Another Life

Footsteps of the War

The next Thursday morning, Sept. 8, A.D. 7, near left felt signs that someone was fighting somewhere, his eyes patting open and slowly raising his body.

Next door, Cecily still slept and slept comfortably, and the left hand side looked at the chillary and clock, and it was still around 4: 00 in the morning.

Morning run...... is there no reason? I have no sense of killing.

With that in mind, the left-hand side opened the Skills of the Heavenly Eye, two feathered political Xing and Shemhaza were fighting in the garden, and Onokeris, seated on a stone, watched it.

An archdeacon of politics and shine... Nevertheless, in all that purgatory, I cautioned against flying with wings out, but it hasn't been corrected at all.

I think so. The left proximity, when he stood up to not wake Cecily, quietly weaved his kimono and crossed the bouncing stone to the three of them.


In the garden of the royal palace, only the sound of a wooden knife meeting was heard, and a dissatisfied onokeris, sitting on a stone, was boggling. To such onokelis the left and near spoke from behind.

"You look free, don't you?

"Hmm? Oh, close left...... no, you don't like the same name. Father-in-law, yes, let's do that. Listen to me, stepfather.

Come on, I slept in the room with you, and you didn't give me a hand when I got married! Isn't it awful? "

If he told me to go up to my father-in-law, because I'm not used to it, I think there's something behind it, and I'd be as alert as I wanted.

With that in mind, he sat next to Onokeris on the left hand side, and said frightened that he could snap the flue.

"No, well, that's for sure... if I were you, I'd get my hands on it fast. Well, that doesn't mean Shem Haza's education was good."

"That sounds like I'm retarded... but what do you care, you didn't say that?

"No, no, I didn't say that. Well, from now on, you just have to learn what you said.

Yes, if you're here for a while, you have to have your wedding with Zhengxing. I'll call my clan too, so if you don't be polite by then, you'll be ashamed of me. "

When Onokeris was about to regret it without saying anything, because the left hand side gave the name of Zhengxing, he stepped down with Shemhaza and smiled to the left.

"Father, were you coming?

"Oh, my bedroom's right over there. More than that, Zhengxing, come a little bit."

So he said to the left hand, and approached him, and said to him, "What is it?" And the left hand slapped the forehead of Zhengxing with a flue, and said to Zhengxing, who was in tears.

"In purgatory, you would have cautioned against flying as much as that, wouldn't you? It's easy to read ahead if you're running away into the sky right away"

"... I forgot, sorry"

"And you, what about you, sleeping with Onokeris and not getting your hands on it at all, as a man? My son would feel bad enough to attack Gabe... and even Onokeris would lose confidence."

And Onokeris turned his face bright red to the word near the left, and said unto Zhengxing.

"No, because I'm fine. Because it's really okay."

So he was Onokelis, who denied the word near the left, but near the left said as if he had come up with something.

"With that said, the definition of a couple in the kingdom of Cesar comes after the marriage is filed. You guys, make an ID card and file your marriage papers today.

And I'll lend you a separate residence in Nassau starting tomorrow, so you two should live there for a while. You can use it if you practice space transfer, too, if you're me and Testa's kid, and until then you can use the gate.

Oh, Shem Haza is a royal palace. Don't be a wild imitator of sleeping in a newlyweds' house. "

And when he said unto the left hand, and the political spirit that crimson his face turned down, and Shemhaza next to him looked like he was about to cry, the left hand said with a smile.

"Shemhaza. A child is something that one day will nest from its parents.

Sometimes it's the parents' job to treat my child harshly. Zhengxing, from now on, as a single man, protects Onokeris from getting in the way of it. "

In its near-left words, the muscles of Shemhaza's arms moved picnically, seeping remorseful emotions from the bottom of his heart, and he wept and said to Zhengxing.

"I think about yesterday when this Shemhaza, a young man, spoke to you as a substitute for his parents, became a Uhat parent, and officially became a young parent.

But what His Majesty said is exactly right, and you must work hard on your own in the future, young man. It's a very painful decision for me, too, but please know. "

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Shemhaza. To me, you were my brother and my father.

You're my real family. If I have a child with Onokeris, can I ask the child's educator?

