Since then, no significant progress has been made in the investigation of Weiya-Jacques and Skuld. Eventually, the time has passed without knowing the origin of new vessels, denominations or new weapons, and the reception was at a later date. On Saturday, October 9, A.D., the wedding of Fei and Yuantaro was held in a newly built cottage on the beach of Luche Forest, where Amaia and the others came to this world.

In the woods, the fence, which was placed invisible from the beach, was all written in Ur, rendering it indestructible, and before the fence were planted the dried adds, which had grown in the forests of Lugonne, friendly to their close left friends.

The dry ads were also happy to acknowledge that more species were being planted in the Luche Forest with more food such as demons than in Rugundy, where there was less food, and they sank a fence with Ur written on the sea to prevent demons from entering it.

Of course, the elimination of the biggest neck, the slime, was largely driven away by the power of Testa to be driven out and magically burn everything for the day.

As a result, this hellish beach, which was safe, had been transformed into a heavenly resort beach, close to the equator and lined with white sandy beaches and blue waters in all summer.

Before noon, she came out of Lin's space transfer, came back for the wedding, brought a family with Molly and Moyer in it, and the dressed left-hand side had lost their words to the overwhelming beach, and the children were making trouble by telling their mothers that they wanted to swim when tension rose to the beautiful sea.

In it, Qinglong, who had come one step ahead and had newly taken office in Yamato, approached him near the left and smiled and greeted him.

"Congratulations to your son, Lord Faye, and to Mr. Maida on your marriage."

"No, thank you very much for attending my daughter's wedding."

That being said, the way we bowed our heads to each other was entirely Japanese itself, but the two people, who felt somewhat uncomfortable with this at-home atmosphere, looked up and smiled, said Left Near.

"There's no such thing as awe in the air."

"Sure. You've never had such a soothing wedding ritual... because Lord Maida said nothing?

"Of course, I said it." I'm not saying this is a wedding ritual ".

But my son Yuantaro told me, "I don't think my father's getting married," and I couldn't say anything. "

Upon hearing the explanation of the near left, Qinglong suddenly laughed and said to the near left with tears.

"Hahaha! Um, shut up Lord Maida, who was said to be Shinano's serpent... no, he could be a big man in the future"

"Yeah, sure, you'll be a big shot in the future. Still, is Mr. Ozizizi, today, a voicemail?

That said, the left-hand side, looking around, there was certainly no appearance of Qing Yun, and from the Gojojima family, instead, his son, Nagajiro Tsinghui Shima, had come.

Qinglong answered the nearest left question a little hard to say.

"Hmm? Oh, right... In fact, Master Ojiji has tended to feel ill since he was wounded in the Battle of Takatojo, when he was offered to cede the governor to Nagajiro..."

The words ahead, Qinglong said nothing, but in the near left, he felt that hatred was directed at the purity that had caused it, and that hatred in the same clan, even though it looked a little sad, was turned away.

"Was I? Did you feel inclined to hide, Master Jii?

For years, even with a troubled father, it would have been difficult for Nagajiro. Now you can stand alone and be recognized as a man. "

"Sure...... late bloom, but Nagajiro is also an island man. Someday, you'll understand."

When Qinglong said that with his sad face, he looked at Qinghui with his sad face, both near and left.

Then came the successive gatherings, the heads of state and classmates, who were gathered together and came busy, but the left-hand side, who was greeting the attendees who had come, was told by Busty, and when one entered the cottage to pick up Fay, there he finished his makeup, and Fay, dressed in the pure white wedding dress that Cecil had worn, was sitting with a nervous face, and when the left-hand side came in, he said his face bright blue and left-hand side.

"Heh, Your Majesty. I'm too nervous, or my body doesn't move...... what should I do?

Ahhh. I'm so nervous because I'm not used to being the lead... well, I know how you feel.

With that in mind, when he brought the chair next to Faye, he sat still and shook Faye's hand.

"Faye, I know you're nervous... even I've had a few weddings, but I've always been nervous. Well, in that case, I tried to think of it as a samurai or a battlefield here.

Then it was a strange thing, so I could act like I always do... but hide my killings. When I come out, I'm surprised that Yuantaro thinks Faye's gonna kill me. "

Faye blew out and laughed at the dumb appearance on her mind, imagining the words near her left.

