“Chapter 184: Core”

It’s… different than I had anticipated.

Seventh Fall is bright and emits colorful lights like a rainbow.

But the meteorite is surrounded by small dots the size of a sand grain that absorb the light.

– I know it might be surprising, but this is what it looks like. My sword, as well as some structures in Royal Capital, are made by processing the fragments that fall from the meteorite. Once it’s processed, it’s capable of emitting all the colors you’ve seen. Even I don’t know the reason. (Raviola)

– How long have those fragments been falling off? (Takaya)

– Several thousand years. You would think that the meteorite gets smaller and smaller until it eventually disappears, but it simply doesn’t. (Raviola)

– From what I can see, it might even be bigger than last month. Princess, it’s time to mend the sword. (Septe)

– Right. Thank you.

Septe took Seventh Fall from Raviola and stabbed the meteorite.

– !? What are you- (Feria)

– Be quiet. I need to focus. (Septe)

The sword came out with a new shape.

It looked even brighter than before we went on our quest.

– It’s so pretty… (Feria)

– It’s done.

– Thank you.

Raviola sheathed her sword back in place.

The pride of the royal family, and the bane of the demon race.

But they have yet to realize the price that they’ll pay for it.

Or do they?

How did “the chosen ones” survive the meteor strike? Why were they the only ones able to enjoy the fortune brought by The Seventh?

They were chosen by the meteorite, but they’re merely servants working to fulfill a goal.

– Raviola-sama, I think we’ve seen enough. Thank you very much. (Feria)

– Are you sure? We can stay a little bit longer if you want.

– Don’t worry. We were able to witness something amazing.

Just to be safe, we’re done for now.


– So?

Once we parted ways with Raviola, I was the one to speak up.

– I think you’re right. I saw it with my own eyes. In fact- Wait, Takaya, what’s wrong with your shadow?

– Hm? Oh, don’t worry.


Mumuruu emerged from my shadow and flung herself towards me with her arms open.

– Welcome back. What’s the response?

– Here you go.

The letter said “You owe me one”.

I guessed as much. What a reckless person.

– It seems the other side is ready.

And now we just wait.

Although I still haven’t received any response from her.

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