Another Life

The price of betrayal.

When Changheng was meeting with Conrad, the kingdom of Beltran, which Conrad hated, and the city facing the Inland Sea, called Eagletown, located near the border of the former Seventh Confederation, outside the forces of the Eastern Union.

The city, like a giant wave pushing from all the land, flourished from the terrestrial land, and the part facing the inland sea was a giant cliff.

On that giant cliff was a cave so small and pocky that the ship could pass, and towards it, from the sea of pitch black, the sound of a drum was ringing.

Is it a cave watch, a few of whom, looking at the dark sea, saw the lantern lights, spinning in circles, and when the watch gave a signal, a cave was sealed, a giant chain sinking with noise in the sea?

And the ship that came is like a Viking, with many men rowing oars, according to the rhythm of the drums. Among them were two men with splendid beards and a large woman, all three of whom were great ghosts (orgasms) called hornless, weaving chainmails and grey capes, with double-edged single-handed swords on their hips and spears on their hands.

And the great ghost (Auga), who had ponytails in it, was twice as big as a man, and said, "Look at the cave."

"Damn, it stinks whenever you come"

Do you know what that feels like? The great ghost of a woman (an orga) said in horror.

"Yatalou, I know how you feel, but you have to be patient here."

"I know... but I don't like what I don't like"

That's what another man, the Great Ghost (Auga), said to Yataro, who put his arms around him and was grumpy.

"Yatalou. When this job is done, the merchant said before, you're going to the kingdom of Cesar to get to the game, right?

Change your mind, we have to fight, we can't go to Valhalla again. "

"Yeah, well, if you said it stinks like Floki said, even Valhalla, you'd hate for Yataro to come in. But I still don't want you to go to Valhalla for not sleeping with me until the end."

Yataro replied with a grin to the woman who said so with a disgruntled face.

"Loua. You'll have Floki... Floki on the boulder, not with me..."

"Yes, yes. I'd be shocked if they told me Yatalou was better."

And when he said so, he said unto Floki, who nodded unto Yataro's words, Louis spat out unexpectedly.

"Hahaha! Floki, the man's array has nothing to do with his physique. Besides, if something so good in stature Yatalou was so small, that would be interesting. Well, it was small."

"Ha-ha-ha! Really?"

"Hey, Loua! When did you see mine!

So said Yataro, turning red in his face, and Louis stood up his pinky finger and said,

"When you were a kid, when you swam in the ocean with me, this was it, wasn't it?

"That must have been when you were a kid! You, you don't remember forever, forget it!

"I don't like it. My dream is to go to Valhalla and teach this to the guy you're looking for, Samurai."

Floki was accustomed to saying that to Loua, Yataro accidentally tried to fly, but those who rowed oars around him didn't even care that it was the usual thing.

The noisy ship, built as it were inside the cave, when it arrived at the port, the chains came out and blocked its entrance, as they blocked the ragged and cave entrance, but the three were accustomed to it, or descended straight into the port, and went up the stairs made in the cave, without caring.

Eventually, when he opened the door like a hidden door, it was a pitiful room where men and women exchanged in various places, full of the smell of opium.

Throughout it, as the three of them proceeded with their mouths blocked, in front of one large door, was it the man of the escort, who came to the place where the inflexible man was guarding the door, and the man disappeared into the door when Louis spoke to the man in bosom.

After a while, when the man came out and gave a quick signal with his jaw so as to enter, Yataro slapped his head with bread and the three went inside to Froki, whose consciousness turned to the sight of the surrounding crossing.

Once inside, a large carpet was laid upon the marble, and upon the Arabic-style chair, one step up, an old man, smoking with a water pipe, looked at the guillotine and the three, and said:

"This is... rarely the three of us, what can I say for you today?

And Floki came forward unto the man that said so.

"Actually, the elders told me to tell them urgently, the church people told me to run errands to get here, so I finally got here."

"Then... So, what's the emergency story?

