Another Life

Dream Whorehouse

Out of the Adventurer's Guild's headquarters, the left-hand side went straight to the florist, and when he purchased a bouquet of orchid farewell parties, he went straight to the luxury whorehouse after lunch at the stall and watched the township of Nassau restored order.

Sometimes it was said that it was before noon, or knocking on the door of a closed whorehouse, the door opened slightly, and Tistia turned up, but the figure was wearing high-exposed clothes, as if it were some whore, and he said with surprise, looking near the left.

"Dear Left and Near...... how are you?

He said to Tistia, who was surprised by the military uniform he saw for the first time, and to Tilali, near left, looked inside.

"I was at work... is the general here?

"Yeah, Mr. Britannica came to the store earlier. Go inside."

When Tistia showed me to Britannica's room and went inside, I saw the construction of the whorehouse I saw for the first time because I couldn't get in with Masato before, and it was an office room lined with luxurious dishes.

"Admiral, you've come a long way. Well, have a seat."

When Britannica told him to sit on the couch on the left hand side, Britannica put wine in the glass and put it in front of the left side.

"Are you here to pick up Tistia?

"Oh. How did this guy work?

Britannica answered by looking at Tistia as a chilli, close to the left of her mouth on the wine that had been served.

"Honestly, you want it as my right arm. Well, maybe it's because I'm dying, but I remember things well.

Yeah, well, he gave me my clothes because Nassau found out who he was and it was gonna be a mess. Well, he said his chest was tight, so he added a little sanction. "

... I'm very concerned about the general's sanctions, but I don't think I can touch them. Do you want me to relax?

Even so, the left proximity said to Britannica, who lights the flue.

"From what, I'm so sorry. If you want to marry Masayoshi, I'll make sure you can marry Masayoshi as my adopted daughter."

At that moment Britannica's face turned bright red, and she coughed with tears, saying, Did the cigarette smoke fall?

"Hey, what are you talking about! I don't want to jump into the tough world of the Luthai Empire!

"Hahaha, that's what I'm gonna say. Well, if you change your mind, tell the monk, and I'll follow his steps whenever I want."

With that said, Britannica threw a cushion "get out," near the left as she picked up a glass of wine and smiled, but her face seemed somewhere happy.

"Mr. Britannica, I was angry, but as it is, are you sure?

That's what I said and I seemed worried about Tistia, but the left hand side answers with a smile.

"'Cause it's okay. Well, close to Massei, don't stick around.

Don't you dare, get your stuff. "

That said, when Tistia was asked to pick up her luggage, she went straight to the royal palace with a space transfer.


Left proximity and Tistia, who went out to the castle gate of Honmaru palace, were walking towards your palace on a bridge over a huge moat. To the huge building she sees for the first time, Tistia asks a question near left, feeling somewhat out of place air.

"Um ~ Dear Left Near, What the hell is this place..."

"Oh, it's my house. This is the royal palace of Sacramento, king of the kingdom of Cesar."

After all, the left-hand proximity of the ghost was His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Ceasel!? But His Majesty the King of this country, certainly even the Luthai, should have been the hero who led that samurai regiment of the Luthai Empire. There is no reason why His Majesty the King, the hero, should be one of Nassau's four-headed clubs.

With that in mind, the different servants are bowing their heads one after the other to Tistia who follows them near left, causing them to have the illusion of being some sort of princess, feeling better and feeling bigger.

And it came to pass in that, when they went in, that Busty waited at the entrance, and bowed his head, saying,

Welcome home, Your Majesty.

"Hey, Busty. This guy, he was telling me before, he's the one who divides the example, and his name is Tistia."

Busty bowed deeply and politely to the introduction to the left.

"Really? Nice to meet you. I am the Royal Butler of the Kingdom of Ceasel, my name is Bastian. Feel free to call me Busty."

"Oh, you know, it's Tistia. Thank you very much."

When Busty smiled at Tistia, who was unfamiliar with it and bowed his head deeply, he was led by Busty, "Go this way," and they entered a room in the royal palace.

