“Chapter 174: Royal Followers”

– Uhh…

The adventurer’s eyes were hostile from the get-go.

Even some of the inhabitants of the demon world had the decency of trying to talk things through before showing hostility.

– Septe, I thought I told you to wait in the room with the others. (Raviola)

– Apologies, princess, but-

– No buts. If you can’t follow such a simple order you might as well go back home.

– …Yes.

“Septe” knelt down to apologize, but her glare was burning a hole in me.

– Sorry about that. This girl is Septe. She’s currently in charge of Seventh Fall’s maintenance and is also my caretaker. (Raviola)

– Septe is Raviola’s servant. She acts like that to keep bad insects from latching onto Raviola. Although, as you can see, sometimes she goes too far. (Rizerotta)

Which means she and I will be working together. Shouldn’t she be happy that we’ll be splitting the workload?

– My family has been in charge of the stellar sword for generations. It’s my and only my job to take care of it. Go wag your tail somewhere else.

– That’s exactly the behavior I meant. (Rizerotta)

I was this close to getting some vital information.

*Sigh*, I’m once again involved in a ridiculous quest.

– On the contrary, I should be the one apologizing. It was a rude request to make, especially this being the first time we’ve met.

Backing down seems like the best course of action.

– Hmph. (Septe)

I just noticed Raviola’s purple eyes have been staring at me.

– Is something wrong?

– No, sorry. It’s just… Everyone with considerable aptitudes tends to be a weirdo. The sages included. But you look like quite the respectable adventurer. Even the members of my-

– Whaaat? You mean us? Hey, Eri, Ravi was about to trash talk us.

– I can tell. And I don’t think it’s fair to compare us with those people.

Two girls entered the conversation looking pretty annoyed.

– Ergeet, Erieet, you two are probably the biggest oddballs. (Raviola)

Both of them walked to my sides and grabbed my arms.

– You’re kinda cute. How old are you? Are you a virgin?

– Excuse me… What!?

– Don’t hold back. We’re gonna have a fun chit-chat!

– I would rather not…

I turned around to look for help from my friends.

– …Huh? Why is no one moving?

Everyone from Searat, Rizerotta, and even Septe were completely frozen.

Is this time-stopping magic?

No, otherwise I would be stuck too.

– See? They don’t mind. We can go all out~

– Don’t be scared, we’ll be gentle~

– HUH!?

After all I’ve been through I’m quite used to women touching me. But something I’m not used to is ear licking.

Why are all the women I meet so weird?

– No need to resist~

– We’re mages from Alta Masters. Don’t think you can refuse~

– That’s enough.

A light of seven colors flashed before my eyes, and I was freed from my restrainers.

I immediately ran behind my friends.

– Aw, Ravi! We were getting to the best part!

– I would appreciate it if you stopped such vulgar behavior in front of me. Or at all, if possible. (Raviola)

– Vulgar? Have you seen that guy? He’s anything but honorable. What do you think, Septe-chan?

– He’s disgusting.

– Don’t tell me you’re interested in him!

– Are you out of your damn mind?

The four of them began arguing as if I hadn’t been on the verge of being harassed just now.

– Sorry about that. Those four are… Strong. They’re strong. But they always get like this when they’re together. (Rizerotta)

– …I see.

An overly serious knight, a freak, and two molesters. Amazing. What a team.

And I’ll have to work in that team.

I’m getting a headache just thinking about it.

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