Another War
19 Retaliation
Once the monsters were released from their ice cage, the golem-like aswang began thumping their stone chest like a giant gorilla expressing their dominance to the whole area. Despite having no mouth to shout their growl in frustration, the thumping they'd made on their chest was very loud as if there was someone bulldozing a certain building.
Yule, who was carrying Sanna on his back, and Haruto witnessed the entire scene and stopped their track. They were running in such a hurry when they saw that the monsters were enclosed in a giant ice cage, but their hearts almost skipped a beat when the monsters were released from their frozen imprisonment.
After thumping their stone chests, the golem-like aswang turned their heads to where was Ranger and Jin-Yoo located.
Then the monsters started smashing their giant stone arms on the ground. The impact made a huge tremor on the ground, creating a huge crater where they smashed their hands.
Yule and Haruto almost lose their footing due to the earthquake made by the aswang. Haruto helped Yule to steady him since he was carrying Sanna on his back.
They haven't regained their footing yet, when the golem-like aswang began smashing the ground again, and this time, Haruto fell on his buttocks while Yule tried protecting Sanna where he twisted his body and fell on the ground, face-first. Sanna was safe behind him.
Trying to lift his body from the ground, Yule safely placed the sleeping form of Sanna beside him on the ground. Then he turned on the communication line to contact Ranger.
"Ranger! We have to do something. At this rate, we can't escape these aswang with them creating earthquakes on the ground. Plus, I'm carrying Sanna."
"I understand. But I'm running out of ideas and magic reserves."
Yule sighed in reply and turned his gaze on the aswang. They halted their arms smashing and started moving their giant stone feet to the direction of Ranger.
Then Yule thought of some sort of plan, but it relied heavily on Ranger's powers.
"Hey, Ranger!"
"I think of something. But how much power do you have left?"
Ranger paused for a second, curious to where this question was going.
"I think I have enough for one last electric outburst. Why?"
Before replying to Ranger, Yule breathed in and launched his plan to him. Haruto heard Yule's plan. It may sound outrageous, but he thought it might work if Ranger showed his true might as one of the Saint-class levels in the academy.
Yule began running towards the two golem-like aswang. He left Sanna on Haruto's care. The two stayed in their position since Haruto had also a part in his plan.
'Please God makes this work', Yule prayed internally.
While the aswang marched, they spotted a small dot running towards them below. One of the golem-like aswang swang his stone arm and smashed it to the ground, creating another shake.
The small figure stumbled on his feet, but he didn't try to stand up.
After stumbling from the shake of the ground, Yule breathed in again and summoned his weapon.
A small light burst out from his chest and transformed into a violet spear on his hand. Both he and Ranger were on the edge of their magic reserves. And they had to make it count for every attack they will do.
Yule gripped his spear and raised it on the air. He started pouring all his remaining magic reserves to his weapon, and a gust of wind started swirling around him - a manifestation of immense magic gathering in one place.
The violet spear glowed after gathering enough magic from its master, and Yule felt a heaviness on his weapon. Then he locked his gaze on the two giant golem-like aswang before him.
The monsters stopped their marching, after feeling the magic gathering from the small figure below them.
Gripping his spear with both of his hands, Yule swang his spear and sent it to the ground. The moment it pierced the ground, a huge wave of air was released from the impact.
"Second Form! Lunar Moment!"
A sound of rumbling from the ground began to spread around him and heading to the direction of the two giant aswang.
The golem-like aswang looked around their area, sensing something beneath their stone feet.
Before Yule, a duplicate violet spear emerged from the ground, and another one poked out, and another one until numerous spears rose from the ground in a succeeding manner.
At first, the spears started appearing in one vertical direction but later on, the spears spread around the area, making it look like a valley of thorns.
The spears continued spreading until cornering the two giant aswang. But the monsters were not bothered by the appearance of the thousand spears around them. They began lifting their feet just to smash to pieces the annoying weapons when Yule twisted his original spear on his grip.
All of the spears around the area started to elongate vertically, reaching the height of the two giant monsters. Then another rumbling sound could be heard from below them and spears poked out from the ground.
The two giant aswang could feel the weapons below like needles prickling their feet, then something unexpected happened.
The spears below them started to extend vertically, piercing their feet from below. There were some spears extending also and piercing some parts of their bodies.
The two giant aswang were now pinned down to an awkward position. They could not feel the pain, but they can't move their bodies.
One thing that Yule learned before heading to this extermination mission, his spear could pierce anything. It was explained to him by Professor Fields after Avatara released a detail information on the spear's properties.
"Now, Jin-Yoo!" Yule shouted in his earpiece.
From afar, Jin-Yoo was waiting for the signal from Ranger's classmate - Yule. She was standing in an elevated area - a large stone lying on the ground. She was also impressed when the violet spears appeared from the ground.
