Another Life

Match 4 before you

On the night it was completely dark, the left-hand side came to a medical facility co-located in the arena. Outside it was wrapped in the darkness of the night, but inside the facility it was wrapped in lights, and within the two-story facility, thanks to healing magic, there were few inmates.

Already, when everyone was asleep, walked down the hallway in the quiet facility, near left, towards Heitao's hospital room, and walked in the salute of a health guard who noticed near left, stood in front of the hospital room, and quietly opened the door of the hospital room, the teas sat next to Heitao and nursed him.

"What, were you here?"

To keep Heitao awake, he answered whispering and closing the door to the left, while the teas wiped the sweat of Heitao's forehead.

"Shimogawara-san has really helped me a lot since I married the Islanders... thank you."

"Well, that's a disciplined thing... so what do you say?

And it came to pass, that the teas answered with a worried face, near the left, which drew the chair toward them.

"He said both clavicles and a few broken ribs, and the ribs were stabbed in the lungs. But Jack must have cured his ribs and lungs to assassinate Shimogawara.

It is a condition that cannot be cured because it is not known whether it has been cured by healing magic. Besides, from noon today, the fever seems to be coming out and the consciousness is hazy...... I told Jack to give up the assassination, was he already using the poison?

"No, it won't be. Jack, in a medical facility like this, doesn't poison him with uncertainty because he's going to be detoxified soon.

If you're going to kill me, I'm going to kill you with more certainty, stabbing you. Besides, Jack shouldn't be able to use healing magic... he must have treated Heitao another way.

If the fever doesn't go away, I'll send Viola and Dr. Miles here. If you have to, you can ask Her Majesty Nina to treat you with complete healing magic.

Well, never mind. Killing him doesn't kill him. "

That is what the left-hand side said, and when the left-hand side removed the flue from Mosomoso and the pocket, the teas cautioned the left-hand side trying to light it.

"Master Kiyohiro, it's in front of the injured. Please refrain from smoking"

"'Cause it's okay. The thing that works best for this guy is the smoke and booze of cigarettes, and the smell of blood and nitrous smoke... right, Heitao"


When he heard the words near the left, and the teas looked at Heitao in surprise, his eyes were open, looking at the ceiling, and he was weeping.

"... Mr. Shimogawara, were you aware?

"Yes... I have visited you and I know this Heitao, I am extremely pleased."

Do you miss Heitao's awed way of saying it? Near left and tea smiled, and near left lit the flue, and said:

"You haven't changed the way you say you're only afraid of the tea."

"Well, it's the tea ladies. My lord, it seems that the only thing that has changed is the appearance... but it looks like a woman... atta."

And when he slapped Heitao's forehead lightly with a flue, which he tried to say was like a woman, he said as a mustache.

"Don't say that. Because they say it often and it really annoys me...... more than that, did you hear it from the teas?

"Yes, about this world, about the vessels of angels, about the games of demon kings... even about Dry and Shinkichi to say that His Holiness is an apostle"

It's even dry... well, no.

"If you're listening that far, it's quick. Quick, but I'll erase the engraving... before I do, I have a few questions for you.

The birth of this world was certainly heard as the kingdom of Vizur. The kingdom of Vizur has been selling fights to the Eastern Union... I ask you a clear question, are you connected to the kingdom of Vizur?

Heitao answered with a look at the ceiling when he asked the question directly from the left hand side, which he felt was a sign of trust that Heitao could not have lied to the left side.

"One was born into a tribe of small island nations, south of the kingdom of Vizur. From a young age, he was promoted to an elite magic guide unit, told he was highly magical, went to Wang Capital to study, but what he saw there was an ugly part of the elf.

They say they are special, full of privilege, and treat slaves of other races as if they were not creatures. In addition, I saw places where slaves were placed in demonic cages as bait to keep demons.

They attacked and destroyed our tribe when they popped up in such an inferior country that they didn't want to be there. I was doing an adventurer in the kingdom of Vizur, trying to take revenge on him, changing his name, and that's where I heard rumors of the ghost of Nassau near the left.

When I heard the rumors, when my actions were young, they named me Gourd Two and even Near Left, so I thought this was my lord, and I came this far to break out with him again. Well, I was surprised to hear you became king along the way.