In the Japanese-style room, where tables and chairs were placed, it was like a time slip in the Meiji period. Tistia looked anxiously indoors, and Busty took the documents and keys out of the item box and began to explain them while showing them near left.

"Your Majesty, I will sit with the relevant documents this person will give to the office of the whorehouse and the ledger of the bank where the sales will be put. And this is Tistia's ID card, and this is the key to the store.

Prime Minister Keith tells me that the bureau has already taken root and that all registration fees, etc. have been paid. "

"Well, I told Keith I was impotent. Does Tistia have an ID card?

"I do, but when I had my ID card, I signed up under the name Ray... sorry"

And so he said unto Tistia, that the left and the left and the near seemed troubled.

"Then get back to Tistia. If it's not the same name I see, I'll be confused."

Tistia was surprised by the left-hand word, and when she met the left-hand man, she understood why the left-hand man had called him by his hidden name, and Busty smiled and changed the document, and gave her yet another.

"So you're on this side of the paperwork. And, in case you don't betray Your Majesty, you will also sign the contract for this side.

This contract, called the Devil's contract, says that if you violate it, you will be immediately sent to hell and tortured by the Devil over there. "

When Tistia, surprised by the words, looked at Busty near left and looked through the contract, she was completely a slave to the nearest left.


So Busty answered Tistia with a smile.

"From now on, the shop run by Mr. Tistia will, in case of emergency, be the last fortress in our country. We can only rule out those who keep it because they cannot be trusted.

He who keeps this shop must speak to the extreme and give his body to His Majesty, but only if he can give it unconditionally. "

Hey, Busty! That's a great suggestion!

With that in mind, Tistia asks the question with an anxious face as she looks at Tistia with a calm face in the left proximity, despite the impulse to pose as a gut.

"Um... if I refuse this..."

"Well, I'll have Nassau back. Well, you can just go back... after that, what happens over there, but beyond that, you know?

In those close-left words, hung at the entrance to Alliance headquarters, the figure of his brother or companion crossed his back of his brain, Tistia grabbed the pen with a trembling hand and began signing the application for an ID card change and the Devil's contract.

When Tistia finishes signing all the contracts, Busty looks at the devil's contract and throws it in the air, the moment the contract disappears wrapped in a blue and white flame, the pain runs on Tistia's left hand pharmacopoeia finger.

Unexpectedly, Tistia looked at the pain running left hand pharmacopoeia, and it turned blue and white, like a flame with nails wrapped around her contract.

"That is the proof that we exchanged the Devil's contract. If you betray Your Majesty, those claws will be the hounds of hell and they will devour you and scatter you. And you, alive, eaten by a hound, go to hell."

In the words of Busty, he accidentally swallowed gokuri and spit, Tistia turning his face bright blue, but Busty, who thought he had planted enough fear, gave out a space transfer and smiled and said:

"Shall I explain it to you in the field?"

In the guidance of Busty, who said so, Tistia said in a panic, clutching the documents and keys, entering the left proximity and Busty's space transfer.


When the three of them left the space transfer, there was a mansion built there, as if it were a three-story palace, next to both of them, a building still under construction.

Near left, Busty smiles and explains near left when he looks at the buildings being built next to each other.

"Apparently, the Hansa Chamber of Commerce and the Gregor Chamber of Commerce will also put out a whorehouse at this luxury store location. His Excellency Chancellor Keith tells me that there are only three whorehouses in this place, which are like Honmaru in the Luthai Empire, and these three will be luxury whorehouses.

And there's an intermediate store in Niumaru, and there's a cheap whorehouse in Sanomaru called Mass Store. Later, they can also have a fancy casino, etc. in their free space.

They call it Red Light. Who put it on? Yeah, well, the bureau is at the entrance to the south gate of Sanomaru.

Apparently, His Excellency the Chancellor wants to leave the security etc. here to unions such as whorehouses, so as not to get involved as much as possible, and make it an area close to Nassau. "

Well, to say this, it might be better to let them do it freely, not just regulate, but also work on competition principles.