When she heard the shout from Yule, Jin-Yoo raised her hands in the air, gripping her twin handguns.
Then two magic circles appeared before the mouth of her handguns and without missing a beat, she fired two bullets straight to the direction of the giant monsters.
But just like her earlier shot, the two bullets didn't reach the aswang and exploded inches before them.
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A white magic circle bloomed on the ground from where the two golem-like aswang were standing. And a cold arctic air was released from the magic circle where frost started appearing around the bodies of the aswang, until the bottom part of their bodies were enveloped again by a huge bulk of ice.
Jin-Yoo turned on her earpiece and directed her gaze to the floating form of Ranger above her.
"Now, it's your turn, birdie!"
Ranger almost chocked from the nickname that Jin-Yoo gave to him. But he returned his focus on the task at hand. Behind him, his eight yellow-bladed swords began glowing brightly.
Just like Yule, Ranger started pouring his remaining magic reserves on the two swords he was holding.
'This is an outrageous idea from Yule. But we never know if I don't try, do we?' he thought. He just hoped that Professor Fields was on his way to them if this plan fails.
The two swords he was holding started glowing also then all his swords glowed brightly, bathing the whole area with blinding lights.
All of his swords started to fade into thousands of glowing balls of light and being absorbed by Ranger's body. When he fully consumed his swords, his body began glowing also turning it into a giant single ball of light.
Then the ball of light covering the body of Ranger started cracking on the surface until it exploded into thousands of small lights, revealing what was inside - a giant yellow bird made of electricity. The body of Ranger transformed into this energy form.
From where Yule was kneeling, he saw Ranger's transformation, he was amazed by it. Then his earpiece buzzed in.
"Amazed aren't you?" Haruto asked.
"Of course, I am!" he replied strongly.
"Me too. This one of the reasons why he's classified as one of the Saint-class levels in the academy. One of his powerful skills is the integration of him and the Thunderbird into a single being. In this form, he is invulnerable and could slice anything."
As Haruto was speaking, the energy form of Ranger began flapping its wings and soared in the air. Then Ranger spotted his target - the two giant aswang writhing from their frozen position. Ranger's energy form started headed in their direction.
"But," Haruto said, interrupting Yule's thoughts. "He could only maintain this form for a certain amount of time. I'm guessin' at best he can maintain this for 10 seconds only in his current skills."
With such amazing speed, Ranger flew straight to the two giant aswang passing through them and slicing them in half.
Yule, who was carrying Sanna on his back, and Haruto witnessed the entire scene and stopped their track. They were running in such a hurry when they saw that the monsters were enclosed in a giant ice cage, but their hearts almost skipped a beat when the monsters were released from their frozen imprisonment.
After thumping their stone chests, the golem-like aswang turned their heads to where was Ranger and Jin-Yoo located.
Then the monsters started smashing their giant stone arms on the ground. The impact made a huge tremor on the ground, creating a huge crater where they smashed their hands.
Yule and Haruto almost lose their footing due to the earthquake made by the aswang. Haruto helped Yule to steady him since he was carrying Sanna on his back.
They haven't regained their footing yet, when the golem-like aswang began smashing the ground again, and this time, Haruto fell on his buttocks while Yule tried protecting Sanna where he twisted his body and fell on the ground, face-first. Sanna was safe behind him.
Trying to lift his body from the ground, Yule safely placed the sleeping form of Sanna beside him on the ground. Then he turned on the communication line to contact Ranger.
"Ranger! We have to do something. At this rate, we can't escape these aswang with them creating earthquakes on the ground. Plus, I'm carrying Sanna."
"I understand. But I'm running out of ideas and magic reserves."
Yule sighed in reply and turned his gaze on the aswang. They halted their arms smashing and started moving their giant stone feet to the direction of Ranger.
Then Yule thought of some sort of plan, but it relied heavily on Ranger's powers.
"Hey, Ranger!"
"I think of something. But how much power do you have left?"
Ranger paused for a second, curious to where this question was going.
"I think I have enough for one last electric outburst. Why?"
Before replying to Ranger, Yule breathed in and launched his plan to him. Haruto heard Yule's plan. It may sound outrageous, but he thought it might work if Ranger showed his true might as one of the Saint-class levels in the academy.
Yule began running towards the two golem-like aswang. He left Sanna on Haruto's care. The two stayed in their position since Haruto had also a part in his plan.
'Please God makes this work', Yule prayed internally.
While the aswang marched, they spotted a small dot running towards them below. One of the golem-like aswang swang his stone arm and smashed it to the ground, creating another shake.
The small figure stumbled on his feet, but he didn't try to stand up.
