Another Life

The Future of Conrad

When Skuld and Conrad disappeared from the territory of the former Kingdom of Durham, Yataro was camping in the Rock Desert, a power zone of the merchants of the anti-Eastern Union.

The desert, as the desert name suggests, was a burning hell during the day, but at night temperatures dropped to near freezing point, as if it were a jet coaster, a highly degraded area.

In such a harsh place, Yataro was traveling towards the Inland Sea, but at this time he was burning fire and resting his body.

Yataro, worried about Floki and Loua, put up with his desire to return in a hurry, and if he could not do so here, he rested his body because of the danger to his life, and watched the flames of the burning fire, and heard Skuld from the darkness.

"It's no use heading for the Inland Sea."

To the words of Skuld, Yataro reached out softly to the sword he had placed and was alert, but when he saw Skuld's uniform, he stroked down his breasts and answered.

"The clothes… are they from Eastern Union? I didn't know it was useless to head to the Inland Sea... is that the message of Lord Heitao?

"No, it's not. It was already too late when you taught the king the true names of Floki and Loua..."

The moment Skuld said so, Yataro instantly pulled out the knife and shook it down against Skuld's neck, but the knife stopped perfectly and told Conrad, who turned to the colt.

"... people there. Is that a short cylinder?

"I don't know what the short cylinder means, but the way it looks, it will have an approximate consideration of what kind of weapon this is. Get away from Master Skuld."

In the words of Conrad, Yataro glanced at Skuld.

"When I helped Loua and Floki, your king said! What is that, this result!

Already, it was too late! Can you believe that? That's not true!

Scrood told Yataro, shouting like a scream in his heart, with a cold eye, that he would send a signal to Conrad to lower his gun.

"I don't believe you, I don't care. In the body of Floki and Loua, two angels entered, killing the Vikings and all the soldiers of the people and security around the Inland Sea of the Kingdom of Emburg, that is the reality.

And I commanded those under my command, and hid them in heaven. Whatever, if you become the only soul in this world, you will continue to suffer like you can't imagine, until the body you have taken over dies, so you will be fine in heaven. "

And when Yataro delivered his sword to the word of Skuld, he remembered something, and pointed his trembling finger at it.

"Sure, Louis told me about it. Send the brave man who died in battle to Valhalla, tell the story of the Valkyrie… Surely, among the men, there was a name called Scrood. No way, is it real?

The moment he heard Yataro's words, Skuld's eyes and body glanced at Yataro as he glowed golden and golden wings emerged from his back.

"It's a human mistake. I am Valkyria, an executive of Reaper...... an ex-angel.

More than that, answer my question. Hassan Sabbarf, elder of the Assassin Order... he is an angel vessel, just like two of your friends.

So tell me his real name in this world or where he is. This one will erase the engraving before more angels "

"Oh, that's..."

Because it involves a credit issue, Conrad came forward and said to Yataro, who said so and shut his mouth.

"Please! My name is Conrad, and I am the son of the Caesar Kingdom Branch of the Order, and my previous life's name was Rasheed Woodine Snaan.

Actually, I have a different purpose. I, Master Hassan and I, were trying to save a people who founded and suffer in this world as well.

But the recent move of Lady Hassan has not moved the denomination like a mere assassination guild or private soldier to provide relief for the suffering people. As the founder of the same denomination, if this is correct, I cannot face my fellow dead believers in us.

Sure, this involves Viking's credit issues, but can you bend over there and tell me how?

With that said, looking at Conrad bowing his head, Skuld looked as if he knew it would be the flow of saying, and Yataro looked at Conrad with a complex face and thought for a while, opening his heavy mouth.

"Okay, let me tell you. The Kingdom of Veltran and along the Inland Sea near the border of the former Seventh Confederation.

There is a cliff topography on the coast, as if a giant tsunami had pushed over. The fortified city above it, Eagle's Nest Castle, is now home. There are other entrances and exits to the castle… there is a cave that leads from the sea to the castle at the bottom right towards the cliff.

