“Chapter 156: Akane’s Teaching”

– Takaya, do you have a minute?

Mike and I were relaxing in the guest room when Akane opened the door.

– Wanna play something? (Mike)

– Uhh, sure! Maybe later. (Akane)

– Can I help you? (Takaya)

– It’s about our magic talk. I thought I’d teach you a certain technique. You might find it easier.

Ever might be a prodigy when it comes to magic, but she’s for sure not the best teacher.

– How did the sage teach you?

Again, “sage”, not “Grandmaster”…

– She told me to always visualize an “image”. Energy is floating in my body, waiting to be used, so I can draw it from my hands, feet, head, anywhere.

– Yes, that’s how everyone does it. Forget about that.

– What?

Akane walked behind me and hugged me.

– Akane-san!?

– Sh-Shut up and focus… Can you feel my heartbeat?

– Y-Yes…

– With each beat, blood flows through every one of my arteries, and then back to my heart. Magic is similar. Always circulating back and forth, waiting to be channeled.

– I have to imagine magic as if it was my blood flow.

– Correct.

Gradually calming my breath, I sank my focus into my own body.

It starts in my heart, and it ends… for now, in my hand.

– In… and out…

A weird sensation filled my body.

– My arm feels hot.

I can feel so much magic running through my body. Nothing even close to anything I’ve ever experienced.

– In Shimazu, we call this Thread of Life.

– I can’t believe this…

– I take it from your expression that it worked. I’m glad to have helped.

With a sigh of relief, Akane released me from her hug.

– That is all I can teach you. I will say it again, Takaya. You will be fine without me. You can do anything you set yourself to.

Akane patted my shoulder and left the room. It seems Fuji and her are taking turns in supplying magic to Moonflower.

– Hey, Mike…

– Hm?

After making sure no one was watching us, I told Mike the plan.

Tonight, once everyone is asleep.

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