"That's Keith. I know."

"Right. So let's take a look inside...... Mr. Tistia"

When Busty told him that Tistia was rushing to unlock the gate, Busty went to the building and walked out, as he led Tistia near left.

"From the gate to the building, it is small compared to the royal palace, but it is a garden. And by installing a fountain at the entrance, nobles are able to get on and off as they flow, no matter how many carriages arrive… Oh, the place to stop the carriage is over there, and we also have carriages for transfers.

On the back, there is a dormitory for employees and a washing area for clothing, etc. The dormitories don't have that many rooms, so employees should let them live outside. "

With that said, as Busty explains with a smile, the fountain is positioned in front of the front door so that it rests in the center of the rotary, and when he is also nodding satisfactorily near the left, Busty signals Tistia to open the door.

When Tistia, overwhelmed by the luxury of her appearance, opened the door in a hurry, there was a place like a reception counter, next to which was another door.

When Tistia unlocked the door further, there were no tables or chairs, but inside it was a huge blow-out hall with several large chandeliers, as if it were red and black based, with a chick on the right side for some reason, a bar counter on the left, and, in the deepest part of the center, like some small theater, a step-up place, even a piano.

"... Awesome"

To an overwhelming sense of luxury, it was the only Tistia that came out of her mouth by accident, but she smiled and went inside and told Busty.

"Wonderful! Isn't that the best store you ever ordered? Red in the color of passion is said to have the effect of making people crave.

Inside, black to accent, the luxurious chandelier of the ceiling stands out beautifully… perfect. "

Near left delighted to accidentally gut pose, Tistia asks with surprise.

"Sire, this is a whorehouse, isn't it?

"That's right. And I need you to keep your left hand on me."

"Su, excuse me, Master Left Near. But here, no matter how you look at it, it's like a liquor store... sorry!

He said to Tistia, who was in a hurry to apologize, with a grumpy face near the left, that the left remained grumpy.

"You idiot. I imagine a more upscale, nightclub than a tavern... well, Busty, please explain."

"Yes, Your Majesty.

First in the center of the ground floor is this hall with blowouts on the ground and second floors. In the room in front of the aisle on both sides of it is a staircase. In the back right there is a kitchen and an employee's lounge, which also connects to a place like the one behind the stage.

And in the back of the left, there's the manager's room and the sire's room, and in the sire's room, there's a hidden passage and all sorts of tricks… well, let's go "

That being said, going first to the nearest left room, there were large fireplaces and reception, sofas and tables in the large room where the twenty or so would be allowed, with a luxurious executive table at the far back and, behind it, a bookshelf with a surprising array of books.

Busty then went near the fireplace and spinning the three cedars, the family crest near the left, carved into the fireplace, the inside of the fireplace moved without sound, and the passage came out.

"This one is in a hidden passage, and when you say you have a problem out of here, soldiers come out. Before leaving, the sculpted eyes in the fireplace slide so that you can see them from the other side.

And then... "

That said, when he took out the book on the bookshelf behind the chair and slided the board behind him, there was a cock inside, and when Busty twisted, the rags and the iron plaid came down the window.

"If you twist this way, an iron lattice will come down all the windows and entrances and exits and you will never let your internal enemies escape. After this, put the magic of Va Siel in the demon stone you put in the demon bullet and attach it to this iron lattice so that it doesn't leak an internal sound to the outside.

Now if you place Nariya's demon stone indoors, you won't be able to escape on a space transfer, and you will easily pick up a commander who stays in a whorehouse.

Therefore, when turning it back, if you twist this cock in the opposite direction, it will return to normal with the force of the water pressure of the piping stranded inside. "

So Busty says, but when he undoes it, and the iron lattice rises up again and hides its appearance, Tistya asks the question to the left as if surprised.

"Oh, you know, this is a whorehouse, right?

"A whorehouse, but another role is to take over those who have attacked the King's capital. This Red Light district is topically a moat or wall to keep whores from escaping, but its shape is like a castle of the Ruthai Empire.