As you know, we're pretty tight on security. It's impossible to infiltrate. "

Listening to that Yataro, when Skuld picks up the stick and draws a map of the Inland Sea on the ground, he points the tip of the stick to a ton of questions.

"Around here?

"No, it's a little bit more Seventh Federation... yes, around there. From the sandy desert to the meadows, about a kilometer west. Shall I take him?

"No, as long as I know where I am, I am free to come and go. More than that, I'll advise you.

Don't try to take my friend's revenge. Completely intact, there are only a few angels in this world who can beat the angels who descended into this world.

For starters, either my words are true or go back to base and see misery with those eyes and embrace reality. And to me, if you feel benevolent about the two souls, form Viking again and help my king. "

When Skuld told him to look at Yataro, who nodded again and again, Skuld disappeared as he put his hand on Conrad's shoulder as it was.

Yataro felt as though he was stuck in a fox, but when he glanced at the end of the dark, he packed his bags and, as Skuld told him, headed to the home of Viking.


"Master Skuld, have I gone with you and changed any future?

It was the two of them who ended Yataro's case and returned to Conrad's house, but when Conrad questioned Skuld anxiously, Skull, who magically lit the candle, answered as he looked at something with his eyes glowing golden.

"If you hadn't come with me and bumped my thoughts, that vessel would have been mean and difficult to make me throw up. It's okay, you've done your part... do you have any paper and pen?

"Yeah, this way."

And it came to pass, when Conrad, who had said so, had taken the paper and the pen out of the drawer, and put it on the table, that Skuld had written down something, and offered it to Conrad.

"I'll teach you the future. At this address, there is a small glass workshop for a craftsman named Melaine.

The melaine, if she stays like this, is going to take her breath away from the glassmakers' unions and shops because she's a woman, not being dealt with by anyone, and is going to stay malnourished. But after his death, the valuation is reviewed, and the works made by Melaine become traded for a high price.

The woman and you make an exclusive contract and take it to the king as a celebration at the prince's wedding, which will be held indoors on Sunday the 18th. At that time, let Bastian, the royal deacon, come into his eyes.

Busty will always realize the value and advise the king. So the king will make a hell of a decision and admire Melane for putting you in charge of the royal dishes.

Then Melene becomes royal servants, and there is no one to obstruct her because she is a woman, and she comes out on the stage of the table. And you're the point of contact, Conrad. "

To the exact words of Scrood, Conrad looked surprised, with a trembling hand, and received and questioned a piece of paper with an address on it.

"Um, why did you give me that information?

"Don't get me wrong, this is for the king, for the kingdom... no, for the world.

If you succeed in being a merchant and be happy, the world will be at peace and if you become unhappy, the world will be destroyed. Therefore, you must succeed and be happy… remember that your destiny depends on the destiny of the world. "

So Skuld disappeared, and Conrad was distracted, and he said with his head that he would sit in a chair for a while.

"Why do you have to tell me that the day you lost Lyla? Well, to some extent, it was a setback, but you won't be happy that day... but it's Master Skuld's word, why don't you just go"


Around that time, in the earthen house mansion, where the servants, Mr. and Mrs. Mizu, returned, between the enclosures, Changheng was spending time with Alexia and her son, Heisuke, without family water.

Heisuke said that when she had just breastfed, managed to finish eating and was satisfied, and traveled straight to the world of sleep, Changheng and Alexia gradually said that they were themselves, drinking miso soup, and taking carrots on the plate, Changheng seemed unhappy.

"Dear Changheng, if you don't eat carrots properly, when Heisuke grows up, you will hate carrots just as much."

"As it is, well, even if you don't like carrots, you'll be fine because you're gonna be as big as me"

"No. If you don't eat, you won't have to eat after dinner."

That said, it was when Changheng turned his smile to Alexia, who swelled her cheeks and was angry at Changheng, that Alexia heard for the first time.