"Psst... hahaha, sure, that would surprise you"

Did the laughter relieve the nervousness, Faye noticed that the body that was hardened by the nervousness was moving, and thanked him near left.

"My body moves... Your Majesty, thank you so much for making such a joke for me"

"You can move now, or that's good. But it's time to call me your father... well, the wall looks taller."

That's what he said, smiling. Near the left, Faye said in tears, shaking his head.

"If it's true, I really appreciate you welcoming me into your family in a pleasant way and having such a wonderful wedding even more, and I always said it in my heart...... thank you, Father"

And he said unto the word, Father, which he saith accidentally, When he held his head by accident, and turned away his face, he said with a trembling voice.

"Faye... this is unexpected... but thanks"

Faye, who felt truly delighted with those close-left words, also said "sorry" in tears.


Around that time, in the venue set on the beach, a red carpet followed on the altar, coloured with flowers from the cottage, beside it, Pandora in a dress, holding Fujiro in a tuxedo, came with Shirley to his classmates, and Josette smiled and told Pandora.

"Good morning, Pandora, Shirley. But Fujiro, you're getting bigger too... at this rate, Pandora's going to get over height soon."

In the words of Josette, Pandora looked at Fujiro and said:

"Every night, don't get any bigger. So, trying to curse me, while Fujiro's asleep, I'm trying to smack him in the head gently, but hey."

Do you understand Pandora's words, Fujiro was surprised, and when he held his head with both hands, his surroundings were engulfed with laughter, and Rudy said in tears.

"Hahaha...... Fujiro, it's your sister's joke. It's okay, Fujiro, because when you grow up, you'll be a tall, good-looking adult. I assure you."

... No, I stopped what I was really trying to do.

Eli talked to Shirley who couldn't tell the truth.

"With that said, Josette said you were running a hell of a course in that exercise area... you're lying, aren't you?

"It's true. Fujiro says he wants to be strong with Pandora, and Pandora is running that course. His Majesty told Uchigi not to hesitate, so he's yelling just like us."

Pandora smiled and told Fujiro that everyone had a surprise eye for Shirley's words and that she absolutely didn't want to be born into the Sakura family's house.

"Gradually, I was able to complete the course of Marutai."

"Yeah. Clear it all up quickly, grow up strong, and marry no sister."

"It's great. I love Fujiro too, so pick me up soon."

So Eli smiled and said, looking at Pandora, who stroked Fujiro's head with a smile, as if to see a rare beast.

"I had no idea that Pandora would drown his brother so much... the world really doesn't know. Well, there's a rare sight around here too."

That said, when Pandora and Shirley saw the direction Eli would give with his jaw, Yuantaro, in a tuxedo, stood on the stage, next to the crested syllabus, upright immobilized and solidified into a kachikachi.

"Um, Yuantaro, who has nothing to do with nervousness... here comes the spear"

As everyone nodded in agreement to Pandora's words, when the orchestra of the Royal Conservatory began to prepare and the conductor waved the baton, classical music played quietly.

Signalling the music that everyone began to ring, attention was paid to the red carpet, and a small cage containing flower petals that had become mountains, was handed out to each of them by a servant, under the blue sky, a dressed busty and testa stood in front of the door, opened up in momentum, and from the inside came out an arm-wrapped near left and a fay.

Fay retreated for a moment to the sea of applause that boiled from around him, but being on the proximal left side, he immediately regained his mind and walked on the carpet with the proximal left, as the petals from around him were sprayed like rain and he wondered if it was really the sight of the world, and the proximal left and Fay slowly walked towards Yuntaro on the stage.

Faye's guy, he cried... is that it? My fucking father has bright red eyes, too. Are you crying, that fucking father?

With that in mind, Pandora had been stopped by a rushed Shirley, offering the cage to Fujiro and saying, "Tell your father, hit him".

Eventually, as he slowly stomped his emotions, when Near Left and Faye stood on the stage, Near Left stood next to the Synod, and for some reason Elma in the priesthood of the Northern Church came out and spoke about the marriage, Xinhui spoke to Near Left next door, whispering.

"Near left, take care of tradition, what a wedding... this is a disgrace to the Maida family"

Well, you're angry. Happy soldier is adapting... Tokujiro was annoyed to say that, but he is also surprisingly annoyed.

"That's good, it's not Tokujiro, and you don't have to be so annoying. Besides, it's not the Luthai Empire right now... this is what we need to do.