After stumbling from the shake of the ground, Yule breathed in again and summoned his weapon.
A small light burst out from his chest and transformed into a violet spear on his hand. Both he and Ranger were on the edge of their magic reserves. And they had to make it count for every attack they will do.
Yule gripped his spear and raised it on the air. He started pouring all his remaining magic reserves to his weapon, and a gust of wind started swirling around him - a manifestation of immense magic gathering in one place.
The violet spear glowed after gathering enough magic from its master, and Yule felt a heaviness on his weapon. Then he locked his gaze on the two giant golem-like aswang before him.
The monsters stopped their marching, after feeling the magic gathering from the small figure below them.
Gripping his spear with both of his hands, Yule swang his spear and sent it to the ground. The moment it pierced the ground, a huge wave of air was released from the impact.
"Second Form! Lunar Moment!"
A sound of rumbling from the ground began to spread around him and heading to the direction of the two giant aswang.
The golem-like aswang looked around their area, sensing something beneath their stone feet.
Before Yule, a duplicate violet spear emerged from the ground, and another one poked out, and another one until numerous spears rose from the ground in a succeeding manner.
At first, the spears started appearing in one vertical direction but later on, the spears spread around the area, making it look like a valley of thorns.
The spears continued spreading until cornering the two giant aswang. But the monsters were not bothered by the appearance of the thousand spears around them. They began lifting their feet just to smash to pieces the annoying weapons when Yule twisted his original spear on his grip.
All of the spears around the area started to elongate vertically, reaching the height of the two giant monsters. Then another rumbling sound could be heard from below them and spears poked out from the ground.
The two giant aswang could feel the weapons below like needles prickling their feet, then something unexpected happened.
The spears below them started to extend vertically, piercing their feet from below. There were some spears extending also and piercing some parts of their bodies.
The two giant aswang were now pinned down to an awkward position. They could not feel the pain, but they can't move their bodies.
One thing that Yule learned before heading to this extermination mission, his spear could pierce anything. It was explained to him by Professor Fields after Avatara released a detail information on the spear's properties.
"Now, Jin-Yoo!" Yule shouted in his earpiece.
From afar, Jin-Yoo was waiting for the signal from Ranger's classmate - Yule. She was standing in an elevated area - a large stone lying on the ground. She was also impressed when the violet spears appeared from the ground.
When she heard the shout from Yule, Jin-Yoo raised her hands in the air, gripping her twin handguns.
Then two magic circles appeared before the mouth of her handguns and without missing a beat, she fired two bullets straight to the direction of the giant monsters.
But just like her earlier shot, the two bullets didn't reach the aswang and exploded inches before them.
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A white magic circle bloomed on the ground from where the two golem-like aswang were standing. And a cold arctic air was released from the magic circle where frost started appearing around the bodies of the aswang, until the bottom part of their bodies were enveloped again by a huge bulk of ice.
Jin-Yoo turned on her earpiece and directed her gaze to the floating form of Ranger above her.
"Now, it's your turn, birdie!"
Ranger almost chocked from the nickname that Jin-Yoo gave to him. But he returned his focus on the task at hand. Behind him, his eight yellow-bladed swords began glowing brightly.
Just like Yule, Ranger started pouring his remaining magic reserves on the two swords he was holding.
'This is an outrageous idea from Yule. But we never know if I don't try, do we?' he thought. He just hoped that Professor Fields was on his way to them if this plan fails.
The two swords he was holding started glowing also then all his swords glowed brightly, bathing the whole area with blinding lights.
All of his swords started to fade into thousands of glowing balls of light and being absorbed by Ranger's body. When he fully consumed his swords, his body began glowing also turning it into a giant single ball of light.
Then the ball of light covering the body of Ranger started cracking on the surface until it exploded into thousands of small lights, revealing what was inside - a giant yellow bird made of electricity. The body of Ranger transformed into this energy form.
From where Yule was kneeling, he saw Ranger's transformation, he was amazed by it. Then his earpiece buzzed in.
"Amazed aren't you?" Haruto asked.
"Of course, I am!" he replied strongly.
"Me too. This one of the reasons why he's classified as one of the Saint-class levels in the academy. One of his powerful skills is the integration of him and the Thunderbird into a single being. In this form, he is invulnerable and could slice anything."
As Haruto was speaking, the energy form of Ranger began flapping its wings and soared in the air. Then Ranger spotted his target - the two giant aswang writhing from their frozen position. Ranger's energy form started headed in their direction.
"But," Haruto said, interrupting Yule's thoughts. "He could only maintain this form for a certain amount of time. I'm guessin' at best he can maintain this for 10 seconds only in his current skills."
With such amazing speed, Ranger flew straight to the two giant aswang passing through them and slicing them in half.
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