"I didn't know Changheng Tsuchiya hated carrots when he said he killed a thousand people with one hand... and his wife had a tough time raising two kids"

That said, at some point, across the enclosure, and sitting across from Alexia, Skuld put his hand on Alexia's lap and said plainly to Alexia, surprised and bright blue, when he drank Changheng's evening drink on his own.

"Scrood, this place is ground-footed."

"Hey, I'm still a lieutenant colonel in this. Use proper respect."

That said, Chang Heng asked Skuld to take off his heel and put it in the item box while eating the meal as it was.

"So, using your respects… What's up, Lord Commander?"

It was Changheng who said as much as he liked, but Skuld laughed with his nose and turned to Alexia.

"Well good. Well, ma'am, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Skuld, the General Marshal's secretary.

I'm a Raven, and that ability is to say I can see the future… "

"Hey, don't get your wife involved"

So Skuld said something surprising to Changheng, who drank miso soup and cautioned.

"Am I supposed to say that? I thought it would be better if Conrad and I stayed together until now, and Alexia, our daughter... apparently, wasn't welcome."

And it came to pass, that Alexia said unto Skuld, that he was about to rise, with a crying face.

"To my father, is something wrong?

In response to Alexia's words, when Skuld saw Chang Heng as chilling without answering anything, Chang Heng said as he thought.

"Okay, Tsuchiya welcomes His Highness the Lieutenant Colonel. So sit down."

"Um, honest and good"

So said Skuld, who sat down, and drank from Changheng's evening drink, and saw Alexia, and said:

"What we're going to talk about is hard, but can you stand it?

And when Alexia sat upright and nodded forcefully at Skuld, confirming Alexia's readiness, Skull spoke.

"I don't know if you're hearing from Conrad, but your mother, Lila, was sold as a slave to the Kingdom of Durham, bought by a man who said she was a farmer, Cleman, and then married"

"Yeah, my father told me that. My father found my mother in the Kingdom of Durham, but he left the place saying he should not destroy her happiness here because she seemed happy."

"You were... Conrad is a man who's going to be my favorite. Okay, here's the real deal.

The Kingdom of Durham invaded the emerging nation of Bohemia, a neighbouring country, but in return, the Kingdom of Durham was destroyed as it was. At that time in the war, the Kingdom of Durham commissioned a murder guild called the Assassination (Assassin) Order and assassinated dignitaries of the Kingdom of Bohemia one after the other.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Bohemia carries out a massive denominational hunt. Lyla and Cleman were killed and hung from a tree near the house. "

To the words of that skull, Alexia holds her mouth and, as she weeps silently, sends her gaze as Chang Heng holds Soo Alexia's shoulder and asks her to continue to skull. Even Skuld nodded and spoke, saying he understood.

"Apparently Cleman was a liaison to the Order. Hanging it in a tree near my house, the Kingdom of Bohemia used it to broil down the church.

But earlier, me and Conrad went to the scene, and Conrad buried the bodies, and the watchmen, I killed them all. Now you won't understand the Eastern Union's involvement. "

That said, Alexia and Changheng bowed their heads and Alexia thanked Skuld for his quick drink.

"Thank you so much for sitting down this time, Commander. My father, yes, but I also thank you most sincerely, Lieutenant Colonel."

"My wife and my father-in-law really took care of me. I will never forget this favor."

He told Alexia, a little mossy, whether he was not used to being much appreciated or whether Skuld was uncomfortable.

"There you go, you two, do me a favor. I don't think it's a bad story for you guys.

There is a prince's wedding this month on the 18th. At that time, I want Conrad to turn his hand so he can join us.

At that time Conrad brings a glass teapot to offer, made by the woman who says Meraine. I want it in Busty's eyes when the king has it. "

To that skull's request, Chang Heng held his head, but Alexia asks the question as Kyoton, with a face she said she didn't know what it meant.

"Huh? It's okay to show Mr. Busty what my father brought, but will he be married, Saki-sama?

Exactly, your marriage at that young age... is a joke, isn't it?

