“Chapter 232: Overwhelming”

– I won’t be needing this.

Shiori sheathed her sword.

It’s the only weapon she has. She doesn’t even have an armor or any other protective equipment.

– Come on. I’m unarmed. Don’t you feel like chewing open my head? I’m all yours. 8.

The wolf is immobile hidden somewhere in the snow curtain.

– *Sigh*, if you were going to be so careful, you should’ve called your friends before. What do you think is going to happen?

– Minagami-san-

– Don’t worry, Nagami-kun. 6.

She can’t activate her magic instantly.

It doesn’t matter how strong she is. If she takes an attack while unprotected she’ll die.

– 5… Are we really turning this into Hide and Seek? You won’t like the result. 4.

Shiori took a step on the snow carpet without leaving a footstep behind.


Shiori lost her balance.

The wolf had come out from behind her, where we Searat members were trapped in a cage.

– …I can’t. I’m one… No, two steps too late.


Shiori’s body was torn apart by her opponent’s giant fangs.

The ice cage that had been protecting us disappeared.

– …Dyke?

– You don’t even have to ask, you can see it for yourself. She’s still breathing.

As Dyke said, Shiori’s upper body was struggling to crawl on the snow, while her lower part dyed the snow red.

I know what happens next. I can’t bring myself to watch.

– You underestimated me.

– Thr…

Even though she has clearly lost the battle, Shiori is still counting down.

– …ee.

– Stop this.

Her right arm, from which she was using magic, had been almost severed. Her left arm was turned in a direction that shouldn’t be possible.

– Disappear.

The wolf opened its mouth wide to behead Shiori. But before it was able to kill her-

– Question for you. 2.

Another Shiori appeared from above the wolf and stabbed its head with a sword.

– !!??

– How long has this me been here for? 1.

– Ggghhh…

– Ah, my apologies! I guess it’s hard to talk when your mouth is impaled with a sword.

Both Shioris clasped their right hands. A dazzling gleam illuminated the mountain.

– The answer is… Hm, Does it matter? You’ll vanish from existence now.

Minagami’s eyes reflect the golden eyes of the wolf, filled with fright.

– 0. Until never, doggy. Enjoy this combination of elements.

– Uuu…

– AHAHA! Howling will get you nowhere! You’re done for!



Snowpeak was enveloped by a light bright enough to burn my eyelids.

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