"Ku... this shem haza, the kindness of the young, comes from the heart. Really, thank you for sitting!

Shemhaza and Zhengxing, who said so, were cuddling and weeping on the spot.

... I wonder what this dark development is. Zhengxing thought he grew up to be a refreshing young man, but he's going to be kind of a dark character.

Though I thought so, when I looked at Chirali and Onokeris on the left hand side, Onokeris was impressed, I was weeping, and on the left side I said in my heart, "You cry too!" He said to Zhengxing, as he remembered.

"That's right, it's political Xing. In this world, you can't talk about purgatory unless you know it.

Yesterday's servants who don't know anything seem to be mistaken about something, and that's good enough. "

"... why not?

Wiping his tears, he replied to Zhengxing, who had said so, and the left and near lit the flue.

"Most people in this world don't know about purgatory or hell, and they have no way of knowing. People have the nature to say they fear unknown beings.

It's better to be friendly than to be able to squander your fears in vain and be hostile. Yeah, don't you think?

"Sure... right? Okay, let's do that."

Having said that, Zhengxing and Left and Near discussed how they would come together in the future, and before Left and Near became mercenaries, they were to say that they had made children with Testa on the continent and left them in Shemhaza to come to Nassau.


And at breakfast, some of the left-handed people who were eating breakfast also had testas in private clothes. Usually the testa in line for the servant looked unfamiliar, had breakfast, and near left, Moyer sat on her lap again, feeding her naturally, but her gaze looked worried about the testa.

I want to do something about it, but I don't know about all this...

With that in mind, Chloe walked in and first surprised Moya on her left knee, surprised the unknown politicians, surprised that Testa was eating with her, and said without hiding her surprised expression in a completely unexplained situation.

"Good morning sitting...... It's kind of a day, too many things have changed and a lot of scratches...... First of all, how is Lord Moyer on His Majesty's lap?

"It's my wife..."

"Hilarious, Hilarious"


Thus said Moyer's head, which was about to cry, with a slightly troubled face, he stroked his left hand.

"Right, you're my daughter-in-law"


Oh, seriously, I'm tired in the morning. Wow. Is this what a girl is?

Well, I guess it's better than having my father's clothes and my own chosen together and getting bumped.

With that in mind, Chloe generally understands that he is fed up with left-hand proximity, and turns his gaze to the Zhengxings and asks questions.

"Well, Lord Moyer understood, but who are you?

"Let me introduce you. Me and Testa's kid, Lieutenant Left Sakura, Jung Hing, and his fiancée Onokeris. And it's Shem Haza, the Uhat parent."

When Chloe laid her hands gently on the introduction to the left hand side, which had been stamped with Shemhaza before, the left side changed the subject.

"Zhengxing, this kid says Chloe Meisner, my secretary general...... I mean, top of the list of people who support my work, the rank is Lieutenant Colonel"

"This is Lieutenant Left Sakura, Jung-hing. Nice to meet you."

That being said, it was a political hike offering his hand, but Chloe is confused and the left-hand proximity takes care.


"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Chloe Meissner. Nice to meet you.

But now I understand what His Excellency the Chancellor said this morning. His Excellency the Chancellor is sending an official to make an ID card to His Majesty's office this afternoon. "

... Can you carry the magic machine that makes that ID card? But that's Keith. The timing is perfect.

"That was good. Tell them to bring the marriage certificate."

Chloe asks the question with a puzzled face when everyone but the politicians turn the surprise face to the left and near.

"Huh? Is it marital status?

Marital notification requires the signature of two guarantors, but what should we do about that?

No, how does Chloe know the format of the marriage certificate? Could it be that you're getting a costume?

With that in mind, when I looked at Chirali and Testa on the left hand side, I was desperately waving my face, but the left side said with a smile.

"That would be me and Testa's signature, the parents of Zhengxing."

"Huh? No, I..."

Then said the teas to the bewildered testa, Drinking fried tea.

"Testa. You, before the royal housekeeper, are the wife of Mr. Tsing and the mother of Zhengxing. I understand your desire to remain a royal servant, but before you do so, act as your mother."

Mr. Testa... Maybe you thought about your identity and pulled yourself out. Nevertheless, I didn't know Mr. Testa, who is usually crisp, could be so vulgar... adorable.