"No, it's not. A child of kings and testas, hidden and raised until now, a hidden child."

The moment I heard Skuld's words, as if it had solidified not only Alexia, but even the air in that room, a quiet silence flowed, and the moment the charcoal in the enclosure sounded patsy, Alexia's screaming voice sounded.

"Eh! You're lying! Master Chang Heng, you're lying!

That being said, it was Alexia who pleaded with Changheng to deny it, but Changheng answered Heisuke, who had happened in Alexia's scream, as she gave up.

"Alexia, unfortunately, it's the truth. When I first heard it, it took me a while to understand... but it's the truth."

"Shh, shh, shh. This is a mistake. That pavilion's got his hands on the servant... Huh? But getting married is pretty old, isn't it?

So that's what this was all about before you became a servant? Why aren't you and your sister married?

Looking at Alexia, who was returning entirely to her servant years, Skuld said as she poured the liquor herself.

"Something more shocking than that. As a matter of fact, I'm the woman who calls her Melene... the one destined to be Conrad's companion. I didn't tell him that."

"Huh? Huh? Huh?... When I say companion..."

So said Skuld to Alexia, who was confused, taking a sip of wine.

"By companion, I mean marry and become Conrad's wife. For one thing, it's Conrad's love at first sight... this information, isn't it interesting?

That is what Alexia said to Skuld, who seemed amused.

"Exactly, losing your mother and the next day a new woman... I did tell your father to forget your mother... eh!

"Conrad, without this encounter, would pull Lyla aside for the rest of her life and remain single. The cause also fails, hands on the back run again, revives the Order and is killed by the King... without finding a body.

But if you meet that woman who says melaine, well, the truth is, we're in love at first sight with each other, but we'll build a happy family again, and in the artisan world of man society, helping the suffering melaine, the two of us will be hard, but happy. It's obvious which is better. "

"Yay, that's true..."

So it was to Alexia, who was confused, but Skuld looked at Chang Heng and said it with a serious face.

"Next, Earthhouse. The King said, an operation to move the ships of the Ruthai Empire to the Inland Sea to form a fleet dedicated to the Inland Sea. That would be a halfway result, with only a canoe known as Little Early.

So it would be good to use someone who says Yataro Kojima, Jinxing, because he plans to revive Viking in the Inland Sea. I've already sown the seeds… if you don't understand, when I am then, I will bring them "

"I've never seen you before, so please."

So he said to Changheng, bowing his head, and when Skuld nodded and rose up, he said to Changheng, as if he had remembered.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. And I was going to tell you about your life expectancy.

If you stay like this, you will die prematurely, sick and dead, not in battle. To avoid that, refrain from drinking and eat carrots. "

"Lying...... right?

That being said and surprised Changheng, Skuld answers with a smile on his face.

"If you think it's a lie, you won't have to believe it. But I advised you... just remember that."

Alexia said to Skuld, who disappeared after saying so, that Changheng and Alexia were surprised and unable to say anything, as if she had remembered, to take Heisuke from Changheng.

"Look, the lieutenant colonel, he says, and eat properly. Alcohol starts today, so it's just a combination."

"Hey, wait a minute, Alexia. The last one, he said, was definitely kidding."

"Maybe it's true. Me and my father's benefactor, the lieutenant colonel, say," Please make sure you eat carrots and reduce the amount of alcohol. "

"I don't know..."

Chang Heng, who said so, had dropped his shoulders in dismay, and Chang Heng was laughed at with his belly when he told the reason for coming to Mizu the next day.


The next day, Saturday, September 10, A.D. 7. Conrad was outside the Glaster district, coming to the woods.

The general district inhabited by the people of Sacramento, the king's capital of the Kingdom of Cesar, is the size of the province of Kagawa, the majority of which is said to be the division between the royal palace and the aristocracy. It was also about 100,000 inhabitants and the largest giant city in the world. Compared to modern times, its population was small, and because it was at some city level, there were still places such as forests, where Conrad stood, and although there were addresses, it looked like it was just a forest.

