under the sixth position, there was no way he could refuse the offer of the lower general guardianship position on the fifth position, and it was when he stood up dissatisfied and tried to leave without looking at Rikaru, the scoundrel returned and reported.

"I'll report you! We've found the Allied forces! As information suggests, we are positioned in South White Turtle Pool. That number, three thousand!

The family crest consists of a golden lotus on the black and three golden cedars on the black. And sit on the black ground with a golden fried feather butterfly. This will undoubtedly sit in Pandora, the second daughter of Uchifu, Sakura Left Gatekeeper!

And on one of those squads, there was a butterfly family crest across the street from the black on the red ground!

It was that moment, Kutaro clenched his fist and squealed unintentionally.

"There are those who took my father..."

When he saw how Kutaro was doing, he said that the Lower Commander looked at Rikaru and he was frightened.

"... apparently we have something to discuss.

Aoi, don't be brave. If you think you don't have a bowl as a general, you can take on the general. "

I'll put it this way, you're the Lower Commander. The truth is, you think in your belly that you deserve to be a general.

With that in mind, Rikumitsu answered the lower general guard lying flat.

"Thank you for your words. If you get a chance, please don't hesitate."

"Whoa, I'll wait for you. So, Sagami, Izu, let's go"

That said, when the Lower Commander's Watch, who took the two of them to the separate room, disappeared, Kutaro asked in a hurry whether he was worried about the words of Rikumitsu earlier.

"Dear Kinosuke, Am I to be sent down the Admiral without avenging my father?

"It's okay, someone said if the opportunity came... the opportunity would never come"

When Kutaro heard the words, his expression was brightened and he said to Rikko.

"So, bye!

"Yes, necessarily the vengeance of the Half Guard, let's take it. To do this, we have to be ahead of the line.

Eighteen thousand, three thousand enemies, and our seven thousand is enough. Let them go backwards for good reason. "

Rikaru said so, smiling and telling Kutaro, Kutaro approached Rikaru and thanked him many times.


The three men who went to the separate room said that when the lower general guard put two people in the unpopular room, they would check their surroundings and close their doors, and sit in the front of the matchmaker, whose anger still did not subside.

"Sagami, Shinano and Kofi lost. Tell him about Musashi."

To the words of the lower general guardian, he said, "Huh," and to the proportional guardian, who was not very convinced, the lower general guardian saw and asked the question as a guillotine, pulling out a mustache that had grown surprisingly in his jaw.

"I ask you something boring... why did your lord and others ride the invitation of Musashi Shogun?

Honestly, the other famous people around me rode Musashi's invitation, so I couldn't help but want to break out for a while... "

To the true meaning of the Lower General Guard, Izusho answered with alarm, wiping the sweat flowing on his old, wrinkled forehead, asking about the colour of the Flirting and Lower General Guard.

"Actually, something too. Izu is a tiny, 70,000 stone, flying small country compared to the surrounding countries, and if the official position is told by the superior in the great power, like the Musashi guardian, I can't say no."

"Well, I know how Izu feels. Even in Washi, a grand name with a total of 400,000 stones below, but I don't think I can win in isolation in the land of Kanto, in a small country with 70,000 stones, it would have been painful...... what's the scale?

Having said that, he spoke to the Lower Commander, and was astonished by the proportionality, but he was prepared to answer.

"It is true that one wants to put the morning court back in the hands of the Emperor from Minister Kanbai's Nishien Temple, and that he wanted to cross the wisdom of his father's predecessors. I also wanted to help the Emperor, like my father... Well, some say I wanted to avoid fighting the 660,000 stone Musashi Shogun just because of my 190,000 stones..."

Well, the last one would be for real. These two thought that if they didn't get on the invitation of Musashi Shogun, they would have to fight the other big names in Kanto against them, so they got on the invitation... I can.

That's what the Lower Commander said in a low voice, signaling them to get close to each other.

"Even if he triumphs, Musashi will kill the Emperor and he may become an Emperor."

In the words, Sagami said, "No way." The idea crossed the back of his brain, but when he saw what the Musashi ministers said and did, he put his hand on his chin and nodded.

"Sure, you can see those words and actions. But isn't this a complete, rebellious"

To the keyword "traitor", Shimosei and Izusho said, "Now, what are you talking about?"

"We're traitors, we are. You know what? The commander-in-chief of the coalition is an emperor, who has run for you, and now commands all the armies in Fushimi Castle."

The words of the Lower Commander were such a shock that they could not hide their surprises from the two of them. The Luthai Empire has always been neutral, even during the long period of war, without the emperors of history coming out of your place.