Before they thought about it, Left and Neighbors eventually disappeared on a space transfer to work, and Testa, who was told to come to the office later, fell on the spot as if she was unfamiliar or burned out.


On the other hand, when he answered the door in front of the office, Left and Near said to Zhengxing, whether it was unusual or not, who looked around with Kyorokyoro.

"Political Hing, is that unusual?

"Yep... it's another different kind of luxury than Wu Castle..."

"Well, you'll be new out of Purgatory Castle, so everything will be rare. Yeah, next time you're with Onokeris, you should go for a look."

To the keyword "purgatory" on the left hand side, even though Chloe is here, she said not to mention purgatory this morning, like she said what happened. Zhengxing replies with a smile.

"Chloe's fine, she knows everything about me because it's my side in the vicinity. Well, let's go in anyway."

So I opened the door to the left, and as usual, Dahlia and the others greeted me loosely, but the difference was that Skuld was sitting in military uniform at an empty desk, drinking coffee.

"Ooh, good morning. Skuld, were you here already?

"Oh, I've been summoned to the Lord of the Royal Palace's Heavenly Guards, but surprisingly, it's over soon. It's been a while since I've had time, so I came here for a free cup of coffee."

... Since such an early morning, how long has it been since I've had time to work, Commander?

With that in mind, Dalia looks at the political Xings and asks questions near left.

Your Majesty, where are you?

"Oh, I'll introduce you. Me and Testa's kid, Lieutenant Left Sakura, Jung-hyung, and his fiancée Onokeris. And he's also a patron and political and Xing Uhat parent, Shem Haza.

Testa and Cabinet officials will be here later, so let them through. Scrood, let's hear the report inside. "

"Okay...... well, I also told Mr. Zhengxing, I just needed to talk to him, and it's convenient. Lieutenant, the coffee was delicious."

Oh! Skuld said thank you to Dahlia. This is going to rain.

With that in mind, Heitao looked at the door of the office and said, "Boso," as he took Skuld to the office.

"Neither the Lieutenant Colonel nor the princes brought by His Majesty are only... what the hell is going to happen now?

To Heitao, who said so, Viola wiped the table.

"Heitao, I don't really pry. You know, it could be horrible."

Feeling something from Skuld, he remembered when he met with Kyne, and noticed Viola trying to stay out of it as much as he could, Heitao said he "understood" the morning cleaning.


In the luxurious room, Onokeris and Shemhaza were impressed, but Zhengxing seemed interested in the books and materials on the bookshelf, and when he looked at them as Giro, he sat in a chair and spoke to the coffee he had served.

"Are you interested in books?

"No, I've never seen this amount of books..."

With that said, Purgatory didn't have a book. In Hell, there was material for supplies, but in Purgatory, there was no material, and it was in everyone's head.

Even so, he smiled and said to Zhengxing.

"The law book there was written by His Majesty the Lakes, my tactical master. I can't do the material right now, but take as many books as you like."

"Is that good?!?"

"Oh, good. Belial seems to be better at tactics, but sometimes it's good to read a book that says this"

So he smiled, near the left, and Zhengxing bowed his head, but Shemhaza took a cup of coffee looking at Skuld, making sure that Dahlia and the others had left, and then asked the questions near the left.

"At the place, Your Majesty. Why is there a fallen angel here?

Well, if that's the case, they never met Skuld.

In front of the near-left eye who thinks so, Skuld answers with his legs together.

"Not exactly, I'm not a fallen angel. Valkyria the Reaper.

Well, I was originally an angel, but I was deprived of my abilities at God's convenience, and I was made a reaper, so it's not a mistake. "

"I see, I've heard rumors. The dragon that worked for Reaper disappeared somewhere, so God used angels to make Reaper... but at that time, I hear it took away memories too?

"Even if it looks like this, you have a cautious personality. Just in case, I took a backup of my memory and left it in this world."

And so said Skuld, and Shemhaza, when they gazed at each other, Chloe came forward, thinking, saying,

"Um, I want to ask you something, too. Why is there a fallen angel here that was tying my soul?

Are you talking about Shem Haza? Well, from Chloe's point of view, you will.