… do people really live in places like this? But it's Master Skuld's word...

With that in mind, Conrad went down an unpaved road, like the Beast Road, and he saw a house like a two-story log house, next to which was a cottage, and a chimney.

Really, there was. But this sounds like a witch coming out.

With that in mind, Conrad, once he corrects his clothes and knocks on the door, nothing responds. I had no choice but to knock and scream again.

"Excuse me, is anybody here?

The moment he said that, the door made a key noise and opened slightly, Conrad looked inside a little.

Then, inside, it looked like a store and was decorated with various glassworks on the shelf. Conrad, while checking the perimeter, opened the curtain and lost his words the moment he let the sunlight into the room.

It should also be true that the glass finishes displayed were usually not perfectly transparent as to whether the impurities were mixed, but the glass finishes displayed here were clear as if there was nothing there.

Master Skuld's words were true... I've never seen glass so transparent. And because it's so transparent, the colors you wear are also so vivid that you can only describe it in one beautiful word.

Looking at the glass workmanship, it was an inspiring Conrad, but he felt signs of people and possibly was being taught by the robbers, and, alert, he opened the door behind the counter and proceeded.

At the end of the door, it is seen in a dark corridor, and at the end, in a staircase. In front of the staircase was a door that would be the entrance and exit of the cabin where it was situated, and the door was slightly open, and the light in the cabin was leaking.

Conrad, checking inside from the gap in the door as it was, had a human woman in her late twenties with brown hair spinning a thin, long barrel of circles and iron with a serious look, ahead of which a clear glassworker was spinning in the hands of a woman with a cloth.

Naturally, Conrad's heart beat violently when he did not wear makeup, was completely unwilling to decorate his outfit, had a white towel wrapped around his head, and worked seriously while sweating.

Love was like thunder falling and, as someone said, Conrad's chest was now beating as hard as thunder fell and more shocked than when he first met Lila.

But when you're a human adult, there are times when reason gets in the way. Especially if Conrad is over a hundred years old, if he matches the age of his previous life.

And Conrad at this time, too, reason was in the way.

What the hell am I thinking? Having my wife...... what's really wrong with me being blinded by a new woman the day after I lose Lyla.

Conrad, whose reason disturbs him, said, if he spoke up, he felt that something would break, just stood up and watched the woman's work silently, with the woman's hand, a glass vase had been made, as if it were magic, finished, removed from the cylinder, and somehow put the vase in a vault-like box, softly.

And the woman, a little unconvinced, thought of something for a while, and sighed, and took a towel of her head, and looked back, and beheld Conrad, who stood up.


Unexpectedly he raised a strange voice and was a woman backing down, but when he hit the box with the vase earlier, he heard the parin inside and the vase cracking, pulling Conrad back into the real world.


As the two men said at the same time, in the box opened by the woman was the wreckage of a broken vase, and Conrad took his hat and said sorry.

"I'm sorry, I just surprised you, I broke your precious work"

"Oh, it's good, it's good. I can't believe I made it, but I wasn't convinced... and I broke it myself.

Is that right, customer? I'm sorry. I mean, when I concentrate on something, I can't hear the surrounding noise at all. It's nice to meet you, Melane. "

"No, never mind. My name is Conrad."

That is what he said, and said to Conrad, who, having been driven by the impulse that Conrad did not want to let go, let go of his hand, with a little confusion.

"Um, Mr. Conrad..."

"Huh? Oh, excuse me!

That's what Conrad said and let go of his hand and panicked about, but he makes excuses as he swims his eyes at you for wanting something to delude him.

"Hey, I was wondering if you made the glasswork that was displayed on the table too..."

Having heard that Conrad's words, Melaine answers, clouding her expression a little, as if to undo her feelings.

"Well, there's no woman glassmaker. So, did you like anything? I'll keep it cheap."

"Yes...... no, actually that's not all. Actually, I'm meeting with the recently opened Conrad Chamber of Commerce, and I'd like you to sign an exclusive agreement with our Chamber of Commerce."

