“Chapter 142: Secret Plan with Kouya”

– Conditions? You name them. We’re willing to do anything to scout you.

– Thank you.

– Come on, stop messing with us! (Rudra)

– You’re literally our only ace, Takaya. We can’t replace you. You’ve had to work twice as hard to make up for Dyke’s uselessness. (Feria)

– What am I supposed to eat if I don’t have your stomach medicine!? (Roar)

– I wish I could go to the Royal Capital too! With all the cute ladies and stuff… Wait, what was that, vice-pres? (Dyke)

– Please, calm down. I’m not planning to quit. That’s why I asked for “conditions”.

I’m happy with my life as is. I just wish my salary was higher, which is what Rizerotta is offering me.

But I have another reason for wanting to accept her proposal.

× × ×

– Find someone? Why are you tasking the Four Fiendish Guardians with something like that?

Only Kouya, Tilchina and I were left in the room.

– Hear me out. Do you remember what I said?

– We are all to find people with special abilities, whether in the demon world or in the human world, and contact the demon king as soon as we do.

“We have no intentions of attacking the human world, but such can’t be said for the humans. We have no way of knowing what they’re scheming, so take this as a way of increasing our security”

That’s what Kouya told everyone.

But that’s not the real reason.

– Takaya, why do you think we came to this world?

– I wish I knew. But I would love to have a talk with whoever is responsible for it.

– So, you realized too?

– It had to be someone’s doing. Someone capable of summoning people from another world.

Kouya nodded.

– Have you noticed that some people in this world have special powers?

Two people come to mind: Meirir and Dyke.

Their tree papers have nothing special, except for a flower blooming next to their tree.

In contrast, Kouya’s tree is simply a black straight line. It looks more like a burnt wooden stick rather than a tree.

– Summoning people… A strange ability. If someone like that exists, there has to be a clue about their identity. (Kouya)

– Could it be someone from our world?

– That’s what I think. The Four Fiendish Guardians cover wide regions, but there are places they can’t reach. Make sure you investigate as much as you can in the human world.

– Places they can’t reach?

– Yeah, more specifically…

× × ×

And now, Rizerotta invited me to go to the Royal Capital, the place where the guardians can’t reach.

I wanted to go there at some point anyways. Being scouted definitely helps.

I might not find the summoner themself, but at least I’ll get to look for clues.

– What will I do once I join? (Takaya)

– You’ll have to do some tasks for me for a bit. After that, you’ll be assigned to a special team. I’ll explain more once you get to Royal Capital.

This is my chance to get information.

I turned to all my guildmates.

– I’m sorry to be selfish, but could you all come to Royal Capital with me?

And so began my new adventure.

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