"Apparently, a new weapon the elders sold to the Principality of Antonym through the Lyad Chamber of Commerce...... the Roy Frontier uncle of the Kingdom of Fresia came and told the Grand Duke of the Principality of Antonym." The Union manufactured the same weapons, but there were many accidents and they were useless ".

Neither did the Grand Duke believe in the Fresian kingdom, but he actually has a lot of accidents and doubts about its performance. Besides, in the Principality of Antonum, a rat who was investigating the new weapon and the Lyad Chamber of Commerce was found and attacked by a member of your church, but he lost sight of it at Astella.

It wasn't fatal, but it wasn't going to be long, so I hope the Grand Duke knows about it, and the Grand Duke wants a little more security. "

To Floki's report, the elder said the hose of the water pipe in his hand, crushed for a moment and turned angry, but quickly restored calm.

"Okay, let's arrange for an increase in the number of technicians and guards immediately for an inspection to prevent an accident from happening from this side. Can you ask for personnel transport?

"Good, but if you're in a hurry, a thousand shillings a person. As usual, with an advance."

"I have no choice. Take the money on your way home, as usual."

"Well, that's a contract. Well, I'll be waiting for you at the usual tavern, so call me when you're ready."

So Floki prayed his hand, and took Loua and Yataro out, and the elder glanced at the door where the three men had gone out, and told him to throw up.

"Viking heathens always say look at your feet... I'll kill them all one day"


"Every time ~"

So when Floki received a bag of 10,000 shillings from the man when he left the building, the three of them rolled out into the downtown area at night.

Usually, the three of us headed to the liquor store, even though we talked nonchalantly, but at this time the three of us were always silent. Eventually, you noticed Yataro stopping, and Floki and Loua stopped and looked back, and Floki said with a sad face.

"Hey Yatalou...... really, are you going? You don't know when that game will be held, do you?

"Oh, right. But I'd also like to see you say the Ruthai Empire... maybe you couldn't make it to Valhalla, because you know someone I know."

"Well... I hope to see you"

It was when Floki said with a sad face, when Loua bungled the sales that Floki had and suddenly hugged Yataro, the moment he left for a while, he forced Yataro to give him the sales.

"This is what I decided to discuss with Floki... take it"


"Good. The three of us have been together ever since we were born in this world, and at first you, Shamantian, were a weird guy who believed in a weird god, but soon he believed our god was right, because he's a good guy.

... We think of you as a brother. Come back anytime. "

That's what Yataro said as he held Lua in his arms and looked at Floki, behind a tearful Lua, who was also nodding.

"Floki, please Loua... don't ever make me cry"

"Don't worry, I'll make you cry only in bed... see you in Valhalla, brother"

"Oh, I'll see you in Valhalla, bro.

Louis, you're a master. Floki, have a lot of kids and surprise me the next time I see you. "

"Oh, I get it. I'll see you in Valhalla."

"Oh, I'll see you in Valhalla"

The moment he said that, Yataro let go of Loua and looked back so that he could not see his face, he disappeared straight into the darkness of the night.

"... he was definitely crying."

"Oh, Yatalou was a man who would never show tears."

And he said unto Floki, who was holding Louah's shoulder, and Louah wiped his tears.

"Floki. Sure, the name before him was hard and long to pronounce, wasn't it?

"I can tell you. It's Sadahiro Kojima... isn't it perfect?

"Kojima...... right. Floki, on the way home from work, will you strike even on the shores of Emburg"

"That's good. Well, we're celebrating today."

Floki and Loua, who said so, also worried about Yataro, who had left, but they both went to the liquor store.


Thursday, November 25, 6th AD.

The left-hand men came to the king's private room, where the left-hand side was built inside the Capitol, with Chloe with some dark face the morning after he decided to handle the assassination of Lazario Fabbali.

When the door was opened, there was a golden throne, a long table was placed before it, and several ministerial seats were made on both sides, where Keith had already sat for some reason, not just Keith, but even his mom in a raven, who had taken a health guard.

"You know, sitting up to your mom, it's like a meeting in the back."

