“Chapter 227: Sham”

– Ehh? Eeeeehhhhh??? W-What? What is that question? Ehh?

Milligan became flustered by Kouya’s question.

She doesn’t seem like the type of person to lie even after clearly showing how bad she is at lying. I think her brain is just working at full capacity, which is not much to say.

– Kouya, what does that mean? (Takaya)

I’ve had close contact with Ever many times during our time together. I can’t fathom the idea that her body would be fake.

– The Grandmaster? There’s no way. (Regda)

– Really now? Then take a look at this.

Kouya thrust his arm inside Shamsheel’s dead body and ripped a part off of it.

– KOUYA! What are you- (Takaya)

– Look.

– Gwegh-

The piece of flesh flew into my hands. I was worried about catching some infectious disease, but I didn’t want to disrespect Shamsheel’s dead body.

Or so I thought, but it dispersed in my hands.

– No way… (Takaya)

– Takaya, don’t tell me you’ll believe him. How can you think our Grandmasters are fake? (Regda)

– I don’t want to believe it either but look at this.

In my hands was the lump of flesh, or rather, the lump of dirt.

– It’s clay. (Takaya)

It’s not even any special type of clay. It’s the same red clay anyone could find in any part of the world. It was mixed with some water and magical specks.

Her insides must’ve gone back to clay after Shamsheel died and cut the magic supply.

– See? Even Takaya agrees. Come on, spit it out. (Kouya)

– Eeehh!? Well~ I don’t know~ My memory. Is just not good. You see~ (Milligan)

– Is this not Shamsheel? Is this a decoy? (Kouya)

– Wrong. That right there. Is Shamsheel-san. I can guarantee. It’s a shame. That she’s dead. But it’s true.

– So are you also made of clay?

– Ehh~ I wonder~

Milligan kept tilting her head more and more with each sentence.

Kouya has presented us with a great question.

Were all the sages artificially created by someone?

There are several enigmas surrounding them. Why are they still young after so long? Why can’t they use magic near each other? Where did they come from?

None of these questions mattered until now, but with Shamsheel’s death, we need to start looking for answers.

– Well, since I don’t want to fiddle with this dead body anymore, and you don’t seem keen on telling us the truth…

– !!?? Kouya-san!? What!? Are you implying!? (Milligan)

– Relax, it was a joke. What the hell are you blushing for?

– Well~ You said~ Fiddle with a body~

– You’re sick.

To be honest, it wouldn’t shock me to hear that Ever is some sort of extraordinary being or whatever she is. I’ve seen a lot of weird things since I came to this world.

I just want to know the truth. And I want to hear it from her. I don’t care about her true identity.

– Takaya, I’m going back to the demon world with the imbecile. What are you going to do?

– I’m going back to Bay Road. The others must be worried.

– That’s it for us. What about you, Regda?

– I’ll stay by her side. It doesn’t matter what she is, she’s my Grandmaster, and I’m her disciple.

Regda was back to his blank expression. No traces of the anger he had when he stormed the guild.

– I have not forgiven the Sage of the Forest. If you see her, tell her to be prepared.

– …Understood.

After saying my goodbyes to Regda, Kouya returned me to the guild.


– Master!

Meirir and Mike jumped to hug me as soon as they saw me. Dyke, Roar and the others were also there.

– You had us worried. Where did you go all of a sudden?

– I had some stuff to do at Wols.

– Wols? Again? (Dyke)

– Yeah. Nothing important, though.

I can’t possibly blurt out that the Sage of the Volcano was killed and I went to inspect her dead body.

“Yet again something you can’t tell us” is what I read on Roar’s expression as he sighs and rolls his eyes.

– Master, what is that shiny thing in your pocket?

– Oh, it’s from an acquaint-

Wait, Kouya’s letter.

It has a seal set to teleport to a designated location. But why is it shining?

* D O N N *

A ray of light fell on me.

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