We're going to have a wedding, just like we want to do... with all kinds of races and races, our country will deserve it. "

To the nearest left word, Shinjitsu sighed once, and it was time to acknowledge the nearest left thought, that when Elma finished reading Kampe, he asked Yuantaro in a distracted tone.

"Uh-oh, I'm getting married this time, Shinhui Maida Yuantaro. Make Faye your wife and love her for the rest of her life, huh?

Hey! "Want one? It's not! Plus, what, the way you talk and dress! You must have packed the clothes of a Northern Church priest!

Unexpectedly the left and near, I put a scratch in my heart, because Yuantaro answered with a nervous voice, his head was not spinning at all.

"Yes! I'll cherish it for the rest of my life!

... high alone would be good. You're totally tempered.

In front of the left-hand side, Erma smiled at Gentaro and said to Faye next.

"Next ha, Fay. Yuantaro, do you swear to live with me as husband for life?

Is it interesting to see Erma's light nori and Yuntaro, who is tempered, that Faye replied straight to Erma, even as she smiled.

"Yes, I swear"

Ooh, boulders are fays. It is still strong in the earthen fields.

I think so. Near left, Elma turned her gaze, winked lightly and signaled something, and said something surprising.

"Well, I hereby declare that you two will be husband and wife, so shall we both kiss each other hot?"

"Wait! Is that...!?"

I said to the two surprised when I immediately blocked my mouth from the back of the syllabus and strapped my feathers because I was standing by to say that something was on Elma's signal.

"Gentaro! I forgive you, Faye's father. Show me the man!

Faye! You guys are a couple now, so don't worry about it! This is a king's order, do it!

Huh!? In this place, you give the king's orders? It would be the wrong place to use it.

Though he thought so, Yuantaro grabbed both shoulders of the astonishing Faye and came close to his face, but his eyes were the eyes of whoever did not know what he was about to do now, completely tempered.

For that, he said, "Hey, hey, Gentaro? He said," It was an unexpected retreat Faye, but Yuantaro's hand was grasping Gassili and Faye, unable to move, and when Faye was ready to meditate on his eyes, Yuantaro held him tight and kissed him as he was.

At the next moment, the attendees heard cheers and applause, and the petals that remained danced through the universe, but to Yuantaro, who would never leave, Faye turned bright red in his face and slapped him with a bash.

... It's a long time. Could it be, until they tell you to leave, you're going to do it?

So he whispered to Yuantaro.

"Gentaro, I know how you feel, but do it by then. We'll move on to the party."

Returning to reality to its near-left words, Yuantaro turned his face bright red and left, Faye also leaned bright red on his face, and Elma smiled and said to the attendees.

"Well, celebrate the birth of this young couple, everyone have fun!

Taking Elma's decree as a signal, the orchestra played music again, and Yuantaro and Faye were surrounded by friends, making fun of each other earlier, smiling and saying that Lakes was bringing Prince Lucio and Bernard and the others closer together to the left and the disgruntled syllabus.

"Hey, I don't know what's going to happen to life when Near Left and Tai Yuan become the same relatives. That said, Yuanta, stop that face in the celebration seat... the blessings will escape."

"... if that's what your palace says"

When Lakes smiled at the disgruntled syllabus that said so, he looked to the left and said:

"Sometimes it's close to the left... what are you thinking about giving me the Prince of Emburg as an empire?

That's what I said. Lakes' glance was exploring if there was any idea behind it in the left proximity, but the left proximity answered without worrying about anything.

"Nothing... I just thought that prince, at my place, was going to bump into me and pull each other's legs. Well, that would be the same at Lord Oyaji's.

Then I spoke to His Majesty the Emperor, hoping that the Empire would have just craved someone like a prince. "

And he said unto his left and near attitude, Did he feel that there was no lie, that Lakes would drink champagne, and smile?

"Are there any lies... but if you give them to the Empire, take care of them till the end?"

It said to prevent with certainty the assassination from the kingdom of Emburg, which would have been expected, and the proximity left took out the flue and said:

"I know... something a little more troublesome than that... a little better?

Yuanta, I'm sorry, but people aren't coming. Look at me. "

In recognition of the letter, which he understood to be about the Order and the new weapon, he moved to the corner of the venue and asked Lakes a question near the left.

"Near left, troublesome talk is about Emburg?

"No, it's the other Antonym."

And to the nearest left answer, Lakes stopped his leg, and asked him a question.