When Keith and the others were blue, Mama lit the cigar, saying what everyone thought and could not be said.

"That's like saying you're a person in the back of society. Chloe, are you okay?

My mom told me that Chloe slapped both cheeks as much as she wanted, and she said it in tears.

"It's okay, because I changed my mind. Now, you better be at work."

"I don't know, that would be nice..."

Listening to his mom who said so, the left-hand side sat on the throne, but the left-hand side of his heart was screaming.

This is pretty tight. No, it's my fault I cheated on you, but I didn't think you'd come this far to my heart... that's tight.

Even so, the left-hand side looked at the back and said:

"Adele, are you ready?

I can hear Adele in the left and near questions, from the shadow behind her.

"It's done. As soon as the information comes in, we will monitor the target nobility and Jack will erase it in turn."

"Okay. Okay, Chloe, please."

And he said unto Chloe, when he went out with his head bowed, and to Chloe, when the left hand was heartbroken, Chloe returned after a while.

"Count Lazario Fabballi, Baron Russell Desmond is here"

So Chloe opened the door, and Lazario and Russell came in.

When Chloe closed the door to the two people who went inside, she said to the two people who were nervous about the boulder, Keith pointing to the two chairs placed on the front near left.

"First, have a seat."

To Keith's words, he said, "Excuse me." And Lazario said, "Why, you lower nobleman?" And when he sat down, he saw Chirali and Russell, and said, "Near left."

"First, I would like to thank you for having me in line with your ministerial appointment. I'm sorry I'm late to see you like this."

No, Your Majesty would never apologize.

"Oh, yeah. Your Majesty has given me a chance, and I can't thank you enough."

Lazario seemed to say dignificently close to his left, but his body was strong somewhere, and Russell was already tempered by his presence here.

You see, Russell looked at Russell worryingly and said,

"I'd appreciate it if you'd say that. Today, I summoned the two of you to the post of Minister, and it must not be said that any person who is illegally dyeing his hands or who is inside another country has taken up the post of Minister.

So, this Lieutenant Colonel Vishuk, as you can see, has the skills to be Raven and also to see the memories of others. To the two of you, have the lieutenant colonel confirm your memory and prove your innocence... well, if you say no at this point, it's like you're saying you're black, so you can't say no, okay?

Russell snorted with powerful eyes at the words near left, but Lazario said so with a smile near left to hide his guilt.

"Also, of course. I have nothing to be guilty of.

In the first place, my Fabbali family has been since the days of the Kingdom of Salz… "

"Count, if you've accepted, that's fine. Here, even if they tell us about the history of the house, it will only take time, and it will not enter His Majesty's head."

"Oh, really..."

Noticed by the beat, Shun and the lazario facing down, the left proximity was heartbroken.

Whoa, that would be very suspicious. In exchange for that, Russell is ready for Dawn.

I don't know if he's a brother and he's got a stomach in him.

With that in mind, Mommy stood up and said to Mommy when she gave her signal.

"Well, let's start with the baron. Hey."

That said, when Mom gave the signal to the female health guard behind her, the health guard prepared the syringe and told Russell.

"Either, put out the arms of those who are okay. I stab this syringe in the blood vessel, and the lieutenant colonel puts the magic thread in from there."

Is this the first injection, Russell rolled up his right arm sleeve and said to the health guard.

"Yes, come anytime"

Was Russell's words and actions ridiculous, the health guard smiled a little, put up with the laughter, but when he looked for blood vessels, sanitized them with alcohol, and then stabbed them with a needle, Russell showed his face that looked painful for a moment, and the health guard gave his mom a signal.

Then, Mom holds Russell's arm, through the needle, and puts a magic thread in her blood vessel. And when he reached the brain, he examined Russell's memory.

In case it was possible to say that Russell was also a member of the Order, Mommy looked carefully at the memory, where she could see the memory of Russell watching the flickering from afar without being spoken to by a woman at a party, as in Ayland.

