“Chapter 259: Distinction Between Right or Wrong”

– Tch…

Shiori pulled out strands of her hair and used them to stop the bleeding in her arms.

She could close the wounds with recovery magic, but she can’t restore her wrists.

Usually, this would be enough to completely demoralize someone, but Shiori, on the opposite, was even more determined.

– You don’t seem to want to apologize. Hey, Arueetel. (Selfia)

– Gotcha.

Arueetel’s body split in two.

Erieet and Ergeet, if I recall correctly.

– Shiori, this is your fault. Don’t haunt us as a ghost or anything.

– If anyone’s going to die here, it’s all of you except for Nagami-kun.

Shiori dodged Arueetel’s lightning bolt with ease by just twisting her body, and used the opportunity to get close to her.

– If I don’t have a hand, I JUST HAVE TO MAKE A NEW ONE.

– !? Shiori!?

Shiori took out her silver sword.

She was holding it with a transparent prosthetic hand made from the ice surrounding us.

One of the Arueetels was kicked against the other one.

– I made it while you guys thought I was suffering from the pain of having my wrists severed.

– Kh… Quite the trick you got there.

– The element of surprise is essential in fights.

One of Arueetel, who was supposed to have been sent flying, was now grabbing Shiori from the back.

– Yeah, you said it.

– What!?

The Arueetel that was on the ground after being hit disappeared.

– Did I not tell you? You have to kill both of us to kill me. Oh, right, I didn’t tell you, because you’re not our friend. (Arueetel)

– Good job at being the decoy. (Selfia)

Selfia had been preparing in the meantime.

She was drawing her bow with all her strength. The hand grabbing the arrow was trembling.

– Any last words? Like an apology, maybe. (Selfia)

– Shove the apology up your a̲s̲s̲.

– I see.

Selfia shot the arrow.

– Fairy Storm Ballista!

The arrow approached Shiori’s body chipping on the environment like a dragon cracking the ground with its claws.

Shiori managed to free herself and hurled a barrage of spells at Selfia’s attack.

But it was too late. The arrow had gained enough momentum.

In a last-ditch attempt, Shiori tried casting X-Ray.

But a ray of light pierced her magic circle. Just like before she betrayed us.

– What!? Only Ernika and I can do that!

– Really? It was pretty easy to copy. A kids game, if you will. (Epitro)

The last member of the Thundercloud Ship answered.

– If you have any complaints, direct them to the Sage of Light. You’ll be meeting her soon.

– …So that’s where Ralph is. (Shiori)

– Enjoy the afterlife, lady. (Selfia)


Before she could finish, Shiori was engulfed by the jaws of a dragon.

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