"Did you find out what you were up to?

"Yes... Lord Oyazi, once in alliance with the Principality of Antonum, deliberately made us appear to have broken the alliance from the other side, to make us allie with the Kingdom of Emburg, the fruit of which is that Fresia and Antonum are connected and together they held up to destroy the Kingdom of Emburg... no?

To that near-left question, Lakes had a wrinkle between his eyebrows, but Lucio, not knowing the inside, looked at Lakes in surprise, because Lakes answered near-left as if he was not interested.

"That's right. Exactly.

However, if Antonum and Emburg formed an alliance, it would be a good idea to invade the Principality of Antonum in an alarmed and electric manner, as there was no such intimidation... But even if both ghosts were to be seen out, it would be Madam. "

And he spat out smoke, and said unto Lakes, that he might repent.

"My prediction is that Lord Oyaji's contact with the Eastern Union raised some doubts. Evidence of this is that we introduced new weapons only recently."

"You think it's a new weapon?

And it came to pass, when Lakes' gaze was sharp, that he answered with a serious face, and with his arms together.

"That's right. It's a new weapon. Well, shall we talk in order?

As a matter of fact, spices, etc. were obtained from the Principality of Antonum before, and were purchased by a servant with our food products. At that time, they also taught me how to cook… I realized that the spices and how to cook and the name of the dish were the same as in the previous world.

It was said that the vessel or Etrunze was likely to be in the Principality of Antonum, so we had him do an undercover investigation in the Principality of Antonum. "

"... so you were there?

"There are currently three angel vessels that we can confirm, but there are supposedly others. Two of them have already been assassinated and are no longer in the world, but one of the others is thought to be around the Inland Sea outside of the Principality of Antonym, which is quite a pain in the ass.

The name of the previous life was Hassan Sabbarf...... aka Mountain Monk, Mountain Elder. As you can tell by the name, he is an exotic, just between Nanban and Geranium, in an area called the Middle East.

Ages are older than ours… just in time for the Shogun of Kamakura? That's how old I am.

Back then, the Middle East was threatened by the invasion of Nanban, and they created an organization to combat it… its name is the Assassin Church.

The congregation dared to assassinate the invading Nanban general in a crowded area, as it had shown him. "

"Did those who call that denomination, its Hasan, also form in this world?

"Yep... and they're making the whole of the Inland Sea, commonly known as the Inland Sea, under its influence, with the predominantly poor in it. Think all the poor are in there, no doubt about it.

What we know now is that the Hassan race is human and they are Beltran from a small country. If you do poorly with this, you'll bump into us.

And I don't know if it has anything to do with that, but for the Eastern Union, the Duchy of Antonym was purchasing new weapons, and they say that's the weapon that was used for a long time in Nanban and Tai.

Well on the way, he said that the South Barbarian nation, called the Eastern Roman Empire, thoroughly monopolized the technology and perished as it was, so the technology was lost... "

"Hasan knew that the weapon was resurrected in this world… its monopoly technology?

So I answered Nick with a snort from the left.

"I don't know about that, but maybe there's not just that Hasan, there's another one associated with that eastern Roman empire, and I'm staring. At that time of Hasan, it seemed that the Empire already had a monopoly on technology, so I think it's hard to know.

Another reason is that there was food from a country far beyond the Surugawa Sea, called Mexico in the Principality of Antonum… I thought Yuanta and I would eat it and die of spiciness. "

To the near-left report, Lakes put his arms together and asked the near-left question.

"What kind of weapon is that? You think you can win?

"To be honest, if it is used at sea, there is no hand application. The contents of the weapon vary, ranging from things like branded balls to things that erupt flames 30 meters long, but all their raw materials are called media fire… or Greek gunpowder.

The characteristic is that it ignites when it comes close to fire and burns heavily on the water, adding more flames if it is hung. "

"There's nothing you can do about it if it burns on the water, and if you hang it, there's even more flames. The only way to deal with it is still the witch's magic barrier?

So he answered Roy's words with a serious face.

"That will be all we have. It's also ant to say dokan with cannons and artillery from afar, but it's bad to say it's over once they're even close.

Besides, if used in the rain, the damage rises further to the right shoulder… but the number of witches has decreased considerably as a result of the civil war in the Luthai Empire. We can't do more overnight, and we have our own faith problems. "

"Then slap where it will feed that media fire, or destroy the factory and assassinate all those who know more... the feedstock is quicker, but where did it come from?