... How close is this guy to being his wife? Besides, virginity even in the mid twenties... if I could divide even some of my near-left personalities, I guess it would feel just right.

With that in mind, Mama removed the magic thread and said:

"It's okay."

To Russell, who stroked down his chest with a ho, the health guard immediately pulled out the needle and shoved the little gauze into the spot where it had been stabbed.

"After about five minutes, if the blood stops, please throw away this gauze"

"Oh, oh, okay"

Because it was my first experience, I smiled to Russell, who said so and was somewhere odd.

"Then you're next, Uncle Fabbali."

In the words of the near left, or a razzario that swallowed gokuri and spit, and curled the sleeves of his left arm, his right hand was ready to pull out the short knife hidden in his right foot, unmindfully.

There was no reason not to notice the movement, it was a left-hand man or an army man, but when the left-hand man gave the signal with his eyes to the health guard, he said to Lazario, pretending not to know.

"Okay, I'll stab the needle, but it'll only tickle you at the beginning."

"Oh, oh..."

A needle was stabbed in Lazario's arm when the Lazario erupted, nervousness ran to his left proximity, and Mom, just in case, unnoticed, placed the Demon Thread around the Lazario but with her arm, put the Demon Thread inside the syringe.

In the memory of Lazario, who was angry in his heart, he said without breaking his expression.

"... no problem"

At that next moment, when Lazario's right hand stroked down his chest, his hand back away from the knife, he said with a smile.

"I'm sorry we both doubted you. Today, after this, I will ask you to study again in the Cabinet Office and announce the inauguration of the two ministers at the New Year's banquet at the beginning of the year.

I was shown my loyalty today. "

And when he had said so, the left hand side stood up, he took Chloe, and left the room behind him, and Keith stood up and said,

"So is there anything you've been studying that you don't understand?

We have just about every minister, so let's answer some questions. Especially Baron Desmond, isn't there?

Russell answered Keith's words as if he were told to stay, and he actually had a question, but with an anxious face.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember things and there are things I don't understand, so can I ask you a question?

"Yeah, that's good. Where's Uncle Fabbali?

"I'm fine. Now would you excuse me for wanting to pack a little knowledge for the New Year's show?

"Yeah, of course. Good luck."

In the words of Keith, who smiled and said to Russell, who was sitting next to him, looking down at him as if he were saying, "It's not like you," Russell looked down and clenched his fist with regret as he bowed his head to the Keiths and the others and left.

Russell suddenly heard his left and near voice as he looked down, seemingly overflowing for the first time with feelings of regret that he felt.

"Do you regret it?

When he raised his face in astonishment to the voice of the nearest left, he said to Russell, who was supposed to have gone out to the throne and did not know how.

"Originally, there was a difference between a minister in school and the arts and a minister in healthcare. This is something I can't help.

But remember that feeling of regret forever. That feelings will make you grow more. "

"Oh, thank you. I will sit...... but, Your Majesty, why are you here?

So when he asked the question, even though he felt as though he had been stuck by a fox, he said with his hands wide open.

"Russell, welcome to the Cabinet Office of the Kingdom of Ceasel. You're the Minister of Health from today on."

"Heh?... I have no idea what you're talking about."

Keith said to Russell, confused by his closest words.

"Your Majesty. I've always said that without an explanation, no one would understand.

Minister Desmond. In fact, when deciding on a minister, there were suspicions about the insider of Uncle Fabbali. So, with the help of Lieutenant Colonel Vishuk, who can see his memory this time, we tried to find out how far the Assassin Church was nesting in our country, so we did this farce.

The lieutenant colonel's okay, but there's no connection to the church, and the problem is there's a connection.

Assassination (Assassin) denomination is an assassination organization that leads each branch, culminating in a person called an elder, known as Ong, who runs around the Inland Sea. That organization is also entering our country. "

"Oh, my God, yes..."

Is that it? Wait a minute. At my time, the Lieutenant Colonel said it was okay, but when I was Count, I said it was okay...

And when Russell, who thought so, looked near the left with a surprised face, he answered with a devilish grin.