So even if there is hatred in the kingdom of Vizur, I do not think that it will do anything for the kingdom, and it is not connected. "

I have a demon... I'm doing a hell of a thing. Well, once you see the nobility of the kingdom of Fresia, the elves who interact less with other races tend to look down on other races, so the actions of the kingdom of Vizur are convincing.

Though he thought so, he said to Heitao with a sad face.

"Well... you had a hard time. I never said that in this country, so don't worry.

So, the next question is, are you sure you're here with me, Sadahiro Kojima, who was called Haunted Kojima by Lord Humble's minister?

"Yes, but I don't think it will be under your command.

The hope of Lord Yataro is to settle with that Samuro soldier, Lord Weichang, in Yamagataro Prefecture, who may have been reincarnated in the same way. That's why they won the game before you, became famous, and made Lord Yamagata aware that he would be somewhere.

If that dream were to come true, we would like to go back to the Inland Sea and help familiarize ourselves with the young who would be doing pirate viking. "

Wow, it would definitely be counterproductive. The samuro soldier, he's a pain in the ass, so he'll run.

Besides, Kojima wouldn't be the kind of person who would be trusted to be honest with me if he had that personality, and I'd have to ask him to break his heart close to the length of this thing and say it at that time.

Besides, the two childhood tamers are probably from a previous life anyway, and it's quicker and surer to ask Kojima.

And the left-hand man, thinking so, rose up, and said,

"Well, I'm going to erase the engraving, but I'm going to lose consciousness a little bit... well, either way, if it's that fever, you'd better get some sleep"

"That's right. Please."

Is it painful with fever, to Heitao, whose breath is rough, and Heitao meditated his eyes when he smiled and put his hand on his forehead near his left.

"In the name of the Lord"

When the left proximity performed a short chant, Heitao's blood vessels and his eyes and mouth glowed, and when the light went out, Heitao was asleep.

"Mr. Shimogawara, you were struggling in the kingdom of Vizur..."

He said so with a sad face, and the teas looked at Heitao, and said with a bright face to distract him from the left.

"More than that, he said he was promoted to an elite demon guide unit or something, but he can use magic. I never remember chanting, so I turned down the wizard profession.

When I came to this world and saw my skills, there was a chant omission, hey! I did. There's no way you can use magic with me and muscle tricks up to your head. "

As if it had been easy to imagine what was then, the teas laughed couscous and said to the left.

"That would be totally God's harassment. If I was there, I'd be laughing with my stomach."

"Well, everyone laughs... anyway, tomorrow, besides the viola and the teachers, I'll call Jack as well. Heitao will recover soon."

The teas that heard the words near the left were nodding lightly and looking at Heitao with a gentle face.


"I don't like it, no. It's hard, and I'm not free either.

There's a maneuver of the Principality of Antonum, and even though I want another body, I don't have time to do it after such a one-horse fight... so annoying. "

So, yeah... but I guess that's the main reason why I'm so fucked up.

With that in mind, the left-hand side raised his head and looked up at the ceiling of the office.

The day after Left Near erased Heitaro's engraving, Lakes told me that he had succeeded in mechanizing the weapons manufacture, and Roy came to ask for the rifle and the deployment of the Gatling cannon to the Fresian Kingdom defense, but before that he heard about Yataro from Left Near, who stopped by to greet him, and he obviously looked disgusted and refused.

When Chloe was confused by Roy's obvious attitude, he said that Roy had come up with something.

"If that island's next opponent makes an overwhelming victory, the island will give up because it just broke through the qualifying round and hasn't become that famous.

Yes, it would be a good story if that Hasha guy had an overwhelming victory. It's okay, 'cause your lady's men are all monsters, so we can handle it. "

Also appropriate…

Chloe hits me in the ear, close to the left, even though she thinks so.

"Lord Roy, is he such a character?

"Well. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have gone to battlefield with me, who was the enemy.

Well, when it comes to war, people change, but basically it's like this, it's light. "

"Ha, really... Well, with Your Majesty, it seems like it would fit..."

So Chloe also said, bewildered by Roy, who drank tea deliciously, the door was knocked, and Dahlia looked up and said,

"Um, the Honorable Marshal and the executives of the main unit are here..."

Kiyoshi and the others?... I didn't do anything.