And when he heard the words of Conrad, Melane answered, bewildered.

"Do you have an exclusive agreement with me? When it stops, if you sign an exclusive agreement with me, you'll be stared at by the Artisan Union."

"I am very aware of that. But I'd like you to know that, too."

So when he saw Conrad bowing his head, Melane sighed lightly once and said:

"Well, let's have some tea upstairs, shall we?"


Conrad was surprised at how many walls there were in the craftsman, and as he followed Meraine and climbed the stairs toward the second floor, Conrad noticed that the stairs were a little coarse.

That's weird, Sacramento carpenters, I wonder if they did such a messy job.

Upon going upstairs with that in mind, it was in a studio room where there was not much sense of life, and it was while lighting the stove, that Melane spoke.

"I'm sorry about the killing landscape. Land and buildings, run out of savings. Come on, household goods don't change."

"Land and buildings...... couldn't it have been a little smaller?

To the clearly stated Conrad, Melane replies with a bitter laugh.

"Well, everyone thinks so, doesn't it? But it was designated as a forest compartment, and in exchange for managing the forest, I was able to purchase it in a bundle of three sentences.

The house, I built it myself, and of course the workshop. My parents used to be carpenters... since I was a little girl, I used to help my father and brother with their work, so I knew a little bit about carpentry work.

Did you know that? A house like this is pretty easy to build with just the ingredients and tricks. Of course, there's a lot of material here, and there's fuel in the furnace. "

"Really? It's hard for a regular carpenter to build it alone."

"Well, you've always had the strength to work and the dexterity of your hand. Thanks to you, I didn't go to my wife, my family told me novels every day... but they're all dead.

As a matter of fact, I come from the territory of the Count who fought the rebellion during the Kingdom of Salz. Because I couldn't stop the rebellion, the king showed me that not only my village, but all the people of its Count's territory were killed, and I am its survivor.

My parents and brothers were killed and nobody depended on me, so I hid them, I tried to be a glass craftsman who had been my dream since I was a little girl, and nobody hired me to be a woman... anything, because when I put a woman in the workshop, they say that the artisan goddess is jealous and burns people.

So while working at Rennes, I stole a look at the workshop and learned to work on my own. Even when I was a carpenter, I was told to look and remember, so you'll get used to it.

So, the kingdom of Cesar was founded, and I've moved to Sacramento, and the artisan union has a strong influence here, and they don't deal with merchants anywhere. So, Mr. Conrad, if you sign an exclusive deal with me, not only the artisan union, but the merchants will turn to the enemy as well. "

That is what Conrad said with his mouth on the herbal tea, when he saw the sad face of Melane, who lay the herbal tea.

"Really... you look like me somewhere"


To Milene, who was surprised by Conrad's words, Conrad spoke of himself with a sad face.

"I was originally a Veltran hunter. But while the men in the village were out hunting, the village was attacked by bandits, and their wives and only daughters were sold as slaves.

So I created an illegal organization to protect my acquaintance and the people, and I came to this country, and I was discovered by His Majesty the King of this country, and if I went through the organization and became a merchant, I missed it... he told me that there would be no next time.

Perhaps my wife was purchased by a farmer in the Kingdom of Durham and died, but my daughter was purchased by His Majesty during the Ruthai Empire to live as a liberating slave and now married to a man of nobility, so I was missed.

For my daughter's sake, I asked Her Majesty to introduce me to the Hanza Chamber of Commerce to be a legitimate merchant. The Hanza Chamber of Commerce was also introduced by Her Majesty because of my family business, but it didn't look very good and the conditions didn't fold. "

Conrad said with a smile that Melane was also sitting in a chair with a complicated face.

"But luckily for me, my daughter and I funded it, and it was small, but we were able to open the store. So don't worry, I bounced back to show you that because I signed an exclusive agreement with Mr. Melaine and even if it was obstructed by other merchants and artisan unions.