"Exactly. Lazario Fabbali is in contact with the Order"

To the word near left, everyone was nodding, and Russell was unable to say anything, and near left said with a smile.

"Now, let me tell Minister Desmond. I reward martial arts and merit, but I do not tolerate betrayal... and I ask you to atone with death.

Well, it's my mom. Anyone else connected, you understand?

"Oh, it's perfect already. I knew Baron Desmond was still a virgin."

It was that moment, Russell said, turning his face bright red.

"Wow, even if I'm a virgin, it's nothing good! Why are you falling apart here!... Oh, no, sorry"

That said, when everyone but Keith put up with a laugh at Russell, who was sitting in a chair with his face turned bright red, he noticed Keith's gaze at Russell as if to look at his companion.

... No way, Keith was a virgin too? No way... No, wait, I've been working like a carriage horse for a long time and I hardly ever had a day off. That means Keith is too likely to be a virgin.

We have to do something about this as a king...

When Left Near thought about such a nagging thing, to calm her mind, Mom lit the cigar and said she would spit out smoke.

"To be clear, Uncle Fabbali is not only a betrayer, he's also my most hated type of guy. If you give me permission, I'll kill you all the time."

"No, Jack's prey this time. He'll be looking forward to it."

And to the words Mama spat out smoke, and said with an unfortunate face.

"Well, Jack would do it the most brutal way. Suppose we give it to him this time?

There were five aristocrats, including Uncle Fabbali, who were in the congregation this time. Earl of Dreap. Viscount Wartel. Baron Sanou, five of Barons Limbal.

Because of this, all five members of the family were inside the house, until the servants were there. Now it's quicker to find someone who hasn't made contact "

To his mom's words, Burrell asked his mom a question when something cold ran on his spine that everyone didn't think the influence of the denomination was that far.

"His Majesty had previously said that those who called the vessels of angels, with their seal-like moles, were terribly good, but I didn't know it had been so far. No way, until you're at the servant...

Lieutenant Colonel. So who is not involved?

"You're Theodoro of the White Wolf Knights and Kale, the red-haired servant who would be their mother. This is my most annoying story.

Kelle was an unaccompanied child, picked up by the Fabbali family as a child and became a servant, but was abused by the Lazario at the time, attacked and conceived Theodoro. Teodoro was born, and instead of getting married, he didn't like to welcome his servant, and he seemed to have married Tiada, daughter of Viscount Wartel.

And it seems that Theodoro was a dangerous battlefield and a tool to raise the name of the Fabbali family… I wonder if the next time I see Theodoro, I'll be a little gentle and luxurious at the whorehouse. "

No, that's usually what I want you to have!

Inside, it was the left proximity that thought so, but everyone seemed to feel angry, so the left proximity said calmly.

"That's a common story... no matter how sympathetic you are, you don't have a kiri. But the problem is the lazario that did it, and tolerates it, the rest of the Fabbali family.

Clearly, we all know that I have absolutely no point in being a child's feat. If Theodoro puts up any handle, that's Theodoro's feat, not Lazario's feat without any help...... well, either way, it makes no sense because I kill him.

So, did you figure out anything about the cut that tipped the denomination off?

"Oh. Apparently, everyone was inside the congregation when they were doomed to founding the country.

These five men seemed to be quite heavily taxed even in the territory, and when they managed to kill the culprit and return to their homes, they were assassinated by servants and officials of the sect who were dispersed by the people in front of them, they seemed to have placed a single letter.

Again, you can choose who you like, whether you want to join the Order or get killed... I think this is a pretty effective hand.

To say that you don't know the power of the other side, that you don't know who's from the church, and that it was on the desk of the house, that you can infiltrate and assassinate anytime, is silent pressure. Besides, you're the one who does everything without ever showing up and thinks about this, who's going through quite a bit of a training ground, but has a quick head spin.

