Tuesday, July 13, A.D. 6 the following day. On a lake with a beautiful night view of Lake City on the night when the summer heat suddenly arrived, one of the stall boats was floating.

In the seating area of the boat, near the left and Iris sat looking at the night view, and when the boat arrived at the position where the night view was most beautiful, the black Lizardman, who was manipulating the boat, said near the left of the seating area.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived. We're going back now, but we'll be waiting, so if you need anything, we need a space transfer right away."

"Roger, thank you. Say hello to Fujigo."

That said, when connecting Port City to the space transfer, Iris and I watched the night scene for a while, but they fell to the big letters and said.

"It's kind of been getting suddenly hot lately. I don't like summer because it's hot."

"Didn't you say you didn't like winter because it was cold before? It's Irina's place and dinner party today, so make it a little more like a king.

Still, I'm really surprised you had a ship like this. When did you get this?

"I used this to talk to His Majesty Emperor Lannis a lot. Don't worry about eavesdropping here.

Besides, I used this ship when Shinobu attacked Kojiro's village before. "

That's how he got his body up. Near left, Iris was impressed that the near left was moving a lot in places he didn't know, and the smoke of space transfer came out, and Busty and Lannis came out of the inside.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty, for responding to our sudden dinner offer today."

And when he said so, and bowed his head, Iris also bowed his head, and welcomed the two, and Lannis entered the sitting room with pleasure.

"Good. Aren't the Serenities and Sakura the same heads of state among neighbors? You don't have to be so afraid.

Besides, when I heard about a dinner party on a street boat, on the night it was getting hot, it was just fine on the water. Such a beautiful view and dining in a cool place isn't heaven "

In contrast to Lannis, who smiles and sits there, Irina asked the left hand side when she goes into the sitting area to make sure she is not comfortable with the ship or is it really okay?

"Your Majesty Sakura... there's no point in pulling back here, is there?

"It's okay. This ship has no speed, but for that matter, we value stability. It's no different than on land.

Look more than that. Not a full moon, but a beautiful star on a big moon, a night view of Lake City… only a very limited number of people can see this. "

When told near left, Irina looked at the view outside, as close left said, the night view of the big moon and Lake City, reflected in a dark lake, in a pleasant breeze that came in from time to time, Irina was grumpy but managed to sit calmly, and near left gave Busty a signal.

Eventually, it was the bare noodles served in a beautiful vessel, in the form of a caviar leaf, that were carried in Busty's spatial transfer, and before those other than the near left, the fork was placed and only began to explain.

"This is a specialty of Yamato, also the home of His Majesty Sakura, called bare noodles, of which you will sit in the finest Divine Cedar.

A bare noodle is the use of flour as a raw material, oil that can be taken from cotton called cotton butter, and thinly extended dried noodles, boiled and washed, then steamed and warmed before eating, and in the palace of the Luthai Empire, when eaten on the New Year's Eve, they say that they do not suffer from the disease and are eaten.

This time, I tried to make the noodles colder and easier to eat by exposing them to cold cold water instead of steaming them, in order to make them easier to eat because they were getting hot. Try adding green onions, ginger, etc. called medicinal flavors to the soup next door called Mentsuyu, add the noodles as desired, and eat them. "

Oh! That's just bare noodles. Sure, in hot summers, bare noodles are the best.

But how to eat steaming and warming is the same as my first life... Well, whatever, I never thought I could eat cold noodles in this world, so I can't be happier.

With that in mind, it was near the left, which he gladly tried to eat with chopsticks, but Lannis wrapped the cruckles and bare noodles with a fork, as if eating pasta, stopping his hand and asking only questions.

"Noh, Shinoyama. He said that cotton butter can be removed from cotton, but that Ruthai word for cotton means cotton on the continent?

"Yes, I will sit at your left. On the continent, olive oil and lard dominate, but in the Luthai Empire, sesame oil...... but not real sesame seeds, but sesame seeds. And vegetable seed oil and cotton butter dominate.

Oh, sure, on the continent, there's sesame oil out there, but it's a luxury product. But it's relatively cheap in the Luthai Empire. "

When Lannis heard the only word of it, he said, "Ho," and looked at the bare noodles, and the left-hand side questioned him, wondering.

"Your Majesty, what has been done?

"No, today's dinner party, even if you can just eat this, says you've been here."

... Also, what are you up to? Even bare noodles for sale in the Empire?