In front of the left-hand side, Shemhaza answered naturally.

"Dear Cain and Pandora, the unexpected opened the gates of purgatory for the first time. That would interest me.

Besides, there is a rule that says ownership of the soul is the early winner. I renounced ownership in negotiations with His Majesty, despite taking ownership in accordance with that rule, what's your grievance?

Chloe, who had been put to the point of truth, could not argue, and cautioned Chloe that he was about to regret it.

"Chloe, they have their rules, too. Shemhaza still listened to me, and even if there's something to be thankful for, it's wrong to resent."

"I know that, but my emotions..."

Well, I know how you feel, but I wish I could get emotional at work when I said this... I can't say much about people either.

"Chloe, chill your head outside for a while. This is enough for Heitao."

Near left, he said, is Chloe remorseful, and when he chewed his lips, he clenched his fist, and bowed his Shemhaza head, and apologized.

"I'm sorry, you gave up ownership of my soul, but you said something busy. I think it's bullshit, and if you forget, I'm glad."

To Chloe's apology, Zhengxing said to Shemhaza, looking intrigued and entertained.

"Shemhaza, I don't know what happened, but accept your apology"

"Accept or nothing, I don't think anything from the beginning."

Obviously, to Shemhaza, who looks down at Chloe with a gaze from above, the clerk's office turned into a sinister mood, but Scrood breaks such a mood.

"Come on, can we get down to business?

"Oh, of course. Please."

Somewhere, while appreciating this air, Skuld spoke with a serious face, the left-hand man said.

"The operation to explore the headquarters of the denomination is a failure, as the angels attacked Viking, so the secret books stopped crossing into the headquarters of the denomination. So a vessel called Kojima that was out in the game before you...... can I ask that one a question? A little rough, though."

I mean, you can't help it... well, there's no choice.

"I don't have a choice. But don't ever kill me."

"Got it. If you're in the Bastrella kingdom, it's like the unification of the East Bail family first, so your next goal would be the kingdom of Tort. Drop the tort and the East Bail countries will be reunited.

And one more thing, from the Kingdom of Emburg, the messenger is coming this way. In the next few days, we arrive in the kingdom of Cesar, but the name of the messenger is Count of France… at that time the General of the Apes who fought and survived in the sanctuary of the Kingdom of Emburg. Isn't this something you can use?

Anyway, do you want Adolf handed over? Finally, it is possible that the intelligence department has found evidence that... well, either way, we can make a pretext for a war.

"Sure, you can use it. Chloe, even this evening, I need you to summon the Sage Society."

"I'm in awe"

That's what Chloe says, filling out the notebook, the door knocks, and Dahlia shows her face and reports.

"Excuse me. Colonel Adele from Intelligence is here to report an urgent incident."

"Okay, let me through."

When he was told near left, and Adele came in instead of Dahlia, did Adele care, he saw the political Xing and the others as chirali, and said:

"Your Majesty, it's a little secret, so pay for it."

"Koitsu is my son when he says Left Lieutenant Sakura, Zhengxing. To its guardian, Shemhaza, Onokeris, who will be his wife today. All three of them are royal associates, so it's okay.

Besides, Skuld there is a secretary, so it's okay to talk confidentially, so tell me. "

Near left, or nodding, Adele spoke of a surprise report.

"This is a report from the grass. With the Kingdom of Bohemia in a state of war with its neighbour the Kingdom of Durham, in a little over a month the war ended with the victory of the Kingdom of Bohemia.

Next, out of the two countries of the Southern continent, the kingdom of Vizur became the leader of the Alliance, and in the five countries of the sub-nation, a sub-union was formed. The Union of Subpeoples, apparently with its eyes on the Eastern Union, is now assembled near the border of the Kingdom of Veltran.

This seems to me to be our intention to attack the Kingdom of Veltran and to attack the Eastern Union as it is. The Kingdom of Veltran is currently pursuing a disarmament policy and will perish without difficulty "

"Seriously...... worst timing ever"

So Adele nodded to the left with her head.

"Yeah. Worst of all, we have to deal with both the Southern Tripartite Alliance and the Sub-Union.