With that in mind, when the left-hand side looked at Chirali and Chloe, he said, "Again, did you do something? He had eyes like," And he waved his hand to deny it with all his might, and said unto Dahlia.

"Oh, let me in"

And it came to pass, and when Dahlia snorted, and Shinsen came in instead of Dahlia, and the chiefs of the three stations came in, and Johei came in at the end, and said unto the left.

"Well, sit down. Chloe, get me some tea."

I was told near left, everyone sat down, but everyone looked serious, and that tells the story of the seriousness of things.

And when tea was served before Kiyoshin and the others, Kiyoshin spoke with a serious face.

"Your Majesty... In fact, we have information that the Bastrella kingdom has moved. On the 15th of this month, he attacked the Duran dynasty, the same Northern Union (North United) country in neighboring countries, leaving only one city abandoned in just one day.

His name is Teresa Rossini, the exclusive brave man of the Bastrella kingdom. In the Bastrella kingdom, she is whispered in the shadows that she is an angel, and that there are those who believe in the Northern Church who, for her sake, will gladly die?

And the Duran dynasty, he said, immediately begs the holy city of Salem to put forth a use to proclaim jihad against the Bastrella kingdom. Moreover, the Duran dynasty is expected to seek reinforcements from our Eastern Union. "

Dahlia, who knew nothing about the report of Kiyoshin, had turned her face bright blue, but she looked as if she had known without changing her expression, near left or Chloe or Roy.

Kiyoshin, who noticed the look on the faces of the three men, asked with surprise.

"No way, Your Majesty, because you knew?

To that question of purity, Roy said with a grin, close to his left.

"Sire Sakura, for the king of the Bastrella kingdom, it was surprisingly slow to move."

Because there were others, and not the way they had spoken before, he said to Roy, who spoke in awe, that the left proximity turned a grin, and took out the flue.

"Right, for the king of the Bastrella kingdom, it's moving slowly... well, I guess that's all it took to eliminate the ecclesiastical sect. But with Rossini crushing one city by herself, if Rossini comes forward, every city will surrender immediately... don't end this battle in months"

"... Your Majesty, what do you know?

And he answered the crane, and the left hand side spewed smoke.

"Everything is everything. You know the king of Bastrella met with me last year and formed an inviolable alliance with the Eastern Union? Since then, Bastrella has... no, it's been working since before.

Bastrella's aim was to eliminate the other Bailes… so it seemed that they were prepared for it, and they used the measures I had planted. The Duran dynasty is overflowing with dead people by now, even if it is used in the Holy City. "

When everyone is surprised by the left-hand word they never thought about, Kiyoshin asks with a serious face.

"Can you tell me?

"Oh, that would be good. I thought I'd bump into the Northern Church one day, so I stole the Bible from the Holy City as its fabric stone.

Thank you, because there was a verse that seemed to connect Demon King Purvel to the Bail family. This one hurt because he lost one of the Ravens.

The result was, I didn't know if it was connected, but I realized that the teaching of the Northern Church was turning into something convenient for the Bail family, and I created Archbishop Mesto and the Caliedes. Now we've created an escape route for the Northern Church followers... because if they fought it out completely, it wouldn't have happened.

And a guy called Skuld sprinkled the plague on the Holy Capital. Well, afterwards, it became a raven under my command, but the ecclesiastical people who regard medical practice as an act of the devil will die a bummer.

Anyway, the plague, I just know, is a substitute for 30% to 60% mortality, and it seems to be intensifying from there. "

In the story of the near-left pesto, Gokuri and everyone swallowed up and turned bright blue, Helge, secretary of Qingxin, said as he remembered.

"With that said, I recently saw a woman in Her Majesty's room with a thick makeup go in..."

"Yes, that's Scrood. At first he was my secretary, under Chloe's command, but now he's on his way to investigate the three countries of the South. And I know the Bastrella kingdom, and I know that the Sacred Capital is not the place to be, so I moved.

The Eastern Union is not officially connected to the Duran dynasty in a tight trade. It is the Kingdom of Bastrella that has formally entered into an inviolability treaty.

So we can't move, and we just have to abandon it. "

Kiyoshin and the others were convinced by the left-hand word, but only the crane looked straight at the left-hand side and asked the question.