I think so, but Lannis had grasped the information that the Kingdom of Ceasel would enter the cotton industry, and since it was close to the left, he expected that its production would be enormous.

What that means is that the price of cotton will collapse. In that case, besides cotton, it would be a devastating blow to the empire, which also handles wool, and it used to be a battle, even looting the opponent's cotton business, but since the formation of the Eastern Union, it had read that price adjustments would be decided, due to a reduction in production between the countries handling cotton, including the kingdom of Cesar, which would not benefit unexpectedly.

However, Lannis thought he could make a profit from the sale of new oils if he was able to convert the excess cotton into oil even if he reduced production and adjusted the price.

This was the difference between the left proximity and the lannis. Near left, there is contemporary knowledge, and the senses are close to those of modern times, but the roots are those of the Battlemen of the Antu Peach Mountains era, and the battle is the dominant one.

Lannis, on the other hand, had long decided to gain territory somewhere and become a duke by saying that he was the Emperor's brother in the Serenity Empire system, and that the battle was to be done by the Crown Prince or the military, and that he should only manage the territory, because the feeling was that there was something close to a merchant somewhere.

To Lannis' thoughts, it was near left and Iris, but Irina had noticed Lannis' thoughts because she was originally a peasant, and she was somewhat proud of her husband and was in a better mood.

When Irina was in a better mood and turned into a fun dinner party, Udai's Iraqi dish was served next, and everyone was eating satisfactorily, and Lannis, who seemed satisfied, asked a question to the left while drinking wine.

"Well, it's His Majesty Sakura. What is a dinner party on this rooftop… Also a story inside?

In response to Lannis' question, Iris asked him to pour sake, take a sip and smile.

"Yeah, of course. Sire Lannis...... don't you need good people?

Lannis asked suspiciously close left when he instantly understood that Gustav was talking about what the Sage Society had said before.

"What do you say we talk about it here... did you say at the Sage Society, about the Prince of the Kingdom of Emburg?

But you've decided to take care of Cesar Kingdom?

"That's true, but thank you, Prince Gustav Adolf, he was of a similar type to me and difficult to deal with in our country. Since we were originally kings, we are still more accustomed to determining and moving the overall policy, so that way we can hope for better development.

However, I and His Majesty the Lakes operated under the policy of the previous country called Japan, which is not the same policy as the Swedish country of Prince Adolphe.

Then I thought the Serenity Empire, close to the Prince's Sweden, could unfortunately demonstrate its power, and I held this story together. "

"In our empire, however, there are beasts among the people, but not only the royal family, but all those above the aristocrats, etc., are human beings, and if we make the beasts aristocrats, there may be rebellion..."

And he said unto Lannis, whose colour was difficult, and when he saw the moon while drinking, he said unto him,

"Absolutely royal... Prince Gustav is indeed a hero who has made Sweden a strong nation by concentrating power from the nobles on the royal family while trying to set up his own system of administration of justice in the previous world, encourage business and industry, and promote education.

Called the lion of the north, he was also a good fighter...... this resembles His Holiness, in the Serenity Empire, taking power from nobility and trying to concentrate power on the Emperor's family.

Sure, it's hard to handle and expects a rebellion of nobility...... isn't it worth a try?

The close-left word was that Gustav said Lannis would want someone so badly that he could get his hands out of his throat, and Lannis said he was surprised how the close-left knew about it, Irina pinched her mouth.

"Sire Sakura, where did you purchase that information from? Are you using military intelligence?

In response to Irina's question, whether she was using the army privately, she smiled and shook her head.

"No, it's Klu... oh, don't get me wrong, Klu didn't tell me that."

"Naturally. We didn't say that to Kraw... but why?

So Irina answered with a smile, saying that the left proximity could remove the flue.

"Klau is a really smart kid. Well looked after and smart...... and Wu will be an emperor in history in the future as the Hyogo is working out.

Such a crow, I don't know why, but let's just say at that age you realized the problems of the empire. I've been asking myself, how can I concentrate my power from nobility to emperor?

Well, it's what kids say, so I, too, know why I ask that question, but I don't have a clear answer, saying this is how to do it... because honestly, in the previous world, I was a person on the side of taking power away from the emperor.

So I think Prince Adolphe is a good man for the Serenity Empire. Not necessarily like the world before, but he has experience. "

To the nearest left, Lannis answered with a slightly lonely face, looking at the ripples in the wine glass.

"Right. Kraw was such a good man... I'd love to keep an eye on him forever, but he's a child made of old age, so he has less time for me than any other father.