As it is, we will march along the Inland Sea and through the region of the Anti-Eastern Union, but I would appreciate it if you would be hostile there... it would be difficult "

A march along the Inland Sea or... an anti-Eastern Union merchant area would be difficult to antagonize. Their purpose is the destruction of the Eastern Union, so everyone should be on their side.

"Well, you can't. The merchants of the Anti-Eastern Union are supposed to be on everyone's side.

Attacks on the Kingdom of Veltran would be aimed at increasing the number of troops, since a country that is disarming can easily occupy and conscript.

Marching along the Inland Sea, the Inland Sea is under Viking outside the forces of the Eastern Union. As it is, I suppose you are thinking of incorporating Viking into the force, in maritime transport, and the barracks.

When that happens, keep going north along the Inland Sea and attack the Principality of Nabrich, or keep heading west...... you attack the Kingdom of Ceasel. Adele, report this to Kiyoshin and the directors of the three stations and tell them we're starting an emergency meeting tomorrow.

After that, we will monitor the movements of the Union of Subpeoples and alert them to the borders between the Kingdom of Cezel and the Kingdom of Emburg. Work closely with grass everywhere and give instructions to get as far as you can into the grass and into the core of the country. "

"I'm in awe"

So when Adele, who bowed her head, went out, she said to her left, as if Shemhaza had been frightened.

"The world is the same everywhere... shall we ask Belial to send troops from Purgatory?

"No, that doesn't extend to the Eastern Coalition that I created, no one will lose. Yes, let's give this to the politicians and Skulls."

So the left hand side said with a serious face, when he put the gold coin of the Sage Society on the table from the Item Box.

"This is a Sage Society pass. The Sage Society… It is a gathering of people who know the reason of this world, who are setting the direction behind this Eastern Union.

Chloe. I'm hosting a sage club this evening, ask for arrangements... to the angels, to the three countries of the South, simultaneous operations of the subhuman coalition. I wouldn't be a warrior if I told you I couldn't burn in a situation like this. "

That said, the left-hand side was smiling, and on that left-hand side smile, Zhengxing felt something hot in his heart.


That night I made the ID cards for the politicians and signed the marriage papers. In the basement of Sacramento, at the entrance to the sage club venue, Rudy and Josette, as usual, thought something was about to come out, but as they checked the coins and passed through, the door opened and the Zhengxings came.

For a moment Josette came forward, wondering who he was.

"This is Major Josette Tern, vice president of the Knights of Witches (Night Witches). Do you have a coin?

"Josette! Are you Josette? Hey, I've heard a lot about you from my sister.

Sister Chi, Shirley, Faye, Josette, and Rudy are the strongest female jewels in school history and the best crazy people. "

... the content of this story is definitely Pandora's brother. Wow I'm afraid to hear more about what you were talking about.

Lyudi thought the same thing, and Skuld came from the darkness and said,

"If you show me your medal, I won't let you in. We don't have time, let's see it."

To Skuld, who appeared out of the dark without even turning on the lights, Josette and Rudy were holding each other with their faces blue, but when they noticed Skuld's class chapter and saluted him correctly in posture, Josette said.

"I've shown you a very ugly place, Commander. Would you mind checking the coins?

"Damn, if I let you in with this kind of transfer, it would be a quick story"

Despite his dissatisfaction, Skuld took the coin out of his pocket and showed it to Josette, he went inside, and in a hurry, the political Xings also showed the coin, and followed Skull inside.


When a gaze of interest was sent from everyone to Zhengxing, who went inside and looked at the floor and said unexpectedly, Zhengxing also seemed a little embarrassed, and Busty stepped forward and cautioned.

"Prince, we are gathered here from all countries, so reckless action will humiliate your father, Your Majesty. Give me your medal and take a seat at the hearing."

To Busty's words, when Zhengxing looked around Chirali, he could see that everyone was paying attention to himself, and did Zhengxing understand, he nodded again and again, playing a pin and coin to Busty and handing it to him, heading to the hearing seat.

"The king's butler is a tough man to talk to. But let's try to apprentice."

Having said that, Skuld, when he gave Busty the coin with a smile on his face, went straight to the hearing room, and when he discovered his mom, he sat dokali next to him.

"Have you become a member of the Sage Society, too? Well, naturally, naturally.

