“Chapter 131: Raid 3”

Our screams were barely audible compared to the roars from the boar leader.

It didn’t help that we had to run away weaving between tons of trees while the longhorn was just ramming them down.

– HURRY UP, IDIOTS! You’re gonna turn into boar food! (Mumuruu)

The only reason I’m not falling behind is because Mumuruu is carrying me while flying.

– Takaya, how much farther are we supposed to run!? I’m reaching my limit over here!

– I’ll check right now. Mumuruu, fly higher, please.

Mumuruu soared high into the sky.

– There!

Close to our location was a village being attacked by longhorns along with some of the participants.

– Mumuruu, there’s something I need you to do.

– Of course!

I told Mumuruu the plan, and she went back with the trio.

– Run to the northeast! We can’t defeat it by ourselves, so make it everyone’s problem.

– Got it! But how do we make it forget about us?

– Leave that to Mumuruu. We’ll go our own way.

All of us diverged in different directions.

– Hey, what is that thing!?


The other adventurers were surprised at the gift we were dragging along.

As big as the leader is, it shouldn’t be a problem with so many people to fight.

Most of these boss-class enemies are usually tackled in groups, and the rewards are paid according to the number of people involved.

I also spotted 5 adventurers from Seaserpent among the crowd. With their equipment they’ll surely have it easy.

– Your turn, Mumuruu! Don’t let them find out who you are! (Takaya)

– Right-o! Don’t get yourself killed. (Mumuruu)

Mumuruu used Dark Hide on me and ran towards the adventurers.

– Mumuruu-chan! (Meirir)

– Take care of Takaya! Don’t you dare let him get a scratch on that beautiful face.

– You don’t say!? Who knows what that witch will do to me if that happens.

– Guys, this way. We need to keep a low profile.

The four of us hid behind a nearby bush.

– Huff… How long has it been since I ran this much? I’m about to vomit my own heart… (Dyke)

– Man, I’ve been doing way too much paperwork. I need to work out. (Roar)

– Good job you two. Here, I made this potion in a hurry. Might not help at all but it’s better than nothing.

– Takaya, are you sure Mumuruu will be fine by herself? They’ll know she’s a demon if she uses magic.

– I know. I just asked her to stall as much as she can.

– That’s your plan? Keeping them busy?

– And what are we going to do?

– Whatever we can. We can’t defeat the big one, but at least we’ll trim down the number of small longhorns in the vicinity.

– Small ones won’t do. We’ll need to hunt way too many.

– Well, we better start soon.

I stood up with a knife I made from boar horns in my hand.

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