“Chapter 247: Mine, and Only Mine”

Author’s note: “This is a story about the past. The contents might not be pleasant, but I hope you pay special attention to that”


– Allow me to reminisce. (Shiori)

Even if I refused, I can’t stop her.

I learned what “getting chills” meant the first time I met Nagami Takaya.

I only knew him as a string of letters up until 2nd year. His face and his name didn’t match.

My school life was going to be the same as the previous year. Get good grades, have good behavior, be an honor student. Some of my friends used to call me an idol. I have no idea what they meant.

If I had to describe myself, I would use the word “Puppet”. If my parents told me to study, I did. If my teachers asked me to take committee roles, I did.

Void of any will. No “I want to” or “I don’t want to”. Only “Yes”.

Hence, a puppet.

An eccentric uncle I had once described me as such as well. “Pretty on the outside like a doll, empty on the inside like a doll”. My parents told me to never talk to him again.

“You’re a really good girl”, the adults said. So I believed.

Maybe that should’ve been a turning point for me. Not that I cared.

I continued my life as a puppet.

But then something happened.

This giant guy, whose name I can’t be bothered to remember, kept bullying all the smaller students. I didn’t want to get involved, but the teachers begged me to.

The class president brushed it away and asked me not to get in unnecessary trouble.

The bullied students kept dropping out, one by one.

And that’s when I met Nagami Takaya.

At first I thought he would be just another victim. How long would he last? One month? Two, at most?

But no, he kept coming back. The abuse kept escalating, yet Nagami Takaya came to school every day despite knowing what he had coming.

“Can you please take care of it?” the class president said. Couldn’t choose a better way to not give a crap about it other than leaving it all to me.

I went to the scene of the assault.

There, I felt as if fate had weaved us together.

His cheeks were swollen from the beating. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he started crying in front of everyone while begging for the punches to stop.

Somehow, the void inside me was filled.

I shivered.

I ran away. The other students laughed at me, thinking I was scared.

The tingles I get from remembering Nagami-kun’s pitiful face… It’s such a mesmerizing feeling.

It’s pleasure.

To my own surprise, I started following Nagami-kun and carefully observing the scenarios when he was bullied.

It was the first time I was doing something of my own volition.

Whenever the teachers asked me, I told them I ran away because I was scared. A lie, of course. I couldn’t take my eyes off Nagami-kun’s face filled with tears and sometimes blood.

Far from the image others have of a “good girl”, I kept acting as an honor student, but inside me was a whirlpool of dark thoughts.

Eventually, I thought to myself:

“What would happen if I was the one making him suffer?”

My imagination filled my mind with nefarious and bizarre images.

I could do a much better job than those students. I’m sure Nagami-kun would like that too.


I want him. I want him to be mine. I need him every second I want to fulfill my desires.

The precious person who could fill this empty puppet void of any meaning.

Yet I was tied to the bonds of my social status. I had to be a good girl.

“Please, God. I can only think about Nagami-kun”

As if my prayers were answered, the day of the school trip came.

I was blessed with the ability to steal half of my precious target.

“If I could gain his full trust, even if for a second, then I can obtain what I want”

With this in mind, I set my plan into action.

I was not expecting Nagami-kun’s lower half to be so fruitful.

Just you wait, Nagami-kun. My power of “Void” will surely enjoy your roots.

Thank you, God. Thank you, new world.

This puppet has finally become a human.

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