The boulder is Lord Oyaji. Think of immediate measures?

But Lord Oyaji, who thinks about how to beat this new thing, sounds really fun.

"The origins are probably former Seventh Federation merchants. Because one of the raw materials, naphtha, is produced from an area of the former Seventh Confederation, which processes what is called oil.

However, even if you say you can produce from the regions of the former Seventh Confederation, you may be able to do so from elsewhere. Now, I'm ordering my men to search for the source.

We are also searching for Hasan and other vessels. So I asked Lord Oyaji to do me a favor... most of them are Lord Samuro. "

And he said unto Roy with a smile of his face, "Me or me," and unto Roy with a smile of his left hand.

"That's right. Thinking at times, at that time, of Lord Oyaji, three were entrusted with diplomacy in peace: the Sanro Soldier, the Comrade Soldier and the Hall. However, Happy Soldiers negotiate with the Eastern Union, and the Lord is the last of his internal affairs... and then the only one who can do anything ridiculous to get into the enemy and negotiate is Lord Samuro."

To that near-left reasoning, Lakes answers with a grin.

"You, wouldn't it be better to work for the Joint Bureau of Investigation to succeed?

Well, that would be good. So, what do you want me to do?

"I ask Lord Oyazi to lend me the Shinobi of the Kingdom of Fresia, and I want to know the exact location and number of new weapons that are out there in the Principality of Antonym.

Tell Lord Samuro to urge the Principality of Antonym to make an alliance with the Kingdom of Emburg as soon as possible, or tell the other side that he knows about the new weapon, and if he asks why he knows, tell him that even in the Eastern Union, we had introduced it before, but there were too many accidents, and even more so in the Luthai Empire, measures were taken, so that it was worthless, but the imports of oil had recently decreased, so the army was looking into it. "

To the nearest left word, Lakes said with pleasure.

"I see, in the truth, mix a little lies. In fact, we know the existence of new weapons, and many accidents can be easily imagined by handling fire.

And in doing so, I mix up the fact that the countermeasure is in place and the lie that you are importing what is called oil... did you also have the qualities of a fraudster?

Even if you deny it's a lie, in order for an accident to happen, the bud of suspicion grows up with Don and blossoms one day. What's more, you want me to find out where and how many, and induce an accident...

Roy, find out who's finally going to be able to do something about it, and spread the rumors later on into his territory. The King of the Principality of Antonum is trying to introduce weapons that would make soldiers disposable.

Now, if there's an accident, morale can be worn out before the war starts, and the guys on the other side may dispose of the new weapon on their own. "

"I understand. Fighting an unknown weapon... this guy is getting fun."

That's what I said and laughed at Roy, but Lucio was listening to the conversations between his closest left, through surprise, half frightened.

Awesome... so does Father, but how could Kiyohiro come up with such a ruse?

These are the ones who fought in the land known as the Sun Book in their previous lives… the monsters in the monsters.

Lucio was surprised to think so, and the syllabus whispered.

"Near left, Alexia's here."

Reacting to that word, the left-hand man and Lakes immediately switched to mere bickering, and as he spoke, Alexia came with a newborn Heisuke, a child with Changheng, and turned to the left-hand man, bowing her head.

"Your Majesty, this is Faye's wedding. I sincerely congratulate you."

Because he had lived in Kawanakajima for several years, or to talk like a Luthai, the leftists smiled unexpectedly, but only for a moment when he bowed his head, the left-hand side felt Alexia's expression cloudy, he said to Alexia with a smile.

"Thank you, Alexia. I'm more than happy to have you celebrate... why don't we talk over there for a second?

Alexia was surprised for a moment by the words near her left, as if she had seen through her heart, because she immediately answered with a smile.

"Yeah, on the other side, then"

"Oh, right. Yes, Lord Oyaji... I asked for an example."

"For the sake of my stupid son, even though I don't mean to, I'll take care of it"

What's the matter with you? Totally for Norinoli's scum.

With that in mind, the left-hand side lowered his head slightly to the Lakes, leaving Alexia and the venue a little.

Near left and the two of us, the anxiety we've been hiding comes out on our faces. And when it applauded with greater anxiety, he made sure that there was no one near him, and looked back, and said, Heisuke.

"But Heisuke's hair is Alexia's color, right? Your face looks just like Alexia's.

