“Chapter 244: The Sage of Light”

It doesn’t matter how much I try, I can’t do even the simplest thing.

Let alone any ingredients, even Silver looked like it had lost all its life.

– Master, don’t overforce yourself.

– Maybe if you rest a little more you’ll be back to normal. (Meirir)

I can tell they’re trying to cheer me up, but I know better than anyone that this isn’t a matter of resting.

I’ve been in worse situations in which I was still able to use my powers.

I have no energy to move. My body feels heavy.

I remember this feeling.

It feels just like when I came to this world.

– Never in my long life have I seen a human lose its talents. They’re ingrained in you. They should disappear only when you die. (Leonis)

My heart is still beating as usual.

There must be a feasible reason. And also a way to restore my powers.

– …We should go back to Bay Road as soon as possible. (Dyke)

– He’s right. We can ask for help from the Royal Capital if we need to.

– …Right.

What help could we get from the Royal Capital? The only person studying these things was Shamsheel, and she now she’s dead.

I could trust Ever, but despite all of these events, she’s still nowhere to be seen. Is she still at the top of the mountain?

After giving me a few minutes to calm myself down, Leonis began taking us down the mountain.

Having Mike and Leonis to ride on made this a walk in the park.

– We’ll be crossing the border soon.

There’s a certain height in Snowpeak covered by thick clouds where the snowstorms occur. Past that point, we’ll be basically in the Sage’s Forest, and thus close to Ever’s palace.

– Hold tight.

Mike and Leonis put all their strength in their legs to make the jump.

– Sweet children of Searat, I hope you don’t expect to escape so easily. Raise Saber!

A soft voice interrupted our movements.

– What!? (Leonis)

A ray of light struck right in front of us, causing a huge explosion.

The wolves were able to dodge it in time before we were all turned to dust.

– Is it the magician again!?

Meirir suffered some burns on her arms and Dyke and Roar on their foreheads.

– Master… That person…

– I know…

The cloud of snow raised by the impact subsided, revealing the culprit.

It was someone we all knew. But it also wasn’t.

Milligan told us Shamsheel was dead for sure.

So who is this?

– My my, why the face? Don’t be scared~

– Those mannerisms… Don’t tell me…

– If I’m not mistaken, I believe our first encounter was in the Royal Capital when I nursed you.

“Shamsheel” shook her wand. Her face contorted and changed to the face of Mike’s mother. The Sage of Light giggled at our confusion.

– Have you finally caught on?

– …Yes.

There are some blurs, but the picture is there.

– Well then, shall we have some fun? Hehe~

This person is behind everything.

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