... Your Majesty Sakura, the Empire is too powerful a nobleman. After Count Lame's case, it got better, but still, the nobility was too powerful.

Both my brother and... and even my father, the Emperor's family suffers from the treatment of nobility long before that. Now that most of the military have become Allied soldiers... you think that man is for Claudio?

... This guy is a pretty serious story. But I feel somewhere like a rich minister.

But similarly, for the Allies to be here, it won't be a big fight, but for that matter, a lot of thoughts will come in and it will be a drool.

Though he thought so, he answered with a gentle smile to Lannis.

"Coups, etc. won't have to worry. Knowing the existence of gunpowder and artillery, I am quite surprised and my thoughts in force would have been thrown away if I had been a wise king.

Besides, I was the one who suggested it, but in the first place, Klau is like my family. I'll keep my eyes open and help Crowe unconditionally. "

And when Lannis and Irina looked down upon the eyes of the left hand, and felt that the left hand was speaking from the heart, and they looked at each other, and said unto the left hand.

"Okay. First, as a Viscount, I'll give you the town that Washi ruled before. If we can develop there, raise the title and bring it into existence.

Apart from that, let's also let Claudio's educator. He might be able to answer any questions that Crowe might have. "

"Exactly an English break. This Sakura Kiyohiro, His Majesty's decisiveness, is just a thought of losing his mind."

That said, I bow my head to Lannis. Near left, Lannis seemed to smell a little. Did Irina not like the atmosphere she said this to me? Irina had changed the subject.

"With that said, Morrie and Moyer will still be ahead of us in witch training, but Fujijiro also lets you learn Yanagi's swordsmanship?

Iris answers that Irina question with a cheek cane.

"Learning swordsmanship with a witch is pretty tough if you're looking at Frau at Chris' place. So, Morrie and Moyer, after we became witches, we all talked about it.

Fujiro, on his birthday in May, was going to get him tested for swordsmanship, but a hopeful introduction from the nobility of the kingdom of Cesar has arrived in Hyogo. Well, if you take it, you're the bottom line that you can pipe with Sakichi and Kluw, and maybe you can remember your name for Kiyohiro.

But the guy in the arsenal, he told everyone to take the exam equally, and we ended up in August. I haven't told Fujiro yet. "

"Huh? Why?

"Look, Sakichi's getting started first, so when he gets started in the same place, he thinks he'll be jerked off again, and he doesn't like it. Once you get started, you'll be forced to take Sakichi with you."

That said, Iris, who spoke at ease, was sympathetic to Lannis, whispering, "It's a child, man brothers are in trouble," close to his left.

The day after this day, Near Left and Lannis summoned Gustav Adolf to examine him as nobleman of the Serenity Empire and, furthermore, as educator of Crown Prince Claudio Serenity, but there was only one demand from Gustav.

"Let Albrecht von Valenstein be killed with your own hands"

Near left and Lannis made a promise to Gustav that if the showdown was near, they would always put him in their own ranks and entrust him with an army, but the thought of the three of them that things could not easily go forward was that by next April, they would be ready to work behind the nobles and welcome Gustav into the nobility of the Empire, and their opinions had gathered.

It is the first step of Gustav Adolf, the Grand Chancellor of the Serenity Empire, who later led the Empire to its greatest prosperity.


Sunday, August 1, 6th AD. After noon this day, in the kitchen of the royal palace in Sacramento, Udai taught the dishes he knew only to Giulio, the first head chef, who was in charge of the left-hand side dishes.

In a nutshell, it was a confection, called Halwa, that was made under the guidance of Udai, who managed to have a conversation, but somewhere resembled Nuger, a confection like French soft candy.

When the nuts and the halwa containing the dried fruit were finished and Giulio and I had a bite to eat, Giulio said with surprise to the taste of soft candy.

"This guy is about halfway between the candy of the continent and the water candy of the Ruthai Empire. The dried fruit inside adds an accent to the good feel"

"It's true, Mr. Giulio. Besides, there's a lot of honey, so it's going to be sunny."

And he smiled, and put it in his mouth, and Udai explained.

"Originally, I would add carrots and nut palm fruit, but I thought this would make it easier to eat, and I changed it a little bit.

In one way or another, this is closer to a treat that says nuggets than halwa. Well, nuggets were originally Halwa, too. "

"Well, I've never heard of nuggets or anything like that, but if I use less honey, rinse a little more sugar, and the cost of ingredients is reduced, I wonder if the average person can handle it. If the Principality of Antonum would join us in Eastern Union, we'd have a little more honey on the market, too."