You know what? A boy looks more like his mother than a man. Girls, vice versa. "

Alexia knew Alexia was trying to delude Alexia's anxious feelings, and she bowed her head to the left.

"As a matter of fact, I hear my husband and Master Shinjitsu talking about the Kingdom of Beltran... is it going to be a war with the Kingdom of Beltran?

To the exact words of Alexia, the proximity left became for a moment a kyoton, and he immediately said, a gentle face.

"I won't. Alexia would know best that the Kingdom of Beltran is not a country like that.

"Well, yes... and the other thing I heard was about the Assassin Church, asking me if they were talking to each other."

Think of the time and the place to talk to them. But the way you put it, you know something, but what Alexia knows, Jack will find out easily.

Even so, the left hand side said, stroking Heisuke's head with a gentle face.

"I know Alexia's past...... so I don't want to be sad to hear that from Alexia and remind her of the old days when she was born and is at the top of her happiness right now, and forget about that story.

Besides, even if you don't ask Alexia, our army has a brilliant intelligence unit. We'll find out soon enough. "

"But I want to help His Majesty at all. Happiness now, I believe, is what Your Majesty has given you.

Allow me to return the favor at all. I beg you!

So he said to Alexia, who bowed his head to the left, and to the left, who looked troubled, but slapped Alexia's head gently with a pomp.

"The Sakura family members are family members up to those who worked formerly, and all the servants think they are my children. I'll just take that feeling."

Left near was Alexia, who felt that she really cared about herself, but for the sake of a little bit near left, the emotion of having to do something crossed, and when she raised her head with a complicated face, Left near smiled and said to Alexia as if she could see through it.

"If... if you really want to say so, raise Heisuke to be a fine man, not only for me, but also for the Sakura family, with love.

A child who knows a truly happy family, even when he grows up, creates the same happy family… With more children who have said so, there will be more happy families and our country will be richer. What I'm asking Alexia to do is to enrich the country.

You can leave the bucket to the bucket store and the military about the war. Alexia will contribute to me the way Alexia can. "

To Alexia, whose left and nearest words looked complicated, the left and nearest tried to leave the scene, but inadvertently stopped and looked back.

"Finally, may I say a little Wagamama?

If I could, I'd like to be Heisuke's Uhat parent... you know what a Uhat parent is?

"Yeah, when I lived at Haijin Castle, I've heard it several times and I know it.

But when you say Wuhat parent, you mean you're going to be the other parent of this Heisuke... okay?

"Good or nothing, if you are as beautiful as Alexia, and a tough man as Changheng, even if you leave her alone, a woman will come by. I get that spill as a what-head parent... what do you say, perfect plan?

I was so kidding, it was a close left suggestion, but Alexia figured out how she felt close left, tears in her eyes and said close left.

"If you say that, your wife will be angry again."

"Hey, I'm angry and used to it, and I don't think about it as much as I do every time I'm grounded. The cheating habit is my nature... and then I have to die a hundred times to be reborn, or I won't heal."

"Well, don't say it yourself."

When he responded with a smile to Alexia, who said in tears, and a smile to the left, he waved straight and went back to the venue.

If you ask Alexia about the Order, she will try to move herself. But the more I heard about the denomination from Skuld and Udai, the more I was reminded to say it was dangerous.

Don't let Alexia, who is so happy, suffer again in the eyes of danger.

With that in mind, the left-hand side went back to the venue to tease Yuntaro, who was still nervous.


When Near Left was giving Yuantaro a little, Elias, who was attending the wedding, was at the same time participating Amiria and the Imperial family of the Serenity Empire were making a mockery, the beat approached and came to talk.

"Thank you all so much for attending my grandson's wedding today. That said, for Lord Neumann, Faye will be a grandson in the same way, so I'm confused as to how to say hello.

But this is how I used to be, and this is how I couldn't be considered a friendly attendance at a wedding with the Empires... really, it's been a good time "

So he answered the beat that smiled and looked around him, and Lannis also looked around and answered him with a gentle face.

"Right. As Grand Duke Stark said, I can't even imagine the sight of a weasel in those days.

Nevertheless, this marriage to the Maida family would have planned any country if the Sakura family hadn't let it. Whatever, Maida, who hunted down His Majesty Sakura... every country will want so much that they can get their hands out of their throats.