"The Bastrella kingdom does have an exclusive brave man as strong as Raven, but it is the second smallest country from the bottom as a Northern Union (North United) country. Your Majesty... No, His Excellency General Roy and Lieutenant Colonel Meissner apparently know something else."

The crane guy is weirdly sharp...

With that in mind, the left proximity gives a signal that when I look at Roy, I have to say it to some extent. So the left-hand side thought for a while and said:

"This is something that cannot be put on the table, but the Eastern Union will aim to divide this continent into three parts. Three forces: the Bastrella kingdom, the Bohemian kingdom and the Eastern Union.

This, of course, cannot be put on the table beyond the existence of a charter for the Union, but the countries acknowledge it internally. And in the future, we will crush the Kingdom of Bohemia and unite the continent in the Eastern Union "

It was like saying that the Eastern Union would conquer the continent, and the crane's head was spinning in full amid tension for everyone.

Previously, when His Majesty was bitten by vampires and unconscious, Master Pandora said His Majesty was immortal with the use of God. And the game with Purvel... Could Purvel's pawn be the Kingdom of Bohemia?

Besides, why just Bastrella... wait a minute, I'm sure Prince Patrick East Bail of Bastrella had some weird information. Moreover, we have received reports that this was being spoken of in the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Cesar.

His Majesty said that he had his hands on the Queen of Bastrella and that the prince's real father was His Majesty, and that he knew his prince as well... it's such a ridiculous story that I left him alone, but if I listened to His Majesty, there would be credibility in this information.

Besides, it also hooks me up to say that the countries are acknowledging each other internally… is there some sort of person or organization behind the Eastern Union that is making a leap?

That was the crane I had thought of, but I noticed Roy's gaze, and I said to Kiyoshin and the others, without changing his expression.

"Then we will only move to the goal of His Majesty's story."

"Well... let's start by setting the Kingdom of Bohemia up as a virtual enemy nation and think of a strategy. Let's start with the three southern countries."

Though Kiyoshi agreed with the crane, Roy was watching about the crane.

Have you noticed the existence of this dog-eared sister, the Sage Society? … there have been times when the left-hand side was just at the top of the squad's operations and intelligence activities. Well, it's close to the left, and if you notice anything more, and it moves, you'll seal the movement in the shadows.

Having thought of it that way, Roy seemed to be telling himself to leave everything to himself when he looked at Chirali and near left and made eye contact.

Couldn't you notice that Kruger had spoken with the paperwork in his hand?

"Now that we have Admiral Roy, we will finally report on the production plan for the artillery. This is a report from the development department, on the proposal of two people who are travelling from Hasha, who have developed several types of bullets.

Fully armoured ammunition, coated with copper and zinc copper alloys, with parts of lead. Commonly known as a full metal jacket...... this increases penetration and increases penetration of armor and shields.

And then you fly away while you fire, and you can see the gatling gun and the ballistics fired by the new gun, and you develop a tracer, commonly known as a tracer, that can adjust your aim, and you develop a new gun. Colonel, explain. "

Kruger told me that when Kuhei extended the drawing to the table, he began explaining it by making sure that the left proximity stood up and approached him.

Hey, isn't this that giant machine gun that was out in movies like Lao Bo and the Vietnam War? But the fact that it's so used means it's reliable in action.

Do you mean that Madden from the U.S. Marine Corps developed it when it came to Vietnam War and movies? That's right, a bee marines.

With that in mind, left-hand proximity listens to Junping's explanation.

"The name is M60 Machine Gun. Bullets are the same size as rifles and gating cannon bullets, so unifying the size will also keep costs down.

And the magazine employs a belt feed bullet type. This is something that connects the bullet like a belt, and it has the advantage of spreading the number of rounds than previous bullets.

And the squad, like the dragon cavalry rifle, employs a method that uses the gas that exits when fired. This will calculate that you can fire 550 shots in a minute. "

Everyone was surprised by the explanation of the concurrent peace, and Kruger suggested it, getting good at it.

"So here's a suggestion: what about building more factories, stopping production of Gatling guns, fire rope guns and musket guns, and unifying the manufacture of firearms?

This will make the handling of gunpowder safer than before, and the absence of pre-emptive gunpowder and bullets will unify the bullet standards of the Knights and the main unit, so we can accommodate each other on the battlefield, so it will be easier to replenish. "

Indeed, Kruger's suggestion makes sense.