If the enemy attacked us, they would send us to places like this castle, and the commander of the enemy would come to this whorehouse, which is Honmaru. If a soldier from our army who came through that hidden passage dropped an iron lattice to keep the enemy commander from escaping, the enemy would easily disintegrate.

That's why betrayal, etc. in this place should never happen... you know?

As she began to understand the seriousness of the matter, Tistia nodded with nervousness, and Busty smiled and said to Tistia.

"Shall I now describe the room where Mr. Tistia lives?"

That's what Busty said, and what the three moving to the next room saw was an office room a little narrower than the nearest left room, behind which there was also a door.

When Tistia enters the door anxiously, there is nothing furnished, about sixteen tatami western rooms represent her figure and Busty begins to explain.

"The bed arrives, they say, tomorrow. Beyond these three doors are toilets, closets and bathrooms from the left"


That said, Tistia was surprised that when she opened the rightmost door, inside was a large bathroom, a bathtub that would fit about four people, and a shower.

"Is this all you can use?

That being said, I answer Tistia, who sparkles her eyes and asks questions to the left or near, just saying that the left or near is natural.

"Naturally. Business is about cleanliness.

Behind this building, there's a laundry area, and you'll be able to do laundry every day. Plus, put shampoos, rinses, etc. here. Use as much as you like. "

Oh, all you can use shampoo or rinse that only royalty or nobility can buy!? Heaven, this is...... I want to live here because I can already be your majesty's mistress or whatever.

Totally, Tistia, whose head was ecstatic about living here, went back to the office, and Busty took out his notebook and pen and told Tistia.

"This is a gift from me. You may want to write a schedule, etc. on this."

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down. But what's the schedule?

"So shall I explain that schedule? The scheduled date of the opening will be June 1st and will be all over so that it can be opened on that scheduled date.

Tomorrow you will receive the beds in each room, as well as the tables and chairs in the hall. And the day after that, you will receive towels, dishes, etc., as well as alcohol.

Ms. Tistia will leave the number to you once you have a paragraph, so ask the Occupational Stability Office to recruit prostitutes and hire employees such as boys and prostitutes. The chef will be introduced by Giulio, the first head chef of the Royal Palace, so please be outside the chef. "

To Busty's words, which are explained one after the other, Tistia hastily took notes, and Busty said, placing a bag of dons and white gold coins at her desk.

"Here, there are two million shillings. I will come every Monday with this as my current fund until it opens, so if there is any missing funds or anything, please tell me immediately.

This money comes in the form of a loan from the state to this store. Whatever you use it for, interest is 10% a year.

Well, fine pricing, etc. as discussed with His Majesty... before opening, don't forget that the demon stone that inhibits space transfer from the military and the demon stone of the demon bullet I just mentioned will be brought into this whorehouse and set.

And the cost of interiors, etc. is the purpose of this whorehouse, so grants are coming from the royal family and parts of the country. However, other labor costs, etc. will be borne there, and taxes for this year will be waived.

This will be the contract… Sign here "

200 million yen as funds for the moment!? This would be too exciting!

Well, it's good to have it back, but is it okay to say 20 million a year just for interest?

That's what he thought, and when Tistia finished signing in front of the anxious left, Busty circled the contract and put it in the item box.

"Then, Your Majesty, I will leave the change of clothes here because there will be a lot of problems if I remain in that uniform…"

"Oh, I'm so sorry for everything. I'll thank the cabinet again."

"Oh, uh, thank you so much. Sit down!

With that said, to Tistia, who smiled and waved his hand near the left, and bowed his head deeply, Busty smiled and spoke lightly, and when he placed his kimono near the left, he went back to the royal palace with a space transfer.

All of a sudden, when we were together, there was weird air flowing between the left proximity and the tistia, and the left proximity, as it were, the desire exploded, judging it dangerous, telling the tistia that she was prepared for something to delude, in order to cool her head a little.


