“Chapter 126: Match Start”

– Alright, good enough for me. Now, Mumuruu’s…

A week after our dinner, we were (I was) getting our preparations done.

Silver on my belt, recovery potions and other mixing components in my bag…

– Ah~ Noo, Takaya-sama~ Don’t put it in there~

– Master~ I’m already full~

I fell asleep alone last night. At some point the girls crawled into my bed. I guess it helped calm down my nerves.

I think we’re ready now.


Us five participants, plus Rudra, Feria and Mike gathered on Road Four, where the branch is located.

It’s rather quiet here, especially compared to the other roads.

– Is THAT it?

At the end of the road was an insanely large building.

Road Four has a considerable amount of tall buildings, be it government facilities or schools, but the branch is by far the tallest building I’ve seen.

– Tch, look at that, we work so hard to get money, and these guys get buildings like this just because they’re draining the Royal Capital’s wallet. (Rudra)

– Don’t be so grumpy, we’ll be that sub-branch soon. (Feria)

– Takaya, what does that mean? “Draining their wallet”? (Mumuruu)

– Uhh, to put it simply, the higher-ups lend them money due to certain reasons. It’s a pretty common thing in the human world.

– Hmm~ I don’t really get it. Humans are wise but weird.

As soon as we entered the building we could see dozens and dozens of groups of people like us waiting at the reception.

Are these ALL the guilds in Bay Road!?

– Searat, from Road First.

– Understood. Participants this way, please.

Every guild will have teams of 5, with 2 backup members in the reserve. Rudra and Feria aren’t allowed to participate, so we’ll have to make do by ourselves.

Time to showcase my supporting skills.

– Searat, come here.

Even though we had already filled out every form and made sure we had everything in check, one of the receptionists stopped us on our way to the waiting room.

– Is there something wrong? (Rudra)

– Yes. Please leave all your equipment here.

– …What!? We didn’t hear anything about that in the terms! Surely we can take some of our potions at least!? (Rudra)

– No. You must leave everything behind. Including the belongings of the observers that won’t participate. We will take care of all of it

Good to know that all my preparation was pointless.

– How are we supposed to fight, then!?

– Our superiors have instructed us to make this fight as equal as possible. All teams will be provided with the same weapons and restorative equipment.

The “weapons and restorative equipment” were clearly cheap commercial stock. Definitely lower quality than what I had prepared.

Our team’s power just plummeted.

– What if we don’t want to? There was no such rule in the terms we agreed to. We spent a lot of money preparing for this. Are you going to compensate us?

– Well…

The receptionist was at a loss for words.

– Haha! Noisy as ever, eh Rudra?

From an office in the back came a man wearing all white and a gold snake medal, indicating he belonged to the main branch.

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