"There is no objection to unification... but will there ever be a drop in production?

"Indeed, there is an increase in production costs. However, due to mechanization, labor costs have been reduced, and with the construction of additional plants to match them, the production volume has increased, and expectations have been made."

"What's Kiyoshin's opinion?

"I think it's a good story. If we succeed, we will kick even a small number of large armies from the front, and that, in other words, will also lead to the containment of labor costs.

However, the problem is that handling firearms will require more professional knowledge. The cost and time it takes to raise a single soldier rises, and if you are killed immediately, it will be a painful expense. "

That's true. But now, in the main battle of firearms, there are no flowers of war... I miss you a little bit.

Even so, when he sat in the chair on the left hand side, he said, feeling a little lonely.

"Okay, I'll admit it. But now, the way we've fought will be different from Gallari."

He looked a little lonely when he heard the closest words to the left that the age of swords and bows would come to an end. Roy and Kiyoshin also knew how to feel.


When the day was also tilting, the battle of those who advanced to the top sixteen was about to begin in the arena. In the audience in the heated room, Jerrick said with a smile, sitting next to Miles in the front row, slowly descending the stairs so as not to overflow with a cup made of small barrels and a paper bag.

"Hey, it was messy. Yes, Yale."

With that said, Elena asks Jerrick, who smiles and gives it to Elena and Miles, a question with surprise.

"Thanks...... is that it? Didn't Jericho say he was going to the bathroom?

"Of course, I've been there. On the way home, there was an outdoor shop selling chicken that looked delicious, and speaking of chicken, it would be a coin...... Yes, Paula, Kutaro and Deep Snow have grape juice"

Jericho said to Jericho, who smiled and gave him a drink, that he had adapted to this world, but when Miles wore it on the chicken, Jericho said to Miles, who was feeling the flavour of the chicken, drinking ale.

"Dr. Walton. At the request of His Majesty today, can we not use the skills used by Mr. Jack, who treated us together, to put his hands in his body and treat him?

If I can use it, I think surgery will reduce the burden on the patient... and if I can use magic like Viola's, I don't think I need Lentgen either. On the other hand, you don't need a CT scan. "

You know what Jerick is saying, Miles thought for a while and answered.

"I think it's hard. Mr. Jack is a Raven specializing in assassinations and intelligence.

Perhaps that skill has something to do with the assassin's profession. Mr. Viola's magic also seems to have something to do with a race called the Demon Clan. "

"Really? Well, we can't change the race, and we can't be assassins..."

You know what Jerrick's trying to say, and Miles is about to regret it, Elena said.

"Exactly. I can't do the assassin's profession. But the Demons could handle it. Certainly the Demons are those created by His Majesty Freia with his soul and money, whose life expectancy should have been eternal.

I mean, if you ask His Majesty Freya, he might generate... I don't know how much it would cost. "

When Jerick and Miles look at each other, the lights suddenly go off, the pipe organ sounds ringing, the audience also cheers, Elena cheers too, headlocks Kutaro, and for some reason Kutaro looks happy.

Jerrick sees the look as chilling and inadvertently laughs bitterly and shifts his gaze to the venue, when Amaia appears with Leonard. Jerick smiled unexpectedly at the Phantom of the Opera flowing from the speaker and told Miles.

"I'm told you're a singing princess, I can't believe you can see an Amaia show, and that's worth a ticket"

"Were you that celebrity?

"Yeah, in our day, he's a seller opera singer. Mr. Jefferson said he couldn't even buy the tickets inside."

Jerick said that, listening to the Amaia show, when the show was over and Lena came out applauding, Miles said with surprise that Jerick, who was the only one who didn't know Lena had been appointed director of the Tourism Agency, was stunned and too surprised to say anything.

"Is that it? Didn't Dr. Anderson know?

She was appointed Director of the Tourism Agency of the Kingdom of Cesar. This match is also her production. "

"You're lying... are you okay... no, Your Majesty has made another thoughtful decision too"

Jericho's ear said, "This is the start of the third day of the game!" Signalling Lena's voice, "said Jerrick, surprised when the explosion sounded and the fireworks went up at the same time, overflowing Yale, and when Elena and the others laughed, the match began in front of her, and Lena's introduction brought in a talented man and an opponent, a blacksmith, to begin the match.