Moreover, the only person who actually meets is the liaison officer, and no one else shows up. This guy's a real pain in the ass grabbing his tail. "

In the end, without knowing the existence of the denomination, Keith, who noticed how it was for a while, asked Russell a question, hiding a bad feeling, in order not to let Russell know that Adele and the others existed, or to signal Adele to start acting with her fingers up without notice.

"Heh, Your Majesty... I have a very bad feeling about this, but you don't say you want someone who thought about how to do this denomination, do you?

"Whoa, you got it. Probably thought of either Elder Hasan or Rasheed the Ong, but I want that ability."

To the exact near-left word, Russell was surprised with his eyes pointed, and Keith said on the spot, banging a gong on the table and his forehead.

"I knew it... this guy has had no enemy allies for a long time, and when he sees the good guys, he wants them...

How do you get used to such a beastly man? Besides, if you subordinate them, you can't destroy them all. "

"There, Holle. You can use candy and whips and do something about it."

"... because, candy and whip, how do you do it?

"I'll help you save your life by tapping into your overwhelming fears and telling you to work for me."

"It's... there's only a whip."

"Keith, I'm sorry! What do you mean?

Looking at Keith with his unidentified left-hand side, his mom was laughing and when the others held his head, Russell said to Russell, surprised at the two of them saying so unidentified, while Keith lay down on the table.

"Minister Desmond, please be aware that this man is an animal who knows everything and can do it himself, but makes us do our job."

For some reason he looked at Keith's words with a bullet in his nose, and the left hand side turned bright red on his face, and said:

"You, that would be malicious in the way you say it. I just don't dare speak up when I'm trying to train everyone.

But it's certainly hard to figure out how to use it... Mom, you want to hire me at the Hanza Chamber of Commerce?

Mum answered the exact near-left suggestion, even though she almost dropped the cigar unexpectedly.

"Sure, we have a lot of ex-mercenary vandals, so you might think we can deal with them this way, but mercenaries are the creatures most vulnerable to assassination. If anything happens... or if I decide something happened, can I kill you?

... No, you, I would kill you in the mood. But is Mom's plan realistic?

Even so, when I looked at Chirali and Bullet Positive, Bullet Positive thought for a while and answered.

"Let's admit it in a special way. But don't let the average person get hurt..."

At the end of the day, there's only hope. Well, shall we go with that?

And he said unto Russell, Slipping his knee, and standing up, and taking out the cage, and sliding the table.

"Well, that's settled. So let's do it.

Minister of Health Desmond, if you don't know anything about medical relations, give it to Bastian, the royal butler, and ask him to take you to the headquarters of the Askley Chamber of Commerce and ask Dr. Miles a question. The doctor has decided on the price of all medical expenses. "

Russell, who was suddenly told near left how to solve what he wanted to ask the question, was surprised and thankful.

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down."

And when he smiled at Russell, who bowed his head, he said unto Russell,

"We don't have time to negotiate with Bastrella. So study in between and start building tissue...... I wish I had time to sleep.

Keith, let Russell attend the upcoming Home Affairs meeting and treat him the same way as a regular minister. If you can afford to come out with beautiful clothes, point them out and let them improve, and you'll guide them. "

"What do you care about that? I don't have more work, either?

"You idiot, there are times when you can grow by standing on your side of the coach. This is a whip of love from me for you."

He said so near left, but he admitted that Keith would be absolutely different, and close left gave out a spatial metastasis.

"So, military men, do you want to go back to Lake City? Keith, do me a favor."

That said, Russell questioned Keith with a bright blue face as he moved to Lake City through a space transfer with Chloe and his moms.

"My Lord Chancellor... can I live up to His Majesty's expectations?

"That will depend on how the minister feels. But His Majesty gave the Minister a chance, and from there, it depends on what you do.

Of course, there is a waiver, so don't let it distract you. Anyway, let's hurry up and start the process of selecting a new Minister of Education… Even today, the Count will die. "

In Keith's words that Lazario was going to die, Russell swallowed gossip and suddenly felt like he was back in reality. If he didn't work to die to be recognized, he thought he might be next, and even in the selection process he became clear about his opinions, and he couldn't afford to think about other nobles.