Historical emperors expressed their position and feared that if that faction lost, they would be killed and end up on their own behalf. Some of the emperors tried to lead the army into battle, but all of them were stopped by the Morning Ministers.

From that, it was shocking to the Luthai that the Left Near succeeded in the emperor's appearance this time, and in disgrace, which became the first morning enemy in history, Sagami and Izusho had no idea how to do it anymore, but the Lower General Defender spoke to both of them in a whisper.

"Besides, this battle will end with a coalition victory, as you can see from Maida's loss. And this fight with the princess."

As convinced by the story, the two men clouded their faces, but Izusho noticed something.

"Didn't the Lower Commander now refer to the second daughter of the inner court as a princess?... No way..."

That said, when Izusho pointed to Izusho with his trembling fingers, and Izusho smiled uncomfortably, he stumbled upon the companion who accidentally put his hand on the side of his waist and told him not to move, he spoke with his expression as it stood.

"Actually, the story of the superior general and Affordable Housing being dead is utter bullshit. They are both doing well at the princess's place and participating in this battle as well. In the first place, I brought this story to you because it's a bungalow, in the left.

Conditions will guarantee your life… but you will not be spared the destruction of your home and the expulsion of the Empire. Well, to us, the mornings enemies, just a guarantee of life would be great.

Besides, during this civil war, a rebellion broke out in a country called the Kingdom of Salz on the continent, which was immediately suppressed, but many nobles, and those said to be royals, all the same as the Imperial family, died. And it seems that the surviving nobles have also appealed directly to the emperor to take up the post of king in the inner palace. And the emperor recognized it, and the temple of the inner province accepted it, and established a new kingdom called the kingdom of Cesar.

So far, even idiots will know. The Imperial Palace had a country of more than the size of the Luthai Empire, but many nobles died in the rebellion and have no talent... "

"So we can go to that new country, too?

So the chief guardian nodded with a grin, and said,

"Dear Left, and this is your first and last chance.

Do you both leave the world with stigma? I'll give you another flag in my new country, or you'll like it. "

When they looked at each other, as they had resolved, they said with a smile.

"Well, that's settled. But you need the princess's permission... Lord Yagami, can you ask for it?

The two said, in the words, with a face that said no way, that the shadow behind the Lower General Guard was raised up muchly, and that a direct light of sneaking outfits came out from within, laying flat before the three of them.

"This is Captain Naokoko Yagami of the Hazha Knights, Eastern Coalition."

Normal sneaks don't reveal their names. But the direct light at this time dared to reveal his name in order to prove that the words of the Lower Commander were true.

I was surprised by the same-service and Izusho, and when I saw them, Shimosei said to the direct light.

"Is it possible to contact the princess about what happened earlier?

"It's possible. If you use a coalition correspondent, I'll get permission from the princess right away.

But the princess's blood is quite thick, so her thoughts are much the same as those of Her Majesty's, and those who can't use it, even if the blood muscles are good, won't take it away... Is that okay with you?

"There's a way. But it's also convenient for us to say that blood muscles are irrelevant.

Even at this age, how far can a spear give you? "

In the words of the chief guardian, Sagami nodded many times, and now he was able to cross his father, which made his eyes giggle, but the old Izu guardian said with a seemingly complicated face.

"One is, this street is old, spear-working..."

And he said unto Izusho, Straight light came under his mask, and saw Chirali and Izusho, and said,

"Then there's the work of your head, too. At present, Okamoto Left Inner Hall also contributes to the princess with the work of her head, not with spear work."

"Oh well. So, Lord Yagami... can I ask for it?

In tune with Izusho, who said a little embarrassed, or Sagami nodded, Naoko said, "Please wait outside the castle", waited outside the castle, headed to the correspondent, and Sagami and Izu also contacted him about turning back, Pandora admitted, "Like the other officers, if it's good from the lieutenant, I'll let you in the Knights," the two admitted.

On this day, Pandora, who was watching other East Army movements, contacted the East Army that there was movement at the crane waiting off the coast of Kujukuri. On the following day, the march began from the exit, from the Echinae side to the Echinae side, but only the Ueno side of the army was retreating from Numata Castle, closest to the Echinae border, towards Maebashi Castle.

And Lu Aoksho, who leads the 50,000 horsemen of Okinawa, divides the army into three parts, divided into the feathers, Shimono, and Nagashima, and 15,000 led by Inamuraba, the elder, in the feathers, and Shigemitsu Horida, also the elder, led the 10,000 in Nagashima. In Shimono, Lu Ao Shou himself had finished preparing to lead 20,000 soldiers into the attack.

Wednesday, March 17, A.D. the following day. The Empire of Ruthailand would also rush out, as the water that had been blocked in the dam until now was decimated and poured out.

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