Unfortunately, he asked Giulio a question, as if he had remembered something.

"With that said, Mr. Giulio. What is the Principality of Antonum like?

Giulio answered with surprise only to ask a serious question.

"When it comes to the Principality of Antonum, it's the food center of the world. The spices are plentiful, beekeeping flourishes, and it's where all kinds of dishes come from. Well, now the kingdom of Cesar is where the food originates.

Later, the Principality of Antonum is a country of great ghosts (orgasms), full of good stature with horns on their foreheads. With that said, Hyogo-sama, the husband of Zhu, is rumored to be a half ghost (half-oga), so I guess his appearance isn't very different from that of a human being... why?

"Hey... Actually, Your Majesty asked me if I'd like to take a little trip. He said it would be good to handle the job, so it would be good to get paid, but the place is called the Principality of Antonym."

"No way, Your Majesty and I?

To Giulio, who was astonished, he denied it with surprise.

"Different. Master of Ensign Theodoro Fabbali and Rabbit Shott, son of Count Fabbali at the White Wolf Knights, Mr. Jack."

To its only words, Udai asks the question with surprise.

"Mr. Jack... did you make a case before?

"Mr. Harkim. That's forbidden...... but that's Mr. Jack.

Well, with Raven on it, I'm relieved, but I'm kind of anxious... "

"With that said, the only aim is the son of Uncle Fabbali, isn't it?

That's what I say and I smile at Giulio, and I say, "You know what I mean? I said," The only way to smile is when I noticed the little gaze I see this way from the gap in the door. Even though I think it's Fujiro, the kitchen is dangerous such as a knife, so it was when I tried to be careful not to enter. I also noticed Udai, and I took some of the freshly made Halwa and put it into my nostalgia.

"I'll go. Even if it looks like this, kids like it."

"Really? Now, please."

Waving only to say so, Udai suddenly entered Fujiro's sight and spoke out once he went from Fujiro to the place where he would be a blind spot, and as he approached the door with Kossoli.


In the sudden appearance of Udai, Fujiro said without speaking, eyes round, and buttocks with Petan, Udai hurriedly opened the door and woke Fujiro, checking for injuries.

"Prince, I'm sorry to surprise you all of a sudden"

To Udai, who was so worried, Fujiro shook his face and said to Udai, holding the bear nuigurumi.

"Do it again"

"No, no, it wouldn't be funny if I knew I'd be surprised. It's okay to say this because all of a sudden.

More than that, Prince. There's a knife, too. It's not safe for a prince. "

To the words of Udai, Fujiro answered Udai, holding his finger, even though he was displeased.

"Everybody, what are you doing?

"Don't tell me that. I'm making secret treats to surprise His Majesty and you."

Did Fujiro become interested in Udai's words? Fujiro jumped with Piong Piong and said, "Show me, show me," and Udai looked a little troubled and made sure no one was around him.

"You're weak... Prince, can you keep your promises to each other?

And he said unto Fujiro, who nodded many times, that Udai would take Fujiro a little to a place where there were no men.

"Bye, Prince. Meditate your eyes and open your mouth."

Udai told Fujiro, who honestly meditated on his eyes and opened his mouth, that Udai had taken the shards of the harwa he had just made and put them in his mouth, wrapped in paper from his nostalgia.

When Fujiro was moved by the texture he tasted for the first time and the acidity of the dried raspberry fruit and the sweetness of the honey and sugar, and smiled unexpectedly, Udai took the halwa out of the paper and told Fujiro.

"Prince, this is an improvement on my hometown treat, Halwa, a little closer to Nugget... isn't it delicious?

And Udai said unto Fujiro, who nodded again and again unto the word of Udai.

"I'm going to eat this for the royalty. Your Majesty and the Queens will be surprised and pleased, won't they?

To surprise you, the Prince must not tell anyone about this. It's a man's promise to me and the prince. "

To Udai's words, Fujiro nodded many times, but his gaze was completely locked on to Halwa in the paper, and he offered Halwa, even though he thought Udai was like a kitten.

"Now let us give this Halwa to the Prince as a testament to the covenant between men. Not if the queens find out.

Give the prince a treat and he'll piss me off. "

"Well, I guess so."

"Yes, sir."

To Fujiro, who put his index finger on his mouth and smiled at Udai's words, Udai also smiled and smiled at his index finger on his mouth, Fujiro put a halwa in the item box in front of Udai, waved, and ran away with Tokotoko.