In other words, just because he was ever a junior aristocrat, the personality that was a drawn-in idea disappeared and was the moment Russell was reborn.


"Good luck"

"Hey, you're tired. Say hello to Pandora."

"Copy that. Now excuse me."

And when the left-hand man came out of the left-hand office, he said so, and smiled, and sent out the health guard, Dahlia came in instead, and said to the left-hand man.

"Your Majesty, Colonel Maida and Major Tuya of the Lavana Knights are waiting for you in the morning."

"Yuanta and Changheng? They were going to Sacramento, so they were closer. Well, let me in, and I'll have some tea."

Copy that, sir.

I was told near left, and when Dahlia returned, Mom sat on the couch with Dokari, and near left, in a chair, they lit the flue and cigar at the same time, and when Chloe thought they seemed to be synchronizing beautifully, a serious faceted syllabus and Changheng came in.

"What, both of you. You look like you haven't had shit for five days... constipation?

And it came to pass in the nearest left word, that he was in a grumpy mood, and to the two that sat down with Dokali, that when the tea was served, he confirmed that Dahlia was leaving, and the Synod saw Chloe as a chiller, and said:

"Commander Meisner, is something wrong?

I also wondered if my mom, who didn't know what was going on, was concerned about the Synopsis question, seeing Chloe as chilling, but Chloe doesn't answer just by defying her gaze. I couldn't help it, so I answered with a feeling of difficulty.

"I'm the cause. Cheated, made a child..."

To the left-hand answer, which I never thought possible, my mom coughed and Changheng was frightened, but Shinjitsu asks a left-handed question with a serious face.

"Who's the other guy? When will the child be born?

"Isn't that good enough, Captain? I'm sorry to hear so much about that."

Changheng, who thought he was going to go over Chloe's wounds, advised him so, but the Synopsis answered with a serious face.

"I'm not talking about bad, not bad. Because the children near the left inherit their abilities, they must create a system that ensures that they do not betray each other, and if the mother has an evil heart, she must erase it."

Everyone was surprised to see the person in front of him and to hear that the other person, even a woman, had said the assassination plainly, but the left-hand side replied, thinking that if he were this guy, he could really do it.

"You could really do an assassination, so I'm scared... the other guy is Testa. Don't tell anyone."

In the answer to the nearest left, the syllables became consolidated, and when a strange silence flowed, the syllables, temporarily reclaimed, said to the nearest left.

"Well, if it's Lord Testa, it's no problem. Besides, the child between Raven and Near Left is definitely going to be a force for war, but you have to be careful to raise him to adulthood."

"Oh, don't worry about him. Because you're already an adult.

As a matter of fact, until the other day, I went to Purgatory to unseal a certain fallen angel in order to lift Chloe's curse and to counteract angels in different worlds.

There and in hell, the flow of time is different here, and the day on this side will be a year over there. I mean, I was already born, and I even had to go over there to get my main uniform... but I stayed in purgatory. "

That said, the nearest left face told me that she missed somewhere and that it was purgatory. Mommy showed anger for a moment in Pandora's engagement, but she smiled happily at the end of the conversation when she looked down on Chloe to see if she was happy to hear about the dead Hasha people.

"Lieutenant Colonel Meissner, let's just say it's clear... this is what I say when I go out with the left-hand side. Near left, you have to make good women and many children... to prevent the loss of royal blood muscles.

In the future, if interrupted, the kingdom will likely be engulfed in chaos, with much blood flowing and civil unrest. Behind it lies the lives of the people and their descendants.

If you say you don't like it, break up with the left-hand side. Of course I don't deserve to be a queen. "

To the harsh, but too righteous, syllabus words, it was time for the left and near to say, "Would it be better now," Chloe said, with a ready face, to step forward.

"Colonel, I don't want you to mess with me too much. If you think I'm a woman who prioritizes her feelings and hasn't seen the future, it's really out of my mind."

