“Chapter 240: High Tension”

– That’s what I like to see. (Falme)

Falme lifted her hand. The pack of wolves was surrounded by a haze of light.

There’s no doubt anymore. She’s the one that created the magic barrier.

– Minagami-san, what was that you did?

– High Tension. It nullifies all exhaustion and body strain, including fatigue from magic usage, no matter how powerful it is. I can only use it once every few days, and I’ll be extremely tired after it’s over.

In other words, she’s temporarily borrowing magic.

Using a spell like Omega Ray could knock her out really badly.

– …Borrowing magic?

I need to contribute in some way.

– Mike, do you want a new candy I just came up with?

Focusing as much as I could in my hand, I made an improved version of the candies Mike usually eats.

– Try licking it.

– Nnn… What is this? My body feels like it’s going to explode.

– It will reduce your fatigue immensely, but it won’t last for long. It definitely doesn’t compare with Shiori’s High Tension.

Once we defeat Falme, Shiori will be able to take us out of here. That should be our priority for now.

– Haha, you think little tricks like that will work against me?

With no opening that would leave her unguarded, Falme surrounded herself with several swords of light.

– Try to keep up with me, doggy. (Shiori)

– Same goes for you. (Mike)

Mike and Shiori took one, two, three steps forward. They can’t rush in carelessly or I’ll be targeted.

– How discorteus. Come at me. (Falme)

At Falme’s orders, the wolves attacked the two at the front with a speed that my eyes would never be able to catch.

– Oh dear!

The next moment, all the wolves were lying on the floor with their legs cut off. Shiori took another deep breath.

– I learned that technique from a certain idiot with a sword. Maybe I didn’t need to go this far.

Shiori uses her sword often. It’s no surprise that she learned a thing or two at the Thundercloud Boat.

Such a powerful technique will cause a huge strain on her body after High Tension is over.

What would I be witnessing if the barrier wasn’t sealing her magic right now?

– Mike-chan, everything good there? We can switch if you need.

– I’m fine. Focus on yourself.

Mike was fending off Felma’s attacks. She wasn’t able to dodge all of them, but the armor took the hits pretty well.

– I hope you didn’t expect this to be so easy. Leonis hasn’t even moved yet. Besides…

Falme swung her sword. The haze that enveloped the wolves acted as a replacement for their missing limbs as if they were prosthetic legs.

We’ll be in a stalemate until we do something about Falme.

– Well, who will fall first? You or me? I can’t wait to see it.

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