But the battle was for a moment. To a man with a big hammer, Giorzo said the moment he turned his grin, stuffing the time in an instant, and poking it in his throat, the man fell down holding his throat, looking dissatisfied, but the referee Lune stopped the game, holding Giorzo's arm.

"There's a battle! Winner, Yoshihiro Koko Tsuizo!

At that moment, because it was the result of the audience's expectations, applause arose and he looked like he was convinced.

"Wow, I can't believe I defeated you in an instant..."

Miles said with a smile that Jerick was surprised by what had happened in front of him.

"Because among those Knights of Hasha, you're the one who specializes in leading the way on the battlefield, called pioneering. Then I'll win."

With that said, Jericho's gaze at Jericho, showing Jericho his pimples and Miles the ticket he voted for, was strictly packed.

Elena tenses her opponent's caution stick when she clams it down.

"Next, we're finally close. You all voted long and close, didn't you?

"Of course, my lady. I was stopped by deep snow, but I poured all my salary into the captain."

To Kutaro, who said so, Elena said with a disappointing headlock, stroking her head.

"That's Kutaro! That's it, man!

Jerick whispered to Myles as he saw Kutaro stroking his head in that happy way.

"Kutaro... totally, you're a toy to your daughter, aren't you?"

"Well, it's like a big family sister and brother, isn't it fun? That's right, because Dr. Anderson didn't buy it?

"Of course, I bought it from Mr. Chang Jin. I'm kind of thrilled that someone I know has never been to such a big tournament.

With that said, what kind of opponent is Mr. Chang Jin?

"He's the one who broke through on the second day, but simply put, he's as mad as a bursar car, and he's the owner of the power. The odds, the chancellors, even the Knights of Hasha, say the odds are antagonistic."

When Jerrick heard Miles and wondered if he could really beat such an opponent, Elena drank up Yale and said:

"It's okay, because the long distance is strong. What do you mean, he's my little brother?"

... Huh? Is that the basis?

Lena's introduction rings out in Jerick's ear, which he inadvertently tries to put in a scratch.

"Now we'll start the third game. Will power win the next battle? Or does the move win?

Red corner, battle in the qualifying round, just the beast. After that, after the storm passes. Sadahiro Kojima, a runaway typhoon in the kingdom of Ceasel!

In Lena's introduction, when Yataro comes in wearing iron armor, unlike in the qualifying round, he cheers heavily from the audience. And then Lena sees the entrance on the other side and starts introducing.

"Against is the Blue Corner, the bravest man of steel, Arima Nakama, who achieved the first spear in the Siege Battle, even in the previous battle, and led him to victory with the heart of steel, even in the bitter battlefield! The genre is one-size-fits-all!

In its introduction to Lena, Long Jin came out through the path of flames, but the venue gives a shout of surprise. Unlike Yataro, who wears iron Western-inspired armor, Changjin was in armor at the qualifying time, but it was in Japanese clothing that appeared.

"Hey, Chang-jin, I'm not wearing black armor, and I'm in private clothes... are you okay?

To Jerick, who said so, let him swim his eyes if he's anxious. Miles answers.

"Yeah, it's okay...... maybe"

Next to that, Elena also looks anxious, but that was the same for the referee Lune.

"Captain, if you didn't have time to get your armor on, we can wait."

So he said to Lune, who proposed in a low voice, looking to Yataro.

"Don't worry. I don't feel like losing to a lone tree with such power."

"Oh well..."

Having said that, as he began, when he gave Lena a signal, when he heard a long close voice and heard Lena's "beginning" voice in Yataro's ear, which was about to explode with anger, Yataro ran straight to the long close.

"Oh man, you're just a pig warrior..."

That said, when he put up the wooden spear, he swung it as if it were a stick, not a spear, and shook Yataro's spear down into the slash, so as to deflect the track, he put it straight into Yataro's throat.

However, Yataro's skin and muscles could not have worked, and when the wooden spear broke, Yataro, who thought he had won, tried to make a mistake by using the broken wooden spear, and the long distance turned against the track.

"What do you say, can't we surrender here?

Yataro said with a blood vessel on his forehead to the word surrender, which came out of the first place.

"Too much fear, have you lost your blood! I don't care what you think, you're better off being hunted down!