... Your Majesty does use it a lot right now. It's an item box. So Fujiro is a brave man at that age?

Oh, but His Majesty said that some professions are related to blood muscles... Does that mean that brave men are also related to blood muscles?

Brave guy...... I seriously envy you for having a space transfer that allows you to move wherever you want, you can put your bags all you want, the stuff you put in will be brand new and you have an item box that won't rot.

With that in mind, Udai put his head on poly and went back to the kitchen.

By this time, Fujiro, his brother, Sakichi, had gone to the clerk's office of the coalition forces together with the left-hand side to study, and in the evening, Saturday and Sunday, he was actually quite spared time because he had gone to Lake City to train in swordsmanship.

Because Sakichi was a near-age brother and a playmate; two older sisters, Molly and Moyer, were absent to stay in the witch's training, and Iris, her mother, was all over Sakichi, and Fujiro himself was somewhere bad.

Jiro Fujiro, either because the halwa in his mouth was gone, or when he took the halwa out of the item box and put it in his mouth again, he headed to the nearest left bedroom.

Everyone of the servants greeted him as he walked with the bear nuigurumi, and Fujiro smiled and responded, walking into the quiet left-hand bedroom where he heard the female servants say "cute" from behind, tea reading the military script as he looked at the garden on the edge.

Fujiro said to Fujiro that the teas didn't care much when they hung on the back of the teas.

"Fujiro, are you free?

"I'm not free... what, are you reading?

"... the Book of War"

"What's a military law book?

"It's a book that says how to win the war, written by your grandfather, Lakes. It's not a picture book, it's just letters... so what have you been picking and eating?

Behind the tea, which he said without turning around, Fujiro wondered if he could tell by the smell, and when he unwittingly blocked his mouth with both hands, the tea said, bewildered.

"Block your mouth, but it's too late... I'll shut you up, but if you're picking and eating, you won't be able to eat dinner"

It was Fujiro who was cautious or slightly swollen his cheeks and obstinate, but he heard someone coming, and Fujiro said, looking in that direction, Busty came and said.

"Dear Fujiro, were you here?

Your Majesty wants you to get dressed and come to the Willow Dojo in Lake City. "

Busty said to Fujiro with a smile that Fujiro looked anxious.

"They're going to do Fujijiro's exam. Now, if Hyogo recognizes that you possess the qualities of swordsmanship, Fujijiro can also be a direct disciple of Hyogo, like Pandora and Saki-san."

All of a sudden, Fujiro's face seemed anxious by the word "first exam" and the keyword "Sakichi", but when he heard that he could learn the same swordsmanship as Pandora, he asked Busty a question.

"If I pass, will you be happy, Sister Chi?

"Of course. Pandora loves Fujiro."

And when Busty smiled, Fujiro smiled, and the teas closed the scriptures of war, and said unto him in awe.

"Damn, I'm really surprised that Pandora is only sweet on Fujiro, but Kiyoshi is also sweet on Pandora, so I guess this is a family line too. I'll go with you. Fujiro, I'll get dressed."

To the tea that said, when Busty offered Fujiro's size roadsuit from the item box, the tea helped Fujiro change his clothes.


In Busty's spatial transfer, the three eyes who came to the Willow Dojo in Lake City were queued not only by the many kingdoms of Cesar, but also by the nobles of the nations and the Martial Family of the Ruthai Empire, who were waiting for the order of the exams with their children.

When the nobles realized the sight of the three, as if they were ten commandments, and everyone bowed their heads, Tea clenched the anxious hand of Fujiro, and walked into it.

At the dojo, sitting on the upper seat were Hyogo and Pearl, and at the walls, strict bags and Pandora and Sagitta sat in the front seat, but when Pandora saw Fujiro, he smiled and waved small at Fujiro, and when it brought relief to Fujiro's heart, the teas came next to Fujiro, sitting on the wall's back, near the left.

"You're an amazing person. Have I been delayed?

"No, it was just fine. Next year, there will be information about the Heavenly View match, and since I know that it will be held every year in the future, everyone has told Hyogo to teach their children swordsmanship, and they have arrived.

But it seems to be a Hyogo, and my direct disciple says it's only for those he admits, otherwise, he's shaking them into beads and tight bags.

Well, it's like that, so the exams are reserved and ordered... the people outside are the ones waiting to get the exams done in the vacant places of those who are booked but didn't come late. "

"That's what I'm saying, Willow Raw's name goes up too...... so who passes?

