“Chapter 138: Assault”

At the chirping of the bird, a red arrow pierced the roof of the building, spreading flames everywhere.

I was hiding by a dumpster near the entrance to watch Mumuruu and Meirir go on a rampage.

– Just when I was wondering who could be so damn stupid to attack us. I recognize your faces, ladies. You were in that group we attacked. (Bandit)

A man playing cards at a table stood up. He’s the one that led the ambush.

Our loot doesn’t seem to be anywhere. It’s probably stored somewhere else in the building.

– Good. You saved us the introduction, then. Do you know why we’re here? (Meirir)

– Revenge, isn’t it? I can respect that. Do you have any idea who you’re picking a fight with? (Bandit)

– What? You have a name? I didn’t know they named wild beasts nowadays. Where’s your owner, lil’ guy? (Mumuruu)

– You b̲i̲t̲c̲h̲… (Bandit)

– Sorry, I don’t speak animal.

The rest of the men walked closer to Mumuruu.

– All of you against me? That’s cute. Try to lay a finger on m-

A large steel hammer hit Mumuruu’s face. It was so quick that even Meirir was unable to react in time.

Mumuruu was sent flying and hit the wall of the next building.

– Hehe, sorry. You were talking too much. Not that you’ll talk again. I smashed your skull so hard you’re probably dead anyways. (Bandit 2)

– Nice hit. I didn’t expect someone with the ability to Blink. Quite the fighters, aren’t we? (Mumuruu)

– No s̲h̲i̲t̲. We’re all almost at Level VII, no one- What!?

The hammer man stood speechless as he watched Mumuruu walk back in as if nothing had happened.

In fact, nothing had happened, at least to Mumuruu.

The one who was hit was one of the guards that Mumuruu had knocked out.

– You’re not wrong, though. Your friend is as good as dead. Poor cranium. (Mumuruu)

– What did you…

– You guys are REALLY stupid. You call yourselves high-level? You haven’t even noticed the curse I put on the building.

A red curse circle appeared on the floor as Mumuruu tip-tapped her toes.

– I’d be careful if I were you. You wouldn’t want to go insane, right? (Mumuruu)

– Wha-GWOH (Bandit)

– I’ll kill you. I’LL KILL YOU. (Bandit 3)

The protagonist of the ambush was stabbed with a sword in the back by one of the other men that attacked us.

Equipment is worth nothing against the curse of one of the strongest demons.

– What the f̲u̲c̲k̲ are you doing!? Snap out of it!

The cut didn’t seem to worry him, as he quickly recovered.

He ran towards Mumuruu and swung his sword to hit both Mumuruu and Meirir.

But a curtain of black smoke covered his vision.

– Takaya!? (Mumuruu)

– It’s a miasma sphere. I did some research before coming back to the human world.

Miasma is poisonous for humans, but not for Mumuruu.

– *Cough* I can’t see anything!

– You messed with the wrong people. Start begging for your life. (Mumuruu)

Mumuruu grabbed a cheap spear from the floor and filled the tip with dark magic.

The man fell to his knees and started crying.

– Mumuruu, stop. Don’t kill him yet, we have questions to ask. (Takaya)

– Ehh? That’s it? Boring. (Mumuruu)

– You might’ve gone a bit too far. (Akane)

Akane appeared from a set of stairs with our loot in hand.

– Takaya, you have no reason to stay here. The fire has been extinguished. Let the others take care of this.

– “The others”? Did you call someone?

– Something like that. I came here because I was originally assigned another task. You’ll find out soon.

With our revenge complete, we returned to the branch, where everyone was waiting for us.

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