And he said unto Yataro, who packeth up the intercession, and waveth it down, and said unto him with his hands upon the knife of his hips, that he might see the wretched.

"Oh man, don't you see the difference in power? There are solid signs of movement, but now, don't rely on that body."

It was the moment when he said so, so finely that he did not know how many times he had slashed Yataro's spear in his abode, and when he had slashed it off, Long Jin stopped the cutting tip of the knife as it was against Yataro's throat and said with a cold eye.

"Even this?

His closest words touched Yataro's scales and shouted as he pulled out his lower back sword.

"Don't be lame, kid!

So he cried out, and, like the slaughter of the dwelling, it was a sword pulled out into a single letter, but the length and proximity moved backward in an instant, and put a knife on his shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Oh my God, how high a nose... oh, Lord Tengu"

"Don't be ridiculous!

With that said, it was like putting the sword that packed and swung down the intermission into a single letter, and placing his right hand on the cutting peak, to receive the sword of Yataro, which defies its trajectory to the side.

To Yataro, as soon as he remembers his senses as if they were null, Long Jin enters his nostalgia as they flow, and a tingling pain runs in Yataro's chest.

Instantly, piercing his own hard skin and muscles through his armor, this knife ran cold on Yataro's back, which he felt he could pierce, and the long-next of his nostrils, turned a grin. And he said unto Yataro, who had accidentally taken an intercession, with his foresight.

"See how immature I am? You can't beat the mighty if you've got everything in your mind."

"Don't be ridiculous! You're the mighty one!

It was Yataro who shouted and shook it down, but when the long and close knife was swung down in the exact same orbit and Yataro's sword was played, the long and close blade stops perfectly in front of Yataro's forehead.

Being helped by the inclination, Yataro immediately left and at the same time tried to wave down his sword, but at the moment of the separation, Yataro's left arm fell on each hand with a small hand.

Long and close to delivering a knife to the sheath as it is. And it was the moment when Lune stopped the game and tried to declare the victory of Yataro, who never cared about his arm, was slashed close to him again.

To the exact event, Lune missed a stop, but Yataro went into Yataro's pocket with no hands, threw a bottle on his back, and Yataro fell from his head to the ground.

And now it's time for Long Near to put his hand to Lune, who tried to make a declaration of victory.

"Colonel, that's irrational, and if we don't lose consciousness, we won't stop."

"... can you do it?

"Yeah, it's an easy win"

In front of Lune, who was surprised to see if it was true, Yataro, who stood up, tried to grab it close to the long, but when the long and close decided to side tighten it so that it flowed, he removed the cockroach and Yataro's joints, and still took Yataro's left leg, which stood up, and knocked him down, while also removing the joints of his legs, and as he turned his arm from his back to his neck, he kept it tight as it was.

Eventually, when he confirmed that Yataro had lost his power, he stood up and told Lune.

"I just dropped it, so get to the infirmary ASAP"

"Oh, okay. Winner, there's a horse!

That being said, declaring a long victory, the scene was set in an overwhelming strength, as if dealing with a child, and the applause of Elena and the others was broken.

A horse with a knife. A sword swung down from that upper level and a move to slash the opponent while swinging it down with the same activation and playing the opponent's sword...... how wonderful. It's just like a painting of a later knife.

Arima One-Knife Stream is a sword technique that uses the power of the opponent to transform that power into his own, the stronger the opponent, the stronger he sees himself. After all, the world is huge.

Though he thought so, a strict package said to the Hyogo, who looked at the arena.

"Arima is one-size-fits-all... it's like you're dealing with a mirror."

A mirror... an interesting analogy, but the essence is, you're right.

"Inside, Shin Six makes an interesting analogy, too, but you're right. Captain Arima and I want to fight."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

So Mira swelled her cheeks, and said unto the two that were exuberant.

"Hey, both of you, haven't you forgotten someone? I've decided to take him down."

"Hahaha, he won't be able to. But that attitude is Willow's blood."

So he said to Mira, smiling and stroking Mira's head, as she fled, while fixing her hair.

"I'll beat your father and your brother and win."

"Oops. Well, if you hit it with me, it won't bother you."

"You don't have to!

Hyogo was smiling when he saw Mira, who was either a sibling argument or dancing completely in a tight package, and it was good to say something like this.

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