“Chapter 225: The Sage of Darkness”

– What?

Shamsheel is dead?

And Ever killed her!?

– I… genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.

The relationship between the sages might be good or bad, but at the end of the day, they’re companions that fought in a war with the demons.

In fact, Ever convinced Shamsheel to talk to me and show me her research. They couldn’t possibly be on such bad terms.

– Well, it happened! Tell me where she is right now.

I can’t tell where Ever is with the talisman I have, but Regda might be able to pinpoint her location.

– Don’t. (Kouya)

– I know. (Takaya)

– And who the hell are you?

– I’d like to call myself just a random passerby, but I’m the disciple of the Sage of Darkness. I’m good friends with this guy.

– Darkness… From the demon world? You’re out of your territory here in Bay Road.

– You’re one to talk. So, you said “The Sage of the Forest must’ve killed her”. Did you see her killing your Grandmaster with your own eyes?

– No, but it had to be her. I’ve been guarding the entrance to her chamber day and night. The only one that came in was the Sage of the Forest. She said she had some business with Shamsheel-sama.

– But there’s more than one entrance, right? (Takaya)

– The underground passages can only be opened by the Sage of the Volcano. Not even the other sages can access them.

Then it’s true. Ever was the only person to go in.

– …Alright. I’ve heard enough.

– Kouya?

– Takaya, get ready. We’re leaving immediately to see the scene of the crime.

I was planning to go anyways even if I had to ride all the way on Regda’s back. I don’t believe what he said 100%. I need to see it for myself.

– Wait, can you use teleportation magic to go to a place where you’ve never been to?

– Right. No.

– So we’ll have to have Regda-san fly us-

– That’s gonna take at least two hours. I’m a busy guy, you know.

– So what do you propose? Can Septe or Raviola magically take us there?

– No, but I know someone who can. Someone who can use any form of magic.

Kouya opened a portal to his warehouse.

– Did you call? (Mary)

– Tell the Grandmaster to come here right now. If she’s not here within 10 seconds I’m kicking her out of the house.

– Understood.

And the gate closed.

1… 2…

– You’re so mean…

A woman in completely black attires popped out of Kouya’s shadow.

– I’m giving you work. Do you not get tired of lazing around at home?

– Don’t be rude. I’m. A Sage. I’m busy. Too.

– So what were your plans for today?

– Sleep, wake up, eat, stare at nothing, stare at nothing, sleep, wake up, eat, stare at nothing, stare at nothing, roll around, eat, and then sleep.

I wouldn’t call that busy, but Milligan seems pretty proud of her tight schedule.

– You’ve been to Shamsheel’s place, right? The Sage of the Volcano. Can you take us three there? Actually, it’s not a question. Do it.

– Kouya-san, did you not hear? What I said?

– I could not care less even if I tried.

– Uuuu~ You’re evil. You’re a demon.

Milligan laid down on the floor and started rolling around very slowly.

This is a significant change of pace from the sages I know.

– You have 5 seconds before I take away your food for an entire month. 5…4…3…

– Uuu~

Milligan held up her hand.

The entire room was surrounded by the dark magic emitting from her.

Is this her form of teleportation magic?

– Septe, Raviola, go back to the demon world and take care of Tilchina. I’ll be back as soon as we’re done.

Our bodies started floating.

– Uhhh. Destination. Shamsheel-san’s.

Milligan slammed the floor as if she had run out of energy.

My vision went dark.

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