The young man who was screaming earlier... said he was a child of Left Near and Testa, but is that an angel?

Without distracting yourself from your gaze, when you ask questions, you see and answer the politicians sitting away from Chirali.

"Ex. Shemhaza, the guardian, and Onokeris, his wife, are the big fallen angels, among the fallen angels.

The prince is of a race called Nephilim. A mixed breed of angels and other races, he grew up in purgatory. "

Mixed children with angels... could be near left or testa say angels. Near left is the apostle, and you still call Testa an angel?

Well, I knew the angels were flying, but the way the testers were flying, if you think they're angels, naturally. But if you tell them who this is, they'll fall for it.

Though she thought so, she was a mom who seemed to enjoy herself, but soon becomes a serious face and asks questions.

"Well... so you naturally know the reason for this convocation, don't you?

"Oh...... well, that's outrageous content. You may say that it is a crisis in the Eastern Union.

But our king was going to have so much fun burning in that crisis. "

"Hahaha, that sounds like him. The fact that our king seems to enjoy it seems like I can enjoy it too."

It was scrumptious at the words of the mother who said so, but even then, the meeting had begun and she had a grin on her narrative near the left.

When the meeting begins and we hear from the near left about angels, the denominations, the messengers of the Kingdom of Emburg, and the Union of Subpeoples, each head of state is the rulers of a nation. Without breaking the expression, the chairman, the emperor, asked the question.

"Well, I have a lot to ask you. Before that, I have a new face sitting in the audience, could you introduce me?

"So is that. Now let me introduce you.

First, Sakura Toa. He plans to be Pandora's husband, and the race is a fallen angel. I went to Purgatory to unseal and welcome him into my son-in-law's adoption.

Next, Lieutenant Left Sakura, Zhengxing. He was born in Purgatory and raised in Purgatory, the son of me and Testa, so let's not go anywhere, thank you very much.

And this is Onokeris, the wife of Zhengxing, and Shemhaza, a guardian and utter hat parent. They, too, the race, were fallen angels and came to this world the other day to get permission to marry me and Testa.

Last but not least she...... her name is Skuld. I heard her name, and I'm sure you know that she's a reaper, and among them is Valkyria, the executive. "

The emperor held his head in the explanation near the left, and said to the near left standing in the center.

"Uplifting, may I ask where the source of that lust comes from?

"Emperor, that's the power of love. Look at the testa, to that beautiful look, if you decide with this guy, you have absolute loyalty and a great personality. If I told you I wouldn't talk, you'd be lying."

Of course, this was a statement made in contemplation of the feelings of politics and sincerity, but too dignified a proximity to the left, when Testa had turned a bright red face and politics and Xing looked somewhere happy, Lakes said here to the Emperor that his mother, Testa, even if his father, the proximity to the left, denied that politics and Xing thought that an army of fallen angels could be enemies.

"Emperor, you know left-hand people say a man they love a lot. Don't we have more to talk about than that?

"Indeed, His Majesty Lakes is right. Now, let's ask two good fighters, let's be frank... can we win this fight?

Everyone's attention to the word of the emperor was close to the left with Lakes, who put his arms together and answered quietly.

"Emperor, that word is a foolish question, of course you can win... but this next battle is a vast continent. I don't think you have enough troops."

"Sure, that's right. To operate bilaterally, the continent would be too vast for the Allied forces today, wouldn't it?

Besides, if we are going after the Eastern Union, we could also invade the Land of the Divine Demons, bordering on the territory. You're not seriously going to occupy it, but you can still disperse the force and it's effective...... regrettably.

So, if it's a long battle, I don't know how to fall in the present situation, where there is an element of instability that I said angels and denominations. So at the very least, you'll have to bring it to a short-term showdown just on one side. "

And it came to pass, that the emperor slapped his knee, thinking that Lakes was nodding, to the word near the left.

"The defense of the Ruthai Empire would be better at a minimum than having an inviolable alliance with Bastrella. So let's lend the Left Kingsguard and guardianship to the Eastern Union."

"Emperor! It's dangerous to trust Bastrella too much!

So the emperor answered Seibei, crying out louder than the hearing seat, with a mighty eye.