"Unfortunately, you should check inside the whorehouse. In the meantime, I'll get dressed here and wait in the hall."

"To? Oh, right. We have to understand the interior, etc."

Tistia, weirdly deluding herself by saying so, left her near left and headed to check the interior.



Busty, on the other hand, returning to the royal palace with a spatial transfer, was accidentally tamed and headed to his room with his head in his arms.

No one would expect to trap a whorehouse and ambush someone. Are you saying that His Majesty's evil wisdom, like the highest demon, has worked?

But that Mr. Tistia, she's very badass. Skinny, big breasts, and a woman whose personality seems to be tight, isn't that the full sire's preference... if this is what Iris would find out... I'm heavily tempted.

Busty, walking with that in mind, feels something gaze as he tries to enter his western room.

Unexpectedly, when Busty turned his gaze in the direction he felt, Beatrice, a servant dedicated to Iris, stood a little further away, slowly bowing his head toward Busty.

Busty, who perceived the danger in an instant, entered the room and closed the key without asking Beatrice to speak lightly.

It was dangerous... to say that Beatrice was there would most likely be called by Iris. Shall we continue with the spatial transfer towards the alum, call the testers, and let them take their place?

Yes, it was when Busty thought about it, and from behind, he heard Busty now the last thing he wanted to hear.

"Busty, did you want to close the lock in your room and be so alone with me?

In the words, Busty's eyes opened wide and looked back, and Iris was sitting in Busty's executive chair.

Shit! Beatrice, was that a feint!

Busty smiled and turned to Iris, feeling as if he had been eagled at the heart, and bowed his head as if to hide his upset face.

"This is a joke, my queen. This Busty, I don't have the hassle of having such a lower heart."

Upon hearing Busty's words, Iris said to Busty, slowly approaching him, as he rose up with a smile somewhere like a little devil.

"Well, Busty. It's also in my ear to say that my husband built a whorehouse... and that the woman who's trying to make me do that store manager is my husband's preference.

You've seen it today, haven't you? Answer me. "

"Yes, no, never..."

"Busty, look me in the eye and answer me"

To Iris' words, Busty answered with a tight grin, though severely upset, when he lifted his head.

"Oh, never, never..."

To Busty's tight face, Iris said to Busty as he put his face close and smiled.

"Totally, Busty's not a bad liar...... but I like it, where Busty says that. But you're like a good husband.

Okay, Busty. Set a trap in the basement that leads to the whorehouse that your husband will give up. "

I'm not a bad liar, and Iris' eyes seem to see through my mind for some reason, and I don't like it anywhere.

Nevertheless, I ask you to forgive just the trap...... Huh?

"Hey, wait a minute! It's your majesty! You're the general on the battlefield, but you're the one who leads the way and goes first! I can't, I definitely can't. Such a trap is counterproductive, when danger is worthy of life.

Besides, to stop His Majesty, you have to set a trap with the intention of killing him. But if you set such a trap, Your Majesty will burn the other way and will definitely try to break through!.

Besides, it's the thread of a counterattack in case Sacramento gets attacked. If you set a trap there, Iris will create a factor that will destroy our kingdom. "

"It is Busty who binds the servants of the Sakura family that does something about it. For example, you can unlock it with a key... I asked you, Busty."

With that said, Iris pounding Busty on his shoulder, unlocking and leaving, Busty brought him to the wall like he was tired, and looking up at the ceiling, he swore to his heart to let Jack do it.


Back when Busty was being blackmailed by Iris, the left proximity was finished dressing and checking the perimeter of the Red Light district with a heavenly eye, as if looking in a store like a nightclub with a flue in one hand at a bar counter.

This Red Light neighborhood is the main road on Main Street from the two circles inhabited by the aristocrats, so it is easy to come by carriage. And to the North Gate, the station under construction... good transportation and great location.

Damn, Red Light is a castle-like territory, so the land inside is limited, so with more population, the land price will explode.... I think I'll buy it on the land now and make it an investment.