And when the words of the tea were raised his hand, saying, "There is no one there," as the left hand was frightened, and the tea was frightened, and he looked at the armory.

"That idiot. Those of high stature, if they do not make them direct disciples, will hate the lowly and the training, so they may end up obsolete..."

And he answered the tea that he had spoken, and the left and the near answered with pleasure.

"That idiot, still looking for quality, won't bend his mind. The stubborn man is Willow's blood."

And it was at that time, when Mira taught the Hyogo, and said unto the child that was waving the Bamboo Knife.

"Until then! Jack Dill... unfortunately, it's not passed."

And it came to pass, in the words of his armory, that he wondered whether Zawazawa, and even the son of Baron Dir, could not do it: and the armory glanced round about, and shut him up, and said, pointing in the direction of Fujiro.

"Next, Jiro Sakura Fujiro! This will be the last exam of the day!

When Hyogo told me that Fujiro was surprised and Fujiro stood anxiously when he smiled, Mira drew his hand towards the center of the dojo, but the nobles watched the exam without leaving.

Mira taught me that Sakichi couldn't be the first Bamboo Knife to grip, and that Pandora, who sat next to him, told Sakichi that Sakichi was immersed in a sense of superiority, even though he was flirtatious in some place and waved the Bamboo Knife many times.

"Sachi, you were like that at first too... it's my brother, don't look down on Fujiro. Our sisters and brothers, don't look down... if you look down, you will kill them no matter what they say."

"...... ha"

Pandora, pointing her mouth, answered obstinately, and Pandora looked sadly at Ji Fujiro's movements.

... young, so even swinging a bag bamboo knife would be a struggle, but it doesn't matter if your body has a solid axis, whether you are young or not. The movement of the circle is the central Willow New Yin Flow, the most important thing is that the axis of the body is solid.

When the axis is shaken, unstable, extra force enters and the speed slows, as if the rotating comma is shaken... However, Fujiro's axis seems to be stable and shaken. Now...

I think so. Pandora's ears echo the voice of the Hyogo.

"Until then!

In his voice, he shook his body, and in the attention of the nobles to Fujiro, who stopped moving, Hyogo said in a slow, quiet tone.

"Jiro Sakura Fujiro... unfortunately, it's not passed"

Fujiro, a child of Near Left and Iris, said to Fujiro, with a sharp eye, that Fujiro could not grasp the situation when the nobles were surprised that Fujiro had been branded unsuccessful.

"Fujiro, I said you didn't pass. I mean, you don't have the qualities to take my teachings... but if you still want to remember Yanagi Shin Yin Liu, the beads or the strict package will teach you."

Ahhh. No way, Fujiro couldn't do it. Well, how do I train Fujiro in the future?

I think so. And the teas saw Ji Fujiro, and said unto the left.

"In that Fujiro movement, indeed in the Willow Shin Yin current of the circle, there must be no qualities, but in the Kaori Shinto stream, which is the movement of the line, there is qualities. In the future, can I coach Kaori Shinto Stream?

"Oh, of course. Besides, Fujiro has a low center of gravity and a unique center of gravity for spears, which grows its roots firmly on the earth. Funny, I'll tell you the spear too.

Yeah, and I'll teach you how to do it. Fujiro could be an interesting monster in action. "

There was a tearful Fujiro at the end of his near-left gaze with a grin that said so.

Fujiro gradually understood what Hyogo was saying, and when he dropped the bag bamboo knife in his hand, he hugged Pandora and cried without a voice, Pandora said, gently hugging Fujiro, stroking his head.

"Fujiro, are you sorry? Do you regret being told you're not talented?

To Pandora's question, Pandora said in a gentle voice to Fujiro, who nodded again and again in Pandora's chest.

"Then don't forget this remorse forever. And be strong... be stronger than anyone else and give back to him who is laughing in his heart right now.

But knowing defeat at this age is a good thing. Growing up, knowing defeat, will be irrevocable.

But if you know defeat at this age and learn to repent, try to be strong in order not to lose again. You'll definitely be strong in the future... because your family has a hell of a lot of monsters. "

Well, since you two are up to something behind you, I don't think you're gonna be okay... but at a time like this, Iris' mother won't be able to be completely absent shopping.

Then more and more Fujiro will become the mother of the tea, and things will be very difficult in the future.

Even so, Pandora was comforting Fujiro, who cried in her own chest.

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