"Whether dangerous or not, the nations of the Eastern Union owe us their help in the civil war ahead. You don't give that back now, when do you say you will?

Exactly what the Emperor had told me so far, Kanbai and the Minister of State could not say anything, but just sat down, but the Left and Near spoke to the Emperor.

"Emperor, I appreciate your sentiments, but in the Luthai Empire, which is now at peace because of it, when it is a new battle, the people will be conscripted again and their national power will fall. But the Emperor's offer is very gratifying.

So here's the suggestion, how about saying that soldiers are only samurai and that countries take turns every six months? If this happens, we won't conscript peasants, so we won't lose our productivity either.

And as my direct commander, let's accept the borrowers. I think that would preserve the Luthai Empire. "

"That's right, it's uplifting. Only samurai go to war, and if they don't conscript, the harvest won't drop... I think that's a good story?

With that said, the Emperor smiled and proceeded to speak to the Emperor, who saw the hearing, without being able to argue anything, the two Ministers of State and Government, just nodding.

"Now we're going to talk about the battle… I want to ask Kiyohiro what he's going to do, keep the army"

"First, we will assemble the National Guard at the border of the Divine Devil Nation and pull the line of defense, just like we did on provocation. Afterwards, provoke the Kingdom of Enburg, as planned, and let it attack this way, placing it in the nostalgia of the Kingdom of Ceasel and destroying it.

The Principality of Antonum is also likely to show movement, so at a time when it has formed a defensive line on its border with the Kingdom of Fresia and devastated the main forces of the Kingdom of Emburg, it will be at once on the offensive.

The sub coalition said they were marching along the inland sea, so they would think of transporting the barracks by sea. So before, we will deploy the navy to seal off the inland sea.

Since ships with shallow water lines are active, we will use the Luthai Imperial Ship. The Vikings were destroyed by both angels, so there is no Vikings in control of the Inland Sea, only by land.

If we take control of the sea, if we attack the coastal areas, we will stop the subhuman coalition from moving. "

When everyone is satisfied with the near-left explanation, Lakes asks the near-left question.

"Near left, it's certainly a muscular measure, but we can't stop the country's economy. Provoking the Enburg kingdom won't attack you any time soon.

If we were to do so, we would ban the entry into port of merchant ships belonging to the Eastern Union… then there would be damage to the trade of the Kingdom of Fresia, the Kingdom of the God-demons of Gard. What do we do? "

Well, it does hurt the trade...... Lord Oyaji, what are you thinking?

Really! On the pretext of changing course, are continents like that continent of Australia going to take this opportunity, at once? I don't want to ride, but it's too effective. Is this the only way?

The left-hand side of the thought, with a long stick of command, pointed to the map of the ground, and from the eastern side of the kingdom of Fresia crossed the southern line of the Ruthai Empire, and began to explain.

"The map shows that there is nothing in this sea, but along this line, it is known among sailors that there are various islands, large and small. There will always be someone living there.

We will therefore send envoys from Parliament to allow merchant shipping to take place and to open up new routes. I think the messenger is good for the Orange Councillor and the Forester Councillor of the Ruthai Empire. "

"Speaker Knight, what do you think?

"Yeah, I think it's a good candidate"

"Then it's a decision. And finally, what about the angel?

"There, I'm going to ask my daughter's son-in-law, Toa, to help us, of course."

To its near-left suggestion, the emperor asks a question, gazing at Toa sitting in the hearing room.

"Ask Sakura Toa a question. What do you want with the angels?

"Not to mention hostile now, my brothers. I want to try to persuade you the best I can, but I'm ready for when I don't have to."

In the words of Toa, there was a word that said, "It will be sweet," but the emperor said with a smile towards Toa.

"I see you and I are going to be good friends. Okay, you will be in charge and create an organization against angels.

In the name of the Society of Wise Men, let us make it a special organization of the Council and commit ourselves to cooperate unconditionally. "

"Thank you. Always protect and show this world."

Thus, when a unit of anti-angels was formed, and I saw the exchange of sage societies, and I was somewhat excited, Zhengxing asked Toa to let me join Toa's forces for a while.

This, of course, was the aim of the near left, and the aim was to involve Zhengxing, who had the ability to erase the engraving of an angel.

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