And my daughter's son-in-law, she's a Luthai. I don't believe in craftsman gods, as the craftsmen say... and I have a plan to succeed. "

"You have a plan to succeed?

"Yes, I've come here to be taught by one of you, but in fact, with this eye, I saw Mr. Mellene's work, and I was sure I could go.

In fact, on the 18th Sunday, there will be a wedding of the prince of the kingdom of Ceasel. Therefore, if you dedicate Mr. Mellene's work as a celebration to the Prince, His Majesty will not be able to reach our backs, nor the merchants, nor the craftsmen's unions. "

With that said, Melane takes Melane's hand and asks Conrad, who complains with serious eyes, an unexpected question, but realizes something.

"But even if I did say Prince, His Majesty's eldest son, Saki-sama, should certainly be five years old... really, because you're getting married?

Because of what he said about the backyard business, he told Melane, who was to be revered, that Conrad should whisper love with a gentle face.

"Please don't be scared, just because I'm from the society behind me. I want to live a normal life for my daughter.

So please, only Mr. Mellene wants you to look at me as I am. I will definitely make Mr. Mellene happy. "

And he said unto Conrad's attitude, Is Melane not accustomed to a man, that when he made his face bright red, and he kept his eyes from Conrad, the time passed as a while had stopped, and that he made his face bright red as Melane remembered?

"Um, because the way you put it, it sounds different..."

"Huh?... Oh! Sorry!"

Conrad, who said so and let go of his hand, answered calmly, putting his mouth to the herbal tea in order to calm his feelings.

"As a matter of fact, when I say that prince, it is His Majesty the King's concealer. So this is going to be an inside party."

"... but I only have these clothes..."

"It's all right, as a memorial I know, I'll give it to Mr. Melaine."

"But me, I can't even drink alcohol, I don't like or dislike it intensely, and I can't eat pork or anything, so I'm a terrible woman."

"It's a coincidence, I can't even drink alcohol, and pork is no good. My daughter tells me that I can't do that, but all this, I can't.

Besides, Mr. Melane, why don't you stop? Rather than thinking backwards, think positively, it is only by taking one step that the path opens up.

Mr. Melaine's work is so great that you can bet my whole life on it. Please, come with me and send a variety of pieces to the world. "

Because Conrad's words pierced Meraine's chest deeply, and for the first time he met someone who would recognize him so far, or he said, "The world…" and just looking down, he moistened his eyes and held Conrad's hand, and answered ready.

"Nice to meet you! I'll take care of everything for you, Mr. Conrad!

"Thank you. I'll sit down. First, decide what to do with the gift and go buy a dress, etc.

If you have the tools or materials you need in glass finishing, I will buy them. Anyway, no one knows I'm connected to Mr. Mellene, and now they're selling it to me. "

When she heard Conrad's proposal, Melane was surprised that she had the hand, and said, "That's true too," she and I took ourselves so seriously and were attracted to Conrad, who would make us better, and she came up with an opinion and decided to go.


And it was before noon Sunday, September 18, A.D., in Conrad's room, before the two men dressed in dresses and tuxedos, that Scrood, in military uniform, appeared.

To the sudden appearance of Skuld, Melane greeted him with surprise.

"It's Melane. Best wishes for today."

"This is Lieutenant Colonel Skuld, the General Marshal's dedicated secretary. Do me a favour today.

Conrad, over there, I've already spoken to your daughter and his wife, so they'll be there for you. You and Melane, all you have to do is give the king something to give him, and his surroundings will move, and I'll be nearby, thinking about the unforeseen, and I'll advise the king.

But he's the king. Be careful when you can't read my actions, no matter how much I can do. "

"Okay. I just really need your help, and I can't thank you enough."

So Skuld answered Conrad, bowing his head.

"That's what you say, do it after it's all over. Okay, let's go."

Having said that, Skuld disappeared with his hands on the shoulders of Conrad and Meraine, and headed to a private beach dedicated to the royal family, built on the sandy beach where Amaia and the others first came to the world.

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