Yeah, Busty said I'd ask you what Busty wanted, and Busty told me to give you about two days. When the transition is over, I'll ask you what you want.

With that in mind, when the left proximity was blowing smoke, Tistia, who had looked upstairs and on the third floor, saw the left proximity and stopped unexpectedly.

I haven't looked too closely because I've been scared before, but Master Left Near looks pretty good. You look good, strong, powerful, and you have money... well, it's horrible if you're angry, but I guess this makes you mistress, too, Ali.

No, I'd rather get married, my queen! My queen! It's not really stupid to let this chance slip away.

Yes, Tistia, thinking about it, shifted her clothes to emphasize the valley of her chest a little bit, staying close to her left, and when she sat next to her, she said close to her left in a position to emphasize her chest.

"Dear left-hand man, upstairs and upstairs, there are bedrooms and bathrooms, every room, which is amazing, but what makes sense is that there are only seven rooms on the third floor that are more luxurious than upstairs?

And when Tistia asked him a question, and went into the valley of Tistia's breasts, he turned away, and looked at the hall, and said, deceiving, as he coughed.

"Yes, we plan to make this a super fancy store whorehouse. I pay the entrance fee at the reception at the entrance, eat and drink here, nominate a girl who actually works, give the girl the money, and think about the content to play.

And arrange a chair in that bunk and sit the girls in the face of the store of seventeen. Those girls don't have to work in the hall, they're just sitting around, and the price is a little high.

In the first step, let ten people sit down, set prices a little higher than the girls in the hall, and it's upstairs to play. The second seven are the most expensive and the room is a super fancy room on the third floor... simply put, they rank hookers too "

Yo! I ate it on my chest. Always a man, because he comes for my breasts, so does the left-handed... there is no hassle that doesn't eat on my breasts.

Even so, Tistia said with a slightly sweet look, packing the distance with the left proximity.

"What would you do to set a price as ranking a whore as well?

Mr. Britannica's place, in 120 minutes, will be 500 shillings to the store, 1,000 shillings to the whore, but what do you want to do?

If he had just arrived in this world, he might have delighted to eat Tistia in this condition, but since he had taken Lana as his wife the finest breast implant, Tistia in the upper part of the chest was able to tolerate it, he immediately disappeared from his head and went back to his true face, thinking about the price and answering.

"So, at five hundred shillings for admission, five hundred shillings for women in the hall and eight hundred shillings for women in the first step. What about the second lady with a thousand shillings?

If the time is 120 minutes is fundamental and the extended fee is 500 shillings every 60 minutes, why not set it at half price, to feel like I said 250 shillings?

If 100,000 yen is the lowest line of stores, and we have all the normal women, we won't be able to get customers at all, so we have to select them quite carefully. Are we gonna get a crowd? That's what matters.

Next to the nearest left thinking so, Tistia answered thinking that this attack was a bad idea, letting go of a little distance and now feeling intelligent.

"Sure, you can take a price from a chilled customer just to see that, and the store can make sales even for food and beverages. But women want salaries, so they might overstep the service, and that might result in a loss of character."

What do you say! Next time we attack like we're intelligent. Does this mean you're gonna fall?

I think so, Tistia, but when it comes to intelligent women, there is Cecily on the left and Chloe on the outside alone, so I answered calmly without reacting at all.

"That would be your show of arms. Customer service and other attitudes provide top notch… you can have Royal Servant trained.

Speaking of which, the Hanza Chamber of Commerce is supposed to offer me a whore. We'll hear from the Hanza Chamber of Commerce later.

Probably from the Hanza Chamber of Commerce, if you're a woman in debt, you'll be demanding a shoulder replacement for that debt, so pay instead and get a little monthly repayment from the whore.

Besides, from the Luthai Empire, we are calling for one of them, so hire him as well. This will be a force of war because in-room surgery can be used "

This didn't work either! Then I will attack you with a sense of closeness that feels like my sister.

With that in mind, Tistia makes a body-touch and asks questions close to her left, so as to make her feel familiar.

"What do you mean, indoor surgery?