Well, in that personality, it would be difficult. "

"Yeah, right. It is particularly difficult to treat among the Luthaians, as they are those whose roots are the same as His Majesty's, and who move in their own righteousness… That is so, Lord Neumann. Do you have a minute?

To the nomination of the beat, Elias turned his eyes round, and pointed his finger at himself, and the beat nodded.

"I need to talk to you..."

Okay, let's hear it over there.

That said Elias, walking in the direction of the cottage, Lannis said with a grin to Amelia, who looked worried about Elias.

"Do you care? Lord McGregor."

"Huh? Yes, no, I'm not..."

In front of Amelia, who had difficulty responding, Irina was shrugged and silent, pulling attention to Lannis' ears, and Amelia was also holding Jeremy and laughing bitterly.

And when Beat and Elias said, entering the cottage and Elias turned around, he noticed the look on the face of the beat with the door closed, and said to the beat even though he thought this was a serious problem.

"Grand Duke... So, what's the story?

In response to Elias' question, Beat answered with a slightly more difficult face.

"Somehow, it seems to expose the inner affairs of our country, it's hard to say... In fact, before His Majesty, the nobles of our country were forming a faction, and one of those factions was planning to make Grand Duke McGregor his ally and Sage his next king...

Well, when my majesty says, there are times when there is a back and the sincerity of it is different, so I did my own research. "

"There is not much he can say to others about his sincerity. So, because it really happened?

Beat nodded to Elias, who laughed bitterly.

"Oh, there it is. In three main parts.

The imperialists gathered together the kingdoms of the former kingdom of Salz and those of the former empire. And a faction called the Imperial faction of former mercenaries who had suffered with the Luthaians and His Majesty.

To His Majesty's successor, the Royalists consider Molly, and the Imperial faction Saji, and the Imperial faction observes and puts a certain distance between both.

My country is sometimes referred to by His Majesty as the Grand Marshal, many nobles belong to coalition forces, and nobility is neither exaggerated nor overstated, mostly military personnel. That means if you run wild, the civil war in the coalition will begin. "

"That, I know. The Kingdom of Ceasel is at the heart of the Eastern Union, and the impact of its civil unrest on the Union will collapse the Eastern Union if it does poorly...... so, because His Majesty is about to take any measures?

"Oh. From each faction, it seems His Majesty sees that if it becomes a civil war, the strength of each faction, which is in the main unit of the coalition, is also important, but the most important thing is that it looks like the Knights.

That's a convincing story, too. Whatever the Knights say the top is His Majesty's direct unit, the head of each Knights regiment is an absolute independent elite unit.

So with two knights, they are trying to weaken the McGregor family and warn the imperialists. "

At that moment, when Elias' expression included only a moment of killing, Elias asked the beat, biting his back teeth and putting up with that anger.

"Your Majesty... what are you going to do with Amilee?

Again, when it comes to Lord McGregor, does Lord Neumann get angry... but no matter how much Lord Neumann gets angry, this is all we have to admit.

Even so, Beat bowed his head to Elias and said:

"His Majesty... His Majesty intends to hide Lord McGregor and let his governor succeed his daughter Christina to marry Lord Neumann. I know it's wrong to ask Lord Neumann, the Imperial, to do this, but I wonder if you could marry Lord McGregor for the same clan's favor!

... Isn't this the och who said that His Majesty knew about my relationship with Amirie before and that there really was a faction and there was a spark of civil unrest?

But I feel like something is different when people tell me to marry you...

Even so, because Elias answered with his hand upon his chin.

"Grand Duke Stark. Do you really think that would eliminate the spark of civil unrest?

"Totally, I don't think it will go away...... but the McGregor family, which leads the two knights and is the highest nobleman, has the power after the royal family, even in the kingdom of Ceasel.

This weakening of the McGregor family will serve as a warning to other nobles, and it seems that not only the imperialists, but also the royalist nobles, will hesitate "

Sure, what Grand Duke Stark would say... but...

So Elias answered, bowing his head.

"I know how Grand Duke Stark feels. But I can't respond right now... can I say later?

To the words of Elias, Beat felt intuitively that Elias was going to say no, and he took Elias' hand and asked him with a serious face.

"The fate of our country depends on Lord Neumann's decision. I know this is a really convenient favor, but think of it as helping your son Iris."

That was the beat I desperately asked for, but after all Elias didn't give me a good reply, and I told him I would get away with it later.

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