Unexpectedly, Chloe's words surprised her, and her mom kept saying, "Don't do it," but when she was whistling, Shinjitsu smiled and bowed her head.

"I see, the boulder is near the left. Sounds like it was a mistake. I'm sorry. You're right."

That said, he asked the bowing syllabus whether he hated this air or whether the left proximity seemed dizzy.

"You didn't come here just to bow your head to Chloe, did you? Let's get down to business."

Near left, when Shinjitsu gave Changheng a signal with his eyes, Changheng spoke with a serious expression.

"In fact, the other day, Alexia was in Sacramento, where she stumbled into a living father and invited him home. But it was on its arm... the engraving of an angel."

To Changheng's words, Changheng continues the conversation as his near-left eye narrows softly.

"And Alexia said at an early age that she had heard the words her father had been speaking to his friends… it was the Assassination (Assassin) Order.

And Alexia had heard the other name of her father. Its name is Rasheed Woodine Snaan...... not like Hasan, you know?

And in the words of Changheng, the left hand side took out the like of the silver key from the item box, and said,

"I know, but why did Alexia say this to Changheng? You know what happens if you tell me?

"Your Majesty said it was okay to say that... because he also said he wanted to help his Majesty."

Was this what you tried to say then? But Alexia doesn't think I'm going to kill her father, either.

Though he thought so, he said with a smile whether he was happy or not.

"The Order, culminating in the elders, is led by Ong, who leads each branch. One of them is made in this country, and they already have five nobles among them... well, all the nobles who betrayed them in the near future will die."

The syllabus asked the left and near questions as to whether the words were still moving and whether they took for granted.

"So, how does it work?

"Alexia is the fruitful daughter of Rasheed. From there, I can see the name in this world and I can see the whole denomination.

Of course, I'm not gonna kill Rasheed. Turn off the engravings and have them work for your mom. "

"I don't know what your name is... how do you do it?

To the syllabus asking the question, the left hand side smiled and said, "Let's ask this guy," and turned the key of the reaper to open the door, next to the syllabus, in military uniform, with a bagel, and Skull holding the coffee showed up puckered.

... you were surprisingly close. Still, why are you in military uniform?

Though he thought so, he said to Skuld, bewildered to the left.

"That uniform... there's a class chapter and it's real. You stole it?

"King, you would have made me a lieutenant colonel before. This is the uniform that I told Theodoro at the White Wolf Knights and got ready.

Besides, wearing this uniform and makeup, no one will suspect you if they see you, and it's easy. "

No, you said temporarily. Besides, the troop chapter is the White Wolf Knights.

"He said temporarily, but well, that would be good. It would be more convenient to keep the troop chapter in the secretary's office later."

Chloe opened her eyes wide and was surprised by the near-left suggestion, and Skuld grinned and said to Chloe.

"Nice to meet you, Chief. So, until you used Reaper's key, why did you call me in?"

"Rasheed was found in this country. And I know what it's called in this world."

To the nearest left word, Skuld stopped to drink pitari and coffee, and looked to the nearest left, Changheng said.

"Rasheed was my wife's father. A Beltran, the name of this world is Conrad."

"Conrad? That's a good name for a Beltran. It's a tough name..."

And when Skuld's eyes, which said so, were golden, he took out the notebook, and said,

"No... neither is this guy... this guy... damn it, where are you. No way, like, sick or dead?... There he is, I found him.

I discovered it, my king, but what are you going to do? The angel over there moves quickly. Whether you kill him or not, pick a time and a place, and he'll be inside in an instant. "

"I won't kill you. Turn off the engravings and let them betray the Order... and get into their ranks and talk so that they can pull their hands out of the Union, not just our country.

If I can't, I'll crush it then. It's simple, isn't it?

Near left, when he said so, Skuld said with a serious face that everyone was snorting at the answer as expected.

"So when are we going?

"Good hurry, there will be words. Even this evening, the two of us, me and Skuld, will get in and abduct us to the royal palace."

And when he said so, he was smiling like a devil.

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