“Chapter 171: The Seventh”

– Takaya! We were waiting for you.

Rizerotta greeted us with her arms open. And a unit of knights behind her.

– You really didn’t need to go this far. (Rudra)

– I did, actually. He seems to have more connections than I thought. Quite frankly, I would lose my mind if the Sage of Light were to take him away on a whim, just like a certain other sage did.

So this entire army was meant to stop Ernika?

– Rizerotta-san, my arms…

– Yes, I know. Goodness gracious. Now we can’t measure your skills properly. Why did you have to do that? Shimazu is just a small island.

I bit my lips in response to Rizerotta’s statement.

Obviously, she doesn’t know the details of what happened in Shimazu. The only ones that know are Mike, who was there, and Mumuruu, who I sent to run an errand.

I’ll see if I can find a good time to tell the others. As long as my skills are hindered, I need as much cooperation as I can.

– Let’s get you to the headquarters. My partners and the princess are waiting there.


Rizerotta was taking us through a narrow street filled with people constantly blocking our path.

– The Royal Capital. What do you think? (Rizerotta)

– I heard this was a very lively and crowded place. Honestly, it’s worse than I imagined. I already want to go back to Bay Road.

– Haha! I felt like that too when I first arrived here.

– Are you not from this city?

– My parents and I moved here a couple of years ago. I happened to get scouted at school. My superiors trained me so hard that I was vomiting blood every day.

It’s hard to imagine she’s a year or two younger than me. Her mannerisms make her look like an elegant adult.

Just another one of those things from this world. Age doesn’t matter. Talented people will always be in charge.

– No need for compassion, by the way. Training was a nightmare, but the pay was worth it. Anyways, enough of that boring talk. I’m sure there’s something you’re more interested in.

I’ve been looking in that direction constantly to change the subject.

– That wall… It’s where the meteorite that crashed into the world is kept, right? Am I allowed to go there?

– Straight to the point, huh? Sorry to disappoint you, but the answer is no. Certainly, our guild owns that place, but only the king of the country, along with two or three other people, are allowed to enter. Needless to say, I’m not included in those numbers.

– Figures. Why, though? Is a rock really that important?

– “A rock”? Of course it is. It is thanks to that “rock” that this city was able to rise up to glory.

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