But there is also a sister named Elena, so she ended up underdeveloped near the left.

"One of them is the women's ninjas in the Luthai Empire… the ones who carry out intelligence activities such as assassinations and intelligence gathering. That's the name of the woman.

In-room surgery is simply a technique in which the alternation of a man and a woman makes him healthier. I mean, the side effects, they feel terribly good, and they get haunted.

I asked for someone who could use that secret technique, so once you taste it, you'll get sick and you'll have more people to crush. "

That's what he said, and he was smiling, but Tistia's head was thinking something else.

Damn! I have no reaction at all either... this is the only place I've had a reaction back to where I started, I just have to compete with my chest... in room surgery? Once you taste it, do you get hammered?... Here it is!

Tistia thought so, squeezing her left hand nearer, with both hands, asked her left nearer with a serious look.

"Um! Would you mind if I taught you that technique?

A little surprised by Tistia's enthusiasm, he said to Tistia on the left.

"As it is, well, you can remember and tell the others... for once, tell them all"

"Of course! I'll do my best!"

If you teach me that technique, and even once it is me, Master Left Near will not be able to leave me. If this happens, fight with your flesh!

But what do we do about hanging up... here, let's show the whores the majesty, show the woman who can do the job, and make a time to be alone with Master Left and Near. If it turns out to be Isa, push it down, but... it's okay, there's no man who can turn it down, approaching from a woman.

Tistia, who was definitely mistaken, tried her best to divide the whorehouse, but even if she showed majesty and divided it, the left hand side divided the Sakura family, looking at the tea, so she never felt that the left hand side was particularly great.

Without knowing that, he took Tistia, full of motivation, and went to register with the bureau.


Near left and Tistia were walking to the bureau amidst the Red Light neighborhood bustling with architectural work.

Necessary buildings for the stronghold, not to mention those built by Pandora and Freia, but because other buildings were built as usual, many carpenters and manpower feet were gathered, and merchants and flowing whores were gathered to see them, already showing the bustle of the town.

Heh, if we recruit this, if it's good, there's going to be a bunch of hookers soon.

With that in mind, Tistia said, near the left walking the flue in one hand.

"Um, Master Left is going to turn that store into a fancy whorehouse, right?

"Yeah, but what's up?

"When I look at it like this, there are few women in our shop who look great..."

To Tistia's words, when the left-hand side looked at the prostitutes around him, no one invited Tistia because he was carrying her, but he looked at the flicker, and his appearance was clearly above Tistia's.

"... sure. But when I say preference, it's for each person, and no matter how good they look, in bed, it's a do-heta, and that's the end of it as a whore. The point is, some standards and an arm.

Well, this is all because experience says things... so to speak, Tistia, how old are you?

"I'm eighteen... Oh, I have a dark elf in my ancestors, and he's an ancestral returner, and I can use magic. Plus, it was getting bigger faster than people... and maybe a little longer"

... only chest would be sure to return ancestors. Dark Elves, because they all have big breasts.

With that in mind, Tistia asked the left and near, as she recalled.

"With that said, what's the name of the store going to do?

... Shit, I wasn't thinking. I don't have any sense of name.

Even so, looking at the left proximity, desperate to think while walking, Tistia said, surprised that she had not thought about it, that the left proximity had come up with something.

"What about Rex?

Why, Rex? No, if I put a bad scratch in here, I'll have trouble even if Master Left is in a bad mood.

Plus, my mistress plan could get in the way... here, let's praise you.

So thought Tistia, smiling to the left.

"Is it Rex, that's a good name. Plus, it feels fancy."

You Tistia, you know that. I just took it from T-Rex in Tyrannosaurus, the king of dinosaurs, because I don't know what T means, but was there still a king's style out there?

But why would Tyrannosaurus be T-Rex?

Well, such details don't matter. Anyway, now I'm one step closer to the dream whorehouse... sometimes I can fuck it for free in the name of having an event and even training.

Though he thought so, he turned to the bureau, saying, "Well, well, well."

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